Lu Ming

Page 25


Returning to the Yuandou, the two scouts from crossing the river returned to the pier of the commercial hall in a short while after ordering the wind to pull the strings.After disembarking, I found that Master Miaoshu, who was bald and wearing a jacket and jeans, was training temporary workers-some people on the grabbed boat were practicing spraying and disinfection.

After hurriedly saying hello, he returned to the business hall. The laborers brought by Hangzhou at the door were repairing the wall, and most of the people in the crossing were maintaining order in the playground.The Dutch people, who were generally lethargic, lined up in two crooked lines. Cai Feiming and Feng Jun occupied a table and were reviewing and registering.Standing next to Feng Jun was a smiling, chubby and bun-haired Ming person who was working as an interpreter for Feng Jun.

After Wang Xiaohui and Mu Longcheng found the company executives who were waiting for them, they secretly despised the bureaucrats who took it for granted.

After listening to Xia Xianze, he called out Feng Jun and Cai Feiming who were busy, and asked, "I don't remember anyone in the company who can speak Japanese. There must be some Dutch people, right?"

"There is one, Pujie was pierced through his head yesterday, and his head was broken." Cai Feiming smirked and pretended to be Hong Kong Pu to tell the bad news.

"Hiss... This is not easy to handle. There must be some Japanese who can speak Chinese?" Xia Xianze frowned and asked uncertainly.

"Lao Xia, you worry too much!" Cai Feiming didn't dare to overdo it in a joke, and hurriedly explained: "Don't have too many notebook businessmen who run China World Trade Center who can speak Chinese! Don't worry about it!"

Knowing that he was being played lightly, Xia Xianze glared at him fiercely: "Then what are you waiting for, hurry up and go, you and Lao Feng will go, as agreed upon."

Immediately afterwards, he said to Han Xiaobo and Liu Zhe, "Look at the arrangement of the staff, and make a quick decision." After the assignment, the CEO took steps to interrogate the prisoners.

Look at me when there is a large group of people left, I see that after you were silent for three seconds, Han Xiaobo laughed dryly, and waved his hand seemingly heroically: "What are you waiting for, this is a great opportunity, and I can play RPG again! All go, take The book is relaxing!"

However, there is no fuel-efficient lamp for those who can get to the top of the company these days.Look at the costumes of Wang Xiaohui and Mu Longcheng that are comparable to Resident Evil, any fool knows that there is a big horror on the other side!It's okay if Han Xiaobo doesn't say it, but when he said it, all the hula-la people are gone...

It was not until after lunch that the Japanese problem was finally resolved and the squadron began to set off with the whole army.Three small boats carrying more than 30 people rushed to the small pier on the other side of the Taijiang Inland Sea again.There are only four traversers in the team——Feng Jun and Cai Feiming, one is human resources, the other is external relations, and their responsibilities lie.Wang Xiaohui and Mu Longcheng belonged to the military order like a mountain, and it was useless to be filled with grief and indignation.

The four of them were all wearing camouflage anti-mosquito suits, and the Ming sailors around them all wore hats and nets, and they were tightly wrapped.

Chapter 78 The Book

When the boat stopped and docked, everyone disembarked, and the Dutch were no exception—one of the three small boats had five red furs stuffed in it.

Cai Feiming carried an AK on his back and walked to five uneasy Dutchmen with a vote of sailors.He first jumped twice facing the inland direction of Taiwan, craned his neck while jumping and looked around. Then he smiled and said to the Dutchman, "Gentlemen, do you see the woods?"

The Dutchman looked in the direction of his finger and found that far away, across the primitive grass and shrubs, there was a grove of trees.

Seeing the Dutchman nod, Cai Feiming snapped his fingers with a "pop".The next moment, several torches wrapped in tarpaulin and a bag of scythes commonly used by Ming people were thrown at the feet of the Dutch.

"Burn all the grass and bushes between us and that wood."

After waiting for a few seconds, after confirming that these red hairs understood, Cai Feiming turned around and left with someone.

"But sir, we don't have weapons, it's very dangerous! Also, how do we get back?" a Dutchman shouted at Cai Feiming's back.

"I'll leave you a boat, and make it to dinner if you work hard, gentlemen. As for the danger...God bless you."

Someone didn't look back, waved his hand and led him away, leaving five poor Dutchmen standing there staring at each other.

Tainan Plain has a dense network of streams, and the climate is warm all year round, so the water content of vegetation is high.After Cai Feiming and the others walked for a while, black smoke from incompletely burning plants began to appear behind them. When they came to a place not far from the Japanese stockade, the smoke was already billowing behind them.

Against the background of monstrous dark clouds, the nets cover the face, and the evil guests who come slowly are like the legendary evil spirits, appearing in the eyes of the Japanese behind the wall with bad luck.

The Japanese villages are very small, and the walls are made of dense logs with thick bowls, and there are trails behind the walls.When the squad approached, a dense number of heads and weapons appeared silently on the wall of the fortress.

When Wang Xiaohui walked to a distance of more than 100 meters from the stockade, he raised his hand to stop the team: he observed that there were at least three kinds of muskets on the wall of the book, including the heavy Spanish muskets-Daming called the turtle dove gun.This gun is lethal at a distance of 100 meters. The disadvantage is that it is heavy and it is a defensive weapon.

The red-and-white magic weapon—the electric horn—was taken out again.Cai Feiming took the first two steps, pulled up the net cover on his face, and began to shout into the loudspeaker: "Listen to the Baga inside, I will give you half a column of incense to come out and see the Lord Ming, when the time is up, kill them all! "

When he shouted for the second time, there was obviously a commotion on the wall, and soon the gate made of logs opened a gap, three people came out, and then the gate quickly closed again.

Three Japanese messengers walked towards this side in a shape.The leading one was wearing a bundo that was a bit funny to the people who crossed the line, a blue Japanese-style short robe with wide sleeves, only a short armor on the upper body, no shoulder armor or skirt armor, and a short knife at the waist. , wearing clogs under his feet.

When the messenger reached a distance of 10 meters from the squad, they were stopped by the electric horn. When they were reluctant to stick the dagger on the ground, they were allowed to approach the Lord Ming.

There is no way, the adults of the Ming Dynasty grew up listening to Hongmen Banquet since they were young. The behavior of throwing cups and hacking people at the negotiating table usually appears in history books and novels as a positive teaching material.So Master Ming understands the pissing nature of the book... The eldest brother understands the second brother, but you can’t understand the Dutch, so it was handled by Hamada Yahei.

When the Japanese walked up to the front, everyone saw that this gentleman was not as short as he imagined, and he still had a height of 1 meters.The characteristic of the person coming is that he has a long face, so he has a horse-like face - this one didn't think his own face was long, so he came to the front and bowed vigorously: "Toru Higashino, the samurai of the Kyoto Chaya family, sees Lord Ming!"

Using the Chinese arrangement to announce such a series of names is already very Chinese, and it can be said that it is fully prepared, but unfortunately the transmigrators do not realize this.What makes the adults of Shangguo a little shocking is the colloquialism of this fellow: there is nothing, only the authentic ones.Higashino, a Japanese samurai with a horse-faced face, speaks Nanjing Mandarin in a fluent voice.The adults who claimed to be from the Ming Kingdom were exposed at this moment, just as embarrassed as a red neck in the south seeing an Asian who speaks a London accent.

Fortunately, Cai Feiming has been in business all the year round. He has practiced long enough to not feel sorry for himself. After coughing, he raised his face and asked solemnly, "He came from Kyoto, why didn't you come to the business hall in the morning to report?"

"Hey! The villagers have disappointed the adults! I originally thought that the adults would leave here after the robbery." Toru Higashino bowed again at this time: "The village has prepared some property, please don't be polite, after all, come here for a visit. It was also very hard work.”

... Cai Feiming was almost laughed angrily after listening. He turned his head and looked at Feng Jun, and found that the latter was half-open, and he was also dumbfounded.

"Where are you going to send the beggar? Do you know that from now on, Lord Ming will manage this land himself?"

"Ah! If this is the case, then everyone will be neighbors from now on. It sounds like a wonderful thing. Please believe that the villagers will bring gifts to visit the adults!"

"I'm drunk, you Baga warrior, are you playing stupid with Lao Tzu?" The invader finally showed his true colors: "Listen to me, everyone must come out to register at the time of a stick of incense, and they are not allowed to wear weapons. And armor. The businessman needs to get the certificate and pay taxes according to the rules in the future. The rest of the villagers will report to the business hall and wait for the dispatch of workers, do you understand!?"

Toru Higashino stood up straight, his horse's face slightly elongated: "The Dutch tried it, but this is intolerable, because the businessmen will not pay taxes to the latecomers!"

Cai Feiming sneered when he heard the words: "The Dutch want to trade in Nagasaki, so I let you all go here. Do you think the duty-free was bought by you arrogantly?"

"In fact, the businessmen have worked hard here for many years. Speaking of which, the adults from the Ming Kingdom are also latecomers. Please, please stop! You know, this is also the place that the generals care about."

"Damn, you dare to bring your general out?" Cai Feiming rolled his eyes: "Ieyasu, an old man, dared to send someone to occupy the field without saying hello 12 years ago. He was going to be cocky 11 years ago, and he still didn't forget to send Nagasaki The acting officials came to blackmail me for the buckskins of the good people of the Ming Dynasty, and we have not yet settled these two accounts with your general, but you are too embarrassing to mention them?"

Toru Higashino was trembling all over at this moment, his teeth were bared, his long face was twisted into the shape of a terracotta knife, there was no trace of his previous humility, his hands were bulging with blue veins, and he was holding it with force, as if he was holding a rib cage.

The next moment, before the departure, I was reminded of the key points, and the Ming people, who were ready to drop the cup at any time, put their weapons on the heads of the three Japanese.

Toru Higashino had a bird gun on his left forehead and an AK on his right forehead, but as if he didn't feel it, he stared at Cai Feiming and roared, "Even if you're from the Ming Kingdom, it's too rude to judge the general like this. It's gone!"

Chapter 79 The Government Is Not a Bandit

Looking at the Japanese samurai who suddenly burst into anger, and then was held against the head by the barrel of the gun, Cai Feiming shook his head with a smile, turned his face and said to Feng Jun beside him: "This guy's acting is good, he just doesn't respond positively."

Feng Jun also saw that he was making a name for himself, and nodded: "Playing Laozi, practicing Tai Chi, and thinking about fooling us away."

"Give this idiot a haircut."

"Well, get a haircut."

After the consensus was reached, Cai Feiming made a gesture to Wang Xiaohui and the others who were idle and bored, then turned around and poked Dongye Uetoru's chest with his fingers, imitating Dongye's style yin and yang strangely and said: "It's really nerve-racking, please Dongye-kun. See something more rude."

Toru Higashino was stunned to see the large fireworks with white tail smoke blowing the gate to pieces, and then a man from the Ming Kingdom who was only five steps away from him used a weird iron cannon to blast the wall in the distance. The place where the turtledove gun was erected was smashed to pieces, a gap the size of a washbasin was knocked out of the wall, broken wood flew, and several people on the ground were screaming.

After the AK's gunfire ceased, Cai Feiming grabbed the collar of Toru Higashino, and said with a grin, "Take it off? Hehe, now there are only half a column of incense left. If you dare to bother Lord Mingguo to attack the fortress, please let me know. You bastards, go to hell; come out and apply for the certificate honestly, you can save your life and wealth, go back and discuss it yourself."

The three staggering Japanese returned.

Looking at their backs, Feng Jun said thoughtfully, "Won't you rush out to play with a bunch of people later? This book is good at this, and you will be honored."

"That's a soldier, or a cannon fodder rogue." Cai Feiming lit a cigarette and said leisurely: "Zhu Yinchuan are all noble nobles, and only big businessmen have the ability to organize. The leaders of expatriate business groups like Ma Lian , they are all well-rounded professional managers, the golden collars in the samurai class, and they have long since left the low-level fun. Playing with personality and losing the property of the big guy behind him will have a good end when he goes back?"

Just when the invaders outside waited impatiently, the people in the stockade finally filed out.I hadn't seen it before, but there were three hundred small people popping out of the small stockade.Seeing that the situation was not good, Feng Jun hurriedly took out the walkie-talkie from the back to call for support. After a while, a large number of people from the Transmigration Group rushed over, and cooperated with the team to separate these people according to their nationalities, and then started one by one. clean up.

In addition to the original more than 100 Japanese in the stockade, there are more than 30 Fujian fishermen among the remaining people.After all these goods were driven aside, what was left in the end, the largest number, were more than 100 Banda slaves that the Dutch transported to the chief.

Five years ago, in 5, the current Batavia governor, Cohen, launched a crackdown on the natives of Banda Island in order to monopolize the nutmeg trade. The reason was that the natives traded spices privately with the British.

More than 15000 Banda natives were killed, and all the rest were distributed to various places as slaves, and the Banda natives were wiped out.The Banda slaves who once participated in the fortification with Da Yuan in Penghu, now there are only about 100 slaves left, and there are also a few Malays mixed in them.

All the Bandars were loaded onto small boats and transported back to their home, the shanty town at the foot of the business building.The Fujian fishermen, who wore brown and blue ramie cloth jackets and tied their hair in buns, were all caught up with the Japanese "Deer House" Zhuyin ship as temporary boatmen-the cable rudder had been found from the stockade, and the ship was seized. Temporary requisition, responsible for pulling people and goods back and forth.

The 100 or so Japanese who have all kinds of surrogate heads are the key monitoring targets.Most of these people were merchants and their entourage, and some sailors.The books were uniformly gathered in the open space in front of the village gate, where they knelt and sat there in rows, surrounded by gunmen.

As for how to deal with this group of goods, it depends on the opinions of high-level officials.However, everyone at the top knows what they are going to do, so naturally they have no time to talk to them.

The most common goods in Japanese villages are deerskins. This soft fur is the best lining for samurai armor, and it is the biggest source of motivation for the Japanese to try to get a foot in Tainan for many years.The early books tended to occupy Tainan by force. After the 1615-strong army was captured by the typhoon in 4000, the next year sent people to "collect taxes", but they returned with a bad luck.

Since then, the Japanese have used trade to obtain deerskins.By improving relations with the natives, the Japanese obtained permission to build a stronghold in the inland of the Taijiang River.With this small stockade, merchants can be arranged to sit on the ground to buy deerskins all year round. After the arrival of the Zhuyin ship in winter, they will find that the goods have been stocked up.

Of course, due to the different nature, it is naturally impossible for the transmigrating forces to swallow up the Japanese goods like confiscating the goods of the Dutch.

Although the Dutch are latecomers, there is no doubt that they are exercising government functions in their ranks.The war between the Crossing Company and the East India Company was the standard battle for power.However, the Japanese stockade is essentially a foreign trade station, cold storage, and waste collection station.

The people who traveled worked hard to come here, the purpose is to establish political power and build a new world order. Those who robbed people were the most unscrupulous bandits, not the government.

Therefore, when the newly opened high-level government leader Mr. Xia Xianze saw the Japanese silver bars, he immediately held an on-site meeting and pointed out: the establishment of a bill-based international trade system is a hot issue in current international trade, and it is a new situation for all parties involved. Important consensus that must be reached.Taking into account the favorable situation of good neighborliness and friendship between the two sides over the years, it is necessary for the two sides to further cooperate and set an example for other members in multilateral trade.

In line with the principle of mutual benefit, Xia Xianze pointed out that the Crossroad Group should give full play to its own advantages and help Japanese merchants with weak technical ability to maximize the value of traded items.In this process, the Japanese side got the opportunity to upgrade its trade system to advanced instrumentation, gained valuable experience, and further strengthened the friendship between the two sides.In the foreseeable future, the growing multilateral trade situation occupies the commanding heights for itself.

Regarding the Crossroad Group itself, Xia Xianze pointed out that the current international trade situation is complicated. As the initiator of the transaction of billing, it is inevitable that some problems will arise in the future. We must be fully mentally prepared.As far as Japanese silver is concerned, no matter how much gold and other precious metals are extracted from it, we must accept it calmly.

The interim meeting also discussed several other issues concerning Japanese merchants, and finally made the following decisions:

1: Considering that the Japanese businessmen who do not know the truth have a certain probability of resistance to the negotiating, the traversal forces decided to reduce or exempt some of the taxes payable by the Japanese businessmen who purchased deerskins here in the previous ten years.

2: Considering that Da Yuan's shanty towns are already overwhelmed, the Japanese merchants are allowed to stay in the village for a period of time and will be relocated as soon as possible in the future.

3: All goods in the village must be registered in the warehouse, and the storage fee can be appropriately reduced or exempted for Japanese merchants. In the future, Japanese merchants will not be allowed to privately purchase native products from local residents.

The meeting also discussed other outstanding matters.

Chapter 80 License

At present, the history of this parallel plane has not changed before the emergence of the traversers.So if the time is pushed forward 1627 years from 45, a major event in Japanese history still happened on time.

The change of Honnoji Temple - On June 1582, 6, Oda Nobunaga, who was in his prime, was attacked by his subordinate Mitsuhide Akechi, and was forced to commit suicide at Honnoji Temple in Kyoto.

At that time, only a small number of entourages were brought, and Tokugawa Ieyasu, the founder of the Edo shogunate who was contacting Sakai Town to buy a musket, immediately received relevant information.Please note that the information was provided to Ieyasu by a Kyoto merchant named Chaya Shiro Jiro Kiyonoun.

Ieyasu encountered the biggest crisis in his life: "Iga Yue".At that time, Iga had already spread the news of the Honnoji Incident, and the order was extremely chaotic.Eager to return to Mikawa Okazaki Castle, Tokugawa Ieyasu had to take great risks to cross the Iga Mountain Road, which was full of bandits.However, Shiro Jiro, a wealthy merchant, accompanied him all the way. Along the way, he offered generous resignations and money to open the way, so that the fugitive warriors said: "Ieyasu-sama is convenient", and finally Ieyasu arrived at Ise Shirokohama safely and boarded the return boat of Okazaki Castle.

To some extent, Qing Yan is Ieyasu's savior.At the moment when Jia Kang boarded the boat, the combination of Edo Lubuwei + Shogunate Shanxi was born.

Since then, Chaya Kiyono has been the agent of the shogunate in Kyoto, and has acquired huge information and financial power.

His descendants, as generals and retainers, will only increase in power.

Shiro Jiro Seiji, the third generation of the tea house, was the first to receive Ieyasu's goshuin ship trading license, and acted as the vanguard of Japan's internationalization in the early Edo years.

Later, Seiji also obtained the privilege of the shogunate's "Silk Cut Talisman" policy at that time-the Japanese version of silk was purchased and sold in a unified way. The Chaya family was both a referee and an athlete at that time.

In the Edo shogunate years that lasted for more than 260 years, the Chaya family and the Tokugawa family lived together and lived together, and they truly achieved the same kinship with the country.


The horse-faced samurai Toru Higashino, who was slapped in the face by Cai Feiming, is the retainer of the current owner of the Kyoto Chaya family, Chaya Dosumi, the captain of the Zhuyin Ship, and a professional manager.

It has been 24 hours since the Japanese Village was broken.Toru Higashino stood at the door of the senior officer's office, watching the Paga pirates coming in and out, he could only bow his head slightly at this moment to hide the hatred in his eyes.

Toru Higashino knew that there were not many days left until his caesarean section.

Ming pirates sent slaves and laborers to empty all the goods and money in the village yesterday.The Japanese have nothing now, only some rice is left in the empty village.

Early this morning, the pirates pretended to call Dongye and several other shippers to the store. A chubby pirate clerk took them to count the goods, and then used a strange scale to weigh all the silver bars.

After issuing the list of goods, the fat pirate told them with a smile: In the future, the Japanese will use advanced "invoice-based" transactions in their trade.Therefore, for the silver bars in the warehouse, the pirates will exchange the equivalent banknotes for its owner according to the silver content in it.As the first batch of merchants to enjoy the convenience policy, Higashino and several other cargo owners can obtain the trade qualifications issued by the pirates and obtain business licenses (free of cost).

As for those banknotes, the fat pirate told them a little embarrassedly: the banknotes are still on their way to the boss, anyway, the Japanese are not in a hurry to leave, he will first give everyone a white note as proof.

Dongye and the others were at the gate of the chief's office at this time, waiting for a white note from Wang Liguo.None of them were armed - iron cannons, knives like ribashi and daggers were all confiscated yesterday, and the katana pirates who left behind did not allow samurai to bring into the shop.

Toru Higashino, who knew far more about the Ming Kingdom than the traversers, already knew exactly what the traversal company was playing: they would bring in a lot of Ming Kingdom's treasures, and then promulgate some seemingly legal rules, silently and silently. The silver bars brought by the merchants became their own.

Higashino has long since given up hope on those silver bars. Now he just wants to get back the Zhu Yin ship, and then try his best to salvage some buckskins from the greedy and cunning pirates who are full of lies, and then return to Kyoto with humiliation, in front of the Patriarch. After reporting everything, it is time to wash away my shame—I really hope that a noble adult can help me out...

Just when the horse-faced warrior was immersed in the fantasy of the beautiful thirteen-style caesarean designed by himself, Cai Feiming walked out the door and brought these Japanese businessmen into the official residence.

In the official residence, several senior company executives were already standing more formally.Wang Liguo first stood up on behalf of the company and wrote a white note to the businessman of the book. At present, the company only has some A4 paper in reserve, and there is nothing else for printing, so there is only a white note with the private seals of Xia Xianze and Wang Liguo on it.

Then there is the issuance of a temporary business license: a square cut from a white corrugated cardboard box, with the owner of the license marked with a crayon, and a license to allow this person to trade in Daguan in 1627-1628, with an extra Cai Feiming on it. 's private chapter.

Next, Cai Feiming, on behalf of the company, promulgated several business regulations that were discussed yesterday: including the unified purchase and sale of deerskins in the future, the compulsory exchange of precious metals, and the taxation of all existing Japanese goods.

When several Japanese businessmen heard this, their faces turned ashen.

Of course, the good news is not without it.Cai Feiming announced with a smile on his face: After research, the adults decided to exempt the Japanese from being punished for their previous acts of accusing the dead (taking in Banda and fishermen); in addition, the tax that the Japanese had stolen from the officers before 1627 was also exempted. be exempted.

The Japanese are still ashamed.

The well-prepared scene is somewhat awkward.Cai Feiming frowned and walked in front of Dongye, poked his chest habitually, and asked in a low voice, "You bastard, why are you still like a dead old man with such good conditions?"

"Please stop making fun of the businessmen, Cai Sang! Although I don't want to say it directly, no one will be happy with this kind of trade conditions."

Cai Feiming chopped the corrugated cardboard on Dongye's hand with his fingers: "Don't you know how much this thing is worth?"

"Hey, maybe I'm careless, I'll keep it properly!"

The puzzled Cai Feiming stared at his face full of resentment and resentment, and Dongye, who obviously didn't take the business license in his hand seriously, began to ponder.

The next moment, Cai Feiming shook his head sharply, stared at a person behind him and asked, "Officer, when you stocked up today, didn't you bring a book to see our own library?"

Wang Liguo blinked his small eyes and tried to recall: "Oh, it seems that someone mentioned it to me yesterday, hehe, I was busy with the account in the morning, so I forgot..."

Cai Feiming patted his forehead twice with his palm, and after scolding the dog officer twice in his heart, he pushed and shoved a group of Japanese businessmen to the front of the company's own warehouse.

While waiting for the warehouse manager to open the door, Cai Feiming gently pulled out the white note from Dongye's hand, shaking it back and forth in front of him: "The contents inside can be exchanged for this piece of paper, you Baga warrior, you take the Ming Kingdom What kind of obscene child do adults imagine?"

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