This 'unknown', together with all his derivations, represents the secret that has not been discovered in the bonding process of titanium atoms.

Chen Bao and the others took the paper from Lin Xiao, but after reading it for a while, they all found it difficult to understand Lin Xiao's derivation process.

After all, they may all be masters in engineering or materials science, but in mathematics, there is still a gap compared with Lin Xiao, a mathematical genius who can prove Goldbach's conjecture.

Chen Bao simply handed these draft papers to Yang Wei and the others, and admitted: "Look at it, to be honest, I basically don't understand it after reading half of it."

As a result, these people also waved their hands, saying no.

"I also can not understand."

"If I was good at mathematics back then, I would definitely have studied mathematics."

Chen Bao spread his hands towards Lin Xiao and said, "So why don't you show us something we can understand."

Lin Xiao didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and then simply opened the results on the supercomputer.

"I used supercomputers to calculate my theoretical model, and after verification, I got a calculation result that is more consistent with the actual result."

He pointed to the various data on the computer, and introduced to them the meaning of these data: "This represents density, this represents strength, and this represents..."

Looking at the result calculated by Lin Xiao, Chen Bao felt a little surprised. Sure enough, it was relatively closer to their result, but there were still some differences.

Chen Bao asked suspiciously: "The strength at this room temperature has already exceeded 1000MPa, which is much higher than our actual test results."

Lin Xiao said: "So I think there is still room for improvement in our technology. I think the calculation results above should be the final performance of that alloy."

Hearing Lin Xiao's words, Chen Bao felt incredible.

"Are you serious? The performance on this is the ultimate performance? This..."

The performance of the titanium-aluminum alloy alone has attracted the attention of so many of them. The bigwigs in the aviation and materials fields across the country are all incredulous, let alone those who came to Beijing to see Lin Xiao The old seniors of the school also came to see Lin Xiao for this material.

As a result, Lin Xiao told him now that their material is not considered the strongest, and can it even be stronger?

Yang Wei and the others were also surprised when they heard Lin Xiao's words.

The current material is already incredibly strong, how can it be improved a little bit?

"Then how do you prove that your theory is correct?"

Cai Hongzhi, the leading figure in the materials world, suddenly asked.

Although Lin Xiao said very seriously, the mathematical derivation process seems to be very powerful, but even if the mathematical derivation process is correct, as an experimental science, materials science must talk about the experimental results, even if it is computational materials science. Experimental results are needed to verify.

Just like when Lin Xiao came up with the calculation results of the new titanium-aluminum alloy before, although Chen Bao and the others were very surprised, they just had the idea of ​​giving it a try at first, until they finally figured it out. Show real excitement.

When hearing Cai Hongzhi's question, Lin Xiao just smiled and said: "I can use my new theory to continue to deduce the properties of other titanium alloys. I believe that with my new theory, the calculation error will be reduced again. .”

Since his theory revealed the mechanism of titanium atom bonding engineering, he can use this mechanism to deduce the properties of other titanium alloys, and prove the correctness of his theory by reducing the error of the calculation results.

After hearing what Lin Xiao said, Cai Hongzhi nodded and encouraged him, "Then I hope you will succeed."

Chen Bao also said: "If you need it, the laboratories of our Materials Research Institute can provide it for you to use."

Several others also gave Lin Xiao encouragement.

If Lin Xiao really proves the correctness of the conclusion according to his method, then this new bonding mechanism may attract worldwide attention.

Lin Xiao said gratefully, "Thank you."

"Okay, we old guys don't bother young people doing research, let's go."

At this time Jiang He said something, and the others also nodded with a smile. After saying goodbye to Lin Xiao, they all left the computer room, leaving Lin Xiao alone.

After seeing them off, Lin Xiao also sat back in front of the computer.

Now, he is looking for more evidence for his theory.

Chapter 158 Ten thousand people approved by the exception!

Time passes quickly.

For the undergraduates of Shangjing University, entering July also means that the summer vacation life has begun.

As a result, students who wanted to go home took the transportation to go home, while students who took the postgraduate entrance examination, or students who wanted to stay in school to work summer jobs, still stayed in school and worked hard every day.

However, for Lin Xiao, who entered his research career early, he also did not go home, but stayed in Shangjing.

Throughout July, he was immersed in perfecting his theory.

Now, he also named the mechanism of this titanium atom, which is called Lin's titanium bonding mechanism.

Well, how to claim ownership of an important theory or discovery is to put your own family name on the front.

And until the beginning of August, he had completely perfected all the content of his Lin's Titanium Bonding Mechanism, from the large series of mathematical formulas that were difficult for people to understand, to the text and images of these abstract mathematical formulas. explanation of.

Through these material explanations, it can also help others to better understand his mathematical derivation formulas.

Otherwise, it may take a lot of time for others to understand.

This can be regarded as Lin Xiao is not very good at mathematics - at least not a kind of care for researchers in the material field who are not as good as him.

Of course, in addition to these, Lin Xiao also used the comparison of the experimental results and calculation results of five different titanium alloys to prove the accuracy of his theory.

If the theory of Lin's titanium bonding mechanism is not used as a reference item in the calculation, then most of these calculation results will have a certain gap with the experimental results, and some groups have a particularly large gap, but when Lin's titanium bonding mechanism is used as After the reference item, the gap between the calculation results and the experimental results will be greatly reduced, and even in a certain group, this error can be regarded as an experimental error, which means that the Lin's titanium bonding mechanism can even perfectly predict The practical properties of a titanium alloy.

And this, for the importance of the computational materials community, is very important.

Then, Lin Xiao also told Chen Bao and the others this conclusion.

After Lin Xiao explained his prediction before, Chen Bao and the others were not in a hurry to design a new process flow, but now that Lin Xiao has produced so many sets of experimental comparison data, they have once again raised their attention. As shown by Lin Xiao's calculation results, it means that the new titanium-aluminum alloy TA1000 that had shocked them before can really be made stronger.

TA1000 is their internal name for this new titanium-aluminum alloy, because the tensile strength of this titanium-aluminum alloy can be close to 1000MPa.

But this is only close, but if its tensile strength can really reach more than [-] after process optimization, then this name is worthy of the name.

"We have now tried to optimize the production process of TA1000. If its strength can be improved again later, then you will have made great achievements."

In an office of the Aeronautical Materials Research Institute, Chen Bao said to Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao said with a smile: "That's good, don't worry, I'm still very confident in my calculation results."

"If you say that, then we can rest assured." Chen Bao nodded with a smile, and suddenly he remembered something, and said, "By the way, your results should be able to be published in the top journals in materials science, right?"

"Well, I'm ready to send it to the Materials Science Sub-Journal of Nature."

"Nature-materials? Yes, your results can be published in this journal."

Chen Bao nodded, and said with emotion: "It seems that your Goldbach's conjecture was published in "Science" before? Now it can be published in "Natural Materials", which is amazing."

Especially since Lin Xiao completed all of this in less than a year.

For the vast majority of people, publishing an article on "Nature" and "Science" a year is considered awesome, even if it is a sub-journal. As a result, Lin Xiao is now, in less than a year, first an article on "Science", I heard that "Science" invited him to contribute. This is not over yet, and now it is another "Natural Materials".

The impact factor of "Natural Materials" this year is also around 40, which is not much different from that of "Nature".

Lin Xiao smiled, and then said: "Actually, it's okay, it's mainly thanks to your help, Academician Chen."

"How does this help? If you help us, we will help you too." Chen Bao waved his hands.

"No matter what, thank you for taking care of me these past few months." Lin Xiao said: "Actually, I am here to say goodbye to you. Since our subject is considered to be over, I will estimate the number of times I will come here in the future. Not much more."

Hearing what Lin Xiao said, Chen Bao was taken aback.

This young talent is leaving?

But thinking about it, it seems that it is time for Lin Xiao to leave. After all, his project is over, and Lin Xiao's project is also over. Next, there is no need to bother Lin Xiao about the design process, anyway. All their internal personnel will remember Lin Xiao's name and know who the 'Chief Designer' of TA1000 is.

Of course, although Chen Bao felt a little pity, he never thought about letting Lin Xiao stay.

Talents like Lin Xiao are not something they can keep in this research institute.

Of course, Lin Xiao's Shangjing University is not far from the Institute of Aeronautical Materials, and it takes less than 15 minutes to drive.

And Chen Bao himself is still a professor at Shangjing University.

So he smiled and said, "Well, come here when you have time."

"of course."

Lin Xiao smiled and nodded.

Chen Bao suddenly found another form from the side, handed it to Lin Xiao, and said, "Oh, by the way, this is the application form for the Ten Thousand People Plan, you should fill it out first."

Lin Xiao was taken aback, "Ten Thousand People Plan?"

"Well, Ten Thousand People Project, after filling it out, when the time comes, me, Academician Wen Changping, Academician Cai Hongzhi, Academician Yang Wei..." Chen Bao said the names of those big bosses Lin Xiao approached recently, "We will all Jointly recommend it to you, but in fact, it doesn’t matter whether you sign or not, this is a decision made by the higher authorities, and you can pass without us signing.”

He smiled and said: "This is considered an extraordinary commendation for you. Generally speaking, the requirement for the Ten Thousand Talents Program is a Ph. quota."

"Of course, after you graduate with a Ph.D., these places probably won't be able to escape you."

Lin Xiao was a little dazed at this moment. Is this the plan of thousands of people?

The Ten Thousand People Plan has a subsidy of nearly 100 million per year, and the annual experimental funding starts at one million.

I'm just an undergraduate student.

Seeing Lin Xiao in a daze, Chen Bao raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "What's the matter? Are you surprised?"

After recovering, Lin Xiao showed a smile on his face: "It's a little bit."

"It's nothing. Think about it. You are only 19 years old now. If you survive for another ten years, you may have more funds than me by then."

Chen Bao said with a smile.

Lin Xiao smiled and said, "You are already an academician, and I am still far behind in this regard."


Chen Bao smiled and didn't say anything. If Lin Xiao wanted to become an academician, it wouldn't be difficult, would it?

Maybe ten years from now?

Lin Xiao quickly filled out this form. As for the column of past achievements, Chen Bao said that it is fine to write whatever you want, but you can't write about TA1000 because it is confidential.

So Lin Xiao casually thought about his past achievements, and finally chose Goldbach's conjecture to write on it.

In any case, Goldbach's conjecture is currently the proudest achievement for him.

After filling out the form, Lin Xiao chatted with Chen Bao for a few more words, then formally said goodbye and left the office.

After walking out of the office, after turning a corner, Lin Xiao saw Huang Haoran approaching, probably looking for Chen Bao.

Seeing them, Lin Xiao greeted them with a smile: "Hey, isn't this Huang Changjiang, Li Jieqing, Xu Wanwan?"

"Lin Shen, please don't bully us when you are old."

Huang Haoran and others said one after another.

Usually when there is no mentor present, these young people call each other 'x Changjiang', 'x Jieqing', and 'X academician' in private, which is also a kind of ridicule.

Of course, when facing Lin Xiao now, they are not ashamed to say that.

Lin Xiao smiled and said, "Oh, by the way, our project is over. I may not come here often in the future. See you again when you have a chance."

Several people were taken aback: "Will you come later?"

"If there is a need in the future, I will still come."

Huang Haoran and the others looked at each other in blank dismay, but Lin Xiao was indeed not from their Institute of Aeronautical Materials, and he really had to leave when it was time to leave.

"Then Lin Shen, I will treat you to dinner when I have a chance in the future."

"Haha, if you come to Beijing University, you can just find me, and I will treat you to eat."

"Okay, Lin Shen, let's remember what you said."

Lin Xiao said 'ok' and left here.

Huang Haoran and the others looked at the back of Lin Xiao walking away, and they all sighed with emotion: "Shen Lin is a great man, and he is also a good person. I don't know if there will be a chance to see you again in the future."

"Hey, whether Lin Shen can still remember that we are all a problem."

Thinking of this, they all shook their heads.

"By the way, how long do you think Lin Shen will be able to become an academician?"

"Ghost knows, but I bet, our youngest academician will be Lin Shen in the future."

"Joke, is this still a bet?"

"After Dr. Lin Shen graduates, I'm afraid you will have to be a millionaire or a young man at the beginning."

"It's small, the layout is small, and it's going directly to the Yangtze River!"

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