Lu Ming

Page 33

Wangli King's Bureau is the first to have a bad feeling - people who fight the five scum are always more sensitive.Bai Baixuan's Wang Ju, at this moment, grabbed the corner of Cai Feiming's chair back with his left hand and gently pulled it, and at the same time kicked his feet, and the person and chair slid behind Cai Feiming.

And after Cai Feiming subconsciously stretched out his palm to block a box of ink pads flying over, he found that Yue Dai's head had wrestled with Hongmao, and Dongye, who flew over, was caught and killed by the businessman and smashed on the camphor table. Poor Kobayashi Kaoru has been surrounded by three people, and the crippled William Janes is shouting "I will break your leg!" Then he hit Tsukiyoto's leg with a short cane.

The gang fights, to be exact, Hongmao's beating of Benzi was soon terminated. The Japanese who left the samurai sword really couldn't beat Hongmao, let alone beat more with less.The red hairs were locked in the house and ordered not to go out, and the two Japanese were taken to Master Miaoshu for treatment.

There were no serious injuries, Toru Higashino's face was a little swollen, Kaoru Kobayashi might have a slight bone fracture, so he got a crutch that could be clamped under his arm.

Knowing that the boss was killed, the crew of the Yimu naturally wanted to give the Dutch a three-shot six-hole, but the short bursts of the 12.7mm machine gun sounded from the fort, suppressing the Japanese who were about to move.These crew members were told that they would be killed the moment they stepped on the pier, and the bullets flying overhead confirmed this statement.

The next day, all the precious metals and sulfur brought by Xun Xiaolin were finally given 4 taels of heaven and earth coupons by the traversers.Dong Ye and Xiao Linxun quickly negotiated a deal with Cai Feiming: all the heaven and earth coupons in their hands could be exchanged for raw silk at a price of 7 taels per load.

The crew of the Yimu moved 220 tons of raw silk from the large warehouse with joy, and the remaining 5000 taels of silver bills were exchanged by Kobayashi for buckskin and Songjiang cotton, as well as some porcelain and Daming miscellaneous goods.

The Japanese don’t plan to make another trip to Manila for the unwanted items like screens. Lacquerware and silk screens are very popular in Manila. In fact, there is nothing unpopular in Manila at this stage.Let's throw this little goods in their own small warehouse in the business hall and sell them as they please. Anyway, they have a branch manager in the big staff.

Five days later, in the small room of the Outreach Department, Toru Higashino and Kaoru Kobayashi were receiving a "lecture".

In fact, the two came to bid farewell today, and there were still some personal gifts they brought on the table.This kind of situation will not happen in previous years: the Zhuyin ship will stop at multiple ports along the way, decorate with buckskins, and decorate with cow horns in Vietnam. Finally, the ship usually completes all transactions in Thailand or Manila, and then waits for the next year’s monsoon before returning to Japan.

And in the plane of the traveler, the fleet equipped with radar easily opened up a Taiwan-Zhejiang trade route in the middle of the ocean.This has caused a butterfly effect on the Japanese that has never appeared in history: Dali is no longer a small station with only buckskins, but a golden port with raw silk, porcelain, cotton cloth and Daming groceries, the most important Yes, these goods can be supplied in full.

Higashino Kamitoru and Kobayashi Kaoru finally believed that all this was true after seeing these lovely goods filled the cabins of two Zhuyin ships. You can freely match with the opportunity to buy goods from Ming Dynasty.

The never-before-seen situation will naturally trigger the never-before-seen behavior: return in winter.Dazuo is not far from Nagasaki, and there are island chains along the way for reference, so what about headwinds?You can always climb to the end of a month, right?After arriving in Nagasaki, I will make another trip to Dayuan in January and February next year, which will make me an extra boatload of super profits.

Today the two Japanese are here to say goodbye. They have prepared everything, and the fleet will return to Nagasaki tomorrow.

As a result, as soon as he entered the door, he found that behind Cai Sang there was an extra white board that was shining brightly on a wooden frame.Then Lao Cai took out a colored pen with a smile, wrote some people's names and procedures on the board, and began to explain the current situation in Japan and the Netherlands to these two people, as well as some things that the crossing forces need them to complete after they return to Nagasaki Task.

Chapter 105 The Origin of the Conflict Between Japan and the Netherlands

The meaning of crossing forces is very clear: Given that history has changed, the kidnapping of Nuiz by the Japanese Hamada Yahei will definitely not happen again next year.

Considering that in this case, if the original contradiction is not detonated, the Dutch business house that was closed due to the kidnapping incident in history may continue to open in Japan, which is intolerable.So right now, the traveler must use the weight at hand to try to make up for this historical debt that is not good for him, pull the list in advance, and completely kick the Dutch out of the players in the trade with Japan.


Throughout the entire early colonial history of East Asia, in the Japan-Dutch trade dispute, the level of hooliganism of the players on both sides is enough to make latecomers admire.The difficulty is not here, the difficulty is: it is really not easy to regard hooliganism as the truth and firmly believe it.

First up is the Dutch.The Dutch have strength, especially in the first half of the 17th century, they deserved to be the world's largest channel provider and the largest logistics provider.Zheng Zhilong understood the strength of the Dutchman. Even when Zheng Zhilong was at the peak of his life, the officials could buy enough raw silk from him every year to ship to Japan for sale.

Isn't there a great victory in Luowan?Zheng Zhilong has never suffered a loss in the previous few big and small fights. Why did he give his flesh to the Dutch?In fact, Zheng Zhilong knows better than anyone else: leaving the coastal areas with complicated sea conditions, leaving superior forces, and leaving those one-time fireboats that cannot sail far, he will be hanged and beaten.Simply put, there is more than enough to stay at home, but not enough to go out.

The colonists who used hot weapon projection as their tactical guiding ideology had already overwhelmed the original cold weapon indigenous armed forces in essence. This gap cannot be made up by setting up a large formation at the door of the house and winning a few battles.

Therefore, the fact that the Dutch occupied the top ranks was the result of a compromise after Da Ming and Zheng Zhilong recognized each other's strength through several bloody battles on land and sea.

However, there is a Japanese who does not recognize this strength.


Hamada Yahei, the foreign trade captain under the Nagasaki businessman Noto Jiro, has another explanation for strength.

If the Zhuyin ship sailed directly to Fujian at that time, it would not be able to buy raw silk, because Zheng Zhilong did not allow it.The Japanese market is Zheng Zhilong's basic market. Old Zheng allowed Dutch people to sell silk, which was squeezed in by people with their own strength. Japanese businessmen like Hamada Yahei, Old Zheng didn't even put his eyelids on it.

So the hooligan Hamada came up with a "smart move": If I don't let me go to Fujian to buy silk, then I can play under the banner of the Dutch, and even use the Dutch's boat as an envoy, and the Dutch plywood boat Lao Zheng dare not provoke...

So, Brother Hamada and the boss behind it, Daikan Nagasaki (Mayor) Heizang, came to Dayuan together for the last time, and then made a very formal request to Hongmao: I will use your ship and flag as envoys, not in vain, I am the renter, and I will entrust you with my own boat, so you should feel at ease now, right?

...Yes, you read that right, Hamada Yahei was so self-confident in history, and made such a ridiculous request to the Dutch.

The weak chicken said to the wolf who was worried about the raw silk every day: I have some raw silk in the tiger's land. Now I will borrow your wolf skin and use it. When I get it back, I will give you some skin rental fee. That's probably what it means.

Can Dutch hooligans stand it?Of course not.The Dutch, who originally planned to exclude all Japanese, started a series of actions against Brother Hamada and Japanese businessmen: refusing to charter ships, prohibiting Japanese from going to Fujian, refusing to meet Nagasaki Daiguan, and most ruthlessly, collecting taxes, Begin to collect eleven taxes in Dayuan.

The Dutch have a lot of large-scale trade in Nagasaki every year, and the Japanese have never collected taxes. Now, in front of the mayor of Nagasaki, they are collecting [-]% of the Japanese tax.The hooligans in the Netherlands probably think that it should be a matter of course that the officials collect taxes and that Nagasaki does not pay taxes...Maybe God is like this, so his people did the same.

The above is the origin of the trade dispute between Japan and the Netherlands: funny demands met funny responses, hooligans met hooligans, the actions of both sides were so rude and direct, without any consideration of the rationality and consequences of the means, in short, this is how it happened.

What made Hamada Yahei come up with such a rogue request?The loss of morality or the distortion of human nature? ...In fact, it is not people but the market that stands faintly behind Hamada and supports him.

The huge amount of trade that the Dutch generate in Nagasaki every year is the confidence that the weak chicken Hamada can be so arrogant.The boss of Hamada Yahei is the businessman Noto Jiro, and Noto's good friend is Nagasaki Daikan Suji Hiizo, and who is the boss of Suji Hiizo?Shogun.

The skyline has already been opened.

The Dutch will soon pay for their hooliganism: Hamada, a weak-looking old hooligan with an antenna in his forehead.

In 1626, the last mayor of Heizang, the mayor, was forced to spend the winter in Daizu because he was neglected by the Dutch. After returning to Japan with hatred in the second year, he began to order a blockade of Dutch merchants and trade. In short, The mayor returned the humiliation that the senior officials received backhandedly.

Only then did the Dutch wake up like a dream: it turns out that the mayor and tax collectors who were in charge of other people did not forget after they went back?Grass, the Japanese are too rogue, so send envoys to ease the relationship!

Therefore, Mr. Peter Nuiz, the newly-appointed third chief of the Grand Commissioner, hurried to Japan within a few days after arriving in the Grand Commissioner from Batavia.Before going to Japan, the only hooligan thing he did in Dayuan was to fool Hamada Yahei, pretending to agree to charter a boat to him, and after he stabilized Hamada, he rushed to Japan to ease the relationship.Afterwards, Hamada was evaded by the Dutch who stayed behind. In short, they asked for the boat or other...none.

Mr. Nuiz started from the senior officials, and found the hooligan Hamada brother who had been fooled, so he also fooled 16 aborigines from the local area, and rushed to Japan for revenge.At this time, Nuiz came to Japan, thinking with his heels, he knew that he would not be received by the general; at the same time, Hamada, with an antenna on his forehead, passed the matchmaking of Nagasaki Daiguan, and swaggered into the shogunate with 16 natives , the indigenous team under the banner of "returning to the stream and offering soil" not only met the general, but also received gifts.

Therefore, Brother Hamada's hooliganism is backed by the endorsement of the entire official and business class in Japan. It is a fierce game between small distributors relying on their familiarity with the territory and big distributors.

In real history, Nuyz has never been received by the general, so he returned to the general in December 1627.At this time, the Dutch business system in Nagasaki was in a dangerously frozen state.

And in this plane, when he returns to Dayuan, he will find that the business hall has been occupied by time travelers. Of course, this is a good thing for him, and he will not be kidnapped in the future. Unfortunately, only the time travelers know about this. , Mr. Nuiz is not clear.

Chapter 106

Cai Feiming spent an entire hour writing and drawing on the whiteboard before explaining the current situation to the two Japanese businessmen.

In fact, the lecture was mainly for Tetsu Higashino-higashino is a businessman in Kyoto, and he is not very clear about the script of Nagasaki's official business war against Hongmao.

Kaoru Kobayashi was different. Long before he left Nagasaki, Yahei Hamada had already created public opinion, making a big splash in Nagasaki Port about the Dutchman's disrespectful treatment of merchants.After that, Nuiz went to Hong Kong, went to Edo to see the general, and Nagasaki Daiguan and Hamada old hooligans stumbling the Dutch behind their backs. These things were originally supported by the big merchants in Nagasaki, and he knew it very well.

So Kobayashi Xun was amazed by the intelligence capabilities of the people who traveled through, and provided Cai Feiming with a lot of details about Nagasaki on the spot, which was equivalent to giving Dongye a thorough lesson together.


Throw away the tea leaves that had already been drunk, and replace them with new ones. After a short break, Cai Feiming began to formally explain the inferences and plans of the crossing forces: "According to the news, Nuyiz is already on his way back to the senior officials. We will take care of the Dutch people's business." You'll figure it out yourself, don't worry about it."


"When you return to Nagasaki, you will find that Hamada is recruiting wandering samurai. He is planning to come next year to trouble the Dutch. Please tell Hamada that the new owner of the master does not welcome samurai swords. We only welcome them. Wandering warriors looking for work here, and of course, gold, silver and copper bars."

Speaking of the last sentence, the three of them laughed knowingly at the same time.

"If this is the case, Hamada-san will definitely come here with silver bars, and the Noto family is also a big businessman in Nagasaki!" Kobayashi said.

"Well, these are not the point." Cai Feiming leaned forward at this time, and said with a serious expression: "The point is, now we ask you three to unite, cooperate closely, exert your influence, and officially order the closure of the Dutch business through the shogunate. The embassy, ​​the decree prohibiting the Dutch from coming to Japan for trade!"

...Since the original historical fuse is gone, Dong Ye and Kobayashi Kaoru, who benefited from the occupation of the high officials by the traversers, will naturally have to make up for this gap.

"Cai Sang, please believe that this is the advice I want to give to the Patriarch after I return to Nagasaki!" Xiao Linxun said with a look of resentment, tightly holding the crutch beside him.

Cai Feiming nodded, and shifted his gaze to Toru Higashino.

"There are so many beautiful goods, the master of the house will definitely agree!" Toru Higashino also made a promise at this time.

"Well, Chaya Daocheng-sama's influence in the shogunate is unparalleled. With him, we will have nothing to worry about." Cai Feiming clapped his hands when he said this: "After the matter is completed, the three of you will get the priority to purchase goods in the warehouse of the senior officials. , Gentlemen, work hard!"


In the early morning of the next day, two Zhuyin boats full of water were dragged by the small boat, and slowly left the Dayuan Wharf. Cai Feiming, who came to the wharf to see him off, shouted to the horse-faced samurai Toru Higashino who was standing at the bow and waving to him: "Don't be afraid!" Forget about that!"

Dongye took out a stack of high-definition pictures from his arms and shook them: "Cai Sang, take care! Dongye will be back!"


December 1627, 12, 18, is a very auspicious number, a day that should be remembered by history.

All the laborers working in the staff, regardless of rank and nationality, will have a day off today.The area of ​​the shanty town at the foot of the business hall is much smaller than before. Those broken bamboo sheds have been demolished one after another, and all of them have been sent to the kiln area for fire.

Early in the morning, except for the guard on duty at the fort, there was not a single person left in the Dayuan Commercial Building. They all went out, and a group of people boarded the Yuandou in a mighty manner, and sailed to the other side of the Taijiang River.Today, the Yuandou launched its outboard motor extravagantly, and arrived at the pier in Chikan New District in 5 minutes.

The new castle under planning in the Chikan New District is still a beach space, but the ground has hardened.The Chikan Avenue designed at the entrance of the new city is still a dirt road, and there is no sign of construction on the reserved ditches on both sides.

Construction on the first row of the checkerboard opposite the new town has not started either: it was designed to be used as a commercial street, so I can't take care of it right now.But the second row of checkerboards is different. There is already a grid and a half of land, which is filled with "big bungalows".

Each checkerboard is designed to accommodate 10 "big bungalows", that is, 100 people, as well as public facilities such as toilets and water rooms.In the center of the checkerboard is the playground, where the employees can fight in groups at night when they are full... Playing basketball is not allowed, and there is no import quota.

The construction progress of the "big bungalow" is actually not ideal. The lack of manpower is one aspect, and the mortise and tenon structure also reveals another disadvantage: a knowledgeable carpenter is required to cut it out bit by bit by hand.Dry, chipped wood is now piled high, but the bottleneck is stuck in the hand-made mortise and tenon joints.

Fortunately, this situation will change soon. There will be nails and long as Mr. Cao works hard today.

Walking on the Binhai Boulevard, with a smile on his face, Mr. Cao, who was heavily guarded, certainly had a plan in mind.Passing through the large team formed by the masses, at this time, we went straight to the north along the dirt path, passed the Dayangfang District, passed the Japanese Village, and then passed a desolate "rotten land", and finally came to the Kiln District.

The kiln base located on the south bank of Xingang Creek is ready for the industrial civilization to fall from the sky!

The core power plant 300 meters away from the stream bank is the most important building.The factory building is made up of several wooden sheds connected internally. The thick pillars support the refrigerated truck box above the head. The combination of soil and foreign style is strange.

The first two rooms are boiler and generator rooms, the floor is paved with precious cement, the last two rooms are biomass pellet machines and wood grinders, and the floor is paved with steel plates removed from the "transfer box".

The core factory building is parallel to the stream, like a short caterpillar lying prone beside the Xingang River.The tail of the caterpillar is full of large pieces of wood-the woodworker has no time to cut so much wood, so he can only let them pile up there, waiting for the appearance of the chainsaw soon.

At the foot of the core factory building, some trenches of different widths have been dug.Some pipes and cables stored in the early stage were all used on the pipes connecting the wood factory building and the brick kiln, and the sidewalks protruding around connected several existing buildings.

The trapezoidal adobe brick kiln has long been extinct in later generations, and the existing materials used by the traversers cannot even build a wheel kiln, so they can only build a low-efficiency single kiln first.The walls and chimneys of the brick kilns are all made of basalt from Penghu. The square rocks only need to be slightly polished with manual grinding wheels, and they are good building materials.

In the planned storage yard behind the brick kiln, there are piles of decomposed raw soil.All the refractory cement in stock has been used in the brick kiln, and the people who have traveled through it are now desperate. The cement brought by later generations has been used up, and they are waiting for the brick kiln to be ignited, and burn some red bricks and earth cement to save the emergency...

Chapter 107

The power plant and the drying kiln on the top, the wood factory on the left, and the brick kiln on the right form a "dry" character structure. With the increase of buildings and equipment in the future, this structure will become the character "Tian" and "Mu"... …and keep expanding.

There is no equipment in the factory building, only six large wooden frames lined up side by side. The same wooden frames are located in the timber factory and the brick kiln. Rectangular ebony logs are stacked neatly inside the wooden frames.A box of these sandalwood can be worth about 20 yuan in later generations, so Mr. Cao is destined to lose a lot of money in today's reselling of planes.

"Are you ready?" Cao Chuan asked after seeing these large wooden frames.

"No problem, Mr. Cao, I'll just wait for you to show your power!" The industrial party members headed by Zou Guoqing, who were already hungry and thirsty, were all excited at this moment.

Cao Chuan nodded, without saying anything, waved his hand and disappeared in front of everyone. At the same time, one wooden frame in front of him was missing.A few minutes later, Cao Chuan appeared on the spot, waved his hand, and a cubic box with a side length of 2.8 meters appeared on the ground. The box was assembled with steel plates, shining brightly.

When the industrialists saw the boxes, Qiqi let out a roar. As Cao Chuan sent them back and forth again and again, those wooden frames were replaced with metal boxes one by one. After the last wooden frame in the lumber factory was replaced, everyone present Everyone cheered.

Xia Xianze, who was standing at the back of the crowd, shook his head, sighed and said, "Oh, I still think it's amazing. With your advanced nano-era thinking, can you understand this thing?"

Feng Jun, who was standing on the side, laughed: "This level of civilization must at least be able to decipher time and space. Elementary school students in the nanometer era really can't understand it."

"That's right... I don't understand it at all." Xia Xianze sighed again when he said this: "I can't even understand it, and there are so many people who daydream all day long..."

"No way, they all come from places where liars are not enough. IQ is almost understandable."


The eight boxes of planned equipment were all in place within half an hour, and there was a little room to spare, so after the last box of equipment was opened, a comatose person was pulled out of it.

This kind of situation is very common. Sometimes the ones who come out of the transfer box are the transversal people who were sent over after drinking something.Everyone skillfully threw the old man on the wooden board aside to bask in the sun, and it is estimated that he will wake up in a short time.

After Mr. Cao finished his work, he fled away surrounded by a group of bigwigs.After the industrialists waved goodbye a few times, they couldn’t wait to unpack the gift bags and play with new toys!

First, he directed the people from other departments who came to help to do the rough work—there are no laborers in the kiln area today, and they are all crossing people.

The metal boxes were opened one by one, and the equipment and parts inside, including those taken out of the boiler furnace and pipes, were registered one by one, and then the positions were adjusted—the transfer box appeared in the corresponding factory building, and the equipment that was taken out only needed to be slightly moved. Just move it into place.

Then the Industrial Party began drilling holes in the ground with electric picks, and the laborers slammed on their bicycles to charge their batteries for the past few days, just for today's moment.


Yao Zhesheng wobbled and opened his eyes. He slowly sat up from the wooden board under him, and then looked at the strange construction site in front of him in confusion.

There are people coming and going in the nearby shed, and it seems that some equipment is being installed. There are dark blue mountains in the background.

"Where am I?" Yao Zhesheng patted his head, desperately recalling everything before.A steel box at the door of the shed reminded him: "This box looks familiar, it seems to be custom-made by me?"

"Ah! Box, that's right!" Yao Zhesheng remembered everything at this moment!

A week ago, he received a notice of promotion, and the post was transferred from the current Durban to St. Paul. At that time, he was so happy that he said goodbye to his subordinates in a large warehouse in Durban Port.

Yao Zhesheng came to Durban single-handedly to fight for the country. After arriving in Durban, he rented warehouses, recruited workers, and completed the company's tasks on time.Almost all of his activities are in a large warehouse in the Port of Durban, with small rooms in which he lives.

Every once in a while, the company will send him some equipment orders.Yao Zhesheng's job is to order the equipment on the list from all over the world to the warehouse as quickly as possible.Then he would command the four locally hired Uncle Hei's subordinates to test the equipment in the warehouse, then use a perverted space-saving method to pack the equipment, and finally send out the steel containers.

The company's treatment is very good, but he has never met other people in the company, because all communication between the two parties is done through the Internet.

This time, he was very happy after receiving the promotion notice, because he could finally meet the chairman himself, and the letter in the mailbox clearly told him: the next step is to go to Cape Town and report to the chairman face to face.

Kindly bid farewell to the four black uncles, telling them to take care of the warehouse with peace of mind, and other purchasing managers will soon take over; then Yao Zhesheng packed his luggage and took the expensive Core 8 notebook and Huawei Porsche cell phone, boarded the plane, flew to Cape Town.

What he didn't know was that these black uncles would be fired soon, and then the warehouse would be abandoned. The so-called company had already started to be deregistered in St. Kitts the moment he left Durban.

Looking at the vast sea of ​​clouds outside the porthole, Yao Zhesheng sat on the plane, and his thoughts began to diverge again: "This time, you must ask the chairman, where are these devices used, even if it is the North Pole, there is no need for such packaging method, and there is no need to prepare so many accessories! Sigh, unless it is a different world in the novel, there is no way to explain it?...The delivery address can't be found out, if not, go back and go there yourself?"

Yao Zhesheng once again fell into the paradox that has been puzzling him these days.

Yao Zhesheng lived in a private manor in Cape Town for a few days, and then this morning, the phone rang in the room, and it was the chairman himself calling: Come to the back garden.When he came to the back of the manor alone, he found a smiling young man waving at the door of a big house.

After entering the warehouse, Yao Zhesheng saw at first sight that there was a steel cargo box that he was familiar with in the middle of the room, and there was a pile of black wood nailed into a large frame at the other end of the room.

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