Lu Ming

Page 40

This is the real killer: Indigenous villages still in the form of primitive communes, just like the feudal kingdom that was washed away by the industrial products on the freighter, were destroyed from the root.

The indigenous matrilineal inheritance system was completely incapable of dealing with such a sudden large amount of resources. It didn't take long for the contradictions in the village where the rich and the poor were rapidly widening to appear.

Chapter 129 Urbanization

The original matriarchal commune system was finally completely broken one day: an indigenous woman in Dazhang Village took the work points accumulated by the men and went to the big staff to consume.Because she came from a policy-supported village, she not only had her teeth cleaned, but she also exchanged a string of glass beads jewelry for the rest of the work. Master Miaoshu finally got the dental chair he wanted recently.

The villagers can't handle this kind of expensive personal income - the deer are collectively hunted, and the food is collectively grown, so everyone has a share in the things exchanged for the deer skin. How was White Fang divided?

Don't think that the natives don't know the price of teeth cleaning. Since the transversal people don't allow them to chew betel nuts and send a few teeth cleaning tickets to the headmen, everyone understands this expensive service.

The conflict broke out completely... The dissatisfaction accumulated before was sued by the conservatives, and fierce quarrels broke out among the villagers.

"Finally there is a dispute..." The arbitrators, who were closely watching the progress of civilization in the indigenous villages, excitedly formed a working group, and immediately ran to reason with the AK.

Several couples of indigenous families in their prime of life, under the secret encouragement and instigation of some people, announced that they would give up the share of Susukida and deer hunting, and thus left the village where they grew up, and moved to the new house in Chikan prepared by the crossing crowd; Several children were also taken away by Principal Bai of the newly opened Chikan Primary School—board and lodging included, and they were free to visit at any time.

The contradiction is thus resolved: urbanization.These villages will gradually become empty-nest villages. The left-behind elderly (40 years old is considered a long life) will die naturally, and the left-behind not exist. Wherever there are children, there will be species like principals watching around.


The object of policy support is always to take advantage, especially when it is a model household of the government.The five young aboriginal couples who dared to eat crabs, because of their great symbolic significance, not only allocated an exquisite, new-style small stilted house in the new area, but also received a personal promise from the leader surnamed Xia who came here to congratulate them: Once the property right certificate is opened, You are the first batch of certificate holders, you don’t need to pay, these school district houses are government rewards!

... Several couples of aborigines don't know what a property right certificate is, but they do understand medical insurance: when they usually go to see a doctor at Master Miaoshu, the aborigines have to pay the bill with deerskin!Today, Datouren personally promised: In the future, you will not only have medical insurance, but also dental insurance!Teeth cleaning is free!Fillings are also free!Dentures only charge material fees! ...

The jobs arranged for role models are also excellent-just outside the house, men can go to work in the water room of the community: shouting donkeys to pump water for the cistern every day.Or go to the roadside of the community to plant street trees, which is fine.Women can work as cleaning aunts in elementary schools, or help in the kitchen in the cafeteria... In short, these are jobs that are not dangerous, light on physical strength, and not low in wages.


With a role model, there must naturally be visitors, otherwise the role model is not a white tree?

So after the New Year's meeting, the Travelers organized a tour group of the new attached people to take a day trip to Chikan New Area.

There are men and women in the team, most of them are newly attached fighters from Xingang and Damujiang, some are the parents of boarding students in Chikan Primary School, and some prestigious old people. The head of the visiting group is already The head of Gunda Village, who was designated as the general liaison officer of the new affiliated people by the crossing people.

This open-minded aborigine who single-handedly promoted the attachment of the Xingang Society is proudly leading the people today on the gravel road in the Chikan New District.Facts will not lie: Whether it is the tribe's safe solution, the immediate medical treatment, or the life of the tribe that is getting richer day by day, it all proves his wise choice at the beginning.

Due to the lack of equipment and power, only a short 4 meters of the 300-meter-wide Chihkan Main Road was paved with fine gravel. The location is just in front of the government building in Chikan City.

The progress of the Chikan Building under construction is slow. At present, only the walls and corner forts are in place. The three-story red brick building in the shape of a "gate" is not even the first floor of the design.

Even so, the mighty power from the industrial society still greatly shocked the visiting natives.

The beautiful coastal avenue, the thick and neat red brick walls, the neat street trees on both sides, and the residential area planned into a checkerboard grid with rows of stilted buildings.

No matter everything is neat and tidy, this weird style makes the natives at a loss. They can feel the huge power behind this architectural pattern, but they can't express it.

Confused people then came to the community to visit in detail, the long dormitory for laborers, the exquisite family hut, the spacious canteen, the flat playground, and the water supply system—the water is continuously drawn from the stream in circles donkeys, red brick cisterns, purification ponds, bamboo pipes...

Finally, the important point: Chikan Primary School.

Relatives met the children who were taken here.The children have changed a long time ago. They are no longer slugs running around with bare buttocks. They wear well-fitting clothes, are somewhat educated, sleep in tidy dormitories, and sit in classrooms on time every day.

In order to explain the philosophical question of why children should be taught lessons, Feng Jun, the chief tour guide, and the great monk Feng Jun spent a lot of time - the new appendages are no longer at the diplomatic level, and the management rights have been transferred to human resources, that is, The civil affairs department in the future, so today's general tour guide is Feng Jun.

Indigenous people who are accustomed to knotting knots to keep track of events and pass on word of mouth, find it difficult to understand the inheritance method of "schools" that gather children on a large scale. It is enough for the child to eat well and dress well at school, as for who will listen to the child when he grows up... Let's talk about it at that time.

In the primary school cafeteria, the visiting group had a sumptuous lunch.The children of the Ming people and the aborigines all wore coarse school uniforms and wore small crew cuts. They were intimate and indistinguishable from each other. No one could tell who was the Ming people and who was the aborigines from their appearance.


The half-day visit was over, and each member of the visiting group got a beautiful gift: straw sandals.

This kind of red and green, the sole surface is as delicate as a mat, and the smooth machine-made slippers cannot be made by hand. People who travel through time don’t have to worry about how to sell leather shoes to Uncle Hei. Since the day it was born, it has always been One of the favorite products of Dayuan indigenous people.

After sending away 50 family members who happily went back to the village with their slippers on, 100 new vassal fighters led by Gong Da were taken to a chessboard in the southernmost part of the Chikan New District.

This checkerboard and some dormitories located here are newly built, and are now planned as part of the "Chikan Military Camp".Today, waiting for the indigenous soldiers on the barracks playground were army officers headed by Han Xiaobo, and several other people in colorful camouflage uniforms.Of course, there must be a group of men who are making every effort to stand in a military posture on the playground at this moment.

Chapter 130 Temporary First Battalion

With new vassals, there will be new vassals.

On the playground in the middle of the Chikan military camp, in front of all 100 indigenous soldiers, Han Xiaobo announced an appointment in the big office with an electric loudspeaker: from now on, the local army "Temporary First Battalion" under the jurisdiction of the Tainan Suppression General will be established. , referred to as "temporary camp".

The soldiers of the first battalion are all composed of local aborigines. At present, the actual number is 100, and the vacancy is 200 to be filled.

The battalion commander of the first battalion was concurrently served by Wang Xiaohui, the chief of staff of Tainan Suppression, and the deputy battalion commander Gongda.

that's all.


None of the natives could understand Han Xiaobo's quick Mandarin, not even Gonda, who could already stutter and speak Chinese.But it doesn't matter, soon a few young natives in military uniform came over and began to explain to the tribe with difficulty.

Prior to this, the time-travelers had selected some "indigenous long-term followers" from the new appendages, and the teenagers were assigned to some departments that often had to deal with the indigenous people, basically they were followers of a certain time-traveler.In such an environment of being on duty around the clock, some smart teenagers quickly learned simple Mandarin everyday expressions, and the few assigned to the troops were no exception.

The next step is to arrange dormitories for the aborigines, take a bath, and a series of preludes to the recruits. During this process, 30 people always stood in the military posture on the playground. They were sweating like air in the noisy barracks, and everyone turned a blind eye. Very pitiful.

The 100 native soldiers were not settled until just before dinner.

After dinner it's time to change clothes.The main weapons of the First Battalion are still the javelins brought by the native soldiers, and this point is not going to be changed by the traversing crowd: the main battles will be done with firearms, and the new soldiers of the attached army will use whatever they carry.And the opponent is also a native who is not very threatening. For a certain force that is currently short of iron, the original javelin is enough.

This is the only way to attack, but you can still do something about defense: rattan armor.

Born in Yunnan Menghuo Folk Customs Garden in later generations, the Huangteng breastplate is made of Taiwan's local Huangteng through machine grinding, tung oil soaking, fumigation, machine weaving and other thirteen processes. At this moment, it emits a hard black oily luster , were awarded to the newly attached soldiers one by one.

This kind of rattan armor has a fine structure, staggered weaving, toughness, rain resistance, knife resistance, and gun stab resistance. It is an excellent armor for southern rainy and hot areas. The only weakness is that it is not fireproof.

After demonstrating the defense of rattan armor on the spot with native spear darts in the middle of the playground, the morale of the soldiers in the first battalion was extremely high-this kind of armor that can perish with the opponent's javelin is equivalent to an extra life between life and death. Indigenous warriors who have experience in headhunting after meeting with hostile tribes immediately understood the value of rattan armor, which does not need to be translated at all.

The lining of the rattan armor is made of homemade scraps, and soon some smart people who have traded with the Japanese suggested that the lining should be made of buckskin... I'll go, there are quite a lot of things?Wealthy soldiers like the U.S. emperor pay for better accessories if they want better ones, not to mention the poor and white time-traveling forces... count how many upgrades are needed, and send people back to the village to report the letter. A pair of armour, including the installation fee, is two Deerskin, hand it over to the nearest kiln area, and get a new one in two days...

Well, the natives can be coaxed to hand over the buckskin happily without killing people and burning houses, which is barely a bit better than the Dutch.

The tumultuous day is finally over.Early the next morning, soldiers from the two divisions of the barracks began to line up on the playground.The soldiers of the first battalion hold spears, uniformly wear bamboo hats, rattan armor on the upper body, cropped trousers and straw sandals on the lower body.

The 30 army cadets were wrapped even more tightly: gauze hats, short gowns and gloves on the upper body, leggings on the lower body, cloth covers and straw sandals on the feet, and no part of the whole body was exposed.

Amidst the loud yelling of electric horns, the troops began to set off, and their destination was to come back in a circle.


A team that has not been trained and well-tuned, at least here, cannot be sent to the battlefield; even if it is as rough as a native warrior, it is as precious as it is right now, and there is a huge room for improvement. Human and material resources, this is very important.

The requirements for the so-called elite fighters are actually not high: if they can cooperate well with the main action with an AK in the wilderness of Tainan covered by primitive vegetation in the 17th century, and be good auxiliary soldiers, that's OK.

Start implementing this small goal today.

The first thing the soldiers of the first battalion have to learn is to march in formation.They must learn to maintain a single or double march, and start and stop at any time according to the password.The time-traveling people don't have high demands on them, they don't need a neatly paced military column, they just need them to understand the orders and learn to follow in line, just like the workers queuing up to eat in a big factory, a basic order is enough.

After the team set off, they headed east all the way to the island.The speed along the way is not fast, and at intervals there will be soldiers wearing Boonie hats, rifles, and short sticks passing through the soldiers to maintain order; the team often stops suddenly according to orders from the loudspeaker, and the indigenous soldiers During this process, with the greetings of short ebony sticks, he quickly learned how to walk and follow in formation, pause and rest.

30 cheery students followed at the end of the line—finally no need to stand in a military posture and walk in the line!The young men had chopping knives in their waists and smiles on their faces. They stepped on a neat pace, feeling the elasticity of the new tender weeds under their feet after the burnt land, and they were in a good mood like an outing.

The "rotten land" policy centered on the Chikan New District has been slowly expanding to the island.The weeds near the coast were either burned or cut off to make straw sandals, and the land they left was sprinkled with rush seeds.

The inland shrubs and woodlands are being treated in the same way; cobweb-like streams are being dredged layer by layer, simple wooden bridges are erected, and stagnant pools along the way are being filled.

Therefore, the actions of the large troops today are still very easy. The officers who want to train the formation did not add any difficult subjects today. The place to trek the stream.

The team walked around the "rotten land" with a radius of less than 5 kilometers. After walking for a long time, they ate a battlefield bamboo rice at noon: rice mixed with vegetables and diced fish was stuffed into the bamboo tube. There is one before departure, and at noon the troops light a fire on the spot, and the bamboo tubes can be eaten after heating.

This kind of mixed rice has already been cooked, so there is no need to add water temporarily, and it can be eaten after a little heating at the temperature of Tainan. It is convenient and quick. The disadvantage is that it is not easy to store, and it is best not to eat it overnight.

According to the requirements of the training subjects, half of the team eats hot food today, and the other half eats cold food directly. After eating, all the bamboo tubes are discarded, and then everyone refills their water bottles with purified water in several orange folding buckets.

Before returning to the camp in the afternoon, the large troops also deliberately walked out of the safe "rotten land" area, went to the bushes and the vegetation area full of broad-leaved plants, and returned to the camp before the evening.

Chapter 131

The first day of training was easy, and no major problems were exposed. The only thing that needs to be strengthened is the discipline of the indigenous soldiers.Those who talk in the team, defecate anywhere without saying hello, all kinds of unhygienic habits...

Fortunately, these are all running-in, and with the sandalwood short stick, they can be resolved soon.

From the second day onwards, the marching ranks crossed more and more distances from the "rotten land", and various attrition situations began to appear: sprains, falls, sole injuries, snake bites.In the case of lush vegetation, the electric horn is not so effective. After the line of sight is blocked, because they have not practiced the magic skills of listening to the sound, those who get lost, get lost, and fall behind...

In short, don't believe too much in the so-called coming and going of the aborigines, that is basically in the plains and grasslands. Once the team penetrates into the unfamiliar hilly area with dense vegetation and requires sharp soldiers to open the way from time to time, the aborigines will also experience various marching reductions.

It was like this for a week, during which the number of wounded numbers increased greatly. Fortunately, another 100 indigenous soldiers came in in time, and the 300-man establishment of the first battalion has been filled to two-thirds.

A week later, the sky was full of stars, the footsteps were on the thin sand of the coast, and a large army of aboriginals and trainees began to formally conduct night march training along the lagoon wetlands along the coast.

It is still a step-by-step training method, and the marching environment ranges from simple to complex.By this time, all other requirements had been reduced to the minimum. The officers of the crossing had only one requirement for these natives and young students who hadn't had time to kick the goose: march to the ground at a uniform speed, and if everyone is fine, it is victory.

After entering the night training, Qian Tieshan's special forces team became the protagonist.

Qian Tieshan, a former special soldier who has been silently dormant for a long time, somehow got a box of precious import quotas after Xia Xianze's army incident; As the commander of the Marine Corps, he ascended to the sky overnight and became the third largest mountain that exists independently after the navy and army. Qian Tieshan instantly became equal to Han Xiaobo and Liu Zhe...

The freshly released Commander Qian, once in power, would carry out the order, and he began to triumphantly pull the leader on the forum.

However, to his great disappointment, those greasy men, including those in the army and navy, who already had small bellies after retiring, were completely uninterested in the Marine Corps, which clearly required brutal training—people who like to watch special forces movies don’t mean they like to carry bricks on their backs Run ten kilometers.

Besides, everyone is now the sons of the plane, each of them is delicate and expensive, and they are waiting for the future to carve up the earth. Who would have a sick mind to drill the forest and cross the snowfield?What if I break my leg?

Therefore, Qian Tieshan, the official leader of the cross-traveling forces, the commander of the Marine Corps, became a real polished commander during that time. Every day on the forum, people posted posts to stimulate him: Are you enough today?

Just when Qian Tieshan was at a loss, God appeared, and with a wave of his hand, Qian Tieshan pulled out his deputy commander: Du Dewei from the iron box.

Du Dewei is a Surinamese Chinese, a member of a guerrilla in South America. When he was found by the forest farm, he was shot and was dying. Cao Chuan, who was going to the forest farm to install people, rescued him with a helicopter. After recovering from his injuries, he was sent to the Ming Dynasty.

Du Dewei, who still maintains all the combat capabilities in the rainforest, was announced by someone as the deputy commander of the Marine Corps before he understood the situation. over there……

After that, Qian Tieshan selected a few more team members from among the new laborers and army and navy cadets, including aboriginal teenagers from the village. A total of 10 people and seven or eight guns were gathered together, and the team was considered open.

Once on the right track, the advantages of various luxurious individual equipment of the Marine Corps will be quickly reflected.Even the indigenous team members who are only issued the classic "Eighteen Chop" jungle machetes are still elusive at night when they are senior members - because they are also issued tactical headsets and night vision goggles.

The pioneers walked in the forefront, with red cold light sources behind their backs, some people wearing fluorescent vests were spaced in the line, and officers with night vision goggles on their shoulders maintained the front and back. In the Binhai lagoon in the 17th century, the spoonbills resting in it at night were not awakened by the passing team on the shore. The soldiers moved forward silently, without talking, only gestures and short orders from the headset, a few thick fists, red The cylindrical light source passed over the troops' heads, guiding the direction.


Two weeks later, the unmanned aerial vehicle system commonly used by the three armed forces was finally installed in the computer room in the southeast corner of the business hall.The turret in the southeast corner had been converted into a telecommunications room before, and the familiar steel telecommunications tower was erected on the terrace, but it was only pocket-sized.Now there is a foldable electronic antenna and a hexagonal data link antenna dedicated to drones on the telecommunication tower.

Below the turret is the machine room, and now there is a special place for the UAV ground control station.

Two blue-and-white drones with weird shapes are already on standby beside a sandy runway behind the business hall.

These two drones come from a little-known technology company. The factory model is "M-70". Spoof nicknames are attached to them...

The fuselage of the "Dayuan Eagle" is a pointed cone, shaped like a sharpened wooden stake, with a total length of only 2.6 meters; the wings on both sides are 5 meters long after installation.This is a military-civilian dual-purpose aircraft, which can not only be used for geological surveys and forest fire prevention, but also for battlefield reconnaissance and artillery calibration—depending on the equipment carried by the aircraft at the time.

The two custom-made "Dayuan Eagles" are powered by batteries, so the cruising radius is only 150 kilometers, just enough to reach the center line of the strait; the load of the aircraft is not high, only 25 kilograms.However, these performances are enough for reconnaissance in the strait... The fleet of ships 150 kilometers away is usually in charge of the navigation radar on the telecommunication tower.

There are no satellites in the sky above Dachaoming, so the GPS equipment on the drone is completely cancelled, and the equipment on board is mainly synthetic aperture radar and a set of TCDL data link transmission system.

Due to the small size of this tactical data link system, the processing capacity is not enough, and it cannot meet the requirements of an intelligence-level data system-the reconnaissance images sent back by the "Da Yuan Eagle" have not been processed, and the ground station needs to organize manpower screening intelligence.

But this is not important, this is the 17th century, not the Middle East battlefield where every second counts, and the time travelers have enough time to analyze intelligence.

After the successful test flight of the two drones, the big office immediately issued an ultimatum to the natives of the Madou and Xiaolong communities located north of the Xingang River: the leaders of the two communities are limited to report within three days. .

The ultimatum was brought over by an aborigine from the Xingang Society, and it was written in Chinese. It is difficult for people with low education to figure out what is written in the letter. As for the Madou people... Haha.

Chapter 132

Three days after the ultimatum was issued, the other party still did not respond. It seems that Madou and his gang are stubborn and are about to embark on the road of no return against Master Wang!

Very well, the big office immediately issued an order to instruct the Tainan Suppression Command to launch a public security war against Madou and Xiaolong as planned. At the same time, a supporting civil affairs working group was formed to prepare to take over post-war affairs.

After Han Xiaobo received the order, he ordered all the participating troops to start resting, and then coordinated the Marine Corps to go out to the enemy-occupied area for investigation, and finally let the drone fly to watch the data information sent back.

In the Tainan investigation, the UAV does not need to fly to a height of several thousand meters at all, and the height of 300 meters is enough. Through this kind of slow and low-altitude investigation, the pictures sent back by Da Yuanying can be accurate to 0.1 meters, and the natives are exposed outside. Eggs are clearly visible.

The scale of Madou and Xiaolong is relatively large. When the Dutch counted the number of people in history, the total number of Madou was more than 4000, and Xiaolong was similar.The Xingang Society only has more than 1000 people, which is why the Xingang Society is eager to compromise with external forces: the strategic situation is very dangerous, and the strong neighbors in the north can completely wipe them out within the next few decades or 100 years.

With the detection of drones, the aboriginal villages located in Madou District and Jiali District of Tainan were displayed on the computer screen one by one.The target is no different from the village of the Xingang natives, but the scale is larger and the population in the village is larger.

All those who traveled through the military will analyze intelligence in the command post these days - the village is not the problem, the problem is the road.The enemy's large villages are all located in the north of Zengwen River. If the troops start from Yaoqu Base, it means that they must first cross Xingang River, then walk 8 kilometers in the vegetation-covered area, and then cross Taiwan's fourth largest stream, Zengwen River. Walk for more than 5 kilometers to reach the destination.

After evaluation, everyone generally felt that the difficulty was too high: the distance was too long, and there were too many vegetation and creeks along the way. Moreover, the Zengwen River in the 17th century was more than 15 meters wide even in the dry season in winter, and the water flow was turbulent. After strong crossing training.

It seems that plan No. 2 is reliable: the troops take the sea route, go north along the coast, detour for 30 kilometers, and then they can search for opportunities to flush the beach from the Qigu Salt Field area of ​​later generations.This location has already crossed Zeng Wenxi, just need to find a passage between the wetland and the lagoon, and the large army can fight all the way to the closest to the landing point, in front of the core village of Xiaolong Society marked as "Jiaxi Village" on the map.


To find a path that can be passed by a large group of people in a vegetation-covered area, a large group of people need to collectively analyze the photos, find some small paths and animal trails from dense grass, shrubs, and lagoon wetlands, and then connect them; In the middle, we have to avoid some seemingly safe silt and dark pond areas. In short, the workload is very heavy.

Unlike the red-haired people, the time-traversing people don't need to use the three-light policy to maintain the reign of terror, so the war situation is to march in covert, and then capture the enemy's leader in one fell swoop.

Burning and killing everything like the Dutch, and then going home and waiting for the natives to come and surrender, is not in the interests of the cross-travelers: the resources are a huge waste, and the leader will only consider surrendering after the natives can’t survive in the mountains. During this process, both adults and children will A large number of people died, and the labor force for work was gone.

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