Lu Ming

Page 20

Seeing Hu Zhengqi leading the two attendants swaying over, Yang Er hurriedly collapsed his slender body, bowed his head, and slid over with a smile: "Master Hu, I've been waiting for you for a long time. "

Hu Zhengqi stopped and looked: "Oh, it's you hozen, where's the stuff?"

Yang Er heard the sound and hurriedly took out a jade token from his arms and handed it over: "It's this one, it's not damaged at all!"

Hu Zhengqi took the jade card, looked up at Tianguang and sighed: "Good thing, the air is delicate and the plane is reduced to the ground, it's the Zigang card, right, the hozen's craftsmanship has risen recently?"

Yang Erwen hurriedly smiled bitterly and said, "Master Hu, don't make fun of it, the three-legged cat's craftsmanship is not on the table."

At the next moment, Uncle Hu changed his face in an instant: "The craftsmanship has improved, and the eyesight has disappeared. Are you really blinded by the plague? You dare to steal the pieces from the Chai Ya of Er Yin's house? "

Yang Er had bowed his waist into a shrimp shape at this moment, and replied in a low voice: "I really didn't recognize it, otherwise how dare the little one do it..."

"You are going to put eye drops on Tuantou." Hu Zhengqi sneered: "The old man just said that he needs to clarify the help and have a new look. If you are plagued by plague, you will provoke Master Tongzhi. You have a long life, have you forgotten all the rules and regulations?"

At this time, Yang Er said with a hilarious smile, "Isn't this a sign that I sent to you as soon as I got the letter in the morning? With you here, I can't watch the little boy suffer in prison."

"That's the only brand left?" Hu Zhengqi weighed the Zigang brand in his hand, and then Pi Xiaorou asked without smiling, "What about the purse and the broken silver? It's all gone so quickly?"

Yang Er heard the sound of Zhuangtianqu, and the birthmark on his face seemed to be a lot brighter because he was wronged: "I went to Niu De yesterday to pay off my gambling debt, and now I am really doing my best, Master Hu. If you don't believe me, go ask Niu De, if I tell a lie, I will die!"

After hearing this, Hu Zhengqi looked up and rolled his eyes, then sneered, and after thinking about it, he said, "Well, it's all a helper brother, so I can't put you in prison. I'll return this brand right now. With some good words, if Er Yin's house can calm down, it will be easy for you to deal with it."

After a pause, Hu Zhengqi continued: "You shouldn't go back to the city these few days. Go to Moyunguan to avoid the limelight. When will the case be closed in the yamen, and when will you come back."

Yang Er did not suspect him, and hurriedly thanked him.Hu Zhengqi turned his head and winked: "Ping Laosan, you are familiar with the other end, take Brother Yang to find a partner, and say that I ordered it, and treat it well."

The third child, Ping, was a sturdy man with a stubble face. He heard the sound and stood up. He smiled and patted the young man on the shoulder: "Let's go, Brother Yang?"


Going more than ten miles north of Hangzhou City, it is half a mountain.There is a wild forest at the foot of the mountain, built on the mountain, is the Moyun Temple.

In the 35th year of Wanli, some monks built a temple here, which took four years to complete.However, just two years later, a lightning ball struck the main hall of Moyun Temple impartially in the summer night, and the ensuing fire burned down more than half of the temple.

Since it was a thunder punishment from the sky, then the monks in the temple must have done something that hurts the heavens and the law. Everyone agrees with this logic.Therefore, the remaining monks did not propose to rebuild after the event, and a group of bald donkeys came to the hall to disperse, leaving only the innocent, the remnant broken wall with the reputation of the unknown place, and stayed there silently.

Not long after that, the dilapidated Moyun Temple became a place for bandits and thieves.Now more than ten years have passed, the Moyun Temple has been declining more and more, and the interior has become a refuge for the Hanako. Anyone who loses the wind will often run to the Moyun Temple to avoid the limelight.

Yang Er and the third and the third hurried out of the north gate of Hangzhou. After taking a light boat and traveling along the Shangtang River for more than ten miles, they disembarked at a dilapidated river pier and settled in a forest.Not long after walking along a line of bluestone steps in the forest, I saw the mountain gate of Moyun Temple.

Yang Er was in a good mood along the way—gambling debts were paid off, and a small ingot of silk silver was also placed, and Hu Zhengqi had to take care of the first and last for his own family. This newly-empowered short guy is really a fool, hehe, hehe ...

There were two men in black with knives standing in front of the Moyunguan Mountain Gate. After Ping Laosan approached to say hello, he took him into the mountain gate.

Yang Er also avoided the limelight a few times in the Moyun Temple in the past, and he is usually familiar with the way, but today he felt inexplicable and strange when he arrived here, and he suddenly realized when he entered the door. Got a doorman?

Chapter 60

Before he could understand, there was a noise in the distance.Yang Er glanced at it, and could vaguely see that among the wreckage of the burnt down front hall, there were dozens of people who seemed to be working, not knowing what to do.

As he stretched his head and looked around, he followed Ping Lao San to the gate of the dilapidated side hall. Yang Er saw seven or eight people sitting there drinking tea to cool off the heat.No one else knows him, but there is only one person with a scorpion on his forehead. He cannot fail to recognize him—as one of the most eye-catching upstarts in the gang, the uncle Hu Xianhu, who is responsible for training newcomers, is here at this moment, and it is even more so. Let Yang Er's heart "squeak".

After Ping Laosan went up to exchange a few words with Hu Xian, he turned around and patted him on the shoulder, smiled meaningfully, turned his head and left.

At this time, Yang Er had faintly realized that he might have been betrayed by Hu Zhengqi.This Moyun Temple might have been booked by Hu Xian, so he might be doing something...

However, there was no room for him to think about it at this time. Seeing Hu Xian looking over, Yang Er's heart froze.

What surprised him was still later: Uncle Hu Xian was not in charge of this place. After Yang Er greeted him, Hu Xian just glanced at him, then immediately put on a smile, turned his head and whispered to the big man sitting above him. sentence.

This big man has a bald head, a face full of flesh, his upper body is naked, and his fine white flesh is shining with oil. His body is really as generous as Yang Er's two, sitting there like a bear.Holding a palm fan in one hand and shaking it gently, a leather box hangs around his waist, revealing a half silver handle.

After taking a peek at the big man, Yang Er hurriedly lowered his head. The next moment, a strange but peaceful question rang out in his ear: "What's the name of the little brother?"

"Go back to the uncle, little Yang Er."

"Yo, this name sounds boring, how old is the little brother?"



After inquiring about Yang Er's background, the big man nodded with satisfaction: "This child is good, I like it, and he looks smart. Old Hu, take him to wash and clean up, put food afterward, and reward him. Medicines, all go according to the regulations."

"Don't worry, Master Wei, Hu Xian can save it."

In this way, Yang Er followed Hu Xian in the fog and walked towards the back of the temple.


The Zhonghe River runs through Hangzhou City, connects to the Grand Canal, connects with Wulin Gate in the north, and exits Fengshan Gate in the south. It is the busiest river in the city.From south to north, there are a total of nine stone bridges standing across the river. Every day, there is a continuous stream of people on the bridges, and there are constant boats under the bridges, creating a busy scene.

Dengyun Bridge is next to the Gongyuan in the north of the city. It is the closest one to the Wulin Gate among the nine bridges, and it is a major traffic road.Even though the sky was about to reveal its white belly at this time, people who got up early to work had already started to walk across the bridge in twos and threes.

The people on the bridge got up early, but the people under the bridge didn't want to wake up, or in other words, they couldn't wake up anymore.

Jiang Shisan had been lying down under Dengyun Bridge for two days.

He hadn't stood up since he fainted under the bridge two days ago.Jiang Shisan, who was only 15 years old and begged all the way from Chuzhou to Hangzhou, is now lying on the muddy floor under the Dengyun Bridge, with only two eyes still rolling weakly. He knows in his heart that he is not far from death up.

With the last of his strength, he tilted his head, wanting to take one last look at the brothers who were suffering together.

In addition to Jiang Shisan, there were three people who were also motionless under the broken straw mat, perhaps corpses.A stench emanated from under the mat. Jiang Shisan remembered that before he passed out last time, there were six or seven people under the bridge, but when he woke up, half of them were left.

The early morning sun rose, and a golden light shone over. Seeing the sun, Jiang Shisan felt a familiar dizziness.In a daze, a spirit boat floated from the Zhonghe River, and Jiang Shisan saw his dead parents standing on the bow, waving to him, and he hurriedly shouted: "Father, mother, take the son away, the son can't hold on." down..."

He closed his eyes.

With a "chirp" sound, the spirit boat stopped under the bridge.

There were no ghosts on the boat, but two living people jumped off.Both of them were wearing linen clothes and wrapped their mouths and noses with white cloth. They came over to uncover the straw mats, and probed the breath of the people under the mats one by one. One of them turned around and said angrily to the bow of the boat, "Master Gu, there is only one left. Have a breath."

Lord Gu is the old bone, the head of the human transformation field.The beggar gang took the opportunity to act that day, supported Zhou Tong on the spot, and kept his position afterwards.Lao Gu's errand is very simple, that is, to lead his subordinates to collect the burial road all over the city, and then transport the corpse back to the incarnation field for burning and burial.

Old Gu, wearing a bamboo hat and dressed as an old peasant, is sitting cross-legged on the bow of the boat smoking a tobacco pouch. Hearing the report from his subordinates, the old bone knocked on the smoking rod on the bow: "You feel angry, but I don't see it. If you're angry, bring them up."

After a while, the five corpses had been carried onto the boat. Lao Gu glanced at Jiang Shisan who was finally carried aboard, and said lightly, "Have a sip of water and get off the boat."

The flat-bottomed boat with a white flag without a word was restarted. It stopped and went south, along the Zhonghe all the way to the south, stopping every now and then to lift two corpses up.Until the boat left the Fengshan Water Gate, it went back to Wulipu in the east of the city along the Tiesha River, unloaded the corpses on the boat, and then quietly set off, heading north all the way, and finally stopped at the river branch in front of Moyun Temple. inside.

Not long after, the people who came out of the temple and the old bones on the boat finished the handover, and Jiang Shisan and three other dying people were carried back to Moyun Temple.


I don't know how long it took, he woke up from the coma leisurely.

The first time I woke up, I saw a strange face painted in purple and red, staring at me.

"I'm afraid it's just horse noodles, I should have arrived in the underworld." Jiang Shisan thought.

The next moment, "Ma Mian" said in a Hangzhou dialect: "You're awake, I'm going to make porridge and rice for you." After speaking, the man got up and left, Jiang Shisan, who was thinking extremely slowly, was still doing it at this time. I don't know the situation, until after "Ma Mian" fed a mouthful of hot rice porridge into his mouth, he only recovered his soul and found that he was still in the world. "Ma Mian" is just a living person, except that he has a large purple birthmark on his face, and he is bald and hairless. At first glance, he looks like a ghost.

After Jiang Shisan slowly drank half a bowl of rice porridge, his spirits improved a lot.He found himself lying in a dilapidated hall, with straw under his body and a straw mat on his body. There were four other people lying like him in the room.

"I don't know the name of my benefactor Gao, thank you for Thirteen." Slowly opening his mouth, Jiang Shisan asked in a hoarse voice.

"I'm Yang Er, I'm not your benefactor, there are other people who take you in." Yang Er grinned and said.

"Oh, it's Big Brother Yang in person, I don't know where this is?"

Chapter 61

The two young men who had never met before started chatting like this.Jiang Shisan knew at this time that he was in the Moyun Temple outside the city, and his life was saved by the "high monk" in the temple who made porridge.

After chatting for too long, he fell asleep again.

When he woke up again, it was already evening. After waking up this time, he felt much better, and his stomach began to growl normally. During the two days he was under the bridge, he no longer felt hungry. Numbness before death.

Yang Er was still busy taking care of the five sick patients in the house. When Jiang Shisan woke up, he went out to make dinner without saying a word. This time, he brought a bowl of thick porridge with fish soup.Poor Jiang Shisan wanted to eat all the bowls. After eating, he was able to sit up slowly and leaned against the wall to talk.

That night, one of the sick patients in the same room did not survive.Early the next morning, Yang Er brought a new straw mat and helped the newly recognized little brother Jiang Shisan to replace it, then wrapped the corpse in the old mat and moved it out.

At noon, Jiang Shisan still received fish soup and rice to eat.

I can't remember the last time my family ate rice. I didn't have time to feel it. Jiang Shisan, like a few fellow inmates in the same room, digged everything in the bowl into his stomach.

A few scrawny people were leaning against the wall, rubbing their slightly bulging stomachs, reminiscing about the taste of fish and meat rice, and invariably smirked.

However, the good times did not last long. After a while, a few vicious monks with short sticks came into the house. When Yang Er saw the people, he jumped up and reported a few words in the past.

Jiang Shisan and the others were getting old. Seeing this battle, they didn't wait for anyone to teach them.

The head of the monks, the big monk with a stature like a mountain, looked down at them and smiled with satisfaction: "Yes, all are good, let's take them to the 'purification'."

Later, a few of them were taken out of the house and led all the way to the back of the temple.Under the gable is a row of high and low pools stacked with bluestones, and the clear mountain spring water is led down from the mountain by thick bamboo pipes.Before the few of them could understand, they were pressed on the chairs by the monks who were there and had their heads shaved. Then, they were stripped of their clothes and shoved into the pool.

Under the hot noon sun, Jiang Shisan took a refreshing bath.After washing, they were driven into the lower pool next to them. The water in this pool was a little muddy and had a strange smell. After Jiang Shisan fluttered in the pool for a while under the order, they were finally put ashore.

Then he received a short white cloth jacket, a pair of gray cloth trousers, and a pair of straw sandals. All the tatters on his body were confiscated.

After that, each of them received another tablet the size of a finger, and after drinking it on the spot, they were considered alive and brought back.

In the evening, he received his third meal of the day, and this time it was even more plentiful, a bowl of dry rice covered with shredded fish and vegetables.After Jiang Shisan was full, he pulled Yang Er excitedly and kept asking questions. Yang Er couldn't help being entangled by him, so he told the news that he had inquired about in the past few days.

According to him, these people in the house were "fostered" by the Zen masters from Putuo Mountain in the South China Sea. The masters of Moyun Temple are considered to be recruiting disciples on behalf of their fellow disciples. After they can recite a few verses of scriptures, they will be sent there. The temple in the South China Sea has officially become a monk.

"I can't complain that I have to shave today. Thank God, we are novices this time, right? Alas, I don't know when we will receive the ultimatum." Hearing this, Jiang Shisan touched his bare scalp and reminisced about the brown rice. Scent, said excitedly.

"It's hard to say, I still need to study scriptures, and those who can't learn will go to pick soil." Yang Er returned with a sullen voice.He was not as excited as Jiang Shisan, he didn't want to become a monk, he just wanted to go back to Hangzhou to be a little thief without any worries.But he also knew that he couldn't dispel Jiang Shisan's yearning for a beautiful temple life, so he could only be secretly depressed.

"It's good to study the scriptures. The monk just wants to study the scriptures..." Jiang Shisan was already immersed in his own happy fantasy, and didn't notice Yang Er's depression at all.

Early the next morning, Jiang Shisan and the others were taken into a side hall. There were a lot of people sitting in it, young and old. The ground was full of bills, with sandboxes and branches on the billboards. There is also a blackboard on the wooden shelf.

Not long after, someone called at the door: "Master Purdue is here..." Hearing the call, everyone hurriedly bowed and stood up. A tall, thin monk in cassock came in. Without delay, I began to write a few simplified characters and Arabic numerals on the blackboard. After finishing writing, the monk turned around and smiled: "Today we will continue to study the scriptures."


Everyone has their own way of opening.

Jiang Shisan, this beggar boy from the countryside of Chuzhou, was correctly opened by the transmigrator at this moment.

He had never been to a private school, and he was ignorant of big characters. In just one morning, he silently wrote Chinese characters from one to ten on the sandbox with branches, and also wrote the corresponding Arabic numerals.It wasn't over yet. In the afternoon, he learned five new words, and then the next morning, Jiang Shisan wrote down everything he learned yesterday in the sandbox.

Jiang Shisan, who lived to be 15 years old and survived many disasters, finally had the opportunity to sit down and learn characters. He found that the so-called "scriptures" taught by the master are not complicated. , it will be remembered.

In three days, it only took three days, and the literacy speed of the teenager far surpassed his peers, which alarmed Master Purdue.After taking the exam in person in shock, the name Jiang Shisan was rated as "A" on a certain form.Even if a young man was beaten to death, he would never have imagined that he, who died of starvation yesterday, has become a "superior human being" in a certain sense today.

He will soon be able to appreciate the meaning of the phrase "knowledge changes destiny".

Jiang Shisan was then assigned to a shabby room.The shabby room is as small as it is, but it is still a single room. There are serious beds in the room, and he only lives in three people.A half-old man, and a young man in his twenties, these two dear brothers he has met in class, and they are both literate masters.

No matter what the reason, in short, in this difficult and difficult environment, people who can still read and count at a high speed undoubtedly meet the requirements of some people.Jiang Shisan soon discovered that since living in a single room, there were actually more chicken thighs and pork slices in the meals he received.

Unlike those passers-by who were assigned to work in less than two days, he now has a fixed position in the front row of the class and has received a special pen, ink, paper and inkstone. Every day, he only needs to study elementary school language carefully. The "senior monks" in class always graciously set aside time for the front row to "lecture scriptures".

Chapter 62 Inspecting Moyun Temple ([-])

Yang Er was not as lucky as Jiang Shisan.Like most people, he can't remember well, and he doesn't want to remember those "scriptures" that twist and turn.Originally, he was going to be sent to pick soil, but luckily, the transmigrator who was in charge looked at him at first, and felt that he was young and liked his cleverness, so he arranged for him to take care of the sick.

Yang Er initially planned to escape from this evil temple in the middle of the night while others were unprepared.However, one night before he was optimistic about the wall and decided to act, gunshots rang out from the back of the temple.Early the next morning, he was called out to bury his body. When he found out that the two martyrs who had run into the woods were beaten to death with some kind of bird gun from behind, Yang Er stopped and ran away. idea.

Now he can only bury his hatred for Hu Zhengqi in his heart, and work honestly for the transmigrator for the time being.

However, taking care of the sick is still good. Since Jiang Shisan moved out, every one or two days, he can secretly get a chicken leg or a piece of fat for his savior and newly recognized eldest brother.While Yang Er was chewing, he always wanted to remind this little brother who was very fond of his own family: "This place is weird, it doesn't look like the way to cross people from Buddhism."

However, whenever he wanted to open his mouth, he could always hear Jiang Shisan chattering and praising the days of Elysium, Yang Er could only swallow the words silently.

Naturally, a 15-year-old boy can't think so much. From now on, he only needs to enjoy the benefits brought to him by the attribute of "Student Master". Moreover, this is the beginning, and the benefits are far from over... …

In the morning a few days later, when Jiang Shisan was sitting in the side hall of Moyun Temple, burying his head in calculating a math problem, there was a sudden noise outside the hall.The next moment, a group of people rushed in, and it was Abbot Purdue who was leading the way.Surrounded by a group of big men like the stars and the moon, is a tall man, wearing a lake silk robe, swinging a folding fan in his hand, like a son-in-law.

Seeing such a battle, without waiting for anyone to shout, the people in the hall who had learned a lot of "rules" these days quickly got up and stood.

When Jiang Shisan stood up, he secretly glanced outside, and found that in the temple, Hu Xianhu, who was famous for his fierce reputation, was waiting outside the gate of the temple. He immediately understood that it must be a noble person who came today. .

The next moment, these people came over to Jiang Shisan, but Master Purdue, who was usually dignified and dignified, was a little rude today, and pointed at Jiang Shisan with a slight smile: "This is a scholar, he's so hungry that he can't even stand. Steady, I can learn more than a dozen words a day, which is very exaggerated."

"Hey, this kind of person has murderous aura, at least three bars. I used to hide in school back then." The young man smiled and said something that the teenager couldn't understand in a weird accent.

A burst of echoing dry laughter emanated from all around.Beside the young master, a man in his thirties who looked like a housekeeper wearing a soft hat opened his mouth and asked, "Are there many people in this number?"

The monk Pudu smiled bitterly when he heard the words: "Where are there so many, there are only three or five who can keep up with the speed of literacy." Having said that, the monk patted Jiang Shisan on the shoulder with relief: "This level of Him alone."

Jiang Shisan lowered his head at the moment, he didn't dare to take a breath, and his mind was in chaos. Fortunately, the next moment Young Master asked him with a smile, but he understood this sentence: "What's the name of the little brother?"

"Master back, little Jiang Shisan." The young man quickly bowed to answer.

Brother Young Master smiled and shook his head after hearing this: "Why is it such a name again, this Xueba should have a more grandiose name..."

The next moment, Jiang Shisan was immediately slapped on the back of the neck, and a low voice was heard in his ear: "Don't you thank the young master for his name?"

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