Lu Ming

Page 18

In the early morning, in the back house of Renhe County Office, the county magistrate Wu Jingzhong and Master Yu were drinking tea in the study.

Wu Xianzun was a Jinshi in the 42nd year of Wanli, and now he has reached the year of knowing his fate.Wu Xianzun's facial features are straight, with big ears on his face, and usually has a lot of official authority, but this will be in his study, so he doesn't have much airs.

Master Yu has been ups and downs with the owner Huanhai for many years, and is already a trusted family member.After seeing the owner put down the tea bowl, he opened his mouth and said, "Dong Weng, yesterday the steward of Liu Yaozu's family invited me to sit down and mentioned about the beggar gang."

"What does the Liu family have to do with those thieves?"

"Don't know anything about it. The Liu family had business on Huihang Road in the early years. Those people were also haunting on Huihang Road. Haha, they are probably old friends."

"Hmph, a nest of snakes and rats."

"Dongweng, it's just Hanako fighting, just raise your hand and it's over."

"Hmph, dozens of people were beaten to death in broad daylight, and there is no king's law, let's see you at the Nanjing Punishment Department."

"Yes, yes, I said the same yesterday. The Liu family also knows that these little fellows are acting too much. Dongweng will definitely not be lenient this time, and wants to spend money to protect people."

"Guarantee!? How to guarantee?"

"Family heirloom protection."

The next moment, a small gold plate with a gold chain and a delicate metallic luster appeared on the table.

Seeing that the owner didn't know how to start for a while, Master Yu smiled and stretched out his hand and tapped on the top of the golden plate.

There was a soft sound of "click", the metal shell bounced, and there was a transparent crystal cover under the golden shell. Under the cover, there were three long and short silver needles, which were ticking.

Master Wu understood now, and the exquisite Chinese characters around the dial reminded him that this is a bronze sundial!

"This item was custom-made by the Liu family from Taixi people at a large price. It took three years before and after. It was originally engraved with foreign codes..."

"Huh, so, there are quite a few capable people in the Liu family?"

"A wealthy businessman who has accumulated many years." Master Yu saw that Dong Weng was interested, so he learned to sell now, and told the story he heard from Liu He yesterday.

After Master Yu finished speaking, Wu Xianzun was already very happy, and he began to play with the Liu family's family heirloom.

After a while, Wu Xianzun seemed to remember something: "What did you just say about the origin of those people?"

"Oh, Dong Weng Rongqi: The ancestors of this group of people were coastal fishermen. During the Jiajing period, the Japanese rioted and they also contributed to the court. Later, when the Japanese pirates became more powerful, these people moved to the wild in western Zhejiang. , I was thinking of returning home, and wanted to come to Dongweng's rule to beg for food. It was also a first-timer who didn't understand the rules, so he acted a little more cautiously, hehe, hehe."

"What does the west say?"

"The Liu family has already settled down, and someone from Liu Fuzun also went to the gate to say that everything is in order."

"Oh, since that's the case, you can do this. Sigh, you can't kill all the heroes of the anti-Japanese war, can you?"

"Don't worry, don't worry, Zhu Zhenggang has passed away. This matter has nothing to do with it. It's very easy to handle."

"Speaking of which, it's really a coincidence that Zhu Zheng died of illness?"

"Yes, yes, it just so happens that it doesn't work..."


The benefits of being right to the door have the advantage of being right to the door. Whether it is a business or a private matter, it is very convenient for the two yamen to communicate with each other.

In the afternoon of the same day, Luo Shuban, the prison office of Qiantang County, brought the yamen to the door, saying that he wanted to "handle the case" and pursue the "murderer".

The middle door of Wuxian Temple opened wide, and Zhou Tong and a group of upstarts lined up to greet them. After the people entered the main hall in the future, Zhou Tong ordered someone to bring a golden silk nanmu box, which contained a large number of feet from the house of Huang Qi. The silver ingot pattern is considered a monthly example. After Luo Shuban glanced at it, there was finally a smile on his face.

The next moment, Zhou Tong took out two more pieces of paper from his arms, saying that the people in the mountains were new and unfamiliar.I also hope that Luo Shuban will work hard. After returning, I will watch the adjustment and distribution. It will be beneficial in the future, and I will always think of Mr. Luo.

After Luo Shuban saw the two house deeds of the old Huang gang leader's house, he smiled dazedly. Not long after, Luo Shuban finished investigating the case and came out talking and laughing with Zhou Tong.Then, in front of everyone outside, praise someone for being "reasonable, knowing how to advance and retreat", that he is capable of doing things...

When Luo Shuban and his party arrived at the door, there was that Hu Touding who had already prepared the five white-haired "thugs" who committed the murder of Huang Tuantou's gang, and all the yamen officers shouted. The iron ropes danced between them, and the next moment, after checking the scene, Luo Shuban and his group, who arrested the murderer, returned to the yamen to return to their orders.

The same procedure, after arriving in Renhe County later that day, went through again.This time, Master Xing Ming personally led the team in Renhe County. After hearing that the murderer had been taken away, he didn't say anything, but just told Zhou Tong in front of everyone before leaving: "Work hard in the future."

When it comes to the highest level of playing football, Qian Tangren and these two county yams can be ranked in the top three in the Ming Dynasty.

Due to historical reasons, the jurisdiction of these two counties in Hangzhou is criss-crossed and enclaves everywhere. The famous proverb "Don't care about Qiantang, benevolence does not accept it" refers to this situation: I have a share of good things, please go to next door.

For the head of the beggar gang, who was in charge of the countless flowers in Hangzhou, the words that Master Yu said before he left were regarded as giving Zhou Tong a complete official certification, matching the tiger talisman.

As for Zhou Tong's official enthronement at Wuxian Temple three days later, and meeting with heroes on various roads, there is no need to elaborate.In short, after paying the price of two antique pocket watches, a handful of freshwater pearls, a few bottles of chloramphenicol injection, and some ammunition, the crossing forces successfully opened up an underground channel for human resources for future development. Matching.

Chapter 54 Naval Construction

After the incident with the Beggar Gang, everyone sat down to discuss the topic of how the "imported materials" should be distributed in the future.

No way, there are too many smart people these days, the wisdom accumulated by mankind since the Industrial Revolution, every item in the seventeenth century can be called a big killer, even if it is an inconspicuous gadget.

Smart people realize that as long as they and their departments want to do some business in the future, if they are louder, the amount of "imported" materials is the decisive factor.In this case, it is necessary to discuss how to distribute these materials in the future.

If you really want to sit down and discuss it seriously, this problem is not difficult to solve.In view of the fact that there are not many traversers at present, and there are no strong hills, this matter soon came to an end.

One: Regarding quotas, in the future, the demand list will be submitted by department as a unit, and finally the heads of each department will hold a meeting to discuss and decide.

Two: No department or individual may go through the back door from President Cao through the meeting. Violators will be deprived of the quota application qualification for a period of time.


It was a very fair decision, and everyone had nothing to say, at least after the meeting that day, everyone thought so.

However, in the long years to come, the scolding, provocation, one-on-one fights, group fights, and even all kinds of conspiracy, conspiracy and tricks caused by the quota of imported materials are not the group of people who held the meeting that day. All you can think of.


"The problem of radar and power can't be delayed any more. It must be solved this time!"

"Yeah, yeah, anyway, we are also crossing the people's family. It's dark today and even the boat doesn't dare to set off. What's going on?"

Two sand boats are lining up on the surface of Dinghai, heading north towards Hangzhou.In the cabin where various navigational instruments were placed, Liu Zhe, Bai Hongda and several other travelers were discussing something.

When it comes to the construction of the navy through the forces, it deserves the words twists and turns.

The first boatmen were found with the help of the Liu family, and some of them were boatmen on grain boats who ran the canal all year round.Without any experience in sailing in the middle ages, the traversers who do not understand four or six, command a boatman who is not so reliable, and indeed made a lot of jokes at the beginning.

Fortunately, everyone fluttered at the gate of the shallow Hangzhou Bay, and there was no major trouble. After the traveler himself recovered, the situation slowly improved.

At this time, the problem of insufficient boatmen came to the fore.

In the existing Zeelandia Raiders, the traverser's plan is: the first wave A should have at least one hundred fighters in the past.If non-combatants and various supplies are added, this requires at least two ships.This is not counting the reinforcements on standby at the base. The entire operation requires at least four ships to carry out.

The problem was unintentionally solved by Chen Huoding and Chen Erye.

After Pingfengzhai and Chuan Company formally reached a cooperation agreement, Chen Erye immediately began to haunt every Chuanzhong who was equipped with a gun as his own person.However, this is useless. The company currently has no plan to hand over the big killer to the indigenous people, and the second master is no exception.

Things turned around within a few days: when Liu Zhe and the others were discussing which channel to recruit sailors from, they were overheard by someone who was hanging around, and then the guy suddenly came to his senses and threatened that it was easy, just send him a message. Guns, as many sailors want.

As mentioned earlier, Second Master Chen was originally an aborigine of Dinghai Queen's Office, and he had no choice but to run away after drinking and beheading the second generation of the guardhouse. Although he has been hanging around in the mountains these years, there are acquaintances in his hometown...

In that case, let's talk.

The final condition is this: if the second master can recruit fifty qualified sailors, then he is eligible to learn the "secret method" from the traversers. After completing the courses on gun maintenance, the second master can get an M9. Fifteen rounds left (exactly one magazine), but that's gone when the bullets run out.

Chen Huoding happily agreed.

After everyone went to sea, the second master guided the boat all the way to a small bay near Dinghai, and then got off the boat alone with a bag of broken silver.

In the next two days, people came one after another. Most of these people were military households of Chuanshanhou under the jurisdiction of Dinghaiwei, and most of them were young people.By the time we returned on the third day, there were already NO.40 extra people on board.

People are all fooled by the second master - there is a sea that wants to pull the flag, now is a good time to open the gate, and the second master now has a share in the big gang, so I call the brothers to join us...

The traversers found sadly that it was hard to find serious boatmen these days, but a lot of people who were interested in the pirate career caught a lot, and since the pirate reserve team came to Tangzhuang, they were very happy. Morale rose.

No way, the treatment is too good.

Three meals a day, enough brown rice, fish and vegetables every day, and duck intestines and pig water from time to time to improve the meal.

After a few days of rectification, when everyone got on the boat, did they realize that instead of fighting with others, they practiced first?

According to the simple concept of the military households, since they were treated by the leader with a good meal for a few days, there must be a big deal waiting for everyone to fight for their lives, otherwise why spend so much money?

However, this is the truth, and this group of people thinks too much.The purpose of the traversers going to sea at this stage is to measure the hydrological conditions along the coasts of Fujian and Zhejiang, except for the running-in personnel and the training of the team's ship-handling skills under various sea conditions. The rest is really nothing.

The newly recruited group of people are considered to be the appetite of the traversers - first of all, they are here to work their lives, and there is no need to do ideological work.Secondly, as Dinghai natives, these people are quite familiar with the entire Fujian and Zhejiang oceans, especially the Zhoushan Islands with complex sea conditions. On the basis of the original, I have mastered a lot more.

Since this group of people is very motivated and obedient, then the traversers will pay each person one or two to five cents in advance for the training period.


This is how a scholar died for his confidant.

For the military households who can't get enough to eat all the year round, are sometimes rented out by the master to guest pirates, and can't lose a few benefits after selling their lives, there is no better loyal object than the new leader.

After that, the boat went to Dinghai - some people wanted to send money home.However, when the boat came to pick up people a few days later, there were dozens of people joining the group on the shore...

This time, the newcomers are not only from the back office, the Dasong office, and Guo Ju, but also more than a dozen genuine pirates.

The troubles of happiness came suddenly.

Chapter 55

The navy's wealth began to expand rapidly, and Chuanzhong began to buy ships while training in actual combat—with a small number of pirates to practice, Liu Zhe and his team began to openly display the navy's spectrum internally.

Of course, these only exist inside the Transit company. In this simple situation, they can only talk about it, and they have no conditions to play any real naval memes.Externally, the fleet can only exist in the form of maritime merchants at present, and the formalization must wait until a site is built.

With the arrival of scattered pirates and fishermen one after another, Liu Zhe and the others are now able to organize a three-ship fleet to go out to sea.After the Beggar Gang had initially stabilized, Chuan Company's eyes began to focus on the Navy again—the day when the North Wind rose was not far away.

As the captain of the fleet, Liu Zhe was naturally under a lot of pressure.

As the person with the highest rank in the navy of Transcendence Zhongli, and a former captain who turned into a poor and defunct career, Liu Zhe's reputation within the company is still quite good: from the initial creation to the current armed fleet, his organizational ability has been fully obtained. reflect.

Another point is that his obedience is better.

Although Bai Hongda often ridiculed "You are being stupid in the army", everyone knows that Liu Zhe is competent as a leader in the navy.No way, no one would dare to hand over the violent mechanism to someone like Bai Hongda who always wanted to poke the leader's chrysanthemum, no matter if the leader was a person or a group of people.Even Bai Hongda himself admits that even if he becomes the CEO one day, he can only rest assured that someone like Liu Zhe is in charge of the navy.

At this moment, after returning from a long voyage, the group of people sitting in the cabin to discuss, are worrying about the future.

The fleet has not installed radar and power system so far, which is really unbearable. You know, in more than a month, the north wind will blow.

Their return from this voyage was the longest trip since the establishment of the Navy: the fleet went south along the Zhoushan Islands, abandoned the traditional route after passing Zhoushan, abandoned the coastline, walked the zigzag line, and went straight to the shortest route. Air Taiwan.It was not until the Taipei coastline was seen in the distance that the fleet began to return.The whole process was stop-and-go and took half a month.

Without the GPS that is commonplace in later generations, Liu Zhe and the others had no choice but to return to nature—sextant and nautical clock.All the southeast sea conditions, hydrology, coastline and other data brought over by later generations have to be re-measured and entered, which can be regarded as an experience of hard work from scratch.

It didn't take long for them to realize the importance of radar and powertrains.Without radar, storms are difficult to predict. This is only one of them. Second, sailboats in the Middle Ages could not sail along the coast at night, especially in the Zhoushan area where there are many bright and dark reefs.Even in the daytime, the danger of passing by the reef in the sea fog scared the passer-by into a cold sweat several times.

As for the power system of the ship, not to mention the fact that it can go straight against the wind on the sea at a critical moment. This is the standard posture of traversers.

Just when a few people were discussing how to make a fuss about the Tiangong after returning to the palace, someone outside the cabin reported loudly: "The big boss, there is a business!"

"Huh? There's another sale?" Liu Zhe pushed open the hatch and came to the deck after hearing the sound.

When I got out of the cabin, I looked up and saw that the lookout in the main mast was holding a telescope in one hand and a small pole flag in the other to indicate the direction.Liu Zhe and the others picked up the binoculars around their necks at the same time and looked around. On the blue sea, there was a small black spot in the sky that could not be seen with the naked eye. However, under the magnification of eight times the Zeiss lens, the small black spot became Two boats were leaning against each other, and two groups of people on board were fighting.

"Looks like a robbery."

"Well, I see it too."

"This is unbearable, we are the People's Navy!"

"Less disgusting people, just say it if you want to be black, don't smear the Navy."

"You are too boring, little ones, turn the sails, copy the guy!"


The ancient drama behind the Oriole was staged again. Two hours later, the original two-boat formation turned into a four-boat formation. The corpses had already sunk into the sea, and the blood was being washed away. The sea was still blue as if washed away. Never happened.Master Liu has returned to the cabin at this moment, and is interrogating the survivors with Bai Hongda.

There are not many survivors, only two decent ones.No way, by the time they arrived at the scene, the pirates had already killed seven to eighty-eight people on the merchant ship.

The two were a married couple, the man was in his thirties, and at first glance he looked like a scholar: thin in appearance, elegant in temperament, three long beards, and a green shirt.The woman is also quite good-looking, but this meeting has just come out of the gate of hell, and the couple is still busy shaking, sitting in the cabin in shock, not even daring to say a word.

After drinking two sips of water, the two sides communicated in a civilized manner. After the scholar learned that the heroes were the guests of the Huizhou merchant Liu's house, he let go of his guard and stood up to give a big gift to the savior.

A warm-hearted scene of the host, the friend and the guest was staged in the cabin a little out of time at this time.After the scholar was not dead, his mood was agitated, and he seemed to be a lot less optimistic about life. At this moment, he no longer worried, and began to tell the savior about the origins of his husband and wife.

The scholar's surname is Nan, and his single name has the character "wang".

Nanwang is a native of Hangzhou, and he became famous as a scholar when he was weak.However, the township exam was difficult, and it took a long time to fail the exam.Later, his livelihood was difficult, and his wife died of an illness. Nan Wang was hit by this, and he died of his heart to be a master of Juren, and began to earn money honestly--became a scavenger for rich people.

There are not too many people in Hangzhou who are willing to spend some money to be arty, especially some wealthy businessmen who have no cultural background.Nanwang has good looks and good eloquence. In addition, he is an aboriginal and is familiar with local allusions, so he is very popular in some foreign rich businessmen.

The thing is bad in the three words "eat to eat".

Nan Wang has been holding a candle at Master Wu's mansion for the past six months.Master Wu was a salt merchant in Yangzhou. He had a big business and also had a different business in Hangzhou.Because he got along very well with the owner, Nanwang was fortunate enough to go to the Wu family's outer house to drink several times.

After that, there was the popular part of the party: one was a handsome scholar, the other was a pretty little three, a middle-aged wife lost his wife, and the other was alone in the sky.

The acupoint friend mode is maintained until Liu Niang is pregnant.

At first hearing that Liu Niang was pregnant, Nan Wang was in a good mood - he was still childless, but the next two people began to worry: before and after Liu Niang's pregnancy, Master Wu never went to Liu Niang's bed.

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