And his army is at least a few days away from Chang'an, if it can be arranged in advance, there is no problem, the trouble is that the army cannot enter Chang'an now, otherwise, public opinion will definitely be one-sided, and Jiayue Li's reputation will be rotten.

"Master, it seems that Sima Lang must be informed about this matter."

Wu You also had a worried expression on his face. Even if Sima Lang knew about this and made corresponding arrangements in advance, could Dongping Pass be held?

This is the most critical point.

You must know that the Kong family in Qingchuan, like the Li family in Jiayue, is a family with a century-old name. The ancestors of the Kong family have worked hard to manage Qingchuan for so many years, and their power has long been entrenched. Moreover, the Kong family has also produced several outstanding figures. Who can guarantee them? Don't have the ambition to rule Chang'an?Didn't spend countless energy and financial resources like the old magistrate Li Gang, spreading eyeliner widely, buying people's hearts, and infiltrating everywhere? "I'm going to find Sima Lang right now."

Li Wei rubbed his swollen temples and told Wu Youyitong that he had to come up with several plans. If the matter could not be resolved, the Jiayue Army had no choice but to launch a war against Qingchuan Province in advance and impose a powerful force on that kid Kong Ning. The pressure made him unable to spare Chang'an.


"Stop talking, I won't put my woman and son in danger!"

Li Wei waved his hands with a very serious expression, trying to bear the infamy that was accused by thousands of people, he also wanted to ensure the safety of Wu Huiniang's mother and child.


Wu You responded in a low voice, he knew that the young master had made a decision, no one could change his thoughts and decisions, the only thing he had to do was to draw up a few feasible action plans.

Sima Langqian had just returned home when Li Wei arrived behind him. When the disciples of the clan reported it, his heart skipped a beat. Didn't this just come to an agreement? The one million taels of silver was sent over. Could it be this guy? Can you go back on your word?

Time didn't wait for me, Li Wei didn't have time to argue with Sima Lang, so he handed the note directly to Sima Lang.

Sima Lang took it over and looked at it, and his old face couldn't help but change color. Yan Jue, the guard of Dongping Gate, was loyal to the King of Qin, and he couldn't control him. However, several of Yan Jue's lieutenants were bought by him, and he also installed some children from the clan. Serving as a general in the army, he can at most ensure that Yan Jue cannot send troops to Chang'an.

He can't guarantee that he can completely control the middle and low-level officers in the whole army, and he doesn't know how many people have been bought by Kong Ning or the fifth prince Qin Yongqiang, and he doesn't know how many secret forces of Qingchuan Mansion are lurking in the city. Big trouble.

"Uncle, my nephew did his best."

Li Wei said with a smile, although he was anxious in his heart, but his face was calm, as if this matter had nothing to do with him at all.

"Uncle thanked my nephew in advance."

Sima Lang bowed his hands politely, this is a thank you from the bottom of his heart, if he doesn't know this information, once an action is launched against the fifth prince, Qin Yongqiang, Kong Ning, the oriole, will surely pick the fruits of victory. It's over.

Li Wei grinned, happy in his heart, no matter how much you guard against brother, it's useless, brother has already made arrangements, praying mantis catches cicada, and oriole is behind, brother is the real oriole, hehe.

"Kong Ning's ambition has been revealed without a doubt, what does uncle have to target?"

He shook his legs, smiled and said with a look of watching the excitement: "Oh, my nephew also wants to help my uncle solve his problems, but the far water can't save the near fire."

"I don't need to bother my nephew about this matter. My nephew only needs to follow the plan, and my uncle will be very grateful."

Sima Lang smiled and said, who knows the ambitions of you father and son?I dare to ask you for help even if I am too late to guard against it?Even if he was beaten to death, he didn't dare to ask Li Shi for help. After Jiayue's army entered Chang'an, if they refused to withdraw, wouldn't he be asking for trouble?

Red Maple Lan's is a living example.

"So, my nephew will take my leave first."

Seeing that Sima Lang seemed to have thought of a countermeasure, Li Wei felt a little relieved, and immediately got up to leave. The old fox was very wary of him, and he would definitely not ask him to send troops to help, so he might as well go home and think of another safe solution.

Back at Xiang Mansion, Wu You had already drawn up three sets of attack plans. However, the prerequisite for the smooth implementation of the three sets of action plans is that the slowest and must be to capture Yulin Pass within three days, or surprise the fortress of Panlong Mountain with a steep road .

There was originally only a small county town and a few market towns near Panlong Mountain. After Kong Ning took over Qingchuan, he followed the advice of his advisers and spent a lot of money to build five fortresses that were easy to defend and difficult to attack. Thousands of soldiers were stationed, and an additional [-] soldiers were sent recently. The defense against Jiayue was down to the bone.

The action plan to break through from Panlong Mountain was rejected by Li Wei. The terrain of Panlong Mountain is steep, the mountain roads are rugged and narrow, and it is difficult to deploy troops. The five fortresses are easy to defend and difficult to attack. God knows how much it will cost to conquer them?

Sneak attack, don't even think about it, the five fortresses are integral in defense, but they are independent. If you can successfully touch the first fort, you may not be able to touch the second and third. The risk is too great. The attack was blocked, and the consequences were disastrous.

That is to say, the only breakthrough point for the Jiayue Mansion Army can only be Yulin Pass, but Yulin Pass already has 13 guards. The city gate, I'm afraid it will be an unpredictable fierce battle.

The specific action plan is yet to be discussed, but one thing must be done immediately, that is, to send a large number of people to guard all the roads from Chang'an to Dongping Pass, intercept and kill the messenger sent by Kong Ning to Dongping Pass, and delay the drastic changes in Chang'an as much as possible news.

Currently there is a serious shortage of available manpower around him, Li Wei can only send the deputy commander of the inner guard, Shen Ke, to take charge of this matter, and he is the only one who can handle this matter, because only he knows the hidden secret agents of the inner guard in that area, and these people must be mobilized Arise, and stand firm in all the ways.

In order to reduce the risk of mistakes, Li Wei also gave Shen Ke the power of life and death. From half an hour after seeing the signal, any suspicious person who went to Dongping Pass could be intercepted and killed.

Chapter 148 Power

Just as Shen Ke left, Xiao Xiaoxiao came in and said softly, "Master, my master is here."

Li Wei snorted coldly and turned his face up.

"Master is injured."

Xiao Xiaoxiao gave him a supercilious look, turned around and left.

"Uh, I'm not mad at you..."

Li Wei followed behind her, explaining something by accident.

Xiao Xiaoxiao turned his head while walking, and gave him another white eye, but it was obviously different from the previous one, with the unique coquettishness of his daughter's family, and a soul-stirring charm of charm, which made Li Wei stagger , almost fell down.

He followed Xiao Xiaoxiao and entered her room.

"My subordinate Zhang Fenghua has seen the young master..."

On the big carved bed in the bedroom, Zhang Fenghua was struggling to get up. Her left shoulder was wrapped with a white cloth that oozes blood, and the injury seemed serious.

"You are injured, lie down and don't move."

Li Wei hurriedly stepped forward to stop her from saluting, and his expression softened a little. It wasn't all because of Zhang Fenghua's injuries, but what she said.

Zhang Fenghua led the entire Frustration Hall to join him, and made great contributions. He was named the deputy commander of the internal guards, the third-class county magistrate, hereditary descendants, and was responsible for all affairs such as the intelligence and espionage of the Jin Empire. He was directly responsible to Li Wei. She has real power, enjoys certain privileges, and is the only lady in Jiayue's military and political department. I don't know how many people envy and criticize her.

To be a person, you must have awareness, and to be a subordinate, you must have the awareness to be a subordinate. If Zhang Fenghua does not have this awareness, and still pretends to be a collaborator, when he enters Chang'an and the situation stabilizes, he really wants to find a way to clean up A group of people from the Frustration Hall had disappeared, and Zhang Fenghua was the first to be purged.

As for the unstable elements, no matter who they are, they should be ruthlessly cleaned up. Killing one as an example can deter Xiao Xiao and stabilize the morale of the army and the people. However, Zhang Fenghua's behavior at this time temporarily dispelled the idea of ​​cleaning up in his heart.

"Vice Commander Zhang, what happened?"

Li Wei had a concerned expression on his face, but when he mentioned Zhang Fenghua's official position, it was an obvious reminder, don't forget your identity.


Zhang Fenghua sighed faintly, maybe it was because of the injury?

It was still because of some disappointment, but she had already realized it at this time, and completely let go of her figure, otherwise she would not call herself a subordinate as soon as she saw Young Master Li.

She used to sit in the Jin Empire and remotely command the disciples all over the world. She didn't want to receive a letter from Xiao Xiaoxiao Feige, which would startle her into a cold sweat.

In Xiao Xiaoxiao's letter, there were only a dozen or so words about Feige passing on the letter, and the rest were persuasion and reminders in a very respectful and subdued tone, and it could even be said to be a warning.

Those who are tyrants will never allow subordinates who are rebellious and disrespectful of orders. No matter how capable such people are, they often end up miserable. The Li family and his son are a pair of big and small tyrants in the contemporary era, and their ambition and strength have been revealed. Those who follow me prosper, those who oppose me perish.

Zhang Fenghua thought about it for a day and a night, and she also knew that although she had to be reused, she was in charge of all the internal guard affairs of the Jin Empire, was conferred a title, and was the only female county magistrate. Military power, but You Li is outside the core class of the Li family, and it will be hard to say in a few years. In short, the future is not bright.

In the end, Zhang Fenghua reluctantly chose to surrender, and almost all the cards were handed over. Many talented disciples in the hall were reused, occupying important positions and holding military power. He was very grateful to Mrs. Li. Turns out, these children are lucky that they didn't use swords and guns against her, and they don't expect them to obey her orders at all.

After making a difficult decision, she confessed to her inner guards and secret agents and rushed to Chang'an alone.

She said she was alone, but in fact there were [-] master guards who accompanied her secretly. These people were a force she secretly trained and the elders in the hall didn't know. She chose to compromise. In order to gain Li Wei's trust, I plan to hand over everything, including training pigeons and so on.

Zhang Fenghua sailed down the Nu River on a merchant ship, via Baimo City of the Tang Empire, entered the Qin Empire from Jincheng, and arrived at Chang'an via Jiangluo City, Pingjin City, the capital of Qingchuan Province.

She has always acted low-key and was in a hurry. She mostly walked on secluded mountain roads or country lanes, not wanting to find people from Xuansuju on the country lanes not far from Chang'an City.

Layman Xuanyun is the eldest brother of Xuansuju. This time, under the order of the master sister Xuanyue, he led [-] disciples to Chang'an. The name is to perform rituals to surpass His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, but in fact he is secretly assisting a certain prince to continue the rule. .

For more than ten years, Xuansuju has been implementing the strategy of relying on the official family. Most of the third-generation disciples it accepts are officials or daughters of aristocratic families. Some civil servants, some are generals who hold military power, and the inextricably intertwined relationships make Xuan Suju's strength unprecedentedly stronger, and even participate in the royal family's struggle for unification, successfully supporting supporters to the top, and influencing the king's decision-making.

Power is like poison, it is easy to be addicted to, the huge success makes Xuan Yue unable to restrain her inflated ambitions, she wants to develop Xuan Suju to an unsurpassed state, and be worshiped and worshiped by the world like the God of Longevity, forever history.

To achieve this goal, the most effective way is to make friends with dignitaries, slowly infiltrate and win over, and participate in the affairs of the royal family, which can ultimately affect the king's decision-making. The Qin Empire's battle for unification is an excellent opportunity. No matter which high-ranking person is supported, They are all sending carbon in the snow, which is of great significance.

Frustration Hall and Xuan Suju are natural enemies. Zhang Fenghua gained Li Wei's trust, but he used the last secret force in his hands to rush to Chang'an with 30 dead men. As her identity grew, she was surrounded by [-] people.

Such a good opportunity, how could Zhang Fenghua miss it?

She immediately led thirty dead men to ambush layman Xuanyun and his party, and the two sides started a life-and-death battle on the country road. Layman Xuanyun led 20 people this time, all of whom were first- and second-generation disciples with outstanding skills in the sect. Except for Layman Xuanyun who was wounded and escaped, all 23 disciples died in battle, but [-] of the [-] dead soldiers from Frustration Hall also lost [-] people, and even Zhang Fenghua was injured.

After burying all the corpses, Zhang Fenghua rushed to Chang'an with the remaining seven dead men.

Li Wei said a few words of comfort, and returned to the study with a frown. This was originally Xiang Wendong's study, and all important decisions were made and discussed in the study, but now it has become his special meeting room.

"Old witch, tell me, at this time, why does Xuanyue send so many masters to Chang'an?"

Li Wei frowned and asked, he had a feeling of uneasiness in his heart, could it be that Xuan Yue extended her tentacles to the Qin Empire?Wu You's eyeballs rolled around, and he said, "Master, call in the information about Layman Jingyun and Master Yi'an's activities these days, and read it again, maybe you will understand."

149 Chapter [-]

Layman Jingyun not only killed several secret agents of the inner guard, but also wounded Ye Chongyang and his wife. Chang'an, which is full of murderous threats, is seriously short of manpower, unable to monitor Layman Jingyun's actions all the way. Therefore, there is very little information about her, it can be said that there is almost no.

After Layman Jingyun entered the palace with Master Yi'an, it was like a sea of ​​mud, and there was no news at all. It was only when the little six sons heard the news from the palace that they all stayed in the palace to perform rituals and transcend the dead prince's soul. Seventy-seven forty-nine days.

This was normal at first, but Zhang Fenghua's ambush of Layman Xuanyun made him feel uneasy. There is no need to send so many experts to do a ritual, right?

Regardless of whether Xuan Yue had the ambition to intervene in the struggle for the unification of the Qin Empire, anyway, her people were killed by Zhang Fenghua on the way, and only one layman Xuan Yun escaped, and it was too late to send any more people.

After only a few seconds of complacency, Li Wei suddenly thought of something, and his face turned pale. He almost forgot that Master Yi'an was the abbot of Hualian Temple and the Dharma protector of Xuansuju. The disciple he brought was There were nearly 30 people, plus he and Layman Jingyun were both top-notch masters, and they suddenly launched an attack amidst the chaos.

Wu You was still flipping through the relevant information collected in the past few days, he suddenly remembered something, and raised his head suddenly, "Master, you only need to ask Little Six to find out about this matter."

"Signal immediately!"

After listening to his explanation, Li Wei ordered the inner guard to send a signal to contact Little Six without any hesitation.

If the Xuansuju people really want to meddle in the royal affairs of the Qin Empire, they must either support the fifth prince, Qin Yongqiang, or the young prince, Qin Yongfu. Just call the sixth son and ask if there is anyone from Xuanjusu in contact with them. Know.

The palace was heavily guarded, and because of his status and other reasons, it was difficult for the little six to leave the palace. Most of the information was passed on by secret agents who had just been transferred to the palace and acted as maids of honor.

At this critical time, the city of Chang'an is under turmoil and murderous intentions are everywhere. The safety of Wu Huiniang's mother and son in the palace is very worrying. Li Wei can't care about so much anymore. He decides to send fifty special night guards with slightly fair skin and no beard. Accepting fake eunuchs into the palace to protect the mother and son, as for how the little six get them into the palace, that's the little six's business, anyway, this is an order and must be fulfilled.

There are three more female secret agents of the inner guard in the palace. They are also clever and not weak, which makes the little six sons somewhat relieved. As we all know, when there is a serious shortage of trustworthy manpower, Xiaoliuzi not only uses Sima Lang's people, but also takes precautions against them.

The eyes of all parties in the palace are densely covered. In fact, it is more dangerous than outside. If you are not careful, you may be killed. He has to carefully protect Concubine Wu Hui, mother and son. body.

Seeing two blue kites fluttering in the sky, Little Six hurriedly reported to Concubine Wu Hui that the young master needed to come to him urgently and he had to come out of the palace.

Concubine Wu Hui also knew that it was very inconvenient to contact outside the palace. She was also worried about the situation outside, and even more worried about the safety of a friend.

There are quite a few side doors and side doors in the imperial palace, all of which are guarded by soldiers. Most of these soldiers have been bought by various forces. Fortunately, Sima is his own person at present, and the side door he walked out of the palace was taken by soldiers loyal to Sima. One of the side doors guarded.

"You stare at that dead eunuch!"

The captain who was in charge of guarding the side door ordered a soldier under his command to change his clothes and secretly stared at the little six son who was leaving the palace. He was puzzled, what is this dead eunuch doing out of the palace at this time?

Xiao Liuzi naturally knew that there was a tail behind him, so he came to the inn he was in touch with, and when he entered the gate, he gave a smack to the shop assistant who came up to him.

Little Six entered the back inner hall, and the military soldier in charge of tracking followed into the passenger plane. The store clerk greeted him with a smile, "Is the guest officer a top-notch or staying in the store?"

"Where is the person who came in just now?"

The soldier took out a few pieces of silver and stuffed them into the hands of the clerk.

The store clerk's eyes lit up, and he said with a smile: "He has gone into the inner hall."

The soldier nodded, and walked towards the inner hall with big feet. Fang lifted the curtain, and a cold light flashed suddenly. Before he could react, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his chest, and he was in pain. However, the shop clerk quickly approached behind him, covered his mouth with his hand, held his tall body with his other hand, and got into the inner hall.

In the inner hall wing room, after Li Wei and Wu You asked Little Six, their faces showed solemn expressions. Neither Master Yichen nor Jingyun Layman or Xuan Suju had looked for Little Six and Wu Huiniang, so there was only one possibility, Qin Yongqiang, the fifth prince supported by Xuan Suju.

Little Six had the same dignified expression. Master Yi'an and Master Jingyun are both well-known masters, plus nearly thirty monks who have reached the first-class advanced level. This is a deadly force. If there is no The young master reminded that he was really negligent, once there was a change, it would be a big trouble.

At the same time, his head is as big as a bucket. Normally, he might be able to bring one or two people into the palace pretending to be eunuchs, but in this critical period, the security is very strict, and it is impossible to bring someone in without anyone noticing. , let alone fifty people.

Wu You blinked and asked, "Sixth Manager, you said just now that you left the palace through the side door guarded by Sima Lang's men?"

Little Liu nodded and said: "Yes, what good strategy does the right military division have?"

Wu You smiled and said: "Actually, it's not difficult to say. You can bring them into the palace in the name of Concubine Wu Hui. Forgive me that Sima Lang won't say anything."

The reason is very simple. In an extraordinary period, it is normal for Concubine Wu Hui, who feels insecure, to spend a lot of money to buy soldiers for protection. Fifty people are nothing at all. However, he bet all his belongings on Concubine Wu Hui's mother and son, so he naturally wanted to ensure the safety of their mother and son.

"Goodbye, Sergeant!"

Little Six slapped his forehead, the so-called authorities are obsessed, but bystanders are clear, why didn't he think of this recommendation?

However, fifty people sneaked into the palace at the same time, the goal was too big, they were divided into several batches to sneak in, and they had to choose to sneak in in the evening, before the palace gate was closed.

The little six went back to the palace first, got the clothes, hats and shoes of the little eunuchs, and then asked fifty special people to change into them, pretending to be little eunuchs, and just walked into the palace with a big swagger, impressing all the soldiers guarding the side door. stunned.

Little Six reprimanded the captain, and then led people into the palace in a big way. The captain was stunned for a while, and after realizing it, he quickly sent someone to report to Sima Lang.

Sima Lang's reaction was within Wu You's expectations. He ordered people to strengthen the security of the Yihe Palace where Concubine Wu Hui lived, to ensure the safety of their mother and child.

1 Fifty Chapters of Chang'an Rebellion

In Yihe palace, the little six sons looked at the fifty little eunuchs in front of Ao Li with sad faces. They sneaked into the palace last night and temporarily squatted in a few miscellaneous rooms in Yihe palace all night. He was called into Concubine Hui's bedroom to wait for Concubine Hui's review.

Although they were dressed in eunuch costumes, their backs were as straight as javelins, clearly revealing the unique toughness of the military, and the chilling aura of killing. Is this the eunuch in the palace?

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