Yang Rong, as a mathematics teacher, of course knows how powerful it is to prove Goldbach's conjecture. Those mathematicians all over the world have not proved it, but his son proved it, so his son must be better than most mathematics teachers. Great, right?

Hearing his mother's words, Lin Xiao couldn't laugh or cry, and said: "Mom, it's not impossible, I must listen to the teacher's words."

"I know, doesn't this mean that you are good, should you respect the teacher or respect the teacher.".

"Well, you can rest assured."

Lin Xiao nodded, looked at the time again, and said hastily: "I have to go, otherwise the car will not be able to catch up."

After speaking, he ran away quickly.

"Stinky boy, remember to come back next year! Don't leave me there and never come back!" Lin Guowen shouted.

"Definitely come back during Chinese New Year!"

"It's better to bring a foreign girlfriend back!"


Lin Xiao didn't answer a word, and disappeared directly into the stairwell.

"You brat." Lin Guowen shook his head and cursed with a smile.

Yang Rong patted him and said, "What's so good about a foreign girlfriend."

"What's wrong with that? How much face will it save if you say it?"

"Do you regret that you didn't find someone from a foreign country?"

"……how is this possible?!"


After Lin Xiao returned to Beijing, he went to Beijing University to complete the report. After a few days, he embarked on his way to Paris.

Because of the need to bring Mimi, Lin Xiao finally arrived at Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport after two connecting flights.

Soon he found the place where the pet was checked. After seeing the flight bag containing Mimi, Lin Xiao rushed up to check on Mimi's condition.

Mimi meowed and seemed to be in good spirits, so Lin Xiao felt relieved.

"Okay, Mimi, we won't fly by plane after that."

Putting the flight bag on his back and his own suitcase, Lin Xiao left the airport and went to the place where he would stay for the next few years, the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris.

Chapter 164 Professor Searle's Life Guidance

The current president of France, surnamed Ma, once recalled the hardships of his study time and said: "The door of the Paris Ecole Normale Supérieure was always closed to me, so I entered the University of Paris Tenth instead."

In order to enter this university, he even failed for two years.

And when I heard the name of the Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris, the name seemed a little strange in the Chinese people's perception of the name of the university.

Forget about the normal school, but it is still a 'college'?

This makes it easy for people to think that it is a second junior college in a foreign country.

But in fact, École Normale Supérieure is quite well-known in academic circles, or in the whole world, even the United States, which has the most famous universities in the world, has heard of the name of École Normale Supérieure, even in French. Say the name of Paris Normal University, and many people in English-speaking countries can know the name of this school.

The ranking of Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris is actually not high in the world, but this is also affected by various evaluation factors. This university has 4 applicants every year, and finally only recruits more than 200 students, and there are only 20 international students. So much so that there are no more than [-] students in the École Normale Supérieure, and the size of the school also has an impact on the evaluation rate of prestigious schools.

In addition, the Ph.D. degrees conferred by the École Normale Supérieure de Paris every year are even rarer, and direct doctoral students are as rare as endangered animals, so that the vast majority of master students here who cannot stay in school for a doctorate can only leave helplessly in the end. After entering the school, then pick one at any university in the world and go to study for a Ph. D. No university tutor will reject a master's graduate from the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris.

Therefore, Lin Xiao, as a rare direct doctoral student at the Ecole Normale Supérieure, and also a direct doctoral student jointly trained with other schools, he brought many records to this school that had never been seen before.

However, for the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris, it is actually an honor to recruit such a student, because it means that in the future, people will know that they have solved the problem of the distribution of Mersenne prime numbers and proved Goldbach's conjecture. A mathematician, a student of their Paris Ecole Normale Supérieure.

And such a deed has never happened before, and it will never happen again in the future, because there can only be one person in history who has proved Goldbach's conjecture.


"Mr. Lin Xiao, welcome to France."

Entering the academy full of medieval architectural styles, and walking through the long and quaint corridors, Lin Xiao walked into an office dominated by dark brown, and came to his doctoral supervisor.

"Professor Searle, hello."

Looking at the 94-year-old man, Lin Xiao showed respect.

Jean-Pierre Serre, an old mathematician of the same era as the mathematics emperor Grothendieck, had already ended his professorship at the Collège de France at the end of the last century, but because he heard that Lin Xiao was coming After studying for a doctoral degree at the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris, he came back here on his own initiative, expressing that he hoped to bring out the last student.

Lin Xiao was quite surprised when he saw him appear on the list of mentors he could choose.

In the end, he also chose this old gentleman as his mentor.

"I really didn't expect you to choose me as your mentor in the end. This really surprised me, but it's also an honor to be recognized by you."

"You are serious." Lin Xiao said with a smile: "I believe no one will be proud of being your student."

"No, no, no." Jean-Pierre Serre shook his head and said, "I'm just an old guy, and I even have to forget the various mathematical theories I once proposed. As your math teacher, I may not be able to There is so much help for you."

"I can only pass on to you some truths of life that I have understood in my seemingly long life."

"That's exactly what I hope." Lin Xiao nodded.

"Then, first of all, let me give you a meeting gift, or... an entry gift?"

Jean-Pierre Serre smiled, then took a glass jar from the side and put it in Lin Xiao's hand.

Lin Xiao looked at this gift, a little dazed, what is it?

Through the glass, it can be seen that it is filled with many things, including fine sand and gravel, and hidden in these gravel and fine sand, there are a few... cobblestones?

However, the colorful ones also give people the feeling of a work of art.

Lin Xiao looked at the jar with doubts on his face: "Professor Searle, what is this?"

"You can think of it as an ordinary jar with a few stones in it, and it can also be your life at the same time."


"Tell me, if we use the contents of this jar, pebbles, gravel, and fine sand, to fill this jar one after another, and we need to use each kind of thing, how do we fill it?"

Lin Xiao looked at the things inside, thought for a moment, and said, "Then we can only put pebbles first, then gravel, and finally fine sand."

If the fine sand is filled first, the fine fine sand will fill the jar completely, leaving no room for pebbles and gravel.

And if the gravel is loaded first, then the gap formed between the gravel can only be filled with fine sand.

Therefore, we can only start with pebbles, then small gravel, and finally fine sand, so that we can use all three things and fill the jar.

Searle nodded and said with a smile: "Yes, that's it, then, now these pebbles are the most important things in your life, your family, your health, your beliefs... In short, those pebbles are the most important things in your life. You will feel precious things after you lose them, so you have to fill your life with them first, and gravel are those things that are more important to life, your car, your hobbies, your house, Or your money, because they support your motivation to survive, and the fine sand, are other things that don't matter."

"Do you see what I mean?"

Lin Xiao nodded slightly, "I understand."

"Hehe, that's good. Now I give you the most ideal life, and I hope you can make your life as fulfilling and happy as the life in this jar."

Searle nodded with a smile.

"Also, there is another gift."

At this time, he took out another bottle of red wine from the cabinet next to him.

"In addition to the pebbles, I also want to tell you that the fine wine and food cannot be disappointing. You can taste the French food slowly in the future, and this bottle of Bordeaux red wine was made by Grothendieck eight years ago. I gave it to me, but I never drank it, and now I give it to you."

Searle said with emotion: "At first, I wanted to pour it into this jar and really fill it up, but it would be a pity to think that it would be a waste."

Lin Xiao was taken aback for a moment, what did Grothendieck give to Serge?

Although Grothendieck was born in Germany, he mainly lived in France. It seems that he was also influenced by the wine culture here.

However, the commemorative significance of this bottle of wine seems to be great.

But Lin Xiao smiled slightly. After taking the bottle of wine, he pulled out the cork directly, and asked: "Professor Searle, in our life, in addition to what you said, sometimes we need to talk to friends We chatted about wine, so would you like a drink?"

Searle was slightly taken aback, then laughed: "Why don't you come?"

Then he walked to the side and opened a cabinet. Lin Xiao saw at a glance that there were actually five goblets and even a wine decanter inside.

Is this the French wine culture?

Searle brought two goblets, glanced at Lin Xiao's hand intending to take out the scrap cup, and said with a smile, "From now on, don't think about drinking red wine with this kind of cup."

He handed Lin Xiao a goblet, "Let's use this cup. 40 years ago, I spent two months' wages to buy this set of cups. When drinking with friends, I would Serve with them."

Lin Xiao couldn't help feeling the cup's long history, and took the cup.

Then Searle took out the wine decanter again, took the red wine from Lin Xiao's hand, poured a little into the wine decanter, shook it slightly, and divided it evenly between the two glasses.

Judging by Lin Xiao's 4.95% developed brain, the red wine in the two glasses is almost exactly the same, and it is infinitely close to one-third of the glass.

Searle toasted Lin Xiao: "To young people!"

Lin Xiao smiled slightly, and lightly touched Searle's cup: "Respect the truth!"

Searle smiled gratifiedly, then took a sip.

So is Lin Xiao.


After tasting the Bordeaux red wine worth tens of thousands of euros with Professor Searle, Lin Xiao returned to his residence here.

In Paris, only a few universities will provide students with dormitories, and Paris Normal University is one of them.

The dormitory is hidden in a garden, with lilacs and gorse blooming outside, and the rather quaint dormitory is also eye-catching.

The dormitory is a single room, but the students are basically studying outside, so the dormitory is quite quiet.

Putting the jar on a corner of the desk, Lin Xiao sat inside.

Mimi jumped up from the side and lay down on the desk. Lin Xiao rubbed it, and then started her own study.

Next, he will turn his attention to mathematics.


Chapter 165 An Important Breakthrough in the Twin Primes Conjecture

"In France, we have to eat slowly when eating. The longest eating time in the world is our France."

In a restaurant near the Ecole Normale Supérieure, Lin Xiao was having lunch with a Frenchman.

There are relatively few people in the restaurant, and everyone is enjoying the food and chatting with friends.

After all, on March 2020, 3, the world was still peaceful and peaceful, and there was no crisis sweeping the world.

The Frenchman in front of Lin Xiao is named Alex Martin. Like Lin Xiao, he studied in the Department of Mathematics of the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris and also holds a Ph.D.

He can still recall the time when he met Alex Martin.

Alex and his dormitory are opposite each other. The day before yesterday, the two happened to go out together. When Alex saw him, he immediately showed a surprised expression on his face and said to him: "Oh! Excuse me. Are you Lin Xiao?"

After getting an affirmative reply, the French boy went even more exaggerated, "Oh my god, you actually came to our school. It's really a surprise."

Afterwards, Alex took Lin Xiao to take a group photo again, and told his friends about Lin Xiao living opposite him, and then he took Lin Xiao around the school and showed Lin Xiao to familiarize themselves with their school. inside and out.

All in all, the enthusiasm from Alex made Lin Xiao feel dumbfounded, and after that, they became friends as a matter of course.

Of course, for Lin Xiao, it is quite good to have someone he knows in this foreign country, at least they can take care of each other.

At this moment, the two of them were sitting in this traditional French restaurant not far from the Paris Ecole Normale Supérieure, and Alex was introducing the French dining tradition to Lin Xiao.

"When I eat at home, I eat every meal for more than an hour, chatting with my family, or teasing my sister... Oh, talking about my sister, when she knows you are my neighbor, she will be noisy I want to see you."

"Do you have a sister?"

"Of course, but her grades are not as good as mine, so she can only go to the No.11 university." Alex said with a smile: "Besides, she also studies mathematics and likes you very much. Would you like me to introduce you to you another day?" a bit?"

"Ah, this... there's no need for it." Lin Xiao quickly waved his hand.

"She's beautiful and I guarantee she hasn't had a boyfriend yet, believe me, she's the shyest of us French girls."

"I believe she is very beautiful, but I'd better study hard."

Lin Xiao looked at Alex Martin, this guy has red hair belonging to the Celtics, and a rather obvious facial contour, which makes him look very handsome, and he is also quite tall, 1.8 meters five With a tall figure and a somewhat sturdy figure, she can attract the attention of all kinds of girls when she walks on the road.

So even Lin Xiao has to admit that this guy is almost the same as him.

And if my elder brother is so beautiful, my younger sister must be beautiful too.

It's just that it's okay to get to know each other, but if it's a girlfriend... then forget it.

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