Lu Ming

Page 32

"it is good"

"it is good."

In the evening, the first gang among the time-travelers formed on the forum: the Xiaoyao faction.

The Xiaoyao faction is headed by Zuo Bin. At present, there is no mature political idea. The purpose of its establishment is simple: to oppose unprofessionalism. In addition, people who are not interested in politics are welcome to join. If you have nothing to do, you can organize a tea party and talk about light topics...

Well, this is very ironic. A group of people who are not interested in politics, but the most free and easy, deliberately preempted the name of the first political group to slap those mentally handicapped people who are still planning strategies.

However, unexpectedly, six or seven people soon joined the Xiaoyao faction.This is already a big gang, accounting for one-tenth of the total number.

The general characteristic of this group... faction is: relatively high education.

Because of their high academic qualifications, these people were somewhat unable to perform well in the Ming Dynasty.Everyone has learned either the major of "see you in a long time" or the major of "see you in the next life", and now you have to start from scratch.Then these people are generally not very interested in politics. When they saw such a tea party organization, they just clicked in to find some common language.

The establishment of the "Xiaoyao faction" awakened some people as if they had just woken up from a dream. The banners of various groups were all played out overnight: "Qusi group", "Dingge faction", "Imperial Han", "Masonic society" "Three wives and six concubines"—in a word, from the extreme left to the extreme right, from the ruling party to the soy sauce party, there are a wide variety of designs and styles, and there is always one that suits you...

Mr. Cao saw that everyone's enthusiasm for participating in politics was so high, and he felt that the number of people was not enough, so he happily returned to the old world, and sent over a dozen time-travelers who had accumulated during this period.The major gangs have now increased their strength, and the scene of future fights is expected to be even more heated.

With the expansion of Cao Chuan's assets, the plan to recruit traversers in the old world has now been upgraded to version 2.0.

Several well-known intermediary companies in the industry were all acquired or held by Cao Chuan through overseas offshore companies.The recruitment business of these companies is aboveboard: digging trenches in Afghanistan, opening Chinese restaurants in front of US military camps in Iraq, delivering food through Gaza Tunnels, and logging in South American guerrilla sites.

Is it legal?Of course it's legal.This is all aboveboard export of labor services, and the advertisements are all recorded. It is nothing more than easy to be snooped, bombed, or suicide bombed when you are at work.

Is there anyone going?That's quite...

As long as the money is in place, there is no shortage of jobs in this world.

Two models: ordinary laborers who receive high wages every month, this kind of people send their money back to support their families, which belongs to normal management, if they can’t die, they can work abroad for one or two years, and the contract expires You can go home, and the intermediary company is a win-win situation.

The second mode: prepaid mode.Only those who have no worries will choose this mode, and the traversers are selected from these people.

The preliminary procedures are similar for everyone, they all need to sign a series of formal contracts first, but the time traveler has an extra set of procedures: in front of the lawyer's evidence collection camera, the time traveler himself and his death insurance beneficiary must declare to waive the dead body recovery. Only after claiming some rights, including rights, will you get a high advance payment and insurance policy.

After that, the selected ones will be sent to log in the South American rainforest, which is real logging. After a while, these talents will disappear in the old world.

Traveling through version 2.0 is much better than the rough old version before. The black hand behind the scenes will only select a few people from a group of laborers. Everything is within the legal framework. The only difference is that the corpse is gone. Rainforest, not woods.

Version 2.0 of the time-travelers has a better mentality than the old people before. Anyone who has been to the rainforest to log will instantly fall in love with the seniors.

Chapter 102 Open the door to welcome guests

The first shareholder meeting of the crossing forces was held in Hangzhou. At that time, there were 18 participants. This time, there were 88 shareholders meeting, which seemed more formal.After the meeting, people suddenly found that the night life, which was a bit boring because they could only access the LAN, suddenly became more colorful.

All kinds of strange posts appear in the forum one after another, and all kinds of debates are already commonplace. If there is no clear regulation: scolders don't charge for a week, the forum would have been unavailable for a long time.

In order to strengthen the strength of the team, all kinds of invitations and promises emerge in endlessly.You must know that the population base of the people across the world is small right now, so everyone is a big weight and can weigh the scales!Even if the number of time-traveling people gradually increases in the future, the frame at the beginning is placed there, and it is only scaled up in proportion.

The funniest ones are those who run single gangs - gangs with only one or two people... This is no longer qualified to be a gang, only three people count.These people don't even know what a party is, and they think it's a trick to recruit the younger brother to be the boss. Their political views are funny and weird; Everyone's cigarettes and leather shoes are taken out, and my party is dedicated to doing this. If the dictatorship is not satisfied, whoever has a big score will get it!

Then I'm afraid that the people who will split up their Miami Beach in the future will suddenly disperse.

Although the number of people is a little less, the atmosphere of the big members is very lively these days. Usually, people will gradually die down after 10 o'clock in the night-the laptop is out of battery, and those in charge of contact in some parties have to wait until 9:[-] o'clock. Turn off the flames, these people are busier.

Half a month later, the major gangs that had almost stabilized began to shift the focus of their struggle to the discussion of the political system.


Time flies, and it is already December 12th in the Gregorian calendar, and 10 will soon pass.On the wharf of Dayuan Port, the salty sea breeze was tinged with coldness. Since the crossing people occupied this place, Dayuan finally ushered in the first trading ship.

This ship is the Shuinbune Igi, which sailed from Nagasaki, and the owner is Kaoru Kobayashi, a retainer of the great merchant Funaki Yaheiji.For some time to come, some Zhuyin boats going south in the monsoon in winter will also berth in Dayu.

Historically, the Japanese were not welcome in Dayuan Port, because these dwarfs like pigs in everything they do.The Dutch buy raw silk at 140 taels per tan, the Japanese use 147 taels per tan, the Dutch pay 145, and the Japanese rise to 155 without blinking.

A catty of raw silk can be sold for 5 taels of silver in Japan. The raw silk purchased by the Japanese in places like Pattani and Manila is more than 200 taels/dan, even so, there is still a huge profit.In Japan, there is a gap of 20 catties of raw silk every year. These days, the rich family has gold mines, silver mines and Japanese copper, and their ability to pay is overwhelming. What do the Dutch have?

This is the reason why Hongmao has to levy taxes on the big officials. If he wants to get involved in the raw silk trade between China and Japan, he can only play tricks, and the Dutch can't fight for their financial resources.

The ways of crossing forces and the red hairs are completely different.The traveler is raw silk bought from Hangzhou at an average price of 60 taels of silver per load.If it can be shipped to Japan, it will be direct sales from the factory, and the profit can reach the highest point in theory; however, now through the public without this ability, they can only ship the raw silk to Dazuan, and then sell it to foreign businessmen.So now the senior staff welcomes all foreign businessmen. It’s best if someone snaps up, and if you buy more, you may even get some gifts for you.

Kobayashi Kaoru, the owner of the Yimu, was taken to the shop in surprise.

After seeing the change of the Dutch flag on the top of the trading house in the open sea, the Yimu stopped at the entrance of the channel.Fortunately, the small businessman and Toru Higashino, who stayed in the Japanese village, boarded the Yimu in a small sampan.

After that, the Yimu sailed into Dayuan Wharf smoothly.Soon some tall, short-haired people with strange weapons boarded the ship. After Higashino introduced the two sides, the captain Kobayashi Kaoru took the manifest, and together with Higashino and "Cai Sang", they returned to the ship. mall.

Cai Feiming is in a good mood, his grandma, these bosses of the Benzi Mine are finally here!You must know that it is already mid-December, and the two sandships that Mr. Cao brought here last time have already traveled back and forth from Hangzhou. There are a lot of raw silk, cotton cloth and other groceries in the warehouse, and there is no boss...

In a small room next to the main office dedicated to the external relations department, Cai Feiming poured Longjing tea for several Japanese businessmen with a smile.

After Xiao Linxun took a sip of tea, he held up the celadon tea bowl, bowed his head in thanks, and began to read the invoice sensibly.The bill of lading was written in Japanese, he had to read it in Chinese, and then it was registered by Cai Feiming. In the 17th century, there were not many Japanese upper-class people who could not read and write Chinese. Foreign trade elites like Kobayashi Kaoru not only knew Chinese, but also took electives in small languages ​​such as Thai and Vietnamese.

Several Japanese looked at Cai Feiming fiddling with something on an iron plate with strange expressions. The purple iron plate on the table blocked the sight of the Japanese. When Xiaolin Xun finished reading the invoice, Cai Feiming also raised his head at the same time.

Unsurprisingly, there isn't much surprise cargo on board.As an island country that imports daily groceries from Daming, the mine owners really can't produce products.Lacquerware, samurai swords, armor, sulfur, colored silk screens, colored silk umbrellas, colored silk fans... Oh, and some dried seafood, dried abalone, that's all, I can't ask for too much.

The mine owner is not afraid, as long as the mine owner has a mine.

After reading the manifest, Cai Feiming got up and poured tea for the Japanese, and then said with a smile on his face: "Sulfur and dried abalone, as well as the gold bars, silver bars, and copper bars on the ship, we will collect them all and give them to the silver coins." Coupon."

Kaoru Kobayashi didn't understand at all, so Toru Higashino began to explain to him patiently.The expressions on Xiao Linxun's face during this process were very colorful. After he understood, he glanced at Cai Feiming in surprise, and then suddenly lowered his head and said, "Hi! Please take care of Cai Sang!"

Cai Feiming laughed, and then said boldly: "Then let's take inventory and put it in the warehouse first, and then issue you a receipt. Oh, by the way, Dongye, did you get a white stripe?"

Higashino Kamitoru nodded: "I keep it with me all the time."

"Well, the silver dollar coupons arrived a few days ago, and I will replace them for you today." Having said that, Cai Feiming picked up the Huawei Porsche on the table and dialed the phone: "Boss, I am Cai Feiming, the silver dollar coupons Did Mr. Cao bring it?"

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a while, maybe Wang Liguo was remembering, and then he simply said: "The account has been paid."

"That's good, hurry up and bring the money, I have to pay the Japanese for the goods."


After a while, Wang Liguo's chubby figure appeared at the door, but he didn't enter the door, and threw a kraft paper envelope over from the air.

Cai Feiming reached out and took out a coupon from the envelope and looked at it: Well, yes, it is printed in color, and no one can imitate it on the original plane.

He is also familiar with the above pattern: the upper right is the capitalized words of five thousand yuan, the bottom is the auspicious cloud pattern, and the middle is an emperor, wearing a 12-pearl jade crown, long bearded dragon robe, and red and yellow clothes, very majestic .

In the upper left corner is the issuing unit: Tiandi Bank.

Chapter 103 The Fight Begins Fiercely

The room was quiet.

The two Japanese were curious to see that Cai Sang didn't move after taking out a piece of colorful paper.

The expression on Cai Sang's face at this moment reminded Toru Higashino of his father who died of a stroke.At that time, my father also had the same expression, and then he drool a lot and went to see the god in the afternoon.

Fortunately, not long after, Cai Feiming regained his strength. He got up slowly, motioned the two of you to wait a moment, then went out and threw the paper money in front of Wang Liguo: "Is this money wrong, sir?"

Wang Liguo probably had a premonition of this scene a long time ago, and he said with an embarrassed smile: "I asked Mr. Cao the same way at the time."

"What did Mr. Cao say?"

Wang Liguo shook his head, imitating Cao Chuan's appearance at that time, and said: "I have hundreds of thousands of dollars a minute, how can I have the time to cut out pictures and find someone to copy them? Well, I happened to pass by a temple, and I bought it from the aunt at the door. Done. Oh right, the 1 denominations are a little less, and the house prices are likely to be high recently, and the aunt said that the 1 ones have stopped printing, so you can make up for it.”

Cai Feiming blinked his eyes, then lowered his voice and said angrily: "How can you make use of it, this money doesn't even have a number! And... you know!"

"Cough..." Before Lao Cai finished speaking, Wang Bureau took out a 5-digit coding device from his pocket like a robot cat: "I didn't expect a ship to arrive so soon. You can type it yourself. It should be issued in less than 5 digits." Number of digits. As for that... play dumb."

Cai Feiming: "..."

Later, the gold, silver and copper bars on the Japanese ship were swept away, and all of them were put into the treasury of the crossing people.

The Japanese also received the heaven and earth coupons as scheduled.Two book merchants who traveled far and wide couldn't put it down when Cai Sang exchanged them for banknotes: exquisite patterns, beautiful color registration, complicated shading, they can understand the five thousand and 5000 on the front and back, but they don't know the imperial pattern. He repeatedly asked Cai Sang who this majestic emperor was.

Cai Feiming is suffering, he knows there is a big hole in it.

Recently, after the initial confusion, the situation on the forum has gradually become clear, and two camps have begun to take shape: those who support the presidential system and those who support the constitutional monarchy. Both camps are made up of a bunch of big and small gangs.

Interestingly, most of the people who advocate a constitutional monarchy have already occupied positions. Cai Feiming himself is a member of the core organization "Dinggehui"; while those who want to play the presidential system are basically not high-ranking , so fooled a bunch of dicks to make trouble every day.

As far as the current situation is concerned, the right-wing forces headed by the "Dinggehui" are in the upper hand, while the forces headed by the "Huanghan faction" and "Tangqihui" who advocate more equal rights within the party are now at a disadvantage.

Note: The scope of left and right mentioned above is only limited to the small inner circle of the traversing crowd. Once they leave the circle, all the traversing crowds are all rightists, to varying degrees.

The emperors who shouted that all people are equal, when they talked about the European and American goods, they switched freely in an instant, and supporting the colonists (there is no United States yet) has become one of the 50 things they must do in their lives.

So Cai Feiming was in a dilemma, and he also understood Wang Liguo's dilemma.

Regarding the matter of Mingbi, Cao Chuan must have done it smoothly, and he himself did not realize the potential problems in it.However, Wang Liguo definitely couldn't say directly to Cao Chuan: "You see, Mr. Cao, we are all going to push you to be emperor now. At such a critical moment, Mingbi...wouldn't it be bad luck at that time?"


This kind of thing can only be understood but cannot be explained in words, and it cannot be explained publicly-the Han and Tang people are worrying that they have no targets, but once they say it, it reminds these bastards.

The former Cai Feiming actually didn't care about this kind of thing, what he loved, did he have a half-cent relationship with Lao Tzu?

However, after everyone started fighting not long ago, he quickly learned what politics is no small matter: on the day when the big officials were captured, Cai Feiming gave an impromptu speech to the red-haired captives.This speech in Dutch was posted on the forum a few days ago: the whole process was recorded, with a Chinese translation.

That is to say, in the chaotic situation that day full of flesh and blood and stumps, someone calmly recorded all of Lao Cai's speeches with his mobile phone.

After the recording of the post was released, he exposed the villain hidden in the crowd, the dwarf, Cai Feiming with unknown bloodlines, and called on people to unite, drive away Cai Feiming, and hand over the post to "the people who really care about crossing the road". people of interest".

Although most people sneered after reading the post - there was nothing wrong with Cai Feiming's speech, it was just a bit pretentious.But Lao Cai himself was in a cold sweat at the time, and he now has no doubt that one day in the future, someone will organize seventeen or eight children of different skin colors to come and call him daddy.

Politics is no small matter.

Therefore, the new version of Tiandi Coupons was issued in a strange silence, and Cai Feiming was unable to answer the book’s question about the emperor’s portrait: he could not say that it was the Jade Emperor, as this would offend Director Cao who might be in power in the future.

He also couldn't say that the portrait was Cao Dong himself: nothing has been settled yet, the new emperor's portrait is ready? ... This super big hammer, the Han and Tang dynasties will be overjoyed, he will be torn to pieces by the friendly forces!

So, the poor Cai Feiming could only talk about him in the end, but he didn't answer the book's question directly. Fortunately, the book merchant is also a character with sharp eyebrows. After asking a few words, he saw that Cai Sang's face was not good, so he stopped talking. .


In the early morning of the next day, the Dayuan Commercial Store passed through the door of the largest warehouse in the crowd.

A large camphor wood table with stubble exposed was placed in front of the warehouse door, and a pile of office supplies was placed on the table.

Cai Feiming and Wang Liguo sat side by side behind the table, and in front of the table stood two foreign trade managers, Toru Higashino and Kaoru Kobayashi.

Since the book merchant no longer mentioned the banknotes, Cai Feiming recovered his mood.At this moment, he put his legs up on the table, and said in a tone of treating an old friend: "A load of silk is 200 taels, all of which are new silk this year. If it is okay, I will open a warehouse, and the two of you can go in and order some goods."

"Cai Sang!" After Dong Ye and Xiao Linxun looked at each other, Dong Ye took a step forward and said angrily, "The Ming Dynasty ships that sold raw silk here before all cost 155 taels!"

"155 taels is fine, but each of you will only give 50 taels."

"Ah! Is this a new blackmail scheme? Cai Sang!?"

Cai Feiming put his legs down from the table, and said to the two of them earnestly: "When you were 155 taels, you never had a full mouthful, because most silk merchants in the Ming Dynasty had agreements with the red-haired people, so you can only Relying on buying part of it at a high price, right?"

After seeing two Japanese: "Hi!", Cai Feiming continued: "You will go to Vietnam, Thailand, and Manila to replenish the goods, and the minimum price there is more than 200 taels, not to mention the high shipping costs. , the sunken ship counts as money?"

"Now, as long as 200 taels a load, Dayuan Port at your doorstep can be opened to supply you. How much cost has been saved, don't I need to remind you two?"

"Even so, 200 taels is still too unreasonable! Cai Sang, we are good friends, if 180 taels, the friendship will last forever!"

... Just as the friends on the surface were bargaining, a Dutch voice suddenly sounded next to them: "Dear Cai, I think it is necessary for me to remind you that the East India Company has actually paid a deposit for the raw silk in the warehouse. Silver and merchant houses. You can't sell them all to the Japanese."

Chapter 104 New Types of Trade

"Huh?" After hearing the words, Cai Feiming turned his head and looked, oh, it turned out to be a group of four walking around.

Comrade Van der Hagen, the former interim chief of the Grand Councilor, was in the lead, next to him was the former Garrison Commander of the Grand Councilor, the crippled William Janes, and behind him were two former council members.

Since van der Hagen reached an agreement with Cai Feiming in private, and promised to do his best to facilitate the formal signing of future agreements, these four Dutch executives have obtained the right to walk around the entire Dayuan Island.

The group of four would wander around the commercial hall and the island a few times a day. Anyway, their subordinates had already moved to the other side of the Taijiang River.

The living conditions of the elders are also good. They eat their meals in the small stove in the commercial hall, and they share the same pot with the people who travel through.After all, after robbing so many silver coins from other people, as well as shops and goods, it is not a big problem to feed four people.

After the stitches had been removed from the wound on his thigh, William Janes underwent further tests and was finally diagnosed with a fractured bone, so he was given a cane that fit under his arm.Although his injury has recovered recently and he has gone to the doctor to replace his crutch with a short cane, the nickname of the cripple still remains.

After hearing the elegant protest of the walking group of four, Cai Feiming smiled, and then nodded confidently at Van der Haage: "Don't worry, Fan, the two Japanese ships took up to 500 tons of raw silk, and there are still a lot in the warehouse."

"But in that case, there will only be 130 loads left in the warehouse. I must remind you that this is very bad news for Chief Nuiz!"

Cai Feiming was dumbfounded: These guys have recorded the raw silk in the warehouse!It seems that they are going to be driven to the shantytowns... no, the goods on the dock still have to go through the shantytowns, and these goods have the freedom to wander around!Hold the grass!

Just when Cai Feiming fell into a moment of confusion because his lies were exposed, an angry shout sounded from the side: "Baga, you idiot who interrupts other people's conversations, prisoners are not qualified to discuss trade!"

Toru Higashino, who was born in Kyoto, speaks Dutch very badly, but Kaoru Kobayashi, who was born in Nagasaki, speaks Dutch very well—Nagasaki has a Dutch shop.So after hearing Kaoru Kobayashi's translation, Higashino was furious.

"I'll give you a chance to apologize, shorty." Van der Hagen said to Toru Higashino coldly.Vander Hagen could only understand half of Dongye's roar, but the words "Baga" and "Prisoner" were enough.

"Bastard, the remaining raw silk samurai will also be bought. Please be a prisoner here forever, please!" This is Dutch with fluent Japanese grammar. Their situation is crystal clear.


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