Under the instigation of people's hearts, the people raised their arms and roared. The anger that had accumulated in their hearts for many years finally broke out. They saw hope from despair. Now, whoever wants to take away their hope, they will beat him.

Li Wei and a group of guards were among the common people. Seeing Wu You's generous speeches and successfully instigating countless ordinary people, they couldn't help but feel a little bit of pride in their hearts.

As a time-traveling member, in addition to having golden fingers, he also has another advantage that makes him feel proud. He admits that he has often been a hands-off shopkeeper, leaving all major and minor matters to his subordinates. He is not a qualified leader. However, he grasps The most critical point of being a leader is to be able to employ people, so that all subordinates have the opportunity and stage to show their talents.

The so-called doubting people is not necessary, and employing people is not suspicious. Although his laziness makes his subordinates very busy, he still has a feeling of being trusted and reused. Who would not be grateful and work hard?

Li Wei was still worried about the issue of military strength before, but now, a large number of young and strong people who were instigated by Wu You enthusiastically signed up to join the army, crowding out more than a dozen official recruitment sites.

The recruits who were the first to sign up for enlistment were immediately given a set of leather armor and weapons. These weapons and equipment were dug out from the armory of the Tang Army. Nearly [-] sets of battle armor were gathered, and the recruits who put on the battle armor and held standard weapons looked majestic, which made the young and strong who signed up late envy.

There were 5 young and strong people who signed up for the army at once, and the problem of serious shortage of troops was solved at once. Li Wei was pleasantly surprised but also a little bit worried.

Chapter 265 Battle of the City

Anyone with a little bit of military knowledge knows that recruits who have just joined the army have to go through two or three years of routine military training, and then survive the test of war before they can truly be considered a qualified soldier.

But now, Li Wei didn't have the time at all. These young lads enlisted in the army with the enthusiasm to defend their homes and the country. They could only fight with their passion and instinct. God knows how many survived in the end?

In order to let these recruits grow up as quickly as possible and form combat effectiveness, they are basically matched with new and veteran soldiers, and the old lead the new. 1000 special nights are dismantled and assigned to various units to act as grassroots officers to command them to fight.

The combination of old and new can indeed make recruits grow quickly and form a certain combat effectiveness, but the 1000 special nights are dismantled, and the combat effectiveness is also severely reduced. It can only be made up by the number of people. When the number reaches a certain level, it can still be suppressed. over quality.

Li Wei did not dare to dismantle the remaining nearly 500 special nights and [-] members of the black-clothed guards and dragons. Instead, they were divided into dozens of small teams, serving as a new force for emergency rescue in times of war, and reinforcements whenever there was an emergency.

This is far from enough. Due to the problem of military strength and combat power, even the soldiers of Tengsheng Wenmo's school who are not very powerful are reserved as the main force to hold on to the city, and they will only be used when the battle is tight. .

There are a large number of arrows, city defense crossbows and other weapons sealed in the arsenal of the Tang people, and there are more than two hundred catapults. Relying on the fortified city, as long as the troops and food are sufficient, God knows how much a heavy price will be paid for a storm?

The new recruits who have just joined the army have no time for formal drills. Officers can only seize the time to let their soldiers familiarize themselves with military discipline and understand the importance of military discipline.

The recruits were busy getting acquainted with the military discipline, while the young adults and ordinary people who failed to join the army spontaneously organized themselves to carry all kinds of defense equipment to the top of the city, and rushed to make stretchers, etc., to make full preparations to resist the counterattack of the Tang army.

Li Wei spilled a large amount of Ye Bu Shou to spy on Tang Jun's reaction. At the same time, he organized the people to go out of the city to cut down trees, dig stones, and pull them back to the city. Blocks can be used as stone bombs for catapults.

Li Wei also mobilized women to sew a large number of cloth bags, fill them with soil, and pile them up near the four city gates, so as to prevent the city walls from being knocked down by catapults and quickly fill in the gaps. Er and Dongdong, he racked his brains to figure it out.

After successfully attacking the city, he ordered the release of two carrier pigeons, and urged his father Li Gang to send a large army out of the border for reinforcements. The next time is to wait and prepare for the battle.

In the evening, Ye Bu received the news that the fall of Pingtang Dangerous Pass had shocked the nearby counties, and the guards of the three counties of Jingnan and Yiwu, the capital of Jin, were dispatching troops. It was estimated that three to four days would be the latest. Then you can reach Pingtang Pass.

When the news of the sudden fall of Pingtang Dangerous Pass reached the three counties, the prefects and military commanders of the three counties were startled. They dispatched people to rush to report to the king by [-] miles, and at the same time dispatched troops to prepare Take back Pingtang Pass.

Yu Gong, they must send troops to recover this dangerous gate. Yu privately, due to the impact of the prince's rebellion, the king Longyan is furious, and he is cleaning up the so-called prince's remnant party. Bar.

After repeatedly questioning the defeated soldiers who fled back, the guards of the various counties confirmed that the army of the Qin Empire did not leave the customs and cross the border. During the sneak attack on the city, there were not many troops at all, at most 3000 people at most, if they could not do it well, they could really recover the dangerous pass of Pingtang and make great contributions.

Although the three counties are important towns, they do not belong to the frontier pass. There are not many standing troops stationed there, all around five or six thousand. Gather up the defeated soldiers and recruit the young and strong. While ensuring the logistics transportation, the prefect of the three counties also desperately recruited the young and strong, formed new recruits, and sent them to the front line of Pingtang continuously.

At noon on the fifth day, Jingnan defender Lu Sen led 3000 soldiers and horses to arrive at Pingtang City first. He ordered to set up camp outside the south gate. Set up camp outside the gate. In the evening, Tang Ji, the guard of Jindu, arrived with 3000 troops and set up camp outside the east gate.

The total strength of the three counties is just 1, which is enough to trap Pingtang City to death, but it is still slightly insufficient to storm the city with only a three-to-one force.

The commanders-in-chief of the three counties did not order the siege, but chose to let the tired soldiers rest. The three muttered in the commander's tent for most of the night before they dispersed.

The three are all Ying Yang Lang generals of the same level, and they are united in the army and horses of the county. No one will obey the command of the other. Therefore, a compromise method was finally agreed, and the timing of the siege was unified. However, each fought his own way. Whoever breaks the city first will get the first credit.

Early the next morning, after the whole army had breakfast, the commanders-in-chief of the three counties deployed their troops under the city, followed by catapults to bombard them.

The huge grinding stone flew into the city roaring, smashing buildings one after another, some of them hit the city wall, shaking the ground, the broken stones shot out, and some unlucky soldiers were unable to dodge and were smashed into meatloaf.

After several rounds of boulder bombardment, the fireball attack followed. Groups of flaming fireballs smashed down, blasting out fireworks, igniting buildings, and some unlucky soldiers were hit by the bombing, turning into Burning Man, desperately struggling and shouting.

A group of recruits nearby were stunned by the scene before them. A veteran shot the Pyro man down with his bow and arrow. The fireworks were still hissing and emitting a disgusting burnt smell.

"Learn, don't let Pyro approach you if you don't want to die."

The fireball is woven from weeds soaked in kerosene, and there is a ceramic jar full of kerosene inside. When it hits the ground, the oil jar bursts, and the kerosene splashes everywhere. If it touches a little bit, it will kill your fellow soldiers. It looks a bit cruel, but for the comrades who have become Burning Man, it is actually a kind of relief.

These recruits were thrown into the battlefield without any conventional military training. Faced with the crazy attack of the Tang army's grinding stones and fireballs, each of them was so frightened that their faces were pale and their legs were shaking. If they hadn't just learned military discipline two days ago, they knew there were Those who retreated before the battle cut off this line of military discipline, I am afraid that the dozen or so recruits on the top of the city would have run away in fright.

"If you don't pee your pants in fright, stand up straight for me!"

The officer leading the team roared loudly, his back was as straight as a javelin, and the huge grinding stones and blazing fireballs whizzing past his head didn't make his eyelids blink.

No one wants to be a coward, especially in front of their comrades, even if their calves are cramping. Dozens of recruits imitated their officers, holding their weapons tightly, puffing out their chests, and looking down at the dark enemy army below the city.

"Inhale, inhale again, relax, Tang Bing hasn't attacked the city yet, he is afraid of a ball, so nervous, how can he kill the enemy when his strength is exhausted?"

On the top of the city, the veterans were reprimanding the new recruits, and below the city, the earth-shattering rumble of war drums began to beat, which also marked the official start of the first wave of the Tang army's attack.

Chapter 266 The problem of shells

The Tang army launched an attack at the three gates of the southeast and west at the same time. Inspired by the sound of thundering drums, thousands of soldiers waved their weapons, carrying ladders and pushing heavy siege equipment such as towers and other heavy siege equipment. Next, roaring and launching the first wave of attack.

The catapults of the Tang army were still firing millstones and fireballs, but the soldiers hiding in the tunnels of the Tibetan soldiers had already climbed to the top of the city and entered their respective positions amidst the sound of gongs and the shouts of officers.

The recruits looked at a large group of Tang soldiers pouring in from the city like a tide, their faces turned pale from nervousness, and they broke out in cold sweat. Fortunately, no one wanted to make their companions underestimate them at such a time. One by one, the chiefs who imitated themselves stood behind the battlements with their heads held high, holding the weapons in their hands tightly, breathing rapidly as they watched the enemies rushing towards them.

"Archers, hold on, hold on, listen to Lao Tzu's order, whoever dares to shoot arrows indiscriminately, I will let him parade in the street to embarrass his grandma."

The officers shouted loudly to command their subordinates. Fortunately, Li Wei dismantled the One Thousand Special Ye Bu Shou and assigned them to various units as grass-roots officers. With these veterans commanding, although the new recruits who entered the battlefield for the first time were very nervous, they were not so nervous. Be scared to pee your pants as a deserter.

On the head of Nancheng, Li Wei was lying behind the wall, staring at the Tang soldiers coming from the city like a tide. Beside him, Xiao Liuzi and Xiao Xiaoxiao both looked nervous, each holding a shield in their hands, ready to shield him from the arrows at any time. rain.

"I bombarded Tang Jun's catapult position for me."

Li Wei pointed forward and gave an order to an officer. This officer was one of the persons in charge of directing the launch of the catapult. In modern terminology, he was an artillery observer. He was called to contact the launch of the remote-controlled catapult vehicle.

Artillery is the god of war. Destroying the enemy's artillery in advance can take a certain initiative. The attacking enemy infantry loses the cover of artillery fire, while the artillery on the other side can cover the infantry or bombard the enemy's violent attack at any time. Catapult is this In addition to causing certain damage to the city walls and other buildings, the cannons of the [-]s actually did not cause much damage to the soldiers. The real meaning was to deter and boost morale.

The veterans who have experienced many battles will inevitably tremble under the fierce bombardment of the grinding stones. They are all new recruits, and it is normal to be scared to diaper their pants. Under the attack of the fireball, it was already a miracle that the recruits did not run away.

Bombing out the catapults of the Tang army can not only dispel the fear in the recruits, attack the enemy's soldiers, boost the fighting spirit of the enemy, but also reduce the damage to the city wall, and it is theoretically feasible.

After visually measuring the distance from the Tang Army's catapult position, the officer immediately ran down the city, shouted at another soldier guarding the city, conveyed Li Wei's order, and reported the distance to the target scale.

A catapult calibrated the scale and fired a huge boulder. The impact point was a dozen steps away from Tang Jun's catapult position. It smashed a big hole in the ground and rolled forward for several meters before stopping. The Tang soldiers on the catapult booed a lot, and some soldiers even ran forward, carried the catapult back, reloaded and fired.

After recalibrating the scale distance, dozens of catapults were launched at the same time, and the grinding boulders hit Tang Jun's catapult positions like hail, but the effect made Li Wei almost vomit blood, and only two or three catapults were destroyed. Many stone bullets hit either too close or too far away, failing to cause much damage.

Afterwards, another three rounds were fired, and the effect of artillery suppression and destruction was still unsatisfactory. Only eleven or two catapult vehicles were destroyed, but they failed to cause a devastating blow to the Tang army's catapult positions.

how could this be?

Li Wei scratched his head desperately. The distance on the scale was correct, but the impact point of each shot was different. This should be due to the small reason of the catapult itself, and the main reason should be the different size and weight of the stone bullets.

To solve this problem, the only way is to make stone bullets with almost the same volume and weight. It is impossible to make them manually, so what method should be used?

However, Li Wei didn't have much time to think about this issue. The Tang soldiers under the city had already rushed close, entering the effective killing range of bows and arrows.

"Archer, let go!"

Following the command of the officer, the group of archers shot the first arrow on the string, and then retreated under the command of the officer. The archers in the second row stepped forward two steps, and fired the arrow.

It was the first time for these recruits to touch bows and arrows, and it took them two or three days to make up for it temporarily before they understood how to aim and how to shoot arrows. The first wave of arrows either missed their aim or fell lightly to the ground. There were only a dozen unlucky Tang The soldier was hit by an arrow and fell down.

"If it's a man, give me some strength, or go home and hide under the crotch of the girl."

The officer leading the team almost vomited blood when he saw it, so he could only shout desperately to boost the morale of the recruits.

The recruits who took turns shooting seven or eight waves of arrows began to understand the tricks of archery. The arrows they shot began to look good, and the casualties of Tang soldiers began to increase. However, they also pushed closer to the city.

The soldiers of the Tang Dynasty in these three counties are all standing troops. Even if they are not heroes of all battles, they can be called the elite of the army. The soldiers in the front row hold up their big shields, covering the archers behind them and shooting upwards, so as to suppress the bows and arrows of the defenders at the top of the city. Hands, to cover the sword and shield soldiers to climb the ladder to attack the city.

"Be careful."

On the top of the city, the officers leading the team shrank their heads loudly and hid behind the wall. The recruits followed suit. However, there were still a few unlucky ones who were slow to react and were shot by the arrows shot up from the city. Some screamed and fell, while others screamed and fell to the ground.

The wounded lay on the ground and rolled over, making earth-shattering howls. The bluestone slab was covered with bloody red water, which frightened all the recruits nearby, their calves trembled, and the timid ones vomited directly.

"Shoot me hard, shoot the son of a bitch to death, and avenge my brothers."

The officer waved his sword and shouted, commanding the archers to shoot and kill the enemy. The Tang soldiers had already rushed under the city wall.

"Ha, I shot one... ah..."

A recruit shoots a Tang soldier down with his head. He is so proud of himself that an arrow flies from the city and pierces his neck. He only has time to let out a miserable cry, and falls to the city.

"Archery, archery."

The officer hissed and roared desperately, commanding the frantic recruits to shoot and kill the Tang soldiers under the city wall.

The crossbows erected on the top of the city also began to bombard the slowly approaching siege vehicle towers and other heavy siege equipment. Some veterans took aim at an approaching tower and threw out the oil tank in their hands.

With a bang, the oil tank that hit the tower burst, and the kerosene inside splashed everywhere, and another veteran shot out the rocket that was held between his fingers.

With a bang, the rocket nailed to the baffle of the tower, igniting the kerosene in a blink of an eye, and the entire tall and sturdy tower was soon enveloped in raging fire.

The Tang soldiers who were pushing the towers under the city saw the towers on fire, and quickly pushed them hard, and soldiers fell down from time to time with arrows.

The burning tower was finally pushed to the edge of the city wall. With a bang, the burning baffle was knocked down, and the Tang soldiers hiding inside jumped desperately to the top of the city. One of them was still burning with flames.

Chapter 267 Quantity VS Quality

Howling, a dozen soldiers of the Tang Dynasty jumped up to the top of the city from the tower, waved their weapons, and fought with the guards crowded on the top of the city.

A Tang soldier who was on fire howled and fell on a guard. The two hugged together and rolled on the bluestone slab. They soon turned into two burning men. Fortunately, the veteran who rushed up stabbed him with a spear , Pick up the two burning corpses from the city, otherwise, it will only affect more soldiers.

There were quite a few Tang soldiers in the tower, but they all turned into fire men. They howled in pain and despair, fell to the ground, and turned into flaming fire corpses. Smell the nauseous burning smell.

Not far from the city wall, Tang soldiers below the city built a long ladder against the city wall. The soldiers bit their iron swords, held a shield in one hand and an escalator in the other, and began to climb up.

On the top of the city, the guards smashed down the rocks and logs desperately, poured the boiling hot oil down, and used forks to push the ladders.

Tang soldiers climbing along the ladder were either shot by cold arrows, or fell to the ground by stones and rolling logs, and their heads were broken, or they were drenched in boiling hot oil and screamed, leaning against each other. The ladder on the city wall was pushed down by the fork.

There were also Tang soldiers who climbed up the city wall from the ladders and tore into groups with the soldiers defending the city. These first batch of Tang soldiers who attacked the city were all warriors in the army. They cut down many defenders. The crowd, facing the spear forest and knife mountain, either died in battle or were forced to jump off the city. If they were lucky, they might not necessarily fall to their deaths, but they would also break their limbs and lose their combat effectiveness.

The soldiers on both sides are fighting bloody battles, the mid-air is full of criss-crossing arrows, the sky is covered with blackness, the huge rocks and fireballs falling from the sky like hail, bursting and shooting fireworks, the thundering drums are roaring and the iron weapons are violently colliding The sound, the blazing siege equipment, the corpses covered with broken weapons and equipment converged into rivers of blood, forming a tragic war scene.

In this kind of extremely tragic offensive and defensive battle, the elite veterans have obvious advantages against the new recruits. Often, one Tang soldier can cut down four or five defenders, and the officer leading the team can even kill a dozen defenders by himself. , was pierced by spears like Lin, or forced to jump off the wall.

It was also because Tang soldiers discovered that the soldiers defending the city were all new recruits who had entered the battlefield for the first time. , With the advantage of dense numbers, it forcibly offset the super combat effectiveness of Tang Jun's elite.

However, seeing the high rate of recruits' battle losses, the officer in charge of the battle had to join a combat team composed of special Yebubu, which suppressed the crazy attack of the Tang army and eased the panic among the recruits.

The Tang army attacking the south gate was not as lucky as the east and west gates, because Li Wei personally took charge of the south gate, which not only greatly boosted the morale of the soldiers, but also ordered the guards to attack when the battle was tense, effectively suppressing Tang Jun's crazy attack reduced the casualties of recruits.

Even so, the casualty rate of the recruits was still so high that he was surprised. A total of 3000 recruits from the two schools were invested in the south gate, and nearly half of them were lost in battle. It can only be described as a miracle.

When the Tang army retreated and was about to launch another wave of attack, the remaining recruits were ordered to withdraw to rest, and a large number of recruits entered the defensive position, preparing for a new round of brutal fighting.

With the beating of earth-shattering drums, the Tang army launched a new round of frenzied attack. The soldiers on both sides fought bloody battles until it was getting dark and the Tang army whose offensive was blocked retreated and temporarily stopped attacking the city.

Fearing that the Tang army would attack the city in the middle of the night and the new recruits had little experience, Li Wei ordered to double the number of sentry posts, and at the same time sent 500 members of the black-clothed dragon team who did not participate in the battle during the day to coordinate the guard.

Although Li Wei didn't personally go into battle, but in order to boost morale, he insisted on staying at the front line, cheering for the soldiers who fought bloody battles, his throat was hoarse, and when the battle was over, his legs felt numb and uncomfortable .

However, he insisted on visiting the temporarily established field medical center first, condolences to the wounded soldiers, and earned enough of their tears and loyalty before returning home to rest.

Because all the doctors in the city were conscripted before the war, even those who were usually helpers were forcibly recruited, as long as they knew the simplest bandaging and nursing, it was enough. Of course, the concept of disinfection was also forcibly defeated.

For this reason, Li Wei also selected more than a dozen bodyguards around him to urgently purify a lot of high-grade wine for wound disinfection, prepared a large number of bandages, and temporarily made a large number of simple stretchers. People helped carry the wounded. Therefore, Most of the wounded were bandaged in time to stop the bleeding, and it was rare for the wounded to die due to excessive blood loss.

However, even though Li Wei traveled through the crowd, he didn't know everything. He couldn't get out the anesthetic, so he could only watch the soldiers injured by arrows screaming in pain from the surgical operation and helpless.

He didn't know the formula of black powder, otherwise, even if he couldn't make guns, he could at least make a lot of explosives and grenades to blow up the enemy.

Back at the Prefect's Mansion, Li Wei sat down on the soft chair, and the little Liuzi, who was very good at reading people's hearts, knelt beside him and kneaded his numb thighs, which made him moan.

"You've worked hard today, let's go rest first."

He said softly to Xiao Xiaoxiao, who was covered in blood and had a tired face.

When the battle situation was tense, he ordered the guards around him to join the battle. Both Xiao Liuzi and Xiao Xiaoxiao shot several times and killed hundreds of enemies. All were wounded, showing the brutality of the battle.


A warm current surged in Xiao Xiaoxiao's heart, she responded sweetly, turned and left, approaching the door, her footsteps froze, and she said softly: "You should rest early, don't work too hard."

After speaking, she felt that her cheeks were hot, and she hurriedly lowered her head and left.

The guards quickly boiled the water, and Li Wei soaked in the warm water comfortably, humming with pleasure.

After soaking in the bath, he hurriedly took a few mouthfuls of food, then lay down on the big soft bed, and soon fell asleep.

When he woke up early the next morning, the guards reported that the night was safe and sound, and that the Tang army did not use the night to cover the attack on the city. Li Wei breathed a sigh of relief, and while he was enjoying his breakfast in a happy mood, Wu You, the military commander of the right, hurried in and presented yesterday's battle report.

Li Wei took the battle report, but didn't read it, but put it on the table casually, and ordered Wu You, who had a tired face, sunken eye sockets, and bloodshot eyes: "Old witch, the body is the capital of the revolution. If you are going to be exhausted, what should I do? Go and have a rest. "


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