Lu Ming

Page 37

However, the so-called hanging street lamps are throwing away all the good cards, throwing away our identity and pride from the industrial society, leveling the grade with Li Zicheng and the gang, and dressing ourselves as beggars, obviously because of extreme wealth and ideas. Wealthy industrial aristocrats want to rebel like a poor ghost looking for money in a pigsty...

Please pay attention to all distinguished time travelers: as a time traveler who is a combination of big landlords and big capitalists, it is extremely stupid to teach the mob how to hang the lords in various seemingly righteous ways—because the mob’s Future generations and your descendants will live on the same land, and the craftsmanship can be passed on.

Of course, if the masters of the Tang and Han Party are willing to stand up from behind the scenes, not incite the mob, and hang themselves every day to personally hang the gentry, then there should be applause here.Xia is willing to sponsor a few pairs of 3M masks in friendship - people who are hanged will lose control of their bowel movements, and it will be bad if the stink is so bad for the Tang Han masters.

3: Regarding all external forces.Industrialization required large populations and raw materials, which now require international trade.Since we can’t produce the copper for wires by ourselves, it’s better not to offend the Japanese—you are the masters of a powerful regime now, and you must learn to think about problems with the ruler’s thinking instead of sitting in an air-conditioned room to hone your mouth. In other words, the air conditioners are made of copper, and the Tang and Han masters probably don't know it.

The same principle applies to white skins, as they will send us raw materials and "foreign labor" that we need to open up the wasteland.

In short, when the waist is not thick enough, it is better to speak in a low voice. Inciting and inciting, it has no meaning except to let all the time travel people pay for some people's stupid remarks.

Xia Xianze's letter ended here, and the internal struggle across the regime will continue, which is an inevitable normal state of any regime.How do you say that?One mountain cannot accommodate two tigers, unless there is one male and one female.


Let's turn the clock back a few days.

On December 1627, 12, when Yang Er and Jiang Shang came to Dayuan on the Gouyan, there was a Dutch speedboat that had already parked off the coast of Dayuan.

The third chief executive appointed by the Dutch: Peter Nuiz, on the "Sloten" speedboat, departed from Hirado, Japan on December 1627, 12, passed through Nagasaki, and returned to Dawei on December 3 member.In fact, when the Gouyan came to Dayuan that day, the Sloten had already been off the coast of Dayuan for a whole day.

Born in 1598, Peter Nuiz was less than 30 years old, and he was in the prime of life.He has brown-red hair, the lines on his face are messy, and his cheekbones and gums are prominent. In short, this person is not good-looking.

When the Sloten came to the sea off Dayuan on the evening of the 24th, Nuiz was surprised to find that the walking group of four led by Johannes van der Hagen had already sailed out to meet them in a small boat.

Van der Hagen himself was also surprised.Because when he was pushed onto the boat by Cai Feiming, there was nothing in the outer sea, at least in the visual range, but Cai Feiming told him very clearly: there is a ship coming from the north, and judging by the date, it is likely to be a slave. Mr. Yizi's car, you guys go out to sea and have a look...

Not long after they went to sea, they saw the Sloten coming with the wind, and they could only attribute all this to some kind of pyrotechnic communication method of the crossing forces.

Of course, these are not important, what is important is the wonderful news that Van der Hagen brought after boarding the Sloten.

"Mr. Nuiz, we have obtained a large amount of raw silk and porcelain, and we have opened the door to trade in the Ming Dynasty!"

"Wow, this is really good news. That's why you guys came out to meet me in person, right? Very good, Mr. van der Hagen, now please tell me who this businessman is, haha, I guess it must be Xu, you must Paying a lot of deposits again, right? Oh, greedy Xu...he's always so greedy."

"Cough... Your Excellency," Van der Hagen interrupted Nuiz's imagination, and then said with difficulty: "The trade with us is a new merchant. In addition, the business hall and silver coins have been mortgaged...In fact, It was occupied by the military."

"What? Jesus Christ! Did I hear you right? You bastard, you have a glass of rum now and tell me everything. I don't want to hear anything hidden!"


In fact, it took Mr. Nuiz a whole night to reluctantly believe the absurd stories told by the walking group of four.

After all, there are too many places in these descriptions that are beyond common sense. It is difficult for Nuiz and other low-level businessmen to imagine the scene of killing everyone with only a half-pounder from the mouth of the foursome.In addition, after the gang robbed and occupied the shop, they planned to "loan" a large amount of raw silk and porcelain to the original owner of the shop...

The chaotic behavior and crazy logic of the people in the Middle Ages could not be understood by Mr. Nuiz, a merchant in the Middle Ages. Everyone quarreled, debated, and explained the whole night in the poop of the Sloten until the next morning. Gen and they returned to Dayuan in a small boat.

The next day, Mr. Nuiz began to interrogate the Dutch prisoners recalled from the general.

These captives came to the Sloten in small boats, answered the officers' questions, and then went back in small boats, and replaced other captives to the open sea for interrogation-before the agreement was signed, the identities of these people, including Van der Hagen Still a prisoner.

It is a group of "gentlemen" with Western thinking patterns who occupy Dayuan Island. This is the focus that the group of four has always emphasized.Therefore, during most of the day on the 25th, the gentlemen of the Grand Officer generously allowed the prisoners to go to the Sloten to testify, and then they were sent back by the gentlemen on board.

The day passed like this.

Chapter 119 The original owner

It was the formation of sand ships that passed by the Sloten on the afternoon of the 25th that finally prompted Peter Nuiz to make up his mind to negotiate with the crossing people.Because on the morning of the 26th, when the walking group of four came to the Sloten in a small boat, they accurately reported the amount of raw silk and porcelain unloaded from the three sand ships.

In the face of huge visible benefits, Nuiz had to forcibly endure the great discomfort caused by the host-guest conversion of Dayuan Island, and began to seriously evaluate the possibility of negotiating with crossing forces.

In fact, apart from negotiating with these strange short-haired inventors who occupy Dayuan Island, Nuiz can't make any more threatening moves.After all, the Sloten has been parked off the coast of Dazuo for three days. It neither left here to go straight to Batavia, nor did it rely on the poor 100 sailors on board to try to recapture Dazuo... The embarrassing situation was fully exposed ——Being beaten again and again, if you leave, how will you explain when you go back?

Finally, on the morning of the 26th, Mr. Van der Hagen, who had been working so hard these two days between the port and the open sea, and who had almost transformed into a "Dutch traitor", returned to the port and announced the good news: Chief Nuyz will be here today. Come to Dayuan Port at noon and start negotiations with the cross-travelers!

This is indeed good news. After all, the time-traveling force is still very weak and needs a lot of manpower and raw materials to grow.The Dutch can collect a lot of resources in Batavia. The important thing is that they have a lot of ships, and they have a lot of empty tonnage when they go north to Daming, which is what the traversers urgently need right now.


At noon on the same day, the third/last chief executive of Dayuan: Mr. Peter Nuiz, accompanied by the low-level businessman Mao Zheer, took a small boat driven by a group of four people, and officially set foot on the port of Dayuan Island. Where he briefly ruled.

In this era, it is very common for the two sides of the maritime trade to send hostages to each other.Both Zheng Zhilong and Dutch businessmen, including big businessmen such as Xu Xinsu, have all had the experience of being hostages; therefore, compared to the huge disaster of losing a big business house, Nuyz is not worried about his own safety, saying After all, he is just a senior employee of VOC, the kind who can be fired at any time.

When Nuiz stepped onto the pier, Cai Feiming and two assistants who were waiting on the side greeted him. The Dutchman who had been prepared for a long time shook hands with Cai Feiming briefly. The two sides greeted each other cordially in Dutch, as if old friends met look.

Despite his mental preparation, after seeing the real people, Nuyiz was still curious about these strange Ming people: the three were tall, clean-skinned, and had short hair, just like Buddhists in South Asia.They were wearing short jackets of different colors but similar styles, trousers, and strange shiny black leather boots on their feet.

"At least the sons of nobles who are well educated and have a rich dinner." Nuyizi secretly commented at this moment: neat white teeth showing when smiling, generally tall stature, inadvertently some small physical etiquette, these Ming Dynasty The noble robbers and the coolies of the Ming Dynasty on the pier are completely two kinds of people...

"Perhaps Van der Hagen's guess is correct: the guardian knights of an ancient dynasty trying to restore." Mr. Nuiz secretly made an assessment of the crossing crowd at this moment.

Cai Feiming, who was greeting the guests and walking to the shop, naturally did not expect the Dutch to have so many guesses; he was not interested in Nuiz’s attire, except for the pair of red hematoxylin shoes, which were rather flamboyant, the rest of the attire was very common.

At the beginning of the 17th century, the Netherlands, the earliest capitalist country, was booming, and the whole country was thriving; as the pace of production and life accelerated, thrift and convenience became recognized virtues.

The Dutch took the lead in abandoning the wheel-like ornament "Raff" around the neck, and the stuffing in the clothes was also canceled and replaced by lightweight lace.All of this can be seen on Nuiz today: a gray tweed jacket with lace on the collar and cuffs, white stockings and the most popular boat-shaped wooden shoes in the Low Countries.

In Holland, a lowland country, there is a lot of rain and the land is wet, so the wood is carved out to make boat-shaped shoes with a thick bottom and an upturned toe.The shoes are moisture-proof and durable, and the interior is filled with grass cotton to keep out the cold.Until later generations, wooden shoes are still the most famous specialty commodity in the Netherlands, as famous as windmills.

After walking across the trestle bridge, Nuyizi quickly saw the half-pound gun erected on the northeast corner of the fort, which was unique to the bandits of the Ming Dynasty and was called by everyone: "Devil Cannon".

This small cannon has a slender barrel and a unique square barrel. Under the sunlight at noon, they reflect a blue metallic luster.From Nuiz's current angle, one can clearly see the brass-colored slender shells hanging from the gun body like a bunch of bundled mice.

In short, Nuiz, who is used to heavy armaments, can hardly imagine that such a slender cannon killed 50 soldiers in an instant-it is more like a toy than some kind of killing weapon.

On the fort were two or three bright men in short blue homespun jackets, holding a kind of black binoculars, and guarding the angles they were responsible for.In the crevices of the stacked walls, a figure in colorful clothes flashed past Nuiz's eyes, as if he was sitting on a chair, and he could not be seen the next moment.

"If all goes well, there will be a firepower demonstration before you leave, Mr. Nuiz." Cai Feiming said understandingly when he saw the Dutchman observing the heavy machine gun.

"Is this some kind of threat?" Nuiz was a little unhappy when he heard it.

"Threats only happen before negotiations." Cai Feiming still had a gentle smile on his face: "The performance after everything is over is a small price we have to pay to avoid real conflicts in the future; please believe me, this is Well-meaning. After all, lions don't make friends with sheep, don't you?"

"... Well, a unique oriental way of thinking." Nuiz shrugged and muttered a few words.

A group of people soon came to the door of the store.

When he came here, Mr. Nuiz, who had been paying attention to other places along the way, suddenly realized that the dirty bamboo sheds that were originally distributed outside the business hall were gone.Of course, the rammed earth wall of the commercial building is still there, and it looks even more dilapidated: two hastily filled gaps of different colors greatly reduce the defensive function of the wall.

Standing in front of the commercial hall, taking off the boat-shaped cap on his head, Nuyz turned around slowly, taking in the surrounding scene in his eyes.

Some Ming coolies are using a small wooden cart to transport goods. These small carts are driven by a single person and have three or four wheels.Some of the goods on the trolley were sent to the commercial hall, and more of them were red bricks. They were stacked into neat square stacks and extended towards the center of Dayuan Island.

Chapter 120 The Attribution of the Officers

Seeing the small red brick trucks passing by beside him, Nuyz finally knew that the destination of those red brick boats passing by the Sloten these days is here.

Taking a look at the relative position of the gap in the wall and the sand dunes in the distance, and then at the land in front of the commercial hall that was once soaked in the blood of the soldiers, Nuiz sighed softly: "A massacre, this is too cruel. , God's people should not be treated like this."

"That's right," Cai Feiming nodded in agreement, "It's just like Dutch soldiers slaughtering Ming civilians in Penghu, it's too cruel..."

At this time, Cai Feiming was like a dull tour guide, completely disregarding the client's mood, showing two neat rows of white teeth, smiling and drawing a circle in front of him with his arm: "At that time, the corpses were all over here, ah, many people Unrecognizable, because there were too many pieces. The coolies finally got the meat into the basket with a shovel, alas, it was only cleaned up after three days, it was too cruel..."

... At this moment, Nuyizi's angry eyes collided with Cai Feiming's gentle smiling face.The Dutch suddenly discovered that this yellow man, who had always been smiling, had so cold eyes.

"Do you want to strengthen the defense of the commercial building? Mr. Cai." The provocative party finally backed down, because it was on someone else's territory... Nuyz turned pale at this moment, changed the subject, and gestured with the boat hat in his hand I took a look at the piles of red bricks.

"No." Cai Feiming still maintained the same smile, as if nothing had happened, he began to explain enthusiastically: "These red bricks are for the upcoming construction of the 'Palace'."

He pointed in the direction of Dayuan Island: "Our king will be crowned in the palace."

Nuyiz didn't expect the other party to be so frank, and he was speechless for a moment: "After coming to the remote sea area, let these returners stop covering up?" He thought silently.

Seeing that the Dutchman fell silent, Cai Feiming stretched out his hand and began to lead the guests into the shop.Along the way, he enthusiastically told the red hairs: This dilapidated commercial building will be completely demolished, and in the future it will become a beautiful embassy district. Only senior diplomats and some traversers usually live on the island-this can maximize the Avoid the lack of fresh water as much as possible.


A group of people went straight to the cafeteria, where the old and new masters of the senior staff sat together, no matter how complicated the mood was, there was only a smile on their faces at this moment.

The lunch was rich: chunks of venison, pork, and bear meat were placed on red and blue Clark porcelain plates and served on the table, and grilled milkfish, mullet, and star spot were delivered to the guests' mouths one after another.The Dutch appreciate all dishes sprinkled with thirteen spices, including some delicacies such as sea vegetables and bamboo shoots and mushrooms, and all the shares on the plate are wiped out.

Beer and Erguotou have long been extinct, so rice wine and plum wine shipped from Hangzhou were served at the luncheon. The Dutch, who live everywhere, would never refuse any kind of alcohol. If it weren’t for the consideration of negotiating in the afternoon, the wine might not be enough The redheads rinsed their mouths.

After the banquet, the atmosphere between the two parties can be said to have improved qualitatively. At least the sharp sense of antagonism has been reduced a lot from Nuiz.As the top leader in name at the moment, Xia Xianze also briefly appeared after the banquet. After a few polite greetings, the leader disappeared on time, leaving Cai Feiming, who was roughly equal to Nuyzi, to continue to operate.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, after a short break in the guest room, the Nuyiz team and Cai Feiming's team officially started negotiations in a room with a long table.

The negotiating conditions of the crossing forces had been told to Van der Hagen before this, so today's talks were actually Cai Feiming and the others unilaterally waiting for the Dutch to reply.And the Dutch sitting on the negotiating table at this moment have analyzed the conditions put forward by the cross-travelers countless times in the past few days. Therefore, for the Dutch, the pros and cons have long been clear.

In any case, returning to Batavia with a shipload of raw silk and china would improve the situation for everyone, Nuiz included.

In fact, if it can be confirmed that the big officials passing through the occupation of the public are a stable commodity channel of the Ming Dynasty, then people like Nu Yizi will make a comeback; For the Silk Star, the golden huskies that bring a lot of money to the company.

As for the trading houses and silver coins - from Amsterdam to Dayuan, and then turn around to America, the East India Company is on the global battlefield. I don’t know how many trading houses are being built and closed. Hundreds of thousands of guilders of silver coins can open the raw silk channel of the Ming Dynasty, and any member of the council in Batavia will agree to this deal without hesitation. The loss has been recovered a lot...

In short, Nuyizi himself has no position to deny the reconciliation plan and future business contracts proposed by the cross-travelers. He dare not, nor does he have the right.

But all of this does not hinder Mr. Nuiz’s efforts to gain more benefits at the negotiating table. After all, if you try, you will not get pregnant. Therefore, the first time the two parties came to the negotiating table, Mr. Nuiz pointed out: There is no doubt that Yuan Island was the territory designated by Ming officials to the Dutch East India Company during the Penghu War three years ago.Therefore, if they claim to be from the "Kunlun" area of ​​the Ming Dynasty, if they still recognize the Ming Dynasty as the suzerain state, they cannot violate the original agreement reached by the Ming court with the Dutch.

Hearing this, Cai Feiming smiled. He put his right arm on the table, spread his palms, and performed a special gesture for beggars.

"What does this mean?" the Dutchman asked puzzled.

"This is an international gesture for asking for a certificate. Please show the land deed of Dayuan Island issued by the Ming court."

"Wat?!" Mr. Nuiz was angry: "The original agreement was approved by Governor Nan (Nan Juyi), and it was the result of many discussions between Ming officials and us. The emperor granted the East India Company !"

"Alas..." Cai Feiming shook his head when he heard this: "Whether it is an official or an emperor, if they can cede territory without any treaties and documents, and only rely on their mouths and tongues, then they must be fake officials and emperors; in addition, I wouldn’t be surprised if you declared all Ming territory to be VOC now, it’s all about mouth and tongue anyway, isn’t it?”

"...Nuiz is a bit stuck at this moment."

The ownership of the big staff is actually a mess.

During the Ming-Dutch war negotiations in Penghu three years ago, Fujian officials conveyed to the Dutch through the middleman/maritime merchant Li Dan the two conditions of allowing them to go to Daguan to establish a business house and agreeing to allow Dutch ships to come to Fujian for trade.

Chapter 121 Foreign Workers

In the eyes of the Ming officials at that time, Dayuan was just an overseas wild island, not like Penghu, where the government had established an inspection department.

The Dutch are well aware of the attitude of Ming officials towards high officials.However, the Dutch immediately suppressed the Japanese, who were coveting the big officials, by distorting the opinions of the officials of the Ming Dynasty through the propaganda that "the big officials are the territory bestowed by the emperor of the Ming Dynasty to the East India Company". By the way, I fooled the Fujian immigrants in Dayuan.

In other words, the Dutch first forcibly handed over the big officials to the Ming emperor, and then through the order of the emperor's authorization, they straightened out the logical relationship and determined the legal basis for their occupation of the big officials.

In real history, the Dutch used such a false propaganda method to determine their ownership of the big members.

However, in the plane of the traveler, the Dutchman suddenly discovered today... that he was caught in the theory invented by himself.

... If it is admitted from the beginning that Dayuan is a piece of unowned land, then Mr. Nuiz can at least come up with an international practice of "first come, first served" like Van der Hagen at the beginning, and then use the business hall as evidence, from The traversers are here to squeeze out some territory transfer fees - this logic is valid.

However, just because after the Dutch discussion, Nuiz learned the lesson of van der Hagen, so he took out the rotten stalk of "the emperor confers" this time, and planned to get something out of the crossing crowd.

Then he was slapped in the face by a simple land deed document issued by the emperor of the Ming Dynasty that, according to the Dutch propaganda, must have existed.

Looking at the mocking eyes of several "Kunlun people" across the negotiating table, Nuyiz knew that his trick of declaring sovereignty over a territory without any written evidence had been seen through by the other party; these people were obviously well-educated and familiar with the law The descendants of the aristocrats and the custom are thoroughly civilized people, not those aborigines who are still recording history with ropes.

"I hate all the nobles in exile!" After realizing that entanglement would make him look more like a clown, Mr. Nuiz could only mutter in a low voice to relieve his depression—since he returned to the senior officials three days ago, there was no One thing is going well, these pagans have designed every link, like a cat in a cage, God, this feeling is too bad.


After the failure of the most confident and messy project, the subsequent commercial project negotiations became calm instead.Everyone is a businessman, and it seems very professional when it comes to goods and money, and there are not so many ideological topics to play.

The red-haired team didn't make too many requests in this regard. They have no cash or goods for trade, so they don't have much say.Fortunately, what the other party promised before, the conditions for filling the warehouse with goods from the Ming Dynasty have not changed. For Nuyz and the others, this is already the optimal solution.

Those who try to catch big fish for a long time, the prices they offer for short-sought goods are not too high; taking into account the loan interest, the price of raw silk is basically the same as that of the Japanese.This is in line with the trade requirements of the coachmen who spread goods all over the world, so after slightly adjusting the variety and quantity of goods, the Dutch ended this small negotiation item with satisfaction.

Cai Feiming got up first at this time, and invited the Dutchman to have a cup of relaxing tea with a smile.To tell the truth, if he was not the only one who could speak Dutch, he would have handed over such unchallenging work to his deputy: knowing the bottom line of the other party's negotiation is really unfulfilling.

The Dutch would never have thought that the plate of beautiful wrought iron flowers on the table in the guest room, and the black stamen stigma inserted in the middle, are actually a wireless microphone—fidelity noise reduction, delicate sound quality, Feng Timo same style.

After drinking a cup of relaxing tea and returning to the negotiating table, the Dutch received a list of needs from Cai Feiming: the first thing on the list was the word "foreign labor" written in Dutch.

Nuiz thought for a while, then whispered a few words to Vander Hagen who was sitting next to him, and then asked cautiously, "Slave?"

"Cough..." Cai Feiming coughed a few times, organized his words, and then said with a straight face: "If you insist on expressing it like this, then as a friendly partner, we will not force you to do so based on the principle of mutual respect." I request you to change the customary language."

...Nuiz's expression was a little dull, and after a minute of being in a daze, he slowly opened his mouth and said with a constipated expression: "I now firmly believe that you are the descendants of ancient nobles in this ancient land in the East, my dear Cai. Because only such nobles will apply powder on their face when they go out, and they will not forget to apply powder anytime and anywhere, just like those nobles in the Netherlands."

"We thank you for your appreciation." Cai Feiming could only keep a straight face at this time, pretending that he did not understand Nuyzi's irony.

"Oh oh oh, well, let's see the conditions." After finally fighting back against the hypocritical yellow-skinned nobles, Mr. Nuiz was in a good mood at the moment. He clicked on the list with his finger, and then asked: "Slaves... well, do these foreign workers have to be adult males? Or can they be both male and female?"

"We only need strong adult males, regardless of skin color and race. Of course, the nationality cannot be from the Ming Dynasty."

"What, regardless of skin color and race?"

Ever since he saw the price of "foreign labor" on the list, Mr. Nuiz, who had always seemed lazy, saw stars flashing in front of his eyes at this moment, as if there was a rushing river of gold passing in front of him.

Nuyz, who worked as a private clerk in Amsterdam, is very clear about the slave trade: by robbing the Portuguese colonies and strongholds in West Africa, the Dutch have established a series of fortresses in West Africa over the years.

Every year, a trading ship departs from Amsterdam, using the goods on board to exchange a large number of slaves from the Dutch Guinea Company and the West India Company, and then transport all the slaves to America.

The boarding price of a black slave in the prime of life is 390 Dutch guilders, which is approximately equal to 100 taels of silver, while the CIF price for shipping to America is 2000 Dutch guilders, which is equivalent to 500 taels of silver, and the profit is 600%.This is still the price of "goods" in the early 17th century. What Nuiz does not know is that in another 100 years, the above figure will double, and the final profit will reach more than 800%.

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