Lu Ming

Page 21

The young man was agitated, and knelt on his knees like a conditioned reflex: "Thirteen thanks to your son for your name."

Brother Young Master laughed, and opened the fan with a sound of "shuala" and shook it lightly: "You guys are trying to drive ducks to the shelves, let's just name it, um... surnamed Jiang, this surname Jiang doesn't seem to be famous much, Jiang Kun? That's not right, Jiang Ziya is the one I can think of now, um, let's call it Jiang Shang, how about this name?"

"Good! Good name!"

"It's a good name, it's atmospheric!"

"King Fuwu to defeat the violent Zhou, the name Jiang Shang is very meaningful, and the level of the name of President Cao is really high!"

A wave of flattery came from all around...

With a proud expression on his face, Young Master took back the sandalwood fan and tapped it on the palm of his hand: "Just laughing and laughing, my brother has passed, passed..."

Flickering in, flickering away.After a group of people rushed in and left a new name for the boy, as if they had finished a major event, they turned around and walked out of the palace gate while talking and laughing.Only the freshly released "Jiang Shang" classmate was left, and his eyes were still froze there, puzzled.


As the "projects" were completed one by one, and as "that day" approached, the Crossover Group began to shrink its strategy.In other words, I have stopped doing things recently, digest the existing resources with peace of mind, and prepare for the expedition.

With this purpose in mind, the important people in the company have assembled a steering group in the past few days, and collectively inspected the bases everywhere. Today, it is Moyunguan's turn.Everyone mainly came to see how the construction of this "refugee resettlement camp", which had invested a lot of resources in it, was going on.

The son-in-law is naturally the chairman of Cao Chuan Cao.Since he wants to save the number of crossings as much as possible now, no matter where he settles in time and space, he will always rest on the spot for a period of time before crossing again depending on the situation.In the past few days, he has been raising fat in Tangzhuang. Today, he happened to follow Xia Xianze and his group to Moyunguan to relax.

After a group of people visited the "Moyunguan Primary School", they came out of the dilapidated side hall under the corridor, passed through a row of temporary thatched huts, and went up a few layers of stone steps to find the former front hall of Moyunguan.At this moment, there is a group of homeless refugees, sweating and busy on the construction site.

The original front hall and main hall of Moyun Temple have long been remnant due to thunder and fire.These days, the refugees gathered in the temple have picked out the wood, bricks and tiles that can be used, and the rest of the waste is picked to the back of the mountain to fill the ditch, and then sand and gravel are carried from outside the temple, filled into the foundation pit, and rammed with wooden stakes. , ready to build a house.

"The location of Moyunguan is good, but it's a bit dilapidated inside. But it's okay, we just demolished all of them and rebuilt them. Anyway, these people are idle." Feng Jun led everyone forward, while introducing: " Right now is the first phase, the plan is to lay a good foundation and temporarily build a single-story dormitory, and the second phase will wait for the reinforcement..."

The accompanying traversers with industrial ports rolled their eyes when they heard the words.

Wearing a soft hat and looking like an old housekeeper, Xia Xianze coughed and stopped bringing the topic to something like steel bars. Colleagues in the resource department also seem to be bothered."

Chapter 63 Inspecting Moyun Temple ([-])

"There are also people who work dishonestly. We will see you later." Master Feng was refreshed when he heard the words, and began to talk nonstop: "We have made a booklet for all the people we took in, and it is easy to divide it. You've reached the level. The scholar you just saw, and a few craftsmen, are currently 'A' talents."

Having said that, Feng Jun pointed to the people on the construction site who were shouting their horns and trying to consolidate the foundation and continued: "These people belong to Category B, they are all illiterate and peasants. These low-level Hanako refugees are treated, sheltered by us, and in I have a full meal here, so I am generally grateful to the company, and they are willing to work hard, basically without supervision."

When the group came to the apse at the foot of the mountain, Master Feng stopped: "Now the guards in the temple are mainly people dispatched from Pingfeng Village, and a small number of beggar gang defectors. Too few, and can only be responsible for taking turns to watch the post."

Having said that, Feng Jun raised his hand and said hello to the gable. When everyone saw it, there was a lookout on the gable. There were passers-by on duty on it. On his chest was a SCAR assault rifle with a scope. .

"The level of this group of people is 'Class C'." Master Feng led the group and walked a short distance, then pointed to a group of people who were working in front, and his face became a little more serious: "We are responsible for C The definition of level is 'potentially dangerous elements', these people need 24-hour gun surveillance."

Everyone took a closer look and found that the group of people in the apse seemed to be no different from the people in the front hall. They were both topless and working hard.

Feng Jun knew what everyone was thinking, smiled and explained: "Since Zhou Zhaizhu became the head of the beggar gang with our support, these people have been sent over one after another."

Hearing this, someone immediately responded: "Is it the remnant of the Beggar Gang?"

"That's right!" Feng Jun nodded: "These people used to be the big and small leaders of the beggar gang, the old thieves who have accumulated years, and are usually used to sucking the blood of the bottom Hanako, and they are used to enjoying happiness. How could they be willing to work here as coolies? During this period of time, the dog was hanged to death, and the people who jumped over the wall in the middle of the night were beaten to death, adding up to more than a dozen people."

Looking at these former beggar gang bosses who seemed to be docile, but with a bit of fierceness in their eyes from time to time, everyone in the supervision team was silent for a few seconds, and then Xia Xianze said in an indisputable tone: "These people will be the first at that time. Send them off in batches, and when they get there, they can do whatever they want, the vast world, but they can run hard."

"Yeah!" Feng Jun nodded again and again: "I want to send them away as soon as possible, there are still many reform projects on the Beggar Gang's side, and such people will be sent over one after another. If I stay here too much, the guards will be under too much pressure. ."

The beggars, big and small, who are working hard, have no idea that their destiny has been agreed upon. The good times that once sat in the corner, basking in the sun, counting copper coins, and nibbling on lice will no longer be available.

After inspecting the completed site, the inspection team went to see a series of new buildings built for the treatment of refugees, such as the stepped stone mountain spring baths, treatment rooms, and toilets built behind the temple.Before we knew it, it was already noon, and with the sound of the sharp bamboo whistle, the busy people on the construction site hurriedly put down the tools in their hands, put on the short cloth jackets thrown aside, and lined up in a crooked formation, heading to the cafeteria. go.

The so-called canteen is actually a row of bamboo sheds, very simple.The cooks stood behind the steaming cauldron of the earthen stove, in front of them were coolies lined up with thick porcelain bowls, surrounded by fake monks in robes, patrolling with sticks and whips.

The food is quite fair: there are only two stoves, big and small, and those who take meals in the big stove can get a large bowl of brown rice, and a large spoonful of vegetables will be placed on top of the rice. There are some animal water and seasonal vegetables in the dishes, which seem to have a large amount. full.

And all the traversers, supervisors, including a few Class A talents, are eating in the small stove.The meals here are more in line with the habit of travelers: one bowl of vegetables per person, chicken and fish, and how much rice you want to eat by yourself, there is no limit.

Everyone was hungry at this time, no one was polite, and they went over to make a meal, just like eating in the countryside in the past, a group of people happily found a clean place, each with a large porcelain bowl and a bamboo stick, surrounded by a group of people. Take a turn, bury your head and start eating.

Feng Jun, who had been busy greeting people all the time, also took a breath at this moment. Seeing that Cao Chuan and Xia Xianze were all starting to cook rice, Feng Jun knew that this stage was almost over.

Although this group of people mainly came to visit the mountains today, Feng Jun did not dare to take it lightly.As the number of passers-by keeps growing, there are more and more bastards in the company. There are so many people who don’t know how to find fault. They point fingers everywhere based on their status as shareholders. People with real power in charge of specific departments are very upset.

Just when Master Feng himself was about to start eating, Xuanxuan, who was in vain, not tall, with big cheeks and a little belly, tapped the side of the bowl with chopsticks, and then looked at the bowl as if he was talking to himself. Talking to himself: "The food in human resources is really good, isn't the standard a bit high? After all, public funds..."

Slowly put the piece of fat that was caught by his mouth back into the bowl, feeling the gloating glances from around him, Master Feng's heart collapsed at this time: "God officer, dog officer, it's really a plane collapse. An indispensable dog officer!"

However, a curse is a curse, and an explanation is still necessary.After calming down, Feng Jun said to the fat man who was four years old with a smile, "Wang Ju, as far as the food standard is concerned, not only does this thing not exceed the standard, but it needs to be improved!"


For a long time, Cao Chuan has not released the detailed personal information of the traversers who came to this plane one after another in the old time and space.

This kind of thing is very sensitive, and Cao Chuan has publicly explained it: whether everyone's files are open or not will be kept by a certain person or department in the end, or they will stay in the old world forever. These futures will be decided by all shareholders. I unconditionally obey.

So this is the situation now: whenever a new person joins, he will only briefly introduce the person's age, major, and specialties, and the rest will be gone.

Take today's "Wang Bureau" as an example. When he first arrived in Baodi, Mr. Cao proudly patted him on the shoulder and introduced to everyone: This is Deputy Director Wang of the Finance Bureau, with a high level, department level... ...but that's about it.

As for the deputy director of the Department-level Finance Bureau, why he gave up his bright future to go to Africa, and how he joined the great cause of transmigration, he does not say, Cao Chuan does not say, so far it is still a mystery.

Chapter 64

Director Wang's real name is Wang Liguo. This person is very adaptable. Not long after he passed through, he stole the company's financial power and officially became the company's leader with his unique qualifications in charge of large financial allocations. The "big housekeeper" was promoted to the chief financial officer.

It should be noted that this person's upper position was completed in a large wave of acquiescence.There are quite a few people who "don't know the truth", even if they don't communicate much with him, they still have a good impression of him being usually amiable and talking like a spring breeze.

After Wang Liguo took office as a new official, he did not make any big moves, but just settled the accounts of various departments and standardized the financial system.To be honest, this is the first time that the Human Resources Department has been so bluntly pointed out that there is a situation of "food and drink with public funds".

When faced with groundless accusations by the dog officials, Feng Jun will naturally not sit still. This is related to the reputation of him and his colleagues in the human resources department.After scolding Wang Liguo, Feng Jun paused, probably because of fire in his chest, the original soft voice would appear a bit sharp: "In the future, after we occupy the big officers, there will be a period of time when we will rely on food shipments. For these people, the cost of eating a bowl of miscellaneous rice at the water transportation terminal in Hangzhou today will not be higher than the cost of eating a bowl of vegetarian rice in the future."

Gently put the bowl in his hand under his feet, Feng Jun raised his head and continued: "Explore in a wild area where there are only savages and malaria, and enemies are everywhere...I think a strong body can do it right from the beginning of disembarkation." Hard labor is always more useful than a malnourished, sallow and emaciated sick ghost, right?"

Having said that, several of the people who were digging their heads in the rice bowl nodded subconsciously, Feng Jun raised his mouth and smiled, raised his index finger to intensify his tone: "Calories are not wallets, they cannot be stolen. The calories these people eat will eventually be returned to us in the labor."

"The cost seems to be a bit high. But there are some things, we still have to take a long-term view, do you think it is, Bureau seat?" At this moment, Feng Jun's face seemed to be smiling.

"Hahaha, not bad, not bad, Lao Feng's analysis is very reasonable, but Lao Wang's worry is also necessary, it's all for work...I said everyone hurry up and eat, today's process is very tight, after eating, let's go to five Take a turn around Xiansi."

... At the critical moment, CEO Xia resorted to a must-have tactic for leadership - live slime, to loosen the atmosphere.At this moment, Wang Juzuo laughed a few times, as if nothing had happened, he lowered his head and began to plan his meal.

The episode seemed to be over.In the afternoon, the supervision team went to the main hall of the beggar gang in the east of the city for a turn, had a cordial conversation with Zhou Tuantou, and worked hard until the evening before returning home.

As time passed, the atmosphere within the company gradually became tense.With the equipment, personnel, and materials in place one after another, the preparatory work has gradually come to an end. At the same time, some "short-term and fast" projects that have crossed the company's previous investment have finally come to the fore.


On September 1627, 9, the eighth day of the eighth lunar month, the three-yearly autumn festival of the Ming Dynasty will be held tomorrow.

In the north of Hangzhou, in a quiet courtyard in Baoxinfang.Huang Zhicheng sat under a laurel tree, looking up at the silvery first-quarter moon. After a long time, he slowly sighed, looked back, picked up the tea bowl from the small stone table in front of him, and poured a small mouthful. .

Huang Zhicheng, who was wearing a Tang suit with short tails and peddling fake paintings around with a painting tube, has long since disappeared from the old world.Instead, there is the "Huang Ping Huang Xiucai" who is wearing a Tang scarf and a plain white mid laner in front of him. His gestures are similar to those of the literati of the Ming Dynasty. Zhicheng is now his name.

Just a few days ago, Huang Ping, who had been preparing for the exam in this small courtyard, fell ill as planned.Soon after having breakfast that day, Huang Xiucai felt dizzy, groggy, and seemed to catch a cold, so he went back to his room and fell asleep.

Not long after, Nanwang Nan Xiucai "just happened" to visit a friend. When he saw Huang Ping unconscious, he was "terrified" and before it got dark, he hired a car and a boat, together with the servant girl in the yard, a few people. Quietly came to Tangzhuang, "seeking a doctor and asking for medicine".

Huang Xiucai was half-conscious and half-awake when Nan Wang's friend, "Fang Wai Divine Monk", a monk surnamed Bai, felt the pulse and was diagnosed as overthinking, weak in body and qi, and cold in the body. He needed to be on the spot. Rest in bed.

Of course, Huang Ping naturally missed Qiu Wei, whom he had always been obsessed with, during this recuperation.In fact, from this moment on, he has been under house arrest, and Huang Xiucai will never go back to that small courtyard.

Early the next morning, Comrade Li Gui and Huang Zhicheng, who was studying brush and ink in Tangzhuang and watching Huang Ping's video for many days, was wearing a royal blue straight patch, a square flat towel on his head, a folding fan in his hand, and led the tall "long attendant". Ink came on.

The two master and servant went straight to the small courtyard of Baoxinfang, and took over Tang Seng's customs clearance certificate swaggeringly. was Huang Ping and Huang Xiucai's confession certificate. At this moment, the six-eared macaque officially began to learn the Western Scriptures.

Naturally, the neighbors would not notice that the Xiucai, who almost never went out on weekdays and only read only books on sages and sages, had been replaced.As for Huang Xiucai, except for the little maid who was missing, everything else was business as usual. Mr. Xiucai only studied the craftsmanship every day, and the fake painting skills that he depended on for a living in the old world had already been thrown aside by him at this time.

Regarding the question of how Comrade Huang Zhicheng will use it in the future, it was also discussed several times through the company before it was finally settled.

In the beginning, Feng Jun's plan was actually very general, and they didn't consider that long-term.However, with the continuous increase in the number of traversers who have come across time and space, with the deepening of the understanding of the Ming Dynasty by the visitors, with the improvement of the entire system and the improvement of self-confidence, the current traverse company, at least Some of them have been able to look to the future and make some long-term plans.

The series of titles originally scheduled by Huang Zhicheng were dismembered in a quarrel, and at least two other positions were separated in the middle.

First job: Merchant.This is a role that requires public appearance, and is responsible for the management of all formal business establishments of the company in the Jiangnan area.

The second position: the head of the Jiangnan Information Station.This is a secret position, responsible for controlling the transportation of refugees, managing the beggar gang, and mastering the intelligence system of the entire Jiangnan region.

As for Huang Zhicheng, some bosses pointed out: In view of his special status, Jinshen and Wenxuan fronts are where he will use his skills in the future.Therefore, in the future, the focus of Huang Juren's work should be "raising hope".After that, in terms of ideology, he collected high-level trends and made influence on the ideological and political aspects of the Jinshen class in the south of the Yangtze River. Incitement and advocacy were his main tasks.

Chapter 65

After such a division, it is obvious that Mr. Huang will be at ease lurking in Jiangnan.

Of course, in the current situation, there is no need for him to rush to make any contribution to the company.On the contrary, Huang Zhicheng should try his best to avoid appearing on him at this stage for all people or items related to the traversal forces.

Like Liu Yaozu, an Hui businessman who has contacts with the Transcendence forces, he should avoid it.Everything has to wait for him, as a native of Ming Dynasty, and after he integrates into the Jinshen class in the future, he will pretend to be ignorant and slowly contact him.

After making arrangements for Huang Juren's future, a certain boss shamelessly gave him final instructions amidst whispers and ridicules: only hibernate, not activate, and wait for the war to see miraculous results...


Thinking back on these incredible things that I have encountered during this period of time, the feeling of not knowing whether to cry or laugh comes up again.Fortunately, these days, the mentality has almost been adjusted. Huang Zhicheng is now spending the past month and using tea as wine, which is really a bit more free and easy in the ancients.

He sighed silently and collected his thoughts. Like a soldier before the battle, he began to check the whole plan for the last time.

The line between Nanwang and Huang Ping has ended.These two important people have been de facto under house arrest and will be sent to officers in the not too distant future.In the end, there will only be one Huang Xiucai, um, the future Huang Juren, with the surname Huang Mingping and the word Zhicheng.

The yamen has also spent a lot of money - when the ancient Huang Ping was still studying in the small courtyard, the fake Huang Ping had already appeared, and tentatively completed his first task: holding a [-]% discount from the cross company. An official named Thorn made an appointment to meet with the subordinates of the chief secretary's yamen.

The triennial rural examination is the time when these subordinates get rich.Among the over 70 examinees, there is someone who can walk through the high-end route and handle the examiners and code words.Comrade Shui Tailiang, the examiner, played such a game in Hangzhou City five years ago, but was denounced by the sharp-eyed masses.Huang Zhicheng is a time traveler, of course there is no need to take such a dangerous path, he just bought two "traditional services" from the subordinate staff for [-] taels of silver.

The first item is "Elegant Seat": during the exam, he will be assigned to the spacious old house built in the early years of Gongyuan.At the same time, he also spent money to buy a "companion", that is, during the few days in the examination room, there will be an old guard on duty to help him cook and wash alone, and take care of him sooner or later.

As for the most important exam questions, they have also been prepared.The chief examiner of this year's Zhejiang Provincial Township Exam is Chen Meng from the Hanlin Academy.Therefore, at the moment when the examiner was determined, the Transcendental Forces had already tacitly agreed that the examination questions of this township examination would be the same as history.

The next step is simple: First, I checked various hotels and inns, and found a few students who were in the middle of the exam in history. After the evaluation, one of them was named Han Xiucai.The traversers have found them from later generations, and Han surnamed Xiucai was selected as the selected collection of Chinese literature. Next, Huang Zhicheng only needs to memorize these eight essays.

On the seventh day of the seventh day, a scholar surnamed Han started to have a fever and lethargy after dinner, and couldn’t get out of bed. This emergency came and went quickly, and this unlucky ghost’s illness will slowly recover after the crucial first exam... Everything is so smooth, familiar routines, familiar taste.

A second-rate businessman who made a living by making fake paintings in later generations, now in the Ming Dynasty, with a diploma of a scholar surnamed Huang in his arms, and a stereotyped essay of a scholar surnamed Han in his belly, he is about to embark on the journey of his ancestors to continue for thousands of years In the imperial examination room, it is not easy for fake products to be fake like this. The most bizarre scene in life is nothing more than that...

Just when Huang Zhicheng was thinking about the past and the present, a tall figure walked out from the wing room. After this figure came to Huang Zhicheng's side, his painting style changed suddenly, and he stretched out his hand and handed him a black Lanzhou...

Taking advantage of the moonlight, Huang Xiucai pinched his two fingers together, and the next moment a "ding" sounded, and the two master and servant smoked filter-tipped cigarettes in the seventeenth century.

"I will start the test tomorrow, then in more than half a month, my task will be completed." The tall black figure squatted on the flower pond under the laurel tree, unable to see his face clearly, and the cigarette butts were extinguished.

"Yeah, in another twenty days, the result will come out." Huang Xiucai spit out a few smoke rings: "It's been a long time for you, I don't know if you will be allowed to stay in Hangzhou to work in the future."

"Whatever they arrange, I don't care."

"Hehe, it's better to go to the senior officer. You know, it's Yan'an right now. It's a little bitter, but that's qualifications. I can't do anything about it. It's a tailor-made shell, you have to think about it."

"Well, I'll look back and think about it. Go to bed early after smoking. I have to catch the exam tomorrow."

"OK, I'll go to sleep after I finish smoking."

This is a conversation between Huang Zhicheng and the "servant" assigned to him by the organization on the eve of the exam.

At this point, the "Li Kui Project" that seemed a bit joking at the beginning was nearing its end. All that the traversal forces could do had been done, and the rest was to wait for the result.

On September 1627, 9, in the early morning of the ninth day of the eighth lunar month, before dawn, tens of thousands of test takers in the city of Hangzhou had already set up lanterns, carried test baskets, and headed towards Gongyuan.

Gongyuan is located in the north of the city, not far from Genshan Gate.The Gongyuan, which is usually unknown, is now shining in the dark, attracting fireflies slowly walking from all directions.The master and servant of "Huang Ping Huang Xiucai" are the same as other candidates, and they are also hurrying in the dark at this time.

When we were still half a mile away from the Gongyuan, the road card was already set up in front, and only those who had to pass the exam were allowed to pass the exam.Huang Zhicheng walked here and took the test basket from the person behind him. The two masters and servants shook hands secretly while the lights went out, and whispered, "Come on!", and then Huang Zhicheng turned around and adjusted his Confucian shirt and raised his head. Holding his chest out, he strode towards the Gongyuan.


Pride was soon swept away in the long wait, the sign sing-along, and the humiliating undress search.

By the time he found his house in embarrassment and sat down to catch his breath, it was already more than four o'clock in the afternoon. At this time, he couldn't bring his watch in, he could only look at the sun to estimate the time.

Fortunately, the previous preparations were not done in vain. Probably because of the famous thorn of Zhang Jin, the subordinates of the Chief Secretary's Yamen did not dare to default on their debts.Huang Xiucai was assigned a Lao She in the "di" brand name in this township test, and his sit-ups were quite spacious.After sitting down for a long time, the old soldier at the door came over and silently cleaned the house for him, then brought water, and the small mud stove was lit, and Huang Xiucai finally drank the lean meat porridge in the evening.

After a good night's sleep, a small official came to hand out the exam papers, and there were still people walking back and forth holding test cards in the lights, shouting the exam questions loudly: "It's easy for a gentleman but hard to say... and It makes people...virtuous as saints..."

Chapter 66 Before Sailing ([-])

Huang Xiucai, who got up early and sat on the number plate, at this moment, silently smiled in the candlelight, his mouth became wider and wider, and even his back molars were exposed.

He first thought about it for a while, and then carefully selected twelve draft rolls out of the 24 answer sheets he brought. His name, date of year, place of origin, names of three generations, and the scriptures are not only stamped on the seam, but also the name of the scroll official is printed in a long strip at the end of the scroll, with [-] originals and [-] drafts each.

Group crime has this advantage: people will think of the places that are easy to make mistakes.At this time, Huang Zhicheng was not in a hurry to copy the stereotyped essays that he had already memorized on the main volume, but followed the pre-planned plan, writing and drawing on the grass scroll, pretending to be thinking hard, choosing words and making sentences .Now, for him, Wen Chaogong, there is still time, so he must hold his breath... hold his breath...

Days passed, and in a blink of an eye it was August [-]th, and Huang Ping and Huang Xiucai's journey to the township examination in the seventh year of Tianqi came to an end.The Transcendents who had received the news as early as the first exam had already celebrated in advance.

The hard work over the past few months has finally paid off. The idea of ​​being a bit of a joke at the beginning has now succeeded. The transcendental forces have actually created a "real fake". This grandma has a great sense of accomplishment!

Huang Zhicheng himself is also very emotional. Fortunately, there are still some days before the announcement, so he still has time to prepare, um, prepare to be a master.

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