"You retreat."


The two sisters bent down to answer, and both left the side hall.

Concubine Wu Hui asked Little Six to guard the door, no one was allowed to come in, and she walked into the room lightly.

Li Wei closed his eyes and sat comfortably in the bath, the warm water washed away his tiredness, and the young master became more and more terrifying.

He has been busy fighting these days, even with Qing'er by his side, he has no time to practice the Nine Suns Divine Art with Qing'er, and with the serving of the twin sister Hua Shuxin just now, this meeting is really a bit of a mess.

Suddenly, he felt that there seemed to be someone behind him. Before he turned his head, a pair of soft little hands touched his shoulders and kneaded them gently.

Li Wei turned his head to look, and couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva.

Concubine Wu Hui sat kneeling behind him, her body was only covered with a pink tulle, her beautiful curves were faintly visible, and she was so soul-stirring.

Li Wei couldn't hold back any longer, and stretched out his hand to drag him into the pool. Although the pair of sisters, Hua Xiaolioli, were cute and charming, their figures couldn't compare with Wu Huiniang, a mature wife with bumps and bumps.

Concubine Wu Hui let out a coquettish cry, struggled symbolically a few times, and then half-pushed and half-resigned, and the whole magnificent bathhouse was full of spring.

Xiaoqiu is the personal maid chosen by Concubine Wu Hui. She stood beside Xiaoliuzi and waited to be summoned to serve. The various noises coming from inside made her stunned for a long time, and slowly, red clouds appeared on her smooth and clean cheeks, and her heart became even more serious. It was jumping violently, and there was an inexplicable hot tide surging deep in his body, his legs were limp, and he could hardly support the weight of his body.

I don't know how long it took before the Queen Mother's soft and soft voice came, "Xiaoqiu..."

Chapter 186 Dictatorship

To Li Wei, this night was extremely exciting. The empress dowager, who had a noble status, groaned coquettishly under his majesty. Debauchery, in short, all kinds of tastes, make him very satisfied and have a sense of accomplishment.

The result after being so excited, is naturally tired and weak, sleeping like a dead pig, I don't know how long I slept, and was woken up in a daze, and the blushing Xiaoqiu served him. Good clothes, Xiao Liuzi led him out of the palace, the sky is still dark at this moment.

Although Li Wei was a little dissatisfied with being woken up while he was deeply asleep, he was helpless. For the sake of future events, it was not time to disclose the secret, so he could only temporarily hide it.

Little Six led Li Wei out of the palace through the side door. Through the dim light, he could vaguely see dozens of carriages parked not far away. Many women wearing black scarves carried cloth bags and sat in the carriages. Afterwards, the carriages Drive and disappear into the misty night.

Seeing his curiosity, Little Six quickly explained in a low voice, those women were concubines of the former king, and the former king passed away, these women were wasting their youth by staying in the palace, it is better to give each of them some money to settle down, send them home, maybe If you can marry a good man, you may have someone to rely on for the rest of your life.

Li Wei just sighed helplessly. These women are all concubines favored by the King of Qin. They have special status. Even if they are sent home, which man would dare to marry them?

That is a disrespect and insult to the former king, and you will be scolded by the defenders so that you cannot survive in the world, and you can only wipe your neck.

In fact, he also knew that this was a self-protection method used by Concubine Wu Hui to eliminate all potential opponents, and it could be considered her kindness. There was no excuse to bury these poor women with the old King Qin who died.

There are too many unreasonable and unfair things in this evil old society, but he is not a savior sent by God, he is also risking his life for survival.

Quietly returning to his new home, this guy went straight into Qing'er's room, and continued to sleep back into the cage with her in his arms.

His General's Mansion is next to Daddy's Prime Minister's Mansion. It was a few mansions that were confiscated urgently yesterday. After the walls were knocked down, it became a very spacious General's Mansion.

The guards urgently cleaned up most of the night. Fortunately, many large and luxurious furniture in the house are ready-made, and they can be occupied temporarily, and they will be modified slowly in the future.

This matter was personally arranged by Li Gang, and the ministers had no choice but to acquiesce. The owners of several mansions offered free gifts in order to curry favor with Li, and Li Gang accepted them all.

Li Wei is now a general of hussars, and has the qualifications to establish a court. The so-called establishment of a court means that he can set up his own small government office, and appoint and remove subordinate officials like a small imperial court. However, apart from his salary, all The cost has to be settled by yourself.

Li Gang is still very busy now, but he is very happy and satisfied. He has made achievements that his ancestors have worked so hard to achieve. , that is also very beautiful.

He also knew clearly in his heart that the reason why those royalists were so generous and gave their son a very high official position with real power was that they had no good intentions. There would inevitably be some conflicts between the courts, one big and one small, in the future. If they are not handled well, It is very likely to cause dissatisfaction among the subordinates.

The group of old people who followed him to fight the world can be regarded as veterans. Even if they don't have credit, they have toiled hard. And his son represents the young and strong faction. Many young generals under him fought bloody battles on the battlefield and made military exploits. How can they be rewarded? Satisfying all the subordinates, this is really a bit of a headache.

If you want us to be at odds with our father and son, you are too underestimating the old man and my unicorn, hehe.

The reason why he was so calm was because the father and son had talked openly and honestly, the division of labor was detailed, and they cooperated quite tacitly.

Moreover, the son is not as keen on power as others.

Besides, he is quite old, why haven't he seen such a big storm?Why is he still working so hard?Isn't it to leave a stable empire to his son?

In Jiayue, he had already started to retreat behind the scenes and let his son act boldly. What he did was to silently support his son and fill in the gaps for him. If his son wanted to take power now, he would delegate power without hesitation. .

"Brother Wei is awake?"

"Ah... Qing'er greets dad."

As soon as Qing'er came out of the room, she bumped into Li Gang who came suddenly. Her father-in-law had a meaningful smile on his face, which made her feel ashamed.

In fact, she woke up early, but her husband hugged her back to sleep in the cage, and she had no choice but to accompany her. She slept late for the first time, and didn't wake up until the sun was drying her buttocks.

She wanted to explain that there was no such thing at all, but, facing her father-in-law, how could such a thing be said? "Father, good morning."

When Li Wei came out of the room, he couldn't help being taken aback when he saw Daddy Cheap, "Are you so free?"

Li Gang grinned, with a meaningful smile on his face, "It's still early? The sun is drying my ass."

Qing'er was so ashamed that she searched for a crack, she made an excuse to serve tea, she blushed and quietly slipped away, and ordered the maidservant to serve tea quickly.

The maid served the fragrant tea and then left. The father and son sat in the hall and once again discussed the matter openly. Just before unifying the empire, stabilizing the situation, and appeasing the hearts of the people became the top priority, the most troublesome thing was the issue of rewards for the veterans and young men. , it is difficult to be comprehensive.

Li Wei pondered for a while, and put forward his own ideas, strengthening the management of the central government, implementing military and political division, and weakening the power of local prefects.

The current system has too many disadvantages and is no longer suitable. A new management system must be implemented. Local senior officials are appointed by the imperial court, and the prefect is still the highest local administrator. The central government, assisting the prefect to maintain local stability, not only cooperates with each other, but also restricts each other, and the imperial court firmly controls the military and political power.

Also, try to use talented children from poor families as much as possible, and support them, so as to weaken the influence of the aristocratic family, which can also be called power.

"Okay, you are worthy of my unicorn!"

Li Gang pondered for a long while, then slapped his thigh fiercely. His son's proposal was completely on point. Li's success today is based on what, he knows best in his heart, the power of the prefect is too great. To unify the empire, he doesn't want to have a big warlord who supports himself.

The transfer of power to the central government is a major event that he recognizes most. Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun. This is a wise saying. He not only wants to firmly control the military power, but also the political power in his hands. The military and political power is in one hand. Catch, so what about dictatorship?

History is written by the victors.

As for those aristocratic families, their power and influence are indeed too great. Sometimes they can affect the local area and even the decision-making of the imperial court. Every person in power is unwilling to see such an unfavorable situation, but they have no ability and no time to change it. That's all.

Chapter 187 Headache Cake

The Li family successfully entered Chang'an, monopolized the power of the court, and eliminated the self-respect of the prefects of the provinces supporting the soldiers.

Whether it's the young faction who has gone to the battlefield to kill the enemy and has made military achievements, or the veteran faction who stayed in the rear and didn't go to the battlefield, everyone is looking forward to it in their hearts, and they even quarreled about it.

The veterans do have the qualifications to be proud. They have been following the old magistrate to guard Li Gang from a very early age, and they have worked hard without merit. Veterans like Sun Jai have made great achievements in battle. Tang Tianhe has also made a lot of contributions, and he is also Li Gang's Riding a dragon and being a quick son-in-law is incomparable to the young and strong faction that has recently risen up.

Both Li and his son felt headaches because of this. However, it was a matter of internal stability and must be carefully considered. There was no rush, but the issue of pensions for the dead and disabled soldiers must be implemented as soon as possible.

After several fierce battles, except for the people who voluntarily assisted in defending the city, nearly 6 soldiers were killed and disabled. The biggest loss was the several defensive battles of the city, because the recruits who entered the battlefield for the first time panicked At a loss, this is also the inevitable price paid for recruiting a large number of young and strong.

The amount of war money alone is a huge amount. If you add the money to reward meritorious officers and soldiers, it is undoubtedly an astronomical sum. Coins to meet urgent needs.

He knew that doing so would definitely lead to some bad consequences, such as the depreciation of copper coins and rising prices, but there was nothing he could do. This series of wars had almost exhausted the treasury of Jiayue Province.

I have my own reliable confidantes to deal with the issue of provocation. Li Wei is worried that some daring guy dares to be greedy, so let my father let the word out. If you are greedy for other money, I may turn a blind eye to it. Pretend not to know, but if anyone dares to covet the money of the fallen soldiers, don't blame me for not recognizing him, and if he covets a copper coin, he will be killed!On the same day, the father and son summoned all their cronies to the mansion to discuss the issue of the reward. In addition to Wu You, there was also Wen Zishan, an old celebrity from Hongfeng Province who belonged to Li Wei's young and strong family. They are all veterans who have always followed Li Gang. Tian Ce was originally also a veteran, but now assisting Li Wei, he is also classified as a young man.

Li Gang first mentioned the new system of separating the military and the government, and asked everyone to discuss whether it is feasible. If it is feasible, he will ask the King of Qin to implement it.

All the people here, no matter how young or old, are all famous scholars with great talents. After a little thought, they can all feel the benefits of the new system. Such a preparation, if opposed, must be excluded from the core.

Seeing that everyone agrees, Li Gang took out a stack of manuscript paper for everyone to review. It was filled with a list of rewards, followed by the names of official positions and places for rewards. This was drafted after the father and son discussed for a long time, trying to be as comprehensive as possible. , even taking into account the interests of the major families, of course, you must be competent for some important positions.

Everyone here is an important core member of the Li family. Li Gang's arrangement naturally gives priority to them, which makes them quite gratified. Naturally, they don't have much opinion. Corresponding changes and changes.

In this big award, Li Wei, who represented the young faction, made a lot of concessions, and the veteran faction took advantage of it. The elders were quite impressed by Li Wei's consideration of the overall situation. At his age, the young master already has the bearing of a generation of heroes Demeanor.

This long meeting lasted until late at night. Afterwards, several officers in the Prime Minister's Mansion were so busy that they joined the army. They stayed up until the next morning to complete these important matters. At this time, it happened to be the time for the morning court. .

Now that Li Wei is a Hussar General, he is naturally qualified to go to court. Although he is praised as the youngest master of all masters, he only has the reputation of a scholar. , It can be said that there is no one before and no one after.

The civil and military officials in the palace watched the father and son silently with extremely complex eyes. In the eyes of the royalists and a few celebrities, they undoubtedly classified the father and son as villains.

However, most of the courtiers are silently planning their own future in their hearts. Nowadays, all fools know that the Li family holds the whole country's soldiers and horses, and it is a sure thing to control the power of the court. It is inevitable to oppose the Li family. There is no good fruit to eat, don’t you see, Mr. Li’s old fox used the excuse of internal rape to arrest some courtiers who strongly opposed him. He only needs to be charged with any crime.

Today is an era when there are many gentry families. Among the courtiers, many people come from aristocratic families. Even if they don't think about themselves, they have to think about their families.

In fact, many aristocratic families have clearly attached themselves to the Li family, and some of them have not fallen back, but they have also released goodwill, helping Li Gang in some difficulties, donating a lot of food and silver, and some even sending a young man from the family The most talented children of the previous generation joined Li's tent, fully assisted and so on.

Of course, there are also a small number of aristocratic families who are loyal royalists who stand clearly on the opposite side of the Li family. In addition, there are some Qingliu celebrities who are loyal to the royal family, and some ministers who are unhappy with the Li family. His influence is still quite large, and it can bring some troubles to the Li family in political affairs, at least for now.

After the court ceremony, Li Gang submitted the meritorious service written overnight. The royalist party naturally tried their best to rescue some ministers who were imprisoned in the prison. At this time, someone mentioned this matter and asked Li Gang why he detained the court for no reason. official.

The ministers attached to the Li family naturally came out to defend themselves, and the royalist ministers jumped out one after another, and the Golden Luan Palace inevitably had another battle of words.

Perhaps in the past, Li Wei still thought it was amusing and enjoyed watching it from the sidelines. However, seeing this kind of thing too often will inevitably cause annoyance, and there will be quarrels. Compared with the standard.

The ministers of the two factions were arguing fiercely. He stood aside and looked at Concubine Wu Hui who was sitting on the soft chair. After being nourished by love, she looked extraordinarily charming and charming, and he couldn't help grinning.

Thinking of the madness of the night before, and thinking of her dignified and virtuous like an angel on the outside, but crazy and indulgent like a witch in her bones, the animal blood in this guy's body will inevitably boil again, and the young master is even more eager to move.

Wu Huiniang sat on the soft chair, watching the ministers spitting and fighting each other with a blank face, feeling very helpless and bored. She was a woman, but she was forced to sit in front of the stage, which really made her very sad. Headache.

Seeing Ailang's meaningful smile, her heart couldn't help jumping wildly. This enemy is too presumptuous to tease her in front of civil and military officials in the solemn and solemn Jinluan Palace. She really doesn't know what to say good.

Chapter 188 Rewards

The purpose of the Royalist Party to make things difficult is just to force Li Gang to release him. If you don’t let him go, I will make things difficult for you. Don’t try to handle your affairs smoothly.

Li Gang knew the purpose of the Royalist Party long ago. As soon as this group of old guys got together to discuss matters, he knew it later. He was very satisfied with the ability of the internal guards and secret agents to handle affairs.

He can completely ignore these old guys who are in high positions but have no power or power. However, at present, stability is the main priority. Moreover, he does not want to bear the infamy of forcing the palace to usurp the throne, at least he needs to occupy the commanding heights of righteousness .

Therefore, he made some concessions and agreed to release them immediately. However, a few old guys who had proven evidence not only would not be released, but also beheaded to show the public, as a warning to others.

The royalist party did not dare to demand too much. After all, the power of life and death was in the hands of the butcher Li Gang, and he was driven into a hurry. God knows how many people will die. Damn it, he directly participated in the operation, was caught on the spot, and there was no way to save him.

Both sides took a step back, everyone was happy, and the war of words ended for the time being.

Next, it will be the bustling day when Li's family rewards for their meritorious deeds and throws a celebration banquet.

In the series of battles from entering Chang'an to quell the rebellion, pacifying the Kong family in Qingchuan, and expelling the invasion of the Tang army, the most outstanding military exploit is Sun Jai, one of the three generals of Jiayue. What Li Gang and Li Wei admire most is his character. Resolute, when he heard the news of the Tang army's invasion and the fall of Jincheng, he immediately gave up the Pingjin city that was about to be conquered, and led his army to block the Tang army's invasion, which won Li Wei precious time.

Sun Jai bestowed the title of General Huben, the title of Duke of the county, a reward of [-] liang, some silk and fertile land, and a Tiangang sword representing loyalty, bravery, righteousness and martial arts.

However, he is still leading a large army to stay at the border, and is doing his best to rebuild the Jincheng that was destroyed by the war. The imperial court sent envoys to carry a large amount of gold and silver property to offer rewards.

Tang Tian, ​​He Jin, Si Kong, Jian Zhuo Fengxing, Ding Xi, Bei Gongchun and others were all promoted to General Yingyang, Tian Ce, Wu You and Wen Zishan's official positions remained the same, they were still military teachers offering wine, and rewarding some silver, brocade and silk farmland.

Although the official positions of the three have not changed, they are so happy that they can't close their mouths. The military division's sacrificial wine was only at the provincial level, but now it is officially recognized by the court. The level and meaning are completely different.

A group of generals from Qingchuan were also on the list of rewards. All these generals breathed a sigh of relief. They were very grateful and pledged their allegiance to the Li family. All those who stood up to fight were rewarded. Take turns zooming in on holidays.

All the veterans who followed the old prefect Li Gang in the early days were also promoted, but they were not included in the rewards, and Li Gang made other arrangements to avoid dissatisfaction among the meritorious officers and men.

This time, the most enviable thing about this award is that apart from the elder Sun Zha, Li Yi, the Zhonglang general guarding Gucheng from the former Qingchuan clan who has just attached himself, is bestowed the title of Eagle because of his righteousness in defending Gucheng against the invasion of the Tang army. General Yang Lang, the title of county magistrate, bestowed Tiangang with a sword of loyalty and bravery.

General Ying Yanglang is one level higher than General Zhonglang, and he is still able to command the army. What makes all the generals envious is that he has also won the title of County Duke, and the Tiangang Zhongyong Sword bestowed by the prime minister.

The title of title is vain, but it represents great significance. It is not only among the ranks of nobles, but also hereditary. That is to say, one of the sons born to Li Yi later has a golden spoon in his mouth.

Not counting this, the entire Jiayue family's civilian and military generals, no matter whether they are young men with outstanding military exploits or hard-working veterans, only three of them have been awarded the Tiangang Loyalty Sword by the prime minister, which also means that Li Yi has won the favor of the prime minister. Accepted, squeezed into the core of the Li Group, as long as you are loyal and make no mistakes in the future, even if you don't make any meritorious service, your future will be very bright.

For this reason, Li Yi was moved with tears running down his face, wishing to cut his chest open to prove his loyalty, and also reassured all Qingchuan generals, they don't have to worry about being squeezed out, as long as they are loyal and have military exploits in the future, they can also be promoted , like Li Yi, won the supreme glory, the glory of the ancestors.

The celebration banquet lasted lively and lively for three days, the Prime Minister's Mansion and the Hussar General's Mansion were full of joy, the civil and military generals of the Li family were all smiles, and the royalists sneered.

But what people look forward to the most is the dismissal after the reward, that is the great benefit that really makes people happy.

In the anticipation of everyone, Prime Minister Li Gang wrote to the court to implement the new system. Unexpectedly, the Royalist Party actually supported the new system.

In fact, they can also see that the new system has great benefits for the imperial court. Power is transferred to the central government, which is not only easy to manage, but more importantly, it greatly weakens the power of the prefect guarding one side.

The prefect guards one side, controls the local military and political power, supports the self-respect of the soldiers, listens to the tune and does not listen to the announcement, has always been the most troublesome thing for the court. For decades, the court has been trying to weaken the power of the prefect. Not daring to do anything, which led to the current situation.

Li Gang proposed it on his own initiative, and that would be great. Although the royal family is now in decline and the government is controlled by Prime Minister Li Gang, for the court, there is a greater chance of revitalizing the royal family.

After the promulgation of the new system, Li Gang issued a series of new measures and appointment and dismissal orders in the name of the court.

The imperial army divided the three provinces of Jiayue, Qingchuan, Hongfeng and the central government into four major military regions. In addition to the standing army guarding the city, a pre-set army of 10 to [-] soldiers was named after the province.

Jiayue province is the foundation of the Li family, so Li Gang naturally appointed the most responsible confidants to guard it.

The commander of the Qingchuan Legion is Sun Zha, He Jin is the commander of the Hongfeng Legion, and the prefects of the two provinces are also Li Gang's confidantes, all veterans.

On this point, Li Gang is not afraid that the young and strong faction will have opinions. Governing a place is different from fighting a war. Moreover, although some people in the young and strong faction have outstanding military exploits, they lack qualifications and abilities, so most of them serve as third or fourth leaders. The following official positions need to be honed for a few years. Those who are capable will naturally have opportunities.

The central army is naturally under the command of Li Wei, including the eight thousand city guards in Chang'an City, the two thousand Yulin guards, and the one thousand inner palace guards. Power comes from the barrel of a gun. Therefore, military power must be firmly in hand.

The inner guard is a special existence. Li Wei divided the inner guard into two and named it the Black Yiwei and the Military Intelligence Department. The former is a copy of the Ming Dynasty Jinyiwei, and the latter is in charge of the military newspaper.

Ding Xi is still in charge of the Black Clothes Guards, this is his old line of work, so he is naturally able to manage them with ease, and he is very loyal, so he is the perfect candidate.

Ding Xi didn't complain because the inner guards were divided into half, on the contrary, he became more and more happy. The black guards are for the internal secret service agency, and they are more powerful than before. They enjoy the privilege of killing first and playing later. Under his control, although the number is small, it is a daunting and terrifying force.

The guard in black, who has the privilege of life and death, quickly appeared in people's field of vision after handling several major cases. His face changed, and his heart was shuddering. As a result, he became notorious. Ding Xi even won the title of King Yama He is said to be evil, and everyone keeps him at a respectful distance, and dare not associate with him.

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