No matter how stupid people are, they can see through it at a glance.

Well, even if they are all eunuchs, how can they arrange so many people?

If you are not careful, it will definitely attract the attention of others, and you will have a headache.

Wu Huiniang's expression was completely opposite, she seemed very happy. That enemy forcibly ordered the little six sons to bring so many people into the palace, which showed that they were very concerned about the safety of their mother and child. It feels good to be cared for and loved. It's like honey, it's sweet.

Although she is just a woman who doesn't know anything about military affairs, but looking at the fifty young and strong men standing in front of her, she feels like fifty fierce and unusual cheetahs. That kind of momentum is absolutely ordinary for the imperial guards. comparable.

She is definitely a master of one against ten. What reassures her the most is that they are all friends, and there is no problem in loyalty. As for how the little six will arrange them, that is the problem of the little six.

Little Six really has a headache, and the biggest headache is arranging where these people live.

The Palace of Yihe is very big, and there are many rooms, but all the palace ladies and real eunuchs live there. These people are all pure men with handles. In the future, if the young master wants to pursue it, he can't bear it and walk away.

Just thinking about how to arrange these people, a little eunuch came to report, King Qin announced, and Concubine Hui hurried to the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Concubine Wu Hui sighed helplessly, and ordered the maid to bring her son, and then, surrounded by all the maids and eunuchs, went to the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Outside the Hall of Mental Cultivation, there was a cloud of armored soldiers, and hundreds of civil and military officials were waiting at the side. They stood here early in the morning waiting for King Qin to summon them. They were clearly divided into several groups. The fifth prince, Qin Yongqiang, was a group. The faction headed by She Sima Lang supported the little prince, and the royalist party was loyal to the King of Qin. They would not choose a side, and they would support whoever the King of Qin passed on to the throne.

In addition, there is also a neutral fence-sitting faction. They say they are neutral, but they are actually acting according to the wind. They are smooth, timid, and have no opinions. Vote for the winning side.

Such people are generally hated by people and those who want to be in power. Their end is often very tragic, but there are still some people who are like this and wait until the butcher's knife is on the knife to realize it.

Apart from several large groups, there were two other solitary people standing in the corner, one was Kong Ning, governor of Qingchuan Province, and the other was Shi Yushi Xiang Wendong. They represented the two major warlords of the two provinces.

When Concubine Wu Hui came with her son in her arms, all civil and military officials saluted one after another, even the fifth prince Qin Yongqiang bowed his hands politely, and Concubine Wu Hui also politely returned the salute.

Before the mystery is revealed, even if the two sides want to get rid of it quickly, they are fighting to the death in secret, but on the bright side, they haven't torn their faces and fought openly for the time being.

The little six bowed their heads and followed Concubine Wu Hui into the Hall of Mental Cultivation, passed through the gate guarded by many soldiers, and the two entered inside. The little six stood outside the last gate, and with his position, he couldn't get in.

The little prince, who was deeply asleep in Concubine Wu Hui's arms, moved lightly with his lotus steps. The moment she entered, she glanced at Little Six. The latter lowered his head, looked at his nose and heart, like an old monk in meditation.

Concubine Wu Hui walked in and saw Master Yi'an and Layman Jingyun who were meditating in the corner of the hall. Thinking of a friend reminding her, her expression changed slightly, but she quickly regained her composure.

The concubines in the harem are vying for favor and power, and murderous intentions are everywhere. Those who can survive safely must either have a strong natal family, or win the king's favor, or be a bully, or a ruthless person, and they must have a certain amount of good luck.

Concubine Wu Hui obviously belongs to the third category.

Outside the gate of the inner hall, the little six sons stood motionless with their eyes closed like an old monk. The soldiers and some court ladies and eunuchs on both sides thought he was asleep.

I don't know how long it took, the little prince suddenly heard the cry of the little prince, and the cry of the little guy was very loud.

Xiao Liuzi's closed eyes suddenly opened, flashing a chilling and frightening coldness.

With a flick of the whisk, he turned around and walked out of the hall. He was a big celebrity in front of Concubine Hui, and even Eunuch Li, the head of the internal guard, was polite to him, who would dare to stop him?

Outside the palace, Sima Lang was talking to the people around him in a low voice, looking at the gate of the palace from time to time, looking a little absent-minded. Two hours ago, the imperial physician Zhao who was bribed by him sent someone to secretly inform him that King Qin was dying of illness. With continuous use of the medicine of tiger and wolf, it is estimated that it will not last for three days.

He had a feeling that since King Qin knew that the deadline was approaching, he would definitely step up arrangements for the funeral, not only summoned all civil and military officials, but even the fifth prince Qin Yongqiang, there must be important things to arrange, such as passing an imperial edict and establishing a crown prince.

The little six son walked out of the palace gate, and told a maid who was waiting outside the palace: "Caiyun, hurry up and call the nanny, your highness the little prince is crying."


The maid named Caiyun responded with a sound, turned around and left in a hurry.

The little six retreated to the side of the palace gate and stood still. At this moment, a eunuch sang, "Prince Xuan Wu enters the palace."

The fifth prince, Qin Yongqiang, lifted his spirits, cast a glance at Sima Lang, the minister not far away, and walked into the hall triumphantly.

Before that, he had received a secret report from Imperial Physician Zhao that King Qin's lifespan had come, and he was about to return to the west on a crane. The edict and the establishment of the crown prince are now here, and Layman Jingyun or Master Yi'an didn't have any hints, which means that his father is king Eventually the throne passed to him.

And let you have a few more days of fun, wait for the father to tell the world, after this king ascends the throne, hum!Everyone's eyes were attracted by the fifth prince, Qin Yongqiang, with different expressions. Shangshu Zuopu shot Sima Lang just glanced at Qin Yongqiang, and then moved to the little six who stood beside the palace gate.

Seeing Little Six nodded his head slightly, his expression changed abruptly, King Qin finally established the Fifth Prince as the successor?

When he looked at Xiaoliuzi again to make sure that he didn't realize his mistake, Xiaoliuzi had already closed his eyes, looked at his nose with his eyes, and his heart with his nose, like an old monk in meditation.

Sima Lang took a deep breath and tried his best to suppress his beating heart. Although he was mentally prepared and even made careful arrangements, when something happened, he still couldn't help feeling a little flustered and more nervous.

At this moment, he has no way out. If Qin Yongqiang inherits the Datong, the entire Sima clan will die without a place to bury him.

Chapter 151 The Rebellion in Chang'an 2

Five red butterfly-shaped kites were floating in the sky. It was unknown who flew them, but they were so beautiful that passers-by were looking up.

Perhaps a gust of wind blew by, possibly breaking the thread, and the five red butterfly-shaped kites flew away quickly.

When Li Wei and Wu You saw it, they couldn't help showing solemn expressions on their faces. They also reacted like Sima Lang. Although they were psychologically prepared and made careful arrangements, they still couldn't help being nervous when things happened. stand up.

Soon, more than a dozen secret agents of the internal guards quickly left the Xiang mansion, and several others got into the secret passage and left from other places. Dong's family members moved into the secret passage.

He has several children, but they all stayed in Jiayue, only his wife accompanied him in Chang'an, but this guy took three concubines in Chang'an.

Surrounded by guards, Li Wei, Wu You and others quietly left Xiangfu through the secret passage, and turned into a seemingly ordinary mansion.

This mansion is one of the secret strongholds of the inner security spies. There are also several secret passages leading to other places. Five hundred special agents who have sneaked into Chang'an are crowded here temporarily. They cannot go out, walk around at will, or Loud noises and various restrictions suffocated them.

After Li Wei arrived, he immediately ordered them to go to the Liufu Inn close to the palace to gather secretly and wait for orders through the secret passage. If an emergency signal is sent out in the palace, the five hundred specialties will rush into the palace to save people if they don't accept them at night.

There are another 450 special night-buying and reserve personnel divided into four brigades, assembled in several houses on standby, plus a large number of internal guards and secret agents, Li Wei's available troops in Chang'an City are about [-] people.

In addition to the 30 dead men Zhang Fenghua brought, there were still more than [-] people left. These people are a force that should not be underestimated. Unfortunately, there is not enough time, otherwise they would be arranged to sneak into the palace to protect Wu Huiniang, mother and son.

This group of people is not needed for the time being, and Li Wei keeps them as a reserve force in case of accidents.

Three thousand tiger and leopard cavalry have been stationed in the barracks outside the city of Chang'an. These days, they have also been suffocated. As soon as Li Wei's order came, Zhuo Fengxing immediately ordered the entire army to assemble. Except for weapons and equipment, they did not carry anything. , Even the tents were not dismantled. After closing the four camp gates, the army quickly left the camp and drove towards Anping City.

Inside the palace, a group of civil servants and generals were still standing outside the Hall of Mental Cultivation, waiting for King Qin to summon him. The fifth prince, Qin Yongqiang, had been called in for a long time, and he didn't know what the situation was. Everyone was talking in low voices, expressing their own opinions. His eyes glanced at the gate of the palace from time to time, but no one noticed that Sima Lang and several of his confidantes had quietly disappeared under the cover of a group of party ministers.

Also missing was Shi Yushi Xiang Wendong, who represented the Jiayue Li family. He was a lonely existence in the court, and he was not noticed at this time.

Xiang Wendong was standing alone in the corner, a court lady came from behind, said something in a low voice, Xiang Wendong immediately turned and left with her.

Little Liuzi still had his eyes closed, standing motionless by the side of the hall door, as if he had fallen asleep, and it didn't seem to be his business that the sky fell.

At this moment, Sima Lang, who had received the signal from the little six sons, was moving quietly. For this moment, he also made careful arrangements, and issued orders one after another. Those who were loyal to him acted quickly to control the control of the superior to seize military power. The barracks and main government offices blocked some traffic arteries, etc., and all actions were carried out in an orderly manner according to the established plan.

However, sometimes the plan is dead, and the person who executes it doesn't know how to be flexible, or the person entrusted with the heavy responsibility is hard to pick the leader, so it is inevitable that there will be mistakes.

A nephew of Sima Lang, Sima Jun, served as Sima of the Chengxi Army, responsible for seizing military power and controlling the [-] soldiers in the Chengxi Military Camp. The killing sound shook the sky and resounded throughout the city.

Yu Shiming is one of the only two remaining veteran generals of the Qin Empire, and he has a very high prestige in the army. Although Sima Jun holds the important position of army Sima, he has some skills, but that is all because of Sima Lang. His prestige in the army is fundamental. I can't take it seriously. If he had only placed Yu Shiming under house arrest, he might not have made such a fuss, but he killed Old General Yu as soon as he came up, which immediately aroused the extreme indignation of the soldiers in the army. After Sima Jun killed a few soldiers, it finally turned into There was a mutiny, and the two sides fought in the barracks, causing heavy casualties.

"This underachiever!"

Sima Lang, who was in command in the mansion, was so angry that he threw his cup, blowing his beard and staring at his eyes and scolding his mother. Although the actions of all parties went smoothly, the military power of the Habayashi guards and the palace guards had not yet been seized.

The matter has come to an end, he can only mobilize the soldiers and horses he can mobilize, and focus on besieging the palace, and the fifth prince's mansion.

However, unfavorable news came one after another. The family of the fifth prince Qin Yongqiang broke through the encirclement with more than 3000 people and was approaching the palace.

The barracks in the south of the city, which was originally under control, mutinied, beheaded the people he sent, and also moved closer to the palace.

There are also several aristocratic families who supported Qin Yongqiang and quickly gathered thousands of family members to attack his mansion.

Outside the city, thousands of servants from other aristocratic families poured out from various farms and were gathering to attack the city.

The imperial palace, the Hall of Mental Cultivation, at the moment when the military camp in the west of the city was about to cause a mutiny, Concubine Wu Hui was walking out of the hall with the little prince in her arms.

Two monks from Hualian Temple suddenly appeared and blocked her way.

"What do you want to do?"

Concubine Wu Hui yelled loudly, but her heart was extremely nervous, she did not expect the people in Xuan Suju to be so bold.

"Concubine Hui, please forgive me."

The two monks both pleaded guilty, but they didn't give way at all.

Several young eunuchs rushed up, but they beat and kicked them and knocked them down, curled up on the ground and moaned in pain.


A dozen or so soldiers guarding the gate charged forward with straight swords, and four monks holding long sticks rushed out of the hall, slamming into a ball.

A monk knocked over a soldier with a stick, suddenly a star flashed in front of his eyes, his forehead shook violently, and he fell down straight, with a little redness on his brow.

"Protect the imperial concubine!"

Xiao Liuzi screamed, and he killed a monk as soon as he shot, flicking his right index finger, another monk who rushed forward let out a muffled groan, covered his throat with his hand and fell to the ground.

A group of warriors armed with spears poured in outside the hall and killed the monks. They were all Sima Lang's people, and they were ordered to protect the safety of Concubine Wu Hui's mother and child.

A large number of soldiers suddenly came from all directions, scaring all the civil and military officials outside the hall and those court ladies and eunuchs, they all ran away with their heads in their arms, and the whole Hall of Mental Cultivation was in chaos.

At this moment, there was a loud roar and killing sound from the direction of the military camp in the west of the city.

Chapter 152 The Rebellion in Chang'an 3

The few monks from Hualian Temple were highly skilled in martial arts, but they all died under the extremely sinister Sunflower Canon magic skill of the little six sons. He and fifty soldiers escorted Concubine Wu Hui, who was holding the little prince in his arms, to the Yihe Palace.

When Jushi Jingyun and a group of monks rushed out from the inside, they bumped into more than a hundred soldiers who were ordered to kill the fifth prince Qin Yongqiang, and the two sides fought desperately in the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

And amidst the thunderous roar, Qin Shizheng, the king of Qin who was dying of illness, was so frightened and angry that he couldn't catch his breath. He kicked his legs and drove the crane back to the west.

The fifth prince, Qin Yongqiang, received an imperial edict from the King of Qin to inherit the Datong, but before he could laugh out loud, a drastic change happened, which made him startled and angry.

Shocking roars came from outside the hall, and he had no time to find out how the news leaked out. Under the protection of Lay Jingyun, Master Yi'an and other experts, he hurriedly escaped from the side door of the Hall of Mental Cultivation, only the dying man was left. The king of Qin and all the concubines, concubines, and eunuchs, who were so frightened that their faces were pale and trembling, were in a mess.

The little six sons escorted Concubine Wu Hui and the little prince back to the Yihe Palace, and he was relieved. He ordered the fifty soldiers to stay outside the gate of the palace, and the fifty special soldiers sent by Li Wei to guard the inside of the palace. The three inner guard female secret agents protected Concubine Wu Hui and moved to hide in the warehouse piled with sundries, where an emergency escape entrance was dug.

The little six sat in the hall, leisurely drinking the famous wines tribute from all over the world, he didn't bother to care about the chaos outside, he only knew that he had to protect the safety of Concubine Wu Hui's mother and child.

After drinking half a jug of wine, the sound of roaring and killing came from outside the hall, and the sound of violent impact of iron tools was accompanied by the sound of miserable howls.

The guards outside were the people who shot Sima Lang, the left servant of the Shangshu, and the people who attacked must be the people of the fifth prince Qin Yongqiang. This guy's counterattack was really amazing.

After only two glasses of water and wine, the sound of fighting outside had stopped, causing Xiao Liuzi to frown. Fifty soldiers with strong martial arts skills were massacred so quickly?

With a bang, the palace gate was slammed open, and a dozen blood-stained monks rushed in, followed by layman Jingyun, whose clothes were fluttering and the iron sword in his hand was still dripping blood.

"Hand over the little prince!"

Layman Jingyun yelled sharply, the seven-foot Qingfeng pointed at Xiaoliuzi in his palm, with a murderous look on his face, it was hard to believe that she was an outsider who saw through the mundane world.

Behind her, there were two female disciples holding long swords, also with murderous looks on their faces, as long as there is a master, he will teach any kind of apprentice.

"Let's go through the level of the general manager first."

Little Six laughed sharply, put down the wine glass in his hand, and stood up slowly. The eunuch's voice was originally sharp and harsh, which made people feel extremely uncomfortable. His voice echoed in the empty palace, adding a bit of weirdness .

The two monks shouted violently and rushed forward with their sticks.

"Be careful……"

Layman Jingyun felt a sense of uneasiness in his heart since he stepped into the Yihe Palace. The killing outside was turned upside down, but here it was so quiet, so quiet that it made one's heart shudder. She was so calm that she felt an inexplicable sense of uneasy tension in her heart.

She realized something was wrong and shouted, but it was already too late. Several black shadows flashed behind several giant pillars in the hall, and several starbursts burst out. The two monks couldn't dodge and fell down screaming. Five or six short feathers are inserted on each body.

The ten fully armed special Ye Bushou were divided into two rows, surrounded in front of Xiaoliuzi, half squatting and half kneeling in the front row, and standing in the back row. In addition to wearing iron swords on their bodies, they all held small short crossbows in their hands.

This kind of short crossbow is several times smaller than the giant crossbow used to defend the city. Although the shooting range is not far, it is easy to carry, and it can shoot unexpectedly at close range, and its lethality is extremely amazing.

"Can these few small crossbows stop this layman?"

Layman Jingyun sneered, and took three steps forward, the seven-foot green blade in his palm flickered with a cold light.

"Soldiers against soldiers, generals against generals."

Xiao Liuzi walked forward a few steps with a smile on his face. Although he practiced the Sunflower Canon handed down by someone, he didn't know whether this magical skill was very powerful. He just heard that the young master said it was very powerful, which gave him a little bit of confidence.

He has been staying in the deep palace to serve Concubine Wu Hui, and he has never fought with anyone. His actual combat experience can be said to be 0, but just now he killed a few monks in the Hall of Mental Cultivation, which doubled his confidence.

He can feel that Layman Jingyun is a very formidable opponent. However, a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers. He really wants to meet for a while to see how powerful the so-called master is, and at the same time to test whether the Sunflower Book is really what the young master said. so powerful.

The ten ready-to-go special forces Yebu saw him coming forward, and immediately moved to the side. They formed a group of five and formed a strange formation. People hold short crossbows.

"You be careful."

Layman Jingyun frowned, with a dignified look on her face, those so-called soldiers in the palace were completely vulnerable in her eyes, she did not expect to meet such a group of weird and unpredictable eunuchs in Yihe Palace, which shocked her I was very surprised.

"Look at the sword!"

Layman Jingyun's temper was already hot, and she would do what she said, so she snarled and swung her sword to attack.

With a loud bang, Xiao Liuzi blocked the attacking sword with his left hand, twisted his body in an extremely strange way, and stabbed the opponent's eyebrow with the thumb and index finger of his right hand, which was so thin that it was almost invisible. The key.

Layman Jingyun's complexion changed slightly, she flew back, the seven-foot green blade in her palm protected her, and a screen of heavy swords appeared in front of her. As soon as she fought, she could feel that this yin and yang vicious Liu Zongguan was not only a top-notch master, but also extremely feminine in martial arts weird.


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