Lu Ming

Page 24

"Can you understand what I just said?"

"Yes, sir."

"What does that mean?"

"Today is history, sir."

"Very well, sit down."


The following is the full text of Cai Feiming's speech in Dutch.

"Today is history, everyone."

"The civilizations of the East and the West have come to a period of truly great fusion. From this moment, the gentlemen in the audience, as well as the scumbags from all walks of life, the history has been witnessed by you. The first contact between the United Provincial Republic and a mysterious and great civilization has been You witness. You will be recorded in the annals of history, you have opened the door of wealth, countless benefits are coming, and you and the forces behind you will all participate in this feast."

"In addition, the shareholders of the East India Company paid a small price today. But please believe me, this is just a small episode, please don't care about this detail. Compared with the bright future, this loss today is really nothing Worth wasting even a minute of your time talking about it."

"Finally, I have to kindly remind you that it is very important to be aware of your current situation. Your status as a prisoner will be maintained until an agreement is reached. Therefore, anyone must obey the guards unconditionally in the following time. all orders, if he does not want to die tragically the next moment."

"I'm done."

Chapter 74 Busy

Cai Feiming smiled, nodded in all directions, and then stepped down.He is very skilled in this job. When he was in Cape Town, he would often organize this kind of local luggage exhibition, and the black uncles usually bought it.However, no one in the crowd cared what nonsense he said just now. It was just a simple occupation ceremony. It was enough to walk through the scene. Everyone was very busy right now.

Most of the Dutch also failed to understand the meaning of Tsai's phony clichés.They were quickly distracted by what happened next - the invaders began sorting and disposing of their captives.

Some were locked in empty warehouses that smelled of demonic saliva, while others, slightly wounded, were rescued unexpectedly: a man, also in a green jumpsuit, stood behind a table, using a shiny iron clip. The wounds were cleaned with a cotton ball, brewed with spirits, and then bandaged with white cotton cloth. The whole process was fast and strange, and the wounded would make one or two screams from time to time.

These people are being held in that small hospital.This is already very good, at least everyone can be allocated a hammock or wooden bed, and those with leg injuries can live in the lower bunk.

The few high-level people in the business hall were treated differently.Johannes van der Hagen himself and the other three members of the council were not injured. They helped Lieutenant William Janes, who had a thigh injury, into a single room-this was the room of the missionaries before, and now the servants of God have passed away. was driven into the warehouse.The imaginary torture and torture did not come, the aggressor just told them in that weird Dutch: "There is no time now", and told them: "Stay in the room and be quiet."

William Janes was picked out from the pile of corpses outside the shop.Mr. Lieutenant standing at the right rear of the team escaped the 12.7mm burst warhead, and the flying prefabricated fragments only pulled a [-]cm long crack on his thigh.He was lucky because he survived, not many of those who went out with him at the time survived.

As the only Westerner who enjoyed non-anesthesia and suture treatment because of his different status, William Janes did not know that he had created a new history.The veteran is now lying weak on the bed, discussing the incredible stitching on his thigh with Vander Hagen.They will then speculate on the origins of these mysterious invaders, discuss whether they are civilized people, and those terrible weapons.In short, they are also very busy for the rest of the day.

Time always flies, and the time-travel team is busy all afternoon.The first is to sterilize functional buildings such as the officers' offices, barracks, hospitals, warehouses, chapels, and weapon depots, and then detain the prisoners.Then sweep the battlefield.

The last job was more laborious: there were a lot of dead bodies and amputated limbs scattered all over the place to deal with.The plan was to load a boat to feed the fish, but there is no boat at the moment—just as the cannon fodder team shouted and rushed into the business hall from the gap in the west, the back of the business hall, that is, on the side of the wharf near the Taijiang Inland Sea in the northeast corner, originally Japanese businessmen, Fujian fishermen, Pingpu indigenous people, and Banda slaves gathered in the shanty towns to watch the excitement.These people swarmed onto the fishing boats and sampans by the pier, crossed the inland waters of the Taijiang River, and ran to the main island of Taiwan, leaving only a lonely Dutch speedboat on the pier, laughing at the helpless passers-by with soft sails and ropes them.


At the moment, Chuanzhong is facing such an embarrassing situation: no one can drive the captured Dutch boat, the boats and sampans are all on the other side of the Taijiang River, and the two sand boats that he brought cannot be used to hold corpses and flesh and blood, not to mention The two sand boats are also very busy now - the sunken sampan in the channel needs to be cleaned up, the lighter Yuandou has already inverted into the channel, and is sending sailors into the sea to bundle the sunken sampan, ready to start the outboard to move the sampan. Tow out of the channel.

In the end, there was really no other way. Chen Dong, who was in charge of infrastructure construction and management of all labor, could only order: dig a big hole in the distance to bury people.This work took all the resources and the rest of the day was spent on it.

Naturally, the few senior executives of the company headed by Xia Xianze would not deal with corpses.As soon as these people entered the business hall, their attention was focused on a more demanding job: loot cleaning.The Dutch were locked up on the front feet, and the people on the back hurried into the warehouse. The strong smell of disinfectant could not stop their eager thoughts at all.

From the time of the first transmigrator, Xia Xianze, until today, the company is actually in a state of "superlative".In other words, the cost of various light and dark plans, as well as all the personnel and materials, were actually "imported", and the money for the crossing team to buy vegetables was exchanged by Cao Chuan by reselling "local products".There is no other traveler in the middle, everyone is like a child at home, pure consumption, no output at all.

In addition to the small amount of floating wealth and land deeds from the owner of the Beggar Gang, strictly speaking, the Dutch property seized in the Daguan Business Hall today is the first income of the company in the true sense.It’s like when a child grows up and finally earns pocket money by walking the neighbor’s dog. The amount decreases, but the meaning is different.

When Xia Xianze, Feng Jun, Cai Feiming and the others walked into the Dutch warehouse, they found that someone had already arrived - Wang Liguo, who was in vain, was taking a few people to count the goods.

The largest volume in the booty is a piece of Indian white sandalwood with a white outer skin, the thickness of the thigh, and a dark brown core.Sandalwood is one of the few goods that the Dutch colonists could knock on the Daming market without hindrance.At this time period, other commodities are not very useful for the Ming Dynasty, except for the manufacture of various Buddha statues, furniture, handles, and incense Indian white sandalwood, which is an indispensable consumer product for the top people of the Ming Dynasty.

Those present were more or less aware of the trade status of sandalwood in the early 17th century.Feng Jun stepped forward, rubbed the core of the sandalwood with his middle finger, pretended to smell it, and said with a smile, "It's quite fragrant, to tell you the truth, I haven't seen a log before, and Mr. Cao can't bring it back. Know if you can sell it at a price."

"5000 per pound is easy to sell. The white sandalwood in southern India will become extinct many years ago, and the market has long been out of stock."

Um?Hearing some popular science, everyone turned around and said, "Oh, it turns out to be Professor Luo, no wonder."

The appearance of Professor Luo in everyone's mouth is relatively unique: he has a straight head and an earring on his left ear. He also has the hoops that old men in the entertainment industry like to keep.The lines on his face are relatively tough. Although he has black hair and yellow skin, he feels a bit mixed-race, similar to Robert Baggio.

Chapter 75 money money money

Professor Luo is a very mysterious person. After crossing the road, he only said his surname is Luo, and the rest are kept secret, so people called him Lao Luo at first.Later, everyone found out that this person likes to force popular science, and he understands the air well, which is a bit like Sheldon.It happens that when this guy is debating with people, all kinds of data come from his mouth. Whether it is true or not, ordinary people can't beat him anyway, so the title of Professor Luo is called by the masses.

Since playing AK and swollen his cheeks, Professor Luo has been rushed to the logistics department to work, and inventory is his job.I saw Feng Jun and the others talking about sandalwood just now. As soon as the old problem was committed, they came together to start popular science.

"In that case, wouldn't it cost tens of millions per ton?" Xia Xianze was a little surprised when Professor Luo finished talking about the price.

"The market is now full of various kinds of sandalwood from Indonesia, Australia, and Africa. Just this, a light bracelet costs hundreds of thousands, and 5000 jin of old white sandalwood in southern India is no problem." Professor Luo smiled and patted it with his hand. Pat veneer added.

"Then process 10 cubes first, cut off the bark, and leave only the core. When Mr. Cao arrives, we will transport it back to see the market." Xia Xianze made a final decision.

"This is easy." Professor Luo nodded: "We have carpenters in our hands now, and there must be some among the Dutch. Non-combatants should survive a lot. We will start registration tomorrow when we free up our hands, and we will arrange work when we find them."

A total of 40 cubic logs were weighed and recorded.Next is the spices: pepper, nutmeg, cloves are all commonly used in the warehouse. The proportion of pepper is the highest, but the total amount is not much. These spices add up to only 150 dan.During this time period, the status of spices in the trade with Ming was lower than that of sandalwood.

Loads of white ivory undoubtedly aroused the interest of visitors.While denouncing the Dutch and Indians who have no concept of animal protection, people are shoving whole ivory in their hands, and their mouths are full of ugliness.

After a loud bang of "Duang", people woke up.Turning his head to look, it turned out that Professor Luo had an extra gong in his hand.

"Where did the Dutch get so many gongs?" The group soon discovered that there were no less than ten load gongs piled up in the corner.

"The gong is originally a traditional musical instrument of the Malays, okay? There are so many copper mines in Indonesia." Professor Luo tapped the gong with his knuckles with a smirk: "The Dutch want to collect spices. They have been doing maps in the Spice Islands for a few years. Some copper gongs are very easy. This belongs to distribution. Generally speaking, Ming merchants still recognize copperware..."

The unique goods have been inspected.In several Dutch warehouses there are also some groceries of crude benzene: hematoxylin for dyes, dutch linen and woolen wool for shirts, glass beads to deceive the natives, some lead and tin pieces, hundreds of sheets Locally sourced deerskin.Foodstuffs include flour, rice, palm oil, salted fish, and dried venison in a fair amount.The latter two were apparently obtained from indigenous and Fujian fishermen.

Daming's best products: raw silk, china and cotton are in meager quantities in warehouses.It seems that the information is still accurate - the Dutch are living a very difficult life at this stage, and the chaotic situation in Fujian has made it impossible for the red hairs to build a trade channel with Ming.

After the goods were counted, everyone rushed into the Dutch man's mansion.There are a lot of documents and letters in the two simple solid wood houses. Professor Luo and Cai Feiming have dug up a treasure.

The others ignored these two at all, and their destination was a small warehouse inside the official residence.

Yes, that's right, the small storeroom is the silver storehouse.

Silver is the real product of Westerners.After the colonists came to East Asia, the silver produced in America finally found a way to vent. The beautiful metal was turned into various coins. These coins converged into rolling silver dragons, which could only get in, and eventually all disappeared in China. on this magical land.

Marked by the Portuguese occupation of Macau, since the middle of the Ming Dynasty, the silver imported into the Ming Dynasty from the outside, including Japan, has never been less than 200 million taels, and the peak period exceeded 400 million taels.Even after 1640, during the period of shrinking trade caused by the European War, the annual import of silver into the Ming Dynasty did not exceed 100 million taels.

These bastards of the Ming Dynasty don't need anything. The most hateful thing is that they are ingenious and can produce porcelain, raw silk, and oh, and tea, which will make the colonists crazy.The red-eyed Europeans, however, had nothing—not to mention the spices, the colonists' entire cargo combined was a small percentage of the total trade.The only thing the people of Ming Dynasty liked was silver.

In the deal against Daming, the term trade balance simply does not exist.Those poor goods have always been supporting roles: they have no ability to resist, they can't find the temple gate with their pig heads in their hands, they are shameless and beaten to death, just to get the qualification to pour silver into the bottomless pit of Daming. This is what the early colonists belonged to. Real photo.

The boxes of silver that the Dutch had brought to the officers are now stacked in the silver vault, waiting for the arrival of the new owner.Xia Xianze took square steps and walked into the warehouse first. After entering, he bent down and grabbed a handful of coins from the wooden box, and looked at it.

In terms of craftsmanship in the early 17th century, these silver guilder coins in Xia Xianze's hands are worthy of the comment of "good quality".

The coin type is basically round, the outer ring is inscribed, and the front is inscribed with patterns: half-length warriors and shields, and the reverse pattern is a common lion in European flags.The designs of Dutch coins in this period were relatively random, and the basic rules of the head of the emperor on the front and the crown and shield on the reverse were not fully formed.

The silver content of Dutch Guilders is very high, more than 95%.The silver coins in the box are large and small, and they are rather messy. You can find large silver coins ranging from 1 shield to half shield, and even 2.5 shields and 10 shields.

The money will not be counted for a while, and the content must be classified and measured. Wang Liguo and the others will be busy in the next few days.

In addition to dozens of cases of Dutch guilders, there were several other cases of Spanish pesos in the warehouse.

These pesos are classic early Spanish silver crosses.Made in the Mint in Mexico City, the handmade silver coin, which cannot even be round, features a cross-haired lion and castle on the front and an early Spanish coat of arms on the back.

This kind of peso has been in circulation in Daming for at least 50 years, especially in Fujian, where it is called "wedge silver".The fineness of the Spanish peso is 95%, and 1 standard peso weighs 27 grams, which is equivalent to 0.7 taels.The face value is also divided into silver coins of different sizes such as 8 Riel, 4 Riel, and 2 Riel.

Chapter 76

Unlike the messy silver coins, the only two boxes of gold bars in the warehouse are the same size, and the dark light flows, and they are neatly stacked there.

These two boxes of gold bars look familiar, and it seems that someone has seen this style in Hangzhou.At this time, a certain science madman appeared out of nowhere: "The gold-silver ratio in Daming is about 1:8, and at the same time Europe is 1:12, so the white-skinned people have been buying gold from the Ming Dynasty for many years. The gold in the book was also arbitraged."

Oh!Now everyone understands.


No one could tell how much the silver coins in the treasury were worth.Even after Cai Feiming found the Dutch's ledger, he still couldn't tell the exact number.Because there are some private savings of East India Company employees in this vault, these money will not be shown on the public account.

However, the total amount can still be estimated on the spot.After simply weighing a box of silver coins, Wang Liguo matched Cai Feiming's account book to the Dutch, and then announced in public that the precious metals in the warehouse, converted into Daming silver, must be more than 20 taels, only a lot more!

A burst of eager applause and whistles erupted from the silver vault.The robbers walked out of the official residence contentedly, stepped on the blood-soaked ground with smiles all over their faces, climbed the fence, and stood on the fort in the northeast corner. , overlooking the island of Taiwan.

The setting sun slanted westward, and the two banks of the Taijiang River, which had been noisy all day, gradually returned to silence.

Large and small lagoons and wetlands spread along the coast, and large groups of spoonbills, stork cranes, and sea pelicans walk in the lagoons.The setting sun split through the clouds, and the water surface was dyed a golden yellow.Over time, the sky changes color with the sunset: orange, pink, purple, the gradation sky reflects black and white waterfowl, the water surface of broken gold, the light blue bottom sea, and the mangroves on the shore; a beautiful picture The original picture scroll, the color and ink landscape is presented in front of the traveler.

"The country is so beautiful, how beautiful..." Xia Xianze was so intoxicated at the moment, he clapped his hands and sighed.

"This lake is my family's, my family's, all my family's..." Feng Jun licked his lips greedily and muttered to himself.

The rest of the people were unhappy. There was a man from the Northeast next to him shaking his legs and dragging a long voice: "Have you got the certificate? Why do I look like my home?"

Feng Jun woke up, turned his head to look, and found that several people were squinting at him, quickly hid their true colors, and laughed awkwardly: "Common stalls, all public stalls... Brothers will live in Sanya in the future, here are all Common stall!"

"Well, this is more or less..."

This is the end of a historic day.

Accompanied by the stars, the invaders who had been tired all day fell asleep early, and they slept soundly.There were some people in the warehouse who stayed up all night, unfortunately, no one cared about them now.

On the two diagonal forts in the northeast and southwest, traversers wearing night vision goggles are patrolling the new territory. The development of science and technology has made all hostile behaviors at night into actively seeking death.

In the early morning, when the eastern sky gradually turned into a fish-mammed white, there was already a lot of noise in the Dayuan Merchant Hall.The terrifying work and rest system in the Middle Ages once made some people who first arrived in your country feel unbearable: there is no electricity at night, no Internet, even if you open your laptop, there is no Taobao to brush, not to mention that everyone's battery usage has a quota. It is only possible to occasionally check the information, and it is not enough to play a single-player game.

However, if there is a loss, there is a gain. After living in the Ming Dynasty for a period of time, the benefits gradually manifested: no more neurasthenia, no more inversion of black and white, falling asleep when it gets dark, getting up when it is light, with a rosy face, and a large appetite , hale and hearty, [-] times a night...

The laborers are the first to enter the working state: they work at sunrise, and if they do not work, they will have nothing to eat.In the early morning, a group of people came to the pier first, and the quality of the old-fashioned pier built by the Dutch was still good.Two sand boats had passed through the waterway yesterday evening and were docked on the pier. The corpse of the tattered sampan was thrown on the beach beside it.

The workers opened the door of the dog's eye, and a few people went down to hand over some unloaded goods that had not been unloaded yesterday.The goods were thrown on the ship's board on the spot, and then two 1.2 stainless steel cauldrons with a diameter of 304 meters were shouted and carried off the ship.

In the open space in the middle of the business hall, a stove has been set up, and both stoves are built with a black-yellow square stone the size of a human head.The laborers skillfully set up pots, boiled water, and poured the washed rice into the pots. One of the large pots was thrown into some venison meat and salt from the Dutch warehouse, and the other was thrown into salted fish and boats. Reserve dried vegetables.

By the time some of the people who crossed the road leisurely smoked their early cigarettes and went out, the hot venison porridge was already cooked.After the gentlemen finished eating, the two cauldrons could not rest, and the salted fish rice had to be cooked for several more rounds. Hundreds of people, including Hong Mao, were all full. Who would work if they were not full?

All the daily necessities left by the Dutch, including clothes, sheets, pots and pans, will be sterilized today by dedicated personnel.Most of them will be boiled in boiling water for 30 minutes, and some items that are not resistant to high temperature will be soaked in 3% bleach, also for 30 minutes.These items and the beds in the barracks will be distributed to the laborers from Hangzhou. As for their original owners, cough...isn't it good to be alive?

While the workers are still waiting for the meal, the old men who have been worrying about everyone have gathered on the fort where they watched the scene yesterday, and they have begun to worry about the Japanese on the other side of the Taijiang River!

The idea of ​​​​starting to fight the other side early in the morning seems a little anxious, but the reality is: there is no water.

Dayuan Island is strictly a sandbar isolated in the sea.The water well drilled by the Dutch in the business hall was tested by the logistics staff yesterday, and it is brackish water.Like Hangzhou, the salt content of the well water here fluctuates and can only be used for rinsing.

The Dutch were not besieged, so naturally they would not drink salt water. They usually used small boats to go to the upper and middle reaches of the Xingang River on the other side to pull water.And the Dutch also attach great importance to water sources: the walls of the business hall are made of clay, and the building is made of wood. Only the water cellar is made of stone.The top priority right now is to replenish the water source, which also involves the small boats that ran away yesterday. The boats were all parked on the other side of the Taijiang River, and a small pier was built there.

Liu Zhe is observing the opposite bank with a telescope.It can be clearly seen from the lens: along a small road, the wharf extends 500 meters inland, and there is a Zizhai with bamboo and wood walls. There is no flag on the wall, but there are people shaking.

"It seems that the Japanese stockade didn't run away." Liu Zhe put away his binoculars, turned his head and said to Xia Xianze, who was standing beside him.

"Why is it so far from the shore, is it because of the tide?" CEO Xia was also observing with a telescope at this time.

Chapter 77

"That's right! The terrain of the Jianan Plain is low and flat, and the tides are flooded frequently, so the fortress should be kept away from the coast." Feng Guanjie, the designer of the infrastructure group, said this. Before crossing the road, this gentleman was engaged in building design. He was in his thirties and had a long face. , obviously had laser surgery, but this will be wearing a pair of gold-colored flat glasses, shirt and trousers, and leather shoes are polished brightly.

"These dwarfs are very arrogant. It was only yesterday. I haven't seen the messenger until now. We are waiting for so many things at hand. Liu Zhe, you have a plan." Xia Xianze said impatiently.

Let Liu Zhe, a soldier, talk about the plan, that is, the tone has been set: the army must be dispatched, the problem must be solved quickly, and blood can be seen.

Liu Zhe smiled and stretched out two fingers: "Go to two waves, the first wave of sand boats passes by, investigate and get all the boats back. The second wave is enough to go to the boats, the sand boats are too bulky in the Taijiang River."

"Just do it, hurry up."


Half an hour later, the Yuandou was ready to stop, pulling the sails and lifting the anchor, the ship was crowded with sailors, and rushed towards the opposite bank of the Taijiang River.After a while, Yuan Dou Hao reached the other side, and no one who could not open his eyes jumped out to stop it.Sailors disembarked from the small Japanese pier, and then in groups of three, five or seven, they rowed back the seven or eight fishing boats and sampans that were parked on the shore.

The only large ship on the pier is a Japanese Zhuyin ship.From 1604 onwards, the Japanese purchased large ships from all over East Asia, and then received the shogunate's shogun's seal to start international trade, which continued until the country was locked in 1635. Now is the final glorious period of the shogun.The length and width of the ship on the dock is similar to that of the Dog's Eye, and the displacement should be in the early 100s.

The rudder of this ship has long been unloaded by the Japanese, and there is nothing on board.Travelers will naturally not care about this little detail - wait for the next wave to come over and clean up these second-hand goods.

Wang Xiaohui got off the boat carrying the AK, and Mu Longcheng, the captain of the Yuandou, followed behind.

Mu Longcheng's national character face, thick eyebrows and big eyes, looks like a decent person.This buddy has driven a serious customs anti-smuggling boat after retiring from the Navy, and is now regarded as the No. [-] figure in the Navy, similar to Wang Xiaohui's status.

The two brothers and sisters wore a full set of grass camouflage, combat boots, full-finger tactical gloves, and a Boonie hat. The most important mosquito cover was put on the hat. .1" with a heavy sense of history, tense, wretched, and cautiously walked out of the desolate pier.

The road from the pier to the Japanese stockade has been sorted out. Although it is a very narrow side road, the road is smooth, which is obviously different from the surrounding beaches.

After walking forward for a while, weeds gradually appeared around, but the height was only knee-deep.Both sides of the road were obviously cleaned up, and the field of vision was clear, in contrast to the endless weeds and shrubs a few hundred meters away.This situation proves beyond doubt that the Japanese have suffered a lot from the natives.

Wang Xiaohui doesn't want to take any of his losses, be it Japanese or natives.So he took a few steps to take a look at the binoculars hanging around his neck. After finally reaching a distance of 150 meters in front of the enemy, he could hardly move his footsteps.

"Turn around, the investigation is almost done!" Finally, he glanced at the Japanese stockade in the distance with the telescope, Wang Xiaohui turned his head and said.

"You have the final say on this matter, I'm the Navy, I just need to make soy sauce." Mu Longcheng laughed, the man with thick eyebrows and big eyes had no character, so he began to shirk his responsibility.

Wang Xiaohui pouted, and after another difficult march of 15 meters, he really didn't want to go any further. He stretched his legs and kicked into the grass beside the road, and a group of mosquitoes flew out with a "bang".

"Look at you, this environment is too bad, let's hurry back and inform the big troops to prepare!"

Mu Longcheng didn't want to leave for a long time, he turned his head and withdrew after hearing the words.The two ran away in a hurry while yelling at their respective bosses for formalism, bureaucracy, and insisting on doing some shit to investigate before the enemy.The important action of the traveler's first stepping foot on Taiwan's main island ended in an anticlimactic way...

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