Lu Ming

Page 23

Dayuan Island, shaped like a tadpole, runs north-south, parallel to the main island.At this moment, there are only a few buildings and some shanty towns on the side near the inland sea of ​​Taijiang River. The famous Relancha Castle is just a simple business hall surrounded by clay walls at this stage, far from the scale of later generations.

Johannes van der Hagen, the interim chief of the big staff business hall, is standing on the wall of the business hall at the moment, looking out to the sea with a single-tube telescope made of brass.

The afternoon sun shines through the white clouds on the blue sea, and today is undoubtedly a good weather.However, Van der Hagen's mood at the moment is like the cloud that lingers all year round in Beihai's hometown, rolling endlessly under repression.

Just before the high tide at noon, two junk ships with hard sails appeared off the sea.They did not enter the port like other merchants from the Ming Kingdom who came to trade. The two ships were a bit peculiar. The 200-rust junk ship had been adjusted since it arrived here, and the speed of the ship was artificially lowered.

The incoming ship slowly hovering at the channel crossing between Da Yuan and Wei Island on the northern line is equivalent to blocking the traffic in the Taijiang Inland Sea - "These two ships did not come here with a friendly attitude", received a report Later, Van der Hagen, who came out to observe the situation, thought so at the time.

An hour later, the sampan used for communication, which was burning with fire and slowly sank in the waterway, told him with the half mast that was exposed to the sea: his guess just now had been confirmed.

All the employees of the Dutch East India Company here have assembled at this time.The two corner forts facing the outer sea of ​​the business hall, and the gunners inside are also ready, but due to the range, there is no sound at the moment.

"Do we need to clear the waterway and send the Weldon to fight the pirate ship, Mr. Lieutenant?" When the interim commander determined the nature of the junk ship, the conversation naturally turned to how to fight.

"Perhaps this is not a wise decision, Your Excellency. The opponent's ship should have a large number of light guns...perhaps one...two-pounders. In the narrow channel, we have no range of fire, and the Weldon will be threatened. And now there is another problem, the sampan." Lieutenant William Janes replied.

William Janes was a bearded Luxembourgian mercenary.He had a huge nose and bushy red hair, and wore a half-worn duffel coat with a row of shiny copper buttons that kept him from looking so scruffy—and his soldiers compared.

As a member of the Grand Council, William Janes currently commands 150 arquebuses and 35 gunners. Of course, these people are first and foremost sailors.

Most of the scums come from Belgium, Luxembourg, the traditional mercenary exporting places, and other poor provinces in the Federal Republic, mixed with some Southeast Asian natives, and a small number of Prussian savages who speak High German.

Because of the distance, William Janes could not see how the sampan had been sunk in the channel.However, the faint flash of light from the junk ship at that time, as well as the continuous and continuous sound of the guns with great penetrating power, clearly told the lieutenant that the opponent's ship had a large number of light firearms that could fire in a concentrated manner, although it seemed Not really.

Years of mercenary experience reminded him that it is best not to rush forward before seeing the weapon hidden under the opponent's cloak.

However, the acting chief does not seem to agree with the lieutenant's caution: "Even if the strength of the business hall is in a weak period, we can't stay here and do nothing, right?"

"Your Excellency, they'll make moves soon, if I'm not mistaken."


"Because the tide is high, Your Excellency."

Van der Hagen heard this and understood.He waved a black and thin Chinese man over, handed him the monocular in his hand, then turned his head to the interpreter of the business hall standing beside him and said, "Tell Xu, let him go to the shore to see the two ships, I will Need to know who these pirates are under."

The interpreter in the business hall was from the Ming Dynasty, short and stout, with a businessman's kindness on his face.After he and the black and thin man hurriedly exchanged a few words in an indigenous language called "Zhangzhou dialect" that God could not learn, the man left the business hall with two equally black and thin men.

At the same time, the two junk ships began to adjust the angle of their mainsails and sailed out to sea.Van der Hagen did not rush to express his opinion this time, and then the lieutenant's prediction was verified: the two ships, with a flexible attitude that the Dutch could not understand, slipped gracefully out of the sea in a circle, adjusted their course, and took advantage of the high tide after high tide. The water level washed up on the beach side by side.

Chapter 71

As of the moment of the beach, the traversers standing on the bow generally believed that it was a smooth day.

The wind direction cooperated with the fleet to come to the outer sea of ​​Dayuan before noon. The Dutch cooperated to send small boats. The small boats were sunk in the narrow channel, and the Dutch boats, Chinese boats, Japanese boats, and fishing boats that stayed in the inland waters of the Taijiang River were wiped out. , all stuck inside.After that, the tide rises again, and in the following battle, the large army can take two steps less.

Everything went so smoothly to the traversers who originally thought they would encounter many accidents, but at this time it actually felt a little bit empty.

The Akito crew members were also in high spirits at the moment.The "Lianzhu Rapid Cannon" that emitted fire and loud noises tore apart the boat and the people on it a mile away in only half a minute.The first actual combat of the new big killer in this world has harvested a group of cheering fans.

Of course, after the cheers, work is necessary, and then 40 sailors from each of the two ships went ashore.Afterwards, Liu Zhe, the commander in chief of the landing, took a few sailors off the ship, and then there was a loud voice on the beach holding an electric horn: "Everyone is watching the front and back, one step away from each other, one step away from others..."

"One step" is the distance that the left and right feet take one step forward.In the Ming Dynasty when people were generally not tall, one step was about 110 centimeters.Five or six traversers spent 10 minutes, kicking and pushing, and finally arranged 80 sailors into an eight-door unlocked formation—like the sesame seeds on glutinous rice dumplings, between a group of loose sand-like sesame seeds, Try to keep a distance of about 1 meter from each other.

The next moment, the big formation started.

The fleet rushed to the beach from west to east from the open sea, and it was located in the upper left corner of the tadpole.At this time, the area of ​​Dayuan Island was less than 2.5 square kilometers, and the Dutch buildings were all distributed in the upper right corner of the tadpole.This meant that the Sesame Array, or Brownian Motion Array, deployed by the traversers had to travel more than a mile from west to east before approaching the artillery fire range of the business hall.

The sesame ball slowly moved forward, crossing some low shrubs and weeds along the way.Every 100 meters or so, the horns behind you will sound, instructing the team to pause, adjust the distance between each other, and then move on.

After the large force began to move, the beach where they landed was still very lively.The two sand boats have added springboards, forming a gentle slope with a width of two meters.The 10 workers in the best condition were grouped together and some boxes were brought down from the ship.

These boxes range from army green ammunition boxes for M2 machine guns to shiny, mysterious aluminum alloy flight cases with black borders.After that, Wei Yuan and Han Xiaobo personally lifted an M2 machine gun from the Gouyan, and then called the labor team to pick up the box and open the way.At the end, Han Xiaobo turned his head and smiled at Xia Xianze's group who were standing at the bow eagerly watching the excitement, and then waved the Motorola walkie-talkie in his hand: "The channel is blocked, if there is any situation, call me..."

"Kill less people, take more prisoners!"

"Understood, understood..."

At the same time that Chuanzhong and their subordinate Wuhe launched a pincer-shaped offensive, the Mingren sent out by the senior officer had already run back to report the enemy's situation.

Van der Hagen now knew that there were two leaders, Xia and Liu, of the pirates.After a few more exchanges with the spy named Xu, the fat interpreter made an addition: According to the rules for the flag hanging of pirates in the Ming Dynasty, the leader of the other party's surname is "Xia", and the leader surnamed Liu may be a "shopkeeper".

Although the Dutch have very clear information about the people from all walks of life in Fujian and Guangdong, they refer to the big forces.Small bands of pirates like this with only two ships are plentiful along the coast of Daming. Today they are fishermen, tomorrow they are pirates, and the day after tomorrow they become small shareholders in a big gang...

"So, as usual, this is a bunch of damn loose pirates, not a representative of a faction?" Van der Hagen finally asked.

"Even if there is a big gang behind them, they should come to the north of Daming, my lord." The translator spent a long time communicating with the spies this time. point.

"I need an explanation."

"Those two ships are from Shasha in the north of Ming Dynasty...well, they are 'flat-bottomed junk boats'. This type of ship is only found in the north of Fujian." After a pause, the translator coined a new word.

"Okay, I think I get it." Van der Hagen organized all the information at this moment - wandering pirates from the north of the Ming Kingdom, a group of people who had no idea that there were great East India Company employees and property on Dayuan Island There are, stupid and reckless pirates.

The Brown formation, which was slowly approaching from a distance, seemed to confirm Van der Hagen's idea.

There were about seventy or eighty Ming people in traditional blue homecloth jackets, perhaps to look more crowded. These pirates were comically scattered, like a flock of sheep grazing.

Even if it was still far away, so far away that even the 8-pound guns of the corner fort could not shoot, the people in the business house could still hear the noisy shouts of these pirates. "God, these idiots are so loud..." More than one person thought so.

William Janes carefully observed the approaching enemy with his monocular.At this distance, he could clearly see the spears and short knives in the hands of the pirates, and there were also several Ming country guns called "bird guns" that were fired boldly into the sky from time to time.Not even a single copper cannon, nor a matchlock.

After repeating the observation, William Janes put aside his previous caution and made the following professional judgment on Van der Hagen: "Your Excellency, the enemy is scattered and lacking training, I think 50 soldiers should be enough. In addition, there is no need for dense Cannon fire, so that we can get as many prisoners as possible, and we'll soon know what secrets the two junk ships hold."

"Very well, something can be done at last. Go and carry out your plan, Lieutenant."

The authorized lieutenant soon gathered 50 musketeers.Soldiers lined up in columns, their upper bodies covered with arquebuses, each with an arquebus.After walking out of the thick wooden door of the business hall, the soldiers were skillfully transformed into a small square with four horizontal lines.At this time, the pirates who looked messy had already walked to a place only 200 meters away from the business hall.

After two "bang, bang", white smoke rose, and the two corner forts located in the northwest and southwest of the business hall rang out at the same time.One cannonball smashed directly into the sand, and the other, luckily, hit the pirate pile.

At this time, the benefits of the Sesame Array came into play: the shells of the eight-pounder didn't come out of the crowd, but after killing two unlucky ghosts, they got into the sand.

There was a commotion in the pirate gang.Some people stopped, and some people were quietly retreating, and the formation that originally kept moving at the same frequency suddenly became messed up.The naked people were shoving each other about to turn in, like frightened sheep.

Chapter 72 Oil Painting

After seeing the weak nature of pirates, a whistle, cheers, and curses sounded over the business hall.At this time, the lieutenant also gave a loud order, ordering the small square of gunmen to walk towards the enemy in a high-spirited and neat formation.

At this time, several series of gunshots of "da da da" sounded from the rear of the pirate team at the same time.The situation was not good, Liu Zhe and the others had to shoot into the sky to stabilize the situation.Fortunately, the subordinates knew that the AK in the shopkeeper's hand was not a joke. When the gun rang, everyone calmed down a lot. Then, under the roar of the electric horn, they barely maintained their formation and slowly backed away.

As Liu Zhe greeted the team and slowly turned in, he took out his walkie-talkie and shouted: "Is the firepower team in place? Is the mother dead? I've got it here, people came out, and the gun emplacement just opened fire, did you see it? OVER."

"I see, Commander Liu is working hard, this side is about to act, about to act! OVER." Han Xiaobo's voice came from the walkie-talkie.

After hanging up, Han Xiaobo laughed and said to the people around him, "I thought I could hear the line 'Bring a brother'."

Wei Yuan, who was directing people to dig sand, laughed dryly: "If people really say that, then the fire on our heads should be on fire."

... At this time, Han Xiaobo also realized that what he said just now was a bit inappropriate. He also laughed dryly, stomped the sand on the ground a few times, and abruptly changed the subject: "I said, this could not be the one in Xiuuletzhibao. Sand dunes? If so, it would be too fateful."

"From the perspective of height and distance, it should be it, otherwise we wouldn't choose to build a position here." Said a white, chubby man who didn't look like he had worked in the army.This person is called Wang Xiaohui. Before crossing the road, he worked in the army, but he was in a certain engineering unit, and he was a technician.

The fire team led by Han Xiaobo was now on a sand dune to the southwest of the Dayuan Commercial Building.The sand dune is slightly higher than the mall, and the distance between the two is almost 250 meters.Not far in front of them on the left, Liu Zhezheng led a large army to slowly withdraw from the range of the artillery of the business hall.

A humble machine gun position has taken shape.It was naturally impossible to shoot from a sitting position on the bread-shaped sand dunes. The trenches for the machine gunners to shoot had already been dug, and the heavy M2 machine guns and ammunition had also been prepared.Han Xiaobo threw his arms and jumped out of the trench: "It doesn't matter, let's fuck him for a few shuttles before talking!"

"Play a phalanx first," said Wang Xiaohui, who was observing with a telescope.

"Don't you suppress the turret first?"

"Hurry up, buddy, I'm watching the fort, relax." Wang Xiaohui pouted and whispered to Wei Yuan, who was preparing to serve as the deputy shooter, with a bit of contempt: "My brother Han, there are more people talking."

When Han Xiaobo heard it, he yelled and adjusted the M2's level machine with his left hand. The next moment, his right hand tightened and he shot out with a short shot.

The Browning M2 machine gun, in the 80s, had a reborn upgrade.One of the best weapons companies in the world at the time: the Belgian FN company, made 2 key changes to the old M2 machine gun.

1: Change the barrel to be quick-changeable.

2: Design a high-performance 12.7mm armor-piercing explosive incendiary bomb.

It is these two classic changes that made the M2 machine gun, which was already facing elimination, reborn from the ashes and kept up with the rhythm of modern warfare.Even in the 21st century, the M2 machine gun is still standard equipment in more than 50 countries, including the US military.

The 12.7mm bullet shot by Han Xiaobo was manufactured by the Belgian FN company.At this moment, the bullet traveled through time and space, came to the officer, and gently inserted from the upper left corner of the Dutch army formation.

The brown-haired soldier from Belgian Collar Thurlemans was pierced with a bowl-sized hole in his chest by the bullet made by this junior. 0.1 seconds later, behind him, the poor guy from the Principality of Luxembourg, Mueller, a good brother who robbed and murdered together, was knocked off half of his shoulder by the bullet.Another 0.1 second passed, Mueller was obliquely behind, Venetian Palin's abdomen was also slanted obliquely pierced, and kidneys and broken bones were sprayed from the back waist.The last unlucky person was Rudd from the rural town of Eindhoven. The angle of incidence of the bullet was already very low at this time, so one of his calves flew into the distance.Poor man, he was still charging until the moment before he fell, and the next second, he realized that his leg was gone.

The muscles and bones of four adult men failed to induce the second effect of the bullet: burst.The warhead, which was designed to penetrate the 2cm thick steel plate of the personnel carrier, easily passed through 4 mercenaries wearing only Dutch linen short shirts, and then burrowed into the sand behind them.

However, not everyone will have such good luck.In the next 20 seconds, Han Xiaobo emptied a 100-round bullet chain.The upper body of more than one soldier was torn apart. In less than half a minute, the small square formation had disappeared, replaced by a neat classical oil painting full of minced meat and blood.Occasionally there were bastards who died and couldn't die crawling around in the corpse, holding their legs in their hands.

Shooting a dense crowd with a 12.7mm heavy machine gun is impossible in the future.Even a 5-year-old in Sierra Leone will fall to the ground after hearing the sound of gunfire.However, on the sandbars of the 17th century, this scene was staged.The people on the wall of the business hall were still sluggish at this time, and 20 seconds was simply not enough for people in the Middle Ages to understand what happened.

The people on the machine gun position didn't have the time to be in a daze at this time.Wei Yuan put on heavy gloves and quickly removed the hot barrel with the special pipe wrench.The next moment, the new stellite barrel was inserted into the barrel slide.After the card bamboo was screwed into place, Han Xiaobo lifted the top cover of the receiver, Wei Yuan put the new ammo chain into the receiver through the chute, Xiaobo Han pressed down the top cover, pulled the bolt to load the chamber, and then raised his thumb to indicate OK.

The entire reloading process took 20 seconds.Wang Xiaohui, who was watching from the side, was already instructing the shooting target - the fort in the southwest corner of the business hall.

The scene of the fort being hit is even more gorgeous.Whenever a string of 12.7MM warheads burst on the copper cannon or in the circular low wall, the orange warhead flames burned like an abyssal magic flame.

In the next step, the 20 fragments prefabricated in the warhead will be ejected back and forth in the turret. Even in the daytime, the large splendid sparks erupting from the copper cannon are still clearly visible.A storm of metal fragments rippling through the semi-enclosed turret kills everyone inside within seconds.At the same moment, the black powder stacked in the fort was detonated, and the fire and white smoke rose.

A few minutes later, along with the billowing white smoke rising from the two forts, the warriors who had just turned in also turned around and strode back.After entering the familiar procedure, the warriors regained their self-confidence. They howled and strode forward, waving the weapons in their hands, and occasionally someone shot the sky with a bird gun. The momentum of the army's pressure.

Seeing that the pirate formation was about to enter the range of the Dutchman's rifle on the wall, the final moment of the battle finally came.

Wei Yuan straightened up and stood on the top of the mound carrying a mysterious aluminum alloy box.At this time, there is no need to expose the target. The Dutch now only have arquebuses and can't hit him.

At the next moment, the box opens: a shot that pays equal attention to concealment and killing, the embodiment of freedom and wildness, changes the social atmosphere, swept the world against thieves, bridges the gap between officials and bandits, and improves the connotation of the anti-government army. The rocket launcher was taken out by Wei Yuan.

Inserting the khaki-colored grenade head, Wei Yuan straightened his upper body, knelt down on one knee, and used a standard marriage proposal posture to shoot a hot shot at the Dutchman hiding behind the wall of the business hall.

The 6-foot-thick clay wall could not stop the attack of the special barrier-breaking warhead at all, and a bun-like bulge pushed the people on the wall to fly.

With another follow-up rocket warhead, dust rose from the sky, and two gaps were cut open in the wall of the business hall.

The pirate group roared and rushed into the gap.There was still a huge electric horn sounding from behind: "Disarming does not kill, disarming does not kill, those who tear up tickets indiscriminately will be killed, those who tear up tickets indiscriminately will be killed..."

When the last of the soldiers on the wall who tried to resist were killed by the 7.62mm bullets, the nervous Dutch surrendered.

On the afternoon of October 1627, 10, the Dutch East India Company official's shop fell.

Sprouts Volume [-]

Chapter 73 The Invaders

This is how a huge war between generations came to an end.No blood, only speed.In terms of the duration of common wars in the seventeenth century, the battle that took place in the Daguan Merchant in the afternoon was extremely short, so short that it didn't even look like a war.

However, the damage caused by the war is not much.

Not to mention the corpse formation in front of the business hall, the outer wall of the business hall has now been blasted with two gaps, and the hapless ghosts standing above the gaps and their parts are scattered around.Inside the rectangular business hall, whether in the square in the middle or the forts at the four corners, blood, scattered weapons and the corpses of the rebels can be seen everywhere.

Soldiers, sailors, merchants, missionaries, doctors, carpenters, slaves, hired workers, etc., the total number of merchants who originally reached 300 members, now only 120 people survived.The rest were dead, or dying—the pirates were brutally killing the badly wounded.The survivors and some people with minor injuries were all found, and they were all concentrated in the center of the venue. Those pirate officials with weird clothes, short hair, and strange guns stood not far away, talking loudly about something, bloody and depressing atmosphere. flowing in the air.

Some people with bald heads and bent over to carry boxes or sacks walked into the store with difficulty. After unloading the goods on their shoulders, they walked out silently.Seeing these busy hard laborers and the goods they actually moved in, some Dutch people have realized that these people are not ordinary pirates, they are not here for robbery, perhaps the business hall itself is their purpose.

The guess was correct, but it didn't help.All the Dutch present can only shiver at gunpoint, waiting for the pirates to deal with them.If expressed in theological point of view, it is: waiting for God's judgment.

God is not far from here.

After hearing from the walkie-talkie that the commercial hall had been occupied, Xia Xianze and the others hurriedly organized all the waiting labors to set off and sent some of the goods that had been unloaded on the shore to the commercial hall.Then left the sick and a small number of people to guard the boat, and the rest rushed to the business hall in a hurry.

One foot deep and one foot shallow, stepping on the shallow sand dunes formed by the accumulation of layers on Dayuan Island, Xia Xianze and the gang of scumbags who stayed behind soon saw the body in front of the business hall.This kind of real scene instantly hit the urine spot of a plasma tablet lover in the team. This guy sighed as he walked, full of superiority in the glares of the five scumbags, and loudly popularized the human flesh and props ketchup plastic difference.

As soon as he spoke, he came to the front of the door, and a strong bloody smell mixed with the salty sea smell suddenly rushed into everyone's nostrils.The fellow just now was talking about the cannibal recipes on the island, and when he spoke, he sprayed all the contents in his stomach. This started a chain reaction.

The Dutch finally got the pale-faced pirate chief and their strange etiquette.These people not only shook hands, but also slapped each other on the upper arms, talking and laughing loudly.The vulgar victors are enjoying their own pleasure, while the captives have only cold and desperate eyes.

Soon the captives could barely keep their composure: these weirdos opened a few boxes they brought, and it didn't take long for the four to wear dark green one-piece isolation suits, dark green masks, and blue pesticide spray on their backs. box, a monster with a black matt spray rod appeared.

Under these circumstances, it is pitiful that the nervous captives undoubtedly regard these monsters as the executioners of some kind of oriental torture to come, especially when a prankster is trying to face the captives like a prank. After a piece of 84 disinfectant mist was sprayed from the sky and there was a burst of evil laughter like the Hulk, the crowd in the middle of the venue suddenly began to riot, and some people coughed and shouted: "God, I can't breathe, that's the devil's saliva! Help! help me!"


The commotion was quickly quelled.The Dutch once again experienced the burst function of the short guns in the hands of the invaders at the cost of three lives.Fortunately, the monsters spewing demon saliva have disappeared in the warehouse and barracks. The prisoners are now forced to sit cross-legged on the mud floor in the center of the business hall, their heads lowered, and their spirits are sluggish.

Maybe God finally found out that his people were suffering, so he used his divine power—a man with an aura of holiness appeared.

Cai Feiming is a traveler recruited from Cape Town, South Africa.Although one of the official languages ​​of South Africa is "Afrikaans", this Dutch language, which has turned a few corners, will be heard so-so in later generations, let alone talk to the citizens of the 17th century United Provinces Republic. .Therefore, Comrade Cai Feiming, who once sold luggage in Barcelona, ​​sold leather shoes in South Africa, and can speak genuine Dutch and Spanish, is now a senior compound talent in the company.

The Dutch watched in horror as several wooden boxes were stacked into the shape of "pin", and then realized that this was not a gallows, but a simple podium... A well-proportioned yellow man with a friendly smile on his face stepped onto the stage.He raised the electric horn in his hand, and at the next moment, he spoke slowly and clearly a sentence that the Dutch people present would never forget: "Vandaag is geschiedenis".

Looking at the sluggish red-haired people in the audience, Cai Feiming was a little unsure whether these people could understand his Dutch from later generations, so he repeated aloud: "Vandaag is geschiedenis".

The scene remained silent.

"You, stand up!" Cai Feiming was a little frantic, pointing to a redhead in the front row in Dutch and giving an order.

It turns out that these people actually understand.

The red hair slowly stood up.

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