Wu You felt warm in his heart, but he still had too many things to deal with, so he wouldn't have time to rest.

"Come on, get him out."

Li Wei pointed at Wu You with his bamboo chopsticks, ordered the guards to fight him out, and forced him to rest.

Chapter 268 Female Zhuge

After Li Wei had breakfast, surrounded by guards, he patrolled the city to boost morale.

According to the statistics of the battle reports reported by Wu You, during the whole day of yesterday's defensive battle, the casualties of the soldiers alone, not counting the casualties, were as high as 5000. The battle loss will not exceed 3000 people.

Originally, according to common sense, the defending side relied on the fortified city as a barrier, and the number of casualties should be lower than that of the attacking side. However, due to the serious shortage of troops, all the recruits who entered the battlefield were all recruits. Miracle.

Although the city was defended, such heavy casualties made Li Wei feel very sad. What relieved him was that yesterday's victory boosted the confidence and fighting spirit of the recruits. Many young and strong asked to join the army, just to defend their families , to protect the fields that Li Wei promised to share with them.

Li Wei only recruited 3 young and strong men to make up for yesterday's battle losses, and another 10 reserve troops. If they arrive within three or four days, either the city will be breached, or they will only be able to recruit the elderly and underage boys. This is not the tragedy he wants to see.

All the soldiers were full of energy and fighting spirit, ready to meet the crazy attack of the Tang army, but unexpectedly, the Tang army did not attack the city.

Li Wei had no choice but to order the soldiers to strengthen their guard, and at the same time sent a large number of special forces out of the city to spy on intelligence, and also sent people to sneak back to the country to urge reinforcements.

Yesterday's offensive and defensive battle was dark and the vision was unclear. The Tang army stopped the siege, and the three generals met to discuss matters.

In today's siege battle, the positions at the top of the city changed hands several times, which shows that the defenders' strength is very low. I'm afraid they are young and strong who have just been recruited. It is also the reason why the three generals ordered a crazy attack at any cost.

It's a pity that the tenacity of the defenders was beyond their expectations, and all the ministries suffered heavy losses. In the end, they still failed to break through the city. The three generals had to order to stop the siege, rest and wait for the reinforcements to arrive.

The total strength of the three generals is only 1 people, and nearly 3000 people were lost in the siege on the first day. These are the most elite soldiers they have mobilized. With [-] elite soldiers, [-] new recruits will be killed , to be honest, it's not worth it at all.

The three generals were heartbroken and decided to encircle and not attack for the time being, and wait for reinforcements to arrive before attacking the city with all their strength. After all, 1 troops forcibly broke through the dangerous pass of Pingtang, which seemed a bit weak.

There was no battle today, but there were more than a dozen encounters between the two sides in the barren mountains and dense forests. The special Yebushou, who received special intensive special training, had the upper hand. Only four people were lost in the battle and six were injured. Ten groups of Tang Jun were annihilated at a slight price.

Both sides waited anxiously.

And a few days ago, two days before Li Wei launched a surprise attack and successfully captured Pingtang Danguan, Ren Bin, the guard of Baimo Gate, was entertaining distinguished guests in the mansion.

Ren Bin is a well-known scholar of Qingliu in Yicheng, who is also familiar with the method of marching and forming a formation. He can be regarded as a Confucian general and enjoys a certain prestige in the army.

Such a confidant, but the king of Tang did not appoint him to sit in the dangerous pass of Pingtang, but to guard the important town of Baimo. There are several deep meanings in this.

Baimo County was one of the frontier towns where the Tang Empire invaded the Qin Empire. With such a confidant sitting in the town, the King of Tang was at ease.

Baimo County is an important hub connecting Pingtang Danger Pass and Changchuan City, and it also needs a general who can reassure the Tang King to sit in the town, and at the same time, it also has the deep meaning of monitoring the two counties.

The distinguished guest that Ren Bin received was Princess Feier from Yicheng, the imperial capital. This princess was extremely favored by the Tang King, and she was the ninth among her brothers and sisters. She was also honored as the Nine Princesses.

Tang Fei'er is talented and quick-witted, making countless witty scholars ashamed. She often helps the Tang King solve some trivial matters, so she enjoys the reputation of Zhuge among the girls.

She came to Baimo quietly this time, with the secret mission of her father, because the prince's rebellion was widely involved, which caused turmoil in the court. Because of dissatisfaction, she was dissatisfied, so she ordered the nine princesses to quietly come to Baimo County, and if Li Gu Mowu made any changes, she would supervise Ren Bin and lead the army to quickly put down the rebellion.

There are many eyes of Ren Bin in Pingtang Pass, and any changes in the pass are under Ren Bin's control.

At this time, the people in Pingtangguan were panicked, and the prefect Li Gu's general Mo Wu didn't care about government affairs, and it was normal for the military to relax and the army's morale was unstable. It was also expected by Ren Bin. He didn't have the heart to surrender to Qin, and he would not send out a large army, lest the two of them really be pushed into a hurry, and in desperation, they surrendered to the Qin Empire.

Ren Bin vacated a few upper rooms in his own mansion for the ninth princess to rest, and ordered the servants in the mansion to serve them carefully.

After showering and changing, Tang Fei'er didn't take a rest immediately, but was looking through the information sent back by the eyeliner that had been placed in Pingtang Pass these days.

All the information was as Ren Bin said, and there was nothing unusual about it. She thought about it, and then went through it carefully page by page. She was sure that there was no problem, so she put down the stack of information in her hand. Pick up another stack of information and read it again.

This stack of information was sent back by secret spies lurking in the territory of the Qin Empire, and most of them reported some important news that happened in the Qin Empire in recent days.

When she flipped through a report, her crooked eyebrows slightly frowned. The information on the report was that the Qin Empire had begun to gather troops for military training again.

It is normal for the army to conduct military exercises, but this season is the busiest time when the people are busy planting and farming, or opening up wasteland, but the Qin army gathers troops to conduct exercises, is it not afraid of affecting the work?

Tang Fei'er suddenly remembered something, picked up the stack of information about the Yutang Dangerous Pass and flipped through it hastily, and pulled out a piece of information from it.

This piece of information records the intelligence that the eyeliner discovered that the secret espionage activities of the Qin Empire in Jindu, Pingtang, and Pingtang were frequent. It's a very common thing, but, during the extraordinary period of turmoil in the Tang court, the secret spies of the Qin Empire were active in the dangerous pass of Pingtang, which made her instinctively feel a little uneasy.

Is it just a coincidence?

Women are emotional, but sometimes they rely on their intuition to decide some important things. Tang Feier relies on the intuition unique to women to sense a little abnormality from ordinary and normal information.

After standing in a daze for a while, she ordered her servant Xiao'e to find the map of Cangyun Continent from her suitcase, spread it out on the round table, and looked down.

For some reason, the more she looked at it, the more uneasy she felt in her heart. She felt that it was necessary to remind Ren Bin, and immediately said to Xiao'e, the personal maid, "Xiao'e, go and invite Master Ren here."

Chapter 269 A Fake Show Is Really Done

People in power don't like to be judged by others, and Ren Bin is no exception. It's just that the Ninth Princess has a special status. No matter how upset he is, he dare not show it, and he has to put on an attitude of being taught with humility.

However, he also felt that Princess Jiu's analysis seemed reasonable. Anyway, no matter whether Princess Jiu's analysis was right or wrong, as long as she didn't make her mad, Ren Bin still sent a large number of Yebuyan, a One part went to the dangerous pass of Pingtang, and the other part sneaked into the third pass of Jincheng, Ningyuan Valley City of the Qin Empire, to spy on information.

At noon the next day, the news from Pingtang Dangerous Pass was still the same as the intelligence from the eyeliner a few days ago, and it seemed that there was no change. However, the news from the Qin Empire made Ren Bin somewhat uneasy.

The Qin Empire is gathering troops for a so-called military exercise. Many troops have gathered at the two border towns of Ningyuan Gucheng, and Jincheng also has an army of 35000 people stationed there. It is said that it is a normal change of defense.

It's normal for the army to switch defenses, so it's just a coincidence that Gucheng changed defenses at this time?

Too many coincidences come across one piece, which makes people feel a little uneasy.

Did the Qin Empire really dare to launch a war when the court was in turmoil?Although Ren Bin was uneasy, he still didn't believe that the Qin Empire dared to start a war. Don't forget that the Qin Empire has been weak for many years, and has been bullied by the empire, and the land was cede for compensation. The three prefects of the Qin Empire supported their own self-respect, and the chaotic situation of listening to the announcement and not listening to the tune, but the civil war also severely damaged the vitality, and at least three to five years were needed to recuperate. Even if Li Gang is the hero of the world, when he makes the Qin Empire strong , It will take about ten years for a few yards, right? "My lord, if you were the commander of the Qin army, where would you take the first place?"

Tang Feier half-closed her phoenix eyes, and comprehensively analyzed all kinds of information sent back from Ye Bu Received. The Qin army had made changes at the three border gates. If she guessed correctly, the war is very likely to break out within a few days.

Ren Bin was stunned for a moment, and said without hesitation: "Pingtang!"

He didn't need to look at the map to know that the geographical location and strategy of Pingtang Pass were too important. Fortunately, the late king was wise and powerful, and captured this important pass with powerful force.

Tang Fei'er nodded slightly. She also believed that if the Qin army dared to launch a war, the target must be Pingtang Dangerous Pass. Moreover, the frequent activities of the secret agents of the Qin Empire in Pingtang Dangerous Pass also proved this point.

Whether it's a coincidence or real, we must take precautions before they happen. She suggested that they also use the military exercise as an excuse to send troops to garrison the two counties of Zhaozhuang.

If nothing happens, it's a military exercise.

"His Royal Highness Ninth Princess..."

Ren Bin rubbed his hands, with a bitter smile on his face, he was thinking of suitable words, the court was in turmoil, and Pingtang was affected, making people panic. He sent troops across the border to the two counties of Zhaozhuang, which must have caused Li Gu Mowu's misunderstanding , really drove the two of them to nowhere, and if they failed to surrender to the Qin Empire, they would be in great trouble, and he couldn't bear the responsibility for this crime.

But if Ninth Princess is offended, and he goes back to speak ill of him to the King, he can't bear to go around and have a headache. In the end, although Ninth Princess is talented and intelligent, she is still too tender in terms of human affairs.

He didn't dare to reject Ninth Princess's suggestion face to face, so he made a false response and immediately resigned.

Back in the study, Wu Zhao, the staff member, saw that he was frowning. After asking, he smiled and said, "My lord is too concerned about the feelings of His Royal Highness Ninth Princess."

He muttered in a low voice, and Ren Bin could not stop smiling as he stroked his long beard, and nodded repeatedly. Such a simple matter could not be settled, and he really considered the feelings of Princess Nine too much.

Early the next morning, Ren Bin summoned his confidant General Xiong Baichuan Tan Yifei, and ordered the two to lead 1500 troops from their headquarters to the two counties of Zhaozhuang under the guise of a military exercise.

Both generals have received his secret orders. The team is indeed marching towards the two counties of Zhaozhuang, but the speed of the march will be very slow. Maybe when they arrive at the two counties of Zhaozhuang, the angels have already arrived at Pingtang Pass by the holy order, and neither side will offend. That's the best solution.

Watching the team leave the city, Ren Bin heaved a sigh of relief. When he returned to the mansion, he found out that His Royal Highness Ninth Princess had gone out to play in the mountains and rivers. Seeing that Tang Feier's luggage and most of the attendants were there, he didn't care.

After Xiong Baichuan and Tan Yifei led their troops out of the city, the team slowly marched on the official road.

Suddenly there was the sound of rumbling hooves behind him, amidst the billowing dust and smoke, dozens of riders galloped towards them. After seeing who was coming, both of them were startled. They quickly got off their horses and greeted the Ninth Princess Tang Fei who was galloping by the side of the road. Son.

Surrounded by fifty attendants, Tang Fei'er galloped there, showed off the auspicious dragon pendant of Tang Wang, and ordered the two to speed up their march.

Tang Wang's dragon pendant is engraved with "as if I came in person"

These four words are twice as powerful as Ren Bin's Lingjian. Xiong Baichuan and Tan Yifei were instructed by the eunuch Ren Bin earlier to slow down the marching speed and delay the time. If they arrive at Zhaozhuang two counties later than the angel sent by King Tang, they will complete the mission. Thinking that His Royal Highness Ninth Princess actually used the king's jade pendant to suppress her, the two of them didn't know what to do for a while.

"Bold, you dare not obey the will of the king?"

Tang Fei'er had known that Ren Bin would obey others, so he used sightseeing as an excuse to leave Baimo City, catch up with Xiong Baichuan and the others, and urge them to speed up their march.

"The end will not dare."

Xiong Baichuan and Tan Yifei shuddered in fright, and hurriedly knelt down, bead-sized beads of cold sweat all over their foreheads, is it true that the Ninth Princess is serious? "Listen to this princess' order, the army will start immediately, speed up the march!"

Tang Fei'er held up Tang Wang Yupei and gave the order.

This move completely deprived Xiong Baichuan and Tan Yifei of their military power, and the two generals had no choice but to follow the Ninth Princess dejectedly.

They wanted to send someone back to report to the prefect Ren Bin, but Tang Fei'er ordered his servants to keep a close eye on the two of them. They had no chance, so they could only lead the team forward anxiously.

Camping at night, Xiong Baichuan and Tan Yifei wanted to tell their guards to sneak back and report, but Tang Feier gave them a stern warning, which scared them so much that they dared not send anyone back to report to the prefect Ren Bin.

After two days of rapid march, at dusk of the second day, when the team was still more than [-] miles away from Zhuang County, Tang Feier ordered all the soldiers to get into the nearby dense forest to rest, and at the same time sent a large number of Ye Bushou to Zhaozhuang to wait. County and Pingtang Pass to inquire about the news, and even the Ningyuan border pass of the Qin Empire, she also sent three groups of nights.

Ye Bushou, who went out to inquire about news, hadn't returned yet, and the sky was getting dark. Tang Fei'er ordered the whole army to camp in the woods, and they were not allowed to reveal their whereabouts.

There are many inconveniences in camping in the forest. Although the soldiers were dissatisfied, they were frightened by Tang Fei'er's status as a princess, and saw that she was a weak woman with a body of ten thousand gold, and she lived in an ordinary tent like an ordinary soldier. What a complaint.

In the middle of the night, Ye Bu, who was sent to the two counties of Zhaozhuang, came back to report and found nothing unusual.

Tang Fei'er breathed a sigh of relief, she is now waiting for news of the Pingtang Dangerous Pass and the Ningyuan Border Pass of the Qin Empire.

2 Chapter Seventy

Nearly dawn, Ye Bushou, who was sent to Pingtang Pass to inquire about news, finally came back. There were two groups of 20 people who went there. Only two people came back with injuries. One of them was a collapsed person who escaped from Pingtang Pass. soldier.

The two groups of Yebushou were attacked by unidentified armed men outside Pingtang Pass, almost completely annihilated. Those people were like devils in the dark night. The only Yebushou who survived couldn't help but feel chills every time he thought about it.

Tang Fei'er suppressed the excitement in his heart, and after careful questioning several times, he ordered the two of them to go down to heal their wounds, and at the same time sent flying riders back to Baimo City, and asked Ren Bin to dispatch an army for reinforcements.

After that, she sat alone in the tent and meditated. There was too much information just now, and she needed some time to digest it.

The Qin people attacked Pingtang Danger Pass at night, the prefect Li Gu, the commanding army Ying Yanglang killed Mo Wu, and the [-] defenders were defeated. However, the two counties of Zhaozhuang were not attacked and were still under their own control. Quite a few questions.

That is to say, there were not many Qin troops who attacked the Pingtang dangerous pass at night. Perhaps the secret spies who had been lurking had instigated the rebellion of some former Qin generals such as Teng Shengwen. The city's defenses were lax, and the Qin people used night raids. It was unknown how many people could capture the pass so easily.

The person who planned this operation accurately grasped this rare opportunity. He is a very powerful person. She really wanted to see it.

Tang Feier ordered the guards to call Xiong Baichuan and Li Yifei, and ordered them to lead the army to set off immediately, and they must reach the second county of Zhaozhuang before the Qin Empire's army left the pass.

There are not many Qin troops in Pingtang Pass. Even if she wants to attack and recover the city, but now she only has [-] soldiers and no heavy siege weapons. It is impossible to recover the city. The best way is to defend Zhao. For the two county towns of Zhuangzhuang, stopping the army of the Qin Empire from leaving the pass is tantamount to blocking the rear of the Qin army in Pingtang Pass. As long as the army comes to help in time, it is not a big problem to defend the two counties of Zhaozhuang. There is no food and grass in the army, and no reinforcements outside, so it is not difficult to recover the pass.

Xiong Baichuan and Li Yifei also heard the news of the fall of Pingtang Dangerous Pass. They were shocked and impressed by Tang Feier's intelligence. How could they dare to be negligent?

Along the way, Tang Fei'er gathered two or three hundred defeated soldiers who fled, and when they arrived at Zhuang County, they gathered more than 200 defeated soldiers.

When Liu Ke, the magistrate of Zhuang County, heard that Pingtang Pass had fallen, he was frightened out of his wits. When he fled from the city, he bumped into Tang Feier who had arrived with his army.

Zhao County of Zhuangxian County is a small county with no standing army and only more than 200 yamen to maintain order. Tang Fei'er issued orders as a princess, ordered to step up the construction of Zhuangxian County's defenses, vigorously recruit young and strong, and prepare to stick to the city with all his strength.

She was about to send Li Yifei to lead a team to Zhao County to garrison. Ye Bushou, who went to the Ningyuan border gate of the Qin Empire to inquire about news, finally came back. She sent out two groups of people. Only one person came back alive, but brought back extremely important news.

The Qin Empire has assembled tens of thousands of troops at the Ningyuan Border Pass, and more troops are still being assembled urgently. The old general Xia Houshang of the Zhu Kingdom has led [-] troops out of the pass and is heading towards Zhuang County. According to the speed of the march, tomorrow At noon, we must arrive at the city of Zhuang County.

Tang Feier ordered the guards to take the Yebushou who had made great contributions to treat his wounds. He lay down on the table and stared at the map. If the Qin army wanted to open up the road from Ningyuan to Pingtang, Zhuangxian and Zhaoxian must take it. Zhuang County is the first line of defense at Pingtang Pass, and no matter how much it costs, it must be held firmly.

She summoned Li Yifei and ordered him to take 500 people to Zhao County, recruit as many young and strong people as possible in the city, and build a second line of defense in case Zhuang County fell, and there was still a line of defense to stop the rapid advance of the Qin army.

Afterwards, she ordered Xiong Baichuan to stick to Zhuang county town and wait for the reinforcements to arrive.

At present, there are 2500 soldiers brought from Zhuang County, plus 500 defeated soldiers gathered, and more than 3000 young and strong recruited urgently, with a total force of 6000. Days are enough.

After explaining the things that should be explained, Tang Fei'er immediately left the city and flew to Baimo County on a flying horse.

Halfway there, she met Ren Bin who hurried over with an army of 4000.

Baimo is one of the bridgeheads where the Tang Empire invaded the Qin Empire. It also has a standing army of 1 people stationed like Pingtang Dangerous Pass. Ren Bin is a literati and Qingliu. The 4000 standing army in Baimo City was not only fully staffed, but also very popular with the soldiers. When he heard that the Qin army had captured the Pingtang Pass, he was shocked and hurriedly led [-] troops out of the pass. When he left, he ordered his deputy Xue Shouyi strictly guarded the city, and at the same time recruited a large number of young and strong to prevent the Qin army from raiding.

"His Royal Highness Ninth Princess has a wonderful plan, and the lower officials admire her."

As soon as they met, Ren Bin flattered him. He really admired Tang Feier's foresight.

"My lord is overrated."

Tang Fei'er smiled coquettishly, and briefly described the current situation, which relieved Ren Bin. As long as the two counties of Zhaozhuang are not lost, the situation is not too bad. At least, the chances of recovering the dangerous pass of Pingtang are quite high.

"Master Ren, if you are the commander-in-chief of the Qin army now, will you send a partial division to contain Baimo's reinforcements?"

Tang Feier asked suddenly.


Ren Bin was stunned for a moment before answering. He couldn't keep up with Tang Feier's leaping thinking. However, if he was really the commander of the Qin army, he would definitely send a partial division to attack Baimo City to contain the defenders in the city, so that It was unable to reinforce Pingtang, so that the main force could fully capture the two counties of Zhaozhuang and break through the obstacles of Pingtang's dangerous pass.

Tang Fei'er nodded lightly, turned his head and looked around, "What do you think is the best place to set up an ambush?"

"This place is named Fuhupo. The terrain is good, and it is the most suitable place to set up an ambush."

Ren Bin stroked his long beard under his chin, and couldn't help laughing, "Recovering Pingtang, His Royal Highness the Ninth Princess will be the first credit."

If it is possible to defeat the Qin army and recover the Pingtang dangerous pass, His Royal Highness the Ninth Princess should have made the first contribution, but she is a princess, so naturally she cannot be promoted to a noble, and the king will reward her with some property at most, then all the benefits of the first contribution will fall on him Come on, hehe.

"What is the use of my princess's main military exploits? Master Ren can predict the enemy's opportunity, attack in time, and recover the lost ground. It should be remembered as the first merit."

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