On the other hand, although the cavalry of Qingchuan Prefecture had the upper hand on the surface and chased them all over the place, they always suffered small casualties in the face of the continuous rain of arrows.

Shi Hao, who was leading the cavalry in pursuit, screamed in anger. Even though his subordinates were full of fighting spirit to win, if they couldn't catch up with him, they couldn't fight to decide the outcome. He went up to shoot arrows, causing casualties to his men.

Although this kind of casualty is negligible, the feeling of being beaten by someone but not being able to pay back is really aggrieved. He was so angry that he almost vomited blood. This kind of tactic is too shameless and obscene, not a dignified seven-foot man Why!During the chase, the fleeing two thousand tiger and leopard cavalry were first divided into two, and soon they were divided into four teams, and the fourth team was further divided into eight small teams, each of which was chased away by the Qingchuan cavalry of the same team, and gradually moved away. In addition to the billowing smoke and dust that will not finish dissipating, there are also abandoned corpses of knights and horses. The battle just now seemed like a child's play, without the tragic fight of a frontal confrontation.

On the top of the east wall, all the soldiers, including the new Captain Xia Houheng, opened their mouths wide, with difficult expressions on their faces, and most of them looked depressed and desperate.

The arrival of reinforcements from the previous side greatly stimulated the fighting spirit of the soldiers, but they did not expect that what they saw with their own eyes would be such a result. Suspect.

The Qingchuan Mansion soldiers under the city temporarily stopped attacking. They stood outside the range of the trebuchet, bursting into cheers from time to time, cheering for the knights on their side, and the burning fighting spirit in their chests was constantly improving.

At this time, the eight tiger and leopard iron cavalry squads fled in two directions, and the Qingchuan cavalry, which was also divided into eight teams, still clung to their backs, so I ran away from the original fighting place.

Perhaps the tiger and leopard cavalry were chased urgently, and they scattered into a small team of hundreds of people and fled in all directions. Shi Hao also repeatedly ordered to divide his troops to pursue them. The ratio of [-] to [-], no matter how divided, his troops have the upper hand.

After chasing for more than [-] miles, Shi Hao felt that something was wrong. The enemy cavalry team he was staring at seemed to have disappeared out of thin air, and the place he was at now seemed familiar.

No, it's clear that he ran twice just now, these damned bastards are running around here, playing him around, it's abominable.

His heart sank suddenly, the enemy army didn't flee in a rout, but planned to lure him to divide up and chase after him, he was fooled! "Retreat, retreat!"

Feeling a little bad in his heart, Shi Hao quickly ordered to stop the pursuit, and the cavalry retreated. At the same time, they remained vigilant to guard against enemy attacks, and by the way, they responded to the scattered cavalry teams chasing the enemy.

At the fork not far ahead, dozens of riders rushed out suddenly. Some of them lost their helmets, their hair was disheveled, and some still had arrow feathers stuck in their bodies. They were very embarrassed.

Shi Hao was taken aback, and quickly asked what was going on?

The officer who led the team replied with a sad face. He led the team to stare at a small group of Jiayue cavalry who were fleeing. The opponent fled to an open space and joined the small group of cavalry who fled there. The two teams crossed each other. Logically, the cavalry on his side was at least two or three hundred more than the Jiayue cavalry, but he felt that almost all of them were enemy cavalry in all directions.

That's all, what makes people feel aggrieved is that the soldiers desperately wanted to fight the enemy cavalry, but they didn't even get the hem of their clothes. After chasing for a while, two cavalry teams of [-] cavalry were shot down by Jiayue cavalry Nearly four hundred cavalry, the officer leading the team was shocked, and quickly led the remaining cavalry to retreat. They changed from chasing to fleeing. When they got here, there were only a dozen riders left, and most of them still had arrow feathers sticking out of their bodies.

Shi Hao was so astonished that his face was pale and bloodless. Looking at the cavalry he led, a thousand light cavalry actually lost nearly three hundred cavalry.

Shi Hao felt bad, and hurriedly led his team to retreat to the camp. On the way, he encountered several teams that fled back in embarrassment. Each team suffered heavy losses. Two cavalry teams of 500 people lost their target and were lucky to keep the cavalry intact.

According to statistics, Shi Hao almost did not vomit blood, and lost nearly half of the five thousand cavalry. This was the most embarrassing battle since he joined the army.

The sound of rumbling hooves came from all directions, and Shi Hao, who had been frightened by the shameless tactics of the Jiayue cavalry, hurriedly urged his mount to retreat, and two thousand tiger and leopard cavalry followed closely behind them.

The dramatic change not only stunned Kong Ning and all the Qingchuan soldiers who were waiting for the good news, but also made the guards on Dongcheng's head open their mouths.

Xia Houheng rubbed his eyes desperately, looking at the scene in front of him in disbelief. Just now, the [-] cavalrymen on his side were chased away by the opponent's [-] cavalrymen, but now it's completely reversed. Who would believe it?Suddenly there was a triumphant laugh from Prime Minister Li Gang behind him, "The tiger and leopard iron cavalry was built by my Qilin, Jiayue's most powerful iron-blooded cavalry, wolf pack tactics, you know?"

Li Gang's voice was not only full of complacency, but also full of pride. Apart from Lao Tzu's son, who else in the world could compare to his ability to display the maneuverability of the cavalry so vividly?

Chapter 168 Sudden Change

More than 2000 Qingchuan cavalry walked through the middle of the two long spear formations in embarrassment, and fled back to the camp. Two thousand tiger and leopard cavalry reined in their mounts outside the range of the strong bow, and turned around amidst the cheers of the guards at the top of the city. , slowly disappearing into the vast forest.

Zhuo Fengxing, the leader of the tiger and leopard cavalry, was not dazzled by the brilliant battle results. The range of the infantry bow was farther than that of the cavalry bow. Facing three dense spear formations and tens of thousands of archers, charging into the formation was tantamount to suicide. Very calmly gave the order to retreat.

The long galloping pursuit not only consumes a lot of physical strength of the knight, even if the mounts are changed in turn, the horses cannot bear it.

Two thousand tiger and leopard cavalry used the wolf pack tactics to disperse and lure the enemy to eat up an enemy cavalry team one by one, and wiped out a total of [-] cavalry. The reason, and the low combat power of the Qingchuan cavalry is also the main reason.

Kong Ning put all his eggs in one basket and desperately recruited young and strong cavalry to form a new army. He did have [-] elite cavalry in his hand, but he lost more than half of them in the First Battle of Chang'an, and most of the reassembled [-] cavalry were recruits. .

During the chase, many Qingchuan cavalry who were hastily put together, had no training, and were not skilled in riding skills fell behind and became easy targets for the tiger and leopard cavalry groups.

A cavalry unit has to go through at least two or three years of rigorous training from formation to conversion into an elite cavalry unit, and then go to the battlefield to accept the test of blood and fire. Only the surviving cavalry can be considered qualified. Become an elite in the army.

Amidst the roar of the defenders, groups of Qingchuan soldiers with low morale walked back to the barracks with their heads drooping.

In the commanding tent of the Chinese army, Kong Ning's face was distorted with anger. He thought that relying on the superiority in numbers to win, even if it was only a small victory, would be able to inspire the fighting spirit of the soldiers and damage the morale of the enemy army, but in the end he was defeated. so miserable.

He knew that the longer the time dragged on, the worse it would be for him. However, the morale was so low that it was really not suitable to attack the city, so he could only order the army to temporarily rest for two hours.

The city was busy. The soldiers who survived the fierce battle dragged their tired bodies down to the city to rest. New troops took over their city defenses. Craftsmen and carpenters were busy repairing the damaged fortifications. Corpses, weapons and equipment such as transporting the wounded, arrows, rocks, and logs, are ready to meet the next round of attack by Qingchuan soldiers.

At this time, far away in the border valley city where the Qin and Tang Dynasties border, the defenders are desperately resisting the crazy attack of the Tang army. The soldiers have repelled the seventh wave of the crazy attack of the Tang army, but the casualties are also heavy.

There were originally [-] soldiers in Gucheng. After seven rounds of fierce offensive and defensive battles, more than half of them were damaged, and the number of troops was seriously insufficient. It was all due to the spontaneous organization of the people in the city to help defend the city.

The guard Li Yi hesitated for a long time, and finally made up his mind to send someone to ask for help from all parties.

In another golden city at the border, the guard Shi Yuan surrendered to the Tang army, and a steady stream of Tang troops passed through the city and poured into the deep hinterland of the Qin Empire.

When Sun Jai received the news that Shi Yuan Xianguan had surrendered to the Tang army, it was already noon the next day, and he was leading a large army to attack Pingjin City. There are 17 soldiers, 20 of which are known as [-], and the morale of the Qingchuan Mansion soldiers in the city is low. As long as they persist in the fierce attack for one or two rounds, they will surely break the city.

He hesitated for a moment, and immediately ordered the siege to stop. In addition to leaving [-] people to besiege the city, he personally led an army of [-] to set up defenses around Xinjiang County to resist the invasion of the Tang army.

In addition, the deputy general Tang Wei led [-] soldiers to the Panlong Mountain area to deploy defenses in case of accidents, and at the same time sent a fast rider to Chang'an to report the seriousness of the situation.

When the army set off, Li Yi, the guard of Gucheng, delivered a distress letter. Sun Jai immediately ordered Tang Wei to directly reinforce Gucheng, and he still led the army to deploy defenses around Xinjiang County.

It was already midnight when Sun Ja's urgent report reached Li Wei, Li Wei jumped up immediately when he saw the urgent report, and ordered the guards to call Wu You, the right soldier.

After thousands of calculations, they finally succeeded in taking control of Chang'an, but they missed the Tang Empire's ambitions, and unexpectedly crossed the border to invade at the most critical moment.

Li Wei greeted all the eighteen generations of ancestors of Jincheng guard Shi Yuan, and what made him feel gratified was that Sun Jai responded quickly and decisively, as well as Gucheng guard Li Yi's righteousness and loyalty.

After repelling the Tang army, as long as he survives, this young master will definitely reward and reuse him!Li Wei swore secretly that his principle of employing people has always been: even if you are mediocre, as long as you are loyal, I will use you again.

Wu You, the military master of the right who was called by the guards, read the urgent report, and sighed helplessly. He had calculated everything, but he missed the ambition of the Tang Empire to annex the Qin Empire, and now it is to destroy the Qingchuan Kong family and unify Qin At the critical moment of the empire, and the distant water cannot save the near fire, we can only hope that Sun Jai can resist the menacing Tang army and support it until the army reinforces it.

He thought for a while, and comforted him softly: "Master, General Sun is one of the three generals in Jiayue. He has excellent tactics and strategies. As long as he is careful, he should be able to curb the momentum of the Tang army's attack."

"I hope so..."

Li Wei sighed helplessly, and suddenly said bitterly: "It seems that I am still too soft-hearted. After this incident, I will let the Tang Empire pay for what is called an exorcism, hum!"

The so-called extreme household plan is to cook the grain seeds, dry them and sell them to the people of the Tang Empire, so that their grain production will be severely reduced, and the injection of bad money will be added to raise prices, causing panic among the people.

This is an insidious and vicious plan. Li Wei occasionally thought of the method when he launched the currency war, but it really hurt the peace of heaven, so he didn't implement it. However, the Tang Empire's looting aroused his anger and murderous intent.

When the Qin Empire stabilizes and wants to expand its territory abroad, the Tang Empire will be the first target to be destroyed!However, it will take at least three years to stabilize the empire and accumulate the power for war.

Wu You couldn't help taking a breath of cold air. This strategy is too sinister and vicious, and it may hurt the peace of heaven. But, then again, it can really hurt the Tang Empire. , is of great benefit to the empire.

"Military division, let's find a way to kill Kong Ning as soon as possible."

Li Wei rubbed his swollen temples and sighed, "In order to fight against the outside world, one must first secure the inside. If the inside is not stable, how can it resist the invasion of foreign enemies?"

Before the current affairs, let's get rid of Kong Ning as soon as possible.

Wu You smiled bitterly and said, "The reinforcements from the two routes will arrive at noon tomorrow at the earliest. The soldiers must be exhausted. The best time for a decisive battle is the day after tomorrow. What we can do now is to use the mobility of the cavalry to harass the enemy and let them It is impossible to attack the city with peace of mind."

"Let's follow the strategy of the military master..."

Li Wei sighed helplessly. No matter how anxious he was, he had no choice but to use the cover of night and the mobility of the cavalry to torment Kong Ning and his army.

Chapter 169 Night Attack

Li Wei was very upset because of the sudden invasion of the Tang Empire. He was upset, and naturally he didn't want to make Kong Ning happy. So, the three thousand tiger and leopard cavalry who had rested for half a day came out of their hiding places again, and under the hazy moonlight, they were in the army. Under the guidance of Zhongye Bushuo, they quietly approached the company battalion of the Qingchuan army.

In order to prevent the sound of the hooves from alerting the enemy, the hoofs of all the horses were covered with a thick layer of cloth, which greatly reduced the rumble of the iron hooves on the ground.

20 Qingchuan government soldiers surrounded Chang'an City like an iron barrel and attacked from all sides. However, the southeast was the main direction of attack, and the northwest was a feigned attack to contain the defenders in the city.

However, military stuff is false and real, and there is no guarantee that Kong Ning will suddenly have a whim and invest heavily in the northwest to attack the city.

Now, Li Wei's first goal is to attack the Qingchuan Army Barracks in Xicheng.

It was already late at night, and the surroundings were so dark that one could hardly see one's fingers, but the bonfires burning everywhere at Chang'an City and its base became as bright as day, and the sound of rumbling war drums and roars of killing resounded through the sky.

Kong Ning knew that he didn't have much time left, and he had to capture Chang'an City as soon as possible, so he launched attacks day and night, crazy enough to spare any cost.

In the west of the city, the sound of war drums was also rumbling, and the sound of roaring and killing was earth-shattering. Its momentum was no less than that of the two city gates in the southeast. However, the Qingchuan government soldiers under the city seemed to be attacking fiercely, but in fact they were just feigning attacks. Just retreat, then reorganize the team, and attack again.

The guard in charge of guarding the west of the city knew that the enemy was a feint attack and the purpose was to contain their troops, but he did not dare to be careless in the slightest. The troops in the west of the city were not small, there were [-] soldiers, but almost all of them had just joined the army. The recruits who have been on the battlefield are very likely to be taken advantage of by the enemy if they are not careful.

The army of Qingchuan Mansion besieged the city, and the sky was banned in the city. When it got dark, the people stayed at home obediently, only the sound of watchmen beating the watch and the footsteps of soldiers patrolling.

In the darkness, a darkness appeared like a ghost in front of the door of a big house, knocking on the door lightly three times.

The gate opened, and a few people walked out of the gate, muttering in low voices for a while, and then, a group of big men dressed in black domestic slave clothes, holding iron swords, shields, spears and other weapons poured out from the inside, and they groped towards the city gate against the wall. .

"Stop, who?"

When the soldiers guarding the top of the city saw someone approaching, they immediately yelled, and dozens of arrows were aimed at the people below the city.

"Presumptuous, I am the Minister of the Ministry of Officials, if you have anything to ask your general, call him quickly!"

The visitor stood under the city gate with his hands behind his back, looking full of official airs, and the two house servants bowed slightly, standing respectfully behind.

"If your lord is in a hurry, just go to the prime minister's mansion to find the prime minister. Your lord, during the Xiaoban period, it is strictly forbidden to move around. If your lord does not leave, you will be regarded as an accomplice and will be killed."

The corporal leader who led the team warned coldly that he was a Jiayue veteran who had just been promoted by Shangguan, so naturally he would not be fooled by the opponent's rank.


The person who claimed to be the Minister of the Ministry of Officials snorted coldly, flicked his sleeves, turned and left, and soon disappeared into the darkness.

Everything seemed to be calm again. All the soldiers were attracted by the roaring roar outside the city, and they didn't even notice that there were black shadows sneaking up under the cover of night.

A soldier turned his head inadvertently, saw countless people approaching quietly, and immediately screamed, "Someone..."

Wu Zhang turned around sharply, saw countless black figures rushing from the darkness, and immediately shouted loudly, "Enemy attack, enemy attack!"

While yelling a warning, he commanded the archers around him to shoot and kill groups of men in black.

The soldiers guarding the city gate swung their iron swords and tore and killed a large number of men in black who rushed forward.

These men in black are private soldiers raised by aristocratic families. Their combat power cannot be compared with elite veterans who have experienced many battles, but they are much stronger than recruits who have just joined the army and have never been killed on the battlefield. As soon as they met each other, dozens of soldiers guarding the city gate were cut down.

The terrified soldiers were slashed and retreated by the fierce man in black. They barely resisted for a while, and immediately collapsed after the corporal leader died in battle.

Crowds of men in black rushed to the top of the city and fought with the guards. Some of them took the opportunity to open the city gate, and several of them kept waving their torches to signal to the Qingchuan army on the opposite side.

Duan Yi is one of Kong Ning's confidant generals. He is in charge of besieging the west city, taking on the task of feigning an attack, and containing the troops in the city. The inside should be combined with the outside, and the city gate will be opened at a certain time.

Duan Yi was half-believed, conflicted in his heart, he didn't report to Kong Ning, he just asked his lieutenant general Han Fu to lead [-] soldiers to prepare, if it was a trap, only Han Fu and his trilogy would die, if it was true, wait Han Fu charged into the city, and he led his army to follow behind.

Duan Yi was in command of the central army at this time, commanding the soldiers to launch wave after wave of feint attacks. According to the agreement in the letter, he chose the section of the city wall one or two miles away from the city gate as the attack surface.

While yawning, a soldier rushed to report, and someone at the city gate kept shaking the torch.

Duan Yi cheered up, and immediately ordered Han Fu to lead his troops to attack, and at the same time ordered the soldiers to launch a formal attack on the city wall. Whether it was true or not, he wanted to take a gamble. If he lost, it would be Han Fu and his troops who paid Part [-], if he wins, he will make a lot of money.

Han Fu led his three thousand pieces and rushed towards the city gate. About half a mile away from the city gate, he suddenly felt something and turned his head to look back. He was so frightened that he almost fell off his horse.

Countless black shadows emerged from the darkness, flying towards him like ghosts.

"Enemy attack, enemy attack..."

Han Fu hissed and screamed, pulled his horse and fled. Infantry field battles, if there is no chariot or spear formation to support them, if they encounter cavalry, they will only be slaughtered. His part is advancing. Generally, if you come under pressure, if you don't escape, you can only wait for death.

In fact, without him calling, the soldiers on the run also noticed the cavalry in the form of a stormtrooper, and they were already screaming and fleeing in fright.


Zhuo Fengxing took the lead and rushed into the group of fleeing soldiers. The saber turned into a sword and knocked down an enemy soldier.

The cavalry was like a torrent of iron and steel, rolling into the crowd, and the iron hooves trampled the slow-moving soldiers into meatloaf. On the flat ground, there were broken soldiers crying for their parents and fleeing desperately.

"Form the formation, quickly form the formation, pikemen, pikemen..."

Duan Yi was so frightened that he screamed desperately, ordering the soldiers to form formation.

Fighting at night, even if there are veterans who have received strict training, they may not be able to assemble and deploy in the shortest time. What's more, his tens of thousands of soldiers are almost all recruits who have never been on the battlefield. To their own officers or teams, like headless flies scurrying around.

"Enemy attack, enemy attack..."

Amidst the commotion, there was a desperate scream from behind, Duan Yi turned his head to look, his face turned pale with fright.

Chapter 1 The Last Madness

Taking advantage of the hazy moonlight, Duan Yi could vaguely see an iron cavalry rushing out of the darkness, cutting into his rear army like waves and waves. The soldiers cried for their parents and ran for their lives in a panic. silhouette.

Two enemy cavalry flanked each other. There were countless people in the darkness. Anyway, there were enemy cavalry everywhere. The sound of roaring and killing was loud. His troops completely collapsed. The soldiers scrambled to escape. Duan Yi panicked under the guard run away.

The three thousand tiger and leopard cavalry were divided into three teams. Li Wei led a team to raid the barracks. The cavalry broke into the camp, beating people while throwing torches, and igniting the tents. .

The troops besieging the west of the city were attacked and collapsed, and the barracks were burned, which shocked the Qingchuan government soldiers on the southeast, north, south, and south sides. Kong Ning quickly ordered to stop the siege, and retreated to the camp to hold on.

There are many inconveniences in fighting at night, no matter how many troops are, and the morale is seriously affected, Kong Ning is still rational and listens to the counselor's advice to suspend the siege and stick to the camp.

Li Wei saw that there was no way to take advantage of it, so he had no choice but to withdraw his troops. He led the tiger and leopard cavalry and disappeared into the vast night. He didn't know that this night attack had inadvertently resolved the crisis of the city of Chang'an being destroyed.

At this time, in Chang'an City, Li Gang personally led two thousand elites to quickly defeat the group of men in black who made the rebellion. Those who could no longer die had their heads beheaded and hung near the city gate for public display.

The sound of killing outside the city was loud, and the camp of the Qingchuan Army was on fire. Li Gang knew that Li Wei must have used the cover of night to surprise the enemy army to relieve the pressure in the city. He was very happy, but it was a pity that it was night and his vision was unclear, otherwise Lead the army to attack, and the results will be even greater.

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