And how to attract the N-level and N-level of two magnets together, there is only one way, that is, to reconcile their magnetism, and to combine the sieve method and the circular method, you need to reconcile these two methods first, so that They do not repel each other.

But obviously, their difficulty is extremely high, at least the mathematics community has been stumped for nearly a hundred years, and it was not completed by Lin Xiao until last year.

But now, this Professor Kaymanian just erased the difficulty of it with just a light "just", and then put his own achievements and Lin Xiao's achievements on the same level, calling it shameless, and also No exaggeration.

In addition, this newspaper did not understand the facts, and then reported the incident, which made people suspect its intentions.

All in all, their actions are like touching Lin Xiao's porcelain.

However, Lin Xiao is now in France and not in the United States, so it is impossible to come to his door to protest, and he is a professor at Stanford University, and the media is the "Los Angeles Times", he has no power, and he can make them apologize ?

Seeing Alex's angry look, Lin Xiao patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Well, there is nothing to be angry about, and this is my business, you don't need to be so angry .”

"That's okay, you are my friend!"

Alex said: "I will mobilize other friends to scold him under this news!"

With that said, Alex was about to call his friend.

Seeing this, Lin Xiao quickly grabbed him and said, "Thank you, Alex, but I have my own solution to this kind of thing."

Alex was taken aback, "Your own solution?"

Lin Xiao nodded and said, "Yes, my own solution."

He smiled slightly: "As long as I complete the proof of the twin prime number conjecture, do you think this is the most powerful counterattack against him?"

Hearing Lin Xiao's words, Alex sighed and said, "Lin, although you have proved Goldbach's conjecture, the twin prime conjecture is equally difficult. Are you sure you can prove it?"

Lin Xiao shook his head, "Not yet."


There was a kind of confidence in his eyes, "Do you think I can't prove it?"

Alex was startled, looking at Lin Xiao's calm but inexplicably convincing face, he suddenly felt that even though it was the twin prime number conjecture as famous as Goldbach's conjecture, in Lin Xiao's hands, it seemed to be true. A miracle can happen again.

After a while, Alex nodded and said, "I believe in you, you will definitely succeed."

"now it's right."

Lin Xiao smiled, and then patted Alex on the shoulder.


And at this moment, another soft meow came from the dormitory.

Lin Xiao turned his head and looked at the bed. Mimi looked at him as if she was also cheering him on.

"Huh?! Do you even have a cat?"

And Alex was surprised when he heard the cat meowing.

He had never been to Lin Xiao's room before, and he really didn't know that Lin Xiao had a cat.

Lin Xiao stepped forward, hugged Mimi, and said with a smile, "Of course, this cat flew here from Huaguo with me, and is very close to me."

Alex also stepped forward, reached out and stroked Mimi's fur, and said, "That's great, if I didn't find it troublesome, I would have raised it too."

Lin Xiao smiled and said: "Sometimes when studying mathematics, raising a cat can also bring inspiration to myself."

"Really? Then I want to try."

"Of course, Tao Zhexuan also raised a cat last year, just listened to my recommendation."

"Then I have to give it a try."

Alex laughed.

Next, after the two chatted for a few more words, Alex planned to leave without disturbing Lin Xiao.

However, before going out, he said to Lin Xiao again: "By the way, Lin Xiao, no matter what, I and my friends will still help you. We are all in Paris, and you are our own."

Here is the mathematics center of the world, and now there are people who want to do things in this pure land of mathematics, to touch their mathematics geniuses, and none of them will agree to such a thing.

In this regard, Lin Xiao did not stop him. The behavior of the American professor must be immoral. If the other party can learn some lessons, Lin Xiao would be happy to see it.

"Thank you then."

"We are friends!"

Alex smiled and left here.

Lin Xiao carried Mimi back to the table, stroked it gently, and suddenly received an ins, and took a look, it was from Tao Zhexuan.

Looking at the content, Tao Zhexuan obviously also learned about the news, so he expressed comfort to him.

"You don't need to care about that guy, we don't like this kind of person"

Seeing this news, Lin Xiao smiled slightly. Sometimes it is good to know more friends.

Then he replied: 'Thanks, I don't care, I'll just hit him back in my own way. 』

After sending this message, Lin Xiao turned his attention to the paper in front of him again.

Before the final pushback, order an appetizer.

Then, let’s first prove that Kayman’s method still cannot completely solve the twin prime conjecture.

And it's not that hard.

Chapter 167 Caymanian Jealousy

Time passed quickly, and the news that David Kayman narrowed the gap of the weak-form twin prime conjecture to 128 spread throughout the mathematical community, but his remarks in the interview afterwards also sparked a discussion in the mathematical community .

Most of the seniors who valued Lin Xiao criticized Kayman's behavior. Although he did not slander Lin Xiao, his behavior of belittling Lin Xiao's achievements and using Lin Xiao to promote himself was still a bit too much.

Especially the mathematicians in France, since Lin Xiao is now studying in France, they must speak out for Lin Xiao.

However, not everyone expressed criticism. On the contrary, they also helped Kaymanian to promote his achievements. Some people even claimed that even though Kaymanian’s achievements were not as good as Lin Xiao’s sieve method, their importance was worth it. Praiseful.


Stanford University, in David Kayman's office.

"What's the situation outside now?"

"Is it not bad? Hehe, thank you very much."

Kayman put down the phone with a calm smile on his face.

Seniority is inevitable everywhere, even in mathematics, and it still exists.

Although most mathematicians are happy to see a young mathematical genius like Lin Xiao appear, there are still a few who feel a little unconcerned about the sudden appearance of such a young man.

Their rigidity and stubbornness, or jealousy, made them dislike the presence of such a person in their field.

After all, colleagues are enemies.

Caymanian is just that.

He has been studying problems in the field of number theory, especially the Goldbach conjecture and the twin prime number conjecture. As for the Riemann conjecture, it is too rare, so he did not study it.

And he has been researching Goldbach's conjecture for many years. Although he has not made any breakthroughs, he still believes that he has a chance to succeed, so this persistence has passed for more than ten years.

Until now, he is 40 years old, which is a bit old, but whenever he worries about his age, Andrew Wiles will become his role model, since everyone can succeed after 40 , why can't he succeed?

So he has never given up. In this way, his hard work is commendable, probably because of this kind of hard work, which allowed him to become a professor of mathematics at Stanford University.

However, just last year, he suddenly got news that a young man appeared in that backward country on the other side of the Pacific Ocean, and he completely solved Goldbach's conjecture, and other well-known mathematicians in the world recognized him There is no problem in the proof process, so this problem that has troubled the world for hundreds of years and wasted more than ten years of Kaymanian time has just become a theorem.

When he heard the news, Kayman couldn't believe that Goldbach's conjecture was proved by someone else first?

He even thought it was an April Fool's joke for him.

However, when he found the thesis and read it from beginning to end, he realized that his energy of more than ten years was wasted like that.

Then, according to his graduate students, their professor directly launched the desktop cleaning master skill that day.

After that, Kayman became jealous of Lin Xiao.

At the same time, he also focused his original research on Goldbach's conjecture on the study of the twin prime number conjecture.

And even though he was jealous of Lin Xiao, he still found inspiration from Lin Xiao's thesis, and now, a year later, he made a breakthrough.

Although he used Lin Xiao's sieve circle method in it, because Lin Xiao proved Goldbach's conjecture, his work of more than ten years was wiped out, making him unwilling to mention Lin Xiao at all, and he was unwilling to admit that he Lin Xiao's success has a lot to do with Lin Xiao's sieve circle method.

So, there is what he said in the interview that day.

Although many bigwigs in the mathematics world criticized his words and deeds after that, many people supported him.

Although those who support him are not well-known figures in the mathematics world, it is not someone who has a high status in the mathematics world who can let someone go.

It is impossible for Stanford University to expel him. The paper he sent out, to say the least, raised his status in the school to a higher level.

Also, the people at the Los Angeles Times will try to speak up for him.

He doesn't care what the "Los Angeles Times" thinks, as long as it is good for him anyway, and with this kind of big media helping him speak, there are still many people who praise him among ordinary people.

So no matter how you think about it, Caymanian doesn't think there will be any problems.

Now, he might as well continue to study how to use his own method to completely complete the proof of the twin prime number conjecture.

Thinking that he could prove a problem in Hilbert's eighth question, Kayman couldn't help but feel excited. As long as he can complete the proof of this problem, what honor can't he get in the mathematics world in the future?

Even if he is over 40 years old and can no longer win the Fields Medal, maybe the International Mathematical Union will give him a Fields Special Medal just like Wiles back then?

And even if it doesn't work, they will definitely win the Cole Prize in Number Theory from the American Mathematical Society, right?

Thinking about it, what about the Crawford Prize, the Abel Prize, and the Wolf Prize in Mathematics?

Can always get one?

For those who study pure mathematics, prosperity and wealth are nothing.

More pure scholars like to constantly challenge those difficult problems, but more mathematicians like those honors and titles. After all, mathematicians are also human beings, and of course they hope to get these honors to show themselves.

There is nothing to say about that, and for Kayman, he is such a mathematician.

Thinking that he will have the opportunity to win these world-renowned awards, he is even more motivated to solve the twin prime number conjecture.

However, at this moment, he suddenly received a message from the "Los Angeles Times", and the other party just sent him a Facebook link and asked him to read it. It was Lin Xiao's response.

"That young man actually responded?"

He snorted in his heart, what could that Lin Xiao respond to?

Say no?

So what if you object?

Could it be possible to deny his proof and say that he proved it wrong?

He sneered. His proof process has been peer-reviewed and published in the Journal of the American Mathematical Society, one of the top four journals in mathematics. There can be no mistakes.

In addition, in the past year, he didn't hear that Lin Xiao had any achievements in the field of mathematics. He only heard that he went to study theoretical chemistry again and came up with something.

However, in his opinion, this is completely resigned to depravity, leaving pure mathematics alone to study the applied field?

In his opinion, this is really a bit stupid.

"I'd like to see what you can say."

Thinking so in his heart, he clicked on the link.

However, after seeing the contents inside, he was immediately stunned.

Lin Xiao neither protested nor showed any anger, but the content made Kayman feel cold.

[I have already read the proof process of Professor Yikaman. This is a good new method. It proves that Mr. Zhang Yitang’s work still has room for improvement. However, it is still regrettable that this method cannot let We get the final result. According to my derivation, this method will be trapped by the number 36. My derivation process is attached below. (click to download)】

Seeing this, Kayman panicked in his heart.

His method can't completely prove the twin prime number conjecture?

How can this happen?

At this time, his heart was a little confused, but he hoped that this was just Lin Xiao's mistake. He didn't believe that his method could still only narrow the number range to 36.

Although it has been reduced to 36, it is already a very good result, but it is always only a weak form conjecture, and it does not really prove the twin prime number conjecture anyway.

Without really proving the twin prime number conjecture, it will never be said that this pearl of mathematics has been taken off.

So, with a faint panic in his heart, he downloaded the attachment with trembling hands, and then entered it.

Soon, after he watched it from beginning to end, his heart became cold again.

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