"Guess who's paper made our BOSS show such an expression?"

"Who knew? It seems that the professor has shown this expression since 10 minutes ago."

"10 minutes, he still hasn't gotten angry! I remember the first time I handed over my thesis to the professor, he just looked at my abstract, and then fell directly on the table, saying that my writing was a mess. "

"I remember I sent him my thesis a few days ago, my God, it can't be mine..."


In the office of Professor Omar Yaji at the University of California, Berkeley, his graduate students are looking at his solemn expression and whispering.

Professor Omar Yaji, the winner of the Wolf Prize in Chemistry in 2018, generally speaking, scientists who have won the Wolf Prize in Chemistry are very likely to win the Nobel Prize in Chemistry later, and for Omar Yaji Ji said that he created a new chemical field called network chemistry. This important achievement gave him the opportunity to win the Nobel Prize in Chemistry after waiting for decades.

Of course, for his graduate students, they can basically recite all the achievements of Professor Yaji in the past, so this is not the point.

The point is that Professor Yaji's serious expression when he reads the paper-in the past, Professor Yaji only showed this expression when he thought the paper was nonsense.

Afterwards, he'll have a nice conversation with the hapless guy who wrote the paper.

Every graduate student can only pray in his heart: "Oh! I hope God will bless that unlucky guy."

However, when they were thinking this way in their hearts, they were surprised to find that the professor leaned back on the chair after a tactic, and then hugged his head, showing a distressed expression.

The graduate students suddenly widened their eyes.

Judging from the situation, it seems that they are ready to prepare a farewell banquet for the unlucky guy?

To be able to make Professor Yaji show such a frantic expression, it's simply... too scary!

However, at this moment, Professor Yaji suddenly picked up his mobile phone and made a call.

Seeing Professor Yaji calling, these graduate students thought that Professor Yaji was going to call that unlucky guy, but the next moment, they heard Professor Yaji say: "McBird, I have a problem here ..."Natural Materials" sent me a paper for review, but I found that I couldn't understand the mathematical formula in it, and I need your help."

Soon, Yaji hung up the phone, and his graduate students froze, what?

So it's not that there are bad luck, but because their professor can't understand what's in the paper?

What's happening here?

Yaji turned his head and glanced at his graduate students at this time, and asked, "What are you doing?"

"Uh, professor, what paper are you reading?"

Yaji smiled and said, "You will know when you come and have a look."

So several graduate students gathered together, and immediately saw the mathematical formulas full of pages, making them seem to have returned to the time when they were once dominated by mathematics.

"Professor, why do you need to review a math paper?" a graduate student couldn't help asking.

Yaji said helplessly: "This is not a mathematical paper, it is a material chemistry paper, but... its author is a little unusual, so it looks like a mathematical paper."

"Who is its author?" These graduate students suddenly became curious, which unusual author could write this kind of paper?

"The proof of Goldbach's conjecture."

For a moment, all the graduate students were stunned.

The prover of Goldbach's conjecture actually ran over to study material science?

Are you kidding me?

At this time, the Professor McBird who was called by Professor Yaji came over.

McBird is a professor of mathematics at their Berkeley campus. He has a good relationship with Professor Yaji. When he heard that Professor Yaji had difficulties and needed help, he naturally did not refuse. Then, the two professors read this somewhat different chemistry paper together. .

Yaji hopes that McBird can help him understand these mathematical formulas. He can't understand this paper, mainly because these troublesome mathematical formulas are too troublesome to read, although there are many in the paper. Graphic explanation, but still seems a bit limited.

However, even with the help of McBird, their progress was still a little slow. The mathematical method used by Lin Xiao was too complicated, and the amount of calculation involved was also very large.

But no matter what, they finally dissected the content related to mathematics.

"Titanium's bonding mechanism...is it actually like this?"

Professor Yaji's eyes became serious.

Once this result is verified to be true, it will obviously cause a shock to their chemical and material circles.

Moreover, he himself has deep research on chemical bonds, and he is also aware of the enlightenment that this result can bring to other research, just like the question raised at the end of this paper.

If they can find this bonding mechanism for all atoms, they will get closer to the truth of how matter is formed.

"This result cannot be judged by me alone, and needs the opinions of more people."

Professor Yaji is very clear that this result needs to be unanimously reviewed by the academic community and verified through experiments.

That way, they can be sure of the authenticity of the paper.

Then, Professor Yaji told the editorial department of "Natural Materials" about his idea.

After "Natural Materials" got a reply from Professor Yaji, it immediately looked for more reviewers to review the paper.

until two months later.


The new issue of "Natural Materials" has been released, and scientists all over the world who have subscribed to this issue of "Natural Materials" have picked it up in their free time.

First of all, the first thing that catches the eye is its cover.

A titanium alloy unit cell appeared on it, and various strange mathematical formulas were written on the chemical bonds of these unit cells.

The content represented on the cover means the most important achievement considered by the editorial department in this issue of "Natural Materials", and the information about this achievement is also recorded in the upper left corner of the cover.

[New Mechanism of Titanium Metal Bonding]

And under this information, there is a rare comment from the editor-in-chief of "Natural Materials".

[Since the existence of the chemical bond was discovered, the research on it has never stopped, and until today, we have finally completed another major breakthrough]

After seeing this comment, it immediately attracted the attention of every reader.

A major breakthrough in the chemical bond? !

All those who study chemistry and materials know the importance of chemical bonds, but now someone has made another major discovery in the bonding mechanism of chemical bonds?

Although it is only the bonding mechanism of titanium atoms, these bonding mechanisms are the interaction between electrons outside the nucleus, so this also has a very important guiding role for the bonding mechanism of other elements.

Suddenly, everyone gave up on reading the first article and directly found this paper.

Probably because of the use of mathematical methods in this paper, all researchers in materials science felt a headache, so two days later, no one expressed their views on the Internet.

But until the third day, finally, researchers in all fields of chemistry in the world boiled.


Xiaomuchong is an academic research forum in Huaguo, and many people in the domestic chemistry field generally prefer to browse on it.

At this time, a post that was published less than two days ago attracted many people's discussions, and the subject of this post was: [What do you think of the paper on the bonding mechanism of titanium in the October issue of "Nature Materials"? 】

There have been more than 100 replies to the post. Obviously, many people are very concerned about this matter.

"I also read that paper, and I have one point to one point. In short, in short, in summary, in summary, it's awesome, and I can't understand it."

"Is there someone with your word count? 』

"This paper, I didn't read it, and I couldn't understand it. My supervisor read it (my supervisor is an academician), and he said he couldn't understand it either. Aren't those mathematical formulas embarrassing those of us who study chemistry? Structural chemistry It can be considered that he has relatively high requirements for mathematics, but in the end he is engaged in graph theory and other things, and we don’t learn these things very much.』

"I am a Ph.D candidate in materials chemistry at MIT. My supervisor said that this paper is likely to guide us to future research hotspots. Only through the unanimous approval of the academic community, then the future research on chemical bonds will become a hot topic again. I am ready to go to This aspect has developed

"There is nothing to say, I can only say that Lin Shen is awesome"

"Lin Shen?Lin Xiao?what's with him

"This result is what he did."

"I rely on? 』

"I Zhuo, no wonder there are so many mathematical formulas, it's Lin Shen! 』


Discussions on domestic forums are very lively, and discussions on related foreign forums are also very lively. Whether it is a big cow from all walks of life, or a master's or doctoral student from a famous university, etc., they are all enthusiastically expressing their views.

Either they complain about the application of mathematics in it, so that they can't understand it directly, and those who finally understand a little bit after torture also complain about the application of mathematics in it, because even if they understand it, there are still big problems. The problem.

Therefore, no one can draw a conclusion on this.

Editorial Office of Nature Materials, London, UK.

At this time, they were holding a meeting, and among the people attending the meeting, in addition to the editors, there were also many editor-in-chiefs of the main journal of "Nature" and the boss of Macmillan Publishing Company behind "Nature".

In addition, there are professors from Cambridge University and Oxford University.

From mathematics to chemistry, and even physics, big names from various disciplines are here.

Chapter 161 Praise from the world of chemistry and materials

At this moment, Vincent Dusas, the editor-in-chief of "Natural Materials", faced so many people present, and said: "Gentlemen and ladies, welcome to the editorial department of "Natural Materials", I am the editor-in-chief Vincent Dusas, you are all invited here for an article we are running this month."

"Yes, that is the article "A New Titanium Bonding Mechanism" published by Mr. Lin Xiao, the prover of Goldbach's conjecture, in our October issue of this year."

"Before the publication of this article, we have gone through a rigorous review process, and we can confirm that there are no mistakes in the argumentation process and final conclusion of this article."

"However, due to the heated discussions in the academic circle after the publication, and the feedback from most readers, we hope that we can give a complete and more popular explanation of this article, so we invite all knowledgeable professors to come here to help We have completed such a work so that more friends can understand this article without hindrance."

"thank you all."

After Vincent finished speaking, he looked at every professor present, feeling slightly moved in his heart.

When he was reviewing the manuscript, he felt the feeling of being rubbed against the floor by mathematics. Later, when this article was published, he did not expect that the readers would also be rubbed against the floor.

This article is really awesome!

However, it is great, and now readers have reported that their "Natural Materials" has to spend money to hire these well-known professors to interpret this article.

So next, the professors below started the discussion, taking this paper and interpreting it line by line. The previous ones were easy to explain, but when it came to the content of the mathematical argument, their speed of interpretation became difficult.

How to convert abstract mathematical formulas into content that they can understand in the field of chemistry?

This is a hard question.

Although Lin Xiao has explained some of these mathematical formulas in his thesis, there are still some limitations.

"Lin Xiao's mathematical talent is still so sharp."

A professor of mathematics from Cambridge University sighed.

Another professor from Oxford University smiled and said: "You want to regress a genius like that? Forget it."

This professor from Oxford University is none other than Andrew Wiles. After he got the invitation, he heard that he had something to do with Lin Xiao, so he ran over. Anyway, there is still money to be made, so why not do it?

Seeing that Lin Xiao was able to shine in the field of theoretical chemistry again, Wiles couldn't help being amazed at Lin Xiao's wide interest and high talent.

In particular, he actually used mathematics in the research of theoretical chemistry, which is even more powerful.

"Okay, you guys who study mathematics, stop chatting, we still need your help to explain these mathematical characters."

At this time, a chemistry professor next to him complained: "You guys who do mathematics, writing a chemistry paper is so outrageous."

Hearing the chemistry professor's words, several mathematics professors laughed, and their eyes showed the arrogance from the top of the subject's disdain chain.

Nonsense, otherwise why do we say that mathematics is the smartest job in the world?


In this way, after nearly ten days of discussion, these professors, who can be called big cows in the academic world, finally completed the interpretation of this too obscure but very important paper, and then "Natural Materials " published this article for everyone to read.

With this interpretation of the article, people in the material and chemical fields have understood what the Lin's titanium bonding mechanism is.

Suddenly, the academic world boiled again.

From abroad and at home, especially researchers in theoretical chemistry, have expressed great praise for this paper.

A Nobel Prize winner in chemistry even praised: "Lin's work has once again revealed a great mystery of the world for us. Now, we are once again close to the essence of chemistry and matter!"

All in all, this paper provides a research direction for all those who study theoretical chemistry. In the future, the research on chemical bonds will become a hot topic again, and this paper will also become their bible, because it is like the bible Inspired them.

The discovery of Lin's titanium bonding mechanism, as a basic field, will certainly provide great help to the research of basic theories.

At the same time, those who study chemistry or materials also remember Lin Xiao's name.

This mathematical genius dug up such a treasure after working a little in the field of their materials chemistry. It cannot be said that it is not awesome, but it can only be said that it is so awesome that it cannot be more awesome.

As for Lin Xiao, it is no surprise that he has received all kinds of domestic attention.

Needless to say about the media, there are quite a lot of people discussing it on the Internet, but this time it was not on the hot search list.

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