Heofgert couldn't help exclaiming, "This is what I wanted but couldn't touch!"

The person sitting next to him couldn't help but nodded. The person next to him was Wendelin Werner, the winner of the Fields Medal in 2006, and Heofgert was both a professor at the Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris. .

He also praised: "But I didn't participate in that Bourbaki seminar. Thinking about it now, it's really a pity."

"I didn't go there at the beginning, and it's a pity."

Heofgert shook his head too.

It would be perfect if you could see how the prover of Goldbach's conjecture went from grasping the inspiration to the final proof.

Especially for him, a mathematician who proved the weak Goldbach's conjecture.

Wendelin Werner looked at Lin Xiao's next process, the sieving method, which has been gradually completed.

"I was 38 years old when I won the Fields Medal. Now, he is not even 20 years old. If he wins the Fields Medal at the next International Congress of Mathematicians, it will directly increase the age of the youngest winner. It's been six years!"

Heofgert also nodded. Although he did not receive the Fields Medal, he also knew the importance of Lin Xiao's proof of the successful strong Goldbach conjecture.

Of course, mathematicians don't care about the proof of Goldbach's conjecture, what they care about is the tools developed during the proof process, and the circle sieve method is undoubtedly an extremely important tool.

In the future, there will be four terms in mathematics, named after Lin Xiao, Lin's group transformation method, Lin's conjecture, Lin's sieve circle method, and Goldbach-Lin's theorem.


"So far, our sieve circle method is completed, so let's use it to solve Goldbach's conjecture."

With the page turning of the PPT, Lin Xiao also completed the core part of the narration.

And the next job is already obvious.

All the mathematicians below have also shown expressions of relief.

The following jobs can be done by them.

But the sieve method, they really can't do it.

It only took about ten minutes, and the PPT only took four pages.

Lin Xiao stopped talking about the theory on the PPT.

Then, looking at the silent audience, he slowly took a few steps forward and smiled.

"So, as you can see, we can prove that any even number greater than 2 can be written as the sum of two prime numbers."

"More than 200 years ago, Goldbach, who lived in Moscow, sent the letter to Euler in Petersburg, which caused the mathematics world to fall into a dilemma for more than 200 years. At this point, please let me repeat the previous sentence again: I can be sure that Announcement, it's on our notepads ready to be crossed out."

There was a moment of silence in the auditorium of ten thousand people, as if the time pause button had been pressed.

But after a while, violent applause sounded again, and the audience stood up. Everyone stood up and sent the most enthusiastic response to the young man standing on the rostrum.

History, made at this moment!

Chapter 141 Worldwide Attention



The mathematicians sitting in the front row applauded and marveled.

Originally, they wanted to see some neglected issues from Lin Xiao's narration, but after such a whole report, Lin Xiao's narration was smooth and concise, and there was nothing unclear about it. Probably other listeners As long as the foundation is more solid, maybe you can understand how Lin Xiao deduced his theory.

And such a performance, they can only be described as wonderful.

Off the court, Wiles applauded, with emotion in his eyes.

This scene is so similar to his back then.

He whispered: "Lin is better than me."

"Oh why."

Sitting next to Wiles was Edward Witten asking.

Edward Witten, the proposer of M theory, is also the only physicist who has won the Fields Medal as a physicist.

After Wiles left the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, the two were colleagues, and the relationship was naturally relatively close.

Wiles said: "I thought I could complete my final proof in the eyes of the audience, but unfortunately, I failed the first time."

"Then do you think he proved successful? Maybe, like you, at the end of this season, someone asked a fatal question."

"No, look at how rigorous this young man's proof process is, and you will know that this is impossible." Wiles shook his head, looking at the face of the young man on the stage. In the middle, what a face full of vigor is that?

"Ask other people to see what they think of Lin Xiao's whole report, and you will know that he is even better than the last report at the Mathematicians Conference."

At that time, there was a problem in Lin Xiao's proof. In the end, Professor Wiles asked Lin Xiao the most critical question, and Lin Xiao answered it.

Today's Lin Xiao has made up for this shortcoming.

"Exactly." Witten nodded.

Wiles smiled and looked at Lin Xiao, full of the high hopes that the seniors placed on the juniors.

Not just Wiles and Witten, other mathematics professors are very emotional, whether it is Sanac and Deligne from abroad, or Xu Ji, Yuan Ya from China, etc., for Lin Xiao in this The performance in the field report, they can only send their own applause.

Goldbach's conjecture has been born for more than 200 years, and it has attracted an unknown number of great mathematicians to continue their research. It has caused countless regrets and has become a thorn in the hearts of countless people.

That simple letter was originally sent by Goldbach to ask Euler for advice, but it has gone through countless ages.

Until this day, more than 270 years later, it finally stopped on the road of mathematics history, engraved on this day in 2019, left the column representing unsolved problems in the temple of mathematics, and came to represent the on the column of the theorem.

Everyone seems to be relieved, because the mathematics world has once again climbed a mountain.

At the same time, Lin Xiao on the stage listened to the applause of the audience, with a smile on his face.

So far, his report has been completely completed.

To be honest, when he started to talk about his theory, the nervousness at the beginning disappeared without a trace. He forgot the audience he was facing, and what remained was only academic rigor and serious.

And it was only at this moment that he realized that he was facing the eyes of tens of thousands of people.

All in all, it still feels pretty good.

In this way, he enjoyed the wave-like applause from the audience until the wave gradually ended.

Then, he said: "Then, friends who have questions now, you can ask questions."

He looked around for a moment, but saw no hands raised.

This surprised him, did no one have a problem?

He wondered if he didn't make it clear, so he repeated it again: "Those who have doubts about the process now can ask questions now."

But after a while, no one raised their hands.

And the people below also looked around and found that no one had a problem.

Of course, the 'people with problems' referred to here are limited to the mathematicians sitting in the front row, and those sitting in the back row have problems everywhere, but obviously, it is impossible for them to stand up and ask questions.

The mathematicians in the front row were also a little surprised. It turned out that no one found the problem.

However, this is expected. After all, everyone has read Lin Xiao's thesis. Since no problems were found when reading the papers, it is not surprising that there are still no problems.

Seeing this scene, Lin Xiao smiled. Obviously, this meant that his report was perfect.

He smiled slightly, then took a deep breath, and announced: "Since everyone has no problem, then I think this is the end of my report. Thank you for coming, thank you."

He bowed deeply, and there was once again huge applause from the audience.

Huge applause, accompanied by Lin Xiao's turning and leaving figure, until he left the rostrum and returned to the backstage, the warm applause was still clearly audible.


Obviously, the end of the report does not mean the end of the whole matter.

The attention Lin Xiao received afterwards was far more than that.

The simultaneous live broadcast of this report on the Internet alone has attracted hundreds of thousands of viewers. The moment these viewers saw Lin Xiao complete the proof, they had already expressed all their enthusiasm in the explosive bombshell. It was on the screen, and then these netizens rushed to the major online platforms to discuss, such as on the scarf.

At the beginning, Lin Xiaofa's scarf said that his results still need to pass peer review, but now that the report is over, and no well-known mathematician raised a question, doesn't it mean that it has passed the approval of the mathematics community?

Immediately, these netizens rushed to comment under the scarf.

"Lin Shen is still modest, don't go to the auditorium of Peking University, go directly to the Great Hall of the People"

"On why the forest god is a god, the first is Goldbach's conjecture"

"Lin Shen, I came back from time travel on January 1th, and secretly told you a secret. You gave the report in the Great Hall of the People, and after your report was over, no one asked any questions. You proved to be successful!" 』

"You traveled back from the 19th, why did you speak on the 19th?" 』

"Because the time can only be kept on the 19th doge"

"Lin Shen has now even proved Goldbach's conjecture, so it's time for the millennium problem? 』

"Lin Shen, go! 』


The enthusiasm of netizens is unimaginable.

Originally, this scarf only had more than 1 replies, but after the live broadcast ended, the number of replies seemed to take off again, directly breaking through [-], and approaching [-], which led to Lin Xiao's scarf going directly to the top. On the top ten of the hot search list.

As for the top ten of the hot search list, apart from the fact that his scarf is on the list based on [Lin Xiao Proves Goldbach’s Conjecture], there are also two related hot searches on it, which are [Prove Brother] How Difficult is Debach's Conjecture], 【Lin Shen】.

Among them, [Prove How Difficult to Prove Goldbach's Conjecture] directly ranked first on the list, and the popularity value has reached more than 1000 million.

After all, most people don't have a specific concept of Goldbach's conjecture, they only know that it is a world-class problem, and through this hot search, they finally understand the status of this problem in the mathematics world.

This made them feel a kind of sincere admiration for Lin Xiao. He is worthy of being a super academic, and he can easily do things that no one else can do.

Of course, for Lin Xiao, he doesn't have time to pay attention to things on the Internet.

After finishing his report and returning to the background, Lin Xiao received countless calls.

"Mr. Lin Xiao, hello, I am a reporter from Shangjing Daily, may I have a moment of your time to interview you?"

"Sorry, I don't have time right now."

"Mr. Lin Xiao, hello, I am a reporter from the Observation Network, may I ask..."

"Sorry for the inconvenience."


Lin Xiao was helpless, why are they all reporters?

"Mr. Lin Xiao..."

"Mr. Lin Xiao..."

"Son, have you proven successful?"

"Sorry, I don't have time..."

Lin Xiao, who just opened his mouth subconsciously, suddenly came back to his senses. The voice seemed to be Dad?

He looked at the phone number, and it was really his father.

"Hey, Dad, it's you. I thought it was some reporter."

Lin Guowen smiled and said, "Your mother and I are watching your live broadcast. I've heard of your Goldbach's conjecture before. What's the result?"

"It's definitely OK, just rest assured." Lin Xiao said with a smile.

"Well, that's good. Both your father and mother believe in you." Lin Guowen said, "By the way, Chinese New Year is coming soon. Will you go home then?"

Lin Xiao was taken aback, is it the Chinese New Year?

After thinking about the time, it is already late January, and it is indeed the Chinese New Year.

Time flies so fast.

Slightly sighed, and then he said: "I will definitely come back."

"That's good." Lin Guowen laughed, and then said, "Then don't talk about other things, just live well on your own."


Then, Lin Xiao hung up the phone.

But as he expected, just after he hung up the phone, another call came.

"I guess it's from another media."

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