Tang Fei'er smiled like a flower, but secretly sighed in her heart that as a daughter, she couldn't lead the army to fight for her father, expand the territory, and establish immortal feats.

"His Royal Highness Ninth Princess is too modest, this work must be recorded, ha ha."

Ren Bin continued to flatter, and he was very happy in his heart. He was sure of this first achievement. By the way, who said that His Royal Highness Ninth Princess didn't know the ways of the world?

Chapter 271 The Death of a Famous General

On the avenue leading to Baimo City, a long line of troops is marching rapidly, and the commander of the army is Xia Houshang, the only surviving Zhu State veteran general of the Qin Empire.

The young master wanted to attack the dangerous pass of Pingtang, and the empire immediately mobilized the army urgently. The army began to assemble, and the war machine was rumbled into action. However, before the war was officially launched, in order to paralyze the Tang Empire, it was declared to be a routine military exercise.

Xia Houshang knew that he was old and had not had a few years of military career. In this military operation, he relied on his old age to sell his old age and fought against all opinions to win the opportunity to lead the army.

After the news of the successful capture of Pingtang Danger Pass came back, he immediately led [-] assembled troops to attack from Ningyuan City and went straight to Zhuang County.

As the deputy of the old general Xiahou, Sun Jai, the leader of the Qingchuan Legion, stayed in Ningyuan City to gather the army for the time being, and then went out for reinforcements.

The most powerful 5000 camp in the imperial army did not go out with them, but was led by Zhuo Fengxing, the former tiger and leopard cavalry who is now the deputy commander of the Central Army. They boarded the boat from Shaoguan Ferry in Jiayue Province and went down the river. Go straight to Zhao County.

The [-] soldiers led by Xia Houshang were all infantry. The empires in the Central Plains lacked strong and fat horses, and the cost of building a large-scale cavalry unit was too high. In addition, the terrain around Pingtang was not conducive to cavalry operations.

Ningyuan Border Pass is not far from Zhuangzhao Second County, and it can be reached in about a day. It is also an offensive and defensive battle, and there are not many opportunities for cavalry combat, so no cavalry troops were sent to participate in the battle.

However, the senior generals in the army all have their own personal guards, and those with good family backgrounds even bring the family generals who have spent a lot of money to support them. These private soldiers are all tall horses and equipped with high-quality weapons and armor.

Xia Houshang fought hard and won the right to command the army. The first general he chose was his third son Xia Houfu. He completely acted like a virtuous man and did not avoid relatives. Although he caused a lot of criticism, he was suppressed by Li Gang. up.

In fact, many smart people can understand Xia Houshang's deeds that attract people's criticism. The old general Xia Hou is old and his health is not as good as before. Old General Xiahou used his prestige in the army and influence in the court to desperately create opportunities for his son and grandson, striving to enter the core of the Li Group earlier and continue the glory of the Xiahou family.

Everyone has selfish intentions, so the actions of General Xiahou are beyond reproach, and Li Gang, who understands his painstaking efforts, acquiesces.

As a vanguard general, Xia Houfu led 5000 soldiers to open the way ahead. His heart was filled with uncontrollable excitement and excitement. As a warrior, his body was filled with the blood of decisive battles and achievements. During the heyday, there were very few opportunities to fight on the battlefield, so my heart was naturally full of expectations.

With the rumble of hoofbeats behind him and the billowing dust and smoke, more than a hundred riders came galloping, and the leader was none other than Zhu Guo's old general Xia Houshang.

"Pioneer officer Xia Houfu has seen the commander in chief."

Xia Houfu saluted respectfully on his horse. He didn't understand why his father rode the horse to catch up. However, in the army, public is public and private is private. What he did was the salute of a subordinate.

Xia Houshang stroked his long beard under his jaw, and nodded slightly, expressing his satisfaction with his actions.

"This commander ordered you to lead an army to reinforce Pingtang, and we must conquer the second county of Zhuangzhao!"

The old general turned his face and gave an order in a deep voice.

"The last will obey."

Xia Houfu was stunned for a long time before he realized, his eyes turned red, and he quickly bowed to accept the order. His father gave him the opportunity to make meritorious service.

He now understands why his father went out of his way and strived for the right to command the army this time. His father ignored his own reputation damage and fought for them and the Xiahou clan. Perhaps, after this war is over, his father will retire. Behind the scenes, it's time to live in peace.

Xia Houshang watched his son lead the army to rush forward, he shouted, "Let's go!"

Under his leadership, the [-] army turned to the fork of the official road, with the goal of Baimo City, and the task was to prevent the Tang army in Baimo City from threatening to attack the main force of Zhuangzhao Second County from the flank.

Almost at the same time, a partial division of the Qin Empire poured out from Gucheng, pushed forward to Baimo City, and assumed a siege posture.

The other division came out of Jincheng, and also assumed the posture of attacking Changchuan City. Since then, the war between the Qin and Tang empires broke out in an all-round way.

On the spacious official road, Xia Houshang is leading his 3000 partial divisions to march in a hurry. According to the information obtained by Ye Bushou, there is no change in the Tang army in Baimo City, but two days ago, there was a military exercise of about [-] troops. Then enter Zhuang County to rest.

The second county of Zhuangzhao is a small county, and there is no army stationed at ordinary times. The mere 3000 people will only add to Fu'er's military exploits. He is not worried at all. He not only understands the ability of his third son Xiahoufu, but also Have confidence in him.

"where is this place?"

Xia Houshang, who was a little distracted, found that the team was marching in the canyon, and couldn't help frowning and asked the lieutenant beside him.

Strictly speaking, this place can't be regarded as a canyon, but the terrain is a little low. The slopes on both sides of the official road are not high, but it is full of forests, which is a good place to set up an ambush.

"Commander, this is Fuhupo."

A general replied, seeing the worried expression on his face, he hurriedly explained: "Don't worry, the commander-in-chief, Ye Bukuo is exploring the way ahead, and the former army has already passed, and no enemy situation has been found."

Before the words were finished, a bang sounded, and countless figures appeared in the woods on both sides of the official road, followed by arrows raining down the sky.

The Qin soldiers on the march were caught off guard and were shot down on the spot. There were endless screams. Some soldiers instinctively ran forward, some squeezed back, and some stood blankly. For a while, the whole team was in chaos.

"Don't mess up, don't mess up, set up your shields, and form a defense."

The pale and bloodless Xia Houshang roared loudly, commanding the panicked soldiers to set up large shields to block the rain of arrows and form a defensive formation.

These [-] Qin soldiers belonged to the soldiers of the Qingchuan Legion under Sun Jaw's command. They were all elite veterans who had experienced many battles. Put up the big shield and move closer to the towering and fluttering battle flag in the center.

"Zhao Jun, you are in charge of the queen, and I will kill the rest!"

Xia Houshang decisively issued the order. At this time, he could only endure the grief in his heart, decisively gave up the 2000 former army that had passed Fuhupo, and led the main force of the Chinese army to break out of the encirclement.


Amidst the roaring roar, Tang Jun, who occupied the slopes on both sides, rained arrows desperately, smashed down the rolling wood and rocks, and pushed down the flaming fireballs one by one.

Narrow official road, so many soldiers crowded together, the lethality and deterrent power of a fireball is more chilling than the rain of arrows.

The blazing fireball rolled down the slope, hit a person or a tree stump, and exploded immediately. The fireworks splashed all over the sky, and the nearby soldiers were enveloped in it.

The soldiers on fire screamed and struggled, and some rolled down on the ground, trying to extinguish the fireworks on their bodies, but they were trampled on by countless feet. Although the flames were extinguished, people were also trampled flat.

The most merciful way is to use the weapons in your hands to relieve the boundless pain of the comrades who are burning in the fire, so as not to affect more soldiers.

Xia Houshang roared loudly, commanding his subordinates to charge backwards to escape the encirclement.

In the chaos, a Tang army charged forward, forcibly blocking the official path.

"If you want to survive, follow me!"

Xia Houshang roared loudly, waved the iron spear in his hand, and faced the attack of the killing Tang army. Behind him, thousands of soldiers followed closely.

Chapter 272 The Death of a Famous General 2

At this time, all the Qin soldiers who were trapped in the siege knew clearly that if they wanted to survive, they had to break out of the siege. These elite veterans who had experienced many battles roared, followed closely behind the old general Xiahou, and rushed towards the enemy. Tang Jun who lives in retreat.

The two armies collided fiercely like two torrents of steel, blood spattered in the blink of an eye, and the sound of explosive clashes of swords and swords mixed with curses, roars, and miserable howls, forming a tragic battle scene.

"Damn it, strike, strike!"

Commanding the battle on the slope, Ren Bin cursed and stomped his feet, and ordered the troops to attack in a rage.

According to the plan, 2000 soldiers lay in ambush in the woods on both sides of the official road, letting the forward of the Qin army go, and only attacking their main force in the middle. The other [-] soldiers lay in ambush behind them. Army contact.

The Qin army has 1 people, and it is an elite army. He only has 4000 people. He can defeat and wipe out most of the Qin army's middle army. It can be called a perfect ambush, but only if the 2000 people ambushing behind The road must be blocked.

Restricted by the terrain, he could not use a large number of stones and trees to block the Qin army's retreat, so he could only use a dense defensive formation to block it. Then, he took advantage of the panic of the Qin army being ambushed, and first used arrow rain to kill and wound them. A large number of Qin soldiers, and then waved their troops to hide and kill, quickly defeated the main force of the Qin army.

However, Ren Cong, the deputy general who was in charge of commanding the rear army, did not obey his military order and did not deploy a dense defensive formation. Instead, he directly sent troops to attack the Qin army that broke through the encirclement, which completely disrupted his combat deployment. Why not anger him? Get into a rage.

Tang Fei'er, who was standing pretty beside her, also frowned. Although she was extremely intelligent and had some research into military strategy, she didn't know much about specific operations, so the battle deployment was completely left to Ren Bin's command.

However, she also saw that there was a problem. Ren Cong took the initiative to attack. With his 2000 men, he could not stop the large and powerful Qin army who was desperately trying to break out of the encirclement. Ren Bin had to order the entire army to attack in advance.

A cold murderous intent flashed in her eyes. This should have been a perfect ambush, but in the end, it lost its greatest effect because of Ren Rong's greed for merit.

The lieutenant general who broke the big event was also surnamed Ren, presumably he should be a relative of Ren Bin, the army pays attention to clear rewards and punishments, and later she wants to see if Ren Bin really dares to kill his relatives righteously?

Ren Cong was indeed greedy for merit and did not obey the military order. He left 1000 men in formation to block the attack of the Qin army's rear army, and he led [-] soldiers to kill the Qin soldiers who were rushing like a tide, eager to break through.

Ren Cong is Ren Bin's nephew, and his personal strength is outstanding. The iron spear in his hand is as brave as a man. As the iron spear flew up and down, it picked up four or five Qin soldiers who rushed forward.


Xia Houshang rode his horse and charged forward, stabbing with a straight spear, allowing the horizontal spear to block, when there was a bang, the horses that the two stepped down were neighed by the fierce and powerful force, and they retreated several steps.


Xia Houshang continued to charge with his horse, stabbing with the iron spear in his palm, and knocked off one of Ren's guards from the horse.

During the scuffle, no one noticed that his right palm holding the spear was dripping with blood, and the corners of his lips were also faintly stained. In the head-on blow with Ren Cong just now, his mouth was ripped open by the opponent's fierce and domineering force, and his internal organs were almost It's time to move.

He was horrified at the frightening strength of Ren Zong's strength, but he knew that, as the commander in chief, thousands of soldiers followed closely behind him. Once they fell, the army would collapse. He could only grit his teeth and endure In pain, lead the army to charge to break through the encirclement of the Tang army.

Xia Houshang continued to charge forward, and the iron spear in his hand picked up two enemies, but he let them attack from the side, he couldn't dodge, and was hit hard in the back of the iron spear.

Xia Houshang spat out a mouthful of blood, and the whole body fell on the horse, and the iron spear in his hand could no longer be grasped, and fell to the ground by mistake.


A burly one-eyed guard let out a mournful growl, and charged forward with his horse. The iron whip in his palm whipped violently. He beat him so hard that he lost his chance to assassinate Xia Houshang.

Several family members of the Xiahou Mansion swarmed up to protect the seriously injured Xiahoushang and continue to break through. The handsome flag raised high not only pointed out the direction for all morale to break through, but also aroused their desire and fighting spirit to survive.

The two armies are fighting desperately. The so-called brave man wins when the two armies meet. The only way for the Qin army to survive is to break through the encirclement. Come on, the countless lunatics who are desperately hacking and killing, they are timid.

There are of course many benefits to being able to make meritorious service, but you have to be alive to receive the reward. Anyway, you have successfully ambushed the Qin army in this battle, and you already have some military merit. If you die in battle, no matter how great your military exploit is, it will be useless.

Facing the countless lunatics desperately trying to break through the siege, Ren Cong's subordinates finally became timid after fighting for a while. Some timid soldiers had already started to retreat. When someone started, more people followed, while Qin The army fought more and more bravely, breaking through the Tang army's layer after layer of defense.

Ren Zong's headquarters finally collapsed, and the soldiers ran desperately to the slopes on both sides of the avenue. Some climbed too fast, accidentally fell, and were trampled into meatloaf by countless feet in the blink of an eye.

"Hold on, hold on for me."

Ren Cong screamed desperately while tearing up, but in such a chaotic situation, his roar was drowned out by the sky-shattering roar.

The one-eyed guard who was fighting with him was also extremely powerful. Although his strength was not as strong as his, he was desperate to resist his attack.

Ren Cong was killing and commanding the army at the same time. He was desperately trying to restrain his subordinates who were about to flee, so he was inevitably distracted. The one-eyed guard was extremely brave. At the moment when the two sides stepped on each other, he jumped up suddenly and threw him down. war horse.

Ren Cong's guards desperately wanted to rush forward, but were crushed by countless Qin troops rushing by like a tide. Together with Ren Cong, who had fallen from his horseback, and the brave one-eyed attendant, they were all dead in the chaotic battle. live.

As soon as Ren Cong's troops were defeated, another thousand Tang troops who were in charge of intercepting the attack of the Qin army's rear army were immediately defeated. It's completely broken down.

After defeating the [-] intercepted Tang army, Xia Houshang's central army successfully broke through the encirclement and quickly retreated towards Zhuang County. The rear army took cover behind them and slowly withdrew from the battlefield.

Ren Bin and Tang Fei'er could only watch helplessly as the main force of the Qin army broke through the siege. Although the Qin army was defeated, it was not chaotic. The retreat was very orderly. His troops were seriously insufficient, and Ren Cong's troops suffered heavy losses. However, with only two thousand people in hand, it will not be beneficial to catch up.

Furthermore, the battle is not over yet, there are still four or five hundred Qin troops trapped, unable to break through the siege, they did not surrender, and fought bloody to the end until they died and fell down.

In front, Qin Jun's former army also turned around and launched a fierce attack, almost breaking through his defense line.

The forward general of the Qin Army is Li Yi, a general of the Qingchuan Department, and his ability is not bad, otherwise Kong Ning would not have entrusted him with the important task of guarding the border of Gucheng.

The army was trapped in ambush, so he immediately returned to the rescue, and almost broke through the defensive position set up by Ren Bin. Allies join forces.

When the army broke out of the siege, the dazed Xia Houshang opened his eyes, and only had time to order his deputy general Wei Yi to lead the army temporarily, and then he vomited blood again and fell into a coma, and soon lost his breath.

The force of Ren Cong's shot was as heavy as ten thousand catties, and his spine was broken, and the old general Zhu Guo, the only remaining fruit of the Qin Empire, passed away.

Chapter 273

In Zhuang County, the tragic offensive and defensive battle continued.

The soldiers on both sides were fighting bloody battles, the sound of roaring and killing resounded through the sky, the sky was full of criss-crossing arrows, as dense as locusts, and there were roaring grinding stones and blazing fireballs from time to time.

Xia Houfu's expression looked very gloomy. He knew that Zhuang County was a small town. Except for Ya Ding, there was no garrison at ordinary times. Two days ago, a [-] Tang army was stationed during a military exercise. With [-] elite and a large number of siege heavy Weapons, should be able to easily win the city.

It's just that he didn't expect Tang Bing's resistance to be so tenacious. He had already ordered the attack for a whole day. Three thousand soldiers.

His father did not hesitate to damage his reputation, and won this opportunity for him to perform meritorious service. If he couldn't attack Zhuang County, and couldn't reinforce the hussar generals who stood firm at Pingtang Pass in time, what face would he have to face others? "Pause the attack, transfer all the thunderbolt cars to the south city, and concentrate on bombarding the city wall!"

Although the battle was hasty and the army did not have time to assemble, all the heavy siege weapons stored in the arsenal of Ningyuan City were brought by my father, including four hundred Thunderbolt chariots and one hundred Thunderbolt chariots.

The Thunder Chariot is currently the sharpest weapon of the Qin army, and it is also the treasure that the kings of the mainland empires desperately want. For this reason, they did not hesitate to send a large number of secret agents to infiltrate the Qin Empire, hoping to get the design drawings of the Thunder Chariot.

However, most of the spies who were sent out were buried in the mud, and there was no news at all. There were also some crazy dead soldiers who sneaked into the heavily guarded barracks or armory in the middle of the night, and were either shot to death by random arrows or killed by random people. The gun stabbed into a hornet's nest.

In fact, it is still very easy to buy the soldiers of the Shenji Battalion who are in charge of operating these fortified weapons. The general drawing of the Thunder Chariot has been leaked, but several key parts of it have not been resolved. The imitated Thunder Chariot The range is short, the power is powerful, and the parts will be damaged after being used two or three times, so it cannot be mass-produced at all, and it is only equipped with the army.

The reason for this, only a few people know, is that the iron smelting technology of the Qin Empire has achieved a qualitative leap, and it is a level more advanced than the iron smelting technology of all empires.

However, having said that, the technology of the thunder chariot is quite cumbersome, and it is not easy to make. Even if it is formally equipped with various legions, the Qingchuan Legion is only equipped with a hundred vehicles.

Xia Houshang did not invest in the Thunder Chariot in the siege battle on the first day. Firstly, it was because he was reluctant to use it, and secondly, he was a little too underestimating the enemy. [-] elites were against [-] enemy troops, with a large number of Thunderbolt chariots. In theory, it should be completely crushed, which is why the current situation has been created.

The retreating gong sounded, and the attacking Qin soldiers withdrew like a tide, leaving only corpses in various shapes of death everywhere, broken weapons and armor, destroyed towers and other things.

The soldiers of the Shenji Battalion were busy, using mules, horses, and manpower to drag the Thunderbolt carts into the attack position for emergency erection.

"My lord, something happened to General Xiahou."

A pale-faced guard hurried over, and after saluting, he reported Xia Houshang's battle report in a low voice.

"What did you say?"

Xia Houfu suddenly felt his eyes go dark, the sky and the earth suddenly spun, his body seemed to lose its support and became precarious.

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