Lu Ming

Page 17

More than ten years ago, Huang Qi made his name by practicing Kung Fu.At that time, Huang Qihao was a chivalrous man with a knife in both sides. He was very popular in the gang. He had a group of brothers who had drunk chicken blood, known as "Iron Bone Yellow".

However, the situation changed abruptly. First, the former gang leader somehow got to hate the people in the government, and then Huang Qi and his brothers suddenly took action, killing the old gang leader and all the family members overnight, leaving no chickens and dogs.

It wasn't until the next day that everyone saw the fat and iron-boned Huang Qi using his bone-shrinking supernatural powers, with a smirk on his face, and his short, bent legs following behind Zhu Shuban, the torture room, to "check" the murder scene. There is a face.

Since then, Huang Qi has become Huang Tuan's head, holding the copper cigarette rod passed down through generations in the gang and starting to issue orders.After many years, as the people who fought with him disappeared one by one, to this day, Huang Tuantou has become more and more powerful, and he has cultivated to the realm that he can control it with just his eyes.

Just when a group of people in the main hall were waiting to accompany the boss to chat, suddenly seven or eight Hanako rushed over from outside the mountain gate, and went straight to the main hall, shouting as they ran, "Shoot, you have some ideas to kill. !"

After hearing the shouting, he huffed, and the dozens of henchmen who were sitting idle in front of the hall all stood up, and Huang Qiwensheng also rushed out of the hall with the people in the hall, just in time to meet a few people who were shouting and reporting.Huang Qi kicked the one who hit the head with one kick, and flipped two more times. After calming the situation, he opened his mouth and asked, "Which way? How many people are there?"

"He... has a face. He came from outside. There are 30, no. [-] people. He chops up anyone he sees. He is very vicious."

Huang Qi was stunned for a moment when he heard the sound, and then burst into anger: "You bastard, in broad daylight, even these few birdmen dare to come to the main hall to act wildly and deceive me that there is no one in the beggar gang? Come on!"

"Here!" The people around him shouted in unison.

"Go to the apse to collect weapons, listen to my orders later, remember to leave a few alive!"

As soon as Huang Qi's voice fell, a group of people waited for a "bang" and passed by him, and rushed into the apse to get equipment.

At this moment, the screams of killing outside the mountain gate were clearly audible. The next moment, dozens of Hanako gushed from the front hall and the corridors on both sides like a bereaved dog, covered in blood, crying for father and mother, and fled to the rear of the hall. .

And slowly following behind this group of people is a group of big men with knives, who are slowly coming out from the front and back, the knife heads in their hands are still dripping blood.

Standing in front of the main hall, Huang Qi looked from afar, and couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart. Based on his experience, he could naturally feel that people were not easy to get along with. They seemed to be wearing soft armor. An oddly shaped black armor.

"It's a goddamn memorization, where the hell are these people?" Huang Tuantou looked at the person who came, secretly startled.

Fortunately, at the next moment, counting the Huazi who fled back from the mountain gate, there were far more people from the beggar gang than the opponent. They rushed over from the apse with weapons in their hands, and swords were on the verge of breaking out. With a distance of more than 30 steps, Up and down the steps, the two sides began to confront each other.

Huang Qiye knew that it was time for him to come forward.

With a wave of both hands, he separated several direct disciples beside him, Huang Tuantou stood out from the crowd, his voice was like a bell, and his momentum was pressing: "I don't know which friend you came from?"

"Haha" with a long laugh, a middle-aged man on the opposite side replied loudly: "It's good to teach Huang Dalong to know that Zhou Tong is from the west of Zhejiang. Today, the brothers are here to settle accounts. The year before last was in this city of Hangzhou. , Isn't it Huang Qiye you who harmed my subordinates?"

When Huang Qi heard this, he was shocked, and his heart "squeaked": "Today, Heng can't be good!"

Looking for revenge on all the rivers and lakes, where can there be such a way?The beggar gang does not know how many people will be killed every year, the ghost knows which one died in the year before?Huang Qi's heart is like a mirror at the moment: This group of people is full of nonsense, this is a clear sign that they don't want to hear his explanation, and they are here to see blood today!

There were so many thoughts in the mind of the seventh master, but it was only a matter of a moment. Seeing this, he no longer had any worries at the next moment. Knot!"

The mobilization order with the strong fighting style of the beggar gang was very effective. Before Huang Qiye could finish his words, the crowd of people around him had already rolled down the steps. Hundreds of fierce people had sharp knives in their hands.


Just as Zhou Tong let out a long laugh and said that nonsense, there was another person on the field who also had a "squeak" in his heart, inexplicably horrified.

Who is this guy?Hu Zhengqi.

Since he was knocked unconscious that night and then released inexplicably afterward, he has been distracted for the past few days.He never realized what the strong men had asked him to understand when they left that day.

After a few days of confusion, for the first time in many years, Hu Zhengqi didn't throw the foreign money he got in the half-closed door.

Until today, I accompanied my boss to the main rudder to pay the number. Originally, Hu Zhengqi, who was only waiting outside the mountain gate for qualifications, somehow managed to hand over money and was allowed to enter the mountain gate to drink a bowl of "bone soup".You must know that the "bone soup" in the main hall of the Beggar Gang had nothing to do with people like him.

According to the rules passed down from the elders, on the number of days each month, a pig would be slaughtered in the main hall, meat for the middle-ranking boss, and soup and water for the entourage.

Occasionally, there are people who pay money alone to go in and drink a bowl of soup. Such people are usually motivated "young Junyan", who reluctantly spend the money in order to make contacts.However, Hu Zhengqi, who has always been eating and waiting to die, went crazy today and even bought a bowl of "bone soup" to drink.

Since Hu Zhengqi entered the mountain gate, he was chased away by the popular young brothers. He didn't dare to say anything. He smiled and walked to the corridor next to the square. Throwing the silver in the water, hoping that there might be something left in the pot for myself.

Chapter 51 Blood Dance

However, things are always unpredictable.Just after the first wave of reporters rolled into the mountain gate, Hu Zhengqi's heartbeat began to speed up. After Zhou Tong stood there and laughed, he, who had been huddled behind the porch to watch the fun, suddenly screamed in his heart— - That night, the kidnapper's voice and smile in the earth house instantly overlapped with Zhou Tong's.

Taking a closer look, the black dwarf next to Zhou Tong, leaning on a knife and looking like a mess of grass, wasn't the same guy that night?

At this moment, Hu Zhengqi finally realized, he understood everything.

However, it is useless to realize it, no matter what the regulations are today, let's save our own lives.

So at this moment, he lowered his body a little bit, only showing two eyes behind the pillar, and then his pair of small eyes jumped to the largest, and saw a scene that he will never forget.

The members of the No. [-]th beggar gang shouted down from the front of the main hall, but the group on the opposite side did not want to form a formation to defend against the enemy, but they dispersed, revealing a few strong white men with heads wrapped in blue cloth in the back row.At the same time, these big men swung a strange-looking iron tool from their hands, and the next moment, the sound of fire and firecrackers came from the iron tools.

In broad daylight, Hu Zhengqi swore that he saw a series of sparks flashing in front of his eyes, and the heroes of the gang who rushed over with weapons were being swept down row by row.At this moment, the stumped limbs were thrown horizontally, the blood was flying, and the brave charging hero leaped across time and space in an instant, and by the standards of later generations, he stood in the pile of corpses and danced twitchingly, even though the holes in his body were spurting blood. Zhu, also unwilling to stop...

At this moment, Hu Zhengqi's liver and gallbladder were split.

It seemed like an instant, and it seemed like a few hours had passed, and the firearms in the hands of the big men finally stopped making a deafening roar and stopped.

The hundreds of men who rushed down from the front of the hall had already been knocked down by half, and the nearest dead man was still more than ten steps away from the opponent.The field was extremely silent for a while, and suddenly, the group of outsiders shouted in unison, raised their bloody long knives, and fought back.

The remaining defeated generals of the beggar gang also shouted and fled in all directions.

In Hu Zhengqi's blood-red eyes at this moment, scenes full of dynamic scenes were once again reflected.

He saw that the boss of the "Five Little Righteousnesses", Jiang Zhendong, who claimed to have obtained the true teaching of the group head, and his kung fu practiced to a great extent, was slashed by the black dwarf with a messy beard. A head was cut off at the same time...

He saw Ding San, nicknamed "Sai Yanqing", jump up from the pile of corpses deftly, and insert the gleaming dagger into Zhou Tong's waist, but the dagger was bounced off by the black armor on Zhou Tong's body , the next moment, Ding San screamed and grabbed the long knife that pierced his chest, and was kicked away, and fell beside his father, old hall master Ding...

Just when he was dizzy and couldn't stop, he suddenly saw his boss "Fire Eye Bug" Su Chai running towards him panting.Seeing that his boss intended to frame Jiang Dong, Hu Zhengqi couldn't help but cursed in his heart, and when he spoke, he was ready to run away.

However, when he saw that twenty paces behind his boss, a big man took out a bright silver short gun from behind his waist, raised his finger and came over, Hu Zhengqi was so blessed at this moment, he retracted behind the corridor with a "swoosh" , did not move.

After a few crisp crackling sounds, Su Chai fell to the ground at Hu Zhengqi's feet with a bang, with blood on his chest.Those fiery eyes that had read countless wallets were staring at him like dead fish, and a weak voice sounded: "".

Hu Zhengqi shivered and stretched out a hand to hold the wound on his boss's chest.The next moment, in the eyes of the boss who had recovered a little bit of hope, he withdrew his blood-stained hands expressionlessly, wiped a handful on his left and right cheeks, and then in the last stare of the fire-eyed insect, a cloth-stained ten Eight fell outside the civet cat to catch the mouse, Hu Zhengqi rolled all the way to the other end of the corridor, then lay down on the spot and passed out.


Rewind time to the moment when the gunshots rang out.

Huang Qi, the only one in the beggar gang who didn't charge, saw the brothers in the first row being swept away by the AK, turned around in an instant, and ran towards the back hall.

Along the way, he passed through two long rows, which represented the top seats in the middle of the gang, stepped over the hard-earned money of his subordinates, had no nostalgia for his own throne, and listened carefully to the screams outside the hall, and the soles of his feet. The wind was blowing and went straight to the back door of Wuxian Temple.

Huang Qi knew that this was his own reward.

Back then, the old gang leader hated the backers of the government, but wasn't he the same as today, who was swaggeringly approached by his own family and was killed?

At this moment, he was so blessed and confident that the death of Mr. Zhu Zhengzhu was inseparable from this group of outsiders.If the family wants to regain the foundation, the seriousness still has to fall on the government.

Huang Tuantou ran to the back door panting while thinking about it.If it was ten years ago, he would not have escaped from the back door under this situation - the back door is a dangerous road.

He'd jump over the wall, jump out of a possible ambush, and plan the aftermath.

However, the brocade clothing and jade food for many years, the original body has already turned into a body of fat, and the wall can't be turned over.Let's see if God can leave a way to live. If you die, you will be your own leeward, and if you don't die, there is no end to it.

The various thoughts tumbling in his mind continued until the next moment when he pushed open the back door of Wuxian Temple and was shot through his chest by a bullet shot from the weeds in the distance.

After half an hour.

In front of the main hall of Wuxian Temple, the three no.There was a bright long knife on the neck, and behind him was a pile of corpses. Sitting in front of him was the new self-appointed regiment leader Zhou Tong, and at Zhou Tong's feet was the corpse of his predecessor Huang Qi.

Hu Zhengqi also knelt among these people.

He volunteered to surrender. After seeing this group of evil stars began to search for prisoners, Hu Zhengqi, who had already figured it out clearly, got up from the ground, wiped the blood on his face, smiled and took the initiative to join the prisoner of war camp.

Just as Zhou Tong let out a long laugh, he opened his mouth and asked, "Do you have any dissatisfaction?" Before he finished speaking, Hu Zhengqi knew that it was time for him to speak. That ingot of money that night was not just to buy a word from him at this moment. ?

Hu Zhengqi, who had already adjusted his posture, used his arms, his waist and legs were screaming, and he wanted to shout when he straightened up. He had already thought about it before: "Your majesty is brave, I will wait for you to come! The little one is blessed today, and I am willing to meet the Ming Lord. Your Majesty works!"

This sentence not only expresses his position, but also secretly points to the question of that night. Presumably, the king should be satisfied because of it?

Just as his words had reached the juncture of his throat, a loud shout sounded in his ear: "Zhou Dalongtou, martial arts is unparalleled in the world, the Dharma driver is coming, the villain worships!"

Chapter 52 The Upstart

When Hu Zhengqi heard such a flattering sixteen-character mantra, he held his breath in his throat and didn't look back. He turned his head and glared angrily. After a closer look, he couldn't help but cursed in his heart: "So it's this fellow! This bastard must be I also received the five taels of silver!"

The man who shouted the sixteen-character mantra was a man with a national character face, thick eyebrows, broad shoulders and a thick back.

This person is Hu Zhengqi's family, and he has the same surname as Hu Xian.

Hu Xian seems to be a tall man, but in fact he belongs to the kind of person who is very serious. Afterwards, if you call to pick up the guest, you will pick up the guest, and if you call it your life, you will die, and there will be no complaints.

Considering that Hu Xian had done a lot of bad things, and it happened that he had a stubble on his forehead, people at that time put the nickname "Hu Touding" on his head.

Closer to home, when Hu Zhengqi saw that his top leader was taken away by Hu Xian, he didn't care about finding this guy to settle the account, and hurriedly shouted out the prepared sentence, which was considered a second prize.

Zhou Tong nodded gratified after hearing the sound: "Well, yes, these two are sensible, so get up and talk."

After the erhu came forward with a smile and saluted, Zhou Tong only popped one word out of his mouth: "Reward!"

The few baskets of monthly money that belonged to Huang Qiye not long ago were grabbed by a big hand at this moment, and two hands full of scattered silver fell into the hands of the two of them respectively.Hu Zhengqi missed a couple of ounces because of his small hands.

Seeing this scene, the native chickens and dogs kneeling below were all red-eyed.That handful of silver was at least two to thirty taels, and the ones who can still kneel now are probably those low-level Huazi who were waiting outside the mountain gate before—the popular young students who rushed to kill them are all dead.

These people don’t say 20 taels on weekdays, and it’s hard to see them even if they are idle. At this moment, the Huazi finally saw the situation clearly, and the voices of votes were heard one after another.

Zhou Tong looked down at Hu Zhengqi, who had moved other people's legs away, lying on his feet to pick up the two taels of silver, then looked up at the passionate Hanako, and couldn't help laughing.

The next thing is logical: the people kneeling below take turns to come forward, worship the boss, receive rewards, and receive lands.At this moment, the two leading parties seemed to be their confidants, standing by Zhou Tong's side without any scruples. Every time they stepped forward, the two introduced the new boss's background in detail.

When a young beggar stepped forward to kowtow, the flesh on Hu Zhengqi's face suddenly twitched, because Hu Tuoding said something like this: "Tuantou be careful, this person is Liao Shiqi, he is the confidant of the dead ghost Liao Hall Master. , raised from a young age, loving father and son.”

When the young man heard Hu Xian say such words, he couldn't help being furious, and he stood up straight up to yell, but the word "you Hu..." just popped out of his mouth, before the word "say" As he exited, Zhou Tong waved his hand indifferently, a bright knife flashed behind the young man, and he fell into a pool of blood.

A hapless ghost who was brought to stand up was born in this way. Zhou Tong told everyone in an understatement that he didn't care whether this person had the same father and son as the deceased hall master.

The rest of the crowd suddenly became a lot more cautious, except for Hu Zhengqi, who had begun to enter the petition mode and exchanged eye-knife with Hu Tuoding from time to time.

Hu Zhengqi knew that the reason why Hu Touding was slandering was mostly because of Liao Shiqi himself—Liao Shiqi probably never expected that when he stepped on Hu Tuoding's head and made fun of the scorpion on his forehead in public, so tragic.

The villain takes revenge, from morning till night.

Since Hu Tuoding chose the mad dog route of hating, Hu Zhengqi naturally wanted to change to the people-friendly route. When the last man who looked like an old peasant stepped forward to kowtow, Hu Zhengqi suppressed the old grudges with this man and said with a smile: " This is an old bone, who has the head in the transformation field, has the ability, and burns a good corpse."

Zhou Tong raised his eyebrows when he heard this: "Human transformation? Well, not bad."


It was the right time when this mess was over. The next moment the meat pot, which had been out of fire for a long time, was brought over. The people in Pingfeng Village picked out the parts of the human body that flew into the pot, and then called everyone present. There was a bowl of broth that was still warm and had a strange color.

Zhou Tuantou got up and held the bowl, looked at the excited and anxious Hanako, and said aloud: "The people who have worshipped the mountain gate today are all of their own brothers. Now everyone is a newcomer with money in their arms and stuffed under their butts. After taking a seat, when I go back, I will give Lao Tzu a good look at my own territory, which one can't hold back my subordinates is trash, what is the use of trash?"

Speaking of this, Zhou Tong was already stern.

After taking a cold look around, Zhou Tong raised the bowl and continued: "Someone Zhou will take care of the official matters by himself, so you don't have to worry about it, remember to order some Mao these days."

After he finished speaking, Zhou Tong poured a bowl of broth into his stomach as he tilted his neck: "Good soup! I really want it!"


The news that the main hall of the Beggar Gang was attacked by the enemy, and the head of the group Huang Qi and other bigwigs died, quickly spread among the heroes in and out of the city after the upstarts returned.

The government naturally got the news at the first time.However, knowing is knowing, the old tradition of "suppressing with tranquility" cannot be lost.This is a common problem in the government of all dynasties. Even if it is a big thing, you must first see the direction of the wind.

As for Huang Tuantou's family members, they are already in a riotous drama at this time - everyone knows what Huang Qiye has done over the years, but what everyone doesn't know is, how many enemies are there?Now that the seventh master cannot end well, if he doesn't clean up and run away, he is afraid that the enemy will come to kill him.

Said Cao Cao, Cao Cao.

Just as the people in several houses under the Seventh Master's name have been cleaning up their time, some people have already come to the door.

After the Beggar Gang Xinke Liaison Officer Hu Zhengqi entered the door with a group of ferocious men, he did not frighten the Huang family to death.

Fortunately, Mr. Hu is still reasonable, saying that Zhou Dalongtou is actually a reasonable person, let's just focus on the main culprit and leave the rest alone.You can bring some soft food as much as you can, and go back to your mother's house quietly.However, it's almost enough, part of the floating wealth and the house deed must be kept, whoever dares to make noise, is not a vegetarian to help regulate the family law...

When changing dynasties, some things are so straightforward.

Most of the beggars at the bottom don't care about this kind of thing, it's nothing more than a person who exploits them.This kind of mentality is a good thing for the upstarts - the banner that these people are pulling up now has not been officially certified, and they have a guilty conscience.

However, after one night, the number of people who came to worship the new king the next day was still three fewer.These few people were not popular on weekdays, and they were reluctant to receive the money they received. When they returned that night, they were killed by some prestigious people.

Chapter 53 The Magistrate and the Master

There will always be ambitious people who fish in troubled waters.

Of course this cannot be tolerated.Right now is the time when Zhou Tong is the most vulnerable. Once they can't control the situation, it will be a chaotic situation where a group of heroes will rise up.

So after confirming the news, Zhou Longtou immediately began to summon Shenlong.The mysterious figure who had been tensed up and paid close attention to the development of the situation quickly responded to the call at the first time.This time the scale is much smaller, just a few broken temples in and outside the city.Needless to say, outside the city, in the broken temple in the city, the mysterious person used silent pistols and flash bombs in order to be fast and quiet.

In the time after that, the beggar gang was quiet, and the original undercurrent was temporarily frozen.

Another night passed.

The government offices in Hangzhou have a unique style.The main halls and yamen of one government and two counties are actually piled up together, and I don't know if this treasure land next to Gou Mountain is really prosperous for officials.

The prefectural yamen is located in the north, Qiantangrenhe and the two counties face each other from east to west, and the three yamen finished products are seated in the shape of a character. "This kind of TV series code name.

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