Lu Ming

Page 38

Of course, the high cost will also be shared among the above high profits.Under normal circumstances, as long as one of the three slave ships can successfully cross the ocean to reach Virginia, and if no more than two-thirds of the slaves on board die, the slave trader will have a huge profit.


In the list given by the Travelers, the purchase price of each "foreign worker" is indicated, which at first glance is very low: 250 taels of silver per person.

Chapter 122 Profit Points

When Nuiz first saw the price of 250 taels per person on the list, he was very disapproving; the Dutch, who were still under inertia, naturally did not think that this price could buy "foreign workers".You know, this is not even a 300% profit, and the high cost has not been reduced: from West Africa to East Asia, under normal circumstances, the death rate of the crew is the same as that of going to America, and the slaves are naturally the same.

But when he understood what Cai Feiming meant, he immediately saw a huge profit growth point: Yes, Javanese, Malay, Andamanese, Sundanese, Makassar... these numbers are also Countless South Asian natives, these short and lazy natives, all turned into gold coins at this moment.

Batavia spends a huge amount of money every year to suppress the local Javanese. In addition, in the process of controlling the Spice Islands, it is impossible to calculate the size and size of the indigenous tribes that have been wiped out. There are records only when there are more than one indigenous people - such as the Banda people.

Is there 390 Dutch guilders for the "boarding price" of South Asian indigenous people?Certainly not, these Nanyang dwarfs who are crowded with Batavia prisons and slums, 100 guilders (about 25 taels of silver) are probably enough, maybe 50 guilders?

Is the mortality rate of the Nanyang indigenous people high?It must not be very high, because the sea distance from Batavia to Dayuan is very short, three ships will not sink and two ships will sink, and as many people as possible can be crammed into the cabin, so...

Nuiz’s brain is running crazy calculations at this moment: the list is 250 taels of silver per person, and the total cost of a “foreign worker” will never exceed 30 taels of silver per person. Play it safe with 350 people, even if 50 people die on the way, then the net profit of 300 people will be more than 65000 taels of silver, oh, my god... if there are a few more boats every year... oh, Jesus Christ!

"Patent rights, we need the slave trade patent certificate issued by the master!" Nu Yizi did not hide it at this moment, and shouted to Cai Feiming with red eyes.

"There is a license, but no patent certificate." Cai Feiming explained: "VOC is the first force to establish normal diplomatic relations with us. The other two countries, Spain and Portugal, have not established normal diplomatic relations with senior officials, so we just In the current situation, you have a first-mover advantage... I personally estimate that VOC will have an invisible monopoly for at least the next year."


It took all of Nuiz's strength to force himself to look at the next item on the list: "Oh, rice, unlimited rice."

This item is in stock in Batavia, so it's not a big deal. "If there is a large demand in the future, the Ming people can open up more paddy fields outside the city of Batavia. Anyway, the dwarves outside the city will be sold sooner or later, and the land will be vacated." Nuyiz thought.

Since the Dutch occupied Batavia, they have been tempting and arresting Ming people to settle in Batavia for many years, and appointed Han Chinese "Captain Jiapidan" to manage it.Because the Ming people are hardworking and can do everything, they are completely different species from the local aborigines, and the Dutch can get taxes and goods from them.

"What, you actually tax spices?" Nuiz couldn't help shouting again when he saw the next item.

"How fresh, do you think that Dayuan is the same as Nagasaki, a duty-free port?" Cai Feiming sneered, then chopped the table with his fingers, raised his eyebrows and said to Nuyiz: "Rice is the only tax-free, not only tax-free, but also from now on. Every year you have to bring in the quantity we stipulate. All other commodities are taxed, but the tax rate is different, you can see that the tax rate of leather and saltpeter is very low, and you actually earn money."

Nuiz looked down at the long list of commodities at the bottom of the list, and found that these were basically raw materials: wool, leather, various tropical mahogany, cotton, raw and wrought iron, copper, and saltpeter.

Cai Feiming began to explain to him one by one: all kinds of leather, buffalo, crocodile, sheep, deerskin, pigskin, and donkey skin are needed by the senior officials. The above rough goods include mahogany and cotton, and Bada If there is not enough local supply in Via, there is a rich source of goods in India next door.

As for various metals, it doesn't matter if you have them or not.

Saltpeter is the key point: the tax rate of saltpeter is the lowest among all commodities, and the purchase price is very high.Cai Feiming told the Dutch in a froth: As long as you are on the coast of Bengal, you can buy high-quality saltpeter from the local state. It is not without reason that the Womor Empire has suffered frequently in this area.In addition, the British have already started to establish a business house in Madras (Chennai), and there should be a source of goods there.

Seeing this enthusiastic person from the Ming Dynasty give a lecture on how to obtain South Asian products, the Dutch on the other side of the negotiating table suddenly lost their sense of disobedience.Only Comrade Van der Hagen, who knew the time traveler the most, had a calm expression on his face: he knew that this group of Restorers controlled some black markets and thieves' fraternities in the Ming Dynasty, and it was understandable that they had some information about South Asia.


In short, the bilateral negotiations between the Netherlands and the Netherlands lasted until the next day. Although there were a few bumps on the way, an agreement was finally reached.After arguing with reason, Peter Nuiz finally won for the East India Company a document that he had no right to decide, and a ship of goods.

The Agreement is divided into two documents.

The first document was the armistice agreement: the two sides agreed to define the exchange of fire that occurred in Dayuan some time ago as a "conflict", and decided to return the prisoners to each other from the date of signing the agreement, end the conflict, and restore normal trade relations.

In addition, VOC announced that it would give up its ownership of Dayuan Island and the surrounding areas. At the same time, it announced that it would give up the right of recourse to the store's silver deposits and the store itself. "The same goes for the speedboat.

The document was initialed by Cai Feiming, a representative of the West Kunlun Trade Development Corporation, and Peter Nuiz, a representative of the United East India Company. Once signed by Governor Jane Peterszorn Cohen of Davia, the agreement will be formalized.


The second document is a trade agreement: the traversing party agrees to pay VOC in advance a part of its commodities, including raw silk, and the Sloten, which Nuiz is the temporary captain, is responsible for transporting the goods back to Batavia.The Dutch side promised that in 1628, they would input the goods on the demand list to the senior staff to offset the payment and interest, and the Dutch side would pay the insufficient part in cash.

The crossing party promises: from now on, the Dayuan Port will allow the Dutch trading ships to berth and trade. In the future, it will do its best to ensure the timely and sufficient supply of Ming Dynasty products including raw silk and porcelain for VOC.

The Dutch side promises to open the ports under VOC in Southeast Asia as well, and to ensure the supply of goods needed by the big people within its ability.

The two sides agreed to set up shops in each other.

The numerical details of the above entries are detailed in the appendix.

Chapter 123 The Jeweled Agreement

After the agreement was reached, the cross-travelers immediately released almost all the Dutch captives—except for two Dutch carpenters who were already working as squad leaders in the kiln area.The two have since died and will no longer appear in public.

Due to the large draft of the Sloten, it was dragged into the Taijiang River by the Yuandou, which deliberately lowered its sails at high tide, and consumed its diesel reserves.This is also part of the plan to show off the muscles of the crossing people, and the meaning it represents... The red hair is so smart, they must be able to understand it, which can be reflected from their pale faces and gestures of the cross in front of their chests at that time.

First they were sent to be arsonists, and then they were sent to dredge the river. The Dutch captives who died and injured a lot were finally reunited with their relatives in the Japanese village!The Japanese village has now been reduced to a temporary inn, and all the Dutch crew will live here in the next few days; the previous permanent residents have all moved to the Chikan New District, including the Banda slaves.

In the evening, several Dutch executives once again enjoyed a simple but rich dinner. During this period, CEO Xia appeared briefly again, and disappeared again after a toast.

Several Dutch people love the antique solar lanterns on the dining table, but they are not for sale, so no matter how the red hair asks, laments and lures, Cai Feiming always shakes his head and smiles without saying a word.

After the dinner, the drama meat came.

The red-haired people were brought into a room, and inside there was a fat and white man who was sitting at a big black sandalwood table and waiting for them.Van der Hagen knew the fat man: Wang, the official in charge of managing the finances.

Seeing a group of people entering the room, Wang Liguo smiled and stood up to make way.

The white light of two solar lamps illuminates the black sandalwood table, blue and white, bucket color, bright yellow, bright red... Inside the colorful official kiln porcelain plates, there are strings of white pearls and pink pearls. , purple pearl, black pearl...

Bejeweled and colorful, the ebony wood table is full of colorful colors, and the halo is changing every moment, making the viewer dazzled and breathless.

After a long time, Cai Feiming explained to a few Dutch people whose eyes were full of little stars: the silver coins and goods in the shop were all confiscated by us, well, we know, the old ones or There are more or less losses.

We still follow the old rules: private low-interest credit loans, you pick pearls on the spot, Nuyz comes first, Vander Hagen follows, and the others last.A few old men don’t need to leave oil paintings as mortgages, just get a handprint from Lao Wang after they are selected, and remember to pay off the principal and interest next time...

Although Nuiz also raised the issue of the private property of VOC employees during the negotiations, everyone knew that there was little hope; these yellow-skinned nobles seemed to be extremely sensitive to such words as compensation and restitution, and they rudely refused at that time. Possibility of further discussion on this issue.

Well, none of that matters now.

For Nuiz and others, these superb pearl jewelry can undoubtedly sell at a high price in Europe: look at those French, British, Russian queens, queens, queens, and kings, dukes, and electors who use pearls The portraits hanging all over the upper body can tell how much European nobles love pearls.

After 1530, many countries in Europe began to legislate on pearls, stipulating that people must wear pearls according to their social status and status. In 1612, the British royal family legislation stipulated in detail: Except for the royal family, ordinary nobles, scholars, doctors and their wives are not allowed to wear pearl-studded costumes, nor can they be used in other decorations.In this way, the status of pearls can be seen - spots.

The so-called Pearl Age in Europe started from this period.Members of the royal family, ladies and other upper-class people all use pearls as decorations to show off themselves.

Elizabeth I's favorite jewelry was pearls. She bought pearls bushel by bushel (buying in baskets).


Under the fire-breathing eyes of his subordinates, Nuiz stretched out his hands tremblingly, and chose the largest necklace on the table, with a curved crystal base and a wide necklace composed of two strings of black pearls.The exquisite pearl inlay technology and the extremely delicate crystal bottom of the later generations make this necklace unique, Mei Lun Meiyang... "I swear, it will definitely appear on the fair and tender chest of a certain queen!" Mr. Nuiz said His eyes blurred for a moment, he caressed the object in his hand, and murmured.

In the corner of this room, there are some lacquered boxes where the books are shipped to the senior officials.Wang Liguo picked out some of them, and put the necklaces into a small lacquer box stuffed with cotton, and then put the small box into a medium box filled with reed wadding, and then put it into the big box...wax the seams... Lock it, put a seal on it...

Don’t laugh at this matryoshka packaging method. There was no vacuum-sealed packaging in the age of great voyages. Jewelry documents were packaged in this way in the harsh environment of the ocean. This is why the lacquerware of this book is popular among Europeans.Including valuable goods such as silk, there are also large boxes with small bags, and the bottom of the box must be padded with a frame, otherwise the often leaking cabin will easily destroy the goods.

The last step is to sign the contract and press the fingerprint.

Of course, as a mutual gift between the leaders of the two sides, there will be a piece of gold pearl jewelry, which will be presented to Governor Cohen of Batavia in the name of Xia Xianze.The jewelry and a greeting letter will be handed over by Mr. Nuiz, the only item that the Dutch do not need to pay back.

After everything was over, the Nuyzi team, who took the initiative to upgrade themselves to "old friends of the time traveler", held the lacquer box and went back to rest contentedly with their beards curled up.


Early the next morning, the Nuyz team came to the wall of the Dayuan Commercial Building, waiting for the legendary firepower display.

What are friends?A friend is someone who is willing to put yourself in your shoes.Dutch friends can now understand the meaning of this kind of border exercise, which is extremely common in later generations, so their emotions are relatively stable today.

The M2 heavy machine gun was placed not far from the northwest corner of the fort, and the Dutch were only allowed to watch it outside the fort.Some idlers, including Cai Feiming, were smoking and chatting on the wall at this time. They were standing on the wall on the side of the gate of the business hall. Not long ago, Vander Hagen was standing in the same position, witnessing the terrifying scene of M2 and RPG. .

500 meters away, a group of laborers are nailing some wooden figures into the sand on Dayuan Island. This distance has exceeded the length of the original M2 shooting from the sand dunes to the store.

The wooden figurine is very rough, with a square head and trapezoidal upper body barely cut out, and the legs are sharpened to facilitate insertion into the ground.

Chapter 124 History is changing

Not far from the wooden man formation, 60 navy and army students are practicing standing in the military posture - watching live ammunition shooting by the way, killing two birds with one stone.Fearing that these recruits would make a fool of themselves in front of the Dutch, the instructors were extraordinarily fierce today, walking slowly in the queue one by one, with fierce eyes, turning ebony sticks and crocodile whips in their hands. The unlucky guy turned into a sculpture... just right, there is no need to correct his posture now.

"Who are those people standing nearby?" Nuyizi put down the binoculars that he lent him temporarily, after thinking for a while, he was still a little puzzled by the motionless people in the frame, and turned his head to ask Cai Feiming who was standing aside.

"Soldiers, soldiers in training." Cai Feiming explained.

"Wow, what a strange training method." Nuiz shrugged after hearing the explanation.

Cai Feiming glanced at him, smiled and said nothing.

Nuiz would not know that it was because of him and the Sloten that Xia Xianze began to allow the army to recruit students.That is to say, since the "intimidation body" incident, some hidden means of restricting the army have been cancelled, and the army building of the crossing crowd has just begun to get on the right track.


The effect of the exercise is unquestionable. The M2 machine gun without a flash suppressor violently sprayed out fiery red warheads. This time, Nuiz really saw the firing process of the string of brass shells.

The broken wooden man array clearly reproduced the scene that happened at the entrance of the commercial hall that day. The military personnel who could get new toys immediately did not mind asking Cai Feiming to tell the red hairs: Lao Tzu’s effective range is 1800 meters. Hit the oak hull, try it if you don't agree! ...

Cai Feiming set up an ambush here, and only told the Dutch that the distance of the "M2 artillery" was 1000 meters. This has dispelled all the thoughts of the Dutch - if the army cannot approach, what's the use of having more fleets?Besides, the Dutch are not stupid. They can clearly see the tracer bullets flying far away to 1000 meters away.

The exercise was a complete success, except for a few cadets who were terrified to dodge after being splashed in the face with sawdust.This time it is not as simple as getting a stick: whoever loses the whole army, this big hat will be decide how many sticks you want to change, save it and beat it slowly.


January 1628, 1, New Year's Day.

Today, the gentlemen are still busy with meetings, military training, and production. There is no festive atmosphere. The workers who are not on duty get some benefits: half a day off, and venison dishes in the cafeteria—probably because they are afraid that the workers will suffer from extremely intractable high fever. For blood pressure and diabetes, the masters usually eat red meat such as venison and pork with consideration, and leave seafood porridge, paella, seafood slate and other healthy foods for their subordinates.

Slaves were treated the same way.In fact, except for no work points, the treatment of slaves is exactly the same as that of other people.

Even in the 21st century, loggers with helicopters hoisting logs are still the occupation with the highest death rate.The slaves of the great officials faced a harsh environment far beyond those of later generations, and their task was even more terrifying: to clean up the original land surface... This includes all grass and vines, shrubs, bamboo forests, log forests, and ponds , mud pools, wetlands...

Many people never survive the incubation period of malaria and die.Being penetrated from the top of the head by a tree branch, being attacked by an unknown poisonous snake, being sucked into the mud, and being collapsed by the rocks... Travelers who have not pioneered in the primitive environment have no idea that there are so many strange ways of death; In the early stage of construction, it ranked first. It was not until the construction speed slowed down in the later stage and the labor protection of slaves was gradually strengthened that the death rate slowly decreased.

The lack of cannon fodder for the pioneers forced the people who traveled through to strengthen their protection and improve their treatment. Like today's holiday, the slaves will take half a day off and eat venison.

The Dutch didn't feel the festive atmosphere either. They were nervously packing their bags, moving the cargo into the cabin, and making preparations before the flight.The Sloten that Nuyz was on board came to the sea off Dayuan on December 12th, and it has been a week now... The big man was lost, the contract was signed, and the cabin was filled with raw silk porcelain and Songjiang cotton cloth. It's time to return to Batavia before the night is full of dreams.

Two days later, at Dayuan Wharf, the Sloten was slowly setting sail.The bow of the ship was full of Dutch sailors at the moment, they were whistling and waving their arms, and some former captives were loudly cursing the heretics who tortured them to die, in short, it was very lively.

The ones who saw off on the trestle were naturally the Minister of External Relations Cai Feiming and his assistant; the walking group of four will go with Nuyz this trip. They still have important tasks to complete in Batavia and stay in the The liaison officer for the senior staff is a low-level businessman named Mao Zheer.

It is worth mentioning that Pastor Candideus, who was captured from the indigenous village some time ago, is also on board the Sloten today.After he was captured and returned, he has been in charge of educating the slaves in the Japanese village, and the cross-travelers did not deliberately embarrass him.Just before boarding the boat today, while drinking the farewell wine, Cai Feiming went out to find Pastor Gan and invited him to drink a glass of different light wine.


Seeing these hypocritical, shrewd, cunning, and cruel colonists gradually go away, Cai Feiming couldn't help feeling a little melancholy at the moment: Mr. Nuyzi's fate has been completely changed. In the future, he will not be kidnapped by the Japanese, nor will he be detained by his master in shame Even if he goes back to Japan and sits in prison, his son will not die in prison because of dysentery.

History has changed, and the fate of many people has become blurred because of this, and the greatest advantage of the traversing crowd is slowly losing.

Of course, losing the advantage does not mean sitting still. On the contrary, the powerful traversing regime is actively intervening in history, trying to flap the wings of butterflies and seize their own historical initiative.

In terms of the relationship between the Netherlands and Japan, the traversers have made some attempts to change the history according to their own deduction: through the right to trade raw silk to influence the decision-making of the shogunate, the traversers are trying to let the Japanese come forward to completely block the trade between Japan and the Netherlands.

"Is the book sold on time, or is the plan changed, let us roll up our sleeves and do it ourselves? The choice of history is really exciting..." Cai Feiming put his hands behind his back, bowed his head on the trestle that had already calmed down, and slowly walked towards the shop go.


No matter how history changes, the strength of one's own strength is the best response.The cross-travelers knew this very well, so Hong Mao left, and the long-awaited weapon fell from the sky, and was thrown in the center of the business hall by the chairman's "biu".

At this moment, the colleagues of the Army and Navy no longer have any barriers. They all worked together and chanted to lift the pedestal weighing 1 tons out of the transfer box, and then put it exactly 2.8 meters long, as if it was born to pass through. After the designed gun barrel was pulled out and installed, the 40mm anti-aircraft gun authorized by the Swedish Bofors company and manufactured by the Italian company Otto Melara stood mighty in the middle of the field.

Yes, this is an Italian descendant of the Swedish Bofors anti-aircraft gun that was popular in World War II and is known as the "Universal Anti-aircraft Gun". It is imitated by both friends and foes...the gun body is engraved with foreign codes.

Chapter 125 The Treasure of the Town House

The Italian cannon in "Bright Sword" is not actually made in Italy, it is a standard French Miss 75.During the First World War, France half-sold and half-sent a group of 75 ladies to Italy to fight against the Austro-Hungarian Empire. However, the romantic Italians looked down on the French ladies, so they were kept in the warehouse.After World War II, Italy gave the ladies to the book, and finally these girls were used in the Chinese battlefield. One of the girls was captured by the second battalion commander... Therefore, the tattoos on the girls are in French, not Italian.

Today, the cannon standing on the playground of the Dayuan Commercial Building is made in Italy, and the cannon is engraved with Italian codes.This is a son of Bofors Italian descendants, more brutal than its parents, the full name is "Bofors L/70 40mm anti-aircraft gun".

The first Bofors 40mm anti-aircraft gun was successfully designed in 1933. Just in time for World War II, it became popular all over the world. At that time, the United States alone copied 6 guns.

However, after more than 20 years, the former star has become old, so Bofors began to develop an upgraded version of the 70mm gun in the 40s; the final product began to equip the army in the late 70s, and was gradually adopted by some countries. Imitation, which includes Italy.

Therefore, the shiny silver-gray door in front of me, the brand new Bofors, which has never been fired, is actually a person born in the 90s—an old gun that has been out of the factory for more than 20 years.

After the Italians obtained authorization in the late 80s, they successively built many new versions of Bofors to arm their own destroyers.However, time is passing by, and more than 20 years have passed by accident. Even on the boat of the soil turtle, there are fake phalanxes and sea sparrows playing. Therefore, the imitation Bofors from all over the world are unemployed again...

The obsolete ones were sold to some low-intensity conflict areas by arms dealers. During this process, a local tyrant surnamed Cao didn’t want to deal with the British and American emperors, and he didn’t have confidence in Yinsan’s products, so he bought a few Italians for fun. Yes... Anyway, Otto Melara is also a veteran artillery company.

The original Bofors has a caliber of 60 times, while the upgraded version in front of it has a caliber of 70 times. The barrel length is 2.8 meters, which coincides with the length of Cao Chuan's space.This cannon has an effective range of 3.7 kilometers and a maximum flat shot of 12.5 kilometers. It can be called the daddy of the 17th century. Please note that 3.7 kilometers refers to the plane... If it is used to fight a huge volume, the relative speed of the plane is almost zero. Sailing warship, within 10 kilometers, once the sailing ship is caught by the photoelectric sighting system attached to the Italian gun... the end is unimaginable.

Chairman Cao brought a total of two boxes this time, one of which contained the bases of two Italian guns, barrels, some spare parts and ammunition; the other box was full of 40mm high-explosive incendiary bombs—the only Those who need to invite Italian masters must be sailing boats, and this is the most powerful one for wood shells, and no other ammunition is needed.

Of these two single-barreled Italian cannons, one will be placed on the fort at the northwest corner of the commercial hall. It can completely control Jiangneihai, Dayuanwaihai and even the Chikan coast.In a few days, after the old commercial building is demolished, a gun tower will be built in the dock area to suppress the situation.

The other door will be arranged in the future imperial city, forming a crossfire with the gun tower.Cao Chuan still has two spare tires in Africa’s warehouse. After the crossing forces can produce diesel, there will be two propeller-powered capital ships equipped with Italian guns, as a magic weapon to suppress luck and protect the crossing industrial empires.

Taoist Duobao, Cao Chuan, was sitting triumphantly on the playground, surrounded by many people, and several army and navy leaders were trying their best to praise the Great Immortal.However, when the phrases of howitzer and six-barreled cannon came out of these people's mouths one after another, Taoist Duobao immediately knelt down.

Cao Dong, who was getting more and more wrong the more he listened, stood up quickly at this moment, with one palm upright: "Stop, stop, let me tell you, are you pretending that I am buying spicy sticks in the supermarket?"

Glancing left and right, Cao Chuan said angrily: "Let's put it this way, in the CIA's supercomputer, I must be on the list now, but the priority is not high. Anyone who buys so many weapons will be punished." People build files, which arms dealers have no organization behind them these days? Don’t think that they can find out after changing hands several times, but they can’t be bothered to check me because there are so many old-fashioned weapons.”

"Now everyone is on their feet." Cao Chuan said solemnly: "Let me announce here: In the future, I will not buy anti-thief special items like RPG, including guns and heavy machine guns. At most, I will buy light weapons and ammunition , you take it easy, if you want a howitzer, just... be self-reliant, I'll see if I can find some blueprints for you."

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