Lu Ming

Page 35

The people on the boat quickly lined up and walked down from the diving board. Yang Er lowered his head, covered his face, and followed the team to the bottom of the city wall.The workers who had already been trained with sticks and lined up neatly in several horizontal rows were ordered to sit down and rest.

Sitting under the castle, Yang Er breathed a sigh of relief: Abbot Wei on the fort above his head could not see himself under the wall.Leaning his back against the city wall, he relaxed, watching those who wore the same clothes as him, unloading packages of goods from the sand boat; there were also several small boats ferrying back and forth in the big lake in front of him, and the new arrivals were caught by the boat. A boat sent to the other side.

The opposite bank is probably where he will play straw sandals in the future. Yang Er knows very well that his family is not suitable for studying, and sooner or later he will be assigned to play straw sandals.It is impossible for Brother Jiang to see each other every day. The two of them are not in the same way: Brother Jiang got off the boat early with the two scholars. Brother Jiang is probably gnawing his hoof at the moment, he is a direct disciple of the Great Monk...

What Yang Er didn't know was that when he was leaning against the base of the wall to bask in the sun, there was also a conversation about him happening above his head.

"I thought Lao Xia would never approve our recruitment of recruits in this life. It seems that he took the wrong medicine. Why did he agree today?" Wei Yuan rubbed his chin, looked at the new laborers under his feet, and looked Disdain to say.

"Take down the shop to offend the Dutch, and sell silk to the book to offend Old Zheng," the chubby Wang Xiaohui said while looking around with a binoculars, "Do you really think he doesn't know the risks? It's just for fun." Means to suppress the army, cut, too LOW."

"Okay, okay, just post a few complaints. Didn't we need to rush to set fire to the kiln area a while ago? Isn't this a surplus of manpower now... There must be a sense of the overall situation..." Han Xiaobo began to smooth things over with a smile.

"Stop, stop, old revolutionary!" Wei Yuan couldn't hear this the most, and simply asked, "What's the conscription law?"

"Choose whatever you want." Han Xiaobo nodded affirmatively: "No matter what the position is before, let's call the roll and call 30 students first. We must be cautious about this, and pay attention to the lack of excess."

"Shall we train those naval students?" Wang Xiaohui turned around and asked.

"In the past, the navy trained by itself. In the future, any new recruits in the navy will be trained by us."

"Damn it! This bitch doesn't believe me, and I can't get used to this bunch of prudishness. If you want to make a fuss, you have to trim the feathers first!" Wang Xiaohui cursed.

Wei Yuan didn't complain so much, he turned his attention to the newcomers waiting for the boat: "This time I'll pick someone, but fortunately the clever ones weren't finished by the navy..." Wei Yuan laughed Speaking of.

Chapter 112

No matter how complicated Yang Er's mental journey was, the 17-year-old Hangzhou thief with a purple-red birthmark on his face was finally ferried to the other side of the Taijiang River later that day and settled down in the Chikan New District.

On the banks of the beautiful Taijiang River, there are neat rows of houses on stilts in neat grids. In each room, there are neat beds and long tables. The thick bed frames are covered with white stubble wood. fresh taste.

The spacious and bright house on stilts is far better than the dark and cramped Datong shop in Moyunguan. The bright sea view, the vast world, and the fierce guards are nowhere to be seen at this time. One moment calms down a lot.

As usual, there will be a "joint meal" in the cafeteria that day: the main course of stewed dried venison and pork, and the vegetarian dishes made of bamboo shoots, seaweed and kelp. , hooked.Of course, after today, they will bid farewell to the enemy of blood vessels and liver: red meat, and live a healthy life of eating seafood every meal.

After the meal, the laborers who had already mastered many routines quickly elected the head of the house, and then everyone lined up and happily received personal items from the warehouse: thick bamboo cups, earthen cloth suits, wooden basins, grass mat and thin quilt.

Everyone quickly recognized that the homespun suits and thin quilts were produced by small workshops in Moyun Temple...the so-called self-made and self-accepted is nothing more than that.

It is worth mentioning the straw mat: the red, yellow and green straw mat is obviously taken from the wild grasses with red roots and dark green upper parts by the beach. This kind of grass has high salt content. It is easy to get prickly heat and is a good straw mat material.What makes the laborers sigh is: these mats are finely woven, crisp and firm, smooth and fragrant, and the most expensive salty grass mats in Yinxian County in Hangzhou are no more than this.

...With the generation of electricity in the kiln base, simple agricultural equipment such as straw mat machines and bamboo screen machines have also begun to be installed.Machinery is machinery. In a very short period of time, the bamboo and grass products produced by Dayuan can meet their own needs. Moreover, these products are well-made, uniform in quality, and low in cost. It will not take long for them to be sold back to Jiangnan and become export products.

The emergence of electricity has made another previous bottleneck - the difficulty of woodworking mortise and tenon joints, a thing of the past.The hand saw can easily cut various concave and convex shapes on the column head within 1 minute, and the efficiency has been increased by more than 10 times.

The checkerboard grid in the Chikan New Area is currently being filled by "big bungalows" at an astounding speed, and this speed will accelerate with the arrival of a new batch of laborers.

Yang Er naturally didn't know that his great career of sanding sandals had been replaced by a certain machine, and the thief was scurrying around the room in the school district assigned to him, familiar with the terrain.

The first boarding primary school of the crossing forces has been under construction for a long time, and its location is next to the chessboard where Yang Er is. The design of the primary school in the shape of "Hui" has collective dormitories and other functional buildings in the outer circle, classrooms in the inner circle, and a square in the middle.

At present, several wooden structures have been completed in the elementary school, and these houses can already guarantee the minimum daily teaching and living needs.In the plan, the rest of the primary school's buildings will all be solid brick-concrete structures, and the building specifications will be the same as the Chikan Castle, which has not yet started construction, to prevent damage to the students during the typhoon season.

The first batch of 95 red bricks and the first batch of earth cement produced by the kiln in the kiln area were all used to build walls for the primary school. After Yang Er moved into the school district room, he could see the beautiful wall through the bamboo window at any time. Daming would be considered as a red brick wall of overreach.

Yang Er doesn't understand. He only knows that the red brick wall is only used by wealthy people, so the half-person-high red brick wall, which is under construction across a dirt road, will be enjoyed by barbarians in the future. A big family in the state.

The new people had a pleasant first day, and the second day was actually quite pleasant: everyone got up early in the morning, took the newly issued work clothes, lined up and walked a few miles to the kiln area, and then went to the new large kiln area. In the bathroom, the newlyweds took a collective bath.

The decoration of the bathhouse is very high-end: the main body is built of logs, the floor is made of basalt square bricks, and the floor tiles are paved with pumice stones full of fine holes-light volcanic stones, which have a massage effect.The industrial party owns a small ebony-wood bathhouse next door, with a pumice massage pool in it, and you can often hear the singing of the kiln heads during the dry steaming after the shift.

A special atmospheric boiler is responsible for providing drinking water and bathing water for all workers in the kiln area.The newcomers took a hot bath in the bathhouse today, and the hot water flowing out of the silver iron pipe above their heads made the newcomers who are used to cold spring baths in Moyun Temple sigh the novelty .

The Mingren team leader with a loudspeaker proudly announced after everyone changed into new clothes: From now on, people who get off work every day can take a bath here for free... This was a sensation. There was a servant in the team who immediately Start to popularize science for everyone: Even in the big families in Hangzhou, only the head of the family and the favored concubine can take a wooden barrel bath every day...

The joyful atmosphere of the tour group was weakened for the first time in the wood factory: the thick logs were cut into square columns by the big iron toothed wheel amidst the huge screaming sound. The newcomers who saw this scene were terrified Covering their ears, the whole team began to hide back.

The subsequent shredder also made the newcomers addicted to watching horror movies. Fortunately, most of the people who operated the machine were "inmates" who had disappeared in Moyunguan before. Settling down—"Friends in the House" can do this job, and I can probably do it too...

The newcomers in the tour group spent a morning to adapt to the new environment, and they have an afternoon vacation. After that, everyone will be assigned to various jobs one after another according to the files they made during the Moyunguan period. among.

Yang Er didn't have to wait for the assignment, because he found a job later in the day - the newcomers in the school district didn't find out that there was a great man hidden around him until Yang Er left, so good that the master of the giant spirit god came to the door in person Great man please.

In the evening, Yang Er, who was leaning on the wooden steps in front of the door and listening to his roommate's bragging while touching his bulging belly, saw the figure slowly approaching in the distance for the first time.

The thief boy's crisis instinct told Yang Er that the visitor was not kind.He retreated into the room and looked out through the window. After a while, the sweaty thief was sure that the abbot was coming for him—he was hiding next to the urinal at the back door, and he clearly heard the abbot asking questions at the door. his voice.

Waiting patiently until the sound of heavy footsteps that only the abbot could step on came from the wooden steps at the door of the house, Yang Er rolled like a lazy donkey, rolled out of the back door silently, and slid into the bottom of the house on stilts.

Using all fours underneath, he cleverly crawled back to the main entrance in the opposite direction. On the way, he heard heavy footsteps coming from above his head; now he no longer hesitated, rolled out from under the main entrance silently, and planned to run away to spend the night in other dormitories after speaking. First.

The next moment, the little thief was grabbed by the neck by a giant standing impatiently on the wooden steps at the door... Yang Er, in a burst of laughter, turned his head in astonishment, and then he looked Arriving at a roommate stomping around the house...

As the sun sets, gulls and herons pass by the water surface of the Taijiang River, splashing a piece of gold. In the fiery red setting sun, two figures, one big and one small, gradually recede, and a few words of begging for forgiveness float from time to time in the sea breeze:

"Ouch, the neck, the neck can't bear it anymore!"

"Monkey boy, are you still running?"

"Don't dare to Fang Zhang, Yang Er will never dare again, if he dies..."

Chapter 113

On the second night when Yang Xiaozui came to Dayuan, he came to the shop to spend the night, only one day later than his younger brother Jiang Shang.Of course, he came to the shop in another way: as an army cadet.

The barracks left by the Dutch have long been cleaned up, and the facilities inside have been completely new. Now there are 60 navy and army students neatly living there.


The sun is rising and the sun is shining, and Dayuan Island has ushered in a new day.

In the northern part of the island, 30 young people in homespun suits and standing barefoot on the beach are undergoing an awkward training to stand at attention—it is undoubtedly painful.However, the students didn't even dare to take a breath at the moment: Wei Yuan, who was holding a short ebony stick in his hand, was slowly walking through the queue with a ferocious face, like a black bear picking chicken to eat.

"You can't blame the imperial court, you can't blame your dead parents, of course, you can't blame me, the only thing you have to blame is your incompetence!"

As Wei Yuan said, the short stick in his hand made a slapping sound in the palm of his hand: "In this world, there are people who have mountains of gold and silver, some who have fertile fields, some who are beautiful wives and beautiful concubines, and there are also those incompetent waste who are almost starving to death in this world." The ditch was saved and fattened by Lao Tzu, and it stands here today."

With a "snap", Wei Yuan's short stick landed on a student's thigh: "Tighten your legs, you bastard!" fierce.

"For those rich and noble families, the ancestors are either the titles on the gold list, or they are the futures of their descendants with a knife and a gun in the battle. You bastards who can't even read the big characters, don't have the ability to be titled on the gold list. You can only earn by working hard and with your own hands!"

"Fortunately, you bastards are still young, and you can still be saved. Starting today, I will teach you some skills to live and live. Those who learn the skills with their minds, and those with eggs in their crotches, will always be masters and masters in the future; if it is That day is a waste, hehe..."

Having said this, Wei Yuan stopped in his tracks, raised a finger with a smirk and said, "There are only a few Nanyang dwarfs who are logging, and the forest farm is in urgent need of rubbish. Half a year, can survive the miasma." If you survive for half a year, I will consider you useless as capable! Anyone who can’t develop courage and ability with me will be dispatched to logging! Do you understand!?”

"'s...clear...lah!" the students shouted in panic.

"Well, the spirit is not bad." Wei Yuan nodded at this moment, then slowly bent down, stared at Yang Er who was trembling in front of him, and asked loudly: "Student, answer me, what should I do before going into battle?" What are you talking about!?"

"Kill...kill the are rich...wealthy..." Yang Er said with trembling lips.

"Hahaha!" Wei Yuan leaned back and laughed loudly. The next moment, he bent down suddenly, first slapped the little thief's buttocks, and then shouted in Yang Er's ear: "Wrong answer! Said: Damn it! (sui) people and birds (diao) facing the sky!"

"Yes, you damned bad guy!" Yang Er yelled.

"Say it again!"

"Damn it, the bad guy is up to the sky!"

"Say it all three times!"


At the same time, on the beach south of Dayuan Island, 30 naval cadets were straddling.

These people uniformly wore the blue double-breasted short jackets and cropped trousers issued during the training on the "Chengfeng", and a pair of "Moyunguan" patented black cloth shoes on their feet. This kind of shoes has a characteristic: it can distinguish about.

In real history, it was not until 200 years later that the Americans produced the first pair of shoes that were around the same size in 1818. 60 years later, in 1876, Shen Binggen from Pudong, Shanghai also successfully trial-produced. People all over the world are wearing shoes that do not distinguish between left and right.

The 30 naval cadets quietly straddled the beach with their hands behind their backs.

Mu Longcheng was still wearing a straight 07-style uniform for naval officers. The brim of the big-brimmed hat was pulled down very low, his eyebrows and eyes were completely covered in shadows, and his shiny black leather shoes creaked on the sand of the beach.

"People with good fate are even envied by the heavens. Only when they suffer hardships can they become masters. Hehe, tell yourself, have you ever suffered hardships?"

Mu Longcheng held a soft whip made of piggy dragon skin in his hand, and slapped his palms: "I don't know how many people in the Ming Dynasty were struggling to survive in the bitter water. You lucky things, what a fate this is!" , to get on Lao Tzu’s boat?”

"Other people's boats have to fight, bleed, and be thrown overboard when they catch the disease; here, I, you eat three full meals a day, use the fairy medicine, and use the rest, that is, wave the flag and shout, When it’s over, collect the corpse.”

"Hey hey..." Mu Longcheng said this, shaking his head: "I just caught up with the bosses who want to establish a country, and I see you guys are Jiangdong's soldiers, the founding heroes of the future, ah, step by step , How many heroes in the future will envy your dog luck?"

With a sound of "snap!", the short whip in Mu Longcheng's hand slammed on the buttocks of a hapless ghost: "Bastard, hold your chest out!" The hapless ghost's face twitched in pain at this moment.

"Good luck, it's because your ancestral grave is in a good location." When Mu Longcheng said this, his face became serious: "But there is one more thing, the chief has the final say: ability! Starting today, I will teach you some stances, The real ability to eat, walk, and sleep, after passing this level, you will be considered as the first step to take a steady step, and you will be regarded as taking off the skin of auxiliary soldiers and joining the ranks of experienced soldiers!"

Speaking of this, Mu Longcheng stopped moving and stopped at the same place: "There are those who can't stand on the boat, and they were all swept away by the waves. No matter how lucky they are, they are still feeding the fish. I can't eat hard here, and I can't learn to be true." The ability, that is, if you can't stand still, you can go logging, you are all lucky, well, logging can probably live for half a year."

Speaking of this, Mu Longcheng roared: "After learning the real skills through hard work, you will be a minister of the founding of the country in the future. Is it worthwhile!?"

"It's a good deal!" The 30 naval cadets shouted in unison.

"Well, you're in good spirits." Mu Longcheng nodded in satisfaction, and then he circled around a sixteen or seventeen-year-old student in front of him, who was average-looking, the shortest, and not too thick.

Standing in front of this student who looked like an ordinary person, Mu Longcheng took off his big-brimmed hat, stroked his hair, and said helplessly, "Mao Wu, Mao Wu, what do you want me to say about you? The skills of sailing are proficient as soon as you get started, and you can read well. Recently, I wanted to peek at the history of naval warfare in my book. are so capable, I have never found a reason to beat you. This idea is not logical. "

Mao Wu, the shortest student among the 30 students, still maintained the most standard straddling posture after hearing the officer's words, then looked forward and replied loudly: "Mao Wu, thank you for your cultivation!"

"Look, even the answer is so self-taught, um, it's very standard." Mu Longcheng put back his military cap at this time, slightly straightened the brim of the hat with both hands, and then took out the short crocodile leather whip from under the armpit, "Pa" With a loud whip, he bent down and roared in Mao Wu's ear: "Student, answer me, what is the military soul of the navy!?"

"When you see the enemy, you fight, and I am invincible!"

"Crack!" Mao Wu finally received his first whip since joining Hangzhou.

"Bastard! Answered wrongly, said: The head can be broken, but the hairstyle can't be messed up!"

"Yes, the head can be broken, but the hairstyle cannot be messed up!"

"Say it again!"

"Say it all three times!"


Chapter 114

Training, being beaten, eating, bathing, taking medicine...

Dismissal, this must be dismounting! The 60 students practiced standing posture during the day, and none of them did not suffer from the stick (whip).Even Mao Wu, nicknamed "Mao Shorty", was whipped. You know, Mao Wu is a top player on the Chengfeng, and the shopkeeper has already begun to teach Mao Wu the ability to observe the sky , People are precious.

Eating is just as painful: 60 pairs of bruised and swollen buttocks are forced to sit on a bench in the cafeteria, and that moment is extremely sour.Can't sit still, eat standing up?Those who don't pay attention to sitting posture will be given two sticks.

Fortunately, the traumatic medicine in the medical hall was extremely effective and relieved a lot of pain for everyone.After dinner, a few apprentices—the gentlemen called "Nurse"—held strange vials and took turns applying medicine to 60 pairs of buttocks. A thin mist of water was sprayed from the vials, and when it fell on the wound, it was much cooler.

If it was in the past, there were half-skeleton beggars among the students, and they would have been beaten to death.However, after a few months of training, with the unsparing food supply from the Transit Congregation, the body of these young people has long since returned to the level of normal people, even stronger than most Ming people, and their buttocks are thicker - three big bowls a day Rice covered with rice, the small landlords in the Ming Dynasty must not be able to afford it.

The fate of thick flesh on the buttocks is: apply some medicine and be a hero tomorrow!What, "Can't sleep at night?" The instructor who supervised the students' medication in the hospital laughed when he heard this complaint: "It's still soft, and the training is not in place. If it is in place, it will definitely fall asleep. It seems that tomorrow Need to increase the amount..."

That night, the students' dormitory was full of wailing.Across the aisle, the army and navy students, who had been in conflict before, were lying on the bed one by one, baring their teeth and showing their buttocks, showing a lot of ugliness.

Yang Er was also lying on the bunk bed and the lower bunk in the innermost part of the barracks, head to head and eye to eye with a man named Mao Shorty across the aisle, bastard staring at Mung Dou.

Alas, in the end he was caught by the abbot and became a leading soldier... Yang Er lay on the bed, at this moment he remembered the scene when he and his adoptive father went to the rivers and lakes to perform arts alone when they were young.At that time, Yang Er was still young, and it was inevitable that he would have bruises when he learned the moves. It was all thanks to his adoptive father who applied the ancestral medicinal wine externally and took it internally, and carefully adjusted it, so that he did not suffer any hidden injuries.

Thinking of his adoptive father who died of illness in the ruined temple back then, and looking at his bruised buttocks, Yang Er couldn't help feeling sad at this moment, and wanted to cry.

"Second Brother Yang!"

"Ah, it's Brother Jiang!" Yang Er heard the familiar shout, raised his head hastily, and found that Jiang Shang was looking for him all the way along the aisle.

As soon as Jiang Shang came in front of him, Yang Er hurriedly asked: "There is a defense outside the door, how did you come in?"

Jiang Shang squatted down and smirked: "The shopkeeper Xun Mu opened the way."

"Treasurer Mu of the Navy? You should find Abbot Wei, he is my immediate boss!"

"Abbot Wei is too fierce, I dare not go." When Jiang Shang said this, he took out an oiled paper bag from his pocket, and secretly stuffed it to Yang Er, "I can only take a small half, too big to fit in my pocket."

After smelling it a little, Yang Er knew that the paper bag contained a pig's trotter, and he silently stuffed the paper bag under the pillow. At this moment, his tears really flowed down: "Brother, my brother's life is really hard, look at the buttocks that are covered with paper." call taxi."

Poor Jiang Shang is a young man, he can't comfort others, he can only keep saying: "Be patient and let it pass, the shopkeepers are not bad people..."

The two had a conversation, and then Jiang Shang estimated that it was time for a stick of incense, so he bid farewell to the reluctant Yang Er, made an appointment to see him again when he had time, and then he left the barracks.


It is forbidden to go out without incident after dark in the Dayuan Commercial Building, so after Jiang Shang came out of the barracks, before it was dark, he hurried over from the playground in the middle of the commercial building—the temporary room assigned to him was in the Opposite the barracks.

Jiang Shang knows that he has had a good time in the business hall for a few days: At the welcome banquet three days ago, the founder of Moyun Temple and the great monk Feng Jun, who was wearing a casual suit, gave a speech to the five academic masters who had saved up with great difficulty. , grandly recommended Dr. Bai Jiabao from West Kunlun.

Dr. Bai works in a cram school in West Kunlun, which is the kind of extracurricular education and training institution that distributes handbags all over the street with the words "Little doctor step-by-step education, win at the starting line!".

Dr. Bai only has a postgraduate degree, and his doctoral degree was bought from the Pheasant University in the United Kingdom.However, Dr. Bai has rich experience and is proficient in the third-level extracurricular tutoring process of elementary school, junior high school, and high school. He was also very successful in the education front. If the small dining table he came to hang out with caused food poisoning to the students, the doctor's foundation would not be hanged. Zhihu, in the end, I was reduced to a big official.

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