The gates of the city, and even the streets, were filled with black soldiers, surrounded by soldiers with knives and guns, and no one was allowed to approach.

Xia Houheng knew that these soldiers were Prime Minister Li Gang's trump card, and they suddenly appeared at the most critical moment of the fierce battle outside the city, and played an important role in determining the world in one fell swoop.

He squinted his eyes and looked at these soldiers sitting on the ground. Thousands of people were sitting so quietly, not only did not make the slightest sound, but even gave people a chilling feeling of coercion.

Xia Houheng was able to confirm just by feeling that these thousands of soldiers were elite veterans who had gone through hundreds of battles, and the invisible killing aura on them was definitely not possessed by ordinary soldiers.

The troops that can be put into the battlefield at the final moment of the decisive battle, and the battle will determine the universe, are naturally elite troops with super combat power.

If it was just an ordinary elite army, it might not be able to arouse Xia Houheng's great interest. He noticed a phenomenon. Although these soldiers sat on the ground, their sitting posture and arrangement were very neat, obviously they had received strict military training.

Moreover, he found that the soldiers who were about to enter the battlefield were all big-bodied and exaggeratedly strong. Many of them were as tall as his third brother Xiahouba, and some of them were even taller than Xiahouba. Tall and strong, a tower-shaped giant with a horse running on his fist and a horse running on his arm.

What intrigued him even more was that these elite soldiers were about to enter the battlefield, but they still didn't put on their armor and sat on the ground, as if they were worried about the exhaustion of their physical strength.

You know, during the offensive and defensive battles for several days and nights, this army has been sleeping in the barracks without even leaving the barracks, which is enough to recharge its batteries.

His eyes fell on the pile of things placed beside the soldiers, and his eyes couldn't help but brighten up.

Those piles of stuff are actually armor, which is obviously different from the new-style armor he is wearing. The armor given by the prime minister is exquisitely crafted in terms of elbow pads, knee pads, etc. It is so flexible that there is nothing wrong with it. comfortable feeling.

On the other hand, the battle armors on the ground are extremely rough in production, almost all of which are composed of a whole piece of thick iron plates. The arm guards and leg guards are also cylindrical sleeves, which are more heavy and sturdy, and protect the body. The ability is so powerful that it is unimaginable.

Next to the armor, there is also a thick and long strange blade that looks like a sword but not a sword. Just by looking at it, it must be extremely heavy. Only people with super strong arms can swing it. The power of the warrior's swing, not to mention the armor, even the iron shield can't stand it.

He now understands why the soldiers of the army who are about to enter the battlefield are all made up of big men or people with unusually strong bodies.

With a hiss, Xia Houheng took a deep breath. With such an invincible steel army, what army in the entire continent can match it?

Of course, he also saw the weakness, because of the heavy armor and weapons, the speed of advancement must be very slow, and the physical energy of the soldiers must be exhausted quickly, so they cannot fight for a long time.

"Take me up to town."

Xia Houheng waved his hand and said, the decisive battle that will determine the outcome is about to begin. It is a pity that he was not able to participate, but he still wants to watch the battle anyway. Moreover, he really wants to see if this armored army is as he imagined in his heart , invincible? "Master Da Lang..."

Several famous generals had a bitter face, although Da Langjun's injury did not hurt his bones, if he didn't treat it in time, if something happened, the old general would blame him, and they couldn't bear the responsibility.

"This injury is not a problem, what are you doing in a daze, why don't you hurry up?"

Xia Houheng stared and ordered, the decisive battle was about to begin, and the city was crowded with soldiers watching the battle, at least they had to grab a good place to watch the battle.

The family had no choice but to carry him to the city. At this time, the attacking Qingchuan soldiers had already retreated and assembled on the flat ground. The soldiers on the city were carrying the wounded and corpses, and more soldiers crowded around the city wall. Excitedly looking at the two armies facing each other on the flat ground outside the city, the black army that can't see the edge, the battle flag fluttering like the sea, how spectacular is such a big occasion?

With the support of his family general, Xia Houheng squeezed to the edge of the city wall and took a good seat.

"Brother, why are you still here?"

Xia Houba squeezed over carelessly, carrying the blood-stained ax on his shoulder, and many damaged Mingguang armors on his body were stained with blood.

Xia Houheng pointed in front of him and said with a smile: "If you can't watch such a lively event, can you sleep?"

Xiahouba grinned and scratched his head. If he missed such a lively event, he might not be able to eat well or sleep well for a month.

While speaking, the earth-shattering rumble of war drums was beating, and the Jiayue Mansion army took the lead in launching the attack, and the three large square formations of the front army slowly pushed forward.

On the other side of Dongchengtou, Li Gang, who was watching the battle, was so excited that the long beard under his chin trembled. In this battle, he will clear the last obstacle, take control of the military and political power of the Qin Empire, and realize the wish that his ancestors have never been able to fulfill.

At this moment, he really wanted to open the city gate and lead all the soldiers in the city to participate in an exciting decisive battle. However, he clearly knew that the city was too small, and if there was no large army to hold the formation, something unexpected might happen.

The more critical the moment, the more cautious he must be. For this reason, he used all the troops in his hands. Except for the four city gates, all the main traffic arteries in the city, important government offices, yamen, granaries, and arms depots were all guarded by heavy troops. , Strictly check all the people who passed by, if there is any doubt, first arrest and imprison them, and then interrogate them, and then release them after proving their innocence. If you can't prove your innocence, you can only belong to "evaporation".

a row.

Outside the city, a high platform was set up in the Chinese army phalanx of Jiayue's army. Li Weihejin, Tang Tian, ​​Wu You and other important generals and advisers stood on the high platform, condescendingly looking down at the entire battlefield.

Around the audience were Li Wei's [-] personal guards, followed by the guards of important generals such as He Jin and Tang Tianhe, and then there were dense phalanxes, which tightly surrounded the entire high platform. central.

In the field battle formation in the era of cold weapons, the army is usually divided into front, middle and rear armies, and the left and right wings are supported by cavalry. But today, the two sides in the decisive battle have only a small number of cavalry troops. Li Wei put all three thousand tiger and leopard cavalry on the left wing. Kong Ning also targeted the patchwork of [-] cavalry on the right flank to resist Jiayue's cavalry charge.

In terms of military strength, the Qingchuan government soldiers, known as an army of 20, seem to have a slight advantage, but the Qingchuan government soldiers have been unable to attack the city for days, their physical strength is exhausted, and their morale is also low. Theoretically, the two sides are basically even.

But in fact, no matter from the weapons and equipment to the combat power, the soldiers of Qingchuan Mansion are one level behind, and the morale of one side is like a rainbow, and the morale of the other side is low. Into the odds.

Therefore, Li Wei, Wu Youhe, Tang Tianhe and others standing on the high platform all looked relaxed, without the slightest sense of tension. What's more, the 20 troops led by Kong Ning hadn't tried the Thunder Chariot yet. Terrifying power, I have never thought that there is an invincible and invincible Iron Armored Legion in Chang'an City.

Therefore, Li Wei gave the order to attack impatiently.

Chapter 174 The Final Battle 3

Amidst the earth-shattering rumble of war drums, the three phalanxes of the former army slowly moved forward.

Roar!Roar!Every time the roaring soldiers take a step, they will let out a low growl from their mouths. Thousands of voices gather and resound through the sky, shocking people's hearts, and their fighting spirit is burning.

This is a decisive victory in a field battle for the large army. The three phalanxes advanced by the front army must be the elite of the army. Call it a disaster.

The three phalanxes of the Jiayue Army's front army are all composed of elite soldiers in Tang Tianhe's hands. Their morale is like a rainbow, and their steps are uniform. The rhythmic rumbling footsteps and low roars give the enemy a certain degree of shock and a sense of coercion.

The battle drums in the Qingchuan army were also rumbled, and the three phalanxes of the front army were also slowly advancing. They were all elites in the army, and their momentum was not weaker than that of the Jiayue army.

The phalanxes on both sides were slowly advancing. When there were still a hundred steps away, the three phalanxes of the Jiayue Army suddenly stopped advancing. The soldiers in the first three rows squatted down and put up their big shields. , are Thunder chariots with terrifying lethality, lined up in three rows.

The reason why the reinforcements led by Tang Tianhe arrived so slowly was because of the thunder chariots. During transportation, these thunder chariots were all dismantled and carried on horse-drawn carts and mule carts. The soldiers recovered their physical strength, and at the same time desperately assembled the Thunder Chariots. After assembling 150 Thunder Chariots, the army rushed to the assembly point and joined He Jin's troops.

The battle drums in Jiayue's army suddenly became louder, and the officer standing beside the Thunder Chariot held up his iron sword, slammed it down, and shouted loudly: "Thunder Chariot, launch!"

A muffled bang bang sounded one after another, and huge arrows as thick as arms roared out, penetrating into the dense crowd on the opposite side, bringing out a rain of blood, as well as stumps and broken arms.

The power of the Thunder Chariot's flat shot was terrifying. The roaring giant arrow first penetrated the iron shields of the soldiers in the first row, pierced his body, then penetrated the body of the second soldier, and penetrated the body of the third soldier. Fang Xiao.

It was just a wave of giant arrows shooting, and the front phalanx of the Qingchuan Army was riddled with holes, and the formation was messy. Even the elite veterans who had experienced many battles were shocked by the terrifying lethality of the Thunder Chariot. Trembling.

"Thunder Chariot, shoot!"

With the officer's loud roar, the second wave of huge arrows roared out, penetrating into the somewhat messy enemy phalanx. Wherever the huge arrows passed, except for the rain of blood, there were stumps and broken arms.

On the head of Dongcheng, all the soldiers including Xiahouheng and Xiahouba brothers were shocked by the terrifying power of the thunder chariot. They all looked pale and trembling with fear. Such a sharp weapon could not be resisted by flesh and blood.

Many soldiers were shivering, fortunately they were not enemies of the Jiayue Mansion army, otherwise, they would have enjoyed such a big meal like those Qingchuan soldiers outside the city.

Li Gang and all the cronies and confidants around him stroked their long beards and smiled very happily. No matter how powerful you are, no matter how powerful your combat power is, facing the heavy weapon made by the young master, only For the sake of being beaten, Kong Ning, you know how powerful the Thunder Chariot is now, right?

A hundred thunder chariots fired one after another, and after six rapid fires, the Qingchuan Army's first infantry phalanx was completely disrupted.

However, Kong Ning was quite capable, ordering the two phalanxes at the back to put all the pressure on and speed up the advance, and those defeated soldiers who had lost their courage early were included in the formation and reorganized into various armies.

At this time, Kong Ning's order is undoubtedly the most correct. He can only push up the two phalanxes at the back, speed up the advance, and use the lives of a large number of soldiers to quickly get close to the phalanx of the Jiayue Army and fight hand-to-hand. , the Thunder Chariot lost its terrifying power of flat shooting.

After paying a very heavy price, the Qingchuan Army finally got close to the Jiayue Army's phalanx. First, there was a violent collision of shields, and then soldiers from both sides fought fiercely.

In this kind of positional warfare, both sides invest a large amount of troops in the front, forming a dense square formation, with people sticking to each other and backs to chests. The soldiers in front can only move forward and cannot retreat until they die in battle. Top it again.

Even if the soldiers of Jiayue Army were like a rainbow and the morale of Qingchuan Army was low, every step forward of Jiayue Army would have to pay a very heavy price in casualties.

The key to breaking the formation is usually to rely on cavalry to break through from the two wings, or to have other backs. In short, the two sides have temporarily fallen into a stalemate on the frontal battlefield.

Li Weibu's three thousand tiger and leopard cavalry on the left finally attacked. Kong Ning, not to be outdone, also dispatched the remaining [-] cavalry to fight. Just stay there and keep the Chinese army from being impacted.

The cavalry on both sides are still approaching. On the top of the city, Li Gang has ordered [-] soldiers of the trapped camp to put on their battle armor and prepare to attack.

There were also many court officials watching the battle on the top of the city. Their faces were pale and bloodless, and their legs were weak. Such a heavy weapon was really terrifying. While they were frightened, their hearts were also full of despair. Once Ning is defeated, no one can stop Jiayue and Li's monopoly on power.

Among the group of court officials were two brothers Xia Houyi and Xia Houfu. Although the two brothers were relieved of their military posts and left home idle, the two brothers were just in their thirties, and when they should have made some achievements, they failed. How can the two brothers feel at ease about what happened.

However, even if they were anxious, they didn't dare to act rashly. At least, Jiayue and Li still needed to observe, otherwise, if one went wrong, Xiahou's family might fall into a situation of eternal doom.

They also saw that their father Xiahoushang also had the same thoughts, otherwise, after Wan rejected Li Gang, he would not have sent his eldest grandson Xiahouheng to join the army and participate in the tragic city defense battle.

It can be said that this is a kind of temptation and observation by Xia Houshang. If the Li family is really unbearable, then he can only cut off the idea of ​​attachment and forbear to protect the family. With Xia Houheng's relationship, I believe Li Gang will not. As for extermination, otherwise, it will inevitably provoke fierce resistance from all the aristocratic families in Chang'an.

Brothers Xiahouyi and Xiahoufu are both military generals, how could they miss the final decisive battle between Jiayue Li and Qingchuan Kong?

If it wasn't for various reasons, Xia Houshang, who was still dissatisfied in his heart, would have come to watch the battle.

The two brothers watched the Thunder Chariot show its might, and watched the well-trained and highly motivated Jiayue Army gradually suppressing the Qingchuan Army to retreat step by step. It's still Jianglao's hotness, and they still have a lot to learn.

While the two brothers sighed, the cavalry of both sides finally came into contact after speeding up, like two torrents of steel colliding fiercely.

The so-called two armies meet, the brave wins.

The morale of the Jiayue cavalry was like a rainbow, and the morale of the Qingchuan cavalry was low. As soon as they came into contact, the balance of victory and defeat had tilted towards the Jiayue cavalry.

Chapter 175 The Final Battle 4

Before the cavalry of Qingchuan Mansion collided head-on with the Jiayue tiger and leopard cavalry, they all took off the large shields beside the saddle to cover their bodies. Ning gave the order to die, and they were unwilling to fight against the tiger and leopard cavalry if they were killed.

As they expected, when the distance between the two sides was rapidly closing, the tiger and leopard cavalry took the lead in shooting a wave of arrows.

Many of the rain of arrows that fell head-on were blocked by the iron shield, and no one was injured, but the horse that stepped down made a mournful hiss. .

Cavalry is the most expensive branch of the imperial armies on the mainland. A good war horse is worth a lot, and a famous horse that travels thousands of miles a day is worth tens of thousands of gold. It is firmly in the hands, and can only be exchanged with food, iron ore, silk and other items.

Therefore, the two sides in the battle tried their best not to hurt the horses. However, this time, the arrows of the tiger and leopard cavalry did not greet people, but all the horses. Although the knights of Qingchuan Mansion set up iron shields, He held his body, but he couldn't cover the horse, and more than a hundred riders fell down in the blink of an eye.

The second wave of arrows rained down, and more than a hundred cavalry hissed and fell down. Zhuo Fengxing, the commander of the tiger and leopard cavalry, took the lead. He put away his bow, drew out his saber, and charged forward.


The horse-chopping knife in his palm turned into a sword, and cut off the charging enemy horse from the horse without any hindrance. The horse continued to charge forward, and cut off another charging enemy horse from the horse.

Who said that tiger and leopard cavalry can only ride and shoot, and avoid confrontation with the enemy. Now, let's see what is the most elite iron-blooded cavalry!The knights guarding behind him also cut off the approaching enemy cavalry one after another, and the cavalry of the tiger and leopard cavalry charged in a group of three or five. The formation seemed to be scattered, but there was a lot of content in it.

The tiger and leopard cavalry knights who have received intensive special training are in a group of three. One cavalry rushes forward to block the enemy's weapon, and the two cavalry behind suddenly overtake, one left and one right, cut down the enemy, and then continue to charge forward. The cavalry was killed, and the people behind quickly caught up with the replenishment, maintaining the triangular assault formation.

With just a frontal assault, dozens of cavalrymen from Qingchuan Mansion fell down, which shocked the Qingchuan Mansion cavalry rushing from behind. Tiger and leopard iron cavalry not only know how to shoot arrows, but also have higher combat power in cavalry combat. Moreover, The strange blades in their hands were very sharp. Most of the knights who were knocked down had their iron swords cut off first, and then their bodies were split open.

The morale of the Qingchuan army was already low, and then the formation was disrupted by the fierce and abnormal attack of the tiger and leopard cavalry. The fear in their hearts became more and more intense. They didn't know who led the lead first, so they turned the horse's head and ran back. Someone started, and someone else Then, however, there were also brave knights howling and charging forward, and were soon overwhelmed by the gleaming blade light.

Kong Ning and the others in the central army all opened their mouths wide open. No one thought that the two thousand and five hundred cavalry under him would collapse and flee within less than one round of the cavalry.

"damn it!"

Kong Ning cursed, and quickly ordered the Chinese army's two wings to form a large formation of spears to prevent the enemy cavalry from attacking his central army formation.

He knew very well in his heart that once the Chinese army's formation was disrupted, it would definitely lead to the defeat of the entire army.

However, what surprised him was that the tiger and leopard cavalry were just chasing the fleeing Qingchuan cavalry, and had no intention of galloping their horses into battle, which made him puzzled for a while.

Zhuo Xingfeng really wanted to lead his [-] iron cavalry into battle, kill the enemy and make meritorious service, but the young master didn't allow it, he could only vent all his anger on the fleeing enemy cavalry, chasing the remaining thousand Qingchuan cavalry to tears Dad calling mother, I don't know what kind of bad luck happened, and was chased by the other party.

Li Wei didn't want Kong Ning to escape, so the tiger and leopard cavalry's task was to defeat Kong Ning's surviving [-] cavalry, and then cruise around the periphery of the battlefield, waiting to specifically intercept and kill Kong Ning.

If Kong Ning knew that this brother-in-law specially arranged for him to entertain him with the most elite three thousand tiger and leopard cavalry in the Jiayue Army, how would he feel?

All the generals and counselors of the Qingchuan Army, including Kong Ning, did not understand why Jiayue's cavalry didn't take advantage of the victory to charge forward, but they didn't have much time to think about this issue.

The two phalanxes facing the frontal battle suffered heavy casualties, and they were already being oppressed to retreat steadily. Kong Ning quickly sent two more phalanxes to top them to prevent the frontal phalanx from being defeated.

The sound of war drums rumbled, and the sound of roaring and killing shocked the world. In the sky, densely packed arrows criss-crossed and criss-crossed, occasionally mixed with giant arrows as thick as arms.

The Thunder Chariot's horizontal shot is the most powerful, but the soldiers on both sides have already fought close to each other, so naturally they can no longer shoot flat, so they can only retreat to the back of the square formation to shoot upwards. Although the power is greatly reduced, the giant arrows roaring down from mid-air not only It caused a certain amount of damage to the Qingchuan soldiers, and brought a shocking sense of pressure.

Li Gang has been watching the battle from Dongchengtou. He looked up at the sky. The sun is about to set, and it will be dark soon. The battle must be over as soon as possible. He doesn't have much time to play with Kong Ning, a junior. There are too many things to wait. Let him deal with it.

"Order the trapped camp to attack!"

As the order was issued, the gate of the east city was opened, and the soldiers of the five thousand trapped camps who had already prepared for battle poured out of the city gate, formed an formation on the flat ground, and then marched with uniform rumbling steps towards the large formation of the Qingchuan Army's central army. and go.

"Look, brother."

When Xia Houba saw this iron and steel army attacking, he couldn't help screaming strangely.

Including their fathers, Xia Houyi and Xia Houfu, their eyes were fixed on this slowly rolling steel army, and their mouths hissed and sucked in cold air.

This is simply an invincible iron and steel monster. Any creature that blocks its progress will be crushed and crushed. Jiayue Li's strength is too terrifying. Fortunately, his father's wise decision did not let them participate in the mutiny, otherwise, I'm afraid that Xiahou's lineage will really be cut off.

The trapped camp is heavy armored infantry, the defense is solid, but the disadvantage is that the speed of advancement is very slow, and they cannot fight for a long time. They can only advance slowly like a cumbersome giant.

Kong Ning naturally saw the attack from the city and the slow advance of the trapped camp. He deployed calmly, drawing two phalanxes from the central army to fight, and another archer from the front to press the formation.

The soldiers of the five thousand camps formed a huge conical attack formation, advancing slowly, and the sound of uniform rumbling footsteps made the ground shake, and greatly shocked the Qingchuan government soldiers who had set up their formation and were ready to fight. .

On the top of the city, everyone's eyes fell on the slowly advancing steel army, and their hearts were pounding wildly at the sound of rumbling footsteps.

"Archer, get ready!"

The officers in the army formation of Qingchuan Mansion roared loudly, ordering thousands of archers to prepare to release arrows, and he was visually measuring the distance advanced by the trapped camp.

One hundred steps, ninety steps, eighty steps... fifty steps! "Archers, shoot the arrows!"

There was a sound of bowstrings in the army formation of Qingchuan Mansion, and thousands of arrows whizzed into the sky, forming a large black area, completely covering the slowly advancing camp.

Chapter 176 The Final Battle 5

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