Lu Ming

Page 41

After analyzing the intelligence of the drone, combined with Commander Qian of the Marine Corps personally leading his rookies to investigate, after three days, the Chief Suppressor finally determined both the main marching route and the backup route.Han Xiaobo immediately ordered: The troops will set off at 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. In addition, at the same time as the departure, the remaining fighters in the newly attached people's tribe must gather in the Chikan military camp and wait for orders.

On the afternoon of the second day, more than 200 coalition fighters boarded the ship on time at the Chikan Wharf. Yuandou, a town house ship equipped with power and reconnaissance equipment, was responsible for sending the team to Qigu Beach today.

In order to achieve a concealed assault, when the Yuandou arrives at the landing point, the time will be controlled in the evening: the troops will eat after disembarking, then march through the 11-kilometer vegetation area at night, and launch an attack on the target in the early morning of the next day.


Yang Er was the last batch to board the Yuandou.

Generally speaking, Yang Er is doing well recently.There were no endless military postures and formation exercises, nor the ebony cudgel that had become the nightmare of 30 trainees—the instructors were too busy beating the natives to beat them.

Marching and walking is much more relaxing than standing in a tired sweat on the playground. There is sea breeze, beach, and eating and drinking on time. Even if it is a night march in the next few days, students who have long been accustomed to passwords and line up will rarely suffer injuries.

It is probably a skill that was honed in the night alley in Hangzhou City. When the little thief Yang Er was marching at night, he was also responsible for wearing a fluorescent vest to lead the way behind, which allowed him to get a few compliments afterwards. .

The two days of rest and recuperation are even more fairy days: getting up early without marching, the first day Yuandou took about 100 people to the sea for a walk, not the kind of canned sardines that Yang Er was doing when he was a senior officer, this time it was more Like a wetland park tour group, the Yuandou sailed north along the coast, and Yang Er and the others drove all the way, urinating into the bottomless lagoon to seduce sharks, and then they reached the Qigu coast, when the boat turned back.

Pick out a few locals who can get seasick even on short-distance sea transportation, and the others will herd the sheep in the afternoon. Yang Er happily goes to Chikan Primary School to find his brother, Mr. Jiang, eats a special meal of braised pork, and returns to the camp for a good night's sleep. .

The troops didn't board the boat until the afternoon of the next day. This time it was for real. Yang Er knew exactly what the troops were going to do: the brigade would go out day and night today to destroy the village of natives who refused to pay tribute to the gentlemen.

"Hey, let's break it, it's hard for the masters, to feed and drink for so many people..." This is the real psychology of the little thief Yang Er.

He now has a sense of belonging to the recruit company.This place is not like the hall of the beggar gang, where there are three meals to eat, and no one bullies and beats him, robs him of the copper coins for his life, and instead gives him a noon; the instructors are fierce when they practice, but it is fair, who doesn't Only those who work hard can beat anyone.

After the exercise, the instructors are easy to deal with, and some even tell stories to everyone.Everyone's daily life is well taken care of, someone checks the shop at night, and someone takes care of major injuries and minor illnesses. Yang Er tasted the feeling of "home" here for the first time.

Now he is not so conflicted about his identity as a big soldier. Although he is still timid and shrinks back when things happen, it has been practiced hard since he was a child, and it will take time to clear it away—the non-slick thief has long since died. In the stinking ditch of Hangzhou City.

Going out with the team today, students like Yang Er and the others only issued a machete as a weapon, forget about the pike and AK these difficult stuff students, be careful to play yourself to death.Originally, they were not expected to act. For these young people who have spent all their efforts, this battle is more like an expensive actual combat observation.

Chapter 133 Soldiers approaching the village entrance

The Yuandou set sail on time at [-]:[-] p.m. Due to the wrong wind direction, the ship circled the sea until the high tide in the evening, and then washed ashore from a pre-selected lagoon on Qigu Beach.

The springboard was lowered, and the marines with their faces painted in blue, red, purple and black oil paint disembarked first. They did not go out to investigate—they were escorted by drones above their heads, and there were no indigenous people within a few kilometers.

The straight-line distance between Qigu area and Dayuan is only 15 kilometers, and there is a flat coastal area in the middle, which is completely within the communication range of Dayuan Telecom Company, so officers can contact the business hall at any time, whether it is a mobile phone or a walkie-talkie .

Soldiers from the first battalion temporarily ate a sufficient amount of venison dinner on the Yuandou, and took advantage of the last gleam of the setting sun to line up and walk down the diving board. The power of the sandalwood sticks made them quiet and fast. There was a lot of noise.

Some soldiers will have a pannier with baggage in it.Led by soldiers with oil paint on their faces, the team bypassed a wetland full of water birds and took a short rest on a dry fine sand.

After checking the equipment and queue, the team set off.There is no mobilization with rhetoric, and the natives can't understand it.They just need to know that this time they are going to trouble Madou and Xiao Long, that is enough, the two sides have been fighting for countless years - the hatred is very deep.

After the team set off, everything entered a familiar process: tall sharp soldiers with red cold light sources on their backs, marines emerging from the nearby vegetation from time to time, these people had battle patterns on their faces, and strange ornaments on their heads or shoulders ( night vision goggles), and issued short commands from his mouth to guide the team forward.

Armed with an AK rifle equipped with Picatinny rails and tactical flashlights, the whole body is impenetrable through the officers who are responsible for maintaining the formation of the team and handling emergencies.In general, there are no special emergencies to deal with, and the drones overhead have helped remove the biggest risk: people.

From the coast to Jiaxi Village, the largest in Xiaolongshe, the straight-line distance is 10 kilometers.The most difficult of these is the first 8 kilometers: there are large wetlands that need to be detoured.

The team started at 7:4 p.m., slowed down, followed the pre-investigated route, and under the starlight, slowly bypassed all dangerous areas, including a small village in Xiaolongshe.During this period, the team rested three times, and did not arrive at a bamboo forest less than 1 km away from Jiaxi Village until [-] o'clock in the morning.

As soon as Han Xiaobo arrived on the ground, he didn't care about placing soldiers, so he hurriedly talked with Qian Tieshan who had already ambushed at the entrance of the aboriginal village by using the walkie-talkie.

After confirming that there was no change in the target village, Han Xiaobo took out his mobile phone and called Wang Xiaohui who was waiting for news at the shop: "Let's go, the sneak attack has been successful here, and the pigs will be fine..."

Wang Xiaohui cursed with a smile, then hung up the phone.He is now at the Chikan military camp and is about to leave.The barracks was chaotic, with 400 natives and some Ming temporary workers gathered inside. This miscellaneous army no longer needed to hide. If they set off by boat now, they would be able to arrive at Jiaxi Village at noon.


If it is daytime, you can see Jiaxi Village directly through the bamboo forest where the first camp rests.However, it was night and there was no line of sight across the bamboo forest. All soldiers were ordered to rest on the spot and wait for dawn.

The soldiers sat on the ground, gasping for breath.Thanks to the training some time ago, the operation tonight went smoothly. The actual walking distance of the soldiers has exceeded 20 miles, which is not easy. In comparison, the dozen or so wounded people lying on stretchers are nothing .

Almost all the folding stretchers prepared in advance were used today. At the beginning of the meeting, Dong Qiang, who played a guest role as a military doctor, was exhausted and began to treat the wounds of the wounded.

The only tent in the team was set up. Dong Qiang got into the tent with the apprentices he personally trained, and then turned on two camping lights inside: without the tent to cover, the mosquitoes in the wild would fly to the light source like a cloud, and there was no way to deal with it. Wound.

The wounded cannot be stuffed into the tent. Fortunately, most of the wounds are on the feet, and they can be stuffed into the tent below the calf.Dong Qiang directed the apprentices to use scissors to cut off the foreign objects stuck in the wounded's feet, and then use tweezers to debride and disinfect the wounds. Dong Qiang did the final stitching himself, and he worked until the sky shone slightly before all the wounded were treated. .

At this time, there was no need to be cautious. The soldiers of the temporary first battalion who had eaten the cold rice balls lined up in two columns amidst the sound of deep passwords, and walked towards Jiaxi Village stepping on the path that the aborigines usually stepped on.At the same time, there was a lot of noise on the Chikan Wharf, and Wang Xiaohui and some cross-travelers were trying to drive the temporary workers onto the boat.

And an indigenous soldier who was on duty at night in Jiaxi Village also walked out of the village at this time, and came to patrol in the direction of the troops.

The soldier on duty has been a little confused since the second half of the night.Because looking from the fence at the head of the village, you can occasionally see a trace of red or white light flashing in the darkness in the distance.This made him feel very novel. The soldier had never seen a cold light or a tactical flashlight, so he didn't have the concept of "strangers approaching" at all in his mind.

When the sky was getting dark in the morning, he walked here out of curiosity, hoping to see what he could find.It didn't take him long to satisfy his curiosity - a large group of people was walking around the bamboo forest towards the village in the fog. These strangers dressed in strange clothes looked like demons coming from afar in the eyes of the soldiers. looming.

Instinctive fear enveloped the warrior at this moment. He turned around nimbly and ran towards the village. A P5 pistol with a colorful arm and a silencer opened fire immediately. The soldier was knocked down to the ground by three consecutive shots, and one of the bullets hit his head, so his screams before dying could not be uttered.

It was bright daylight, and the natives on the wall began to yell.At this time, Han Xiaobo, who was standing outside the village, had no scruples. According to the topographical map of the village that had been investigated in advance, he swaggered and began to direct the troops to divide the troops, blocked the front and rear doors, and started to catch the turtle.

The population of Jiaxi Village is at least 800, which is nothing in later generations, but here is the largest village in Xiaolongshe.The whole village is tightly wrapped by wooden fences and surrounding thorny bushes, and there are only two ways to enter and exit through the front and back doors.

There has never been a situation in the history of being blocked by a large group of soldiers in the village. Even if the Dutch gathered thousands of people to kill them, the aborigines would have known the noisy posture long ago, so the atmosphere in Jiaxi Village was a little flustered at the moment. Many people They all stood on the wall and watched.

Chapter 134

When the aborigines on the wall saw the number of enemies outside the village, everyone immediately stopped panicking.The number of enemy troops is easy to count, even if the natives are not good at counting: because this group of people is neatly arranged.Then the people of Xiao Long discovered that most of the enemies turned out to be old friends... who have been beaten all the time/weak chickens in the Xingang Society... Well, we can prepare a counterattack.

As for the negligible number of people (more than 10), the people holding strange iron tools are probably those outsiders.The iron weapons in these people's hands don't seem to have strong force - because they are different from the type that can breathe fire and kill people in the hands of the red-haired man.

After the evaluation was completed, Xiao Long was determined, and while sending envoys to question the weaklings in Xingang, he gathered people behind the wall of the village, preparing to fight out quickly to show the gang of birds.

However, the time traveler also thinks the same way at this moment: hurry up and end the battle.

So when a Xiaolong man climbed down from the wall of the village and came towards the large army 50 meters away from the door, Han Xiaobo turned his head and whispered something to Wei Yuan who was standing beside him.When the person came 10 meters away, Wei Yuan bent down and pulled out a black, unpretentious M9 saber from his calf. The next moment, the saber flew by. Down……

I didn't shoot, because I was afraid that the natives would not rush out after they knew how powerful it was.The people who have already summed up the best way to siege the city, now whenever they encounter a fortified city, their first reaction is to lure the enemy to rush out and do a vote.

There was a clamor on the wall, well, it seems that the people of Xiaolongshe don’t usually kill them, so at this moment the aborigines are full of anger at these uncivilized hooligans, the next moment, the gate of the village opens, and the Xiaolongshe comes like a dragon. The soldiers rushed out.

AK sounds.


There is no gun more suitable for the wild world of the 17th century than the AK.Through the extremely backward logistics capabilities, the extremely complex and harsh environment encountered, and the enemies charging in dense formations everywhere, all of these make the AK, which is easy to maintain, adaptable and powerful, shine; as for the AK Accuracy sucks?It doesn't matter, just look at the large group of natives rushing over from the opposite side and you will know that precision is not needed here.

I don’t know how the heroes hiding behind the car doors and windows in the movies survived. Anyway, AK rifle bullets that can penetrate 100mm steel plates and 6cm bricks at a distance of 15 meters can easily penetrate a large number of indigenous people at this moment. body, five or six guns used only a shuttle of bullets, and the long dragon rushed out by the natives was rolled back, and the corpses were spread all over the ground.

The reaction between life and death is the fastest. The warriors who were crowded at the gate of the village just before waiting to charge quickly changed their minds and shouted to close the gate of the village.

At this time, the AK exited the field, and the MK-17 rifles of the Marine Corps began to show their power, shooting a series of precise headshots to the natives who were still standing on the wall stupidly.

Sure enough, it was a quick battle. In less than 10 minutes, the battle situation had already undergone a decisive change.The aboriginal soldiers in the first battalion, to tell the truth, this is the first time they have seen the masters show their power. Most of the aboriginals have trembling legs at the moment, and they can't help but look at Gongda with admiration: if the village head had not become the maintenance Chairman, I am afraid that we have been beaten to death like this long ago!

The war situation has entered a stage of strategic stalemate.

Seeing the aborigines close the gate of the village, and hearing the panicked shouts inside, Wei Yuan and Han Xiaobo glanced at each other, then turned around and called a few basket-backed soldiers from the rear team to come forward.

In the back basket is a special explosive package for wood turtles. The black gunpowder is purified by the military black workshop in the kiln area and dedicated... The boxy white cotton bag is very rustic and familiar.

Now that the only few RPGs have become out of print, there must be other ways of smashing the kiln in the future.With the existing production capacity of the cross-country, it can only be black powder packs, but the kiln version of the gunpowder packs still has technological content-an electronic detonator is buried in the pack, and within 200 meters, it will explode when you press the remote control. .

The structure of the detonator is very simple: a piece of stainless steel tube the size of a little finger, a signal receiver and a disposable electric detonator at one end, and dozens of grams of high-energy explosives at the other end.The technical content of this thing is too low. If explosives are not considered, any electronic wholesale market can save them.

Naturally, the people across the world would not use the low-quality products in the market, because if they imported a box of detonators, it would take a long time to use them, and they might not be able to use them up when they smashed the Xiang Kiln in Guangzhou.Therefore, for this batch of detonators, additional consideration should be given to the corrosiveness of explosives stored for a long time, as well as sealing, battery capacity and other issues.

In the end, Cao Chuan ordered the batch from Meidi's Mineral Explosives Company, the size of a little finger, 5 pieces in a box, and a shelf life of [-] years.


Wei Yuan held a high-tech black powder explosive package in his hand, while Han Xiaobo had already taken out the remote control board and adjusted the detonation readings according to the serial number on the detonator. Now everything is ready, only a hero is missing.

Undoubtedly, as soon as Wei Yuan stretched out his hand, he dragged out Yang Er, who was half short in the crowd...

"What are you hiding, what a chance to show your face!" Wei Yuan patted Yang Er's head with a kind smile on his face, and then stuffed the explosive bag into his arms.

It seems that being born with a sense of danger is useless. The trembling Yang Er was holding a big gift bag in his hand at this time, with a mournful face and didn't know what to do-he knew what it was. Doing chores on the side.

Seeing that this kid was ignorant, Wei Yuan's face tensed: "I didn't respect the military order before the battle, um, 10 sticks." As he spoke, he habitually touched the sandalwood stick with his lower back.

Yang Er jumped out with a "whoosh".He dexterously stepped over the corpses on the ground, as if avoiding a stinky puddle in Hangzhou City. His low-lying body was full of vitality, and his footsteps changed at any time. Dodging the feces on the ground and the vicious dogs tearing him apart; like an antelope, in the blink of an eye, the little thief Yang has already jumped to the gate of Jiaxi Village. He put the big gift bag in his hand into the corner of the gate like a wooden fence Once plugged, turned around and ran back.

For the powerful natives of Jiaxi Village, war means that warriors go out to fight with alien races, and then return triumphantly with their heads.As for the offensive and defensive battle in the village?No such concept.So the natives in the village are in a mess now. Even if they can see Yang Er clearly through the cracks in the wall, they have a premonition that the cloth bag in this guy's arms is probably not a good thing, but they can't organize a counterattack now—— The rows of fighters on the top of the wall were all killed.

Fortunately, there were still scattered warriors. Just as Yang Er turned around and jumped out, half a pair of muscular shoulders were exposed on the left and right sides of the gate, and the next moment, two javelins were lifted out of the wall.

"Dong Dong" two gunshots sounded, and one of the arms was smashed into parts and flew into the air, while the other javelin was a step slower due to the gunfire, and was able to fly behind Yang Er amidst the screaming sound.

Chapter 135 The promotion period has expired

The material of the indigenous javelin is a slightly elastic cork, and the head is ground from hardwood, so it is extremely sharp, and there is no suspense to roast one or two adults on a skewer.

At the moment when the javelin flew towards Yang Er with a sharp roar, the little thief who was sprinting with his body hunched over at this moment seemed to have a spring under his feet. With a single touch, the whole person made an indecent posture of "dog lying down" in the air, and then landed lightly. Although the limbs were out of balance, the thief just didn't fall, and after two staggered steps, he started to run again. After a few steps, he ran back to his camp.

After the thief ran back, he leaned on his knees and began to gasp for breath. The large birthmark on his face glowed purple and red. It seemed that he was quite frightened this trip.

Suddenly, a big hand pressed on Yang Er's shoulder: "He is obviously a strong man, born with a bear-like appearance, come to the Marine Corps, and help you recuperate."

Yang Er raised his head in surprise, with his mouth half-opened, looking at Commander Qian of the Marine Corps with a ghostly face in front of him, his body and neck were twice as wide as his, and he was so frightened that he couldn't speak.

Fortunately, the savior was by his side. Yang Er knew that the abbot made the move as soon as he performed the familiar movement of lifting his neck. When he was carried behind someone, Yang Er was still in shock when he heard Wei Yuan's half-smiling voice: "Commander Qian!" , love material like life, um, let me recommend two for you?"

The scene was a bit cold, and Commander Qian let out a heck, and it was impossible to tell whether he was smiling or not on his face covered in camouflage oil.

Wei Yuan turned his head and pushed Yang Er in front of Han Xiaobo: "There is a reward for going to the battle, and you can lead me."

Han Xiaobo put the remote control in front of Yang Er with a playful expression, and pointed to the yellow button on it: "Press it..."

Yang Er doesn't know what kind of medicine is sold in the instructor's gourd. He only knows that the instructors always have some strange boxes in their hands, walkie-talkie, mobile phone, remote control... So far no one can figure out their functions.

Stretching out his hand with an apologetic smile, Yang Er pressed the yellow button on the remote control like an electric shock; before he could make any speech, the gate of Jiaxi Village burst open with a loud noise and white smoke After entering the gate of the village, a gust of hot wind mixed with some fallen leaves rushed towards the face, and the soldiers of the first battalion lined up outside the village all fell to the ground.

The crossing crowd was furious when they saw it, and one by one they took out short ebony sticks and rushed into the crowd, pulling up the gang of cowards and punching and kicking them, the scene was in chaos.

Only two people stood still.

Han Xiaobo stroked his forehead and looked up to the sky and rolled his eyes: "Thousands of calculations, but I forgot to perform a few explosions for the indigenous soldiers beforehand...

Yang Er stupidly held up his right index finger, standing there puzzled: "Why did the medicine explode? Is it the fuse I set? Your finger?"

The two were awakened by the torrent around them, and the rattan armored soldiers of the First Battalion charged towards Jiaxi Village under the urging of sticks.

By this time, there was no suspense, and the main force of Jiaxi Village was still meditating at the door: those who were not shocked to death by the explosive package were dizzy, had bleeding from the ears and nose, and those who could still hold weapons in their hands were considered strongmen, and all of them were rushed in The rattan armored soldiers stabbed to death.


Half an hour later, all the villagers were found, including women and children.The surviving young and strong are being tied up with deer tendons, the former defeated... The weak chickens of the Xingang Society are proud today, walking around in rattan armor one by one, threatening them with their pikes from time to time The dejected captives.

The largest building in the village, the public house, has now been occupied by the invaders. Han Xiaobo sat swaggeringly at the gate of the public house, looking down at the natives of Xiaolongshe who were sitting all over the floor under the steps.

Gunda standing next to him was loudly translating the captive policy that had been prepared in advance: 200 young and strong, 50 women, and 30 children. These are the captives who will be transferred to the Chikan New Area in the next few days.

Right now, 400 hostile young natives are the limit of the capacity of the traveler crowd.Therefore, the first batch of Xiaolong Society people can only eat so much for the time being, because there are still the same number left for the Madou people in the east... When the reinforcements arrive, the main force will set off to clean up these bastards.

Nearly 150 Xiaolong soldiers died in this war, plus 200 young and strong people who were transferred from various villages to do hard labor. When they arrive, these aborigines will be forcibly relocated to Chikan in a ratio of four to one until only old men are left in the village.

As Gunda announced the conditions for taking away the young and strong, there was a commotion among the natives sitting on the ground. A black and thin old man got up and said something excitedly. With a bang, blood splattered everywhere, and he was headshot...

"The preferential treatment time has passed." After Han Xiaobo muttered in a low voice, he slowly put the M9 pistol back into the holster.

The so-called indigenous peoples, or without blood, just like the Xingang Society, have so many benefits that the Xingang Society has begun to collapse in happiness.

Once you see blood, don't mention anything, don't stop until you are convinced, this is the purpose of the people who travel through the crowd-thousands of people like this can be called a nation. Tens of thousands, if every family cooks frogs in warm water, all the cross-travelers will die of old age, and it is estimated that Malacca has not yet been opened.

This is still the first wave of primary elections. These natives who are forced to work hard, who are rebellious, have bad eyesight, and don’t work hard and play with personality, will be sent to log in the future. After screening several times in this way, the supplements will be good people.


Before noon, the invaders who occupied Jiaxi Village easily defeated several small groups of people from the nearby Xiaolongshe Village by sitting on the sidelines.After demonstrating their strength, the cross-travelers selected some messengers from among the captives and asked them to notify the leaders of the villages to come to see them—there should not be many villages that have the courage to pretend to be dead.

Reinforcements arrived a little faster than expected.When they landed, they were marching in daylight, and they didn't need to go around to avoid the scattered small villages of Xiaolongshe, so at 11:[-] noon, the reinforcements arrived outside Jiaxi Village.

Han Xiaobo, who had waited impatiently for a long time, immediately ordered the formation of the team, and the soldiers of the Xingang Society who had eaten the venison of the people of Xiaolong were organized. .

At the same time as the troops went out, the drones on Dayuan Island also took off at the same time.With a straight-line distance of less than 20 kilometers, the drone arrived in an instant and began to cover the march of large troops.

About 6 kilometers northeast of Xiaolongshe is the territory of the Madou people, and the location is a little deeper into the island.The cross-travelers don’t know if the Madou people have reacted—although the Marine Corps sealed the back door of Jiaxi Village from the beginning, since the explosives exploded and attracted scattered natives nearby, it means that the blockade is no longer necessary, the Madou people It is possible to know the news from Xiao Long.

Chapter 136

Along the way, people dare not be careless, and drones are always escorting overhead during the march.Fortunately, the road conditions have been greatly improved at this time: there is no wetland in the core area of ​​the aborigines, but there are many daily trails. Coupled with the arrival of the temporary labor force, the soldiers of the temporary first battalion can now abandon their luggage and travel lightly.

Too good to be too bad to be so bad, when the troops marched more than half of the distance, the row on Han Xiaobo's belt was in a mess, and the number was no less than that of the US imperial police's equipment. A mobile phone called Didi, picked up a Looking at the screen, Commander Han immediately raised his right fist and shouted: "All stop! A large group of enemies approaching from 1 km away, the position is XX..."

The images transmitted by the UAV to the staff are received almost synchronously by the data link antenna of the ground station within 20 kilometers.However, light reception is useless, and someone needs to analyze it, which leads to a delay in the response of ground troops.

Fortunately, at a distance of 1 kilometer, it was enough for the most stupid troops to react: the soldiers were ordered to stay in place, back to back, and more than a dozen crossed people found a good position in an acacia forest three to 10 meters ahead, waiting quietly for Ma Dou Tu People come to your door.

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