Lu Ming

Page 42

The colorful human beings hide in the acacia bushes without a trace, while the human beings with their eggs exposed are striding forward.Madou people are ignorant, and they have never learned the allusions of Fenglin Moru, so when the warriors turned a small turn and walked through the path between the acacia forest and the thorns, they didn't feel uncomfortable—until ten meters Behind the tree outside, a row of figures flashed neatly.

"Damn, these Madou savages are really ferocious!" After the short battle, Han Xiaobo said with lingering fear as he looked at the javelin stuck in the tree trunk beside him.

"That's not bad. The Gaoshan tribe is more barbaric." Wei Yuan smiled and said, "There's a lack of communication, it's inevitable, or there's such a thing as raw and familiar."

"Hey, just thinking about those tribes on the central mountain range gives me a headache, and it will be troublesome in the future." While worrying about the country and the people, Han Xiaobo called the troops to hurry up and march. The Madou people were defeated and left.

The Madou Club, which had originally received vague information, organized troops to investigate the situation at the Xiaolong Club site, but they were defeated halfway.Now that the chasing soldiers are coming all the way, the young and old don't even have time to pack up and run away. The Madou people really messed up this time...


In the evening of the same day, the last batch of reinforcements arrived.There are not many people in this wave of reinforcements, mainly people from the aftermath working group, and the team leader is Professor Luo.

Professor Luo recently changed jobs again.This guy is now walking around in a big office, probably because he needs a soy sauce party member to decorate the facade, so Professor Luo, a member of the "Happy Faction" with weak political attributes, is now responsible for assisting CEO Xia in dealing with general business issues.

Considering someone's omnipotent attributes, the leader directly entrusted Professor Luo with the important task of leading the working group this time, as if I am relieved of your work.Well, in fact, the main reason is that there are too many mosquitoes in Madou Club, and there are too few ordinary time travelers who dare to go, what if you get bitten when you pee...

Professor Luo never shied away from this kind of thing. When he came to Madou to have a look, it was no different from Xiao Long's side: the natives were painfully learning how to adapt to the invaders' style at gunpoint.

Professor Luo's team didn't bring anything with them when they came, except for a lot of mosquito nets. They stayed in the largest village of Madou Society that night.

From the next day, the surviving leaders of the Madou and Xiaolong societies began to hold surrender ceremonies under the auspices of Professor Luo and sign unequal agreements.Very similar to the original history, the village head of the native people presented betel nut saplings, and someone represented the time-traveling forces to accept the submission of the native people, and then Professor Luo put forward conditions, and the native people complied one by one.

Is it really like history?At first glance it looks like this.

In Qingxiang, through the battle with Xiaolong Madou and Xiaolong Madou, the total number of native fighters killed exceeded 300, which was higher than the number of Dutch people in history.

But the subsequent hidden consumption, which accounts for the majority, is almost non-existent in the time travel crowd.

There are no statistics on the number of Madou, young and old, who were killed during the Sanguang assault in Dutch history.After the aborigines ran to the mountains, there were no statistics on the number of people who were killed by hostile tribes due to hunger, disease, and others.When the aborigines returned home after surrendering, they faced the situation of 3000 houses being burned. That is to say, the villages and food in the Madou and Xiaolong communes were almost completely burned. There is also no statistics - the above figures add up to far more than the number of deaths on the frontal battlefield.

How did tens of millions of Indians perish?The bullets killed less than one percent: the tribes were forced to migrate at gunpoint, and the abnormal death of the population along the way, coupled with the large-scale killers such as smallpox, was the main reason.Therefore, it seems that it has nothing to do with the war, but in fact, the hidden death with a strong causal relationship is the main reason for the eradication of the global aborigines in the colonial era.

In the crossing crowd, the people of Xiaolong and Madou communities escaped this catastrophe, although they did not realize the benefits of the whole family being stuck in the old den... The crossing crowd knew it, but they couldn't explain it.Fortunately, the winners don't need to explain now, they just need to put forward conditions.Immediately after the surrender ceremony, Professor Luo made a bunch of requests to the aborigines.

Article 120: Xiaolong and Madou each sent [-] young and strong people to report to the senior officials, and set off immediately.These people belong to the nature of prisoners of war, and their labor is not counted as work points. After three months, there will be an assessment of the overall degree of cooperation between the two societies. If the scores pass, these people will revoke their status as prisoners of war.

When Professor Luo came yesterday, he rejected the resettlement plan for 400 people that had been determined by the people in the office. He reduced the number of people in the first batch of hard labor to 240 people.Among them, 40 people were reserved for adjustment: the unruly ones were sent to cut wood and fill the puddles.

There are 200 people left, and in principle, only one dormitory for 10 people will be arranged. In this case, the Chikan New District and the Yao District base can barely accommodate them. A ratio of 1:9 has the best effect on the assimilation of the natives: do not give them the opportunity to form cliques.

The reduction in the number of young and middle-aged people serving hard labor does not mean that the cross-travelers will let the natives go. The second requirement put forward by Professor Luo is: north and south.

From now on, the kiln district base will send people across the Xingang River to the north, and the Ma and Xiao communities will go south at the same time. The ultimate goal is to open up the connection and eradicate the vegetation between the two places.During this process, the crossing people are only responsible for providing tools, while the natives themselves are responsible for manpower and food.

The third requirement is simple: compensation.

Naturally, compensation should be paid for defeat, which is an international practice, unless it directly surrenders like the Xingang Society.

The compensation items are not too many, but not too many... All kinds of miscellaneous expenses, including the rewards of the first battalion soldiers and the follow-up temporary workers, as well as the future garrison expenses, basically the money that Lafayette once paid, The people of Ma Xiao didn't run away this time either.Of course, after the compensation was finally converted into deerskin and grain, the two communes paid a total of two-thirds of the reserves. It seems that the natives will catch more deer this winter to make up for the shortfall.

Chapter 137 Saltworks and Shipyards ([-])

In the first few years of their rule, the Dutch were able to harvest more than 10 deerskins every year through extremely squeezing the natives, and all of these deerskins were eventually sold to Japan.

However, the good times didn’t last long, as with the North American bison, Canadian salmon... Countless examples, the aborigines were forced to hunt wildly in desperation, and within a few years, the deerskin trade was over—the ecology was completely destroyed, and it never recovered until later generations.After that, the Dutch began to vigorously recruit immigrants and develop sugar cane planting in Tainan to replace the buckskin trade.

Naturally, it is impossible to fish from the river. According to their plan, all the aborigines on the island will be removed in the future—large plantations and pastures in Southeast Asia and North America will be placed there, and everyone can become manor owners with the Ming people.

All the aborigines under the rule must be broken up and colonized. This is the basic rule. The stupid things that the hundred and ten people suddenly remembered that they were a nation and paraded the streets every day to ask the government to provide subsidies, will definitely not let them happen again.

The deer herd on the island will also be preserved, at least in the plane of crossing the public, a large number of deer herds in Taiwan's central mountains and coastal wetlands will happily survive.

Therefore, for the amount of war compensation for the Ma and Xiao communities, Professor Luo only gave the specific figure after inspecting the material reserves of the indigenous people on the spot.And he also generously stated: In order to protect the ecology, the compensation can be repaid smoothly, and an extension is allowed... just add some interest.

Well, as the price of preserving their homes and the old and the young, the people of the Ma and Xiao communities not only lost their youth and strength after the defeat, but also suffered from HSBC-style economic aggression, and they will face heavy labor in the future. , can no longer cause obstacles to the development plan of the people who travel through.

The task ahead for the working group is still very busy: to mobilize the aborigines to go south to burn wasteland and open roads, to coordinate the aborigines to carry out daily trade with the officials, to sit in Madou, and to send people to test the neighbors in the northern Chiayi area—the Anya tribe.

The topography of Taiwan is well planned: a plain belt surrounds the central mountain range, like a skirt around the mountains.These skirts are naturally divided into blocks by streams and rivers.The sphere of influence of the crossing crowd has now spanned the area between Xingang Creek and Zeng Wenxi, and the next step to attack is naturally the Chiayi area north of Zeng Wenxi.

One of Professor Luo's tasks here is to investigate the soft and hard conditions of the Chiayi area and the various societies under the Anya tribe, and assess the strength of the other party, so as to prepare for the next new map.

For militia units like the First Battalion, there will definitely be a rest period after the war. The soldiers have done a lot of work this time, and they will go home happily with the work points exchanged on the spot, and then wait Next call.


The submission of the natives of the Maxiao Second Society has cleared the external obstacles for the three projects of salt making, shipbuilding, and agriculture that will be implemented by the crossing people.

The first to act was the saltworks.

A few days after the surrender of the Madou Society, a labor team of 300 people began to station in a deserted coastal beach north of Xingang River, and began to work hard—renovating the salt fields.

Leading the team is the traveler Lu Haiyang.Before crossing, this gentleman's hometown was in Bohai Bay, next door was Yangkou Salt Farm, and he was the only person who knew about the salt farm in the time travel.

In terms of technical content, the development of Yantian is actually not difficult for the people who have mastered various measurement tools and meteorological observation methods.The difficulty in making salt mainly lies in the labor force: Even in later generations, with various mechanical assistance, salt making is still one of the most difficult jobs.

The saltworks team that crosses the crowd is naturally more difficult, and it is completely self-made.The 300 people led by Lu Haiyang, while developing the salt fields on this tidal flat, also need to build docks, clear vegetation, fill wetlands, and build houses. The amount of work is huge.

The legendary barrel of diesel oil is far away, and it is impossible to pull cables from the kiln area, so all the above-mentioned projects need to be done manually...

At present, the transportation of the salt field can only rely on sea transportation, which is much more reliable than building a road between wetland lagoons.The one carrying the labor team to open up wasteland is naturally the Yuandou. In addition to some tools and food, the ship also carried a few color steel plates, and a container hut can be built later... This is probably the only spiritual encouragement that Lu Haiyang got from the big office. La.

The Yuandou docked at the scheduled tidal flat.The first batch of 100 skilled laborers who were specially selected were divided into 10 standard groups according to the dormitory they belonged to. At this time, they began to disembark in an orderly manner.Some people were unloading goods on the beach, while others held torches and began to burn the weeds: this is a matter of life and death. The laborers are now very aware of the temper of the crossing people. Everywhere they go, clearing vegetation and filling stagnant water are the top priorities. level work.

It is now the end of January in the Gregorian calendar, which is the coolest winter in Taiwan. The Spaniards are watching the rain every day in Taipei, while the Tainan Plain is still clear and clear. There are at least 6 months before the rainy season in Tainan begins in July and August.

This is the biggest advantage Tainan is suitable for drying salt: the climate.The salt field team led by Lu Haiyang will dry out the salt as quickly as possible in the next time. Once there is a sustainable supply of salt, the kiln area will prepare to install electrolysis equipment to prepare some urgently needed chemical products. Taste.


Lu Haiyang and his 300 warriors are going to repair the earth in the blue sky and wetlands, which is very lonely; in contrast, another construction site in the crossing crowd is much more lively, with a lot of people, and there are many big men who pick their feet - the shipyard.

Taijiang Shipyard is a project that has been planned for a long time, but the project document has always remained on paper and has never been implemented. The reason is very simple, lack of shipbuilding materials.

Shipbuilding requires a lot of wood and iron.After passing through the crowd, the top priority of the transport fleet will always be people and food, and it will definitely not be able to turn to wood and iron.

With the opening of the kiln area base, wood has become an abundant product, but the transportation priority of iron materials is still not high. In addition, the imperial court prohibits large quantities of iron materials from going to sea, so the officials have always relied on the transport fleet to transport some handmade iron products. Goof off with a small amount of iron.

As a certain force gained a firm foothold in Dayuan, the stalls grew bigger and bigger. Iron and steel, to be precise, the refining of modern steel with crude iron materials in the Ming Dynasty has become a key link in the next step of industrial development.Therefore, after the New Year's meeting, the large office issued instructions to Hangzhou Station, which clearly instructed Hangzhou Station to find a way to increase the intensity of purchasing iron materials and adjust the cargo ratio of the fleet in the future.

After receiving an affirmative reply from Hangzhou Station, the equipment and personnel of the shipyard began to be mobilized; the most recent batch of transport fleets loaded 15 tons of pig iron. After seeing the telegram, the Taijiang Shipyard officially started to break ground.

Chapter 138 Saltworks and Shipyards ([-])

The shipyard is located in the northeast corner of the Taijiang River, across the sea from the Luer Gate at the top of the Weidao Island on the Northern Line, and belongs to the most remote corner of the Taijiang River.

Whether it is an antique wooden boat of later generations, a racing sailboat or a steel-hulled fishing boat, no one has ever traveled through it.No way, the current population base is still too small: Dong Cao will send a few to a dozen newcomers from time to time every month, and sometimes there is none, so as of March 1628, the first year of Chongzhen, the cross-country The total number is only 3 people.

The only person here whose previous work has something to do with shipbuilding is to install pipelines for oil tankers in a [-]-ton shipyard... He is living very well in the kiln area now, and when he hears about shipbuilding, he shakes his head and says he doesn't like it .

Well, money can’t buy happiness, and the most important thing in doing work is interest, so in the second round of online recruitment, Qiao Zhengtai, who has the most "theoretical research" on wooden sailboats, was elected.

Qiao Zhengtai, a former mountain bike factory technician, successfully demonstrated his understanding of the era of sailing warships in front of everyone through the keyboard and tongue battle.In a local area network without a search engine, most people are completely exposed, and Qiao Zhengtai, who can tell the parameters of various sailing warships in the 17th century at any time, has thus become the director of the shipyard.

After Qiao Zhengtai took office, it was very convenient to mobilize various resources due to the relatively high attention of the shipyard.

First of all, people: Now that the big guns have been selected, the small guns don't have to fight anymore. Five or six people who usually like sailing warships came to the shipyard to live together.

All the laborers currently under the jurisdiction of the crossing, regardless of race or occupation, as long as they have something to do with shipbuilding, they will all be dispatched to the shipyard. Among them is a Dutch carpenter who is the key point: Old Kohler.

Old Kohler was a prisoner in the Battle of the Commercial Hall. At that time, only he and another carpenter were assigned to work in the carpentry shed in the kiln area, and the other prisoners went to repair the earth.Later, all the surviving captives followed Peter Nuiz back to Batavia, while the old Kohler and another Dutch carpenter were kept secret by the crossing because they were more important.

In fact, the old Kohler didn't want to leave here either.

Old Kohler is not Dutch, he has pale blond hair and a tough face.The old Kohler, who was born in a family of chefs in the Bavarian countryside, is already wrinkled, but he is only 34 years old.Of course, in this era, a 34-year-old with wrinkled faces is the norm for people below the middle class, regardless of nationality.

The old Kohler saw too many incredible things in the kiln area: omnipotent machines, measuring tools accurate to millimeters, finished products without a trace of difference, 50 people who suffered fatal injuries (in his eyes), and came back to work in a few days .

... The other Dutch captives thought it was hell, but old Kohler, the 17th-century craftsman, firmly believed that it was heaven.

Being able to repair plywood boats at sea naturally has two brushes. After the old Kohler was assigned to the carpentry shed, he soon became a squad leader, swearing at apprentices in half-baked Chinese every day—that’s how he learned it back then.

One day when the old Kohler finally figured out that the mysterious power that makes the table saw move came from the strange machine called "generator", he calmly made a request to the director of the lumber factory: naturalization.

"I am already old, so old that I may die of illness on the next voyage, and then be thrown into the sea. Therefore, I hereby solemnly request to join your kingdom. I know that only in this way can I have the opportunity to learn those mysterious knowledge. "

Zeng Rong, the director of the timber factory, couldn't laugh or cry after listening to the old Kohler's request—everything was a start-up, and there are too many departments that are lacking now.

So Zeng Rong could only make a promise to his subordinate, General Huang Mao: You have good qualifications. If you work hard, you will definitely be able to get the title of engineer in the future. Well, when you can be naturalized in the future, you will be the first to apply for it.

Now, you can be wronged for a while, you can study and work at the same time... But the price of learning knowledge is that you are forbidden to contact your compatriots from now on... Can you hold on now?

Old Kohler solemnly swore an oath in the name of God on the spot, vowing that he was in Cao Ying and his heart was in Cao... Then Zeng Rong went to the newly opened intelligence bureau to report to Old Kohler, and the old Kohler with a green card would officially join him It's bright.

The old Kohler who was summoned to the shipyard by a paper transfer order is still very good - another Dutch carpenter died of illness a few days ago, and the old Kohler is now the only child.

Of course, Qiao Zhengtai also paid more attention to the old Kohler: No matter how many detailed information on the ship in the hands of the people in the crossing, it is still necessary to integrate theory with practice, starting with a ship plank and an iron nail, and accumulate experience, learn and improve bit by bit.Kohler, who worked as a boatman for ten years in the world's most prosperous port of Amsterdam in the 17th century, was undoubtedly the backbone of Taijiang Shipyard in its early days.

Except for the old Kohler, there are no master craftsmen among the Ming people's boatmen, only a few small workers, and there is no one who can carry a Chinese-style sand ship project alone.Fortunately, the shipyard is only newly built, and there will be enough time in the future to recruit craftsmen and train newcomers.

The most important project at present is the wharf, and there will be one or two small docks in the future. As for shipbuilding, small boats are the only option.A small boat that can be operated by two or three people does not even need a dock, and it can be operated directly on the beach... Set a small goal and build [-] to [-] boats to practice first.

Qiao Zhengtai's step-by-step planning made the navy members who wanted to go around in battleships all day long anxious.These self-proclaimed shipyard supervisors have been wandering around lately when they have nothing to do, pointing fingers and tirelessly, and the pretenders headed by Mu Longcheng frequently want to discuss with Qiao Zhengtai the necessity of giant battleships...

The shipyards across the public were hatched in this situation: most people on the slippery tidal flats were digging sand to build piers, and a few people awkwardly built fences for new sampans under the roar of a yellow hair...

Looking at the busy scene in front of him, Qiao Zhengtai couldn't help shaking his head—there is a long way to go, even if he has prepared N types of tall boats suitable for the crossing forces, now look at these boatmen who can't even set up the fencing smoothly... The difference between reality and dreams It's frustrating that the gap is that big.


All in all, the newly opened construction sites near Dayuan are not only civil engineering, but also civil engineering, digging mud and sand, and there is no technical content.

And what really has technical content is the newly imported electric furnace in the kiln area.

As the highlight of the new year in 1628, the electric furnace system used up the 2 boxes of import quota in February only for the equipment accessories in the early stage. After that, I accidentally added another box of consumables...

Although steelmaking is an overwhelming BOSS-level project, such a high import quota, the big office has to bite the bullet and make a decision, which makes the electric furnace system undoubtedly become the project with the largest import volume in the history of Chuanzhong, which is undoubtedly It hurts the heart of some people who have been waiting for the quota.

Chapter 139 Electric Furnace

Gritting their teeth and getting into the electric furnace project, the people who traveled through had no choice.

The reason is simple: there is no coal.

If there is no coal, there will be no coke, and equipment such as open hearth converters will not be used.

There is coal in Taipei, but it rains 200 days a year on that piece of land. It is necessary to open up wasteland and dig coal in the jungle of Taipei in the 17th century... How many people are going to die to open the road and fill the pit?What's more, we must drive away the Spaniards first, build a transport fleet, and divide the base...

There is no need to consider the coal mines in Taipei. Even if coal is obtained from Guangdong and Vietnam, it is far more reliable than Taipei, which seems very close.But right now a certain force has no extra resources to go south at all: Zheng Zhilong of Xiamen and the surrounding pirates, the Portuguese of Macau and the surrounding pirates, these numerous hostile forces have blocked the passage of all the people going south.

Coal, a cheap bulk commodity, can only be obtained in small quantities now, and there is simply no extra transportation capacity in the traveler to pull this thing.

Therefore, the electric furnace steel project became the only choice for the time travelers.


The power resources in the kiln area have great potential, especially after importing a batch of lithium battery electric saws, the logging efficiency has greatly increased, and the leftovers produced by the wood factory alone cannot be used up every day. This time, the 3-ton small electric furnace project So get on the horse, because the current power resources are abundant.

However, it is not so easy to take advantage of resources.

At the beginning, the kiln base had only one generator, which was a small 6000KW Siemens steam turbine.This set of generators is enough to cover all the existing power projects including wood factory, brick kiln, small farm machinery and lighting.

However, once the electric stove came, it would not work.

After a 3-ton small electric furnace is started, it must account for at least one-third of the power generation.This is not the main thing, because the principle of the electric furnace is to generate high temperature by short circuiting the positive and negative poles, so the voltage of the electric furnace will fluctuate and flicker during the smelting process.

As long as the electric furnace is turned on, the harsh environment where the current changes drastically in an instant, the thin power grid in the kiln area will probably kneel on the spot, so it is a prerequisite to build a special circuit system for the steel mill, which is why a The reason why 3 tons of small electric furnace can use 5 boxes of import quota: the equipment other than the electric furnace takes up too much space, especially the electric equipment, and the future development should be considered, so it must be in place at one time. The transformers are large. Leave enough margin.

The small round electric furnace is a specially purchased product of the Swedish General Company, with a diameter of no more and no less, 2.8 meters.The electric furnace looks small in size, but there are a lot of attached equipment: fume hood smoke pipe, water cooling cable, furnace cover lifting equipment, trolley, slag barrel, hydraulic cylinder, hydraulic control system...

The above is just the furnace part.There is also a new set of steam turbine system for power generation, supporting high-voltage power supply system, rectifier, transformer, and low-voltage console, various control boxes, and never too many cables...

Testing equipment: direct reading spectrum, fluorescence analyzer, sulfur-carbon analyzer, sample grinding machine...etc.

There are 5 full boxes of these devices, and after that, another box of consumables such as high-power graphite electrodes is added...


One of the earliest brick kilns in the kiln area has been demolished.This kiln is an emergency product. It is an old-fashioned trapezoidal kiln that can only produce one furnace of bricks at a time. Later, as the power plant started, the brick making machine began to produce a steady stream of bricks, and this old kiln could not keep up with the rhythm soon. .

So Chuanzhong re-selected the site, and built a large-area wheel kiln in the downstream of the kiln area. The main body of the wheel kiln is made of basalt and red bricks, and the refractory bricks are self-produced magnesia bricks.

Magnesia bricks are a by-product of cooking salt, yes, cooking salt.At the beginning, the salt in the crossing public was bought in Hangzhou. After the power plant in the kiln area was put into operation, they used the waste heat from the power plant to build a few ponds to cook the salt with seawater... It's a little low, but the product is good, and the locals say it's good.

After the lime kiln is built, concentrated seawater + lime milk is used to extract magnesium hydroxide, and then heated to extract magnesium oxide. Magnesia bricks are made in this way.

With the new brick kiln, the original old kiln and the supporting small brick yard became the natural location of the new steel factory.Now the old kiln has long disappeared, replaced by a brick-concrete structure with a crane on the top and slide rails under the feet, a large workshop with a height of 5 meters.

A set of silver-white, shining electric furnace system has stood in the middle of the workshop.Above the circular furnace body is a metal cross arm, which is responsible for the graphite electrode clamping system; behind it are power equipment such as rectifiers and transformers connected by cables.

The electric furnace system with a strong post-modern industrial style is indeed a bit sci-fi: various silver-white metal boxes and electric furnaces are connected by silver-white water-cooled cables in the middle, just like the beard of some kind of metal octopus monster, which is a bit weird.

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