Probably because the country is already used to his basic operations, at most it is to sigh with emotion, Lin Xiao has made such a breakthrough in material chemistry again, he really deserves to be Lin Shen.


Inside Professor Xu Ji's office.

"You said that you went to the Institute of Aeronautical Materials to browse around, and then you not only published an article on "Natural Materials", but also let them study theoretical chemistry and materials people so excited? What's the reason?"

Faced with Professor Xu Ji's question, Lin Xiao scratched his head embarrassingly, and said shyly, "I just... just did it casually, and then it came out. It was purely accidental, accidental."

Xu Ji: "..."

What a surprise, do you have the ability to surprise me again?

But after thinking about it, he still gave up saying this. What if Lin Xiao really accidentally publishes another article later?

Then slap him in the face.

"Forget it, I won't say much about this matter. How is your graduation thesis going?"

"The topic has been selected."

"What question did you choose?"

"Boundary value problems for singular nonlinear equations, with functional terms."

"Oh? This question is quite interesting, so write it as soon as possible."


Lin Xiao nodded.

"In addition, the Paris Normal University has already replied and is preparing to draw up a joint training agreement with us. You will be required to sign it at that time, and they will also send you optional tutor information at that time. When the time comes, you can choose as you see, and those mentors probably hope that you can choose them."

Lin Xiao nodded and said, "I see."

After thinking about it before, and discussing it with his family by the way, he finally decided to go to Paris Normal University to study for a doctorate.

At that time, all his expenses will be provided by Peking University and Paris Normal University together, and he will have a full scholarship from both universities, which adds up to almost 15 RMB per year, and various allowances. All in all, he doesn’t need to spend any money there. money, and even make money.

Of course, these are not problems, and Lin Xiao doesn’t care about the money. Anyway, he is not short of money. For the article "Science" he published, Beijing University gave him a reward of 100 million. Now it is another For the article "Natural Materials", as a sub-journal of "Nature", Beijing University also provided him with a reward of 50 yuan.

Therefore, as a rich man who has half a million in his pocket and completed the 5% small goal, he still doesn't care much about this small amount of money.

In addition, what he valued was the status of Paris as the center of mathematics in the world.

There are the largest number of mathematicians in the world, which is very helpful for things like broadening your network.

"Well, then I won't say more." Xu Ji nodded and said no more.

Then, Lin Xiao returned to Yanbeiyuan's house.

Breathing the breath in the room, Lin Xiao took a breath, the familiarity made him feel nothing.

However, thinking that he could only live here for a few months, he felt quite a pity. In the future, this room would most likely be given over to other professors from Peking University.

Of course, there's no need to worry too much about things that can't be changed, otherwise you'll only worry about yourself.


Mimi greeted her as usual, Lin Xiao reached out to hug her, and sat down on the sofa while rubbing her hand.

"Mimi, Mimi, I'm going to Paris later, will you go with me then?"


"You're going, then I'll take you with me, well, it's such a happy decision."


Lin Xiao smiled slightly, and rubbed Mimi's hair, she couldn't leave it here.

However, how to bring Mimi there at that time also needs to be well prepared.

But at this moment, there was a knock on the door.

He opened the door and saw that it was Zheng Rong'er.

"Brother Lin!"

"Rong'er, come in."

Lin Xiao stepped aside and opened the door.

Zheng Rong'er walked in quickly, then sat directly on the sofa, sighed and said, "It's better to live alone like you, brother Lin, no one cares about you."

Lin Xiao asked with a smile, "Why are young people sighing? What's wrong?"

"Grandpa always stares at my study every day, I don't even want to play with Bubu." Zheng Rong'er said helplessly: "It would be nice if I lived alone."

Lin Xiao couldn't laugh or cry, "Then your grandfather asked you to study, why did you come here?"

"I told my grandpa to ask you a few math problems, and he let me down."

Zheng Ronger waved the math paper in her hand, but when she turned her head and saw Mimi, surprise appeared on her face, and she pounced on the cat and picked it up.

"Mimi, miss my sister?"

Mimi let out a "meow" and wanted to escape from Zheng Rong'er's arms, but Zheng Rong'er hugged it again and hugged it into her arms, "Hmph, bad Mimi, I haven't seen you for a while, just Forgot about me?"

Then she resorted to all kinds of cat stroking methods, played with Mimi's body, and made all kinds of weird sounds.

"Hey hey, little cats are born to be played by my sister."

"Don't run!"


162 chapters graduation thesis completed

Seeing Zheng Rong'er turned around and played with the cat, Lin Xiao said helplessly, "Aren't you going to ask me a math problem?"

"I'll learn it later." Zheng Rong'er buried her face in the cat's fur and said, "I've studied for three hours today! It's a combination of work and rest."

Lin Xiao couldn't laugh or cry: "I have to study for ten hours every day."

"Ten hours?"

Zheng Rong'er immediately raised her face from Mimi's body, with a look of surprise: "Don't you feel tired?"

"Tired?" Lin Xiao shook his head: "However, every time I solve various problems, I won't feel tired, because I will feel very happy after solving the problems."

Zheng Rong'er stroked Mimi's back hair and said, "But I can't solve the problem. I'm not Brother Lin, you are so powerful."

Lin Xiao stretched out his hand and said, "Then show me which questions you don't know, and I'll teach you how to write it."


Hearing what Lin Xiao said, Zheng Rong'er had no choice but to be obedient, and handed the paper to Lin Xiao, "I don't know any questions that are not written on it."

Lin Xiao glanced at it. Zheng Rong'er has already started her sophomore year of high school, and now she has learned the knowledge of sequence.

"Sequence problems are ever-changing, and they all leave those formulas and properties. After mastering these knowledge points in high school sequence, it is very easy to do the questions."

Zheng Rong'er pouted and said, "I remember everything, but I still can't."

Lin Xiao said: "Look at this question, let's look at the question first, it says that an is a geometric sequence, bn is an arithmetic sequence, and then sn is the sum of the first n terms of bn, what do we think of first?"

"List the general term formula of SN." Zheng Ronger replied.

"Well, what are you going to use?"

"The first n terms and formulas of arithmetic progression!"

"Well, then let's look at other conditions. It gives the values ​​of a2 and a10. Can we calculate the value of q based on the formula of the geometric sequence?"

"Yes." Zheng Rong'er nodded.

"Next, there is the last condition, a6=b6, and then it asks us the value of S11. Look, what is the relationship between 6 and 11?"

Zheng Ronger frowned delicately, and soon her eyes lit up, and she said: "The sixth item is the middle item between the first item and No.11 item!"

"That's right, then you will?"


Zheng Rong'er nodded, and quickly solved the problem, with a smile on her face, "It's quite simple!"

Lin Xiao laughed and said, "Don't be so anxious to be happy, let's read the next question."

Next, Lin Xiao tutored Zheng Ronger with other topics.

In fact, these questions are basically relatively simple, and Zheng Rong'er can't do it, probably because she has just started contacting this kind of questions.

Moreover, Zheng Ronger herself is quite smart. After all, her grandparents are both professors at Peking University, and her parents are also working as researchers in a key research institute in China.

So even under the genetic inheritance, Zheng Ronger's IQ is quite high, so under Lin Xiao's guidance, she can easily and gradually understand various knowledge points.

As for Lin Xiao, he has been studying cutting-edge issues for so long, and now that he rethinks this high school topic, it also brings him a different feeling.

Although it can't bring him any mathematical inspiration, it allows him to realize some mathematical inspiration again, and then solve another mathematical problem with a bang, but this process of recalling past knowledge points also gives him a kind of memory. And know the new feeling.

This made him secretly decide in his heart that he would take time to review the past knowledge points in the future. These simple knowledge points can give him a kind of experience of reviewing the past and gaining new insights. What about those more in-depth knowledge points?

He began to look forward to it.


In this way, under Lin Xiao's guidance, Zheng Rong'er completed her paper.

"It's finally finished!"

Pushing the paper to the side, Zheng Rong'er lay on the sofa, stretched, then picked up Mimi who was already asleep next to her, and rubbed her.

Lin Xiao asked with a smile: "How is it? Have you ever felt the joy after making a difficult problem?"

"Well, I feel it!"

Zheng Rong'er nodded, and suddenly said: "Brother Lin, I will come to you every weekend to tutor my math, okay?"

Lin Xiao thought about his next schedule. Basically, he had nothing to do. He just finished his graduation thesis and waited for graduation. It would be no problem to tutor Zheng Ronger.

"Okay, you can come to me on weekends, but it may only be a few months, and I won't live here after that."

"Ah? How many months? Why?" Zheng Rong'er was taken aback for a moment, and asked, "Isn't it four years in college?"

Lin Xiao shook his head with a smile, and said, "Although I said so, if you perform well enough, you don't need to study for a long time in college."

"Then where are you going in the future? Do you want to go to graduate school?"

Lin Xiao nodded, "Yes, in Paris."

"Then... will you come back in the future?"

"Of course I'll be back."

Lin Xiao smiled and nodded, "Why do you think I won't come back?"

"Some of my dad's and my mom's colleagues didn't come back after they went abroad."

Hearing Zheng Ronger's words, Lin Xiao sighed softly, and then said: "From now on, we need to work hard to make our country better, and then prevent them from going abroad."

Zheng Ronger nodded: "Yeah!"

Then she asked again: "Brother Lin, when you come back in the future, will you still live here?"

"Oh? Do you want me to continue living here?"

Zheng Rong'er picked up Mimi and said, "Otherwise, I won't be able to see Mimi in the future!"

Lin Xiao: "...well, we'll see when the time comes."


Time passed quickly, and Lin Xiao no longer conducted some complicated research projects, but devoted his energy to his graduation thesis.

Anyway, the time is still long, so he can write slowly.

In addition, although the discussion on Lin's titanium bonding mechanism has gradually decreased, more and more people are studying it. Researchers in related fields want to extend the bonding mechanism of titanium atoms to other atoms, but People gradually found that if they did not use the mathematical formulas used by Lin Xiao in the demonstration process, it would be difficult for them to extend to other bonding mechanisms, so these researchers began to study graph theory again. , Topology and other mathematical methods of learning.

This situation is obviously unexpected for the chemical materials industry, and in addition, because of the method of calculating materials used by Lin Xiao, more people began to develop in the direction of calculation.

Ever since, Lin Xiao inadvertently attracted more people to the field of computing science.

On the other hand, the domestic process optimization for TA1000 has also been completed. The TA1000 under the new process has successfully reached the final calculated performance. At the same time, the research and analysis of TA1000 has also begun. As far as Lin Xiao heard, There seems to have been a breakthrough.

However, he doesn't know the detailed information. After all, it is also a secret, and he still has no way to know these details.

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