Lu Ming

Page 22

Taking advantage of the fact that he is still a little transparent talent that no one cares about, he hastened to make a few trips to Tangzhuang in the past few days, mainly to confirm his future contact person, contact information, and logistical issues. By the way, I accompanied him. His "servant" for a long time was returned to the company.

You know, according to the plan, after he is elected, he can no longer come to Tangzhuang publicly.In the future, unless there is an emergency, he can only communicate with the company through contacts or devices.

However, the contact person has not yet been determined - there are quite a lot of people who want to be the head of the spy. Five or six spy war emperors are busy on the stage in the company these days, and the stage is downvotes; Huang Zhicheng went After two trips, he found that this group of people was tearing up in full swing. He had no choice but to go back to the city with a bag of silver.

Taking advantage of the fact that there were still a few days before the announcement, he went out to look for a human tooth. He first hired a rough couple in his small courtyard to do some chores temporarily—luxury items such as the housekeeper and maid of the mansion would have to wait until he was officially listed. Besides, he is still an ordinary scholar at the moment, so naturally he can't be too public.

The couple are natives of Hangzhou. The woman cooks and sweeps, while the man does some clumsy work.Huang Zhicheng now hires people, all of them are local people with solid foundation, which is also in line with the style of officials and eunuchs.

Take out the silver to the servant and tell him to exchange it for some high-quality copper coins, and buy some wine and fruit on the way back for preparation.After a few more days of uneasiness, he stayed at home as planned, and those who have ghosts in their hearts should not join in the excitement of catching a son-in-law under the list.Waiting until the morning of the third day of September, I heard the noise of blowing and beating at the street.

"Great report of your family's master Huang Yuping High School No. 30 No. [-] in the Zhejiang Provincial Examination, and the Beijing News has won the yellow first!"

Even if he was already mentally prepared, at this moment, when Huang Zhicheng was standing at the gate of the small courtyard, listening to the roll call of the newspaper, and watching the neighbors talking in front of the door, he was still dizzy for a while, and he held the wall slightly. Shaking his head, he woke up.

I rewarded copper coins for newspapers and wine, and took out fruits and scattered them to the neighbors who came to congratulate me. Huang Xiucai, no, Mr. Huang was busy until lighting the lamps, and then he sent away the waves of people and neighbors who came to announce the good news. Let's go, until this time, he didn't have the time to recall his ranking.

According to the information brought by later generations, the scholar surnamed Han who was replaced by him would have been selected as No. It is also a bit difficult to show up for entertainment in the future, and the position of 30th place is just right.

However, the final result was that Huang Zhicheng won the 33rd place. Now he calmed down and thought about it carefully, and he probably found out the reason: calligraphy can only be calligraphy.

Before crossing, he did fake paintings, and he dabbled in several fonts.This time he used the Taiwanese-style answer sheet for the township exam. Since the answers were already prepared, he had plenty of time to write beautifully.Now it seems that it is this little difference that has made him two places higher than the historical Han surname candidates.

After trying to understand the joints, he went to rest happily.In the next few days, Mr. Huang was very busy: he danced with everyone at the Luming Banquet, made friends with friends at the same year meeting, and gave gifts that were slightly above the price to all the teachers and room teachers. , not for anything else, just ask the two of you to firmly remember Xiao Xianrou...

Officials are so busy, and privately, there are many people: those who want to raise their families as slaves, those who want to donate their land, those who want to recognize godfathers, those who give gifts, those who protect matchmakers, those who want to pawn...

Mr. Huang still takes time out of his busy schedule to pick housekeepers, mansions, and maids. Fortunately, this is the Ming Dynasty, and the crime of unknown origin of huge amounts of property has not been invented yet. Otherwise, someone would have to launder money first. It's really dying.

Flowers with brocade, fire cooking oil.Even in the city of Hangzhou, where scholars are inferior to dogs and crowded with people, Huang Ping and Huang Xiaolian, who have successfully squeezed into the ruling class with an admission probability that is not inferior to the civil service examination of later generations, as one of the [-] heroes who stood out from the tens of thousands of students. In recent times, it has also been the highlight of life.


How Xinjuren is arrogant and extravagant and ignore him, let us rewind the time a few days, on October 1627, 10, the third day of the ninth lunar month, on the same day as Mr. Huang's lifting, there is another one that is enough to affect the history of this plane. The big event of the process is going on quietly.

The autumn wind was blowing, dark gray clouds filled the sky, and the morning light was full of bleakness.A few days after the cold dew passed, there were cold thoughts in and out of Hangzhou, much earlier than in previous years.The abnormal climate of the Little Ice Age in the late Ming Dynasty has become more and more obvious in this land.

The swearing-in ceremony, which should have been majestic and full of voices, became a little deserted and silent in such an early morning.

In the newly built Qingtiao Shihe Wharf in front of Tangzhuang Gate, there are several sand boats docked in the blink of an eye.The two largest ships are now full of people, who are either whispering or slapping each other's arms, saying, "Take care!"

Chapter 67 Before Sailing ([-])

The scene of seeing off is very standard and very common, that is, there are more people in fancy clothes, and there are all kinds of clothes in ancient and modern times.The transition of the crew is like this, Huang Ama riding a motorcycle, mixed with joy in solemnity.

According to the original plan, the expedition team formed by the traversers should have set off more than ten days ago.The reason for the delay to this day is that the management is inexperienced - the marine equipment is not supplied on time.

But it's also not appropriate to put the blame entirely on management—the company's current so-called management has neither that much authority nor a little legitimacy.The current leaders, big and small, have grown savagely in the environment where new shareholders are rolling in. Except for Xia Xianze, who is the default, other department managers such as Feng Jun and Wang Liguo still need to be cultivated. For the time being, their prestige is not enough. .

The consequence of the weak management is that any material application involving "import" will go through a period of inter-departmental buck-passing before it can be implemented.No way, now there is a lack of people who make the final call.Chairman Cao, the only one who can handle all this legally, never intervenes in these matters.

Of course, Mr. Cao also has reasons.Not to mention that he often disappears for a period of time, and even if he doesn't disappear, it is impossible for him to designate who is in the top position - everyone is really unfamiliar.

Although he "recruited" the traversers from the old world, Cao Chuan's only criterion for selecting these people at that time was "it is inconvenient for this person to 'please' go to the Ming Dynasty"...

As for whether this person has leadership ability, whether he can repair or drive a car, these are all out of consideration.Except for Xia Xianze, who had practiced the first hand, the others did not have in-depth exchanges with Cao Chuan.

These are all the reasons why the radar, weapons, diesel and outboards requested by the Navy ended up being delayed.A bit LOW, but that's what it is.When Cao Chuan finally got the order from the Navy, returned to the old world to complete the procurement, and returned to deliver the goods, it was already several days later than the original plan.

After that, things went smoothly for a while: navigation radar, weather radar, sonar, including the machine gun mounts on the front and rear decks were quickly installed.The exciting Browning M2HB heavy machine gun also debuted at this moment. In order to compete for the limited opportunity to test the gun, several people exposed their vulgar side.

Not long after the joy, trouble arrived: no one had ever installed a Swedish OXE diesel outboard on the ass of a medieval sandship before.After the people in the mechanical department got the real thing and measured it, they found that not only the removal and removal of the movable wooden rudder at the stern, but also the structural strength of the stern, and the removal and removal of the outboard motor, etc., should be considered. ...

The final solution was to re-measure the three existing sand boats that were suitable for conversion, and then spend the time customizing special steel slides and stern reinforcements from the old world, and this was done.

This small problem that was originally common in craftsmanship was unexpectedly met with a wave of complaints.No way, the current situation is that no matter which department, as long as the "import quota" is squeezed additionally, it will definitely be sprayed.

At present, the company seems to be strong and strong, and all kinds of equipment are sufficient, but the most important "delivery times", in fact, did not save much.The ring in Cao Chuan's hand can only accumulate enough energy for one-way transmission every three days.If you don't count the half of the delivery times back to the old world, then Cao Chuan can only send goods to the new world 5 times a month, 22 cubic meters each time.

The company's increasingly large personnel and materials must rely on this transportation volume to grow and develop.In the early stage, it is good to say that the largest transport unit is people, and most of the other daily necessities of firearms and ammunition are stored.However, once the infinite equipment required for future industrialization is considered, this amount of transportation is obviously a drop in the bucket.

As of the day the fleet departed, the situation was not optimistic.In the past six months, the number of crossings that Cao Chuan has saved is actually only 18.This number has to be divided by 2, that is to say, at most 9 boxes of goods can be delivered continuously from the old world at the moment, and after that, it will take six days to wait slowly.

In such a severe situation, it is no wonder that everyone is strictly guarding against "imported materials".

The effect of the motor after the final sea test is still good: once there is a need on the ocean, everyone can quickly pull up the movable wooden rudder at the stern, and then quickly pull up the 200-horsepower outboard The machine card is put down on the external steel rail.Next, the precious diesel oil will start to be consumed in milliliters, and the sand ship with a square head and square boat will transform at this moment, and can rush towards the enemy or run away at a speed of at least 5 knots in a headwind...

After everything was ready, Mu Ran looked back, only to realize that the plan that was made at the beginning had been delayed in a bad way, and bureaucracy killed people...

You must know that the upcoming winter is extremely important in the traveler's plan: there are no typhoons in the winter, and the mosquitoes are not so rampant, and the vegetation is relatively sparse for everyone to clean up the savages.This winter is the best time for the traversal forces to gain a firm foothold in the big members. It can be said that every day is very important.

Now that the time has been delayed, let's quickly make up for it.Fortunately, the rest of the commonly used materials in the plan were already prepared, so various goods were stuffed into the bilge overnight, including food, weapons and ammunition, tents, and even 84 disinfectant and other daily necessities were all loaded onto the ship.

Right now there is not a single regular soldier, but there are so many people, the "Army" group who have long been reduced to prison guards, this time they finally waited for the dawn of hope.Apart from anything else, we gathered enough NO.15 people to come out of the mountain, and excitedly escorted 80 "workers" from Moyun Temple overnight, and one of them ran away in the dark.

In this way, the preparations before departure were completed in a hurry.The first two boats set sail. The bigger "Dog's Eye" had a funny name, which some people joked about when they bought the boat.

This three-masted, probably new sand ship is 33 meters long and 7 meters wide. Although it is known as a thousand materials, its displacement is only a little over 2 tons, and its deadweight is less than 100 tons. It is from a sand ship company in Songjiang that specializes in overseas travel. Bought at a premium.After stuffing in a batch of raw silk, porcelain, cloth, daily groceries, 80 "B-class laborers", 20 "C-class laborers", 20 traversers and 15 crew members for trade, it is already Akira. Dangling, full of fat.

The smaller "Yuandou" has only 700 materials. The name is from the former owner of Mingren, and now it is also full of people and goods.Both ships were equipped with some inconvenient later-life items, which were also tightly wrapped in tarpaulins, and they would not be too late to untie them after going out to sea.

The first batch of more than 30 traversers would naturally not include Chairman Cao Baobao.The uncertain future, the wilderness thousands of miles away, the various risks on the sea, and such a high-risk journey, everyone agreed that only the CEO can go from victory to victory.

Chapter 68

Xia Xianze, Feng Jun, Wang Liguo, the first batch of Transmigrators who set out, had already changed their outfits.

Finally, the long hair has been restored to short inches.At this moment, Lao Xia is standing at the bow of the boat, wearing a feces green jacket that is obviously one size larger, jeans, and Adidas waterproof shoes made in Yiwu under his feet. He is saying goodbye to Cao Chuan and the others who came to see him off.

Cao Chuan was wearing a very coquettish apricot-yellow Songjiang cotton robe, still holding a folding fan in his hand. Looking at Lao Xia's appearance as a post-disaster reconstruction worker, it was so different from his older brother who was used to seeing him, so he chuckled from time to time. a few times.Someone on the side seemed to be concerned and teased: "Mr. Xia, this boat is shaking, don't stop the medicine on the way."

"Understood, you can curse the leader." Xia Xianze took out a bottle of seasickness medicine for the little white rabbit from his pocket and said with a wry smile.

At this moment, Liu Zhe, a tall man in a waterproof jacket, came over, pointed to the nautical watch on his wrist, and said in a low voice, "It's time to set off, the tide is about to rise."

After everyone heard it, they did not delay. After Liu Zhe shouted, the irrelevant people stepped off the springboard and got off the boat, and then stood on the shore smoking and waving.The people on the boat were not so leisurely, they shouted and ran, pulled the sails and lifted the anchor, two large sand boats with sinking drafts, left the mouth of the pond, passed the Biezimen, and took advantage of the high tide of the Qiantang, with the company's long-accumulated belongings, with the whole group. With the determination to change the world, he slowly sailed abroad.


The waves rise and fall, the waves roll, and the place where you see is gray; the clouds are dense, the fog is filled, and there is no light between the sky and the earth.It was clearly around ten o'clock in the morning, but at this moment, between the sea and the sky, it was as dark as night fell.

The fleet formed by the traversers was riding the wind in the dark sea at this time.It has been almost [-] hours since everyone set off yesterday.

After installing radar and sonar, the expedition fleet can finally get rid of the shackles of darkness and reefs, ride the strong north wind all the way south from Hangzhou Bay, take an almost straight route at an average speed of 4-6 knots, and pass through the night. After most of the rough waterway of Zhoushan ocean.

In a day and night, the boat travels more than 160 kilometers in the sea off Zhejiang. Such a speed is unimaginable in a sailboat in the Middle Ages - even if it is smooth sailing.Whether sailing near the coast of Fujian and Zhejiang, or taking the outer Zhoushan waterway, old-fashioned sailboats must find a place to anchor and shelter from the wind before nightfall.The sea conditions of Zhoushan in the seventeenth century were densely covered with reefs, and the sea fog was permeable.

The situation seems to be good, but at this time it is constantly ups and downs, and the atmosphere in the poop of the "Dog Eye", which is like a pirate ship in the Park of the Later Ages, is a little dignified-a few hours ago, the radar observed that an air mass was attacking from the southeast. Come.

Xia Xianze's face was pale, his breath was messy, and he looked like he was dying from seasickness.At this moment, he frowned tightly, leaning against the short chair in the cabin, and asked feebly, "Are you sure? It's not a false alarm, right?"

"It's definitely not a false alarm. The radar is working well now, and the storm's roadmap has just been typed out." It was Bai Hongda who was speaking, the warrior who "pleased for the people" at the time, and he was usually in charge of the fleet's electronic equipment.

After hearing this, Xia Xianze rubbed his brows with his fingers, looked up at the five or six passers-by sitting or standing in the cabin, and asked Liu Zhe with a grin, "Can't you escape?"

"It happens to be stuck on the route and can't escape." Liu Zhe shook his head, and then added: "We are a sand boat, and the ability to carry waves is the worst among sea boats. Although this storm does not seem to be strong, it is The aftermath is enough for us to drink a pot, it's better to avoid it."

"It's been a few months and there's still a strong wind!" Lao Xia said helplessly, covering his brows: "Since you can't hide, what are you waiting for, hurry up and take shelter from the limelight, isn't this considered a failure? It's really bad luck..."

Now that the CEO has made a strategic decision, the others no longer care what the seasick ghost is saying, and start to act one after another.Bai Hongda picked up his hand microphone and started calling: "Dongliang Dongliang, this is Dongyao, pay attention to turn around with me, turn around with me..."

Before long, the two sand boats at sea began to make a difficult U-turn in the headwind.Fortunately, the fleet was not far from Xuanshan Island at this time. After turning around, they passed the zigzag route. After more than an hour, two sand boats finally sailed into a small bay on the west of the island.

Xuanshan Island is at the southernmost tip of the Zhoushan Islands. When the traversers were training before, according to the reports of the indigenous seamen, they had landed on all the islands and reefs of Zhoushan for detailed inspections.At present, this small bay is one of the planned berths in the plan. This place is backed by the mountains and faces the sea, and the fleet can stay to avoid the storm from the direction of the Philippine Sea.

After entering the bay, the Mingjin sailors watched in awe as several passers-by began to operate the "Dragon Tail".With the roar of the motor, the sand boat briskly made a circle in the narrow bay, bypassing the reef that had been marked on the electronic chart, and then dropped the sail, began to dock, and anchored.

Shortly after docking, the ship began to organize people to go ashore for rest.Among them are Xia Xianze, a patient with severe seasickness, as well as "Class B" workers.A group of people slumped under their feet, staggered and walked straight to the hill that surrounded the bay.In later generations, this is a tourist area, with strange reefs and caves all over the place.However, in the [-]th century, Xuanshan Island was still in its primitive state, uninhabited, and only fishing boats occasionally came to take shelter from the wind.

The altitude of the hill is only more than 100 meters. The group did not go far in the knee-deep weeds and bushes when they saw a cave specially marked on the electronic map.The two leading traversers turned on the tactical flashlights on their assault rifles, and after walking around for a while, signaled that the sick group could enter, and then the labor group was led to another cave.

This cave is not deep, probably because of the high terrain, it is very dry inside.The area inside the cave is about 100 square meters, enough for the sick team to rest overnight.

Soon a few kerosene camping lamps were lit, and the small cave was bright.The accompanying sailors, under the command of the passer-by, shouted and pulled up two "steel helmets" - in fact, two American "Hardwell" camping tents.

The semi-circular tent covered with net rope is exactly the same as the classic World War II U.S. military M1 helmet, but it is magnified hundreds of times and looks very cute.

Each tent can fit 5-8 people, and several people who are highly seasick are arranged into one tent.In the other tent, there was an Akito laborer who suffered from severe seasickness—even though it had been selected before departure, some people were still dizzy and vomited when they got to the sea.

It didn't take long for the sailors to pick up buckets of water from other caves and carry them over. After a few chlorine dioxide water purification tablets were sprinkled, they began to pick up stones and set up a stove to collect firewood and prepare to cook.

Chapter 69

Xia Xianze was dizzy and couldn't eat anymore.After hemming and chirping for a while, he asked someone to take the coffee from his private luggage to brew... Well, whose leader doesn't have any eccentricities?By the time everyone was eating, Mr. Xia had already downed two cups of cloudy, coffee-colored liquid that was rich in chlorine dioxide, cave minerals, and trans fatty acids.After that, someone finally calmed down and fell asleep on a non-shaking floor mat.

The boss is down, but the others are still busy.Although the sea breeze was getting stronger and stronger, Tao Zheng still led people to the top of the mountain in the wind, set up a folded antenna, and then turned on the radio to start sending messages.

Tao Zheng's business is a car repairman in the fourth son's shop, and his second skill is an amateur electronics enthusiast.After the crossing, there was no car to repair for the time being, so he settled in the navy and was responsible for communication.

Thanks to the pure electromagnetic environment in this world, Tao Zheng can easily make voice calls within 60 kilometers around Hangzhou City through the 50W car radio.But not now: the straight-line distance between Xuanshan Island and Tangzhuang base is far more than 100 kilometers. The key is that there is a mountain system near Ningbo in the middle, so now he can only use Morse code to give Tangzhuang base. inform.

Fortunately, technology is advanced these days, and there is no need to train transmitters.Tao Zheng used a laptop to connect a digital radio station and a Morse code converter the size of a cigarette case, and then entered Chinese characters on the translation software. As soon as he hit Enter, the computer automatically converted the text information into Morse code and sent it out.

While instructing the sailor to turn the antenna back and forth, while typing on the keyboard, Tao Zheng repeatedly sent out two sets of signals.It didn't take long for the reply from the Tangzhuang base to appear on the LCD screen of the notebook in the ticking sound.

After seeing the reply letter "Home is safe, good luck", Tao Zheng immediately began to greet everyone to pack up their belongings and retreat.The sea breeze at the moment is already quite strong, and the continuous black clouds in the sky seem to be overhead.Although the rainstorm has not yet started, the signs are already quite obvious.

Except for the sailors in the fleet who hurry up to tie up the deck supplies, the navy basically stays on the ship - there is also a vote of "C-class laborers" locked in the bottom cabin, and they have to supervise this group of people to step on the electric bicycles in turn. Right now, the ship is in a state of suspension, and it is a good time to charge the battery, which cannot be missed.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, the storm finally came.Fortunately, the intensity of the incoming air mass was not high, barely reaching the level of a tropical storm; and the center was heading towards Fuzhou, and the Zhoushan area was just wiped out.

The people of the expedition stayed in the dry cave, ate hot food, and took turns to watch the wind and rain at the entrance of the cave. The effect of rest was quite good.

It was nightfall when the storm stopped.After discussion, the fleet finally decided to wait until dawn the next day before setting off - it was already delayed anyway, and it was not too short of time, so let the people suffering from seasickness rest for a few more hours.

In the early morning of the next day, when fish maw white appeared in the east, the expedition fleet replenished fresh water, pulled anchor and set sail, and set foot on the journey again.

After the fleet set sail again, it was probably that the test of God finally ended. Then the rain passed and the sky was fine, the sea waves were not happy, and the voyage began to go smoothly.It was another four days of driving according to the established route. In the evening, the people on the boat could already see the beautiful scenery of the bright blue, light green and white-edged coast of Taiwan Island.

The routes of the expedition fleet were contrary to the traditions of coastal navigation in this era.Relying on the precise real-time positioning of the electronic sextant, the fleet is generally the shortest diagonal line drawn straight from Zhoushan to Taiwan Island.

After the boat crosses Zhoushan, there is a vast sea. There is no landmark reference, and you will not see the common fishing boats, merchant ships and pirates along the coast of the mainland. It can be called a lonely journey.Now that we can finally see Taiwan Island from afar, the morale of the fleet has risen a lot for a while.

Carefully keeping a certain distance from the coast, the two sand boats slowly descended along the coastline—there was neither the Fuguijiao Lighthouse at the northernmost tip of Taiwan in this era, and the twisty and reefy coastline was completely different from that of later generations.

The passers-by did not dare to be careless and carefully measured the hydrology along the way. When the sun rose the next day, they had already left Taipei behind and came to the coast of Hsinchu.

If the current approximate speed of 4-6 knots can be maintained, the fleet will be able to reach Tainan tomorrow afternoon.Given this, some pre-war preparations can begin.

Passengers under the cabin were transferred to the deck one after another, the frequency was much higher than the previous few days.Visually, the mental outlook of these people is not bad, thanks to sufficient food and critical fresh water, and taking turns to "ride the iron mule" every day... In fact, they step on the bicycle generator fixed on the deck, and the physical fitness of the workers generally maintained at the level.

Electricity not only needs to be supplied to the electronic instruments in the cabin, but another portable seawater purification device made in Australia by Timespace also needs electric energy to produce fresh water.A suitcase-sized purification device can produce 3 tons of fresh water per day through electric pumps and reverse osmosis membranes.

In addition to drinking, the people in the cabin can even simply wash with fresh water in the luxury, and then scrub the vomit and the dirty cabin.The above are combined with disinfectant sprays, so that the sanitation of the crossing fleet is always maintained in a reluctantly acceptable state.

The crew members were also summoned one after another, and these goods, which were essentially pirates, were simply told before the voyage: "This time we have to do a big deal."

At this point, there is no need to hide anymore.When they learned that they were going to "attack a red-haired pirate's stockade" tomorrow, the crew expressed their emotional stability.The seamen who are used to having the backing of AK behind them are not opposed to grabbing a handful of red-haired men, but they have a little expectation.

Wei Yuan and Han Xiaobo leaned against the slightly undulating boat gang, and watched cheerfully as a few "Army" colleagues hustled around an M2.

Even in later generations, there are still not many people with Wei Yuan's body shape - 1 meters tall, 93+ in weight, with broad shoulders, waist and legs, as if he would squeeze the door frame at any time.

Wei Yuan, who used to be involved in many security companies in Africa, with a bloody look on his face, has been locked up in the backyard of Tangzhuang since the beginning of his journey.No way, this fellow is too conspicuous.Even though there are some tall and slender children of wealthy families in the city of Hangzhou, the length, breadth and thickness are still too far from these goods. It would be a disaster to release them, because they would be watched by onlookers.

Wei Yuan had no choice but to stay in Tangzhuang, and then formed a team of instructors spontaneously with Han Xiaobo, who had been in the army, and taught people to shoot targets every day.After finally waiting for the company to occupy Moyunguan, everyone on the front and back was dispatched, and Wei Yuan was transferred on the spot to become an abbot.Himmler's feeling has not yet been found, the expedition fleet is about to go south, and a group of people boarded the ship with labor all night.

Chapter 70 Contact

As one of the few players who have actual combat experience and are proficient in operating foreign military weapons, Wei Yuan has been very busy recently: Han Xiaobo and his group used domestic light and heavy aircraft when they served, and now they have to play Browning for a limited time. M2, the time is tight and the task is heavy. Wei Yuan incarnates as a machine gun instructor. It has really spent a lot of effort these days.

Smiling, watching a few birdmen clumsily changing the barrel of the M2, scratching his big bald head, Wei Yuan's face grinned, turned his head and said to Han Xiaobo, "Don't forget to put the muzzle flash suppressor tomorrow. Remove them all."

Han Xiaobo has a square face, thick eyebrows, and a well-proportioned figure. He is in the prime of life.This gentleman is a standard military officer, with a strong gene of a positive person. Hearing Wei Yuan's words, he smiled and replied: "Using sound and light effects to shock the natives... Is this necessary?"

"Trust me, it's definitely more useful than you think. This is the seventeenth century." Wei Yuan pointed to his feet and said, "The more primitive, the more afraid of sound and light. The aborigines in this world are better than the ones I have ever encountered. Those are more primitive, flash suppressors are useless until they evolve into World War I weapons, and the sound and light effects are our unique advantage."

"Well, that's it, let's see the effect first." Han Xiaobo nodded in agreement.

The atmosphere was very relaxed, and everyone was like a land passenger who was traveling by boat.


In 1627, there was neither a majestic red brick bastion nor a crowded commercial port. It was just a sandbar located off the coast of Tainan and called "a Kunshen" by the Ming people.

However, such a barren place, at this moment, seems to be a place where people from all directions gather, a place of wealth, and a place of heroes.The Japanese, the savages, the Ming people, the Fujian pirates, the Nanyang red hairs, oh, and the traversers who are slender, are all attracted by this desolate sandbar, waving silver coins and weapons in their hands, vying for the role of the protagonist.

At this point in time off Tainan, there was a series of sandbars parallel to the island, and Da was just one of them.The large lagoon surrounded by this string of sandbars and the island is called the Taijiang Inland Sea.

The reason why outsiders are interested in this place is because the channel between Da Yuan and Wei Island on the northern line is deep enough, and it is the only channel that allows small and medium-sized ships to pass through and enter the Taijiang Inland Sea for shelter from the wind.

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