Lu Ming

Page 19

In this way, Mr. Wu can't be tricked. Once Liu Niang's belly grows bigger and something happens, with the Wu family's wealth, the fate of the wild mandarin ducks can be expected...

Chapter 56 Li Kui Li Gui ([-])

Nan Wang knew the joints well, and he thought about it all day, but in the end he couldn't bear his own child, so he was cruel, and immediately found an excuse to quit his job at Master Wu's mansion, and at the same time ordered Liu Niang to send the servants to clean up.

He's trying to hide it.

Nan Wang knew that in a short time, Mr. Wu would return to the old house in Yangzhou to handle the salt work. He would not return to Hangzhou until about half a year later. During this time, the young couple just flew away.In his early years, he had made friends with a rich second-generation scholar whose ancestral home was in Guangnan. Over the years, the two sides have occasionally had Xinhong, and now he can only bite the bullet and go to defect first, and then he will take a step by step.

Everything was as planned. Master Wu returned to Yangzhou on the front foot, and a mistress was missing from the back foot of the Wu family.However, someone did a lot of calculations, but he didn't count the robbers on the ocean. The young couple didn't even go out to southern Zhejiang, not to mention Guangnan, and they were almost slaughtered to feed the fish.

At this point in the story, Nan Wang expected Ai Ai to say that he also hoped that the savior would keep quiet. After the husband and wife went back to make some preparations, they would continue to run away.

When Liu Zhe and the others heard this, they couldn't help but smile: This kind of thing is really the same in the past and present.

"It's easy to talk about it. Today is considered to be a relationship with Xianggong Nan. After this trip, the two of you can stay in Bizhuang for a while. Brothers like me will not talk too much about this, and Xianggong can rest assured."

Nan Wang was naturally grateful at this time: he himself was not afraid to go back to Hangzhou, and there was still an old house in the city, so the Wu family might not necessarily link him to Liu Niang's disappearance.As long as Liu Niang hides tightly, he can show up in front of people as much as he can, and make arrangements to escape to the south in private.

Just when Nan Xiucai and Liu Ke were returning home, no one on board expected that at this moment, in the company headquarters in Tangzhuang, a defense meeting related to Nan Xiucai's future destiny was underway.

In view of the successful completion of the annexation of the Beggar Gang, the confidence of the people in the Human Resources Department headed by Feng Jun has risen, and the momentum is like a rainbow. In the past few days, they have thrown out the proposal of "Li Kui Action" mentioned last time, making a lot of noise. to execute.

Fortunately, there are not many "imported materials" required for this plan, but the operation is troublesome, so there are few people who oppose it, and many people watch the fun.It happened that Chairman Cao was also there today, and Feng Jun and his group hurriedly brought all the traversers at home over to hold a hearing, intending to finalize the proposal.

Through the development of the company to this day, it has gradually developed a set of unique rules of procedure: trivial matters, the trivial matters here refer to matters that do not involve "imported materials", often Xia Xianze and the person in charge of the department can settle down with a few words , people from other departments are too lazy to worry about it, and they will discuss it together when they use it.

However, once the proposal involves the materials of later generations brought by Cao Chuan, it will be a lot of trouble: first, the head of the plan initiating department will explain the plan, and then this person will be inquired by more than N people. After the answer is completed, if the objector does not More, the plan can be implemented.

This is the advantage of the small forces. There are dozens of people, and there is not so much arguing. At least so far, this method of discussion is working smoothly.

In fact, "Li Kui Action" can be summed up in one sentence: find a transmigrator who has the level of elevating people, Li Dai Taozong, pretend to be an indigenous scholar, participate in the autumn festival soon, and take the test to be a real evangelist.

The plan sounds simple at first, but there are a lot of details and luck in the middle, so now Feng Jun Feng Baldui is being questioned by the melon eaters, and fine beads of sweat are flickering on his bright forehead.

The following is a summary of the meeting:

Eat the melons: "After such a big thing to get a 'Li Gui', are you sure you can be admitted to the juren?"

Feng Jun: "As of now, there is no discrepancy between the historical facts of this plane and the information we have, so in the 'Li Kui Project', we have known the questions of the Hangzhou Township Examination in August 1627 by default. If the questions are changed at that time, then It proves that the historical facts of the two planes do not overlap, this is very important for all our future actions, this is equivalent to a test, we will gain something whether we change the test questions, I personally prefer not to change the test questions."

Eat melons: "Even if the exam questions are not changed, are you sure that 'Li Gui' will be able to take the test in the ancients? Has the gunman's essay been written? Is it of such high quality?"

Feng Jun: "We don't need to prepare gun essays. Not only do we know the exam questions, but we also have some names and anthologies of historical essays in this subject in history. These used book sites are available on the Internet, and Mr. Cao will find out when he goes back to check. On the eve of the exam, In history, a talented person in the middle class will 'fall ill', and then Comrade Li Gui only needs to memorize the talented person's middle class essay in advance, and then he can go to the exam."

Eat melons: "It's so vicious. In the same way, we can support a down-to-earth talent on the spot, and we're done? Do we need so much trouble?"

Feng Jun: "Please note that the actual job of 'Comrade Li Gui' is actually the head of the Jiangnan Intelligence Station, the CEO of the Jiangnan Trading Company, and the future president of the Jiangnan Maintenance Association. It is the nail to break into the base camp of the reactionary Jinshen. These jobs It can only be done by traversers, it can't be indigenous."

Eat melons: "...Okay, what about the specific actions?"

Feng Jun: "First of all, select a few spare tires from the tens of thousands of candidates taking the exam in Hangzhou. There is only one requirement, that is, you are out of place, you have been away from home for many years to study, and you rarely meet relatives and classmates. Then take pictures. Go to future generations to select Li Gui who has the right appearance and literary talent and send it over. This level is simple in the past, control or kill the native talents, train Li Gui, and then take the exam under the false name."

"...It sounds very suspenseful."

"It needs some luck in it, but this plan has a small investment and a big profit. It's just that President Cao will have to work harder after returning."

When Feng Jun said this, he looked at Cao Chuan who was sitting beside him.

"You guys can get the candidates' digital photos, height and weight as soon as possible, and I will use the computer to compare them after I go back. Since there are requirements for appearance, accent, education, and social relations, I can only do my best, and the time is a little tight. , don't blame me if you can't find it." Cao Chuan said after thinking about it.

"It's enough to have seven or eight images of the appearance. There are no photos on the resumes of the ancients." Feng Jun said with a smile.


Nanwang and his wife were finally arranged in a partial room in the "mistress community" of Tangzhuang.

There are now more than ten concubines living in the community one after another, all of whom went to Renya to choose them after killing people and setting fires.In view of the current struggle situation, these concubines also moved in with their bags, quiet and peaceful, and did not make a big deal.

Chapter 57 Li Kui Li Gui ([-])

With the continuous expansion of the crossing forces, Tangzhuang, which was originally desolate and secluded, is now crowded with people.The traversers who came to this world one after another and their secrets were hidden in the back garden. The original warehouse outside was full of subordinates who followed the traversers to fight the country.The small concubine's courtyard was also tight. After the expatriate duo was placed in a side room that night, they saw some strange-looking transmigrators, and heard some sounds they shouldn't have heard.

However, the two couples felt a lot more at ease - this is considered to be living in the inner house, seeing the family members, probably will not be slaughtered and drunk.

Early the next morning, Nan Wang hurried out the door and went straight to Hangzhou City.After returning to the two dilapidated old houses in the city, he looked around and found that everything was fine, and there were no thieves to patronize. After a long sigh of relief, he sat down and thought about it carefully.

This Zhuangzi of Liu Yao's ancestral family, Nanwang is now a hole in the fire - probably a den of thieves.Those strange people in Zhuangzi must have been raised by Master Liu to do business without capital.

After reminiscing about the sinister journey of this trip, and then sighing that his own destiny was good, and that he could meet Liu Ke and other "ancient and worthy men" at the juncture of life and death, Nan Wang went out for a walk on the street.During this period, he also deliberately passed by Wu's house, and pretended to have nothing to do with Wu's housekeeper. After finding that everything was normal, he bought a four-color water gift and returned to Tangzhuang, intending to meet Liu Zhe and express his thanks.

Unexpectedly, when he returned to Tangzhuang on the front foot, Liu Zhe found the door on the back foot, followed by a tall monk.

Nan Wangkan's skill level is quite high. When he saw the behavior of the "Purdu" master that Liu Zhe called, he knew that this monk probably had a high status in the bandit gang.Originally, he had the grace of saving his life. In addition, his family depended on others. At this time, Nan Wang did not dare to neglect him at all, and hurriedly responded humbly.

The Purdue monk acted upright, and after a few greetings, he told Nanwang: Once the Mid-Autumn Festival is over, there will be boats going south for business in Tangzhuang. Then Nanwang and his wife can take a boat. people", everything is easy to say.

Just as Nan Wang was thanking him, the monk said that Zhuangzi had a "little favor." He wanted to ask Mr. Nan to do it.

After Nan Wang was stunned for a moment, he agreed without a word.

Then, after Feng Jun threw out the rotten story of "I want to invite one or two down-and-out talents to teach the savages in their home on the Ryukyu Island", the talents didn't even listen to the details, and after a little thought, he said, "How many of these students know? , students can probably help in this matter.”

After Feng Jun and Liu Zhe looked at each other, they couldn't help being a little surprised that Comrade Nan Wang was able to get on the road so quickly.

However, the two of them did not understand the idea of ​​the scholar.

As a scavenger who haunts big families all the year round, Nan Wang has heard and seen too many private house affairs, and some things are troublesome if they get involved.

Feng Jun wanted to talk about the details, but someone from Nan didn't want to know the details at all. He only needed a general topic - the more he knew, the more troublesome it would be, not to mention that this is a group of strongmen who kill without blinking an eye. 's topic.

For Nan Wang, now he just wants to use the power of the other party to get asylum and successfully complete his plan to escape south.As for what this group of people are going to do with a few talented people, he really doesn't want to know, and he doesn't dare to know.He only knew one thing: there are more talented people than dogs in Hangzhou these days. Since these strong men have gone to great lengths to hire people, they are not meant to be handymen.

All in all, the meeting went smoothly. Afterwards, Mr. Nan revealed the script: When my family accompanies the rich to worship incense and Buddha, I can always see a few poor scholars in the temple...

From this moment on, "Operation Li Kui" began to be officially implemented.

In the early morning of the next day, there were two more servants beside Nan Xianggong: a handsome young servant was responsible for carrying wine and meat, and the other was tall and strong, carrying a leather box with him, taciturn, and only followed the scholar every day Cruise around.

This strange trio spent the next few days haunting some of the wild temples outside Hangzhou.The general routine is as follows: every time he enters a temple, the poker Nan Xianggong will "unintentionally" visit the guest room, and then "just happen" to chat with a certain Suanzi who is staying overnight.

After that, Nan Xianggong was "surprised" that the other party was talking very well, so he drank the little servant cloth wine and served the food, so the two sour sons became confidants and talked happily about the wine, so inadvertently, the details of the poor scholar were quickly caught by Nan Xiucai. come out.

After Nan Xiucai left the house after drinking, he would occasionally send a signal, and then the long follower who played the role of a stranger behind the tree would quickly take out a Leica 240 from the box, and after a few clicks, the poor Xiucai, who was dizzy from drinking A few 2000-megapixel digital photos will be left behind.

When they return in the evening, Nan Xiucai and the servant will be interrogated and recorded separately. All the information and photos of the selected candidates will be organized and archived. Finally, Cao Chuan will take the USB flash drive back to future generations for comparison. .

Hangzhou, Minzheng Road, the second floor of Minglai Pavilion.

After more than half a year, Li Douzhan, Boss Li, is now a veritable up-and-coming "President Li" in the antiques industry.

The slickness of his early years has disappeared, replaced by calm and capable.Wearing a navy blue Tang suit, plain glasses, and a peaceful face, the boss burst out in style: "Look carefully, I've been working hard, and they agreed to compare it after donating money to the city bureau."

Chairman Cao, who was sitting opposite him, was checking the information on the computer in detail. After a long time, he opened his mouth and asked, "That's all?"

"How much more do you want? I don't even look at your cheating conditions. You don't want anyone with a height of 1.7 meters. How can there be so many third-class disabled people these days?"

"The conditions are a bit special, hehe." Cao Chuan laughed dryly and diverted the conversation: "I didn't expect that there were so many people in the big package country, and in the end, there were only two suitable groups."

"You need to understand Bagu again, you need to be short, you need to be able to speak a southern accent, and your appearance needs to match the photos you brought. It's good to have two groups." Li Douzhan rolled his eyes and said.

Cao Chuan stopped talking, slowly leaned back in his chair, stared at the computer screen and began to think.

There are two groups of photos of AB on the screen, two people in each group, one Ming and one modern.

The Ming people were selected from the down-and-out scholars visited by Nan Xiucai. After the travelers took pictures, the clothes and hairstyles of P modern people were handed over to Li Douzhan.

Mr. Li took the photo again, under the guise of "helping the old overseas Chinese find their descendants", and asked the relationship to do computer matching. The search keywords were male, ancient Chinese, height, etc.

When all kinds of harsh conditions are added, and after the facial recognition software is used at last, there are only less than ten people in the dignified country with free shipping, who can meet the basic requirements of ancient Chinese, appearance, size, and age.

Chapter 58 Li Kui Li Gui ([-])

However, when Cao Chuan got the information of these people today, and then used the hidden condition of "whether there is a complete family", which only he knew, to filter the information, there were only two groups of people left.

No way, he couldn't bring the head of a family with seniors and juniors to the Ming Dynasty. This is too cruel and has endless troubles, unless it is a nest.However, this is Hangzhou, not Africa, and he doesn't have the guts.

After looking at the information again for the last time, Cao Chuan pointed to a photo on the screen: "That's it."

Li Douzhan stood up and walked around behind Cao Chuan, looked at the person he was pointing at, and was a little surprised: "Oh, this one from group B, I thought you were going to choose this one from group A. You'd better think again, A This group is a researcher of ancient Chinese, can write stereotyped essays, and the appearance and samples have a high coincidence rate, reaching 90.00%!"

"I've thought it through, just the one in group B, hurry up and set up a game, be careful, don't leave a trap, make payment first, and then let him deliver the goods to Africa." Cao Chuan smacked his lips, and then said.

Li Douzhan smiled and looked at the screen carefully: "Ancient painting dealer? This is half a colleague. Well, you can just wait for the news."

Although only 80.00% of the appearances of this candidate in Group B overlapped with the talents of the same group, Cao Chuan finally decided to invite this comrade to participate in the great cause of time travel.

This person has two hidden attributes that give him extra points.

Article [-]: Both of the two in Group B are surnamed Huang. Once Mr. "Li Gui" went to the Ming Dynasty, he didn't even need to change his surname, and he could take over from the ancient scholars.Is this important?Cao Chuan thinks it's very important. To use one's real surname or change one's surname to go undercover, for an untrained ordinary person, the degree of psychological acceptance is completely different.

Article [-]: Hairstyle.In the photo, the candidate surnamed Huang has an artistic hairstyle that reaches to the shoulders.Right now it is the end of June of the lunar calendar in the Ming Dynasty, and there will be more than a month before the Autumn Examination. According to the length of this guy's hairstyle in the photo, he will leave it for more than a month. By then, he can barely tie his hair into a bun, and he won't need to wear a wig. .

That's how things were decided.

Just when some evil people stretched out their claws, the victim didn't know...

So when Huang Zhicheng was pulled out of the container a few days later, and saw a group of monks and vulgars surrounding him, his first reaction was that he was spoofed by his friends.

While "Li Gui" Comrade Huang Zhicheng urgently received the "post-traveling stress response soothing treatment", in the guest room of Zhiguo Temple in Wansongling in the west of the city, the scholar Huang Ping also ushered in the biggest turning point in his life - Nanwang Nanxianggong Came in again today.

Huang Ping is a native of Taizhou, born at the foot of Tiantai Mountain, a scholar who passed the examination when he was 20 years old.Huang Ping is dull by nature and not good at speaking, so after the pilot test, he didn't have a good time in the county school.

In the second year of the pilot test, there was a big epidemic, and the villagers died seven to eighty-eight in ten months.Afterwards, Huang Ping went back to take care of the funeral and buried his family together. After that, he sold the family's few acres of thin fields. He didn't go to the county school, and went abroad to study until now.

The so-called study tour is actually to go to the seniors to play the autumn wind.Since Huang Ping is not sociable, the effect of playing the autumn wind is naturally not very good.After a long time, Huang realized the situation clearly, so he settled down in Hangzhou, lived in a temple, worked part-time, and made a living by helping people sell calligraphy and copy scriptures.

Three years ago, Huang Ping returned from the township test.In the past few years, he has been studying in poverty with peace of mind, and his knowledge has increased a little in his stomach. Now it is a great year, so naturally he cannot miss it.Apart from rushing back to Taizhou to take the pre-examination and getting the qualification for the rural examination a few days ago, Huang Ping has no more distractions recently. After returning to Hangzhou, he studied hard and waited quietly for the examination.

This kind of life experience is exactly what the traveler sees—people who get along day and night, relatives and classmates, who have the ability and motivation to expose the flaws of "Li Gui", do not exist around Huang Ping.This is also the most important reason why he can finally stand out from more than a dozen candidates.

However, all this is not clear to Huang Xianggong. The only thing he knows is that Nan Xianggong, who came to Wansongling to play a few days ago, accidentally talked to him very much. Check yourself out.

It is rare for someone to ignore their dullness and find out that they are full of talents with just a few words. Huang Ping was so moved that he introduced Nan Xiucai as a confidant that day.Today, Nanwang came back, and Huang Ping was naturally overjoyed. He had wine, meat and confidants, and the three key items were all free. Huang Xiucai smiled and was in a good mood for a while.

When the wine was half-hearted, he learned that Huang Ping was preparing for the exam recently, and Nan Wang patted his thigh: "A man full of nylon like brother should show his skills in the exam room! It's good to have a career in the future, my brother is here Here's wishing Brother Gui Bang's name."

Huang Ping grinned and thanked him again and again.

After a pause, Nan Wang first looked around the walls, and then expressed his heartache: "The bald people in Zhiguo Temple are really hateful, they have no eyes, and they don't know their brothers and talents. Is it good to live in such a shabby house?"

Without waiting for Huang Ping's explanation, Nan Wang said indignantly: "My brother still has a quiet courtyard in the city, and the left and right sides are also unused. If my brother doesn't abandon him, he can go and live there for a while. That house is not far from the Gongyuan. It is used for It’s the best way to prepare for the exam.”

Hearing that a good friend was borrowing a house, Huang Ping couldn't help but have mixed feelings, and he was speechless with his lips murmured. At this time, in the city of Hangzhou, tens of thousands of scholars from various prefectures who came to the township examination had already rented the private rooms of the inn. Clean, even if there are vacancies, where can a poor show like him afford it?

Thinking of this, Huang Ping was speechless. He stood up and bowed deeply. His expressions and movements were very skilled. In short, it was the kind of body language that he was grateful for his great kindness, and that there will be a great reward in the future.Surprised, Nan Wang hurriedly got up to help him. For a while, the friendship was deep and the scene was touching.

Huang Ping, who had no idea that he had escaped the disaster, was urged by Nan Xiucai to pretend to be stupid, and immediately began to pack his luggage and prepare to say goodbye to this ruined temple.

In the plan of the mastermind behind the scenes, if Huang Ping pretended to be coercive, or if he was unwilling to go down the mountain when he noticed that there was something strange in the matter, then he had to be hard.This is tantamount to tearing his face. Maybe he will have to take the lives of a few monks in the ruined temple afterwards. Naturally, Huang Ping himself will not end well.Even if you can save your life, it is necessary to supervise for ten or eight years.

This is good now. As long as Huang Xiucai follows the road designed for him by the transmigrator, he can move forward boldly. In the future, he will be able to form a new dynasty system. Isn't it a hundred times better than the title of Daming Company, which is about to go bankrupt?What's more, with his level, there is no such a person in the history of later generations.

When Huang Ping followed Nan Xiucai down the mountain into the city, and came to a quiet courtyard in Baoxinfang, he never wanted to go out again—a maidservant with a decent appearance, a tall and honest handyman, a caring and rich man. A good friend, a small courtyard, what more can a husband ask for...

Chapter 59

Two days later, Huang Ping, accompanied by his eldest brother Nan Xiucai, went to the Chief Secretary's Yamen to get back the test card and "floating ticket" for the township examination. By the way, he reported his temporary address to the small courtyard in Xiuyifang. .In addition, the floating ticket described Huang Ping's appearance like this: "Fang face is white and needless, and he is slightly taller."

At this point in the "Li Kui Plan", it can be said that all the preparatory work in the early stage has been completed.

From this moment on, Huang Xiucai only needs to study behind closed doors.Comrade Huang Zhicheng, a traveler who hurried across time and space to take the exam, is also very busy these days.To convince yourself to recognize the situation, to memorize the article, to refine the calligraphy, and to take time every day to do physical and language training - the poor scholar's behavior of bowing his head, chest and shoulders, to be honest A later generation is really not good at learning.

Everything is ready, just wait for the day when the exam starts on the eighth day of the eighth lunar month.


The weather in Hangzhou this year is a bit weird. There hasn't been a few rains in July. The hot winds blow in the daytime, and the afternoon is extremely hot.

Yang Er was wearing a short sleeveless jacket of home-made cloth, with a smooth belly, and was squatting under the wild locust tree in front of Wuxian Temple, irritably clutching the lice on his body.

He is 17 years old, still a teenager.She was born thin and tall, and her features were pretty at first glance, but she was disfigured by a purple-red birthmark the size of a child's palm on her face, which made her look a bit unattractive.

Yang Er was an orphan. He was only five years old when his parents died on the road to escape, and he didn't even remember his family name.The old man who adopted him was surnamed Yang, and he also adopted the surname Yang.The old-fashioned only son died of illness in his early years, so Yang Er was the second oldest adopted son.

Lao Bashi took Yang Er to perform tricks all the year round, until Lao Bashi died of illness in Hangzhou that year.Yang Er, who was only 14 years old at the time, found that his fancy knives with knives and sticks were useless at all, so he joined the beggar gang on the spot, and changed his job from ranger to thief.

Today, he came to squat at the entrance of the main hall. He was here to wait for people. Just when he was impatient, a few figures came out of the temple.

The first one of the people who came, walked and swayed three times. He had a short stature, pointed mouth and yellow teeth. He was wearing a fine thin shirt. who?

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