Although this girl is a little clever, but she is also thinking about Wei's safety, and she also intends to please herself, so it's okay to be so-so.

Su Yuejiao had some prejudices about Xiao Xiaoxiao's identity before, and was even wary, until the entire Frustration Hall's forces were annexed and divided, Zhang Fenghua honestly did not make any changes, and Xiao Xiaoxiao also did his best to protect Li Wei's safety, Only then did she dispel her prejudices and worries, and now she officially accepted Xiao Xiaoxiao.

Xiao Xiaoxiao didn't know that she had passed the "examination" just now. She felt that although Su Yuejiao's eyes were gentle, they carried a penetrating insight, which made her even more embarrassed and uneasy.

Sensing her nervousness, Su Yuejiao smiled slightly, stretched out his hand, held her little hand, and said softly, "Brother Wei's safety is in your hands."

"Yes, ma'am."

Xiao Xiaoxiao answered quickly, the stone stuck in her throat fell down with a slam, and she couldn't help but quietly took a deep breath.

"Ding Xi met Madam, Miss Xiao."

Ding Xi hurried in, saluted Su Yuejiao first, then saluted Xiao Xiaoxiao, and then stood with his arms down, waiting for Su Yuejiao to speak.

Just now, Little Six had said something to him. If his guess is correct, Madam must have summoned him because of the Young Master's assassination.

Listening quietly to Su Yuejiao's words, Ding Xi pondered for a while before expressing his thoughts.

In fact, for the assassination incident in the shipbuilding workshop, he had already received a letter from Fei Ge from his subordinates, and he had reported it to Prime Minister Li Gang, but Li Gang said that Li Wei should handle it himself, and Li Wei didn't want to pursue the matter, so he So he suppressed this matter, without thinking about it, but Xiao Xiaoxiao told his wife about it.

He was not dissatisfied with Xiao Xiaoxiao in his heart, on the contrary, he was a little grateful. Regarding the assassination incident, he also had the idea of ​​pursuing it to the end, but the young master didn't have that intention, and he didn't dare to investigate it with a big fanfare. Now, Su Yue, who is eager to protect the calf Once Jiao had spoken, he could justifiably organize manpower to handle the matter.

Chapter 242 Battle of the Gods

"Everyone opened up and drank."

Li Gang raised his wine glass to greet the guests. It was originally a family banquet for Li Wei to wash away the dust, but it turned into a banquet. The dozen or so guests present are all the core members of the Li Group.

Although it is open to drink, but no one really dares to get drunk, everyone here is the two sets of think tanks, Li and Li, and even Wu You, the right soldier who is recuperating from illness, has come. It must be that the prime minister has something important to discuss , if you can't even see this, you don't deserve to sit here and enjoy fine wine.

After drinking and eating, the servants removed the remnants of the seats and put out fruit snacks and tea. The guards guarded the entire hall and no one was allowed to approach. This was also a sign of important meetings in the mansion in the past.

Li Gang coughed lightly and started the topic of the meeting.

The main topic of tonight's meeting is the question of whether or not to pursue the mastermind behind the scenes.

In fact, in his opinion, this matter is dispensable, big or small, he has been stabbed no less than a hundred times in his life, and he has long been used to it. As long as he strengthens his defenses and is cautious, he should be able to save himself from danger, of course. , if there is a clue, it will naturally be traced to the end.

Furthermore, the father and son have also discussed in private, Li Shi has too many enemies, and there may be everything, so there is no need to waste time, energy, manpower and other resources on such matters without any clues.

However, during the meal just now, the wife who had never interfered in government affairs brought up this matter for the first time, and her attitude was very firm, forcing Li Gang to compromise.

He is very aware of his wife's temperament, Brother Wei is her lifeline, whoever dares to touch Brother Wei, she will fight to the death, if the matter is not investigated, the wife will do it alone.

Li Wei didn't expect that the so-called important meeting was actually about this matter, and judging by the posture, there was a tendency to make a big one, he couldn't help but wryly smiled, didn't they all agree before, why did you bring this up?

Li Gang also looked helpless, and he gave a thumbs up to compare.

Li Wei could only scratch his head and sigh. The cheap daddy's gesture was referring to the aunt Su Yuejiao. Obviously, the auntie was furious. Under her majesty, cheap daddy had no choice but to surrender.

"Ce believes that we must investigate to the end."

Tian Ce, who was the left army division of Hussar General's Mansion, was the first to stand up and explain his views and suggestions, as well as some dissatisfaction with Li Wei.

According to his point of view, Li Wei is the only legal heir of the Li family. Everyone has bet on the Li family. Therefore, the Li family cannot fall, and Li Wei cannot have any accidents. His safety must be strengthened. Security work, let alone let him risk easily.

Although no clues were found in this assassination incident, we should also plan for the last rainy day. It is necessary to intensify the infiltration and reconnaissance of secret spies. You must also understand and be familiar with the rivers and lakes.

This proposal, some people are against it, some people are in favor of it, most of the supporters, and Su Yuejiao originally had this idea, Li Gang agreed to this proposal, set up a department in the black guard, and the staff will be drawn from the black guard to form it. Ding Xi is still in charge of the above, and another person in charge will be added.

The unit dedicated to killer assassins was named "Skynet,"

The person in charge is to be determined.

In the end, it was Li Wei's suggestion that Zhang Fenghua, the former frustrated master, preside over Skynet. She is an old Jianghu, so it is perfect for her to take charge of this job. In addition, Wang Chengzong, the former Jiayue headhunter and now a lieutenant of the Central Army Corps, was transferred as the leader. deputy.

Wang Chengzong has been a headhunter for many years and often contacts with various people. He is also a seasoned veteran. He has rich experience, calm and capable, and has a keen insight and detection ability comparable to others. He is qualified for this job and has the intention of restraining Zhang Fenghua.

This matter has been settled in this way, and the next step is to discuss the issue of various rumors flying around in the sky recently.

At the beginning of this topic, everyone, including Li Gang, showed a rather weird expression, but they all had the same feature, that is, everyone grinned and looked very happy.

Although the rumor of the flying dragon in the sky is depressing, it is undoubtedly a great thing for the Li family who controls the government and the world's cavalry and all the supporters of the Li family.

If it is really destiny, and the young master ascends the throne as a great treasure, they are all founding fathers who have made great contributions to the dragon, enjoying the glory and wealth, who wouldn't be happy?

Nowadays, the rumors of the flying dragon in the sky have spread to every corner of the empire, and they can't be banned even if they want to. What's more, people from the Li family are just pretending to respond, and most of the time they turn a blind eye. If you don't use this kind of god's great killer, your forehead will definitely be pinched.

However, before the time comes, you have to pretend when it’s time to pretend. In the past few days, the government officials have been extremely busy, and the prisons of the government government are full of people. These people were arrested by the government officials for talking about this matter I got up, was locked up for a long time, had some symbolic ideological education, and then released me back home.

The "Empire Briefing" sponsored by the Li family and the "Imperial Times" sponsored by the imperial party faction were extremely lively. The young and old scholars of the imperial party took turns to advocate the imperial system, promote orthodoxy, and criticize people with evil intentions Spread rumors to confuse the public, criticize those in power for not doing anything, allow the rumors to spread, and demand strict investigation by the government. Those who spread rumors and confuse the public should be beheaded to show the public.

The articles published in the "Empire Briefing" also promote the imperial system. It seems that they are supporting the imperial party, but more articles are full of stories about some gods and gods. The entire continent is theistic. The godly stuff is more acceptable, more deeply rooted in people's hearts, and more confusing.

There are gods standing three feet above your head. If you try to defy the sky, what kind of retribution will you get?

So-and-so in a certain village in a certain place just didn't believe in gods and defied God's will. As a result, a family of five disappeared mysteriously, and even the body has not been found so far.

Such-and-such a magic stick was quite virtuous, and when he was telling people a fortune, he secretly revealed his secrets, and he went crazy and jumped into the river that night.

The two sides seem to have seen each other, but they are actually spitting at each other. However, the imperial party is obviously at a disadvantage. In the continent that believes in gods, the destiny is more popular and can confuse people.

Moreover, since the rumors of the flying dragon in the sky, the "Empire Briefing" has increased its publication efforts. It is published once a day, and the price has even been automatically reduced by half. Knowledge, but holding a newspaper is the trend.

"Empire Briefing" has the secret weapon of movable type printing, and it is easy to publish every day. Even if the price is reduced by half, it is still a flat business that does not lose money.

On the other hand, the "Imperial Times" sponsored by the imperial party is still backward in woodblock printing. The more you get, even if you don't go bankrupt, the shareholders will be so heartbroken that you won't think about eating and drinking, and weep secretly. Prodigals are not so defeated.

Among the folks, the battle between the two factions is jokingly referred to as "the battle of the gods."

Chapter 243 Bulletproof Vest

Above the imperial court, the faction of the imperial party and the civil servants and military generals of the Li family were also arguing fiercely, and they almost didn't use their knives.

Although the two parties spat at each other and quarreled until the sky was dark, the people from the imperial party were very sensible and did not attack Li Wei by name to confuse people, intending to rebel and usurp the throne, and they would jump over the wall when they were in a hurry, which made the Li family and his son anxious , If you really do this, you won’t even have tears when you cry.

They are just holding on to government offices in various places to investigate unfavorable things. They should step up efforts to find out those who spread rumors with ulterior motives and ransack their homes and punish them, and punish the nine clans.

But the civil servants and military generals of Li's faction resolutely fought back. It's not that the government offices in various places are not doing well, but the source of this rumor is impossible to trace, saying that we are not doing well?So what if the prison in the Chang'an government office is overcrowded now?They are all kind and innocent people, but their mouths are a little broken, so we can't just chop them all off like this, right?What should we do if we stir up a civil uprising?Even if this kind of wrangling war of words is fought for ten years, it is impossible to have any results. Even if the imperial party suspects the conspiracy of the Li family and his son, they can't find any evidence. Moreover, they lead the way to Shenhuo themselves, and the dragon breaks out of the water. Flying into the sky, the Nujiang River set off a three-foot wave, and the miraculous event of submerging the village could not be relieved. Some even doubted whether it was really God's will?

Li Wei didn't expect that two Kongming lanterns and a fake paper dragon would disturb Chang'an like this. No wonder everyone looked at him strangely after he came back, as if they were a little more in awe.

Except for Daddy Cheap, there are only a few guards who know the inside story. Li Wei doesn't want too many people to know. Anyway, the more mysterious the better, I wish everyone in the world worshiped him like a god. .

It is said to be a discussion, but it is actually to let Li Wei, who has just returned from disaster relief, understand the current situation, so as not to be accidentally caught by the imperial party. After all, in the eyes of the imperial party, Li Wei has already belonged to the A rebellious minister who can relieve hatred.

According to the news sent back by the inner circle, the imperial party is going to face Li Wei in front of the Queen Mother tomorrow morning. The so-called attack is just for accountability. Those imperial parties also know that they can't bring down Li Wei. .

With this situation in mind, the civil servants and generals of the Li family naturally also made preparations. Li Wei glanced at Wu You, the military officer on the right sitting at the bottom, who was sitting at the bottom. .

After the meeting, Li Wei returned to his gentle nest. All the wives and concubines gathered in the living room playing mahjong to pass the time. In fact, they couldn't play cards at all, but they were all waiting for Li Wei to come back.

"My husband is back."

All the wives and concubines pushed the cards and stood up cheering. The husband had been away from home for a long time. It would be strange to say that he didn't want to, especially when he heard that he was assassinated by an assassin in the shipbuilding workshop. worried.

"Who won the money?"

Li Wei asked with a smile, and stretched out his arms to hug him. Kong Rongyu's cheeks flushed, and she quickly backed away a few steps. Her husband's love made her feel sweet and full of happiness, but it was a bit embarrassing to be intimate in front of so many sisters.

All the girls covered their mouths and laughed lowly. After all, Kong Rong is the first wife of the famous matchmaker, the master of the backyard, even if she wants to compete for favor, she must first let her go.

The potbellied Zhongli Shengnan and Qing'er said a few words, and then they were supported by their personal maids to go back to their rooms to rest. The so-called Xiaobiesheng is newly married, and the husband and other sisters must be as warm as they are. They are inconvenient, so naturally I can't serve my husband anymore, and if I compete for favor, the sisters who are not pregnant will have opinions.

"Sir, I'm sleepy, I'm going back to my room to rest."

Zhuang Xi also resigned tactfully, no matter how much she wanted to be favored by her husband, she had to give way to Kong Rong first.

"Don't worry, play a few rounds of mahjong with me."

Li Wei pulled her back with a smile, "Go and fight in Rong'er's room."

The jade cheeks of Kong Rong and Zhuang Xi turned red, Kong Rong lowered her head and remained silent, Zhuang Xi struggled symbolically, glanced at Kong Rong again, and was half pushed and half pulled by Li Weiqiang.

Playing mahjong is fake, and the absurd nonsense is real. There have been a few times before, but it is too embarrassing. It is often taken as a joke by Qinger and Zhongli Shengnan. Alas, Xianggong is so ridiculous sometimes, it hurts They didn't dare to go out to meet people for several days.

After entering Kong Rong's bedroom, the two girls' personal maids set up the mahjong table, brought snacks and tea, and retreated to the outside room tactfully.

The three wives and concubines sat down and played mahjong. Soon, Li Wei, who was always lucky, took the lead in touching himself, and Kong Rong and Zhuang Xi shyly took off their outer clothes.

Both women are honest people, and because they don't have much interest in mahjong, they are naturally not the opponents of Li Wei, who "invented" mahjong. There are no traces, it's really embarrassing.

These little underwears were also "invented" by my husband, with just such a tiny bit of fabric, they can't be covered, the fabric is still as thin as a cicada's wing, almost transparent top-grade silk, it doesn't seem to make any difference whether you wear it or not.

However, although it is embarrassing, fortunately it is only worn for my husband-in-law to add a bit of fun to the room.

"Haha, touch yourself!"


"Well, I'm willing to admit defeat. Since you gamble, you must have a gamble, no, hehe."


"There is one last game, continue."


"Rong'er fired the cannon, you're stupid."


"Who told you to fire the cannon, hehe..."

The room is full of spring, and the two maids who are waiting outside to serve are blushing, their legs are weak, and their watery eyes are full of strong spring tide and resentment. They are also the so-called room maids, but the young master is too busy, so I don't know when he will take them into the house?

Early in the morning, Li Wei was woken up, and the maids helped him change his clothes and take a shower. After breakfast, he had to go out to worship.

Thirteen aunts and daughters rushed in, and Li Wei, Kong Rong, Zhuang Xi and other women hurriedly greeted them.

Seeing the black armor held in the hands of the maids, Li Wei's head grew big, and he said pitifully, "Ma'am, you don't go to battle, so you don't need to wear this thing?"

He understood what Auntie was thinking, and he was worried that something might happen to him. With this armor, the protection ability was greatly increased, and the safety was a little more guaranteed. It weighs more than [-] kilograms, and it is terrible to wear on the body. Even generals on the battlefield cannot wear it all the time. They only wear it when they are actually fighting, in order to save energy consumption.

"Cheng, be obedient, you are such an adult, don't worry about your aunt and aunts all the time."

Li Wei couldn't resist, under the supervision of the aunt Su Yuejiao, a group of maids hurriedly put on Li Wei's heavy and thick armor.

In fact, the young master looks even more handsome and charming when he puts on this battle armor. Not to mention the watery eyes of all the wives and concubines, even the maids are staring at stars and their hearts are rippling.

Li Wei could only smile helplessly. Wearing this thing is simply looking for self-torture. He has to find a way, otherwise he will wear it every day when he goes out, and he will die of exhaustion if he is not stabbed to death by an assassin.

A flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he thought of the bulletproof vests worn by soldiers of later generations.

Chapter 244 The Poisoner

Surrounded by a group of civil servants and generals, Li's father and son entered the palace. All the veterans of the imperial party they met along the way looked at Li Wei with complicated expressions. Many veterans' eyes were even more murderous. People, the father and son have long been stared at by all kinds of eyes.

Although Li Wei was mentally prepared, he still felt extremely uncomfortable when he was stared at by those elders of the imperial party who were sharp as swords and implied cold murderous intent.

After going to the court, Li Wei handed over the memorial of the disaster relief building Shuiyun Pass and the expansion of the Hongfeng Provincial Navy. Although he sent people to report these things to the court, he still suspected that he would kill them first and then report them. There are all kinds of complaints, but they are helpless. They just yell a few words. What they care about most is the issue of rumors. This rumor is too embarrassing.

Yang Kun, a servant of the Ministry of Rites, went out to question Li Wei, how to explain the rumors that have caused a lot of trouble in the city?

Li Wei glanced at Wu You, his eyelids drooped, and he looked like an old monk who ignored the mundane world.

Wu You giggled strangely, drawing everyone's attention to herself, and then said in a strange way: "There are rumors that Yang Shizhong is pregnant with Liujia, do you believe it?"

These words are poisonous enough!There was a suffocating silence in the entire Golden Luan Hall at first, and then there was bursts of laughter. Some civil servants and generals laughed until their tears burst into tears, and some laughed until their stomachs twitched. They could only support the big stone pillars in the hall, and some squatted Some of them desperately covered their mouths with their hands, but all the muscles in their bodies were twitching.

Of course, all the civil servants and generals on Li's side were the ones laughing, and the emperor's faction showed angry faces and their eyes were as cold as a knife, which was enough to delay Wu Youling tens of thousands of times.

"you you……"

Yang Shizhong from the Ministry of Rites pointed at Wu You, his eyebrows and gray beard stood up, his white and bloodless lips were trembling, and his expression was a bit ferocious and frightening.

"What are you, your sister?"

Wu You hurriedly said: "It's all rumors, why are you so anxious, is it true?"

"you you……"

"You, you, your sister, you can't hold a fart for a long time. You don't use your muscles and bones. You just resign from office and go home to have a grandson. If you live and die, you can still waste a few years of rice and harm a few people. Good girl."

These words are even more poisonous. Although Yang Shizhong is in his dying years, he still refuses to accept his old age. He often calls friends and friends to play in the brothel. Whether it works or not, no one knows.

"you you……"

Yang Shizhong was already in his sixties, and he was already not fluent in speaking, but he was so angry that he couldn't speak, he couldn't catch his breath, his eyes turned white, and he fell to the ground with a thud.

All the civil servants and generals in the hall were frightened to death. It took a long time for someone to react and shouted, "Quick...quickly save people..."

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