In this way, the time came to mid-December.


On the computer, a seemingly high-end mathematics paper was displayed.

【Boundary Value Problems for Singular Strong Nonlinear Equations with Functional Term】

【Abstract: This paper mainly studies the boundary value problem of a class of singular strongly nonlinear differential equations with functional terms, (Φ(k(t)x`(t)))`+……

On the compact interval [a, b], because there is a strictly increasing isomorphic state Φ, these equations generally hold, the so-called Φ-Laplace operator...]

After typing the last abstract, Lin Xiao completed the entire content of his undergraduate thesis.

"Well, it can be sent to Professor Xu now."

After confirming that there were no problems with his paper, Lin Xiao sent it to Xu Ji.

Professor Xu was also on the list of academicians in November, so the current Professor Xu can already be called Academician Xu.

"The thesis is finished? It's pretty fast."

After Xu Ji received Lin Xiao's paper, he made a phone call.

"Well, please take a look."

"Hey, it's not too much trouble. I guess I'll read it again. At most, it's just to check whether there are any problems with the format. In addition, I just read the abstract. It's at least a paper in the first district."

Lin Xiao smiled and said, "Afterwards, it will be published in our school's journals, and the impact factor will increase a little if you don't say anything."

"That's too much of a luxury for our journal."

Xu Ji couldn't help laughing.

Of course, Beijing University has its own journal called "Progress in Mathematics", which is jointly organized with the Huaguo Mathematical Society. However, the impact factor is only 0.2, which is pitifully low, and the impact factor of journals in the first district is at least one or more. , so it is indeed a bit extravagant for Lin Xiao to publish this paper in their journal.

Lin Xiao smiled and said, "For my own people, it should be extravagant, and it should be extravagant."

He doesn't care where his graduation thesis can be submitted, not to mention that he also writes it in Chinese.

The reason why Huaguo can't publish an internationally important journal is because of language restrictions.

"Okay, you can decide for yourself."

Xu Ji suddenly asked again: "By the way, after you you plan to come back?"

Lin Xiao was taken aback, and said, "Of course I'll be back."

Xu Ji breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good, I'll come back in a few years and prepare a banquet for you."

Lin Xiao said with a smile: "Okay, this is what you said, I remember it."

"Hehe, I can still hold a reception banquet."

Xu Ji said with a smile.

"Of course, Academician Xu."

Both laughed on the phone.

Then, the phone hung up.

Lin Xiao leaned back on the chair and closed his eyes.

These days, many people have asked him about going abroad, and many people have asked him whether he will return to China.

No matter what, the fact that he will return to China in the future will definitely not change.

Moreover, if you come back from a stroll, you will not gain anything.

In Europe, there are no shortage of good things.

CERN, the International Thermonuclear Fusion Reactor Program, and Asmer, the world's largest lithography machine manufacturer, are also there.

Lin Xiao felt that he would benefit a lot.


Chapter 163 Going to Paris

"The above is my thesis. Do you have any questions, teachers?"

Academy of Mathematical Sciences, in a small academic lecture hall.

Lin Xiao stood on the stage, finished his graduation thesis, and then looked at the teachers present with a smile.

At a glance, apart from the five defense teachers sitting in the first row, other teachers and professors who came to see him defend almost filled the entire academic lecture hall.

Although it is a small lecture hall, it can accommodate [-] to [-] people at any rate. As a result, the teachers who came here after hearing the news were all occupied. Some teachers even moved from the next room when they saw that there were no seats. A few chairs, then sat in the aisle.

There is no way, for Lin Xiao, a mathematical genius who has already made a name for himself in the national and international mathematics circles before he officially entered the school, and has directly completed the proof of Goldbach's conjecture after entering the school, his graduation defense, these Of course the teachers wanted to come and have a look.

Ever since, there were more than 30 teachers from the School of Mathematical Sciences, plus more than 30 teachers from the School of Physics and Chemistry, in addition to school leaders, including the principal, vice-principal, etc., as well as professors from other schools.

All together, there were more than 90 people in total, and they all ran over.

And these teachers are basically full professors, there are only a few associate professors, and there are no young lecturers, and they will be kicked out by other professors who have no position.

As for the academicians among the more than 90 people, there are more than 20 academicians, especially academicians of mathematics and academicians of chemistry and materials. Needless to say, academicians of mathematics and academicians of chemistry and materials also come, naturally because Lin Xiao's thesis a few months ago made this genius who originally belonged to the mathematics world become a big fan in the chemistry and material circles.

Faced with such a scene, Lin Xiaodu once felt as if he had returned to the report on Goldbach's conjecture in the Great Hall of the People.

He is probably the only student in the country who can make such a move in his undergraduate graduation defense... He should be more confident and remove the possibility.

Seeing that Lin Xiao had finished his dissertation, the teacher in charge of the defense also needed to ask questions.

As for the responding teachers, all of them are academicians.

"On page 5, why is your formula 1 smaller than formula 2?"

An old academician asked with a smile.

Lin Xiao turned to the fifth page of the thesis and took a look, then smiled and replied: "By integrating both sides of [τ1, θ] and using (B)-(C), this conclusion can be obtained .”

Then, he picked up the chalk and wrote the argument process on the blackboard.


Seeing Lin Xiao quickly write down the proof process, the old academician smiled and nodded, "Not bad."

"Thank you."

Lin Xiao nodded to the old academician. This old academician is over 70 years old this year and has retired for many years. In the end, he took the initiative to be his defense teacher. His attention.

Then another academician asked a question.

In fact, the questioning is just a process, and the defense is to test the students' mastery of their thesis, and then pick out the flaws in it, but what's wrong with Lin Xiao's thesis?

So after the five defense teachers asked random questions, one of the academicians said with a smile: "This paper can be published in the first district, and I have to come to defend it. Isn't this a waste of time?"

This academician is Academician Yuan Ya, the president of Huaguo Mathematics Association. Although he is not an academician of Peking University, this time he came here as an expert from a foreign school to serve as the defense teacher.

Hearing what Academician Yuan said, the other academicians nodded, stood up with smiles, and applauded Lin Xiao.

Everyone in the audience stood up and applauded.

The applause was naturally for Lin Xiao's graduation.

Seeing this young man complete his graduation, they couldn't help but think of what they looked like when they graduated. How could they have such a large classroom at that time, and how could so many people come to see it.

Looking at Lin Xiao, they all sighed in their hearts, one generation is really stronger than the other.

At this time, as Lin Xiao's advisor, Xu Ji also stood up and said with a smile: "Student Lin Xiao, then congratulations on completing all your undergraduate studies with excellent grades."

"Thank you, Teacher Xu, and thank you all the teachers for taking care of me."

Lin Xiao showed a smile on his face, and then bowed to every teacher present.

So far, his life has once again completed a stage.

And the academicians present also came up one after another and sent blessings to Lin Xiao. Lin Xiao also shook hands with them one by one to thank them.

An hour later, Lin Xiao returned to Xu Ji's office.

"Here's your degree certificate and graduation certificate."

Xu Ji handed Lin Xiao two certificates symbolizing graduation.

Lin Xiao lowered his head and glanced at his passport photo, which was as handsome as ever.

That's the way Peng Yuyan is, right?

Then he accepted the two documents and said with a smile, "I thought it would take a month or two."

Xu Ji laughed and said, "So as not to affect your itinerary, so you start preparing your thesis after it's submitted. It's for ordinary undergraduates after a month or two. What if someone postpones it?"

Lin Xiao: "...that's true."

"Okay, let's leave it at that, oh yes, I have to prepare a graduation ceremony for you later."

"You don't need to bother, do you?" Lin Xiao was taken aback and said involuntarily.

"This is so necessary and troublesome." Xu Ji patted Lin Xiao on the shoulder: "You are the face of our college and Beijing University. If you don't even keep your graduation photo, then it's us Faculty's dereliction of duty."

"Think about it, in the future, when people search for information about Goldbach's conjecture prover, but they don't even find your college graduation photo, will others feel sorry?"

"Also, if someone asks our School of Mathematics to show you your graduation photo from our school, won't our school feel ashamed if they don't?"

"So let's go together, the principal just now will take a photo with you."

Hearing Xu Ji's words, Lin Xiao rubbed his nose, as if... what he said really made sense?

"Then let's go now?"

"Let's go."

As a result, Lin Xiao was brought to the school's auditorium again. As the only graduate in this graduation ceremony, he took a photo with at least ten college leaders and school leaders.

At this point, all the processes are truly completed.

"Okay, then you can come back when school starts next year."

Xu Ji said to Lin Xiao with a smile.

Since it was jointly trained by Peking University and Paris Normal University, Lin Xiao naturally had to report to Peking University first, and then go to Paris.

"Well, then Professor Xu, let's see you next year."

"Okay, goodbye, have a good year."

Lin Xiao waved his hand and left here.

Looking at his back, Xu Ji couldn't help but sigh in his heart, what a magical young man he is.

"What's the matter? Old Xu, are you still reluctant to let him go?"

At this time, Principal Li came over and asked with a smile.

"That's not true. It's just that I have some feelings for this young man, and I don't know where he can go in the future."

Xu Ji shook his head.

"Let's just watch."

"That's true."


Lin Xiao stayed in Shangjing for a few more days, and then returned home. As for Mimi, she was still placed in foster care at Professor Zheng's home.

It was embarrassing to ask Professor Zheng's family to help raise her before, but in the past three months he has tutored Zheng Rong'er in mathematics, so that Zheng Rong'er is now No.1 in mathematics in her class, and even cultivated her interest in mathematics. Interest, but it can be regarded as a return.

Of course, the relationship itself is good, so there is not so much to worry about, as long as there is a tacit understanding between each other.

After bidding farewell to Professor Zheng's house, Lin Xiao went home.

After a year at home, until the end of February 2020, Lin Xiao was ready to leave.

"Go to France, be careful."

Yang Rong took the hand of her child who was about to go to a foreign country, and said with concern.

"Don't worry, I won't mess around there." Lin Xiao said with a smile.

"You have to listen to the teacher when you go there, and you have to remember the customs of France, you know?" Lin Guowen next to him also reminded him.

But before Lin Xiao could say anything, Yang Rong said: "You don't have an accurate understanding of your son's current strength, maybe after Xiaoxiao goes there, the teachers there will have to listen to what Xiaoxiao says. "

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