"Oh, that would be such a pity." Alex could only regret, "My sister will definitely be disappointed."

"However, how do you know she likes me?"

"No, no, it's not just my sister. I believe that all the girls in Paris who study mathematics like you. We all know what you did in that Bourbaki seminar. You are in the mathematics department of all our universities in Paris. Among them, they are all legendary figures."

"Is that so?"

"Of course it is."

Alex nodded of course.

Lin Xiao touched his face, alas, can one's life only rely on talent to conquer others?

"Gentlemen, your cream of mushroom soup."

At this time, the waiter next to him came up and interrupted Lin Xiao's narcissism.

"Thank you."

After receiving the soup, Lin Xiao ate the soup and the steak next to him slowly.

"By the way, Lin, did your advisor tell you about your graduation requirements?" Alex asked again.

Lin Xiao thought about it for a while and said, "It's fine for him to let me study my own subject. As long as he thinks the final result is good, he can graduate for me."

"Oh, Lin, as expected of you, my supervisor is much stricter." Alex sighed and said, "After I came here as a doctoral student, my supervisor asked me to choose the questions, yes Gauss’ double-bubble theory needs to make a breakthrough in this theory before graduation, and before that, I still need to do a year’s project with him.”

"Double-bubble theory? The research on Riemannian surfaces is quite difficult." Lin Xiao said with a smile, "Of course, just take your time. Anyway, you have only been in school for half a year."

Alex nodded, and suddenly said, "Oh, speaking of which, have you heard of the recent twin prime number conjecture?"

"You mean, that professor of mathematics at Stanford University in the United States reduced the K value of the twin prime number conjecture to 128?"

"Of course!" Alex nodded, and said, "Besides, I heard that he used the circle sieve method you created in proving Goldbach's conjecture to complete it."

Lin Xiao nodded. The sieve circle method can be used in the research of most prime number problems. After all, the problems between prime number problems are sometimes interlinked.

He smiled and said: "Of course I knew. After creating the sieve method, I realized that it would one day be used to solve the twin prime number problem."

Alex asked: "Then why didn't you try it on it later? Proved the Goldbach's conjecture, and the twin prime conjecture... I have to admit, such a thing is really cool! Two-thirds of Hilbert's eighth question has been completed in your hands!"

Lin Xiao frowned slightly: "It seems...it's really interesting. It seems that in the next time, I can study this conjecture."

It just so happened that he had been in the Paris Normal University for a few days, and he hadn't made a decision about his next research problem. It would be good if he chose the twin prime number conjecture.

Anyway, the difficulty of twin prime numbers is not as high as Goldbach's conjecture, and it is simpler to a certain extent.

When Lin Xiao said this, Alex was stunned, "Do you really want to study the twin prime number conjecture?"

"of course."

Lin Xiao nodded.

Then he saw Alex took out a small notebook and a pen from the windbreaker beside him, and started writing on the table.

Lin Xiao stepped forward and took a look.

[March 2020, 3, at one o'clock in the afternoon, bistrot10 restaurant, I had lunch with Lin Xiao, who proved Goldbach's conjecture, and then he told me that he wanted to prove the twin prime conjecture.I believe this is a historic moment because I have been waiting for the day when he will complete the proof. 】

Looking at what Alex wrote, Lin Xiao couldn't help being stunned: "What are you... doing?"

"Of course it is recorded."

Alex said with a smile, "After you really prove that you are successful, I can share this diary on my Facebook."

Lin Xiao couldn't help asking amusedly: "Why is this necessary?"

"Of course it is necessary, and it will definitely bring me more attention." Alex said with a smile: "Oh, by the way, how much is your Facebook? We generally use Facebook Books as communication software."


Later, Lin Xiao and Alex became friends on Facebook.

"You have so few friends...Huh?! This is Terry-Tao, do you actually have Tao Zhexuan's friends?" At this moment, Alex looked at Lin Xiao's friend list and suddenly exclaimed.

"Yes, I still have his ins friends." Lin Xiao said, and then pointed to his other rare friends, all of whom are world-renowned mathematicians.

"This is Professor Laforge from our college. He seems to have joined Warwick now. This is Schultz, the winner of the Fields Medal in 2018. This is..."

Looking at these friends of Lin Xiaojia, Alex envied: "That's great, your friends are all big figures in the mathematics world, unlike me, almost all of my friends are girls."

Lin Xiao: "..."

"It seems that I will have to be like you in the future and add more friends in mathematics. If there are girls who want to add me as friends in the future, I have to give her a math problem, and I can add me after I solve it."

"All the girls took the initiative to add you?"

"Of course, when I usually go to the library to sit, there are girls who want to add me as friends."

Lin Xiao: "..."

Are you showing off?

You are definitely showing off, right?

"You don't accept my sister, so let me introduce you to some female friends? In France, people will be despised if they don't have female friends."

Alex asked eagerly again.

No matter how Lin Xiao looked at it, he felt that he was trying to bring himself down.

"Let's talk about this matter later, let's continue eating for now."

Seeing that Lin Xiao was not interested, Alex had no choice but to nod, "Okay then."


For one lunch, he ate from [-] o'clock to [-] o'clock in the afternoon, which made Lin Xiao realize that the French eat fast, which is notoriously slow.

And Alex has always maintained enthusiasm for introducing him to female friends.

I heard that the French are keen on sharing before, so Lin Xiao has learned a lot now.

However, after finishing this lunch, Lin Xiao returned to his dormitory.

After picking up Mimi and masturbating, he took out the computer and looked at something related to the twin prime number conjecture.

Now that he decided to prove this conjecture, of course he had to start making preparations.

In this way, he entered into his own study.


Meanwhile, Stanford University.

In a classroom of the Department of Mathematics, a professor of mathematics in his 50s and [-]s was interviewed by the media.

"Professor Kayman, may I ask you to successfully advance the value of k in the twin prime number conjecture to 128, what does it mean to the mathematical community?"

The Kaymanian professor said with excitement and pride on his face: "The twin prime number conjecture has existed in the mathematics world for a long time. How to solve it is of unparalleled importance to the mathematics circle. It is like challenging human beings." Mount Everest of wisdom is full of countless hardships and hardships. My success also means that I have completed an important breakthrough for the mathematics world.”

"I heard that you used the sieve circle method of that Chinese mathematics genius in the proof process? So have you improved his sieve circle method?"

Kayman frowned, and then said: "No, no, the sieve circle method is a method that combines the sieve method and the circle method, and the sieve method and the circle method are also methods that have existed many years ago, so Lin and I Akatsuki's work is just an improvement of these two methods, although I did have his help in my results, but without my work, we would not be able to achieve this level."

The reporter laughed, "Then thank Professor Kayman for your contribution to the mathematics community, I believe everyone will remember you."

"of course."

Kayman nodded slightly.

Chapter 166 Touched by porcelain?

Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris.

Lin Xiao was sitting at his desk, looking at the paper that narrowed the gap between pairs of prime numbers to 128 in the twin prime number conjecture.

The author of this paper is David Kayman, a professor of mathematics at Stanford University. He used to have a certain reputation, but he is not famous, mainly in the United States.

However, this Professor Caymanian made a breakthrough in this paper and produced a relatively powerful result. Now his fame has spread all over the world.

After all, that is the twin prime conjecture.

The twin prime number conjecture refers to whether there are infinitely many pairs of prime numbers whose difference is 2.

For example, 3 and 5, 29 and 31, these numbers are all prime numbers, and the difference between them is 2, then they are called twin prime numbers.

In 2013, Chinese mathematician Zhang Yitang made a breakthrough in the twin prime number conjecture, proving that there are infinitely many pairs of prime numbers whose difference is less than 7000 million, which is a weak form of the twin prime number conjecture.

And the method he used in this proof process also brought the possibility for other people in the mathematical community to continuously reduce this number, so other mathematicians followed Zhang Yitang's method and within just one year. The 7000 million figure shrinks to 246.

But after that, people have no way to continue shrinking. This is also the limitation of Zhang Yitang's method.

Only by reducing this value to 2 can the twin prime conjecture be thoroughly proved.

And this Professor Kaymanian combined Lin Xiao's sieve circle method with Zhang Yitang's method, and achieved another breakthrough.

"Well written."

After reading the whole paper, Lin Xiao nodded slightly.

The Caymanian professor found a bridge between the two methods, and then incorporated the sieve circle method into Zhang Yitang's method, realizing this last step.

However, in front of Lin Xiao, it was still just good.

Because his number sense told him that this method can only reduce the number 246 to two digits, but cannot reach the limit of single digits. Naturally, it cannot really be reduced to 2, which completely proves the twin prime number conjecture.

This also means that this method still has limits.

"Perhaps, the sieve circle method can solve the twin prime number conjecture without using other methods at all?"

Lin Xiao had this idea.

Of course, the premise is that Lin Xiao perfects the circle sieving method again. After he created the circle sieving method, he always thought that there was still room for improvement in this method.

"However, if the sieve circle method needs to be perfected, in which aspect should it be perfected?"

Doubts arose in Lin Xiao's heart.

this is a problem.

But at this moment, there was a 'dong dong dong' sound at the door.

"Lin! Are you there?"

It was Alex's voice, which seemed anxious.

Lin Xiao was a little puzzled, what happened?

Leaving his seat, he opened the door.

Then I saw a very angry look on Alex's face outside the door. After seeing Lin Xiao, he said, "Lin, have you seen it? That American is really disgusting!"

Lin Xiao was taken aback for a moment: "What happened?"

"It seems you don't know yet."

Alex said, and then walked directly into the room.

"Look at this news! That American is really shameless."

Lin Xiao walked up, it was hateful and shameless, which American is it?

Alex took the mobile phone and showed Lin Xiao a piece of news displayed on it.

This is the news from the "Los Angeles Times", and the headline of the news is [Professor Kayman: My work is as important as Lin Xiao's work]

Seeing this title, Lin Xiao was taken aback for a moment, why was he mentioned?

He looked down again, and was immediately speechless.

That Kayman claimed that he reduced the gap between prime numbers in the weak-form twin prime number conjecture to 128, which is as important as Lin Xiao's circle sieve method, and said that Lin Xiao's circle sieve method is just a combination of sieve method and The improvement of the method, and the same is true of his work, the contribution of the two is the same.

Seeing Lin Xiao finished reading, Alex said angrily: "How can there be such a shameless person, he actually said that the sieve method is just a combination of the sieve method and the round method? Just?!"

"How dare he say such a thing? If combining the sieve method and the circle method is as easy as he said, previous mathematicians would have completed this step long ago, and Goldbach's conjecture would have been proven long ago."

"I thought he was very good before, but looking at it now, if this is the level of a professor of mathematics at Stanford University, then I think I can do it!"

"Americans are all the same, it is really hateful."

Seeing Alex defending himself, Lin Xiao, who should have been even more angry, was a little bit dumbfounded at this moment. It seemed that he wanted to help persuade him?

Of course, what Alex said is also true. Combining the sieve method and the circular method seems to be very simple to say, and it can be done in a few words, as if attracting the N-level and S-level of two magnets together Just as easy.

However, its difficulty is actually how to make the N and N stages of the two magnets attract together without external force.

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