Ge Changqing bowed his head and pondered for a while, then nodded in agreement. Qu Tianyi was his capable general. He knew his ability and character clearly. Just want to see how powerful Qin Jun's mysterious weapon is?

Soon, a Tang army rushed out of the camp and lined up in front of Sun Jai's camp. Then, the earth-shattering rumble of war drums sounded, and thousands of Tang troops uttered earth-shattering shouts and launched an attack on the camp.

The attacking soldiers were still dozens of steps away from the ditch in front of the camp. Giant arrows as thick as arms roared out of the Qin army camp and penetrated into the dense crowd. Severed limbs are thrown around.

Each giant arrow as thick as an arm is like an iron plow. Wherever it passes, it will plow a path of blood and clear a space without living people.

The horror of the lethality of this giant arrow and the tragic death of the comrades made the remaining morale tremble with fear. However, the military order was like a mountain, and they could only bite the bullet and charge forward.

Three waves of huge arrows fired in turn, and Tang Jun paid the price of hundreds of casualties. After more than [-] steps, dense black spots suddenly appeared in the sky, and turned into tens of hundreds of catties in the blink of an eye. The huge grinding stone fell down like hailstones, smashing the attacking Tang soldiers to pieces of blood and bones.

The trembling Tang soldiers rushed through the death blockade formed by the grinding stones, and they were greeted by waves of dense arrow rain, countless bloody sprays, and large areas of Tang soldiers fell down screaming.

The Tang army had already paid the price of thousands of casualties before rushing to that trench. God knows how many casualties would be paid to fill that trench? "Stop attacking!"

Ge Changqing decisively gave the order to stop the attack, his face was so gloomy that it was frightening. He has now learned the power of Qin Jun's secret weapon. This thing is really scarier than the catapult. The weapon has no dead angle, the closer the distance, the more terrifying the power, the only weakness is that the lethality of the projectile is not as good as that of the catapult.

The Qin army actually produced and equipped this kind of secret weapon in large quantities, and the secret spies of the empire could not find any news. They are all idiots!Ge Changqing was so angry that his face was livid. This secret weapon with terrifying lethality not only increased the difficulty and loss of the siege, but also seriously affected morale. This battle is in big trouble.

However, a puzzled question popped up in his mind, the previous opponent was also this Sun Jaw, the two sides had fought fiercely several times, and he had forced him to abandon several cities, yet he had never seen him use this secret weapon?

Chapter 1 Eighty

Early the next morning, Ge Changqing sent Qu Tianyi to lead his troops to line up outside the camp, and he personally led the army to launch a strong attack on Quping County.

Now, he also had the same thoughts in his heart as Qu Tian. The defense of this barracks seemed to be weaker than that of Quping County, but it was actually like a huge hedgehog that could stab people until bloody and painful. I would rather choose to attack Quping County, which has a higher city wall.

Standing on the high platform of Daying, Sun Jai watched the Tang army rush towards Quping County like a tide, with a very light expression on his face.

The city defense of Quping County has been fully reinforced. The important thing is that there are enough troops to defend. There are still nearly [-] young and strong men who can go into battle at any time. There are sufficient weapons and food. For half a year, the premise is that his barracks will not be captured.

For this reason, he spent a lot of energy to build the barracks as strong as a fortress, equipped with a large number of catapults and thunder chariots, and stocked a large number of giant arrows and simple incendiary bombs. It has not been put into use yet, and after Tang Jun pays, it must be unforgettable.

In fact, the so-called incendiary bombs are kerosene tanks wrapped in hay, but they are larger in size, contain more kerosene, and cover a certain area densely. The sea of ​​​​fire produced can not only cause serious casualties, but also deter the enemy. The morale of the army is also what Li Wei learned from the cover bombardment of modern artillery.

The earth-shattering rumble of war drums was accompanied by the thunderous roar of killing. The black Tang soldiers flocked to Quping County like a swarm of ants. The sky was full of criss-crossing arrows, mixed with giant arrows as thick as arms, and hail. The falling boulders, corpses in various shapes, damaged weapons and armor, and burning siege equipment constituted a tragic scene of war.

The offensive and defensive battle in Quping County was very fierce. At this time, Li Wei was leading an army of [-] towards the Panlong Mountain Fortress. After walking for ten days, the army arrived at the foot of Panlong Mountain on the night of the tenth day. As soon as they walked into the empty barracks that had been prepared, most of them lay down and rested directly. After a long and rapid march, everyone was exhausted.

Although Li Wei, Wu You and the others were riding horses, they were exhausted. However, they could not rest yet. They had to understand the deployment of Tang troops in the two counties of Pingyong and Xiatang.

Although the fortress was not attacked by the Tang army, Zhao Tianguang, the guard of the fortress, never let down his vigilance. Every day, he sent a large number of Yebu Shou down the mountain to inquire about the Tang army's intelligence, and had a basic understanding of the situation in the two cities of Pingyong and Xiatang.

The Tang army had 1 guards in Pingyong and Xiatang counties each, and another [-] were stationed between the two counties. No matter which county the Qin army wanted to attack, it would be restrained, and reinforcements could be made at any time.

In Jincheng, another [-] Tang troops were stationed. Although Shi Yuan, who surrendered, still commanded his trilogy, he followed Ge Changqing to the expedition and acted as cannon fodder. He suffered heavy losses when he attacked Pingjin City, and he almost became a poor general.

After grasping the general situation of the Tang army, the [-] troops rested for a whole day and two nights behind the barracks of the Panlong Mountain Fortress. Afterwards, the [-] troops rushed down Panlong Mountain, rushed straight to Pingyong County, and surrounded Pingyong County. It's leaking.

Su Qingcheng, the city guard of Pingyong County, desperately strengthened the city defense, and at the same time sent people for help, ten thousand against one hundred thousand, he had no confidence in defending the city.

Li Wei did not order the soldiers to attack the city, but he set up a simple catapult vehicle made in the Panlongshan Fortress, bombarded Pingyong County indiscriminately, and bombarded Pingyong County, which was originally a small city with low walls. It was riddled with holes and crumbling.

Pingyong County was the retreat route for the 20 Tang troops and had to be rescued. Jiang Qi, the guard of Xiatang, sent [-] soldiers to join the [-] soldiers stationed between the two cities for reinforcements.

The [-] reinforcements were ambushed by [-] soldiers led by Li Wei in the middle of the road, and the whole army was annihilated. Afterwards, the soldiers of the Jiayue Mansion stripped off the clothes and armor from the corpses, dressed up as the defeated Tang army, fraudulently opened the gate of Xiatang County, and ambushed in the city. The army from outside took advantage of the momentum to rush into the city and captured Xiatang County in one fell swoop.

Then, Li Wei sent someone to pretend to be a messenger of the Tang army to ask Jincheng for help. However, An Fuhai, the guard of Jincheng, was not fooled, but ordered his subordinates to strengthen their vigilance.

It wasn't that An Fuhai saw through Li Wei's tricks, but that he only had [-] soldiers in his hands, which was more than enough to defend the city, and the reinforcements were powerless, so he had to send someone to the court for help.

The tactic of besieging and fighting for reinforcements failed, so Li Wei had to leave 20 soldiers to guard Xiatang County, and ordered the soldiers to desperately reinforce the city defenses to prevent the reinforcements of the Tang army from conquering the city again and opening up the retreat of the trapped [-] Tang troops.

Next, Li Wei led an army of [-] to launch a fierce attack on Pingyong County. The Tang army in the city learned that the reinforcements were wiped out, Xiatang County was lost, and the retreat had been blocked. Morale dropped to freezing point. Falling, Tang Jun, who had already been panicked, immediately abandoned his weapons and surrendered.

After capturing Pingtang County, Li Wei breathed a sigh of relief and regained the two cities, which is equivalent to completely cutting off the logistics supply and retreat route of the 20 Tang troops who went deep alone. The door is closed, and the next step is to beat the dogs in the water It's time.

He left 20 soldiers to guard the city, and led an army of nearly 20 to advance towards Pingjin City. In order to wipe out Ge Changqing's [-] Tang troops as soon as possible, although the army he commanded was small, they were all elite standing troops of the Jiayue Army. There are also the most elite [-] trapped camps and [-] tiger and leopard cavalry. With the absolute advantage of the right time, place, and harmony, if Ge Changqing's [-] Tang troops cannot be wiped out, he will be ashamed to face others.

At this time, Ge Changqing was still leading his troops to attack Quping County. He did not expect that the small Quping County would be so difficult to conquer. No matter how brave you are, you just can't break through the human wall that Qin Jun built the city with flesh and blood.

He was resentful and annoyed, there was still a trace of fear, and more unwillingness.

He was angry with the generals he had mooted, didn't they all brag about how powerful they are?Why can't even a small county town whose walls collapse?

The tenacious resistance of the Qin army was completely beyond his expectation. If he had to pay such a heavy price every time he attacked a city, he himself did not have the confidence to destroy the weak Qin Empire.

What was not reconciled was that after paying a heavy price of casualties, several places of the city wall of Quping County were finally knocked down, exposing several large gaps. Seeing that victory was in sight, they were unable to break through the new city wall built by the Qin people with their flesh and blood.

He was not reconciled and determined to launch another attack!This time, he not only used his personal guards as the death squads, but also recruited 17 experienced veterans from various armies to fill the death squads. He also planned to gather the remaining [-] catapults and push them to the At the front line, concentrated and violent bombardment was carried out on a gap in the main attack, intending to open a breakthrough into the city.

However, before the order was issued, a panic-looking guard hurried in and presented a piece of paper. Ge Changqing glanced at it, and jumped up from the chair in a terrified manner.

Chapter 181

As far as the current situation is concerned, the Tang army has still failed to capture Gucheng, so the two county towns of Pingyong and Xiatang are the retreat for Ge Changqing, a lone army that penetrated deep into the hinterland of the Qin Empire.

Now, Ye Bu received urgent information, and the loss of the two cities of Pingyong and Xiatang meant that his escape route was completely cut off, and jumping up from the chair was also a normal reaction.

At this time, Ge Changqing's face was frighteningly gloomy. It was impossible to return to the division and seize the two cities of Pingyong and Xiatang. The main force of the Qin army was coming from that direction to Pingjin.

After thinking about it for a while, he felt that his only choice now is to use all his strength to conquer Quping County as quickly as possible, go around to the back of Gucheng, and attack back and forth with the friendly forces outside the pass. Only by conquering Gucheng can he survive.

This matter is too serious. Once it is spread, the morale of the entire army will definitely drop to freezing point even if it does not collapse. If the morale is not to be affected, the only way to keep it secret is to keep it secret.

He asked people to call the head of the guard, Kang Zhongwen, and ordered in a low voice that anyone who had contact with the Yebushou who came to deliver the letter, including the guard just now, would be executed in secret.

They also sent flying cavalry to Pingjin City, and informed the deputy general Li Tianfeng to lead his troops to join them as soon as possible.

In desperation, Ge Changqing wanted to break the boat and kill a life in despair. He ordered a desperate commando composed of [-] personal guards and elite veterans of the [-] army to launch the most violent attack on the collapsed place of Quping County.

Since Quping's city walls collapsed in several places, Sun Jai took command from the top of the city and repelled the Tang army's frenzied attacks again and again. Multiple or more.

This time, Tang Jun still braved the hail-like bombardment of huge stones, the rain of locust arrows and the bombardment of giant arrows in turn, launching a crazy attack regardless of the cost.

The death-death commando team composed of personal guards and elite veterans of the army really lived up to Ge Changqing's expectations. After a brutal killing, they broke through the first line of defense of the defenders and launched a more violent attack on the second line of defense.

Ge Changqing was overjoyed and ordered the soldiers to beat the drums to cheer him on. At the same time, he ordered the second and third attack echelons to be deployed, hoping to break through the defense of the defenders and conquer Quping County in one fell swoop.

The loss of the first line of defense made Sun Jai, who was in command at the top of the city, frowned. He ran to the broken wall where the Tang army attacked, and found that the Tang army attacking at the forefront this time was all wearing bright armor. What's going on, the opponent dispatched the elite of the army.

Looking at the large group of Tang soldiers coming in like a tide from a distance, Sun Jai decided to use the simple incendiary bomb invented by the young master to greet these elite enemy troops. Putting the improvised incendiary bombs to use, now is the time to use them.

"Lord be careful."

Just as Sun Jaw was issuing a series of military orders, the guards around him exclaimed and dragged him desperately to one side.

There was a loud bang, and a roaring and falling huge stone knocked down another part of the crumbling city wall. Although it was still seven or eight steps away from where Sun Jaw was standing, it was still scary enough.

"Tell Lu Yang to blow up Tang Jun's catapult truck!"

Sun Jai pointed to the front, Tang Jun's catapult vehicles were running low, but they were still very annoying, and they were too harmful to the city walls, so they were all destroyed.

There are no cannons these days, so naturally there is no advanced tactical theory to cover and suppress the opponent's artillery. Both sides have only catapults, but generally they bomb their own. There is no way to concentrate all the catapults to suppress and destroy the other side's catapults. idea.

The huge grinding stone just now made Sun Jai very upset, and ordered the soldiers of the Shenji Battalion in the city to concentrate on bombarding the few remaining catapults of the Tang Army, but unintentionally conformed to the modern tactics of artillery suppressing and destroying enemy artillery.

The Jiayue Mansion Army's carefully improved catapults have a longer range than the catapults equipped by the armies of the mainland empires today, and the weight of the stone bullets is heavier, reaching a real hundred catties. However, it still cannot be improved in terms of accuracy. This is also the reason why Li Wei still has a headache.

However, Sun Jai and other generals didn't care much about this. The army was equipped with so many heavy weapons with terrifying lethality, and their hearts were already crooked, so what's the matter with the accuracy, they can blast out and smash the enemy army. Screaming is cool.

A large number of catapult trucks were set up in the city, but the continuous bombardment has worn out more than half of them, and the craftsmen in the army are busy repairing them. They have been repaired, and there are only a dozen of them that can be put into use.

After receiving the order, the soldiers of the Shenji Battalion hurriedly loaded a hundred catties of boulders, corrected their orientation, and launched a test shot. The observation soldiers at the top of the city corrected their orientation and coordinates based on the impact of the stone bullets. After determining the exact azimuth and coordinates, all the catapults fired stone bombs at the same time, destroying only a dozen remaining catapults of the Tang Army, and also smashed the soldiers of the Tang Army's Shenji Battalion to bloody flesh, broken bones and tendons, and suffered heavy casualties .

It is also normal for the Tang army's catapult to be destroyed. I don't know the advanced tactical concept of artillery covering, suppressing and destroying. I ignored the stone bombs that the Qin army tried to correct the azimuth coordinates, and did not move the catapult position. The result can only be Car crashes.

After destroying the only dozen or so catapults left by the Tang army, the pressure on the defenders was greatly reduced, and all the soldiers were relieved. Many people even gave loud cheers, which boosted their morale.

However, Ge Changqing's death-death commando team composed of elite veterans in the army still put extremely heavy pressure on the soldiers standing on the broken wall. The first line of defense was lost, and the second line of defense was also in jeopardy.

"Smash me!"

With an order from Sun Zha, the simple incendiary bomb that was originally thrown by a catapult, he ordered the soldiers to move up to the top of the wall and smash it on the heads of the Tang army commandos crowded at the broken wall.

Porcelain pots full of kerosene were smashed from the top of the city, smashing the heads of Tang soldiers below the city, the oil and water splashed everywhere, and the smell was choking.

Smelling the choking smell, the soldiers of the attacking Tang army felt bad. However, with so many people crowded in the narrow place, it was difficult to turn around, let alone retreat.

In the city, the soldiers of the Shenji Battalion filled the simple incendiary bombs, ignited them with torches, and threw them immediately. The flaming fireballs roared into the air, and then fell to the ground. Groups of Tang soldiers turned into burning men, struggling and screaming, and soon fell to the ground, the corpses were still burning, and the air was filled with a disgusting smell of burning.

The azimuth and coordinates of the launch of the catapult are fixed, but due to various reasons such as the weight of the oil tanks, the distance between the landing points of the simple incendiary bombs thrown out is relatively large, but the kerosene shoots everywhere, and the raging fire burns the entire area. Enveloped, in the sea of ​​fire, all creatures turned into black ash.

The purpose of throwing simple incendiary bombs with catapults is to block the follow-up offensive troops of the Tang army, and also block the retreat of the attacking troops, and rely on superior forces to wipe out the enemy.


Sun Jai calmly ordered. According to the time, the young master's army should have recovered the two counties of Pingyong and Xiatang, and advanced towards Pingjin City. In the evening, they should be able to reach Pingjin City.

"Burn these sons of bitches!"

The soldiers on the top of the city cursed with gritted teeth, and threw torches down the city.

Chapter 182 Surrender

There were a lot of Tang troops crowded into the collapsed part of the city wall, densely packed into a group, and some people were knocked down by the kerosene cans that fell from the top of the city. Those soldiers who were not knocked down were considered lucky for the time being, but their bodies were covered with kerosene , There was more kerosene flowing on the ground, a few torches were thrown down, and the whole area immediately turned into a sea of ​​​​fire and hell, and the burning men huddled in a pile uttered miserable screams, struggling desperately, and soon fell down.

At the gap, Sun Zha ordered the soldiers and the people in the city to throw away beams, wooden doors, panels, chairs, tables and other sundries, and temporarily built three simple defense lines. The soldiers stood behind the three simple defense lines and used dense formations to resist the Tang army's attack.

Under the fire, the sundries in the first and second lines of defense were all ablaze. Those fire men who were desperately struggling and screaming ran everywhere. Hugging the ignition, he screamed in despair, but was quickly extinguished by his companions with mud and carried to the rear for treatment.

The skyrocketing fire was still raging, and the air was filled with a disgusting smell of burning. Soldiers on both sides stopped fighting at the same time, looking at the countless struggling fire men with complicated expressions.

Ge Changqing's face was so gloomy that it was frighteningly gloomy. He fought with his back to the water, but was resolved by Sun Jaw's fire. Not to mention the heavy losses of the elite, the morale of the soldiers also dropped to freezing point. Moreover, will the fire be extinguished for a while? Blocked his continuous attack.

Could it be that he is really going to be defeated in Quping City?

Even though Ge Changqing was very anxious, he also knew the principle of going all out, then weakening, and exhausting three times. At this time, the morale of the soldiers was extremely low, and if they forced an attack, it would only increase casualties. Take a temporary break for an hour.

The Tang soldiers retreated, and the soldiers on the top of the city let out bursts of cheers of victory. Sun Jai was not overwhelmed by the temporary victory. He ordered the soldiers and the people in the city to speed up repairing the dilapidated fortifications and prepare for the next round of the Tang army. Crazy attack.

In Tang Jun's central army tent, Ge Changqing was lying on the table, desperately opening his eyes, looking at the military map spread out on the table over and over again.

He had carefully read this military map and read it countless times. He wanted to find a road that bypassed Quping County and went straight behind Gucheng, but he was disappointed. Built on the fork leading to Gucheng and Sanyangguan, it usually has no strategic significance, but this meeting highlights its importance.

Of course, there are still many high mountains and dense forests in this area. If he retreats into the mountains and forests, he may be able to survive for a while, but he can't even imagine the consequences, not to mention whether he can find food. It will collapse in an instant.

"Where is Li Tianfeng's department now?"

Ge Changqing, with red eyes open, asked loudly, all the generals were kicked out of the tent by him, and they were waiting outside to obey orders. What he was looking for now was Li Tianfeng's new force, which might bring him a miracle.

Li Tianfeng has 3 people under his command, 5000 of whom are the imperial standing army, belonging to the elite army. They have been staying under the city of Pingjin to contain the Qin army in Pingjin city. Conquer Quping as soon as possible, there is still a chance.

"Marshal, someone has been sent to urge you."

Someone outside the tent answered loudly.


Ge Changqing snorted coldly, now, he has to race against time, the longer the delay, the more unfavorable it will be for him.

At this time, the logistics officer in charge of logistics came in to report that the grain and grass carried with the army were no longer enough to support the army's seven-day food supply.

Ge Changqing waved his hand to show that he knew, and signaled him to retreat. The Qin army blocked the way back, and the food supply would naturally be insufficient. As long as Quping County can be conquered, the problem of food and grass will naturally be solved.

An hour later, the Tang army rushed out of the barracks again and lined up on the flat ground. Ge Changqing knew that the morale of the soldiers was low, but he had no choice.

Afterwards, the rumbling drums began to beat again, and the densely packed Tang soldiers once again launched an attack on the dilapidated Quping County.

However, although Tang Jun's momentum was huge and the offensive was fierce, Sun Ja could feel that Tang Jun's morale was obviously low, and the pressure on his subordinates was not as heavy as before.

Ge Changqing also knew clearly that the morale was so low that forcing the soldiers to attack the city would only increase casualties, but he had no choice but to desperately consume the defenders' strength and create conditions for the incoming new force to break the city.

After more than an hour, the guards around him reported in a low voice that Yebu, who had just returned to the camp covered in blood, brought bad news. Li Tianfeng's troops were ambushed by the Qin army on the way to retreat, and the army collapsed. Li Tianfeng himself died in the Among the chaotic army, tens of thousands of Qin troops were marching towards this side in a mighty manner. According to the speed of the march, they could reach Quping County before dark.

Ge Changqing was so shocked that his only hope was pinned on Li Tianfeng's subordinates. Li Tianfeng was defeated and his hope was shattered.

Now, what he has to consider is to lead the army to fight to the death with the Qin army, and die decently?Or put down the weapon thrower?or escape?

After withdrawing troops and returning to the camp, Ge Changqing summoned a group of cronies and confidants to discuss matters in the tent. Only now did the generals know that the two cities of Pingyong and Xiatang were lost and the retreat was cut off. Qin Jun is coming here aggressively.

All the generals in the tent turned pale with shock and bowed their heads in silence. No one knew what they were thinking?

In the big camp, the exhausted Tang soldiers were resting. They had been fighting for several days. They were already exhausted. The fighting spirit brought by the previous winning streak had long since disappeared. What followed was the mentality of war weariness. They just went home now. Reunite with loved ones at home.

Ge Changqing discussed with a group of confidants in the commander's tent. In the end, he decided to stay. Some generals did not want to be prisoners. They patrolled the barracks on the pretext of inspecting the barracks and took their guards into the dense forest. He dropped his weapon, pretended to be a commoner, and sneaked towards the Nu River.

The Nu River stretched for thousands of miles, and no matter how defended the Qin army was, they could not block all the long embankments and river channels. Passing merchant ships or fishing boats of the people living along the river were their means of escape back to the Tang Empire.

There were nearly 500 generals and their guards who escaped secretly, but only a dozen of them were able to return to the Tang Empire. Most of them lost their way in the vast forest, and either starved to death or became delicious food for wild beasts.

However, these are later stories.

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