"General, what's the matter with you?"

The guard beside him quickly stretched out his hand to support him, looking extremely nervous.

"I'm... all right."

Xia Houfu took a deep breath, tried to calm himself down, and decisively issued a series of military orders.

This is not the time to be sad, he must immediately make arrangements to prevent Baimo's Tang army from attacking his flank.

The 5000 soldiers of the rear army were ordered to dispatch quickly, and chose a place with a slightly higher terrain on the official road leading to Baimo to set up a large defensive formation. Then fill in the soil and tamp it down to build a simple defensive earthen fortress.

Xia Houshang also ordered the supply auxiliary soldiers to place more than [-] repaired thunderbolt chariots behind the earth castle to attack the enemies who attacked the earth castle.

The Tang army coming from the direction of Baimo must be blocked, otherwise, his flanks are threatened, so how can he attack Zhuang county with peace of mind.

Relying on the earthen fortress, the five thousand soldiers of the rear army lined up in a dense defensive formation, silently watching the comrades passing by.

Xia Houfu knocked his head three times on his father's body, then stood up, suppressing the grief in his heart, and gritted his teeth, "Let's go!"

Several generals of the Xiahou Clan were weeping, carrying the body of the master, and walking towards the Ningyuan Border Pass. Behind them, there were about 5000 dejected soldiers. The [-]-strong Chinese army, most of which were lost, were able to come back alive. , has been favored by the God of Longevity.

Although these more than 2000 soldiers are elite veterans who have experienced hundreds of battles, none of Xia Houfu will stay, and they will all be sent back to the country. Even the elite veterans, who have just suffered a defeat, need a certain amount of time to recover. affect morale.

However, he still left a rear army of more than 300 people in charge of covering the rear of the palace. The original 2000-strong rear army desperately launched an attack on the blocked Tang army in order to rescue the main force of the besieged Chinese army, causing more than 600 casualties. Their fighting spirit is still there, and they can still fight.

It wasn't long before the defeated soldiers passed through, and they stayed behind to scout the enemy's situation at night without receiving any rewards. The Tang army of about 3000 people had already chased and killed them.

Ren Bin did not clean up the battlefield. After gathering his troops, he immediately led his troops to pursue them. He did not have many troops, only 4000. Although an ambush wiped out [-] Tang soldiers, the defeat of Ren Cong's troops led to two Thousands of soldiers lost more than half.

The strength of 3000 people is really a bit shabby, but it may be possible to create a miracle. At least, it can contain part of the Qin army's strength and reduce the pressure on the defenders of Zhuang County.

With such a mentality, Ren Bin led [-] subordinates to chase to the side road. Seeing the Qin army waiting in full force, he couldn't help showing a helpless wry smile.

It would be tantamount to committing suicide to attack such a tight and thick defensive phalanx with 3000 troops in his hands. Even if he could defeat the [-] Qin soldiers in front of him, there might not be many surviving soldiers left.

"Master Ren, do you have the confidence to defeat the enemy army in front of you?"

Tang Feier asked softly. Looking at the dense defensive formation of the Qin army in front of her, she regretted endlessly. After all the calculations, she still missed one point. It is easier to go from the Ningyuan border of the Qin Empire to Zhuang County than to go from Baimo to Zhuang County. The distance from Zhuang County is less than half, and the Qin army has enough time to deploy defenses calmly.

Even though she is extremely intelligent and resourceful, at this time, facing the [-] Qin army who did not take the initiative to attack but took a completely defensive position, she had nothing to do. She thought that ambushing Xia Houshang's side division would severely damage the morale of the Qin army , but now, she realized that she was wrong, and Qin Jun's fighting spirit didn't seem to be affected in the slightest.

Ren Bin smiled wryly and shook his head. Although it was said that the morale of the soldiers was like a rainbow with the vigor of victory, he was already exhausted at this time, and the number of troops was too small. Under the situation of equal strength, he might launch a tentative attack, but now, he even Not interested in trying it.

Chapter 274 The Battle of the People's Dung

The road was blocked by the Qin army, and it was impossible to pass through. Tang Fei'er regretted it for reinforcements in Zhuang County. However, if you say one thousand, you can say ten thousand. The army has been mobilized for reinforcements.

Tang Fei'er could only sigh helplessly. The situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly, and the opportunity for war is fleeting. Perhaps, if today is missed, once the Qin Army conquers Zhuangzhao Second County and breaks through all the obstacles in Pingtang Pass, it will be difficult to regain Pingtang Dangerous Pass , even if it is recovered, God knows how much damage will be paid?

Facing the impregnable five thousand Qin army, Ren Bin and Tang Fei'er had no choice but to lead the army around, trying to attract Qin's troops as much as possible and reduce the pressure on Zhuang County's defenders.

At the same time, Lian sent messengers to ask for help, asking the imperial court to mobilize troops for reinforcements as soon as possible.

Without the threat from the flanks, Xia Houfu suppressed the grief in his heart, mobilized all the Thunderbolt Chariots and Thunderbolt Chariots, and focused on bombarding the southern city of Zhuang County in turn, in order to conquer Zhuang County before dark.

Nearly [-] thunderbolt chariots and [-] thunderbolts fired in turn, the scene was spectacular, the sky was full of whistling and falling boulders, smashing the city wall of Zhuang County to the ground, and the giant arrow with thick arms was even more powerful. The dense nails covered the walls of the city, creating an extremely terrifying deterrent force for the defenders in the city, and greatly boosting the morale of their own side.

Zhuang County is just a small county town with a population of only tens of thousands. There is no standing army stationed there. The city wall was not thick in the first place, and it has not been repaired for many years. It finally collapsed under the bombardment of the giant stone, revealing a large gap more than ten meters wide.


Xia Houfu waited for a moment, and immediately ordered the soldiers to attack. The soldiers of the Shenji Battalion raised the attack elevation angle of the Thunderbolt chariot, and pushed the Thunderbolt chariot forward by more than ten steps to carry out the so-called extended bombardment.

The city wall was blown down, and Xiong Baichuan urgently ordered the soldiers and the people to throw all kinds of sundries into the gap, desperately trying to block the gap, but the extended bombardment of the Thunderbolt Chariot and the Thunder Chariot made those soldiers and the people pay. Very heavy casualties.

"Come on!"

The morale of the Qin army rushed to the gap like a tide, and the archers shot upwards under the cover of the shield and axe soldiers, suppressing the archers of the defenders at the top of the city, and covering their comrades to break into the city.

The gate of Nancheng was opened, marking the fall of Zhuang County. Xiong Baichuan fulfilled his duties and fought to the death without retreating until he was overwhelmed by the Qin soldiers pouring in like a tide.

Outside the city, when Ren Bin and Tang Feier learned that Zhuang County had fallen, they both sighed helplessly and led their troops back to Baimo Pass, standing firm and waiting for help.

At this time, the tragic offensive and defensive battle at Pingtangguan was still going on, and the commander-in-chief of the Tang army, who had been unable to attack for a long time, became ruthless and ordered to attack the city day and night.

The fall of Pingtang Pass caused the Tang Empire to tremble. King Ji Li of the Tang Dynasty, regardless of cleaning up the officials and military generals of the prince, ordered to dispatch a large army, no matter how much the price was, he must take back this dangerous gate.

In fact, without the decree of the King of Tang, the prefects of the nearby counties were afraid of being implicated because of the prince's rebellion. There would be an opportunity to perform, and none of them would miss it. They desperately dispatched troops to Pingtang Pass.

In a few days, the prefects of various counties recruited tens of thousands of new soldiers and sent them to Pingtang Dangerous Pass in a mighty way. They don't listen to anyone's dispatch and command, and most of them cooperate to attack the city together.

It is also for this reason that the generals of Zhenguan in the three counties did not join forces and attacked with all their strength. After the reinforcements arrived, they all wanted to win the first victory in the capture of the city, and spared no effort to launch wave after wave of attacks on Pingtangguan. The crazy attack put the defenders under extremely heavy pressure.

The Tang army's crazy siege of the city regardless of the cost caused a sharp increase in the casualties of the defenders. If Wu You hadn't let people release the news that the Tang army would massacre the city after breaking through the city, the residents in the city would have given up resistance long ago. Desperately.

Now, on the city of Pingtangguan, no matter whether it is a soldier or a hundred civilians, as long as they can move, they will spontaneously take up weapons and desperately resist the crazy attack of the Tang army.

"Master, the situation is not good."

Wu You, who had lost a lot of weight, had a gloomy face, and reported the situation in a low voice. The offensive and defensive battles continued for several days and nights. Not counting the severe reduction of soldiers, even the defensive equipment and materials such as arrows, stones and logs were also consumed. There were seven or eight, and there were not many left, but the Tang army's offensive became more and more fierce.

"Demolish the house, tell the common people, keep the city, I will compensate them with a new building!"

Li Wei's voice was so hoarse that he changed his tone. In order to boost morale, he ran around the city, roaring desperately, to cheer up the soldiers. He hadn't closed his eyes for two days and two nights. Now, his eyelids were so heavy that he could hardly keep them open.

"It's already being demolished, and the fire oil has been exhausted, so we can only use water..."

Wu You had a bitter face, but she kept cursing in her heart. It had been six days and five nights, but the damn reinforcements hadn't even seen a shadow.


Li Wei was stunned for a while before he realized that one of the countless ways to defend the city was to use boiling hot oil to deal with the enemy.

With hot water, the effect is not so obvious, and some people with thick skin and thick flesh can hold their teeth.

Reinforcement has not arrived yet, grandma is a bear, what the hell is she fighting against?

Thinking of the exhaustion of the defense equipment, Li Wei couldn't help becoming a little nervous. He knew that the Tang army outside the city had tens of thousands of reinforcements, and he also knew that these reinforcements were almost all new recruits who had never been on the battlefield, but he couldn't hold back the opponent. There were so many people that he insisted on exhausting all the equipment and materials he used to defend the city, and also consumed his most elite special night and black-clothed guard dragon team bit by bit.

How fierce was the battle?

Hundreds of private soldiers from Teng Shengwen's school, including him, have all died in battle on the front of the city. Five hundred elite veterans from the five groups of Jinglei team, and a hundred or so business guards from the Universal Chamber of Commerce, Except for being seriously injured and being taken down to the city for treatment, all the others died in battle. Even Tian Hesi, the son of Zuo Junji Sakata Ce, also lost his left arm and is currently lying in the field hospital.

More than half of the 1500 special Yebushu and 500 black-clothed dragon team assassins were also lost. As for the civilians in the city, it is even more difficult to count the casualties.

Gurg grunt... His stomach rumbled again, Li Wei hurriedly ran into the hut clutching his stomach, he didn't remember what he ate, it ruined his stomach, he pulled it several times, his hands and feet were weak, After taking the prescription prescribed by the doctor, I feel better.

The smell of the latrine naturally makes people dizzy, hey, and so on.

Li Wei, who was squatting comfortably, suddenly had a flash of inspiration. He remembered the comic book "Double Gun Lu Wenlong" he had read when he was a child. It worked wonders.

After the thing is boiled, it turns yellow, so it is also known as "golden juice,"

As long as it gets a little bit, the skin will be festered, inflamed and infected, and there is no cure for it. It will either be amputated and disabled, or it will die directly.

Golden juice is an automatically produced defensive weapon. Of course, the taste can also kill people.

Chapter 275 Side Effects of Golden Juice

Following Li Wei's order, buckets of yellow stuff were carried up to the top of the city by the common people, poured into a cauldron, boiled over a regenerated fire, and the disgusting smell quickly filled the whole city, even people People's faces were covered with wet cloths, and most of them still felt nauseated and vomited all over the floor.

Tang Bing, who was attacking, was also dizzy from the smoke. While climbing the ladder, the closer to the top of the city, the stronger the smell. , Eyelids turned white, how could he still have the strength to kill?

As pots of hot golden juice poured down from the top of the city, the smell became stronger and stronger, and the Tang soldiers who were drenched fell down the city crying and howling, and the soldiers crowded under the city were splashed a little bit, and they were in pain. Call.

There were several layers of thick corpses piled up under the city wall. They fell from the city. Those who were unlucky broke their neck bones and died on the spot. If they were lucky, they only broke their hands and feet. However, the parts splashed by the golden juice quickly There were blisters, burning pain.

Some soldiers were only spattered a little bit. Although they felt burning pain, stimulated by the reward, they gritted their teeth and continued to fight.

Some soldiers were also heavily drenched, their skin festered and fell off, and they were carried off the battlefield by their comrades and placed in the rear camp, where they were treated urgently by a doctor in the army.

Most of the golden juice was still splashed under the city wall, and the disgusting smell soon filled the Tang army's positions outside the city, even the military camp several miles away could smell it.

Whether it is inside or outside the city, everything is filled with the smell of golden juice. When you inhale and exhale, even if you say a word, it all smells of golden juice. Originally filled with golden juice.

When encountering this evil trick for the first time, although the Tang army had a wet cloth in their hands, many soldiers couldn't hold back their nausea and vomited loudly. In the end, the three guarding generals had to issue orders to stop the attack.

After several days and nights of pressure, the defenders of the city finally got a chance to breathe. Many exhausted soldiers just sat down on the bluestone slabs dripping with blood, their backs against the same stone wall splashed with blood, their faces Covered with a damp cloth to rest with eyes closed.

It was night now, and the soldiers and the people were tired and hungry, but none of them had the appetite to eat, and some were so hungry that they ate a few mouthfuls voraciously, and then vomited it all out.

Of course, there were also some veterans who still ate with gusto. The fighting was only temporarily suspended, and the Tang army would soon launch a new round of attack. If you want to kill the enemy and save your life in the melee of thousands of troops, you must maintain sufficient physical strength.

The craftsmen and carpenters who did not participate in the war spent the night repairing the damaged city fortifications with the assistance of the people.

In the prefect's mansion, Li Wei was lying on the bed with a wet silk scarf on his face, sleeping soundly. His body was not very strong, and the extremely tragic offensive and defensive battle made him dare not sleep with his eyes closed. No less than half a grain of rice, I fell ill all at once, but fortunately I was just too tired, and I only needed to rest for a while to recover.

No one in the city seemed to be able to swallow half a grain of rice. This was a serious side effect of the dung war in the city. While killing the enemy, it also starved their own people.

Both Xiao Liuzi and Xiao Xiaoxiao sat quietly in the room. Although their faces were covered with wet silk scarves, their expressions could not be seen at this time, but they could see the strong worry in their eyes. look.

The war was so fierce, the army and civilians suffered heavy losses, the defense equipment was exhausted, and the reinforcements from the other side had not arrived. Tomorrow, could they still withstand the crazy attack of the Tang army?

The Tang army still only surrounded the three city gates in the east, west and south, and did not trap the entire city to death, but anyone with a little military knowledge would understand that the real ultimate move is at the north gate. Once you choose to break through, you will be caught in the tide Generally, the Tang soldiers who came flooded in and died faster.

Now, there is no other way but to stand firm and wait for help. Because they were worried that the city would be breached by the Tang army, the two discussed with Wu You. Xiao Xiaoxiao came forward and secretly ordered the young master's dozens of personal guards to secretly hide in several inconspicuous houses. Dig a tunnel to hide, store water and food, once the city is breached, you can only hide in the secret passage for a while, and wait for the wind to pass before looking for an opportunity to escape. This is the worst plan.

This time, Li Wei fell asleep and had a very sweet dream. In the dream, he met a beautiful woman who was full of fragrance. The smell unexpectedly changed, emitting a smell that made him sick and vomited, which woke him up suddenly.


Seeing him waking up, Little Six, who had been staying by the bed, hurried forward to serve him.

Li Wei shook his dizzy head, touched the wet silk scarf covering his face, and couldn't help smiling wryly.

This silk scarf, including the silk scarves on the faces of the little six son Wu You and others, has been soaked in Xiao Xiaoxiao's potion and exudes a strong fragrance. Even so, after a long time, the fragrance is still unstoppable. Smell, this is also the reason why he first had a sweet and exciting dream in his sleep, and then turned into a nightmare.

"When is it?"

Li Wei suddenly thought about something serious, and quickly asked, "Did the Tang army attack the city?"

Xiao Liuzi answered his questions while helping him to dress and put on shoes. It was already past noon, and it was surprising that the Tang army had not attacked the city since last night, which was really weird.

"Go up to the city and have a look."

After putting on his shoes, Li Wei stood up, but his limbs felt limp, and he didn't have any strength. If it wasn't for Xiaoliuzi who supported him, he might fall down.

Gulu Gulu... My stomach rang again, and there was nothing in my stomach, and it had been a long time, so I had to make a serious protest again.

Little Six hesitated for a moment, and handed over the teacup on the dignified desk. He knew that the young master was dizzy and weak from hunger, but he didn't dare to mention the food. Whoever mentions it is in trouble.

Li Wei looked down at the clear well water in the cup, pinched his nose with one hand, took the teacup with the other, and poured it into his mouth.

The day before yesterday, this well water was still sweet and sweet, but now when I drink it, it smells like golden juice... Nauseous and nauseated, Li Wei immediately vomited again, but the stuff in his stomach He vomited up long ago, and what he vomited out was just water.

Hungry... Li Wei was so hungry that he wanted to cry. He didn't expect the side effects of the feces war to be so serious. He didn't know which bastard came up with the old man's idea and used it to defend the city. It's all right now , Before the Tang army attacked the city, I am afraid that everyone will starve to death first.

Worried about any changes in the Tang army, with the support of the little six sons, he climbed to the top of the city step by step to observe the movement of the Tang army camp outside the city.

All the way from the prefect's mansion to the bottom of the city, when you climb to the top of the city, you can see disgusting vomit everywhere, and almost no one is silent when you hear the stomach growling due to excessive hunger. This is because the whole city is hungry. .

Chapter 276 Side Effects of Golden Juice 2

Standing on the top of the city, looking at the Tang army camp a few miles away, I saw tents one after another, densely packed and endless, and the battle flags fluttering like the sea.

The distance is too far to see clearly what's going on in Tangying. It would be great if I had a pair of binoculars.

Li Wei knows the principle of making telescopes, but he doesn't know how to make glass. To know that there will be such a day, he should work hard to learn chemistry well.

But, then again, if you know you've been traversed, who wouldn't want to find a few machine guns, such a good thing with box bullets?

If anyone is upset, just chug.

Li Wei took a moment, and was soon brought back to reality by the smell of the golden juice. He couldn't see the movement of Tang Ying clearly, so he had to order the soldiers to strengthen their vigilance, and at the same time rest more, try to eat something to fill their stomachs, Have the strength to fight.

However, when it came to eating stuff, many recruits and civilians ran to the battlements, poked their heads out, and vomited until their eyes turned white and their hands and feet became weak.

Li Wei quickly closed his mouth. At this moment, the city is full of golden juice, and the word "eat" is taboo. Fortunately, he is General Hussars, the biggest official in the city, and no one dares to provoke him. If it's someone else, I'm afraid I'll be beaten so badly that even my mother won't recognize it.

He could only sigh and sigh, the side effects of this golden juice are too serious, in the future, this trick must not be used unless it is absolutely necessary.

"Look, general, there is a situation."

A recruit Danzi pointed in front of him and shouted nervously.

Hundreds of horse-drawn carriages rushed out from the Tang army's camp and drove towards the city in a mighty manner. There were several unarmed soldiers sitting on each horse-drawn carriage, and a white flag was planted on the carriage.

After all, Li Wei is considered a veteran who has participated in many battles, but he did not personally go into battle to kill people, but under the strict protection of the guards, he braved the rain of locust arrows to cheer for the bloody soldiers. Later generations can be regarded as literary soldiers who inspire morale.

"Don't be nervous, it's the corpse collection team, but you can't let your guard down, you have to keep a close watch at all times to prevent the enemy from attacking the city!"

The recruit Danzi lowered his head amidst the laughter of a group of veterans, his face was as red as a monkey's butt.

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