While strengthening the city defense, he sent people to interrogate the prisoners of war. After confirming that these private soldiers came from certain aristocratic families, he immediately sent troops to surround those aristocratic families overnight, break through the mansion, and those who dared to resist were killed on the spot. He was sent to the big prison to await trial. For a while, the big prison in the Chang'an government office was overcrowded, and it made people feel more and more panicked.

In order to appease the hearts of the people, Li Gang sent people to beat gongs and drums to publicize that those big families were acting as internal traitors in order to conspire against the rebellion. He opened the gates of the city and let the wolf-like Qingchuan soldiers enter the city to slaughter the people. He was ordered by the king to destroy the rebel party. Let the people not panic. As for the grievances of the people, they can file a complaint after the war, and he will judge the case impartially and give justice to the grievances.

Li Gang was very annoyed in his heart, and his murderous intentions became even more intense. He could tolerate those guys teasing and sarcasm in the court, and even stumbled him with insidious tricks to prevent him from governing, but he absolutely cannot tolerate such things as having an affair with the Kong family in Qingchuan and attempting to plot rebellion , if some people's heads are not chopped off, these guys think he is easy to bully.

He ordered his confidants to interrogate overnight, torture them to extract confessions, or beat them into tricks, anyway, those people have been charged with treason charges, except for the masterminds and their family members who are temporarily imprisoned in the prison, and their bodyguards, house slaves, private soldiers and minor managers, directly hacked Show off the head to frighten Xiaoxiao.

He doesn't mind how much infamy he bears. In troubled times, heavy codes should be used. Those who should be cut off must be cut off. Cut off a batch. Look at those jumping clowns who dare to jump out to embarrass him?

The Prime Minister's Mansion was brightly lit, and everyone was busy. Li Gang was also very busy. After arranging and dealing with some important matters, the sky turned pale, and he felt extremely tired. Fortunately, the surprise attack last night made Kong Ning Having some fear in his heart, he didn't dare to attack the city again, which relieved his pressure a lot.

There was a lot of noise in the city, and Li Wei and his tiger and leopard cavalry were also busy. Like ghosts in the dark night, they cautiously wandered around the Qingchuan Army's barracks, looking for fighters to attack.

Kong Ning sent several teams out of the camp to investigate. As a result, only two escaped in embarrassment, and one of them had two arrow feathers stuck in his body.

Li Wei also ordered Zhuo Fengxing to launch a tentative raid on the camp in the north of the city, but unfortunately the enemy's defense was tight and dozens of people were lost. Seeing that the sky was about to brighten, he led the team to leave.

Back at the temporary camp where he was hiding, Shen Ke, the deputy commander of the internal guards, excitedly submitted an urgent report and several letters.

Before the Mutiny in Chang'an, Shen Ke was ordered to set up a checkpoint between Chang'an and Dongping Pass to kill the messengers of all forces, but Kong Ning, like them, set off beacon smoke as a signal, and Shen Ke and his subordinates lost the opportunity to intercept and kill. The meaning of messengers, they are scattered in the vicinity, scouting and spying on the enemy's intelligence.

In the middle of the night, they intercepted several batches of messengers sent by Kong Ning, and seized several letters and arrows written by him.

In the letter, Kong Ning ordered the troops staying at Pingjin, Jiangluo to retreat to Dongping Pass one by one, one of them stood firm, and the rest of the troops rushed to Chang'an.

Just looking at this order, one can tell that Kong Ning is really desperate. Fortunately, the several batches of messengers he sent were all intercepted and killed by Shen Ke's inner guard secret agents, and the letters could not be delivered.

The urgent message was sent by Zhonglang General He Jin who led the army to reinforce him. He has successfully captured Jiangyang County. However, the soldiers are too tired and need to rest for at least one morning.

For Li Wei, this is great news. Occupying Jiangyang County is tantamount to cutting off Kong Ning's food road and escape route. As long as a part of the troops are left to defend Jiangyang County for three days, waiting for Tang Tianhe's As soon as the army arrives, they will have a decisive battle with Kong Ning under the city of Chang'an. At that time, the dust will have settled.

He also understood the reason why He Jin didn't lead his troops to Chang'an right away. According to the itinerary, He Jin's troops would not be able to reach Jiangyang County until noon at the earliest. He was eager to reinforce Chang'an, so he must have ordered the soldiers to spare no effort to risk their lives. Hurry up and take advantage of the cover of night to attack and occupy Jiangyang County in one go. However, the soldiers' physical fitness has been seriously overdrawn, and they must rest well before they can continue to fight.

The sky brightened, and Kong Ning led the army to continue to besiege Chang'an City. The defenders in the city took advantage of the precious time last night to mobilize the craftsmen, carpenters and a large number of people in the city to repair the damaged fortifications. In addition, Li Wei successfully attacked the enemy in the west of the city at night. And burned a barracks, which greatly boosted the morale of the soldiers.

Because Kong Ning was attacked last night, he was already mad and lost his calmness. To be precise, he should feel that the time left for him is running out. No matter what, he must break through the city of Chang'an today.

All the troops were mobilized, all the heavy siege equipment was thrown into the battlefield, and the four city gates were heavily attacked, which immediately increased the pressure on the defenders in the city.

Li Gang personally sits at the head of the city, cheering up the soldiers, and counting the time, all the aid from the side should arrive today. This may be Kong Ning's last madness.

In addition to the [-] soldiers trapped in the camp who were still resting and waiting for orders, he also concentrated all available troops and invested in the defense of the four city gates one after another.

Amidst the rumbling drums and earth-shattering roars, soldiers from both sides once again launched a fierce offensive and defensive battle. Chang'an City was like a huge meat grinder, crazily devouring every young life.

Chapter 171 The Last Madness

The madness of the Qingchuan government army put the defenders in Chang'an City under extremely heavy pressure. Li Wei and the three thousand tiger and leopard cavalry were still huddled in the valley more than ten miles away. Yebushou understands the war outside.

He knew very well in his heart that the final decisive battle was today. Kong Ning seemed to feel something was wrong and became crazy. The four city gates were heavily attacked.

He wanted to send tiger and leopard cavalry to harass him, but the soldiers had been harassing him all night. They were exhausted and needed a rest to recover their strength. They were waiting for the final decisive battle in the evening to enter the battlefield. At this time, he could only pray that the cheap father could hold on to the city at the critical moment.

The fierce offensive and defensive battle is still going on, Xia Houheng can't remember how many times he has repelled the crazy attacks of the Qingchuan government soldiers. The soldiers under him have changed several batches. He is covered with dirty blood. It has long been damaged, but the sword in his hand, which has drunk a lot of blood from the enemy, is still intact.

It all depends on the armor with strong protective ability on his body, and the sword in his hand that cuts iron like mud, otherwise, he would have sacrificed himself several times.

"Brothers, for the sake of family members, for the glory of the soldiers, kill!"

Panting heavily, Xia Houheng roared, and chopped down a Qingchuan soldier who had just climbed up to the top of the wall with a sword.


The newly added recruits roared and swung their weapons desperately at the enemy. If they retreated, they would die, and if they moved forward, they would die. A sum of money can also reduce a person's labor, so they can only do their best.

The enemy soldiers who dared to climb to the top of the city were either knocked down by iron swords or stabbed by spears. If they did not smash stones and roll logs, they would smash them with the enemy's corpse. The only way to save their lives was to kill the enemy.

Kong Ning's face was livid, and he looked a little ferocious and scary. He had a premonition that time was running out, and he had to fight to the death, or have a chance of survival. For this reason, he invested all the heavy siege equipment and almost all his troops, In the frenzied attack, the walls of the Great Wall were destroyed by nearly a hundred catapults, crumbling, and the position at the top of the city changed hands several times.

The army attacked crazily, from morning to evening, even he himself could not remember how many waves of attacks were launched, and how much the soldiers were damaged in battle. Anyway, the trebuchets were exhausted, and the craftsmen and carpenters in the army were desperately rushing to repair them, and the dilapidated and crumbling Chang'an City is still as firm as a rock and will not fall down.

"Attack, attack me!"

He roared hysterically, and the heads of several generals who failed to attack the city were beheaded.

He knew that he would not be able to attack for a long time and the morale of the soldiers would be low, but he had no way out.

Although he was so angry that he almost ran away, he still didn't forget to ask Pingjinjiang and Luo Dongping for news. He had sent more than a dozen messengers to Sanguan, but so far there was still no news, which made him feel more and more uneasy.

The expected three passes did not send any news back, but unfavorable news came continuously.

In the direction of Jiangyang County, a [-] army of the Jiayue Mansion Army is less than fifteen miles away.

In the direction of Yunluo City, Li Gang's second son-in-law Tang Tianhe's [-] troops, one of the three generals of Jiayue Province, are less than twenty miles away.

"Murong Jin!"

"Not yet."

A burly young general bowed in response. He was the captain of Kongning's personal guard, and he was in charge of the three hundred most elite guards of the Qingchuan Army.

Kong Ning stared at the red eyes, and ordered him to lead [-] personal guards to attack the city, to be the decisive commando to break the city, and to hold the last trump card in his hand, the most elite of the Qingchuan army, to keep his energy and store up all the time. Rui's One Thousand Tiger Guards Battalion was transferred to his command.

This is his last chance to break through the city. If he can't break through the city before the two reinforcements from the Jiayue Mansion Army arrive, everything will be ruined. I hope they can create miracles at the most critical time.

Murong Jin bowed down to accept the order and strode away with [-] guards. The [-] Tiger Guards, who had been recharging their energy, were also ordered to move from the rear to the front.

"Boys, meritorious service is at this moment, follow me, go!"

Murong Jin brandished an iron sword, held a shield in his left hand, roared and charged first, followed by three hundred guards, followed by a thousand Tiger Guard soldiers, rushing towards the city like a tide.

After several days and nights of fierce fighting, the catapults of both sides were almost worn out, and only a few pitifully small stones roared down in the sky, killing several unlucky guards.

Murong Jin led his troops to brave the rain of locust arrows falling from the top of the city, and quickly rushed to the bottom of the city. Holding a large shield, he commanded his guards to climb up the ladder.

A guard had just climbed up a few steps, when a cold arrow whizzed and hit the door, the guard let out a miserable cry and fell off the ladder.

Immediately there were several guards scrambling to climb up the ladder. They bit their iron swords in their mouths, held the ladder in one hand, and held a shield in the other to block the arrows that shot down from time to time.

With a bang, a rock fell from the top of the city. Although the guards at the front used their big shields to block it, they couldn't support the force of the rock falling from a high place. With a cry of surprise, they fell down the long ladder. , the guards behind continued to climb forward.

The Qingchuan Army attacked day and night for several days. Heavy siege equipment such as tower nest carts and catapults suffered great losses.

The damage of the ladder is even greater, but the construction is simple. Qingchuan government soldiers are currently relying on the ladder to forcibly attack the city.

Eight ladders leaned against the city wall one after another, and the guards of the death-death commando rushed to climb the city wall. Those in front were hit by arrows or were knocked down by rocks and rolling logs, while those behind continued to climb bravely.

Those who can be selected into Kong Ning's bodyguard team are not only veterans who have experienced many battles, but also have excellent personal martial arts skills. Arrows rained densely, and they climbed bravely and fearlessly. After paying the price of more than a hundred casualties, someone finally killed the top of the city. Start a fierce fight.


Murong Jin swung his iron sword, hissed and roared, and commanded the soldiers to attack. His three hundred bodyguards acted as a death-death commando, and they had all gone into battle. Next, it was the turn of the elite Tiger Guards to attack.

The breakthrough at Dongchengtou greatly boosted the morale of the Yiqianhuwei Battalion. They braved the dense arrow rain to climb up the ladder, climbed up the city, and fought fiercely with the soldiers defending the city, defending the position at the top of the city. , to cover the comrades behind him and climb up.

The defenders at the top of the city also fought one after another, never retreating an inch, and devoted their lives to guarding the city wall and guarding their wives, children, and children. However, facing the elite Tiger Guard battalion of the Qingchuan Army, the recruits paid an extremely heavy price.

As more and more Tiger Guard soldiers climbed up the city, the top of the city had been lost, and the situation became very critical.

"Brothers, follow me, kill!"

Xia Houheng, who had already completed the task of defending the city and was about to withdraw from the city to rest, roared loudly, and led the remaining troops to face the Huwei camp occupying the position at the top of the city.

Chapter 172 The Final Battle

There was a loud bang, and the fierce rebounding force caused Xia Houheng to stagger back seven or eight steps before he stabilized his figure. He shook his numb arm, his tiger eyes flashing with excitement and respect for his opponent.

After beheading three enemy soldiers, he ran into the enemy officer in front of him. He was shocked by the strength of the opponent and at the same time ignited his fighting spirit.

His opponent is Jiang Li, the Captain of the Tiger Guards Camp. He looks extremely powerful and has a burly and strong figure. He was also shocked to retreat four or five steps from the head-on blow just now, and the blood in his body was churning, making him feel very uncomfortable.

He was also shocked by Xia Houheng's astonishing strength, and he couldn't help but feel the excitement and respect of meeting his opponent. However, although he took advantage of recharging his energy, his sword broke a small hole, and Xia Houheng's flickering Youyou Lengmang's iron sword was intact as before, and the two sides were considered even.

The two men bowed their bodies slightly, gripped the hilt of the sword tightly with both hands, locked each other's eyes tightly, and moved their steps cautiously, preparing for a thunderbolt blow.

Around them, the soldiers on both sides were desperately roaring and fighting, occasionally mixed with shrill and painful cries.


Xia Houheng let out a low growl, and rushed forward with his sword, Jiang Li also swung his sword at the same time, a series of jingling explosions sounded, and the two of them each slashed dozens of swords in the blink of an eye, and the powerful counter-shock force once again Shocked the two of them back a few steps.

"Come again."

Xia Houheng let out a strange cry, and swung his sword again, and the two of them slammed into a group again, all of them were fighting with each other, head-to-head combat in the army.

During the fight, Xia Houheng suddenly groaned, his huge body staggered back, tripped over the corpse on the ground, and sat down on the wet floor dripping with blood, his left thigh broke open. A mouth full of bones, blood poured out frantically.

Jiang Li knelt on one knee, leaning his iron sword on the ground to support his crumbling body. His thick black face was distorted by the severe pain and looked a little hideous and frightening. His fatal wound was on his chest, and blood gushed out from the wound. Power and life also disappeared with the flow of blood.

Xia Houheng panted heavily, and made the final sword of life and death. He was not only injured, but also exhausted all the strength in his body, and he sat slumped on the bluestone floor.

At this moment, he scanned the surrounding area, and his already pale face became even more pale and bloodless, surrounded by extremely fierce Qingchuan soldiers, and all his trilogy had been killed in battle.

A soldier of the Tiger Guards roared and stabbed with a spear. Xia Houheng didn't even have the strength to move his butt at the moment, let alone block or dodge. He could only watch the iron spear stab, and closed his eyes in despair. eyes.


A shrill howling sounded beside his ears. Xia Houheng, who had closed his eyes and waited to die, was stunned. He opened his eyes instinctively, and saw the spear-wielding Qingchuan soldier collapsed, clutching his neck, and an arrow pierced through him. critical throat.

"Dare to hurt my elder brother, kill!"

The familiar, thunderbolt-like roar sounded from behind, which lifted Xia Houheng's spirits, and his survival instinct drove him to roll backward desperately, narrowly avoiding being stabbed by a spear.


Amidst the roar of thunderbolt, a tall and strong young man like a calf rushed forward, splitting another Qingchuan soldier in half with a huge ax in his hand.

"Brother, I'm here, hehe."

With a wide grin, he helped Xia Houheng who had collapsed on the ground to his feet.

"Aba, we must drive the enemy out of the city."

Xia Houheng gasped and confessed that he didn't know why his third brother Xia Houba had also come here, but in terms of strength and force, his third brother was recognized as the number one master of the younger generation in Chang'an City.

"Brother, don't worry."

Xia Houba grinned, and ordered the generals around him to carry his elder brother Xia Houheng down to the city to heal his wounds. Then he swung his huge ax and led dozens of generals in the mansion to tear apart the Tiger Guards battalion that kept climbing up.

The Xiahou family is a family of generals, with martial arts as the foundation, martial arts and military art is an indispensable main homework for the children of the clan, under the long-term influence, all the servants and maids in the mansion have practiced martial arts well, some of them are as good as military masters Compete.

The fifty generals brought by Xia Houba were all outstanding in martial arts in the Fuchu, and his personal strength was extremely high. In addition to his super strength, although there were few people, he managed to contain the Qingchuan Army's fierce offensive.

Kong Ning's bodyguards and the Tiger Guards Battalion are the elites of the army, but it takes a certain amount of time to climb up the city, and they have to climb up to the top of the city one by one. Advantage.

"Drive all the enemy troops to the city!"

Li Gang roared loudly. He heard that Dongcheng was in danger, so he immediately brought a group of soldiers over for reinforcements, just in time for the critical moment.

Reinforcement soldiers swarmed up, stabbed with swords and spears, and forced the enemy troops on the top of the city to squeeze out of the city with human sea tactics. There were several layers of thick corpses piled up under the city wall, and they jumped from the top of the city. Fortunately, they escaped unscathed. No damage, luckily many broken hands and feet.

However, a dense rain of arrows sprinkled on the top of the city, and those who escaped slowly were shot into big hedgehogs.

"damn it!"

Kong Ning was so angry that he stomped his feet and scolded his mother, why is it always so close?Is this thief God helping the surname Wei?

Under his strict order, the elite Tiger Guard battalion once again launched a strong attack on the city, but they had already lost the chance to break through the city.

Seeing the eight pillars of smoke rising in the distance, Li Gangha let out a strange cry, so excited that he punched the wall and gave a series of orders.

The eight beacons of smoke represent that the reinforcements from our side have arrived, and they will start the final decisive battle with the Qingchuan army under the city. He immediately put all the reserves into the defensive battle of the city wall, and the five thousand camp soldiers who have been recharging their energy are dispatched. Gather at the east gate and stand by.

Although Kong Ning's bodyguards and Tiger Guard battalion were attacking the city desperately, they were facing the defenders' crowd tactics. One bodyguard or Tiger Guard battalion soldiers might be able to fight off several new recruits defending the city, but the tigers could not Unable to stand up to the wolves, they either died in battle or were forced to jump off the wall.

The bodyguards and the Tiger Guard battalion suffered heavy losses, and there was not much left. Kong Ning, who had nowhere to go, was about to order another attack, but he hurriedly reported that two reinforcements from the Jiayue Army had arrived.

The 13 army led by He Jin and the 20 army led by Tang Tianhe have arrived at the city of Chang'an. The two armies merged, with a strength of [-], enough to compete with Kong Ning's [-] Qingchuan Army.

Jiayue's army formed a formation on the flat ground to the east of Chang'an City. The densely packed soldiers formed a defensive square, one after another, densely packed into a large area, with spears like forests, iron shields like mountains, and battle flags fluttering like mountains. In the sea, morale is like a rainbow.

While the Jiayue army was gathering and forming formations, the Qingchuan army was also gathering and forming formations, and the troops guarding the north, south and west gates of the three cities had been ordered to rush to the east city to assemble and form formations.

Hundreds of thousands of troops from both sides faced each other on the east side of Chang'an City, ready to fight to the death.

Kong Ning clearly knew that although his military strength was claimed to be 20, he could deduct the auxiliary soldiers and civilians who were in the logistics, plus a few days and nights of crazy siege, the losses were very heavy. Morale was low, facing the highly morale Jiayue Army, the odds of winning were not great.

However, he has no choice. If he retreats, it will be tantamount to giving up the back to the enemy, which will only speed up the defeat of the army. At the same time, he also has a bit of luck in his heart. Jiayue's main force.

Inside the city, the injured Xiahou Hengyang had already been bandaged to stop the bleeding, and was being carried down the city by several family members from the Fuchu family. He was halfway there when he suddenly shouted, "Wait a minute."

Chapter 173 The Final Battle 2

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