"Don't mention it, people will directly win the highest science and technology award."


Just chatting about what achievements Lin Xiao can achieve in the future, they came to Chen Bao's office, and after reporting some things to Chen Bao, Huang Haoran suddenly noticed an application form for the Ten Thousand People Plan on his desk, and looked at the filled out form on it. Name, I was stunned for a moment: "Boss, Lin Shen has already applied for ten thousand people?"

Chen Bao glanced at it, put away his watch, and said, "Well, it was approved by the higher authorities, so don't pass it on to the outside world."

Hearing Chen Bao's words, Huang Haoran and the others looked at each other with shock in their eyes.

Good guy, just now they said that Dr. Lin Xiao can apply for [-] people after graduation, but now the higher-ups have approved it exceptionally?

Thinking about how Lin Xiao called them Jie Qing Wan just now, they can only say, God Lin, accept your supernatural powers.

Chapter 159 Graduation?Editor's Wail

Time passes quickly.

In the library of Shangjing University, Lin Xiao entered the last English character on the computer, and then typed a dot representing a period.

So far, he has sorted out the theory of Lin's titanium bonding mechanism.

Next, it is sent to "Natural Materials".

Although this theory reveals a mechanism of titanium atoms in the bonding process, there is no need to worry that the emergence of this theory will allow people to study titanium alloys like TA1000, because it is just a basic theory that exists in the natural world , If you want to use it to make TA1000, it is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

Just like the theory of relativity, people all over the world know that the theory of relativity led to the birth of the atomic bomb, but put the theory of relativity in front of you, can you know that it can be used to create an atomic bomb?

Another example is that there is an IMO math problem in front of you, and then someone tells you which theorems and formulas you need to use to solve this problem, but can you really use these methods to solve it?

Obviously it is not that simple.

In the same way, the same is true for Lin's titanium bonding mechanism, so there is no need to worry about what top-level titanium alloys can be produced by using this mechanism. It still depends on luck, just like material research.

In other words, the Lin’s titanium bonding mechanism only tells people what happens in the process of combining titanium atoms to form chemical bonds, but it does not tell people how to make titanium alloys stronger, one is in the microscopic field, and the other is in the macroscopic field.

Unless, like Lin Xiao, he can directly point out the direction through the system.

On the contrary, Huaguo now has various data of TA1000, which means that they already have a case of using this new titanium bonding mechanism correctly, and through this case, they can play a guiding role in their future research and development .

With the guidance of TA1000, in the future, their development on high-temperature titanium alloys, not to mention surpassing the world by a lot, still has a good chance of becoming the world's number one steadily.

At that time, they will take the lead in any domestic industry that needs to use high-temperature titanium alloys, such as aviation and aerospace engines, and they will be able to surpass foreign countries in certain performances by then.

The Lin's titanium bonding mechanism is just a basic theory that reveals nature, not a so-called theory that can be directly used in applications.


Lin Xiao entered the official website of "Natural Materials", then entered the page for submitting manuscripts, and submitted the entire paper. Seeing the words that the article has been submitted and is waiting for editorial review, Lin Xiao leaned on the back of the chair, More thoughts flashed through my mind.

Now it is only the bonding mechanism of titanium, and the content of aluminum in TA1000 is quite a bit. Titanium has its own bonding mechanism. What about aluminum?

Aluminum also has a unique bonding mechanism, right?

How about molecules of other elements?

Lin Xiao thought about it.

If he can find out the root cause of the bonding mechanism of titanium, can it be deduced to all other elements?

This is entirely possible. If we can find out some mechanisms of all elements in the bond engineering, the research on their materials will bring a theoretical weapon like an atomic bomb.

And it's not just materials, it's also an important theoretical weapon for the field of chemistry.

Therefore, this kind of problem has also involved chemistry.

Of course, the boundary between materials and chemistry is not so clear. Materials science studies solid materials, and the composition, process, properties, etc. of these materials, while chemistry research is relatively broad, such as solid, Liquids, gases, ions, etc.

However, no matter what the form is, it is inseparable from the three chemical bonds of metal bond, ionic bond, and covalent bond. It is these things formed based on electromagnetic force that make the connection between atoms and the various substance.

And the mechanism of their formation will make a great contribution to revealing the mystery of the formation of matter for human beings.

Lin Xiao frowned slightly, and then entered into his thesis, and put forward his hypothesis later.

[I believe that there are also bonding principles such as titanium atoms among other atoms, and they will help us understand the world better. I also hope that friends in the material and chemical fields in the future can continue to work in this direction. deep. 】

Then he withdrew the manuscript he had previously submitted to "Natural Materials", and sent the manuscript with this sentence added.

This is a complete thesis.

Solve problems that have never been solved, ask questions that have not been asked.

This is the reason why various theories that sound incredible, such as relativity, quantum mechanics, and M theory, have been born from the time of scientific enlightenment until now, or this is the inheritance of science.

Until all the truths in the world are finally found, this kind of inheritance will never be cut off.

At this time, Lin Xiao couldn't help thinking, is there really a real 'universal truth'?

What is this truth?

A one-line formula that can explain everything in the universe?

Or something else that I don't understand?

He shook his head, thinking too much would make him feel at a loss.

Afterwards, he began to pack his things and prepared to leave. After the dissertation was published, it was time to leave.

However, at this time, a boy next to him glanced at his screen, and couldn't help but ask in surprise, "Shen Lin, have you already voted for "nature-materials"?"

Lin Xiao nodded and said, "Yes."

The boy suddenly felt incredible. He is also a graduate student in materials science. Why can't he even vote for the second international district?

"Lin Shen, how did you learn it? Can you tell me your learning secrets?"

Lin Xiao spread his hands and said, "I don't have a cheat book, the main thing is to use my head to calculate, and use my mathematical knowledge."

After speaking, he closed his laptop and left here.

But when he heard what Lin Xiao said, the boy couldn't help being taken aback, using mathematics to calculate materials?

What a joke!

The material is experimentation is king, okay?

Unless, Lin Xiao is studying computational materials science?

He couldn't help jumping in his heart, and decided to pay attention to "Natural Materials" in the future. If Lin Xiao's paper was published later, he must also read it.

He wanted to see how Lin Xiao used mathematics to calculate materials.


After Lin Xiao left the library, he went straight to the teaching building of the School of Mathematics and found Professor Xu Ji's office.

"Professor Xu."

Came to the office, Lin Xiao shouted with a smile.

"Yo, here you come." Seeing Lin Xiao coming, Xu Ji asked with a smile, "I haven't seen you for a long time, what are you doing recently?"

"I went to do a project with Academician Chen Bao of the Academy of Aeronautical Materials."

Lin Xiao said.

"Institute of Aeronautical Materials?"

Xu Ji was taken aback. As a researcher in mathematics, he certainly didn't know the major events that happened in the domestic materials industry recently, and he couldn't understand these secrets.

Then he smiled and said, "You really have a lot of interdisciplinary skills."

Lin Xiao smiled, and then asked again: "By the way, your academician this year should be stable, right?"

The selection of academicians this year has already started, and Xu Ji is also among the candidates, so the probability of being selected is quite high.

Xu Ji waved his hands with a smile: "Hey, this kind of thing can't be said, everything depends on the result."

Although that is what he said, but seeing his expression, Lin Xiao seems to be very stable.

He laughed and said, "Then I'll be waiting to eat your celebration banquet."

"Hehe, I'll see you in November." Xu Ji said, "Oh, by the way, you're here, so I have to tell you about your graduation."


"Well, didn't we plan to let you study for two years as an undergraduate? Looking at it now, it is still a bit long for you, so if you want, we can graduate you after this semester. After that, if you are a graduate student You can directly study for a Ph.D. degree, and a master’s degree is a waste of time, just skip it.”

"Graduate directly..." Lin Xiao thought for a while, and finally nodded: "If possible, then graduate as soon as possible."

"Well, then you have to hurry up, it's already August, which means you still have five months to write your graduation thesis, but it shouldn't be a problem for you, just write whatever you want. "

Lin Xiao smiled and said, "I know."

"Hehe, just take your time, it's not that urgent." Xu Ji said with a smile: "By the way, if you want to get a direct blog, where do you plan to study? Overseas or domestic?"

Hearing this question, Lin Xiao couldn't help but think. If it's from China, then of course he would go to Beijing University. After all, he is more familiar with it here, and if it's from abroad, he currently prefers the Ecole Normale Supérieure and Princeton University. Both universities are at the center of the mathematics world.

However, after all, Lin Xiao has been to Paris, so he still has a good impression of the atmosphere there. In addition, the French cuisine is also quite good. I miss it a bit.

Of course, Lin Xiao didn't make a decision on where to study.

However, with Professor Xu, an elder, in front of him, it would be good to ask for advice.

So Lin Xiao asked: "Professor Xu, do you think it's better for me to go to China or abroad?"

Xu Ji smiled and said: "If I want to recommend it, I would go to Paris. To tell you the truth, the Paris Normal University also sent an email to our college, asking if you want to go to them for further study in the future, and they said yes. We are quite satisfied that our school can give you a place to jointly train a doctorate, at least you will be regarded as a doctorate from our Peking University in the future."

Hearing what Xu Ji said, Lin Xiao couldn't help being surprised.

Paris Normal University actually sent a special email to ask?

However, it seems that the joint doctoral training of Peking University and Paris Normal University is quite good. At that time, he will be able to obtain the doctoral degree certificates of the two schools.

Of course, he didn't care too much about the doctorate, it's an easy thing.

"Well, then I'll think about it later and get back to you."


Xu Ji nodded and said no more, and Lin Xiao didn't stay any longer, and left the office directly.


Editorial Office of Nature-Materials, Criman Street, London, UK.

As a sub-journal, although "Nature Materials" is not as well-known as the main journal "Nature", as a top journal in the materials industry, they are still very attractive in the materials industry, and they receive submissions from all over the world every day .

Therefore, today's editorial department is still very busy.

"My God, when did materials science have such high requirements for mathematics?"

While everyone was busy, their editor-in-chief Vincent Dusas looked at the manuscript in front of him, and suddenly wailed, and couldn't help scratching his bald head.

"What's wrong Vincent?"

Hearing the editor-in-chief's voice, the deputy editor-in-chief Amos Martin couldn't help but asked.

"Do you know Lin Xiao?" Vincent asked.

"Well... the mathematical genius who proved Goldbach's conjecture."

"Yeah, he's submitted us a manuscript now, and now he's torturing me with math—God, Amos, help me!"

Vincent pointed to the lines of mathematical formulas displayed on the computer screen, and said with a look of lovelessness.

There are so many and so complicated mathematical formulas, he has been reviewing manuscripts for many years, this is the first time he encounters this kind of headache, it makes him worse than those nonsense papers.

Hearing what the editor-in-chief said, Amos couldn't help but leaned over to take a look. That math genius actually posted an article to them on "Natural Materials"?

Can it still make their editor-in-chief such a headache?

As a result, after he took a few glances, he patted Vincent and said, "I'm sorry, this is the only thing I have to say to you that I can't help you. Goodbye."

After that, he sat back in his seat.

Vincent sat down again, and once again focused on the paper in front of him.

No matter what, it has been sent to him, and he has to read it from beginning to end.

Afterwards, the headaches should be handed over to the peer reviewers.


1 Chapter [-] Shocks in the world of theoretical chemistry

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