Lu Ming

Page 26

Higashino Kamitoru rushed out of the warehouse 10 minutes later, and lay down in front of Cai Sang: "Please don't show any mercy, and punish Higashino ruthlessly, Cai Sang! Please!"

Chapter 81 Ship Schedule and New City

Before you know it, the traveler has occupied the big man for seven days.The seven-day time was extremely tense: five or six different ethnic groups crowded on this small sandbar. If it weren't for the superior force of the Transcendents, the inferior sand boat visitors would not even dare to sleep these days.

There is no such thing as Class B and Class C workers anymore.All the laborers brought in from Hangzhou "raised the flag" overnight - all of them joined the party and became official "employees" of the company with wages.

The villainous leaders of the beggar gang are now doing their old jobs: daily overseers with whips and clubs.Other honest farmers and homeless people are responsible for repairing the infrastructure of the business hall, cleaning, storing drinking water, and cooking.

The Dutch are usually driven to the island to set fires. At one point, there was a gang of redheads who made a bet on whether anyone would run away.However, the red-haired people are still very clear about what they have done when they ruled here - the gallows made of good wood outside the business hall is proof.The gallows, built on the order of Gerald Weiss, the second chief of the sergeant, taught many slaves and natives to be human.

The travelers found regretfully that the red-haired people would rather be smoked to death or burned to death than to go to the remote aboriginal villages.It seems that Christians are still very resistant to hanging their skulls on other people's door frames.

The Banda slaves also had a much better life.At least crossing the force will make everyone under the rule fed and clothed, which has nothing to do with identity.

The Fujian fishermen found the new short-haired man to be very easy to deal with.

Regardless of their anger, the fishing boats they stole were returned afterward.Hire a boat to ferry people, buy fish and give money, and the price is fair.Fish tax is not high, much less than when the red-haired master was in power.

The short-haired gentleman also has good medical skills. He can go to the ground with a sew of a bloody wound. However, the medical fee is too expensive, and the money saved will be spent on the next illness.In the past few days, a bald man surnamed Feng is inviting people to join the team, and he promises a lot of benefits: monthly pay, three meals a day, and all injuries.If it hadn't been for a haircut before joining, I'm afraid all the men from Fujian would have already joined the occupancy.


The sand on Dayuan Island is warm and pure, and the surrounding scenery is amazing.The traversers who have just arrived at the treasure land have not yet cultivated to the realm of immunity to natural scenery.So sitting on the sand dunes in the evening, blowing the salty sea breeze, lighting a cigarette, and having a small meeting has become a reserved program for some upper-class people recently.

"Is the Dog's Eye ready?" Xia Xianze sat under the sand dune with his back against the sand pile, stretched his legs comfortably, and asked Liu Zhe, who was sitting on his left.

"Just move in a little sandalwood and ivory, and it's essentially an empty boat, ready to go any time."

"Well, then leave early tomorrow." Xia Xianze paused and continued to ask, "How long will it take to return to Hangzhou?"

"It's totally possible." Liu Zhe shook his head: "This is going to be a headwind, let's go. It's not uncommon to climb to Hangzhou in ten days and a half, and if something happens, it's possible for a month. Fortunately, there is a radio station, so you can track your whereabouts. ."

"Well, speaking of the radio, where are Mr. Cao and the others?"

Liu Zhe looked at his watch: "The telegram two hours ago said that the boat has reached the mouth of the Danshui River."

On the third day of occupying the officers, as soon as they felt that the situation was initially under control, the officers sent a telegram to inform the two long-prepared sand ships in Hangzhou to set sail.One of the two ships has added navigation and power equipment, and now Chairman Cao is on that ship.

"Just go to the near shore." Xia Xianze breathed a sigh of relief: "I'm afraid that there will be problems in the open sea. If you go along the coast, you will break through the sky and hit the rocks, and President Cao can return to 'over there'."

"Think too much, Lao Xia, if you have equipment, how can it be so easy to hit the rocks."

"Well, that aspect of the ship is OK."

After discussing the issue, it was almost dark, Xia Xianze patted his butt and got up: "Come home, Lao Feng Lu will tell me about the new town planning."

"The general plan has been made." Feng Guanjie, who was wearing gold-rimmed glasses, replied with an elegant demeanor.Then, as he walked, he stretched out his hand and gestured toward the southwest of the business hall: "The new city is built in this area, and it will be done by building a small city alone."


The existing business hall was built in a hurry by the Dutch, and the wall is a wooden plywood rammed-earth wall - a dry base in the local dialect.The wall soil was dug from the mangroves on the opposite bank, and there was only sand on Dayuan Island.Whether the foundation, walls, or wooden buildings and layout of the old business hall, all did not meet the standards of travelers from later generations.

However, the old building is now full of people and goods, and it cannot be renovated at all, and it is not cost-effective: it is easier to build a new city.

The Europeans built a fort in the wilderness, and it must be a multi-functional fort that integrates military, government and business.However, travelers do not need to: in the future, all industrial and commercial activities will be carried out on the other side, and most of the population will live on the other side.With that little size of the Dutch, they couldn't bear to go to Chikan to build a city in the later stage, and the crossing forces that were always trying to explode the population would naturally not take detours.

The military aspect accounts for a small proportion of the design: the traversing force with a huge range advantage does not need to build the castle in the dock area. On the contrary, building the castle in the center of the island can also block the waterway.Moreover, Chuanzhong can easily swept all the landing troops to death on the one-kilometer-long sandy ground while chatting—if any fools dare to land in the future.

Therefore, the new city does not need the design of the bastion, as long as the weapons brought by the later generations can be placed.As for the dock area, it is entirely possible to build a gun tower to assist in defense, saving labor and materials.

For a force that will leave the big officials in a few years and go wild in the vast world, the political and commemorative significance of the new city is even more important: hold a shareholders meeting, receive foreign envoys, engrave XX on the wall to This trip...

In short, a small, concise, and characteristic castle is the most suitable building for the style of the traversers.

After listening to Feng Guanjie's report, it's already a matter of time. As far as Xia Xianze himself is concerned, he still agrees with this plan. He knows that he will move in a few years.

However, he cannot decide this matter alone. Not to mention the existing personnel, Chairman Cao and some left-behind people will soon arrive at the senior officials. There are still many major issues to be discussed, and the construction of the city can only be resolved together when the time comes.

In the evening of the second day, all the non-traversing people who could move freely on Dayuan Island came out to watch the fun: two sand boats slowly passed the channel and entered the dock in the Taijiang Inland Sea.These days, the "pirates", "Ming Dynasty adults" and "Short-haired gentlemen" who do whatever they want are all concentrated on the pier. The AK rifles without flash suppressors spewed 1-meter-long celebratory fireworks to the sky.

The founder of the company, local tyrant, live-action robot cat, and powerful plane traveler - Chairman Cao Chuan Cao was taken from the sand boat.I saw that he was wrapped in a thin quilt, and there were faint traces of vomiting beside the pillow.

Chapter 82 Sub-base

That night, Mr. Cao was parked in a small private room specially prepared for him next to the office. Many people in the company took turns to visit him. Everyone solemnly and silently greeted him at the door. CEO Xia stood at the door and kept talking softly. Say to everyone, "Let him rest, he's too tired."

Well, the originally planned more grand ideological seminar was forced to be postponed because the mascot fell down, and the retreat is over, so we can only be pragmatic first.

Across the Taijiang River.After this week of mindless burning and the loss of more than a dozen European lives, at least as far as the eye can see, there is no more terrifying lush vegetation.Weeds and shrubs are the natural invisibility of indigenous people, and they are also natural hotels for mosquitoes and various insects and parasites.

The open land with a burnt scent is the best barrier for outsiders, just like the rotten land of the undead.

So many people couldn't have died.However, when the burning of the wasteland penetrated 10 kilometers inland, the fire mages began to be frequently pierced by the natives - the nearest village was not far away, and the natives did not want to be smoked into bacon.

A large number of people were busy on the other side of the Taijiang River at this time.In the future, the Dutch will build the commercial street and the Chikan Tower, the center of their rule.This place is across the river from the Dayuan Business Hall. The aborigines of Chikan Society have long been driven inland by pirates and the Dutch. Now, the Banda people and their original owner: Hongmao are busy on this hot land.

All the laborers are doing the same thing right now: leveling the land.Some small soil packs with an altitude of only three or five meters were shoveled out, and the soil was taken to fill puddles, pits, and some small lagoons.The plan of the traveler is much grander than that of the Dutch: with Chikan City as the center, there are residential areas, dock areas, and commercial areas.The flat Jianan Plain makes the design drawings very easy to draw. The natural and large streams have already divided the blocks, and only a little adjustment is needed, and it is a piece of land that can be photographed.

Feng Guanjie is in charge of the project here, and he designed the drawings of Chikan Town himself.The two sand ships that entered the port yesterday brought 150 Mingren employees and 30 traversers. The strength of the company has been greatly strengthened overnight. The traversing forces that have been nesting in Dayuan Island and dare not make big moves can't wait to divide them today. Manpower to build sub-bases.


2.5 kilometers north of Chikan New District is Xingang Stream.With Xingang Stream as the boundary, the south bank is now bare and covered with ash of grass and ash, while the north bank still retains its original appearance.

Headed by Xia Xianze, more than 20 people from the infrastructure and industrial departments have all gathered on a mound on the south bank of the Xingang River to make gestures and give pointers.

Apart from the shovel and dirt, the Traversing Congregation can be called nothing at the moment.To compete for hegemony, it is necessary to engage in industry, and the pre-requisite to engage in industry is infrastructure, but the company does not even have qualified building materials.

Everyone came here today to check out the location because the kiln area plan that Chen Dong took out was designated here.The drawings of the kiln area are of course all kilns: wood drying kiln, brick kiln, cement kiln, charcoal kiln, dry distillation kiln...

The kiln area has a lot of dust and must have industrial facilities. These all require water, so it must be built by the fresh water river.The lower reaches of Xingang River are often flooded by seawater, and it is not very suitable for industry - this stream will be called Yanshui River in later generations.

However, the control range of the traversal force can't reach any further places at the moment. Even the land under the feet is requisitioned by the company because of its own words. Therefore, Zeng Wenxi, who is farther away, doesn't need to be considered. Move the site to the upper reaches of Xingang Creek, where everyone is standing now.

"If there's no problem, then let's do it. First, burn some bricks to build a house. There is really no room for people inside and outside the business hall. The shanty towns urgently need to be demolished." After everyone discussed the location, Xia Xianze finally made a decision.

"Boss, it's not a layman." Chen Dong said with a smile.


"All the houses in Chikan New District, except for the castle, will be made of bamboo and wood in the future. So the top priority should be the drying kiln and wood processing factory." Chen Dong pointed at the tofu blocks on the blueprint with his hand, While giving the boss science.

"Brick kilns require a lot of manpower and equipment to operate, and we don't have that right now. If there is a brick making machine, is there no electricity for the time being? When you make a kiln brick by hand, my bamboo and wood dormitory has already been built. Community!"

"Oh, is that so? Is Zhumu's dormitory reliable?"

"Please, you are discriminating against the coastal people. They have lived in bamboo and wooden houses for thousands of years. By the way, the American imperial people also protested!" Chen Dong despised.

"Hey, the typhoon blows like building blocks. The news broadcasts every year. Don't think I'm a layman. I've been in real estate, okay?"

Chen Dong rolled his eyes and looked like he was going to fart: "North America is draughty, and it's called a hurricane, and the Ali Mountains are behind us. Is it that exaggerated? According to you, the natives have long been blown to Fujian. No wonder the real estate company crossed, cut." Someone muttered the last sentence in a low voice.

Xia Xianze looked left and right at the other people in the Infrastructure Department, and found that all of these people were watching the sea with birds, smiling, knowing that he had probably made a mistake, and quickly changed the subject: "What about the power? Don't you want to burn the kiln? , making bricks, where does the steam come from? Where's the coal? Where's the electricity?"

When Xia Xianze asked such a question, Chen Dong couldn't bear it - he was engaged in civil construction, and his understanding of the prime mover was to connect a wire from a telephone pole at the village head, or to start a diesel engine.

Burning the wasteland made everyone at least no longer need to cover their faces with gauze, so today, many people in the crossing crowd were smoking cigarettes.After talking about motivation, everyone unanimously focused their attention on a group of people who were squatting on the side and gathered to smoke.

Comrade Zou Guoqing has been waiting for this moment for a long time!

Since they came to the top, these bastards have not treated the engineering brethren as human beings: what is night shift, watching prisoners, helping the cook, anyway, the hard work is all engineering dogs.No way, who let the industry have nothing to do?

Can't play without a professional now?

Hehe, Zou Guoqing knew that Xia Xianze was staring at him, but he just pretended not to know, crouched on the ground with a cigarette in his mouth and made a gesture of respect, very sweet.

"Zou Guoqing! What are you making a fuss about? You were the one who fooled everyone to Taiwan at the beginning, so what is the motivation for you to wash your feet?"

Zou Guoqing got up and gave a standard fake military salute: "Give me the Yuandou number, and tomorrow the people from the Ministry of Industry will go to dig for oil, and the results will be seen within two months. Boss, I will write a military order to you on the spot!"

"Dig a fart, is it in a hurry? Don't talk nonsense, talk about what to do now." Xia Xianze's tone softened.

Zou Guoqing clapped his hands and shrugged his shoulders: "What else can I do? Burn firewood."

Chapter 83 Chai System

Although he was scolded for pretending to be aggressive, Zou Guoqing finally came up with the driving force plan, which was still burning firewood... and he could only burn firewood.No way, Tainan does not produce coal. The nearest coal mines are in the primeval forests of Taipei and Keelung, and it can be dug out after about 1000 people die.

Miaosu's oil slogans have not yet been clarified, not to mention the coal in Fujian and Guangdong. These are all beyond the reach of the whip, so now we can only burn wood.Fortunately, the technology in Chuanzhong's hometown is prosperous, and firewood can also burn flowers. This device, named "Firewood System" by Zou Guoqing, still has some headway.

The core of the system is the biomass pellet machine and boiler.The so-called biomass particles are to collect agricultural and forestry waste such as straw, straw, peanut shells, corn stalks, etc., and then process the above stuff into small particles by squeezing meat stuffing.Because of the high temperature generated during the extrusion process, the water content of the finished pellets can be adjusted to below 8%, which fully meets the requirements of being used as a fuel.

The calorific value of one kilogram of bio-particles is around 3500 kJ, and the traverse uses a taller material—logs.There are no straws and corn stalks in the Jianan Plain, and only logs are left.Unwashed raw coal has a calorific value of 5000 kJ, while log particles can reach 4500 kJ.

Zou Guoqing's plan is: the "firewood system" is in the center, and various kilns are connected in parallel around the periphery to share the waste heat, steam and electricity of the boiler.In the future, with the increase of various industrial buildings, the "firewood system" will crawl in the net like a spider mother, which can save pipes and cables to the greatest extent.

"Your idea is not difficult to plan. The question is how much 'imported materials will be used for these equipment?'" After listening to Zou Guoqing's plan, Chen Dong didn't have to care about it, he only cared about the size of the treasure chest occupied by these equipment.

Zou Guoqing coughed and stretched out his hand to give everyone a count.However, at this moment, he suddenly felt a gloomy gaze cast upon him, and when he looked up, probably everyone present except the engineering dog and CEO Xia would be staring at him coldly.

Let's see who dares to ignore buddy! "Hey," someone laughed, and began to break his fingers without caring: "We burn thick logs, so the pulverizer, pellet machine, and boiler are the core three-connection, and then the boiler is connected to the generator, um , The lumber factory must have it, don't you want to build a house? Shearing board, sawing machine, motor, let's just start with two sets. Finally, let's get some brick making machines, pipes, cables, valves, conveyor belts, various accessories, um, um, Mmmm, well, almost this number can be done!"

Zou Guoqing counted here, smiled and stretched out his hand to draw a special number for the Anti-Japanese War.

"8 boxes!?"

"Cut..." A group of people started booing after seeing the gesture.

Even Xia Xianze couldn't bear it anymore: "Do you know how many boxes of 'inventory' we have in total? The so-called 'inventory' is actually the number of crossings Cao Chuan has reserved. The crossing people will give the delivery list, and Cao Chuan will go back to the future to stock up. If you have ready-made supplies, you can run back and forth in a few minutes."

"12 boxes." Zou Guoqing, like all the people who pass through, is counting the reserves every day.

"There will always be 2 boxes that cannot be moved. That's the emergency reserve. Once your order for 8 boxes of goods is published, all other departments will share two boxes of goods, don't you think it's a bit too much?" said with a frown.

Zou Guoqing's protruding forehead gleamed at this moment, he glanced at the seven losers who were surrounded by him, who were dissatisfied and eight dissatisfied. He smiled and said to Xia Xianze confidently: "Do you dare to remove the valve of your gas pipe? Industry is a chain, hum, don't blame me for being ugly, all these equipment, a screw It can’t be less, when the whole person is paralyzed or exploded or something, the Ministry of Industry will not take the blame!”

Just when everyone was stunned by this guy's arrogance, Zou Guoqing suddenly remembered something and patted his forehead with his hands: "Gas, ah yes, there is still gas! Wood gas is also very important for kilns, um, Two gasifiers have to be installed, and a few pipes need to be added..."


The happy industrial sub-base step-by-step operation ended in an unhappy break up. When they returned, the entire team pulled out a two-mile-long parting formation.A group of usually taciturn engineering dogs happily walked around Zou Guoqing at the end, chatting and laughing happily.

That afternoon, Zou Guoqing's remarks certainly triggered a strong rebound.The military personnel quickly referred to Zou Guoqing's ideas and shouted: "Without the artifact to control the house, everyone is in danger", a threatening slogan commonly used by health care companies.For a time, all departments followed suit, and even Master Miaoshu was fishing for fish in troubled waters: "If you don't wash your teeth, you will finish the game in three years" - he wants to make a whole set of dental equipment to make money from the natives.

There were people coming and going in the office of the senior officers, all of them had solemn expressions on their faces, as if the crossing company was going to close down in the next moment.

After witnessing this chaos, Xia Xianze walked around the playground in the middle of the business hall with his head down and his hands behind his back for a few laps. Then he summoned two idlers with very little movement, and mysteriously found an empty room to go in. The three of them closed the door. Sit down.

Liang Yuhang and Tao Zheng were slightly flattered.Liang Yuhang ran communication equipment in Nigeria before crossing, and also received various wireless projects. He carried seven or eight boxes of business cards of large and small communication companies, and there were national brand names and copycat goods.There is nothing to do after crossing the road - everyone has a stand-alone notebook, and the high-end communication equipment is a walkie-talkie.

Needless to say, Tao Zheng, the original mechanic has forgotten how to repair a car. Now he is still in the navy. He sends a telegram every day, and then uses the car radio to harass people everywhere.

Today, people from multiple departments are shouting slogans to protect the fruit, but they can only squat to the side to watch the fun.There is no way, telecommunications are not taken seriously, you can't shout: "Leave the smart phone, become mentally retarded in three days?".

So when these two goods were mysteriously brought into the house by the CEO, I was still very nervous. If it wasn't for the fact that Lao Xia was already in his early four years, he was old and frail, I'm afraid that these two goods would still be thinking wildly.

After Xia Xianze sat down, without any courtesy, he stared blankly at Liang Yuhang and asked, "In this area, including the Chikan and Kiln bases in the future, if you can access the wireless network and use mobile phones, what equipment do you need?"

"Boss, you have finally grasped the key to the current problem!" Liang Yuhang's eyes lit up, and he made a flattery first, and then began to introduce: "Well, the range is no problem, a set of GSM theory is 35 kilometers. As for equipment, MSC/VLR, BSC, and..."

Chapter 84 Telecommunications

"Stop, stop!" Lao Xia interrupted in time: "Just say the size, I don't understand the terminology."

"Well, let me put it this way." Liang Yuhang said after thinking about it: "There are 4 cabinets the size of a refrigerator at home, 4 cabinets as big as a computer case, and 8 smaller flat boxes, and then [-] cabinets. It's all kinds of equipment cables and antennas. The antenna is not as wide as a refrigerator, but it's taller. Let's make the brackets by ourselves. Well, in general, a transmission box can definitely hold it, and you can put some mobile phones, photovoltaic panels and spare parts in it. ."

"Oh, a box is acceptable, can't it be less? For photovoltaic panels, Mr. Cao dismantled part of it from Hangzhou when he came, and it is in the warehouse." Xia Xianze squeezed his chin and wanted to reduce the only photovoltaic panels he knew. .

"Boss, this is the main computer room. The equipment needs to be a little more. In the future, it will not be necessary to set up more. Also, the total amount of equipment has soared. Notebooks, mobile phones, walkie-talkies, night vision equipment, these How can a photovoltaic panel be enough?"

"Hey, stick to it, and soon the kiln area will be built and there will be electricity."

"Boss, even if the kiln area is built, are we willing to pull over 3 kilometers of cables? It is not as good as photovoltaic panels to carry batteries back and forth, which is also environmentally friendly."

"Okay, okay, hurry up and open the equipment list. The two of you are driving in this room. You are not allowed to go out. Be careful that the gang outside knows to trouble you! Secretly give it to me after driving, and I will go to President Cao." Xia Xianze said. As he walked out, he left two excited CEOs and vice presidents of Shazhou Telecom to open a list.

After Xia Xianze pretended to be okay and went out, he went to the official residence to ignore those who were arguing with excitement, and then Zhengda Guangming called Wang Liguo and Cai Feiming over, and the troika began to discuss the issue of silver dollar coupons.

Although the book merchants know that white strips can be exchanged for raw silk, now they don't care whether they are holding white strips or silver yuan coupons.However, the white strips should not be on the table. Silver dollar coupons are a necessity. In the future, for any site within the range of the naval guns of the traversing forces, it is bound to implement a large-value coupon system in bulk trade. The specifications of the silver dollar coupons should be determined in time.

"Actually, there is no need to make it so complicated." Wang Liguo said after sitting down: "The large bills are still a little difficult to use at this stage. The maritime merchants only use it temporarily for a few days when they are senior officers. We don't have any orders elsewhere. Just keep the style simple. In the future, we will design and print a batch of them when the commercial scale is increased."

"Well, that's what I thought too." Cai Feiming nodded and said, "To put it bluntly, it's still machine guns + credit, and the specifications and styles of the silver coupons are not important. Let me say that the laser printer can do shading arbitrarily, and the front is a capitalized 'one'. Qianliang', the back is '1000', no other patterns and characters are needed, this is OK, and the forces on this plane can't imitate it. Conscience, use offset paper, A4 paper is also fine, large bills are properly preserved Yes, and there is no need for frequent circulation.”

"What about the number?" Xia Xianze asked the core question when he saw that the two had similar opinions.

"Five thousand and one thousand denominations are enough." Wang Liguo stretched out his thumb and index finger, and made a "little bit" gesture: "The value of a sea ship is tens of thousands to 10,000+ silver, let's use this little bit Precious metals and other urgently needed goods can be exchanged first.”

"But there is a precondition for doing this," Cai Feiming added: "There must be enough raw silk and porcelain to keep the house, otherwise the silver dollar coupons can't be exchanged for good things, and people won't come next time."

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