Lu Ming

Page 31

The northeast direction of the Taijiang Inland Sea Wharf is the focus of the Dutch defense.This can be seen from the architecture: before the arrival of the traversers, the Dutch had begun to add stone walls to the rammed earth walls of the commercial hall, and the fort in the northeast corner was the first to start, and the material used was the basalt of the Penghu Islands.

Basalt is the rock cooled down after the eruption of volcanic magma. The Penghu Islands are volcanic islands, and the base is basalt.This is a good building material, and crushed stone was often used to lay foundations in later generations, but the purpose of Yuandou today is basalt square bricks.

After the volcanic eruption was completed thousands of years ago and the magma gradually cooled down, due to the different cooling rates, the basalt Fangshan would produce polygonal fissures. In Shizhu Mountain, these stone pillars are like square bread cubes stacked together, with clear joints and the same size.

After the Dutch occupied the unmanned Penghu in 1622, they quickly established a series of fortresses on the islands by capturing coastal fishermen. These are standard fortresses with a side length of about 56 meters. The material used is basalt.

After being driven to the top by the Ming army, the Dutch served as officers, especially the officers during the construction period of the city of Geranza. - This is mentioned many times in the Dutchman's own diary.

After Yuandou arrived in Penghu, it did not go to the main island, but went around in a small circle, and chose a smooth beach to dock at Dajishanyu in the northeast corner of Penghu.

After coming here, the spectacular scenery is clear at a glance: like a square match on a shallow dish, a neat columnar sea cliff stands abruptly between the sea and sky, and the magma was on the sea surface thousands of years ago. The slowly cooling scene on the top is faintly discernible.

The beach is littered with black, weathered basalt boulders that fall off naturally along fissures.

The workers who had already prepared have disembarked one after another. They carried bamboo baskets and poles and followed behind Professor Luo who was wearing a jacket.After walking a few steps, Professor Luo selected a square, notebook-sized basalt sample from the pile of stones, and held it above his head.

It didn't take long for the laborers to carry a basket of stones back to the boat.Professor Luo pointed at the bamboo basket and smiled at Mu Longcheng: "Look, there is no need for the people of Penghu at all, and nature will help us do things."

Mu Longcheng was also very surprised at this meeting. He took a telescope and glanced at the bamboo-shaped black sea cliff: "This is really amazing!"

"This is a scenic reserve in later generations. Have you ever been here on your own?"

"I've been to Thailand..."

"I don't know, aren't you in the navy? After you retired, you sailed a boat for smuggling or something. Didn't you bring the boat over to take a look?" Professor Luo smirked and began to take revenge.

"Fart! That's called anti-smuggling, not smuggling! If I dare to drive the boat here, it's called arrogance, and it's going to be on the hot search, what nonsense are you talking about!"

"Hehe, let's take a good look today, see enough..."

Mu Longcheng and Professor Luo set up a small table in the bow of the ship, chatting and spanking, while watching the laborers select from the piles of stones, and then baskets of ashlars were carried down the bilge.At this speed, it is definitely not possible today. Professor Luo roughly calculated that the Yuandou will not be able to return to the full cabin until tomorrow afternoon or darkness at least.

Sure enough, Yuandou stayed at Dajishanyu until [-]:[-] p.m. the next day, before pulling anchor and returning to sail.The return route was a bit strange. The boat did not turn around and returned, but made a big circle around the Penghu Islands. After reaching the westernmost Xiyu Island in Penghu, the speed of the boat slowed down.

The three guests who had been in the cabin since departure were brought on deck.

These three brothers are black, thin and short, with flat noses and thick lips, typical of my southern Hokkien style. The leader is Xu Duanwu, and all three are relatives.The three old men were interrogated on the third day after the capture of Dayuan by passing through the crowds. , the family clerk responsible for communicating with the Dutch.

This is also the reason why Yuandou is on this voyage, and why Professor Luo was appointed as a special commissioner: digging stones belongs to mining, and dealing with the three Xu family salesmen belongs to diplomacy. Professor Luo, who understands the air well, goes out.

Chapter 99

Xu Xinsu can be said to be the founder of the word "comprador".

In terms of seniority, as early as when Zheng Zhilong was a Zhima translator, his boss: the overseas Chinese pirate/sea merchant Li Dan who was entrenched in Hirado, Japan, had already sworn brothers with Xu Xinsu, and Xu was a serious uncle. Grandparents.

At that time, Xu Xinsu was a large channel merchant entrenched in the Zhangquan area. He was responsible for receiving goods everywhere, and then shipped the received silk to Japan and handed it over to Li Dan for sales.

In 1625, when Li Dan and Yan Siqi died on the front and back legs, Zheng Zhilong took advantage of the situation to swallow up the foundations of the two bigwigs and established himself as "Eighteen Zhi".

And Xu Xinsu turned his head and began to blend with the Dutch, who occupied a large position, and became a leader among the early compradors. The Dutch trusted him and gave him a large amount of money in advance.Xu Xinsu used his own business channels to acquire a large number of raw silk before transferring it to Dayuan.

Big comprador Xu even monopolized the raw silk trade with the Dutch for a time. Although the red-haired people thought of some tricks, they were of no use. Xu was still in control of the raw silk trade, and the Dutch could only buy silk from him at a high price. .

Not long after the occupiers, the situation changed fundamentally when they were still playing with the sand: Zheng Zhilong captured the Tongshan Station at the mouth of Zhangzhou Bay, and then sat here, defeating the Fujian general Yu Zigao and the Dutch Armed Fleet. Allied forces, a battle will determine the world.

After the war, Yu Zigao was dismissed from office and imprisoned. The main battle faction was in decline. The Ming court began to change its attitude and recruit Zheng Zhilong to enter the stage of practical operation.

After the war, there was another person who cried faintly in the toilet - Xu Xinsu.

The big comprador Xu just spent 2 taels of silver to bribe Yu Zigao not long ago, completely cleansed himself, and became the chief of Haiphong.

The big comprador Xu, as the super planner of the three-in-one official, bandit, and businessman, glued Yu Zongbing, the Dutch, and some other pirates into a combined fleet. Before he could think of it, the front and rear fleets vanished. Zheng Zhilong is now confronting Xu. The big comprador is cut when they meet, what, uncle?Nail in the box and kick off the mountain first!

In the real history, Xu Xinsu was so weak that he would be beheaded by Zheng Zhilong who attacked Xiamen next year.

After passing through the occupiers, firstly, everything was complicated, secondly, the foothold was not stable, and he was still tearing at himself, so how could he have the intention to plan Xu Xinsu.The three salesmen of the Xu family are not important people, so these days they have been detained in the business hall doing chores.

It was not until Xia Xianze's top post incident that Cai Feiming remembered these three bashing.However, under the current situation of insufficient hard power, he couldn't think of any way to use Xu Xinsu to make a comeback, even if it was difficult to block Zheng Zhilong in the air.

In history, all the superficial brothers will soon be wiped out. Zheng Zhilong, who dominates the Fujian Sea, is undoubtedly the number one enemy of the transcendental forces.At present, Chuanzhong is working hard to incubate the primary industrial system, while Zheng Zhilong is posing in various positions to seek comfort. To a certain extent, the two sides are competing, but one is dark and the other is bright.

In the end, after much deliberation, I could only play a kite tactic: send these three brothers back to the west directly...Fujian is in the west.As for the extent to which these three brothers can affect Xu Xinsu and even shake the situation a little bit after they go back, Cai Feiming simply has no illusions—if there is a date or not, these three guys can at least be able to do it when they go back. Save a few bowls of old rice.

This is the reason why the three Xu family salesmen were brought to Penghu by Yuandou. As for why the boat had to go around, it was because of the Xu family's relationship on Xiyu Island, and the three old brothers could find a boat to go back to Fujian by themselves.

Standing on the bow of the boat, Professor Luo looked at the gradually approaching Xiyu Island, turned his head and said to the three of them, "Do you remember what you brought?"

Xu Duanwu clasped his fists with both hands when he heard the sound, bowed his body slightly, and said in a lame Nanjing mandarin: "Treasurer Luo, but please rest assured, Dragon Boat Festival will definitely bring your words to my uncle, without omission."

Professor Luo pinched his chin and thought for a while, then pointed to the one behind Xu Duanwu: "You, say it again."

He couldn't take an AK to Xu Xinsu to protect himself, and he couldn't leave any words, so he could only take a plan.The so-called solutions are just some simple analysis, but this is what the ancients without WIFI lacked.

Analysis [-]: In March of next spring, Xiong Wencan will comfort Min, and will formally recruit Zheng Zhilong. The plan requires Xu Xinsu to avoid fighting with Zheng Zhilong again, prepare money, and arrange Xiong Wencan in advance.

Analysis [-]: The area around Xiamen is Zheng Zhilong's established base camp, and will be attacked by key points. The plan requires Xu Xinsu to throw away all illusions, run away quickly, and transfer all his belongings to Quanzhou Prefecture, preferably Fuzhou, because the next stage The focus of the struggle has come to the political level.

Analysis [-]: All the coastal gentry, officials, and senior Kunlun masters whose interests have been violated by Zheng Zhilong are now standing behind Xu Da comprador. He is not fighting alone. The plan requires Xu Da comprador to cheer up, a new interest group Need his endorsement, running is not the end, but the beginning.

Finally, through the mouths of their nephews, Chuan forces also made a solemn statement to comprador Xu: As for all the deposits and goods previously advanced by the Dutch, Chuan forces have irrefutable ownership. In the statement, they ask comprador Xu not to make mistakes. Keep your eyes open and find a suitable opportunity to deliver the goods to the gentlemen.


The salesman was able to recite the analysis, plan and statement smoothly.

At this time, the Yuandou had already sailed to the shore, and the three jumped off the boat and swam to the island in the chest-high sea water.Professor Luo looked at their backs and shouted again: "Let's go to Xiamen separately, be careful of being caught in a pot..."

This is the end of the kite flying program.

Looking at the Penghu Islands that are gradually moving away, Professor Luo is now standing on the board of the Yuandou ship eastbound, thoughtful.

The unfavorable force to settle the pattern since crossing, probably came to an end at this moment.In the face of the huge Zheng Zhilong Group, some people are now more than enough to protect themselves and not enough threats; this can be seen from Xu Xinsu, except for leaking some secrets and mouth guns, no resources can be invested, the hollow boss.

"There is a long way to go. After changing the boss and upgrading the fighting mode, many people probably haven't realized it yet. Alas, it seems that we have to post a post before going back..." Yuan Douhao took Professor Luo and his meditation, slowly Slowly drive towards the big man.

Early the next morning, when Yuandou returned to Dayuan Port, it found that on the seventh day after occupying Dayuan, it hurriedly returned to Hangzhou's Gouyan. At this time, it had unloaded at the wharf and came to Dayuan together. Yes, there is another new boat.

This time, the Gouyan will send all the traversers stranded in Hangzhou to the officers. There are only three espionage fighters left in Hangzhou, two open and one dark; the three traversers will be responsible for the errands that will continuously provide resources to the officers in the future. , can be described as a long way to go.

Chapter 100 The Family of Two Worlds

The Dog's Eye returned to Hangzhou from the officer on October 10. When it returned, it had no cargo and was almost empty.Even if it was an empty ship, even if it was able to sail at night, due to the wrong wind direction, the Gouyan was forced to take the anti-submarine route on the sea, and finally returned to Hangzhou after 24 days.

After resting for a few days in Hangzhou, the Gouyan took a newly bought sand boat and rushed to the crew without stopping. On the way, it passed by the other two sand boats that were difficult to anti-submarine.

The two ships still carried 100 laborers each, as well as rice and some cloth, and daily groceries.All the people who were stranded in Hangzhou boarded the ship this time, including the last bit of reinforced concrete reserves, and they were all transported to the officers.

Dayuangang is very lively today.More than a month ago, two sand boats set off from Hangzhou to take the oath, and the others stood on the shore and waved goodbye.

As of the moment of the gathering, the number of traversers who came to Daming one after another, including Cao Chuan, totaled 88, and the total number of laborers controlled by the traversal forces was 750. This number did not include the natives and Japanese who could be hired at any time.

In the more than a month since I came to the officers, the Transmigrators eliminated the Dutch and Japanese forces, recruited the indigenous force of the Xingang Society, and made their decrees pass through the control area without hindrance. .

Renovating the Dayuan Commercial Hall, building two new bases in Kiln District and Chikan, dredging the Xingang River... thinking about it is quite a sense of accomplishment.

That night, Xia Xianze held a banquet, and all the members of the Transmigration Congregation attended.Before the banquet, Mr. Xia delivered a speech titled "Time Does Not Wait for Me", calling on all the people across the world to unite, race against time, build while fighting, and fight for everyone's "own cause" to the end!

There are whistles and applause here.

The boxes of German stout beer and Niulanshan Erguotou that Mr. Cao had approved from the supermarket were swept away that night. In fact, all the wines were drank. Farewell, cans of stout beer.

Early the next morning, the general meeting of shareholders was held on time in the big office. The meeting was broadcast live on the forum, mainly to announce the financial situation and discuss the next plan.

There are 55 taels of silver in the company's accounts, and 22 taels of silver are old-fashioned silver bars and coins of the Dutch and Japanese.

The rest are silver ingots and silver bars that Mr. Cao brought from later generations one after another.At the beginning, Mr. Cao brought 50 taels of silver ingots. Later, when the space was tight, he changed it to 925 silver bars. After crossing the crowd, he mixed some lead and tin and cast them into ingots. Later, the space was even more tense, and some of the silver bars were covered with pearls. Necklace instead.

A perfectly round (rolling bead), good quality, and 1 cm in diameter Wuxian seedless cultured pearl can easily sell for 50 to 70 taels of silver in Hangzhou.However, pearls are progressive. 10 of the same pearls are strung into jewelry, and 500 taels cannot be bought, but the size of 10 pearls is very small, smaller than 50 taels of silver ingots, which can save space.

In addition to the slower realization, pearls are much more cost-effective than silver, so the company still has hundreds of pearls of various colors in reserve.


All kinds of imported materials are controlled by the first key department of the crossing force: the "Imported Materials Management Committee". Of course, the chairman must be Xia Xianze, this is a must-have for the leader.

Then Xia Xianze posted the list of supplies on the forum.In fact, shareholders still know a lot about the materials in the warehouse, because every time Cao Chuan brings the boxes, they are unloaded by Chuanzhong himself.

22 cubic meters, which is equivalent to the transportation volume of a medium-sized box. At first, it was rushed. Later, when Lao Xia discovered that someone was stealing cigarettes while unloading, he changed it to designated personnel to load and unload, but other people can watch, so there are Everyone knows what.

There are many varieties of goods, including guns and ammunition, medicines, reinforced concrete, and mechanical accessories. The above are the bulk.There are also reserves of other daily necessities, which are essentially distributed on demand. For example, traversers who work in the field can apply for hiking shoes, and the final decision is made by the committee.

The food was long gone, and the wine was just finished yesterday, so it was also crossed off the list.

There is only so much money in the family. Since Cao Chuan crossed for the first time, all the materials he has saved are here.


There was no gold on the company's books, and all the gold was taken away by Cao Chuan.Among the things that Cao Chuan took away from the Ming Dynasty were mahogany furniture and imprinted stones, as well as a small amount of groceries.

In general, Cao Chuan's recent return flight is still free.

After going through the initial crazy expansion, the business empire that Cao Chuan established in later generations has entered a stage of smooth operation.Several domestic and foreign furniture factories of different brands, several domestic and foreign antique shops, two small auction houses that secretly hold shares, some warehouses and real estate distributed in various places, many shell companies...

In this case, the complete sets of mahogany antique furniture and high-quality bloodstones that are easy to attract the attention of people are no longer the items that Cao Chuan first collects. On the contrary, some inconspicuous mahogany original strips are the best choice.

These original pieces can be silently turned into modern high-end furniture and appear in some ordinary furniture cities. Although the income is a little less, it is relative and stable and safe.You know, the furniture brands he acquired are more or less profitable.

The dog's eye crew brought twelve cubes of mahogany original strips with the ship this time. As for mahogany furniture, there is only one set, too many are useless. Now it will take a long time before the auction will be organized.

Due to the latitude problem in Taiwan, there is not a large number of rosewoods produced, and there are occasionally a few trees, and it is not worth looking for in the dense forest.The most expensive wood found locally is Taiwan black sandalwood. The price of this kind of black sandalwood is not high. It is sold in tons, unlike those rosewoods sold by kilograms.

Therefore, in the next period of time, Cao Chuan's plane trading will have a period of unprofitable - the kiln area is about to be ready.

At that time, Cao Chuan will go back and forth several times a day, delivering the prepared expensive industrial equipment.

The equipment has long been listed by Zou Guoqing and the others. In order to run as long as possible in the Middle Ages, the equipment and accessories are high-end products selected without a brain. If the time comes, some accessories are customized.

Even for a common brick-making machine in rural areas, the bearings are from SKF in Sweden, the molds are from ASSAB in Sweden, and the motor has to be from Siemens... This perverted thing makes the purchasing manager hired by Cao Chuan puzzled. , full of doubts and doubts.

Recently, this guy has started to dispel the doubts, probe his brain, and investigate secretly.Probably when he was applying for a job, he really thought that he got this lucrative job by virtue of his talent, and he never connected his file and work.But it doesn't matter, soon he will be able to reunite with these mentally retarded and perverted equipment that he purchased. Maybe he will also operate the Swedish brick machine by himself.

Chapter 101

Cao Chuan has already bought all the equipment in the old world, 8 boxes, which is exactly the same as what Zou Guoqing estimated at the beginning.Now just waiting for the kiln area to be ready, these 8 boxes of equipment will light up the beacon in the new world.

After learning that Cao Chuan was ready, a decision was made at the meeting that day: the 200 employees who came with the ship this time will all devote themselves to the construction of the kiln area, including those who come with the ship. ), for the time being, go to the kiln area to learn a few hands. In the future, the kiln area will definitely need a lot of kiln heads, and the important ministers of the four countries alone cannot handle it.

The bare-bones commanders of the army, who had only officers but no soldiers, fainted in the toilet at this moment.

The climax of the day's meeting was Xia Xianze's announcement of the last decision: from now on, the party ban will be lifted, and all gangs can start discussing the political system. If everything goes well, we will strive to establish the country early next year.

This is incredible!The forum was extremely hot that night, but QQ seemed calm, but it was not. There were people chatting privately all the time, and some people went into some small rooms at every moment, and some people were pulled into some small rooms. The atmosphere was chaotic. Covered the entire sandbar LAN.

Many time-travelers who don't care about such things are also infected, running around in various small rooms like headless chickens, as if not plotting something with someone is severing themselves from the people.


However, when I went to work the next day, everything seemed to have never happened. There was a strange smell in the air. From time to time, I could see some people talking intimately after work. However, when you approached, they no more...

"No wonder they were dispatched to the Ming Dynasty one by one. Look at the hanging silk. Is there anyone playing politics like this?" Zuo Bin sat on a horse tie, next to a round tree root, on which were placed several stainless steel teacups and a walkie-talkie.

This is the base of the kiln area, and it is the time when the construction is tense right now, and people are shouting and screaming, and the work is in full swing.However, the earliest dry kiln section has calmed down: the operation process has been adjusted, and the workers have become proficient. After working hard for so many days, the four kiln heads can finally drink tea after lunch today.

The words just now were expressed by Zuo Bin, the spokesperson of the Four Great Kilns, who saw some time travelers who did not forget to whisper after a meal, and expressed his feelings.

"Aren't we sent to the Ming Dynasty too?"

... Some people just can't speak like that, Zuo Bin is used to it.

"Are we so mentally retarded to form cliques?" Zuo Bin scorned: "Stand upright and speak out your ideas, and naturally there will be like-minded people with you. Look at this group of people, they are probably spies. Watching too many war dramas is disgusting!"




Since the four important ministers were dispatched to burn the kiln, they basically talked like this.Zuo Bin is a bit strong, he can chat a few words about anything, the others are all taciturn, they don't open their mouths easily, and they choke to death when they open their mouths.

"I'm sure that these guys haven't even participated in the neighborhood committee election. If we leave the future in the hands of these people, I think we'll be done sooner or later!"

"that is!"

"that is!"

"that is!"

"Create a gang when you go back at night, and turn against anyone who doesn't like it!"

"it is good."

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