Lu Ming

Page 36

Dr. Bai Jiabao, as the most experienced person in the time-traveling forces, was appointed as the principal of Chikan Teachers College and the principal of the affiliated primary school without any suspense.

At the reception banquet that day, Dr. Bai officially issued the admission notices to the normal colleges of the five Moyunguan academic masters, and then the appointment letters from the affiliated primary schools were also issued.

The next day, Jiang Shang and the others who followed Dr. Bai to inspect the construction site of Chikan Primary School, after the doctor explained in detail along the way, realized that they had become a student of the Imperial College on a national salary and a teacher of the affiliated elementary school.

Seeing the Chikan Elementary School surrounded by red walls, the older school masters who knew the benefits of this could not help but click their tongues secretly... The sky is high and the emperor is far away, these Kunlun masters don't take Daming's rules seriously.

Right now, the Teachers College is just an empty signboard parasitic in Chikan Primary School. In the future, while teaching the bear children, Principal Bai will also spare time to teach five teachers.Jiang Shang and the others have already learned that what Master Bai wants to teach them is the secret of Kunlun: the new lessons of "Physics" and "Chemistry".

Of course, the literati cultivated by the family must do their best, especially those young like Jiang Shang. In the future, they are expected to take over the class of the Taoists; the important task of guarding the master’s garden and the little wife will fall on Jiang Shang’s generation sooner or later. body.

As for the literati who had been cultivated in the Ming Dynasty, commonly known as "feudal intellectuals", it is no exaggeration to say that most of the time-traveling people are very vigilant.Murderous posts such as "Qin Huang was not professional back then, we are now digging new holes" will pop up on the forum every now and then.

Therefore, when the top students were chatting and laughing at the welcome banquet three days ago, the two talented men who came on the same boat received a much more low-key reception.Even one of the scholars brought a delicate little lady, and it was the first time for a woman to enter a business hall after crossing over and occupying the big officials.

Chapter 115 Two Scholars

Now that important people like Jiang Shang have started to change their fortunes, Nan Xiucai and Huang Xiucai will naturally not be left behind.

After "Operation Li Kui", the time-traveling forces successfully "created" a Juren "Master Huang" in Hangzhou.

But the real scholar Huang Ping and the scholar Nanwang who built the bridge between them were actually put under house arrest after Qiuwei.

Since Huang Ping and Huang Xiucai suffered from cold and fever, not to mention Qiu Wei, he almost lost his life.Thanks to the excellent medical skills of "Master Miaoshu" in Tangzhuang, Huang Xiucai was able to fight against the serious illness. In short, his condition fluctuated from good to bad, and he could not stand the wind. After that, Huang Ping stayed in Tangzhuang to take care of his health.

When the traveler who stayed behind at Tangzhuang told Huang Ping not long ago that he had better go to Master Miaoshu with the boat as a tent to ask for some more medicines, Huang Ping had no choice but to agree.

The matter of Qiu Wei has been given up, and Huang Xiucai has been recuperating in Tangzhuang for many days. He has not paid a penny for eating and drinking soup and medicine, relying on the face of his friend Nan Xiucai. There is really not much room for rejection.


Nan Xiucai is more relaxed here.

Immediately after seeing the Guibang, Nan Xiucai inferred the content of "Li Kui's Action" in all directions.Even if there are still a few joints that have not been figured out, Nan Wang already has a clear understanding of the matter: Zuo is just a trick of pretending to be a pseudonym.

Immediately afterwards, Nanwang understood his family's current situation: this group of maritime merchants made such a big move to promote Mr. Huang to the position, the plan must be not shallow, and they will definitely not let this matter go wrong, so from now on, my family will stay honestly in Tangzhuang Houchuan better.

Nan Xiucai, who is well-informed and knowledgeable, did not have a difficult life in Tangzhuang Houchuan.He won't fall ill suddenly, and he won't be drowned. On the contrary, all living expenses are of the same grade as those girls bought in the back house.

Except for the back garden, other places in Tangzhuang do not restrict the entry and exit of scholars. Nan Wang writes and draws every day, and chats with the sailors from time to time. He actually has a general understanding of the actions of the crossing people overseas.

Liu Niang, who has gradually grown pregnant, has also tasted the benefits of later generations of medicine—this is very rare. After the young master of the Liu family came back from the gate of hell, the thaumaturgy and strange medicine of the strange monk in the Western Regions, Master Miaoshu, were used by the servants of the Liu family as talking points. It was spread out.Afterwards, the rich family came to Liu's house to inquire. If it weren't for the excuse that the master went out to travel, it is estimated that there would be a queue at the gate of Tangzhuang to register for the expert account.

Nan Xiucai knew what was going on with Huang Ping's illness, and he had slowly grasped the pulse of this group of sea merchants: Those who follow me prosper, those who go against me perish, they are very strong and have no scruples.

So when the owner told him that he would be able to board the ship and go to sea soon, he was still a little excited: the original plan to go to Guangnan to find friends was just a stopgap measure under urgency. A native of the Ming Dynasty who has a good understanding of the hidden strength of the traveler.These people are highly skilled in medicine and tyrannical in force. They seem to be dormant now, but they have great ambitions. They are definitely not ordinary pirates who rob houses. Going out to sea to see the foundation laid by these strong men is also a way to take shelter here?


The above is the mental journey of the two scholars before they came to Dayuan.

After arriving at Dayuan that day, Nan Xiucai also experienced a little bit of trouble: Liu Niang, who had a big belly and wore a veil in a bamboo hat, once aroused onlookers after getting off the boat, and the crowd dispersed after a leader yelled angrily. go……

That night, in a small room in the Dayuan Commercial Building, there was a glazed copper lamp with no oil and no smoke, but emitting bright white light, which surprised the two scholars who were greeted.

It was a very peaceful middle-aged man who greeted the two of them.This person introduced himself as Dai Yun, wearing a double-breasted jacket with iron wire teeth instead of cloth buttons. Nan Xiucai knew it was called a "jacket".

Dai Yun's appearance was plain, and he belonged to the kind who would not pay attention after passing by, and his conversation during the dinner was casual and peaceful, without showing any sharpness.But Nan Xiucai, who is familiar with the ways of the world, dare not underestimate this person: both his family and Huang Ping have troubles, and the Mr. Dai who came forward is not that simple.

After a simple and low-key reception, the two scholars, accompanied by Dai Yun, toured around the existing small territory of the crossing forces on the second day; The new regime will soon be established here.

After seeing those roaring iron beasts and the rows of red 95 bricks in the brick factory, the two scholars went back with a heavy heart.

On the third day, the two scholars got an appointment with Dai Yun respectively.

Nan Wang's premonition was quite effective: after meeting this time, Dai Yun told him directly that he was entrusted by "President Xia" to prepare an intelligence agency to defend the new regime, and asked Nan Xiucai if he was interested in joining.

Nan Wang had met "President Xia" more than once, and knew that Mr. Xia was the leader of this gang; as for the "intelligence agency", seeing Nan Wang was a little confused, Dai Yun explained understandingly: it was "Jinyiwei Town Fusi".

Although Nan Wang had already made some mental preparations before coming here, when he first heard such a terrifying job introduction, he still waved his hands and shook his head repeatedly, and he almost couldn't do it by calling a concubine.

Dai Yun chuckled, signaling to Nan Xiucai not to panic, and then told him: Even if you don't want to come, you don't have to force it. The new regime is a waste of time, and no matter how bad it is, there will be a job like accountant and book office, etc. Look at Mr. Nan, he won't let him sit idle.

Next, Dai Yun felt a little confided.He first made a brief evaluation of Nan Xiucai's series of performances in Li Kui's actions, and then told Nan Wang that after the evaluation: Nan Xianggong is calm in situations, knows how to assess the situation, has the right to change things, and is willing to accept new things. All walks of life have understanding, which is really good material for intelligence work.

As for the fact that in the evaluation report, Nanwang had a faint hatred for the Ming Dynasty's elite because he couldn't find a way to go up, Dai Yun didn't mention it at the moment.

After Nan Xianggong went through the initial panic, seeing Dai Yun's gentle smile and hearing others' pertinent evaluation of him, he also felt that he had overreacted just now, and now he said a little embarrassingly: I'm just a weak scholar, I'm afraid I can't do this It's a desperate business.

Dai Yun laughed loudly when he heard the sound, and then told Mr. Nan that his understanding of the intelligence industry was biased: he went in and out of rich houses and markets, communicated with the three religions and nine streams, and collected some public information. These were basically all of his work. There is no big difference in guest work.

Even if there is a need to do "wet work", it is not the turn of a "public" figure like Nan Wang to do it. You must know that it is much easier to train a killer than Nan Wang.

At the end of the conversation, Dai Yun left two paths for Nan Xianggong: one is to join the intelligence system, this path suits his own conditions, and he will be promoted quickly. In the future, he will have the opportunity to grasp the rights that he will never pursue in Daming. Personal friendly recommendation.

The second path is very ordinary: there are many positions where senior officials lack paperwork, so just go to work casually.But if you go this way, Nan Xiucai will not be able to return to Hangzhou for at least ten years, and will have to stay in Dayuan.

In the end, Dai Yun generously gave Nan Xiucai a week to consider.

Chapter 116 Night Murder

Dai Yun typed the last line on the keyboard, checked the document, let out a long breath, and stretched again.

Looking at the pure blue Rolex yacht on the wrist, it is already 9 o'clock at night before I know it, no wonder my stomach is growling.Getting up and opening the door, looking up at the stars in the sky, Dai Yun walked quietly to the cafeteria.

As time goes by, the previously crowded business hall is gradually becoming more relaxed.Most of the Industrial Party went to the kiln area. They lived in simple houses made of refrigerated truck boxes and color steel plates. Some people went to the other side of the Taijiang River. They are currently living in primary schools, waiting for the completion of the Chikan New City.

The shanty town outside the business hall was finally demolished, and some original buildings inside the business hall were also simply remodeled—for example, the Dutch church has been divided into several small rooms, and Dai Yun allocated one of them as an office.

With the office location, some departments that stay on paper can be opened, for example: the Intelligence Bureau.There is no distinction between internal and external, military society, and the current size of the crossing crowd is only enough to save an office and a polished director for the intelligence department.

Even so, the number of cross-travelers who wanted to be the chief spy reached a new high. At least one fifth of them left their names on the registration post.However, it is not like before. It takes a long time to solve a matter. The power of the big office is greatly increased, especially Xia Xianze. For such a position without a professional candidate, it is basically decided by Lao Xia.

It was in this situation that Dai Yun sat in that humble office without fighting.The remaining group of people who work in life insurance, repair cars, and wholesale monosodium glutamate yell at injustice, but this is useless, at least from the job resumes that everyone has disclosed, Xia Xianze can't see the connection between MSG and intelligence— —At any rate, this Dai Yun has also worked in a headhunting company. He secretly contacted the headhunter and tricked him into stealing some company secrets before leaving him.

Dai Yun, the polished bureau chief, walked silently along the building of the commercial hall for a while, and then entered the cafeteria.The canteen with two sun lamps is open 24 hours a day. After all, there are on-duty passers-by and auxiliary soldiers on the fort, and as the number of departments increases, more and more people like Dai Yun need to work at night. Serve hot food anytime.

"What's there to eat?" Dai Yun poked his head and asked the fat chef.

Across multiple planes, the fat cook who will definitely appear in the cafeteria is a refugee from Hangzhou. This one was very thin before: "There is clam and sea cucumber soup, and the main course is stewed bear leg with mountain mushroom."

"Bear leg? Fresh?"

"It's fresh. I typed it in the morning, and the natives recited it before noon."

"Well, no soup, some meat, rice pressed porcelain."

Dai Yun quickly came out of the cafeteria, holding chopsticks in his right hand, and a blue and white porcelain bowl in his left hand, which contained bear leg meat and rice that was pressed very hard.He walked to the door of the big office, looked inside through the crack of the door, and found that the target person was not there, so he walked a short distance and knocked lightly on the door of a room twice.

It was the fat comrade Wang Liguo who opened the door. Seeing that it was Dai Yun, he let him in sideways, then poked his head out like a thief to look left and right, and then closed the door gently.This room is in the commercial building right now, which is the most luxurious type: a suite; the location of the room is also within the first ring: next to the big office; then the owner is about to come out: CEO Xia.

As soon as Dai Yun walked into the bright inner room filled with white sun lights, his eyes lit up, ignoring Mr. Xia who was sitting at the small table, he rushed over to put the Pingyao vacuum beef on the table into the bowl first He swallowed two big chunks, then picked up the Carlsberg can on the table and took a gulp, after which he panted heavily, hiccupped, and gave Xia Xianze a thumbs up: "Old Xia, if anyone refuses to accept it, I will obey you! How did you think you had a brainstorm at the beginning? You have so many good things, this is too strategic!"

"There's not much left, eat it early so you don't get sprayed every day." Xia Xianze, who was sitting on a small stool with his back against the edge of the bed, said while picking his teeth.

... It can be seen from the intimate actions and conversations of the two that the relationship between the two is by no means an ordinary colleague relationship. Now Dai Yun can seem to be the head of the spy agency in a fair way... Those people from Life Insurance Every time I was scolded by Lao Xia.

"How's the talk with the two scholars?" Wang Liguo, who walked in after closing the door, sat down beside him and asked.

"It's the same as the assessment. You guys with the surname Huang will take it away tomorrow, and Nan Wang will keep it with me." Dai Yun said vaguely, digging into the rice and beef.

"Didn't you tell me to let people think about it for a few days? Why, Nanwang agreed on the spot?" Xia Xianze asked with great interest.

"There was no promise at the scene, but..." Dai Yun swallowed hard the food in his mouth: "Please believe in my professionalism, whether a person wants to work in a new company, I can tell from his eyes."

Wang Liguo chuckled, nodded and said, "Then Huang Xiucai will belong to me, and I can use it for bookkeeping. As for Nan Xiucai, as long as you are sure, this is your first soldier, right?"

Dai Yun smiled wryly and nodded: "The first soldier is still a man of the Ming Dynasty. Lao Xia won't let me use any traverser, so it's hard for me!"

"Okay, don't be pretentious." Xia Xianze spat out the toothpick in his mouth: "These two days are for your seat, and there has been a lot of quarrels. How many people are staring at you? You should be honest and do department design first. When the limelight goes down, transfer the person you fancy over."

"Also," without waiting for Dai Yun to thank him, Xia Xianze said again: "Huang Ping can't stay on Dayuan Island. There are too many foreign personnel here. Arrange to go to the kiln area, or the lumberyard. You can get work points or something."

The paths of the two scholars have been staggered in this way. As for whether their life trajectories will intersect again in the future, only God knows...


After the trivial matters were finished, Dai Yun's dinner was almost finished. The three of them cleaned up the small table, opened their notebooks, and started to work on the main task tonight: designing the regime.

With the end of the initial chaos, the large and small forces within the Transmigration Congregation gradually stabilized.Not counting the soy sauce forces with weak political attributes such as the "Xiaoyao faction", what is really fighting on the stage right now is the left-leaning team formed by the "Tang Qihui" and the "Huanghan faction" against the "Dingge faction" "A dominant right-wing team.

The Tang Hans, who have always used the slogan of "internal equality, savior of dicks", have shown signs of decline recently. After all, no matter how dicks are, they still have logical thinking-the Tang Hans have a weakness that they can never get around: Chairman Cao Chuan Cao .

Chapter 117 Political situation

The "Dingge faction" is a vested interest group that includes the heads of most departments.

The current political situation is: the "Dingge faction" with Xia Xianze as the party leader has made it clear that the chariots and horses want to be royalists and constitutional monarchies.

Then it's very simple: if the rest of the people admit the status quo and agree with their political ideas, Xia Xianze and his group will be equal to having reserved the first three rows in the future state system—no matter what the state system is. What's the matter...

So this can't be tolerated, and we have to resist—the Tang and Han people know very well that this is the last chance to grab a seat. After passing through this village, once the system is established, it will no longer be a mess; In fact, it already belongs to the category of parliamentary struggle. Everything has rules to follow, and it is even more difficult. There will never be such a good thing as picking pocketbooks.

This is already the situation, why not try?Try it and you won't get pregnant, maybe it will happen?As for failure, cut, if I lose, I will still sit in the back three rows. Is it possible that old thief Xia downgraded everyone to become natives?Cancel the title of traveler?Deprived of the right to open the harem for life?

In fact, Lao Xia can't do anything. Even if the opposition party fails, they still scold him. Not only the forum scolds, but there will definitely be another legal scolding institution similar to the House of Lords/Senate/Senate/Secretary in the future. More fierce!

Rather than saying that the Tang and Han people are a group of noble people who have a big heart and want to dedicate their lives to the internal democracy of the people, it is better to say that they are a group of middle-level cadres and junior politicians who are determined to seize power.

The biggest weakness of the Tang and Han people is that they know that the "presidential system" is out of date, but they still have to bite the bullet and push it out to fight the Dingge faction: the president is even weaker and does not have the supremacy of the monarchy-even if it is only in name.

The political proposition of "internal equal rights" belongs to a wave of tactics tactically, and it is the best slogan for fooling through dicks.

Therefore, even if Bai Hongda, the leader of the Imperial Han faction, has 1 G of the persuasion tables of the past dynasties in his computer, even if Wei Hu, the leader of the Tang Qihui, has 10 G of various 3D dragon robes in his computer, they still have to shout "" If you don’t build a house during the holidays this year, if you build a house, you’ll build the presidential palace!” Then, in the middle of the night, he secretly went to Chairman Cao to explain his difficulties... You see, this is politics.

As time goes by, as the Dingge faction stabilizes the market, sees the tricks and dismantles them, and as the contradictions become clearer and clearer in the debates, the Tang and Han people become more and more lacking in stamina-a tactic of wave flow , once the opponent resists the most vicious first wave, then there is no point to play.

The general public gradually understands a truth: Yes, everyone has the right to run a presidential system, but what right does Cao Chuan, who can’t even be a mascot, have? ...People have the right not to come.

If Cao Chuan didn't come to the new world for half a year, the medicines stored by the crossing crowd would be exhausted, and abnormal deaths would begin.If you don’t come for a year, then no matter who is in power, you must immediately give Daming a list. The ammunition has been exhausted in various external conflicts, and the interior has already been divided into N small groups, and they have begun to use black powder guns to fight themselves. Cannibalism.

What the time-traveling forces are facing is a dual structure that has never existed in the past and present: Cao Chuan, who holds the means of production and living, is the first level, and everyone else adds up to the first level.

The best political solution and the one that best serves the interests of all, at this moment, is the same: a constitutional monarchy.This system is most in line with the current internal relationship among the public, and it is also a reasonable system that can achieve backdoor listing in the 17th century, the heyday of imperial power, with the least resistance.

Moreover, in the future, when the trinity of the time-traveling people who hanged the heavens died naturally, the constitutional monarchy legally determined the political succession rights of the stupid sons who combined the time-traveling people and the aborigines—through the situation of the aristocratic parliament, the future will follow With the development of society, it can degenerate step by step into the House of Lords. After 200 years, the foolish sons can at least get the title of "ancient noble" without being hanged on the telephone pole.

Therefore, even without considering how the absurd presidential system was implemented in the 17th century, in essence, the presidential system is to revolutionize the lives of the people... Leaving the omnipotent first generation of the people, if the future generations do not establish a legally The buffer zone, those elites who come to power with one person, one vote, will kill those stupid sons in a short time-there is no legal reason, huge land and property are a reminder, otherwise, what is the reason for people to go to all the troubles to win votes? ?


Therefore, in the current struggle situation, after most people have figured out the situation, the focus has actually shifted: since the Tang and Han people did not find fish in the troubled waters, they no longer entangled in the political system, but changed the way of struggle, from the future state Starting with the name of the emperor, the line and policy, and trying to beat the master to death with random punches, and engage in peaceful evolution.

For example, the Tang and Han people have already given options for the future country name: Tang and Han (Han Tang) Great Empire, Tang and Han (Han and Tang) Second Empire, Second (Tang and Han) Han and Tang Empire, just these few, no Accept other options.In addition, the Tang and Han people compared the maps of later generations and drew a circle on the national border with their fingers: Those outside this are not human beings. Our future route is to push flatly. Please ask the people in these areas to go to America, how to get there?Swim.

As for Tu Ying Mie Xi, it goes without saying that it is daily and necessary; some books and sticks can be reserved according to the appearance, and those who have undergone plastic surgery are not required.

As for Daming, it must be overthrown and replaced. The gentry will hang street lights, don't be cowardly, just do it!


After the Tang and Han people launched the new line of talking about governing the country, facing this aggressive curve offensive, the Dingge faction was a little sluggish at this time.Why?Because their biggest reliance: Chairman Cao, it doesn't work anymore!

Now that the Tang and Han people have acquiesced in the constitutional monarchy, theoretically speaking, Cao Chuan can no longer be used as a weight in political struggles. In fact, Cao Chuan himself does not allow it.After all, there is no difference to him between the head of the Galactic Empire and the head of the Interstellar Federation. No matter what you call them, they are just mascots.

Therefore, in response to this wave of peaceful evolution in the Han and Tang Dynasties, Xia Xianze has repeatedly called "important ministers" to discuss in the past few nights. Today, even Dai Yun, who has been lurking among the masses, also met in secret. The purpose is to unify thinking internally, adjust strategies, and plan fight back.

After meeting with Dai Yun that night, Xia Xianze also chatted with some other mysterious people via voice chat. As for the content, no one knows...

Fortunately, the kiln area has electricity now, and every day, a batch of batteries will be transferred to the senior staff by boat. In the days before, Lao Xia still couldn't handle this kind of electricity-consuming work.

From the second day on, another kind of noise appeared on the forum one after another. Some Tang Qihui people pointed out: For extreme leftists like Huang Han, the moderate Tang Qihui should not be with them. Therefore, The future country name should be called the second strongest Tang Empire.

Similarly, the double-faced factions lurking in the Han Dynasty also jumped out and shouted: Li Shimin and the Guanlong nobles are all of foreign blood, and they may have body odor on their bodies, which cannot represent us Han people and should be banned.

... The first counterattack by the right-wing forces has arrived.

Chapter 118 Open Letter

Arranging internal ghosts to sow dissension is the first step. Next, Xia Xianze will use the name of an open letter to post the articles collected by the Dingge faction on the forum, and launch a series of propositions and explanations of the royalist party against each other.

A letter to all time travelers - refutation and explanation of some idiotic remarks of the Han and Tang Dynasties. Author: Xia Xianze.

1: About the country name: Dirty Tang, smelly man, wimpy Song, we all look down on them.The only one who is qualified to stand in front of the great cause of crossing the Dingge is Qin Shihuang, the ancestor dragon who unified Liuhe and created the profession of emperor. Therefore, the future country name should undoubtedly be "Two Qin Empire".

2: About the gentry: The gentry must be defeated, this is called a consensus, but the remarks of the Tang and Han gunmen about the gentry class hanging street lamps, this is a sneaky change of concept.

Knocking down and hanging street lamps are completely irrelevant: Mr. A gathered a crowd to resist, and was killed by the artillery of the crossing forces. This is knocking down.Master B sent his son to study mathematics, physics and chemistry, and dug out the silver hidden in the ancestral grave to buy a brick-making machine. Dig out copper coins and silver ingots.

Our forces will use productivity upgrades to promote social transformation, thereby forcing and absorbing the means of production of the gentry class. This is the wheel of history. It is an upright industrial monster combined with capital crushing. No one can stop it. Those who follow it prosper, and those who go against it Those who die.

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