Near the evening, Li Wei led the army to arrive. When the black soldiers filled the flat ground, there was a commotion in the Tang army's camp. Until now, they finally understood that they had been surrounded.

Ge Changqing personally appeased the turbulent soldiers and asked them to lay down their weapons. He would send envoys to negotiate with the Qin army, and the turbulent barracks gradually calmed down.

At this time, the soldiers were not only exhausted, but also war-weary to the extreme, their morale dropped to a freezing point, and they were unbearable to fight. It was better to be a prisoner than to die in battle, at least they could still survive.

Chapter 183 Divide up the Cake

After a brief negotiation, Li Wei accepted Ge Changqing's conditional surrender. Ge Changqing's request was not too high. After the surrender, the Qin army released a group of generals from aristocratic families including him.

Li Wei knew that the Tang army still had nearly 14 people. If they went to war, they would inevitably pay a certain price of casualties. It would be best if they could win without fighting. That's all.

The civil war in the empire has just ended, and what is needed most now is stability. Don’t look at the magnificent and mighty army commanding hundreds of thousands of troops, but the daily consumption of grain and grass is horrifyingly large. God knows how much money has been spent in collecting and purchasing supplies.

Moreover, the soldiers are all from the lowest level of civilians. They need to go home to farm and produce. The fields are abandoned and the food is halved, which will inevitably lead to a series of serious consequences.

The financial resources of Jiayue and Hongfeng provinces alone are not enough to support a long-term war. Therefore, Li Wei still hopes to end the war as soon as possible and disband the recruited young and strong to go back to work in agriculture.

That night, everyone was busy. The more than 13 Tang soldiers who put down their weapons and surrendered were gathered in the logistics and supply camp to guard them. Li Wei led the army to live in their camp. He was detained in another small military camp, with wine and meat, and the treatment was not bad.

Early the next morning, Sun Jai, one of Jiayue's three generals, led a mighty 15 army on the journey to regain Jincheng. Heavy siege equipment such as chariots and catapults were delivered to Sun Jai, and he was ordered to recover Jincheng as soon as possible no matter how much he paid.

Afterwards, he screened out more than 3 old, weak, sick, disabled and wounded from tens of thousands of captives, and escorted them to Jincheng together with the released generals, and released them after Sun Jai regained Jincheng.

He doesn't have much food to support these old, weak, sick, disabled and wounded. Letting them go home is like getting rid of a big burden. As for the remaining one hundred thousand young and strong, he doesn't want to release them even if they are killed. After many battles, even if he is not as good as a real veteran who has received formal military training, he is still more effective than the average young man when he puts on his armor and takes up a weapon.

This move is called dredging from the bottom of the pot, not to mention that in the ancient continent where the technological civilization is extremely backward, the population is the most important resource.

These [-] strong captives can serve as free labor and perform well. After three years, they can be transferred to Qin nationality and become the subjects of the Qin Empire. Like ordinary people, they can marry wives and have children, be assigned to fields, join the army, and serve rumors Pay taxes.

The aftermath work is very cumbersome, and Li Wei has to deal with it even if he feels a headache. Fortunately, he has a group of quite capable civil servants and advisers. Except for some important things that need to be decided by him, most of the time, he acts as a shopkeeper, big and small. Throw everything to your subordinates.

Don't look at those civil servants and military generals who are so busy that they don't touch the ground, but they never get tired of it. This is not only profitable, but also the young master's trust and reuse of them. Of course, they dare not be greedy too much. Jin's official career is very likely to come to an end, but internal guards and secret spies are all over the world, and they can penetrate everywhere. In addition to targeting some unstable elements, it is also their duty to catch corrupt officials.

Li Wei left [-] prisoners to rebuild Quping County, which was destroyed by the war. The other [-] prisoners were escorted to Jincheng to rebuild Jincheng. He estimated that the Tang army would not give up Jincheng easily. It is also dilapidated and needs to be rebuilt and strengthened.

Afterwards, he led an army of 5 people to escort [-] prisoners of war to the return journey. Most of these prisoners will be escorted to the Shuanghugang Mining Plant in the Qiyun Mountains of Hongfeng Province for a period of three years.

Li Wei, who returned triumphantly, hadn't returned to Chang'an yet, but the news of Jincheng's victory had already come, which made him breathe a sigh of relief.

According to the battle report, Sun Jai led the army to Jincheng, rested overnight, and then set up all the thunder chariots and catapults to bombard Jincheng indiscriminately, knocking down several sections of the city wall, and the army took advantage of the momentum to enter the city.

When the Tang army was retreating, they set fire to the city. The blazing fire blocked Sun Jai's pursuit and burned down the entire city.

Sun Jai led an army to camp outside the city to prevent the Tang army from returning. At the same time, he desperately organized the local people to rebuild the city. It was not until [-] captives arrived and joined the army to build the city that the pressure on Sun Jai was relieved to a certain extent.

Li Wei didn't dare to send too many prisoners of war to Jincheng to build the city. He was worried that there would be too many people and it would be inconvenient to manage. He can only endure the wages, even if he loses money. Now is not the time to settle accounts with the Tang Empire. The country needs to maintain stability, recuperate, and reserve war resources.

Fortunately, although the Tang army had accumulated a large army on the border, it did not cross the border to start a war, and Jincheng was able to rebuild quickly. However, Sun Jai never dared to be careless.

With 15 troops stationed on the border and nearly [-] migrant workers, the daily consumption is astonishing. Li Weiming knew that the money was burning, but he could only endure it.

Chang'an City.

"Great victory in Quping, great victory in Jincheng."

A fast horse galloped through the city of Chang'an, and the rider roared loudly to announce the good news from time to time.

The imperial army not only defeated the foreign enemies, but also regained all the lost ground, and the people cheered in unison.

Inside the Jinluan Palace, the civil and military officials had different expressions. However, most of the ministers were smiling and seemed very happy. Even though they were not happy with the Li family who entered Chang'an with a strong force, Li Wei led the army to resist foreign enemies and regain lost ground. The news really made them happy.

Of course, there are also people who are in a bad mood, and such people only account for a very small number of officials.

There are also ministers whose expressions are as calm as water, and it is difficult for people to see what they are thinking in their hearts.

Li just didn't bother to pay attention to the ministers, but now he is so busy that he wants to write a memorial to ask for credit for Li Wei, for the soldiers who have made military exploits, and for those confidants who followed him all the time. Even if he has hard work and no credit, he must be rewarded.

In short, it is a foregone conclusion that Li's entry into Chang'an is a foregone conclusion, and no one can change it, so now is the time to carve up the big cake, and his gang has long been impatient.

Li Gang was busy preparing for the award, while inside the Jinluan Hall, all civil and military officials were fighting with each other.

The cause of the war of words was that Empress Dowager Concubine Wu Hui proposed in the court hall to drive out of the city ten miles to meet Li Wei, the rebellious general who returned in triumph.

This proposal was fully supported by the ministers of the Li family, while the royalists strongly opposed it. How can the king go to meet the ministers?

In short, all kinds of excuses are plausible and righteous, and they are against the queen mother and the king going ten miles out of the city to meet Li.

Concubine Wu Hui sat on the soft chair, sighed helplessly, and glanced at Li Gang standing in the front with her beautiful eyes. She was just excited for a moment, and imagined that other women would greet her husband who had returned in triumph, but she did not expect that this proposal would come lead to such consequences.

Chapter 184

It is not without precedent for the king to go out of the city to welcome the returning army, but the situation is different. At that time, the king was strong and controlled the power of the world, but now, the power of the king has declined and the princes are in power.

In the eyes of the royalists, at least they think so, and they all agree that this is because the Queen Mother was forced by Li Gang and had to compromise.

Now, Li Gang, who has been named the prime minister, controls all the soldiers and horses in the world. Even the guards in the Habayashi Guard Palace guarding the palace are all his people, and the maids and eunuchs who serve the Queen Mother and the King of Qin are all replaced by Li Gang's people. It is difficult for the ministers to enter the palace to meet the queen mother.

Concubine Wu Hui glanced at Li Gang who was standing in the front, made a solemn gesture, then coughed lightly, and said expressionlessly: "Last night, a minister suggested that the rebellious general has both civil and military skills, and he is recommended as Mr. Qin Wangzhi." , what do you think, gentlemen?"


All the officials opened their mouths wide open, stunned for a while, and their gazes with various complex expressions fell on Li Gang. If gazes could kill people, Li Gang would have been killed thousands of times by the royalists.

The so-called rituals have three roots, the foundation of life for the heaven and the earth, the foundation of the ancestors, the foundation of governance for the ruler and teacher, the heaven and the earth, the ruler, the parent and the teacher, collectively called the five sages, who set up tablets to worship and worship, and the folks have a teacher for a day and a father for life. It is enough to show how lofty the status of the teacher is.

The king's husband, the emperor's teacher, has no real power, but he has a special status. The most important thing is that he can teach by precept and example, and influence the king's thoughts and decisions. To be an emperor's teacher, he must be a person with both knowledge and ability.

Li is indeed very talented, and he is recognized as the youngest master in the mainland, but he is too young, regardless of his age and qualifications, he is not qualified to be Mr. Xiao Qin Wang. This is not the main problem. The most important thing is that his surname is Li. Someone with the surname Li must not be the Mr. King of Qin.

"I object."

Shangshu Youpushe Zheng Jing was the first to stand up against it.

"I object."

"I object."

A group of ministers came out to object one after another, jokingly, let the surnamed Li be the Mr. of the Little Qin King, it would be strange not to teach the Little Qin King badly, these loyal royalists will die without a place to bury in the future, this matter, killing them disagree.

Li Gang, who was originally in meditation like an old monk, snorted coldly, and the entire Golden Luan Hall was immediately silent.

The Royal Guards frowned. This must be Li Gang's demon moth again. Going out of the city to welcome Li's triumphant return was just an introduction. It is true that he wanted his son to be the little King of Qin. It was a wishful thinking.

However, this matter is really a headache. The latter can use the excuse that Li Wei is not old enough to be the husband of King Qin, but the previous proposal is reasonable and difficult to refuse. They don't want to die.

All the king protection factions discussed urgently in the palace, and finally someone came up with a compromise solution, which was to let Xiao Qin Wang recognize Li Wei as Yafu, and then implement the false position of the rebellious general, and give him a real hussars general Anyway, all the soldiers and horses in the world are under the control of Li Gang, so it doesn't matter if he has one more son.

Concubine Wu Hui wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh, so she could only endure it desperately, secretly praising her father-in-law in her heart, for playing with all the officials in her hands, she had already predicted that they would make such a choice.

Yafu is just Yafu, anyway, he is also the father of a son, at least someone can enter the palace openly and play with the child in his arms.

Regarding the proposal of the ministers, Li Gang and his people did not say anything, and it was regarded as acquiescing, which also made the royalists heave a sigh of relief.

However, having said that, when the army returned triumphantly, the etiquette to greet them still had to be prepared. After all, the invading generals drove the invading Tang army out of the country and regained all the lost land. No one could cover up the great credit for this day.

As for the promotion and rewards, Li Gang, the powerful minister, has the final say. The ministers don't bother to care about who he likes to reward. However, this matter can also be a fuss. After all, some ministers raised troops to support Kong Ning. Many people, some highly respected ministers are still being held in prison awaiting trial, and they can only compromise with Li Gang in exchange for their lives.

Li Wei, who led the army back triumphantly, didn't know that Daddy Cheap had been fighting with the ministers in the dark, and he didn't know that he was about to be awarded the title of General Hussars and the second father of King Qin. Chang'an City was already in sight. He ordered the soldiers to raise their spirits, Speed ​​up your march.

Li Gang led his confidantes out of the city for ten miles to welcome Li Wei's triumphant return. The people in the city lined up to welcome him, and the drums and gongs were beating earth-shatteringly.


Li Wei jumped off the horse, and saluted the cheap old man with a smile.

"My son has returned in triumph."

Li Gang was very excited, and patted his son's shoulder hard. Perhaps he was too excited, and the strength of his palm unknowingly increased a little, and he slapped Li Wei staggeringly, almost falling down.

"Congratulations, young master, congratulations, young master."

All the civil servants and generals of the Jiayue family rushed forward to congratulate him. Although the young master was about to be awarded the title of Hussar General, the title young master made them feel more cordial.

Li Wei replied politely, he was very polite to the old subordinates like Daddy Cheap, and regardless of their talents and abilities, loyalty alone was enough to win his respect.

In the warm welcome with the sound of gongs and drums, the father and son rode slowly into the city together, with a long line of mighty and majestic soldiers behind them.

After entering the city, Li Wei followed the cheap father into the palace to face the saint according to the official procedure, and then went to the military deployment office to hand over the commander-in-chief soldier amulet, and returned home to wait for the reward from the King of Qin.

Of course, Li Gang monopolized the power of the court and commanded the world's soldiers and horses. The government offices of the various ministries were useless. The commander-in-chief of the Ministry of War was of no practical use at all. It's just a face.

"Following the heavens, the emperor issued an edict... to confer the title of General Hussars, hereby."

The eunuch's characteristic feminine, sharp and piercing voice echoed in the Golden Luan Hall.

"Congratulations to General Hussars, congratulations to General Hussars."

When Li Wei knelt to accept the imperial decree and thanked the Lord Long En, the little six congratulated with a shrill voice. It was unclear whether the voice was a sincere congratulation or something else. At least, the royalists believed that six The father-in-law is so courageous that he dared to satirize the general Hussars face to face.

Li Wei, who had been promoted to general of hussars and was ready to start a court, strode out of the Golden Palace with his head held high and his chest held high, under the gazes of the civil and military officials of the Manchu dynasty.

There were a lot of soldiers outside the palace, some of them were familiar faces, these palace guards selected by the elite veterans of the Jiayue Army saluted in unison.

A court lady stepped forward to salute, and said softly: "Young master, the queen mother wants to hear your story about defeating the Tang army."

Li Wei was stunned for a moment, with a dumbfounding expression on his face, this excuse is not good enough.

Chapter 185 Twin Sister Flowers

Li Wei explained to the guards that Qing'er and the others went back to the mansion to rest first, and he only brought Li Er and ten other guards into the palace to follow the court lady who called herself Xiaoqiu.

Habayashi guarding the palace, the guards in the palace are all carefully selected soldiers from the Jiayue Mansion army, and the eunuchs and maids in the palace are also selected from the two provinces of Jiayue Hongfeng. He was ordered to be dismissed by Li Gang.

There are many portals in the palace, like a maze, and those who are not familiar with the way will definitely get lost.

Following Xiao Qiu to the gate of a palace, Li Wei glanced at the big characters carved on the gate, slightly startled, Wanyue Palace?

Xiao Qiu quickly explained that this was ordered by the Empress Dowager. Moreover, the Empress Dowager did not like Yihe Palace, and spent most of her time resting in Wanyue Palace. There is also a Shuiyun Pavilion in the side hall, which is built on the lake, with a pleasant scenery. When the lotus is in full bloom, the quiet lotus fragrance is intoxicating.


A palace guard officer on duty outside the palace raised his chest and saluted, his expression obviously very excited.

Li Wei was slightly taken aback, then laughed, this guy used to be Liu Ran, a family member who often hung out with Xu Jun and the others, and he could be regarded as one of his cronies, and now he has officially entered the official position.

"Hey, Liu Ran."

Li Wei punched him in the chest, and suddenly thought of Xu Jun and the others, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

After inquiring, I found out that Xu Jun and the gang of cronies who used to hang out often became officials, and those who went into business, Xu Jun also joined the army. Talent, has been promoted to Captain Yunqi by the Shangguan, of course, there are also reasons for the relationship, otherwise it would not be possible to rise so fast.

When one is young, it is unavoidable to do some absurd and foolish things. Now that those cronies and friends in the past have grown up and started to know how to do things seriously, Li Wei is happy for them in his heart. The care and pressure of his parents is also indispensable in this. It's useless.

Standing outside the palace gate and chatting with Liu Ran for a while, Liu Ran revealed that he wanted to fight with him, but Li Wei did not agree, swords and swords have no eyes on the battlefield, although all the gangsters have really grown up, they changed their minds. However, he was spoiled and spoiled since he was a child, and he was not suitable for the battlefield at all.

"Work hard, there will be opportunities in the future."

Li Wei patted him on the shoulder to comfort him. In fact, the treatment of the Habayashi guards and the palace guards is better than that of the general army. They are very cool with fresh clothes and angry horses. It is not bad that these young masters can behave in a decent manner. up.

Entering the inner hall, several beautiful court ladies stepped forward to help Li Wei take off his armor. Xiao Qiu brought fragrant tea and snacks, and told him in a low voice that the Queen Mother would be back soon, and asked him to take a shower and change clothes for the time being. It's ready, and if you're hungry, you don't have to wait for the Queen Mother to come back.

Li Wei felt warm in his heart when he heard that, he knew that Wu Huiniang knew that he was coming back, so he asked people to prepare a banquet in the palace first, but now he was covered in dust and exhausted, what he needed most was a comfortable warm bath.

Xiaoqiu led him into the side hall, where there was a large bath pool made of white jade, warm water had already been placed in it, a pair of watery twins, wearing only white gauze on their bodies, their still-developing carcasses looming Little Loli stood beside him, and when she saw him coming in, she bowed and bowed in blessing.

"Slave Dafeng (Xiaofeng) waits for the young master to take a bath."

Although the old feudal society was evil, Li Wei was used to this kind of cool life, and even fell in love with it. He naturally opened his hands and let the pretty twin little lolis serve to undress.

A villain hides his penis, but a gentleman must expose his balls.

Li Wei, who was naked to meet each other, walked into the Yuchi naturally, and soaked in the warm water comfortably. The twin little lolitas followed into the water, serving on the left and the right. Their jade cheeks were flushed, and their expressions were shy and charming , so that he couldn't help but swallowed a mouthful of saliva, wishing to push people down and execute the Fa on the spot.

However, he is not evil enough to have that bad habit, and the little loli has not fully developed yet.

Even though the young master became furious, pointing at the sky angrily, ferocious and frightening, he insisted on restraining himself, firstly because he was too tired, secondly, he had to save some strength to deal with Wu Huiniang.

He had just returned from a triumphant return with an army, and was called into the palace before he could even return home, which shows that Wu Huiniang was even more anxious than him.

"You all leave."

Li Wei waved his hand to drive away, the two little loli pinched his whole body comfortably, his blood boiled, the young master was hideous and frightening, if he continued pinching, he really couldn't guarantee that he would do something beastly.

The two little loli bowed out, changed into dry clothes, and waited outside, waiting to be summoned to serve.

At this moment, Concubine Wu Hui came in accompanied by the little six sons, and the two daughters hurriedly paid their respects.

Concubine Wu Hui looked at the two women, a look of surprise flashed in her beautiful eyes, more of joy.

The twin sisters are petite, smart and considerate. She purposely stays by her side to serve her. Today, she asked the two sisters to help the young master take a bath, which naturally has that meaning.

She is a person who has experienced it, so she can naturally see that although the expressions of the lovely twin sisters are a bit shy, they are still perfect, which means that the husband did not steal it, which surprised her and made her even more happy.

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