It is already summer, the weather is hot, and the corpses are easy to rot. Once the plague is triggered, the trouble will be serious. Therefore, both sides will send corpse collection teams after the war to collect the remains of their fallen soldiers and cremate them. This is an agreement that both sides agree to unwritten rules.

Under the city, there are also a large number of soldiers and people from the city to collect corpses, unbroken arrow feathers, damaged swords, spears, helmets and armor, etc. These things can be remade.

Soldiers from both sides mixed together, they just glanced at each other, then lowered their heads, and silently picked up the corpses of their comrades. The army already respects robes, not to mention that some of these comrades who died in battle were their own elder brothers Or family members or relatives, at this time, they have no hatred in their hearts, but only helplessness and sadness.

Why did the Tang army stop attacking? Could it be that something happened?

Some glib veterans joked about it, because the smell of golden juice that could kill people was smoked to death by Tang soldiers, which made the soldiers on the top of the wall burst into laughter.

Wu You met Li Wei's questioning eyes and shrugged his shoulders. To be honest, he couldn't understand Tang Jun's crazy attack for several days. Why the sudden stop of the attack?Maybe something happened?

Guessing from a good direction, it may be that reinforcements from our own side have approached, seriously threatening the safety of the Tang army.

However, this time, Wu You's guess was wrong, the reinforcements did not arrive, posing a threat to the Tang army, but because of the golden juice, the three generals at the gate all postponed their march by coincidence.

Qin soldiers defended the city with golden juice, and poured the boiled golden juice down the city in ladles and pots. Nearly four thousand Tang soldiers were soaked or splashed, and they were all scalded and screaming. It didn't take long for them to be burned extensively. He died, and the small area of ​​burns was carried back to the rescue for treatment, and he continued to fight with only a little bit of spatter.

The rear battalion was full of wounded, and there was a lot of groans. The soldiers were so busy that they applied medicine and bandaged the soldiers who were scalded by gold juice like hot oil and hot water.

In the middle of the night, the soldiers who were scalded by the golden juice felt the wounds were unbearably painful. The military doctor took off the cloth belts that wrapped the wounds, and was dumbfounded. He turned red, his whole body was scorching hot, and he howled again and again. After a while, the screams gradually weakened, and he was already dying, and death was not far away.

The military attendant was frightened, and hurriedly reported to General Zhenguan, who found that the same phenomenon happened to all the soldiers scalded by the golden juice under Mo Xia, and urgently ordered the army attendant to rescue him.

When the sky was just brightening, some of the wounded in the rear camp who had been scalded by golden juice began to die, and the wounds of those with mild burns began to fester and fester. There is no way to heal these wounded soldiers.

Even the military attendant was at a loss. The three guarding generals had a headache, hesitated for a long time, and finally ordered to suspend the siege, but ordered to use thunderbolt chariots to attack from a long distance and fire stone bullets into the city to maintain pressure and deterrence on the defenders.

The momentum of the bombardment of the grinding boulder was very scary, but in fact it did not cause much harm to people. Those who reacted quickly could even dodge it calmly. Only the unlucky ones were hit, leaving no bones left.

The damage to the buildings was great. However, most of the buildings in the city within the range of the thunderbolt chariot had been destroyed by the Tang army's crazy attack a few days ago, and the ones that were not destroyed were also demolished to serve as defense Most of the rocks and logs fired by the Tang army smashed into the air, and a small half of them hit the city wall.

After withstood more than ten rounds of bombardment by grinding boulders, the crumbling southern city wall, which was already scarred and crumbling, finally collapsed, exposing a large gap more than ten meters wide.

What was surprising was that the three generals at the gate did not order the army to attack, but instead ordered the soldiers of the Shenji Battalion to continue firing stone bombs until the southern city wall collapsed.

The city wall was blown down, and Li Wei immediately ordered the soldiers and the people to throw the sandbags and various sundries that had been prepared earlier into the gap, and seal the gap again.

Soldiers and civilians had to brave the bombardment of the grinding stone to fill the gap, and the casualties began to increase.

Li Wei and Wu You huddled behind the battlements, watching the movement of the Tang army. A large part of the city wall was blown down, but the Tang army did not attack the city. They couldn't help but feel uneasy. Tang Jun's actions were really abnormal.

The three major township generals of the Tang army did not give orders to attack the city because of the crazy attack day and night a few days ago. The soldiers suffered heavy losses, with nearly [-] casualties. It's unbearable, and the Qin army actually came up with such a disgusting trick of defending the city with golden juice. The soldiers who were scalded by the golden juice could not be healed at all, which made people shudder.

Fortunately, although Zhuang County was conquered by the army of the Qin Army, Zhao County was still there, and the three of them sent [-] reinforcements. I believe it should be no problem to persist for a few days.

The city wall of Pingtangguan was riddled with holes by the bombardment of the huge stone, and it was crumbling to the ground, and a large section was collapsed. I believe that it will be completely collapsed after two or three hours of bombardment. Not a breeze?

Therefore, all three felt that there was no need to waste too much troops, and the tenacious resistance of the defenders was quite a headache.

Chapter 277


Wu You's eyeballs rolled around, and suddenly thought of something, and his whole face instantly became pale and bloodless.

The entire strategic plan and deployment was based on the successful capture of Pingtang Pass. The urgently assembled reinforcements attacked from the Ningyuan Border Pass, conquered the two counties of Zhuangzhao and opened up the connection with Pingtang Pass. Zhi Pianshi set up defenses between Baimo and Zhuangxian to prevent the Tang army from Baimo from reinforcing Zhuangxian.

In addition, the Navy's warships carried the Qi army with 5000 camps as the main force down the river, climbed over the cliffs of the Wushan Mountains that even the spirit apes could not climb, and landed behind Zhao County by air. Take advantage of the trend.

Theoretically, regardless of whether Zhuangzhao County can be successfully conquered or not, the strange army who walks the waterway and the mountain road can reinforce Pingtang Pass as quickly as possible.

The second county of Zhuangzhao is a small county, and there is no army stationed at ordinary times. The reinforcements should not encounter any resistance when they pass by. But now, they have stood firm at Pingtang Pass for [-] days, and the reinforcements have not been seen for a long time. , indicating that there is an accident in some links.

Wu You was just guessing at first, but from Tang Jun's abnormal behavior, he felt that his guess was correct.

"Your sister, can't you think better?"

Li Wei kicked him with a smile and scolded him. He didn't feel the slightest nervousness on his face. However, he still issued a series of orders, ordering the soldiers to buy all the cloth in the cloth village. Women sew cloth bags, fill them with soil, and build several lines of defense in the city relying on houses and other buildings.

The Qin Empire has been weak for many years, and has always been bullied by the Tang Empire. There has been no war at Pingtang Pass, and the city wall has not been repaired. It has been exposed to the sun and rain, and some stones have been weathered and decayed. He also withstood the bombardment of the thunderbolt chariot, and was severely damaged. Now it has been bombarded for another section, which shows that it is already on the verge of collapse, and he can't bear it for a long time. He has to prepare for the worst.

What happened to this, so that the damned reinforcements have not arrived yet?

Rumors that the Tang army was going to massacre the city continued to spread. Although this action made the people's hearts unstable, it could intensify the fear in the hearts of the people and their anger and hatred towards the Tang army, forcing them to take up arms in desperation to protect their homes and relatives.

In the sky, the grinding boulders were still falling like hailstones, smashing the city wall to pieces, and the city was crumbling. The only thing the defenders in the city could do was to build up defense lines one after another in the city desperately. Get ready for street fighting with the Tang army.

At this time, on a dangerous peak of the steep and steep Wushan Mountains, thousands of Qin soldiers were resting in the waist-high grass, silently gnawing on special dry food.

This kind of dry food is made of ground dried meat, soybean flour, etc., mixed with salt and fried, pressed into blocks, packed in oil paper, easy to carry, and has a long storage time, about 20 days. It is very suitable as dry food for soldiers. The rice balls that are prevalent in the armies of the various empires are much better.

In the current situation, the entire army is stealthily stealthy, and cooking is not allowed, so as not to expose their whereabouts. It is best to eat a mouthful of dry food and drink a mouthful of water, which is both nutritious and guaranteed to replenish the energy of the soldiers.

This kind of dry food is called Young Master Cake, and the inventor is naturally Li Wei, who traveled with his golden finger. The dry food in the army before was rice balls, which didn’t have much nutrition, and didn’t last long. In summer, it would go bad in two or three days at most. , so copying the compressed biscuits of later generations.

Prime Minister Li Gang was determined to recover the lost ground, but he tried various methods and made various arrangements. The dangerous road in Wushan was the place where eight black-clothed secret spies lurking in the territory of the Tang Empire disguised themselves as Orions a few years ago. After several years of searching in the mountains, they found a trail leading directly to the back of Zhao County, and after going through all kinds of hardships, only two of the eight secret guards in black came back alive.

Now, Li Wei successfully captured Pingtang Danger Pass, Li Gang immediately used this secret path that had been hidden for many years.

Zhuo Fengxing was in charge of this secret operation. He led 5000 camp soldiers and [-] soldiers to sail down the Nujiang River on warships to the side of the Wushan Mountains. Climbing up the extremely steep Wushan Mountains one step at a time.

The two former black-clothed secret agents who discovered the trail led the army to march through the steep and difficult Wushan Mountains for three full days based on the maps and memories they drew back then, but when they were only two or three miles away from the destination, It was blocked by a cliff.

Due to the earthquake, the mountain broke and separated, forming a cliff tens of meters wide. It was impossible to climb over it, so we had to turn around and look for the mountain road leading to the opposite side again.

Even if Zhuo Fengxing was impatient, he had nothing to do. Fortunately, when the army set off, they brought a large amount of dry food. There was spring water in the mountain, so there was no need to worry about running out of food for the time being. However, the mountain road was rough and difficult, and some soldiers accidentally fell into the abyss.

There are still some bottomless pits, plus poisonous insects hidden in the grass, etc., and the way has not been found yet, and more than 200 people have been reduced due to non-combat.

The whole army traveled through the vast forest for nearly fifteen days. Under the guidance of two guides, they bypassed the long and large cracks, climbed up unknown peaks, and arrived at the current location.

Standing on the top of the mountain and looking out, you can vaguely see the small city of Zhao County in the distance. As long as you climb down the cliff in front of you, you can appear behind the city of Zhao County.

Zhuo Xingfeng ordered to rest on the mountain overnight to recover his lost energy. At the same time, he prepared a large number of long ropes, and cut down a large number of stronger mountain vines, connecting them into long ropes hundreds of meters long.

In the early morning of the next day, two soldiers who were good at climbing and physically fit climbed down the two long ropes to check the terrain. The two teams of soldiers held the ropes and lowered them down section by section.

Zhuo Fengxing and a group of senior officers were squatting on the edge of the cliff, staring down nervously. At the beginning, they could faintly see the hazy figures of the two soldiers climbing down, and further down, the vision was completely covered by the white mist Block it, you can't see anything.

The time passed by like this, and the soldiers in charge of pulling the ropes of the two teams were still slowly lowering the ropes in their hands. I don’t know how long it will take until the end. There is also a lot of ropes brought, so there is no need to worry about the lack of ropes, but the depth of the cliff is really scary.

Zhuo Fengxing and the others were so nervous that they held their breath, their palms were covered with sweat, but they could only wait patiently. This kind of waiting made people feel suffocated and restless, which was very uncomfortable.

I don't know how long it took, the soldiers who were grabbing the rope in front suddenly screamed excitedly. They felt the long rope shaking in their hands, and then felt the long rope being pulled three times.

Pulling three times in a row was the signal to land, and everyone stood up excitedly, waiting for Zhuo Fengxing's order.

Chapter 278 Defrauding the City

Following Zhuo Fengxing's order, the soldiers grabbed the long rope and climbed down impatiently, their battle achievements were waving to them.

A few more long ropes were lowered, and the soldiers grabbed the ropes to climb down. Some soldiers thought the speed was too slow, so they cut down a lot of strong mountain vines, knotted them, and then climbed down.

Except for weapons and equipment and fresh water and dry food, all the luggage was discarded. After hundreds of people descended, several other long ropes began to lower the equipment. Afterwards, Zhuo Fengxing and other senior officers climbed down one by one.

When Zhuo Fengxing's feet touched the ground, he couldn't help taking a long breath. Regardless of his fatigue, he wandered around to survey the terrain.

At this time, he was on a hillside covered with woods, and Zhao County was located a few miles ahead on the left.

Zhuo Fengxing dispatched Ye Bushou to investigate the surrounding situation, and ordered the soldiers to rest in the forest to recover their exhausted physical strength as soon as possible, and at the same time strengthen vigilance in case of accidents.

Zhuo Fengxing raised his head and looked at the sky. It was almost evening. It was estimated that half of the soldiers could be dropped before dark. Fortunately, the 5000 camps with the most combat effectiveness had all landed. The heavy Mo Dao and the solid and thick All the heavy armor was also lowered, and the soldiers carried their own heavy armor and went into the woods to rest.

Time is urgent and we cannot wait any longer.

With Zhuo Fengxing's order, nearly [-] soldiers rushed out of the woods, gathered in the field, and then set up the Tang army's battle flag, marching towards Zhao County City in mighty fashion.

Zhuo Fengxing immediately ordered to speed up the march, and when he arrived at the south gate of Zhao County, he ordered the soldiers on the city to open the gate.

Qin Yifei was ordered by Ninth Princess Tang Feier to defend Zhao County City. After he arrived in Zhao County City, the whole city immediately mobilized and recruited a large number of young and strong soldiers to strengthen the city defense fortifications.

After Xia Houfu conquered Zhuang County, he left 5000 defenders behind to ensure the safety of the rear. He led 15000 people to kill and rush to Zhao County.

However, the Tang army in the city resisted very tenaciously, not inferior to the Tang army in Zhuang County. The attack was blocked, which made him want to vomit blood.

Facing the frenzied attack of the Qin army, Tan Yifei led the entire city's soldiers and civilians to resist desperately and repelled several waves of fierce attacks by the Qin army. However, he only had 500 people in his hands, and the rest were all newly conscripted and entered the battlefield for the first time. The new recruits, the battle loss rate is frighteningly high.

Zhao County is just a small county with no troops stationed there, so there are naturally not many weapons and equipment stored in the arsenal, and half a day of defensive warfare was exhausted. He Thunder chariot was riddled with holes, crumbling, and was about to fall. Hearing that the reinforcements had arrived, Tan Yifei was ecstatic. After asking a few words, he ordered the city gates to be opened and the reinforcements to enter the city.

When the army entered the city, it was immediately divided into several groups, and some of them climbed to the top of the city.

"Finally, the reinforcements are coming."

Tan Yifei was so excited that his eyes were red, and he went to the gate of the city to meet the commander of the coalition forces of the three counties. Unexpectedly, the "reinforcement army" suddenly came out with a knife and cut him and a dozen guards down on the spot.

The drastic change was sudden, and Tang Bing in the city hadn't reacted yet, and he was killed by "his own people"

Cut down and die in a muddleheaded way.

The Tang soldiers in the city were all new recruits on the battlefield for the first time, and their morale was not high. In addition, the Qin army had already entered the city, and the main general, Tan Yifei, was killed by random knives. Those who can't drop will surrender.

After the army took control of the city, Zhuo Fengxing immediately ordered to open the north city gate and let Xiahoufu's troops outside the city enter the city, but the battle flag of the Tang army was still erected on the top of the city.

The two armies joined forces, but Xia Houfu's face was full of shame and sadness. Not to mention his father's death in battle, he couldn't even conquer a small Zhao County, so how could he face others?

Zhuo Fengxing originally wanted to reinforce Pingtang Pass overnight, but the night he sent before did not receive any rewards. Pingtang Pass had not yet been captured. The Tang army bombarded the city with a large number of thunderbolt chariots during the day, and stopped launching after nightfall.

However, a Tang army of 3 people camped on a slope more than [-] miles away from Zhao County City. It is estimated that they bypassed Pingtang City to reinforce Zhao County.

Zhuo Fengxing and Xiahoufu breathed a sigh of relief. They didn't understand why the Tang army stopped attacking the city, but as long as Pingtang City is still there, the young master will be fine.

The two discussed for a while, and finally decided to wait for the Tang army that reinforced Zhao County to throw itself into the trap. After all, the soldiers were exhausted and needed to rest and recover their strength. If they launched a night attack, the soldiers would have to travel more than 50 miles. , They are all infantry, there is no cavalry to step into the camp when they attack, and they cannot quickly break through the enemy's camp, and the casualties will inevitably increase.

After agreeing on the plan, Zhuo Feng went back to the barracks to rest, while Xia Houfu, who was left behind to guard the city, was busy for tomorrow's battle, requisitioning the cattle, horses and donkeys of the people in the city to carry all kinds of luggage.

Zhuo Fengxing returned to the tent of the Chinese army commander, and faintly heard the crying of a man in the barracks, he couldn't help frowning, and sent guards to check.

Ying Yanglang appointed Xia Houyi's youngest son Xia Houba as the captain of the camp, so he naturally had to take time to meet his second uncle Xia Houfu, and when he heard the news of his grandfather's death, he burst into tears.

Zhuo Fengxing couldn't help sighing when he heard the news that Zhu Guo's old general had died in an ambush.

On the second day, the sky was still gray and did not light up. Thousands of soldiers who had already had breakfast quietly left the south city gate, divided into two armies, and hid in the woods five or six miles away outside the city.

When the sky brightened, the troops sent out did not receive any rewards, and the Tang Army who reinforced Zhao County had almost arrived.

Standing on the top of the wall, Xia Houfu suppressed his inner excitement and patiently waited for Tang Jun to throw himself into the trap.

At this time, he had changed from the previous day's depression, and appeared to be in high spirits. In the middle of the night, Zhuo Fengxing suddenly fell ill and was temporarily unable to command the army to fight.

Xia Houfu has been familiar with military books since he was a child, and his theory of marching and formation is quite outstanding, but he has zero actual combat experience. This is his first time commanding a battle on the battlefield, which makes him both nervous and excited, and at the same time feels great pressure.

Not only did it take a lot of time to conquer the small county town of Zhuang, but it also cost a lot of casualties. It can be said that it completely exceeded his expectations, and his confidence was hit to a certain extent.

Next, the attack on Zhao County was also beyond his expectations, and he was hit again, even desperate, because his task was to conquer Zhuangzhao Second County and hold it, so as to ensure the close relationship with Pingtang Danguan and Ningyuan Border Pass. The connection is smooth.

The results of the two battles were not outstanding at all, and they delayed the time and affected the situation of the battle. Fortunately, Pingtang Pass was still there, and General Hussars did not have any accidents. Otherwise, he could only use his head to apologize.

His ability to lead the army was the result of his father's efforts. It could even be said that his father exchanged his life for him. I don't know how many people were dissatisfied. Do you only talk on paper?Among the young and strong faction belonging to the Hussar General's lineage, there are many generals who can stand alone, and the Yuan Cong lineage also has Sun Jai Tang Tian and such a veteran in his prime, I am afraid that he will never have the opportunity to lead an army alone in the future. How could it not make him feel desperate?

Zhuo Fengxing's old illness suddenly relapsed, and he was unable to lead the army to fight. He was appointed as the commander of the army to reinforce Pingtang Dangerous Pass. Thanks to the favor of God Changsheng, he got another chance to prove his ability.

This is his last chance, no matter what, he must grasp it well and use his impressive record to prove his ability.

Chapter 279 The Final Battle

When [-] Tang troops arrived at the city, Xia Houfu ordered the gates to be opened.

The reinforcements of the Tang army entered the city in a neat line, and all five thousand of the former army entered the city, and the long dragon-like team was still slowly entering the city.

Standing on the top of the city, Xiahou let out a sigh of pity. The commander of the Tang army was still in the rear, and he couldn't wait any longer. The soldiers stretched their bows and set up their arrows, shooting down desperately, smashing stones and rolling logs down desperately.

In the city, there was a thundering roar of killing, and all the ambush soldiers came out, killing Tang Jun, who was completely unprepared and stunned by the sudden change, crying for his father and mother, and ran desperately to the city gate.

The people in the back squeezed forward, and the people in the front and back ran backwards. People crowded into a mess, and those who accidentally fell were trampled on by countless feet, and couldn't get up again.

The 5000 former army had no way to retreat. Most of them threw down their weapons and raised their hands in surrender.

Outside the city, the sudden change also scared all the Tang troops to their knees. Arrows rained down from the city, rocks and logs fell like hail, and Tang soldiers died terribly.

Before the commander in charge could react, thousands of Qin soldiers ambushed outside the city rushed out, cutting the long dragon-like team in two at once. The Qin army in the city dealt with the Tang soldiers entering the city as quickly as possible. Afterwards, it gushed out like a tide, attacking back and forth, and quickly defeated the 3 Tang army.

Xia Houfu led the army to pursue and kill him, Zhuo Fengxing dispatched [-] soldiers to support him, and he personally led nearly [-] soldiers to guard Zhao County City and repair the city defenses.

"General, you..."

The guards around Zhuo Fengxing were quite dissatisfied and complained, and they didn't know what their own adults were thinking, but they pretended to be sick and gave up a lot of military achievements to Xia Houfu, which made people feel aggrieved.

"Hurry up, there are many battles, I'm afraid you will vomit."

Zhuo Fengxing was in charge of the tiger and leopard cavalry before, and he followed Li Wei to rob the Jin Empire for a while during the Battle of the Century, and he was unknowingly affected.

However, the expression on his face was very calm. For this matter, he had been entangled in his heart for a long time, and in the end he gave the credit to Xia Houfu so that he could regain his confidence. Otherwise, after this battle, he might be in a slump. Will lose a general who stands alone.

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