The answer is simple, because four bags of sandbags were added, the weight increased, and under the action of the center of gravity, the bamboo baskets were firmly nailed to the ground. What Li Wei expected was that these craftsmen and carpenters could understand the deep meaning of it.

Everyone in the hall was frowning and thinking. The answer was very simple, they all knew it, but it was just the appearance, and the deep meaning needed to be considered.

The entire lobby was silent, so quiet that the embroidery needles could be clearly heard falling on the ground.

After a long while, a dark-skinned young craftsman stood up, and said carefully: "My lord, what you that the bottom of the big boat needs to add weight?"

"What's your name?"

Li Wei didn't answer the question, but asked the other party's name with a smile.

"Respond to your lord's words, grass man Lu Aniu."

The young craftsman answered cautiously, his expression was extremely tense, his two big rough hands were covered with sweat, he didn't know if he said something wrong, but Mr. Li was actually interested in his name?

Chapter 236 Technology Elite

Lua Niu?

Li Wei recited the name of Lu A Niu silently in his heart, how could poor families have the money to go to school, names like Shi A Niu Da Hu Xiao Hu were very normal among the poor.

"Come here, reward Lua Niu with 100 taels of silver!"

Lu A Niu was worried that he had said something wrong and made Mr. Li unhappy, when he heard that he was rewarded with a hundred silver, he was stunned.

Not to mention him, everyone present was stunned, what kind of play is the young master acting in?A guard offered a silver reward, Little Six took it, and brought it to Lu Ah Niu, seeing that he was still stupid, he reminded softly, "Don't thank you yet?"

"Thank you...Master Li."

Lu A Niu came back to his senses, knelt down quickly, and kowtowed to thank him. He was so excited that his body trembled. 100 taels of silver was an astronomical figure for the poor. He worked tirelessly for three or four years. I can't earn this amount every year.

All the craftsmen and carpenters present couldn't help showing expressions of envy, A Niu is not only smart, but also lucky to meet such a kind, easy-going and enlightened official as Mr. Li.

Among them were a few senior craftsmen and carpenters who slapped their thighs with regret. They also thought about this problem in their hearts, but they dared not speak out because of fear. In the end, Ah Niu bumped into the big prize and regretted it too late.

Seeing everyone's expressions, Li Wei couldn't help but feel happy in his heart. This effect is what he needs.

These technological elites are low-status in this society, and sometimes they can’t even afford food and clothing. Just give them a little favor, not only can buy their hearts, but also induce their passion and motivation for creation.

He made a solemn gesture, and after everyone quieted down, he slowly announced a few things that made the craftsmen and carpenters so excited that they almost wanted to kneel down and worship.

As a time-traveler, Li Wei certainly knows the importance of scientific and technological talents. He has long wanted to set up a serious scientific research department, but because of various reasons such as confidentiality, the scientific research department was not formally established, but was set up in the military workshop. The small frame of the craftsman department is limited to iron smelting technology to create weapons and equipment. After inspecting the shipbuilding workshop, he made up his mind that the scientific research department must be formally established.

The theory and plan are easy, but it is a headache to actually implement it. There are too many aspects involved. The most important thing is the confidentiality system. It would be more appropriate, Ding Xi would report directly to him, and the secrecy would be stronger.

It will take some time for the scientific research department to be established, but he can build a small shelf in the shipbuilding workshop like the military workshop, so that the scientific and technological elites of these empires can reap the sweetness and stimulate their enthusiasm for creation.

In terms of remuneration, it is naturally slightly better than ordinary low-level military officers. You can receive a certain amount of food and silver every month, and your family members are arranged in a specific living area, exempt from labor tax for one person, and some easier jobs can be given priority Arrange family members, those with outstanding abilities or great contributions, be appointed officials and rewards, etc.

A few words are like a huge boulder thrown into the water, causing thousands of layers of waves in everyone's hearts. This is a great thing like a pie in the sky. If Master Li hadn't said it in front of them, who would have believed it?

The entire lobby was like an ant colony that had exploded, and it exploded with a coaxing sound. The craftsmen and carpenters were so excited that they couldn't hold back their loud words. The various benefits alone were enough to make them crazy and desperate for it. You know, although they have the name of craftsmen, although they have real talents and learning, their status is very low, only a little bit better than the lowest slaves, and they work hard for a year, and the money they earn Just enough for a family to live on.

What stimulates their nerves the most is the classification of scientific research personnel. Officials are appointed according to their abilities and contributions. They are official officials bestowed by the imperial court, which represents their status soaring to the sky. They are so poor. Loud ordinary people, do not know a single word, never dared to have the dream of becoming an official, but now, the stuff that only scholars dare to think about seems to be in front of them, within reach, it is not crazy .

No matter how bad it is, being able to sneak into the scientific research bureau and be an ordinary scientific researcher is also a good thing for the ancestors. All kinds of enviable treatment and some privileges are like what Mr. Li said, the scientific research bureau is equipped with guards. On the street, you have to register at the guard before you can go out. There are guards accompanying you all the way. It's cool to think about it with your toes.

Zhou Bo and other navy generals, and the guards including Little Six, looked at the excited craftsmen and carpenters who were almost crazy, all of them had strange expressions, and they were thinking in their hearts, what kindness to these untouchables?The young master's brain is not broken, right?

With a smile on his face, Li Wei looked at everyone's reactions indifferently, and felt a lot of emotion in his heart. Although the feudal society is evil, sometimes some things are better than the modern society with highly developed technological civilization. For example, a man can have three wives and four concubines, hehe, just paying a little bit of profit, can fool the technological elites of this era so that they are grateful for Dade, and set up a plaque at home to worship, this is an achievement anyway Feeling.

"Everyone be quiet."

After all the craftsmen and carpenters got excited enough, Li Wei spoke out again to calm everyone down. He still had something to say.

"I want to assure you that the Scientific Research Bureau will be established in a few days. Anyone can sign up to show their talents. After being admitted, it will be officially operational. However, let's put this aside for now, let's discuss the matter just now. "

All the craftsmen and carpenters suppressed their inner excitement, held their breath, and listened to Li Wei's speech with serious expressions. Zhou Bo and other navy generals also had the same expression. They heard the young master's meaning and understood why the young master ordered to stop. The reason for building new buildings and large warships is to develop better warships, young master.

"Master Li, the weight of this boat has increased. It seems that it can withstand the blowing of strong winds and waves, but it will definitely affect the speed of the boat."

Some people can't wait to speak, and they were worried before. Seeing that Lu Aniu won the reward of 100 taels of silver, his eyes were red, and he can't hide it anymore. Just remember your own name.

Zhou Bo and other navy generals nodded their head north deeply. Water battles are different from land battles. There are too many factors in all aspects, and the speed of the ship is one of the keys to victory.

"Okay, well said!"

Li Wei smiled and nodded, pointing to the talking carpenter, "50 taels for a reward, write down the name!"

There was another uproar in the audience. Although the 50 taels was less than half of the 100 taels that Lu Ah Niu got just now, it was considered a huge fortune for the poor. The important thing is that Mr. Li kept his word and cashed it on the spot , who is not stimulated? "There are many problems that need to be discussed and resolved by everyone. Now, let's take a look."

Li Wei smiled and waved, Little Six took out a stack of sketches from his wide sleeves, handed them to the craftsmen and carpenters sitting in the front row, and asked them to pass them on.

Chapter 237 The Old Society Is Too Evil

It took Li Wei half a day to draw that stack of sketches. This time, he drew it very seriously. At least, the picture was square and square, and it also had a three-dimensional effect, unlike when he used to draw the stone cart. Random graffiti, you have to explain it all before people can understand what is being drawn.

The craftsmen and carpenters took over the artwork and flipped through it, all of them couldn't help showing strange expressions on their faces, and some of them even exaggeratedly hissed and sucked in air-conditioning.

After building ships for so many years, they could tell at a glance that Mr. Li's painting was a building ship. However, the shape of the ship completely overturned the cognition and concept passed down for hundreds of thousands of years, but it also touched their heartstrings. Or a skylight suddenly opened, allowing them to see the new world outside the window.

Ships in this era are square and square. Although the buoyancy in the water is high, the resistance is also high, which affects the speed of the ship. The most important problem is that the ship is too light. Such a huge ship like a building ship will capsize if it is blown by strong winds and waves.

The boat drawn by Mr. Li is like a shuttle, with two sharp ends, and the water resistance is very small. This kind of boat is the most perfect. All the craftsmen and carpenters who have seen the artwork looked at Li Wei with more eyes. Full of admiration and worship.

However, someone immediately raised doubts, because the bottom of the boat is designed with a slope, so the buoyancy in the water becomes smaller, but at the same time, it seems to be easier to capsize. If the weight is increased to solve this problem, it will definitely affect the speed of the boat and the safe draft of the hull. line and other issues.

A series of questions were asked, and the whole dinner party became a meeting room. Although it was a bit noisy, the atmosphere was very lively.

"Let's take a look at these photos again."

Li Wei smiled and waved his hand, and Little Six took out a few drawings from his wide sleeves and handed them to the craftsmen and carpenters.

"My lord, isn't this the skeleton of an animal?"

A craftsman asked curiously, the stuff drawn on the artwork looked like the skeleton of an animal, why did Mr. Li draw this?Li Wei explained: "It really looks like the skeleton of an animal. This is called the keel. It is the most important part of a ship. You can understand it when you look down."

Flipping through the artwork below, everyone immediately understood the function of the keel. The old craftsman who spoke just now blushed, impatient, but ended up making a fool of himself.

Li Wei nodded to him, the faint smile on his face was full of kindness and encouragement, dispelling his worries and embarrassment.

The picture below is the side of a ship, with the keel drawn on the bottom of the hull. Because it is a three-dimensional picture, it is easy for people to understand at a glance and understand the important role of the keel.

When all the craftsmen and carpenters saw this picture, their eyes lit up. They immediately understood the important role of the keel. The boat with the keel as the main support is definitely stronger than all the ships today.

Everyone carefully looked at the drawings one by one, sighing in their hearts, with embarrassing expressions on their faces. They have built ships for a lifetime. Even if they dare not claim to be the masters of shipbuilding, they still consider themselves to be masters. Yes, but now that I read the drawings given by Mr. Li, everyone feels ashamed. This unbelievably young Mr. Li is a great master of shipbuilding.

They looked at Li Wei with admiration and admiration in their eyes.

"Listen up, everyone."

Li Wei's eyes swept over everyone's faces, his expression was very serious, and his voice was chillingly cold, "These drawings are military secrets, you must keep them secret, and you are not allowed to read them after you go back." Tell anyone, let alone leak it, anyone who violates it will have their family ransacked!"

All the craftsmen and carpenters shuddered, knelt down quickly, and swore a poisonous oath in the name of the God of Longevity to keep these secrets to the death.

Li Wei knew that the ancients believed in gods and never dared to swear poisonous oaths lightly. Now that he swears poisonous oaths in front of him, he will definitely keep these secrets, so he is very relieved.

After once again emphasizing the importance of keeping secrets and the serious consequences of leaking secrets, Li Wei asked the guards to give ten taels of silver to each of the craftsmen and carpenters as a reward and encouragement. The official, almost raised his arms and shouted "Long live Mr. Li."

With only a small amount of money, he bought all these technological elites and made them work hard for him. Li Wei was in a very good mood, even a little sexual.

However, he didn't dare to go into Xiao's small room. Fortunately, Little Six was very good at guessing his thoughts, and motioned for Xiaoyue to go in to serve, and some things just happened in such a muddled way.

Zhou Bo has been trying to curry favor with Li Wei, letting his concubine Xiaoyue stay by the young master's side to serve him. The night before last, Li Wei was still a gentleman, so he didn't touch Xiaoyue for a while and let her sleep outside. This night, he still couldn't Hold back, it's still a beast in the end.

Waking up at dawn, Xiaoyue is like a gentle and virtuous wife, helping Li Wei to dress and freshen up. Her demeanor is very natural, as if all this is normal and taken for granted.

To her, what happened last night was really normal, if she didn't take good care of the young master, Zhou Bo would blame her for not serving him well.

"This society is really evil..."

Li Wei was more or less embarrassed, he could only look up to the sky and sigh, the old society was really evil, but... But, to be honest, he really likes being in the powerful class!Seeing Zhou Bo, Li Wei's heart felt a little guilty. He used the excuse of inspection and didn't even eat breakfast, so he slipped out of the general's mansion and escaped.

Li Wei's abnormal behavior made Zhou Bo feel uneasy, so he quickly called his concubine Xiaoyue to inquire. With thin skin and tender flesh, Li Wei, whose physique does not look very strong, has a strong capital in that area, and his combat effectiveness is extremely strong. After tossing her for nearly a whole night, all the bones in her body fell apart.

"No way?"

Zhou Bo heaved a sigh of relief in his heart, the young master was relieved, and he was also happy, but Xiaoyue was exaggerating?Looking at the young master's body, can he really toss all night?

This combat power is so strong that even he is a little ashamed.

"Of course it's not as good as my husband."

Xiaoyue cast a seductive wink, gently leaned into his arms, hugged his bear waist tightly, she couldn't be more clear about her husband's fighting power, he was indeed very strong, every time he beat her Toss to death.

However, to be fair, her husband-in-law is still slightly inferior to the young master in terms of capital and combat effectiveness, but she dare not say this, a stupid woman would say such a thing in front of her husband-in-law.

In other aspects, you can say that your husband-in-law is not as good as other men, but don't say that in this regard, the end result is that you will be dismissed or you will fall out of favor, or you will be beaten to death by the furious husband-in-law.

Zhou Bo couldn't help but let out a smug laugh.

Chapter 238 Iron Armored Battleship

In the next few days, Li Wei devoted all his efforts to working on the Scientific Research Department. The address was located in the shipbuilding workshop. The two-meter-high wall surrounded the Scientific Research Department into a large independent space, guarded by special guards, and there was no special waist badge. , Trespassers will be killed regardless.

The barracks in the south of the city vacated an open space, surrounded by walls, separated from the barracks, and built several rows of houses as the new homes of scientific researchers. Each new house is very spacious, and it has two floors, enough to accommodate a family of more than a dozen people.

After completing these, the next step is to evaluate and screen the scientific researchers. There are many applicants, but there are only [-] places in the Scientific Research Department. Selected to become the first batch of scientific research darlings of the Ship Research Bureau.

In fact, almost all of the hundreds of shipbuilders are skilled craftsmen. Many old workers have built ships all their lives and have rich experience in shipbuilding. They can all be called technological elites, but the reality is cruel, and there are only twenty places.

The twenty lucky ones were selected by Li Wei on a one-to-one ratio, that is, ten old and ten young. They will continue to be the backbone of scientific research.

All the losers sighed, but their hearts were still full of hope. Those lucky scientific research darlings did not end up with solid jobs. Master Li said that those who did not make any achievements will be dismissed after a year. Those who are capable will go up.

Mr. Li also said that even if you can’t be selected into the scientific research bureau, if you can put forward constructive or creative suggestions, after the official adopts them, you will be given a certain reward depending on the degree of contribution, up to 1 taels of silver, 1 taels Silver is enough to drive countless people crazy.

Many craftsmen and carpenters who are already very old have secretly made up their minds to pass on their skills to the next generation and strictly supervise them. day! "Master Li, we..."

An old craftsman groaned for a long time before he hesitated to express his thoughts. They also have self-motivation, but poor people can't afford to read and don't know a single word. Can we set up a government-run school so that children can also Reading and literacy? "The old man mentioned it well, but this official was negligent."

As soon as Li Wei slapped his forehead, he actually neglected the most basic problem. The practical ability of these craftsmen and carpenters is undeniable. They are very strong, but their theory is a mess. As for Dou Da's characters, they can understand the drawings at a glance, but you have to explain to them orally the annotations and so on.

"Here, give this old man 100 taels of silver!"

Li Wei pointed to the old craftsman who made the suggestion, and said loudly: "Everyone, don't worry, the government-run school will be opened immediately, without charging a penny, and the children will be able to read and write in the future!"

"Long live Master Li!"

Everyone was so moved that they knelt down on the ground, why didn't they want their children to go to school to read and write, and to stand out?However, the family is too poor to pay the expensive tuition fees, and Mr. Li said that he would open a government-run free school, so why not move them to a mess?

Looking at the shipbuilders kneeling all over the ground, Li Wei grinned. It's a good deal to buy the hearts of these people with small favors.

Although it is a government-run school, so that the children of these shipbuilders can go to school, the teaching courses are only the most basic elementary school, and the level can only be regarded as below the fifth grade of elementary school in modern times. If you want to make progress, you have to pay for it yourself. The school advanced.

In modern times, it is a century-old plan, and education is the foundation. But in this evil continent, as a ruler, he naturally hopes that the people will be as ignorant as possible, and simple-minded people can be fooled.

After speaking words of encouragement, which moved all the shipbuilders to tears, Li Wei rushed into the spacious office with [-] scientific research elites.

"Let's take a look at these blueprints first."

Li Wei mostly acts rashly, and when he is in a good mood, he races against time like a workaholic. He first emphasized the importance of confidentiality work to twenty scientific research elites, and then took out the warship he "designed" with great brains drawing.

It's a brain-struggling design, rather than a painting. His painting skills are unbelievable. Fortunately, most of the drawings are just horizontal and vertical lines, but it took a lot of time.

A few days ago, the workers were only shown the model diagram of the hull and keel, but now the research elites are shown the model of the warship. Although the confidentiality work has been repeatedly emphasized, but there are so many people talking about it, who can guarantee that it will not be leaked?

The keel is one of the most important structures of the hull, and it can be made of wood or iron. What Li Wei requires is an iron keel, and the bow end must also have a sharp cone protruding about two and a half meters.

Water battles are nothing more than two-and-a-half meters long and close combat. Thunder cannon rockets are used for long-distance attack, and close combat involves the collision of warships close to each other. Sailors fight hand-to-hand. The two-and-a-half-meter-long cone is a sharp weapon for close combat, which can be used by the inertia of the warship's navigation. , easily pierce the enemy's hull.

Because the iron keel increases the weight of the ship, and some main parts of the warship need to be covered with a layer of iron armor. The weight is enough to prevent the warship from being easily overturned by strong winds and waves. However, it also affects the speed of the ship accordingly. This is the main problem.

Today's ships, whether they are warships or merchant ships, are all sailed with the help of wind, long sculls or oars to paddle, basically it can be said that the number of oars and the number of sailors determine the speed of the ship.

Li Wei knows the principle of the steam engine, and he also wants to get a steam power, but with the current iron smelting technology, he honestly dismissed this idea. Pedal paddles are still possible.

The principle of this thing is similar to that of a waterwheel. The two large paddles are installed on both sides of the warship to serve as the power for the warship to sail. In theory, this is the case. In fact, it must be built first and tested.

Once this new type of flowing water warship with iron keel as the main frame and powered by wheels and paddles is successfully tested, it must be the overlord of the rampant river area, and it would be strange if it did not cause a sensation.

The twenty technological elites stared blankly at the unbelievably young Master Li, their eyes filled with reverent and pious worship to the God of Longevity. In this world, except for Master Li, who would dare to claim to be the master of the craftsman world? Grandmaster?

The little six who stood by the side blinked. He lived in the deep palace for a long time, and all kinds of legends about the young master were just heard, but now, he witnessed it with his own eyes. Just by looking at the expressions of these craftsmen who are called master shipbuilders, he knew that these people's respect for the young master Shipbuilding technology is adored.

Xiao Xiaoxiao, who was standing pretty beside her, had brilliant eyes. Although she was used to all kinds of astonishing performances of someone, her heart couldn't help being shocked again. This guy can do almost everything, and he didn't come from a human .

Chapter 239 The Way of Being an Official

Zhou Bo was very happy, he couldn't close his mouth with a big smile. Although he was not a craftsman in shipbuilding, as a naval commander, he stayed on the ship all year round. It can be said that he took the ship as his home, and his understanding of warships was not inferior to those Craftsman, he can almost imagine how sharp this armored battleship is. In short, who else can rival it on the water?

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