According to the young master's preliminary idea, after the first ship model is built and the sea trials are successful, mass construction will begin. His Red Maple Navy will be equipped with priority, at least twenty iron-clad ships and forty large iron-clad warships, followed by It was Ding Tai's Jiayue Navy's turn, just thinking about it made him go crazy with joy.

What makes him even happier is that the young master trusts and reuses him, entrusts him with guarding Juyun Pass and Shuiyun Pass, and attaches great importance to sailors, so that he sees the hope that he can flex his muscles and not risk his life Who else would you sell it to such an enlightened master?

With the general blueprints and ideas provided by Li Wei, and even the determination of the direction, twenty scientific and technological elites full of energy and passion devoted themselves to the research of new warships, and they were too busy to return home. Then act as a shopkeeper, and go to the school to fiddle with it as soon as you turn around.

The school is run by the government, and only the children of shipbuilders are enrolled. Tuition, textbooks, desks and chairs are all free. Due to papermaking technology, paper is still very expensive, and ordinary people can’t afford it. The craftsmen rush to make a batch of sand tables for the children to use as paper. It can write without spending money, which is very affordable.

Xiao Xiaoxiao was a little puzzled. Someone spent so much effort and passion to come up with the design of the scientific research bureau and the armored warship. Not to mention that the navy commander Zhou Bo and all the craftsmen were eagerly waiting for the first A model ship was released for sea trials, and even she herself was eager to see what the iron-clad warship looked like, but someone just let it go at this moment and went to tinker with some school, didn't she want to make people die of curiosity? "Miss Xiao, the young master has great ambitions, and his talents and learning are second to none in the world."

Little Liuzi solved the mystery for her in a low voice. This little lady Xiao is one of the future mistresses, so it is necessary to please her.


Xiao Xiaoxiao nodded approvingly, feeling inexplicably warm and proud in his heart. Although the little six seemed to be flattering, what he said was true. A certain person was indeed so evil that people wondered if he was from people?

Regardless of whether he is a man or a god, there is one fact that cannot be changed, he is her man, even though she hasn't gotten through yet.

Thinking of this, her heart was filled with incomparable resentment, even her teeth itched with hatred, if you say he is a wooden man, he hooks up with you whenever he has time, if you say he is a big wolf, it seems like And ignoring the existence of such a delicate, soul-stirring beauty like her, do you have to let others abandon the reservedness of the daughter's family and take the initiative to deliver it to the door to see it?Xiao Liuzi didn't know that Xiao Xiaoxin was full of incomparable resentment at this time, and said in a low voice: "Miss Xiao, don't think that the young master is a shopkeeper, it seems to be very leisurely, in fact, this is one of the young master's advantages. "

That's not how flattering is done, is it?

Xiao Xiaoxiaoliu frowned slightly, her bright phoenix eyes were somewhat puzzled and somewhat dissatisfied, if this guy only knows how to flatter, it is really not suitable to stay by someone's side to serve.

Little Six didn't seem to see her dissatisfied look, and then explained: "Young master often said that laymen ordering experts will only make things worse?"

Xiao Xiaoxiao smiled shyly, her phoenix eyes were full of apology, after Xiaoliuzi mentioned it, she understood at once, the so-called doubting people is not necessary, and employing people is not suspicious, if you use someone, you have to let them do it, who knows the reason? I understand, but how many people actually do it?

Now that I think about it, it's really a great advantage of this guy, hey, it's just that this guy will flirt with women and show mercy everywhere, which makes people feel very uncomfortable.

But, then again, a man as handsome and coquettish as he, with all kinds of dazzling halos on his head, is really the perfect handsome man in the hearts of all the young ladies in Huaichun. You can't blame him all, if you want to blame, you can only blame a lot of women who don't know how to keep themselves clean.

Having stayed by someone's side for a long time, seeing all his amazing and admiring monsters, Xiao Xiaoxiao didn't seem to realize that the balance in her heart had unknowingly tilted towards him.

Li Wei didn't hear Little Six's comments about him, and he didn't know that Xiao Xiaoxin was full of resentment. In later generations, he once heard a retired old cadre in his neighbor occasionally bring up the topic of being an official after drinking. One of the sentences is that a leader does not know how to do everything personally, as long as he can employ people, he will not be afraid of losing performance if he employs the right people.

In ancient times, there were also doubters who did not use it, and it was said by people without doubt. This is the most reasonable saying. Therefore, Li Wei copied it and imitated it.

After half a month of busy work, the government-run school for the children of shipbuilders has officially opened. As for the number of students and the quality of teaching, Li Wei is too lazy to care about it. The oars have been successfully tested, and the large paddles matching the armored warship are currently being built. The keel of the first ship model has also been poured and hung in a large dock. Workers are nailing thick wooden boards according to the drawings .

Li Wei knew that it would take at least half a year for the building of the ship model and sailing tests, and it would be a year later before the first real iron-clad warship was launched. Therefore, he was ready to go back to Chang'an.

The disaster situation in Hongfeng Province has been brought under control, and the victims have been properly resettled. New villages are under construction, and brand-new two-story buildings are being built.

Shuiyunguan and the navy camp are still under intensive construction. In order to prevent the surprise attack of the Wei Empire, He Jin, the leader of the Hongfeng Legion, has deployed an army of 5000 people on the riverside and built a temporary defensive position.

According to the report of the sailors sent to investigate the waters ahead, the Wei Empire is also stepping up the construction of fortresses by the water, and it seems that they have no intention of sending troops to attack.

What reassures him is that the affected areas have been recultivated and cultivated, and the cultivation season of rice and other crops has not been missed. As long as there are no natural disasters and the weather is smooth, there will still be a good harvest.

Everything is going in a good direction, Li Wei is naturally relieved, he has decided to return to Chang'an tomorrow, today is his last day to inspect the shipbuilding workshop.

Because of the establishment of government-run schools, the children all go to school. Apart from the noisy crowds in the large docks by the river and the wood processing workshops, if there is no urchin in a large shipbuilding workshop, it will be more difficult. It was quieter before.

At noon, Li Wei was already planning to leave, go back and have a good rest, and leave tomorrow. Surrounded by a group of guards, he was walking towards the gate.

The gate was guarded by soldiers, and no one else was allowed to enter. At this moment, a middle-aged woman in plain clothes held a bamboo basket and said something to the soldier guarding the gate. The soldier waved his hand and let the middle-aged woman walk into the workshop camp.

There was only one road going in, and the middle-aged woman walked slowly towards Li Wei and the others.

Among the twenty technological elites, Lu Aniu was the most eloquent. He was in charge of accompanying Young Master Li to explain some situations and so on. Zhou Bo and other naval generals also accompanied him.

Seeing the middle-aged woman walking towards him, Lu Aniu froze in his footsteps, with a strange expression on his face.

2 Chapter Forty

In the shipbuilding workshop, it is common for family members to give something to the workers. Lu Aniu just wondered that the middle-aged woman was a bit unfamiliar.

There are nearly a thousand workers in the entire shipbuilding workshop, but most of them come from several neighboring counties near the Nu River. Many people of the same clan live in the same street. The neighbors take care of each other, and they are basically familiar with each other. What relatives do they have at home? Friends, you know how many cats and dogs you have.

Perhaps a new relative of one of the workers?

Lu Ah Niu felt that there was nothing wrong with it, but Little Six saw all the stunned expression on his face. He was slightly stunned, and once again focused his gaze on the oncoming middle-aged woman. The cold light flashed and disappeared, and with one step, he was already in front of Li Wei.

The middle-aged woman was very ordinary, she looked no different from ordinary poor housewives, but her right hand holding the bamboo basket was white and slender, definitely not the hand of a poor woman who worked hard to manage the house.

Xiao Xiaoxiao was also alarmed by Little Six's movement. Without even thinking about it, she immediately stretched out her hand and dragged Li Wei back.

"Take it!"

The middle-aged woman approached by Xiao Liuzi's fingers, her voice was soft and shrill, very harsh, making it very uncomfortable to listen to.

Most of Li Wei's personal guards are elite veterans carefully selected from the army, and a few are rangers with excellent martial arts skills. Their reactions are very fast, and several people have already drawn their swords and rushed out.

The middle-aged woman let out a low cry, flung out the bamboo basket in her hand, flipped her wrist, and a dagger gleaming with cold light appeared in her palm, and rushed towards Li Wei.

A guard let out a loud roar, rubbed his body and rushed forward, the iron sword in his hand turned into a spear, and slashed at the face of the middle-aged woman.

The middle-aged woman took a step across and avoided the fierce attack of the guards. The dagger was like a shooting star, piercing his throat.

The guard didn't dodge or block, the iron sword in his palm slashed at the middle-aged woman's head fiercely, it was a blow that hurt both sides.

The middle-aged woman frowned and twisted her body helplessly to dodge. Although the sword she stabbed could pierce the guard's throat, but the guard's fierce slashing sword could also split her in half, one life for another. Life, to her, is not worth it at all.

She was ordered to assassinate Li Wei, and she came here with the determination to die, but her life can only be exchanged for Li Wei's life.

The middle-aged woman's skill was extremely powerful. She twisted her body to avoid the falling iron sword, and with a flick of her wrist, the short sword in her palm stabbed out like lightning.

The blood burst out, and the guard screamed and fell down. However, although there was only a slight delay, she was surrounded by dozens of guards who rushed forward.

"I come."

Amidst the soft and sharp ear-piercing sound, Little Six jumped up and jumped over the heads of the guards. He was in mid-air, with his five fingers like hooks, and quickly grabbed the middle-aged woman's celestial cap.

"Caught alive!"

Xiao Xiaoxiao, who was protecting Li Wei, hurriedly reminded loudly that the assassin who dared to assassinate must be instructed by others, and only by being captured alive can he ask the assassin who the mastermind is.

The middle-aged woman was originally a deadly assassin with a high level of cultivation. The little six son's claws made her pupils shrink suddenly, and her heart was inexplicably horrified. The power of this claw can only be felt most deeply by her in it, the power of incomparable femininity It gave her a desperate feeling of being stuck in a quagmire and unable to move.

There are such top experts beside the target, even if the head master personally makes a move, it may not be able to get the slightest advantage.

She couldn't do it now if she didn't try her best, the short sword in her palm stabbed Xiao Liuzi's face, and ignored the iron claws that grabbed him, planning to fight to the death together.

Xiao Liuzi was in mid-air, his wrists flipped, his claws turned into claws, his five fingers rested on the sharp blade, the dagger made of fine iron was like a wooden one, snapping when his fingers snapped.

With a bang, the middle-aged woman was kicked heavily in the chest, spurting blood and flying, and fell heavily onto the muddy floor.

Before the guards all around rushed up, the middle-aged woman endured the severe pain in her spine, jumped up from the ground, raised her hands together, sprinkled a handful of iron bullets, and then slashed her throat with one palm, her whole body collapsed. The empty rice bag fell limply.

Several guards rushed forward, confirming that the assassin was dead, and were about to search her body, but Xiao Xiaoxiao stopped her, "There is no need to search, just bury her."

This kind of dead men only came to kill the target, and they didn't want to leave alive at all. It is impossible to carry objects that reveal their identities. Frustration Hall cultivated such dead men, but they were filled with Ding Xi's black-clothed guards. inside.

"Bury her well."

Xiao Xiaoxiao said softly, although he is an enemy, such an enemy who regards death as home is still worthy of respect.

Seeing all the guards looking at Li Wei, she suddenly remembered who the real person in charge was, and she had overstepped her authority a bit, so she couldn't help feeling uneasy, and glanced at Li Wei.

Li Wei returned a spring-like smile, waved his hands and said, "Are you deaf?"

Xiao Xiaoxiao took a deep breath, but her bright and clean cheeks flushed red, her heart was beating wildly, this guy's smile seemed very seductive.

"It's all the fault of a humble position, please forgive me, young master."

Zhou Bo knelt down to plead guilty, and there was an assassination incident in the shipbuilding workshop. Generally speaking, as the highest military officer in the area, he was at least responsible for lax guards.

"It's not your fault, General Zhou please."

Li Wei's hands were empty, how could this kind of thing be blamed on Zhou Bo?He is not bureaucratic enough to blame his subordinates at will because he is unhappy, otherwise how can he make his subordinates work hard? "The workshop is an important place for the military. In the future, security and protection will be strengthened, and more guards will be set up. Miscellaneous people are not allowed to enter, and family members are not allowed. If there is an urgent need to find someone or send something, let the guards be responsible for notifying the workers."

"Yes, Master Xie."

Zhou Bo stood up after kneeling and thanking him. He was both embarrassed and moved. What was embarrassing was the incident of assassinating the young master in the workshop. What moved him was the generosity and trust of the young master. who?

Li Wei did not pursue the assassination incident, and Zhou Bo did not dare to order soldiers to search the whole city, but sent a large number of soldiers disguised as civilians to investigate secretly, but it was in vain, because the assassins did not leave any clues.

Early the next morning, Li Wei and his party left Juyun Pass after breakfast.

"What are you thinking about?"

Li Wei, who was lying comfortably in the carriage, suddenly lifted the curtain, stuck out half of his head, and asked Xiao Xiaoxiao, who was guarding beside the carriage.

"Thinking about assassins."

Xiao Xiaoxiao was slightly taken aback, and then answered truthfully, she was indeed thinking about the assassin, Li Shi had too many enemies, and she couldn't be sure who was behind the scenes.

However, Li suddenly took the initiative to strike up a conversation, which more or less made her feel a little unnatural, but there was another feeling in her heart.

She has been serving as someone's personal bodyguard for a while, and such a delicate and beautiful woman is guarding her side. This guy seems to be blind, and he didn't see her existence. What's the matter today, the sun rises in the west up?

Chapter 241 Finding Out

"This matter... let's forget it."

Li Wei had a wry smile and helplessness on his face. If there were clues, he would of course pursue them until he caught the mastermind behind the scenes.

There is no clue, how to check?

There are too many enemies of the Li family, anyone could plan this assassination. Of course, the imperial party in Chang'an is the most suspected one, but there is no evidence. In addition, Li Wei has been assassinated several times, so he is almost used to it. , I feel that there is no need to waste energy on such trivial matters.

The little six sitting on the shaft frowned, is this a trivial matter?

And let alone forget it, the real culprit behind the scenes must be found out, but he knows that he is not suitable to speak out, but is suitable to mention this matter, and the one who can convince the young master is the prime minister, the prime minister's wife, or the two military advisers on the left and right. It's just wine.

Xiao Xiaoxiao also frowned slightly, and she also had the same thoughts as the little six sons. This matter can't be left alone, but she doesn't have the ability to speculate like the little six sons. She only knows that she can restrain the young master and let him The only one who changed his mind was the old lady Su Yuejiao. After she went back, she would mention this matter to the old lady, which could be considered to please her future mother-in-law.

Li Wei didn't know how complicated her thoughts were, so he smiled and said, "Are you tired, come up and sit for a while?"

"Ah... what?"

A sudden sentence, like a thunderbolt in the clear sky, scared Xiao Xiaoxiao so much that he almost fell off his horse. Is the sun really coming out from the west today?No, if you don't have anything to show courtesy, you can either rape or steal!Li Wei repeated what he said just now with a smile, and added deliberately, "I'm worried that you are exhausted."

"Not tired."

Xiao Xiaoxiao, with blushing cheeks, replied stiffly, and then turned her head to look around anxiously. Fortunately, the guards around were all staring straight ahead, with expressions as dull as stone sculptures.

She quietly took a deep breath, this guy, coming up so suddenly, can really scare people to death, don't even look at the occasion?

However, there was still a warm current in my heart.


With a hot face and a cold butt, Li Wei looked embarrassed, so he had to retract his head and lie down obediently. The journey back to Chang'an was a long journey, and the night was long. Without the company of beautiful women, it was really lonely. He missed it very much. During those days when Qing'er was with her, the rose outside was really a bit prickly, he didn't dare to mess around, lest it would be bloody and painful.

Uh, brother seems to be inseparable from beauties, isn't it too much?

Well, it was all caused by this evil old society.

Li Wei was lying in the carriage, thinking wildly, the cushions under his body were soft, and the carriage was also smoked with vanilla, which smelled very good. Coupled with the bumps and shakes of the car, he quickly closed his eyes and let out a sound of sleepy snoring.

This road is slow, the sun is shining, the spring breeze is warm, everywhere is green, and there is a scene of vitality. People are busy farming everywhere in the fields. If the weather is good, it will definitely be another good harvest.

Half a month later, Li Wei and his party returned to Chang'an.

Back in the mansion, Li Wei first went to greet the 13 aunts and daughters for safety, lest they worry, and after making all the aunts and daughters happy, he went to find the cheap father. The father and son murmured for a long time in the study.

Su Yuejiao was instructing the maids in the mansion to set up a banquet to clean up the only single seedling of the Li family. A maid approached and said something in a low voice. Su Yuejiao walked out of the hall calmly and stepped into the lush and green garden. garden.

"Xiaoxiao has seen Madam."

Xiao Xiaoxiao, who had been waiting in the garden for a long time, bowed down and saluted quickly, with a respectful expression, but also a little bit nervous and uneasy.

Facing the future mother-in-law, this reaction is normal.

"Well, what's the matter, Miss Xiao?"

Su Yuejiao accepted this gift with great thorns. Regardless of her seniority or seniority in the world, she can afford this gift. Besides, she is still a future mother-in-law. If Xiao Xiaoxiao wants to enter the Li family, she must first get her this gift close.

Xiao Xiaoxiao carefully told about the assassination incident in the shipbuilding workshop, then shut his mouth and stood aside obediently.

"Why didn't those bastards report it?"

Su Yuejiao's pretty face sank, and her phoenix eyes flashed with a threatening coldness. Wei'er is the hope of the Li family, and no accidents are allowed to occur. No one reported this group of guys after they came back. It's just the opposite.

"Xiao Lang-jun won't let..."

Xiao Xiaoxiao replied smartly, in front of this future mother-in-law, all the worldly habits have to be abandoned, and only by showing the demeanor of a lady, can she enter the eyes of the future mother-in-law and please her.

"This can't just let him mess around."

Su Yuejiao frowned, how could this matter be left alone?Investigate, must investigate, and find out the mastermind behind the scenes! "Go, call me Ding Xi."

Su Yuejiao ordered the maidservant beside her to turn her head to look at Xiao Xiaoxiao, her phoenix eyes were a little softer, although Xiao Xiaoxiao just told her about this and didn't say anything else, but she knew what she meant, it couldn't be like this Forget it, for Li Wei's safety, we must thoroughly investigate and find out who is behind the scenes.

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