In the hall of Sima Lang's mansion, Shang Shu Zuo Pu shot, someone gritted their teeth and cursed Xiang Wendong. They couldn't take it anymore, and the "Empire Briefing" was changed to a two-day issue at this time. Keep people alive? "It's not that the one surnamed Xiang is crazy, it's the one surnamed Li who is crazy!"

Someone corrected that Xiang Wendong was just a puppet pushed to the foreground, and the real big boss behind the scenes was Jiayue Li Shi Li Gang, an old fox.

"How should this be?"

Someone raised a problem that must be faced now. If it is changed to a period of two days, the engraving craftsmen will definitely not be able to bear such a heavy workload, so they will have to hire a new group of people, which means another big loss. Money, it's really throwing money into the water, just looking at the daily expenses is heartbreaking.

Sima Lang sat on the soft chair, rubbing his aching temples with both hands, this thing is really a bit fatal.

Now it is obvious that Mrs. Li is putting pressure on the newspapers, just like gambling, one family has already raised the bet, what?

Still not following?

Chapter 144 The price of killing people

In fact, Sima Lang knew very well that no matter whether he followed or not, there was no winner in this game, at least until the slander was reported and there was no charge, everyone would lose money, and it depended on who could persist until the end.

Do you want to collude with Young Master Li?Do you want to discuss a win-win solution?

However, the premise is that other newspapers should be shut down first, so that this matter can be discussed, otherwise, the result of the fight will only be a loss for both sides, and no one will take advantage of it.

"My lord, the lower officials think that reporting this slander is like setting up a stage to sing an opera, each sings its own way, and there is no need to go shopping when there is no fee, which will seriously damage your vitality."

Some people expressed their opinions very calmly. The purpose of slandering newspapers is not only to control public opinion in the society, but also to make money in the end. It is not worthwhile for all parties to go shopping without charging fees. It's better to bear with it first, to stay the same in response to all changes, and wait until Li's "Empire Briefing" is officially charged before making any plans.

He has a feeling that Li's shortening the publication time of "Empire Briefing" by one day is not only to put pressure on the newspapers, but also to make final preparations for the formal charging. Officially charged.

With a slap, Sima Lang slapped his thigh hard, that's right, why didn't he think of it, and foolishly went shopping with others?

Publishing newspapers is like doing business. Only a long flow of water can last for a long time. Whoever laughs last is the real winner. Obviously, everyone is at the edge of their horns.

When Li Wei learned that the "Empire News" hosted by Sima Lang had been changed from a three-day period to a five-day period, he couldn't help but smile wryly.

"Empire Briefing" has been issued for nearly [-] issues, and several other newspapers have followed suit. Nowadays, reading the newspaper is not only to understand the news of various parties, but also for entertainment after dinner, it is also a trendy, status-conscious person. symbol.

Just go around the street and turn around, you can see those scholars everywhere, everyone holds a volume of newspapers, even the scholar-bureaucrats can't leave the newspapers, even those aristocratic family members who are idle and only know how to eat, drink, play, whore and gamble. Throwing the expensive gold-painted folding fan into the bottom of the box, and changing it to holding a roll of newspapers, this is a trend, if you don't have this thing in your hand, you will be ashamed to face others.

It seems that the new thing of newspapers has been fully accepted by people, and the next thing is, it's time to charge.

When the "Empire Briefing" issued a statement on the front page of this issue that the official fee for the next issue would be [-] cents, it still attracted some criticism, but it was much smaller than expected.

In Shangshu Pushe's mansion, Sima Lang was leisurely drinking fragrant tea. After clearing his mind, "Daqin Xinbao" forbeared and retreated, secretly accumulating strength, and no longer competed with Li's "Empire Briefing". This made him feel that Not easy.

However, he had only enjoyed this rare relaxation for two days, and the announcement of the official charge by the "Empire Briefing" made him happy for less than half a second, and he was immediately shocked by the price of [-] cents so that he vomited blood on the spot.

As far as the hidden value of slander is concerned, thirty yuan is really nothing. It is more expensive than cabbage. With tears in his eyes, Master Sima cursed Jiayue and Mrs. Li through gritted teeth.

Not much to say about the scientific and technological civilization of this era. The papermaking technology alone is very backward. The quality of the paper produced is not only poor, but also the cost is high. Counting the freight and paying taxes, the selling price is naturally high. Most people can't afford it, even if they can afford it, they should save as much as possible.

Sima Lang asked someone to do a careful calculation, and based on [-] reports, the cost of each report was [-] cents just for the paper.

The printing fee is already expensive, and after the price war caused by various newspapers rushing to hire experienced engraving craftsmen with high salaries, the wages of engraving craftsmen have increased by three or four times, and it is quite labor-intensive, which means that the cost has not increased. few.

It is still based on [-] reports, and the minimum cost of each report is at least sixty or seventy cents. Even if you just want to save money, you have to sell it for about eighty cents, right?

If you want to make money, you have to sell one hundred coins.

"Empire Briefing" is only sold for [-] cents a copy. It can only be said that Mrs. Jiayue Li is either wrong or a fool with too much money to spend.

Not only Shang Shu Zuo Pu shot Sima Lang was so angry that he vomited blood, but the bosses of several other newspapers also vomited blood with anger. Isn't that how Nima plays price wars?

That is to force people directly to death, to kill them all.

Early in the morning, after Li Wei washed up, he ran out of Xiangfu gate to check the sales of newspapers without even eating breakfast.

Outside the gate of Xiangfu is still as usual, crowded with black house slaves in black house slave clothes, they are ordered by the master to line up to receive newspapers, to be precise, to buy, because from today, " The Imperial Briefing is no longer free, but for a fee.

Thirty cents is far more than this amount for aristocratic or wealthy families.

Seeing the crowds of people queuing up to buy newspapers, Li Wei heaved a sigh of relief. Judging by the situation, [-] newspapers might not be enough to sell.

To be honest, Li Wei did not earn a single penny for a newspaper with thirty cents. "Empire Briefing" operates exclusively, or in other words, occupies more than 90.00% of the market share, so the price is lowered to the cost price, and the greedy thoughts of those old guys who want to fish out are directly cut off.

Another reason is that he has gathered the paper-making workers together and encouraged them to study paper-making technology. With scattered memories, he has given some general theories of artificial paper-making among the people in later generations. The specific direction depends on how the paper-making workers do Develop low-cost good paper.

As long as they produce low-cost good paper, the cost of this newspaper will naturally drop, and in the end it will still make money. Each newspaper does not seem to make much money, but after thousands of copies, it can make a lot of money. One issue per day will eventually be changed to one issue per day. In the long run, this is a good business that will never be profitable.

Selling newspapers does not make money now, but he has another way to make money, that is, printing books as an agent, the price is nearly half lower than that of other printing workshops, and the printing time is fast and the quality is good, only the money is too much to spend Only a fool would go to another printing workshop to print books.

There is another way to make money, that is, some literati and scholars who want to be famous, in order to be able to publish their own articles in newspapers, do not hesitate to "sponsor" money secretly.

The "Empire Briefing" was officially launched for sale, and all the newspapers unanimously stopped printing and distributing newspapers. They were all gnashing their teeth and watching, with extremely complicated hearts.

Chapter 145 The Controversy

All morning, people who bought newspapers were crowded outside the gate of Xiangfu. The [-] copies of the newspaper were sold out, and there were still many people queuing up. Afterwards, [-] copies were printed to meet the market demand.

Those who bought the newspaper left satisfied, but there were still many spectators who hadn't left. They gathered together in twos and threes, discussing in low voices.

Among these spectators were Shangshu Zuopushe Sima Lang and the bosses of the major newspapers. They read it all morning until the [-] copies of "Empire Briefing" were sold out and placed outside the gate of the house. The ten sales booth tables were taken away, and each of them took a breath, with a sneer on their faces.

Originally, they were rivals in the newspaper business, but today they agreed to communicate with each other, put aside their honest opinions, and formed an alliance.

The bosses all got to know each other. The cost of each report in each newspaper shop is about sixty or seventy cents, no matter how low it is, it will not be lower than sixty cents. According to their understanding, for every copy of the "Empire Briefing", they have to pay thirty cents, and for three thousand and five hundred copies, they have to pay a hundred and ten cents, that is, one hundred yuan. Zero fifty taels of silver.

Of course, 100 taels of silver is nothing to wealthy families such as aristocratic families, but a loss of 100 taels a day, 1000 taels in ten days, and 1 taels in a hundred days. Bar?

After some discussion, the bosses of the various newspaper workshops decided to suspend the publication of newspapers, and waited patiently to see Jiayue Li's jokes. It is a pity that the paper used by Li's newspaper workshops was not purchased in Chang'an, otherwise, they would have secretly raised it. The price of high paper, Yin Li.

Common sense infers this, but unfortunately they don't know that Young Master Li "invented" movable type printing, and the printing cost is dozens of times lower than theirs.

Today's current situation is unpredictable, and a group of important officials headed by Sima Lang clearly support the little prince's fight for the heir. It is inevitable to fight openly and covertly with the fifth prince, Qin Yongqiang, and it involves all his energy. If he can't help the little prince to rise to power, the Sima clan will be doomed, and he has no way out now.

All newspapers ceased publication, and the "Empire Briefing" became a monopoly. The number of prints increased to [-] copies according to market demand, and almost all of them were sold out.

During this period, Li Wei, who was busy with newspapers, did not let go of his surveillance on the fifth prince, Qin Yongqiang. Unfortunately, this guy seldom left the mansion recently. Even if he did, there were hundreds of guards in front of him. Chance.

Little Six spread the news from time to time, and Li Wei was able to understand Qin Shizheng's situation and his decisions in a timely and clear manner.

Qin Wang Qin Shizheng's condition is getting worse and worse, and he may die at any time, but the matter of making a crown prince has not been settled, firstly because of the court officials, and secondly because he is very hesitant and difficult to make up his mind.

He knew very well in his heart that according to the character and behavior of the fifth prince, Qin Yongqiang, once he took over the throne, he would definitely use bloody means to eradicate the ministers who opposed him. At least two-thirds of the civil and military officials would lose their heads. This is self-destruction of the Great Wall, if not, the Qin royal family will be destroyed in his hands.

However, the little prince is still waiting to be fed, unable to take on the important task at all. A group of important officials headed by Shangshu Zuopushe Sima Lang are ambitious and want to control the government, and they are also ambitious outside the Jiayue Li family who wants to take over Chang'an With the Qingchuan Kong family, when will the Qin royal family rise?

The king of Qin was hesitant, and the matter of establishing the crown prince was still undecided, which made the already turbulent situation even more confusing and unpredictable, and also made the hearts of civil and military officials more and more uneasy. The more critical the moment, the more serious the problem of standing in line. If one is not good, the whole family will be copied and killed, and the nine clans will be punished.

Risks and opportunities always coexist. Li Wei knows that the fifth prince, Qin Yongqiang, is desperately pulling out the cage ministers to buy military generals who hold military power. According to reliable information, Duan Biao, one of the four major generals of the city guards in charge of guarding Chang'an City It has already fallen, and many middle and senior officers of the Habayashi guard guarding the palace have been bribed. The palace is full of his eyeliner, and with the support of Kong Ning, the prefect of Qingchuan Province, Qin Yongqiang has enough power in his hands to launch an attack. A coup d'etat, as long as it is arranged properly, the chance of success is quite high.

This is a risk, but Li Wei also saw a great opportunity in the risk. Although Qin Yongqiang tried his best to win him over, it was only a temporary gain. To put it bluntly, this guy has a strong guard against Li.

Li Wei believed that Sima Lang, the old fox, also knew about these actions of Qin Yongqiang. Impossible, otherwise, how dare he sit on the Diaoyutai like this?

Both the City Guard Army and the Habayashi Guard are under effective control, and the palace is also full of his eyeliner. Nearly half of the armored soldiers in the Two Thousand Palaces belong to his forces. He is not worried about this aspect. The only worry is Jiayue Li's attitude.

Now it can be said that the victory or defeat of the battle for reserves depends entirely on the decision of Jiayue Li. Which side Jiayue Li supports will win. The key is what price to pay to satisfy Li Gang. The greed of an old fox? "Prepare the sedan chair!"

Sima Lang shouted, he can't sit still now, the news from the palace said that King Qin's condition is getting worse and worse, he has fainted several times, the imperial physician can only revive him with the medicine of tiger and wolf, according to this situation , I'm afraid it won't last for a few days. He has to negotiate the terms with Li Wei in person and try to get Li's support.

As long as Mrs. Li remains neutral, with the strength in his hands, he can compete with the fifth prince, Qin Yongqiang. Moreover, he still has a trump card in his hand. With this trump card, he believes that the chance of winning is at least [-]%. As for the orphans in the palace Widowed mother, it is no effort at all to deal with it.

At this moment, Li Wei was leaning on the soft chair, swaying with Erlang's legs crossed, looking very leisurely. Although the ambitious and far-sighted Daddy Cheap made some arrangements many years ago, sending a large number of internal guards and secret agents Lurking inside and outside Chang'an City, some people even successfully infiltrated into the City Guard Army and Habayashi Guard, but their strength was still too weak.

He successfully used slander to attract everyone's attention, dispatched a large number of people from Jiayue and Hongfeng provinces, [-] special personnel were not accepted at night, and [-] reserve players were all lurking in Chang'an City. Five thousand soldiers of the trap camp, fully equipped with heavy armor and mo knives, have quietly assembled in several villages outside Chang'an City under the cover of various identities.

It can be said that the various deployments are basically in place. Now, apart from worrying about the safety of Wu Huiniang's mother and child in the palace, they are waiting for the opportunity to launch.

Hearing that Shang Shu's Zuo Pu She Sima Lang came to visit, he and Wu You couldn't help laughing, the old fox couldn't sit still, and it was time for their lions to open their mouths and ask for prices.

1Chapter 16 Transactions

"Hey, Uncle Sima, my nephew was about to visit, but you... you came here... Oh, I'm so sorry..."

Li Wei bowed to Sima Lang repeatedly with an embarrassed expression on his face. People who didn't know really thought that the relationship between Li Shi and Sima Shi was very good.

"Nephew, you are too polite."

Sima Lang said politely, but felt a little uneasy in his heart, this guy was originally a little fox, if he had nothing to do to be courteous, there must be something that would give him a headache.

The maid served the fragrant tea, and then left the living room. Apart from the two of them, there was only Wu You, a wretched-looking right soldier, who sat with him, which also showed that Li Wei attached great importance to this guy.

Before Sima Lang was seated, Li Wei rushed to say: "Before going out, my father told me that if there is any trouble, I can ask uncle for help, ha ha."

Mine, sure enough, there is trouble, but when did the two families have such a good friendship?

Sima Lang cursed endlessly in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face. There was a faint smile on his face, looking unpredictable.

"Uncle, my nephew has always kept my father's words in my heart, no, I really want to trouble you, uncle."

Li Wei rubbed his hands, with a look of embarrassment on his face, sorry to bother you.

"Jiayue Li's strength is obvious to all. Even my uncle has to rely on it. What else can be difficult for my nephew? My nephew, stop making fun of my uncle, hehe."

Sima Lang smiled and said, the meaning is very clear, even me, the minister Zuo Pushe, who is an extremely human minister, has to rely on you, Jiayue Li, to do things conveniently, what else in this world can be difficult for you? "Uncle said yes, hehe."

Li Wei grinned, still with a very embarrassed expression, "Uncle, you also know that I brought a group of people to Chang'an, ate, drank, and spent a lot of money. Money... Well, it’s a bit difficult to turn around at the moment, so I want to borrow five or six million taels of silver from your uncle to make a quick turnaround. Uncle, don’t worry, my nephew will promise to return it when I go back.”

"Is that so..."

Sima Lang can't pretend anymore. I've seen shameless people before, but I've never seen such shameless people. Five or six million taels, why don't you rob the treasury?He is both angry and proud in his heart, he deserves it, let you sell thirty cents for a report, it's your fault! "Nephew, you also know that my uncle doesn't have any profitable business. He relies entirely on the property left by his ancestors. It's hard to feed a large family, and it's difficult..."

Sima Lang knew that if he didn't spend some money today, he might not be able to continue the discussion on the following issues. However, five or six million yuan is impossible, at most one million taels, this is his psychological bottom line.

Li Wei smiled and said: "Uncle, don't be joking. Who doesn't know that Uncle's business is all over the empire. There are dozens of farms just outside Chang'an City. There are tens of thousands of hectares of fertile land. Haha, don't worry, my nephew will definitely pay it back."


Sima Lang frowned, and sighed: "Nephew, you also know that uncle has a lot of expenses every day, but since my nephew has opened his mouth, how can uncle refuse, but uncle just sells all the family wealth I can't get together one or two million taels of silver."

One pretended to be poor, and the other was shameless. Finally, the final loan amount was 100 million taels of silver.

"My nephew thanked my uncle in advance."

Li Weike thanked him politely, as long as he gave the money, it didn't matter how many times he thanked him.

"Nephew, you don't need to be polite, you are all your own, why should you divide me, hehe, by the way, nephew, uncle also has something to trouble you, nephew."

Sima Lang finally found a chance to speak, but the price was a bit high, 100 million taels of silver, plus the previous gift, added up to nearly 300 million taels, it hurts.

Li Wei naturally knew why he came, and when he finished speaking, he patted his chest and said, "Uncle, don't worry, your business is your nephew's business. At least the three cities of Yulin Sanyanggu City are necessary. In fact, my nephew also knows that this will make things difficult for you, uncle, but my father’s life is difficult..."

"My father's appetite is really good... ah..."

Sima Lang said bitterly, with a troubled expression on his face, he pretended to think for a while, and then he sighed, tantamount to acquiescing to this rather harsh condition.

The Jiayue Li family annexed the three cities just mentioned. It can be said that except for a few cities and the capital of Chang'an, all the territories of the Qin Empire have become Li. Even if he can't wait to kill the entire Li family , but it is related to Sima's future and destiny, he has to compromise.

Fortunately, he had already considered this issue, and these three cities were just within his bottom line. If Li Wei only wanted one or two of them, he would really feel a little worried.

The dirty deal of dividing the territory of the Qin Empire was so nakedly negotiated. Sima Lang left Xiangfu in a happy mood. Not long after, 100 million taels of white silver was delivered, and Li Wei was very happy to have the silver sealed in library.

"Master, there is an urgent message from Qingchuan."

A guard hurried in and presented an urgent letter from an internal guard secret agent lurking in Qingchuan Province.

Li Wei took a look, couldn't help frowning, and handed it to Wu You, the right army officer beside him. The urgent letter said that an army of about 8 or [-] people was found hidden in the mountains near Jiangluo City near Chang'an. .

Wu You took a look, and couldn't help screaming strangely, "Good boy, you even hid a hand."

When Li Wei came to Chang'an with 5 tiger and leopard cavalry, Li Gang, the old eunuch, assembled an army of [-] in Anping City, Hongfeng Province in order to put pressure on Chang'an and Qingchuan Province. Yangcheng.

Such a large-scale and ostentatious mobilization of troops made Chang'an and the Kong family in Qingchuan very nervous. Kong Ning immediately recruited young and strong men and hurriedly formed a new army of 15, of which 10 were stationed at Yulin Pass to strengthen the defense of Yulin Pass. Another [-] new troops were stationed in Jiangluo City to put pressure on Chang'an.

Kong Ning's arrangement in this way was a normal reaction, and it was expected by Li Wei and others, but they didn't expect this guy to save another hand, hiding another army of 8 people near Jiangluo City.

In other words, apart from the original 13 defenders in Jiangluo City, the total force has now reached [-]. It is enough to put pressure on Chang'an and bluff. This makes people have to doubt Kong Ning's intentions .

"Young master, this fellow is quite ambitious."

Wu You narrowed his eyes and said, an army of 13 is more than enough to attack Chang'an. If he guessed correctly, Kong Ning used the excuse of supporting the fifth prince, Qin Yongqiang, to force Chang'an to realize his ambition of taking over Chang'an.

Li Wei frowned and said, "This matter is a bit troublesome."

1Chapter 17 Orioles

Kong Ning's ambition was exposed, which also made Li Wei feel a headache.

Although there are many troops in the Qingchuan Mansion, most of them are new recruits who have never been to the battlefield. Their combat effectiveness is low, and their weapons and equipment are not at the same level as those of the Jiayue Mansion. generally.

His headache was Kong Ning's troops stationed at Jiangluo, and Jiangluo City was only a few miles away from Dongping Pass, and Dongping Pass was only a day's journey from Chang'an. At a time when Chang'an is in civil strife and people's hearts are in turmoil, can the city of Chang'an be defended?

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