However, with the arrival of a mathematician and the statistics of all the registered participants, Shangjing University, as well as the Shangjing Municipal People's Government, found a helpless but somewhat surprising result.

This time, more than 5000 mathematicians or mathematics enthusiasts, journalists and other people from all walks of life came from afar, all of whom wanted to witness the proof of Goldbach's conjecture.

And this is only from abroad, more than 4000 people from China have signed up.

The status of Goldbach's conjecture in the Chinese people has fully demonstrated its influence at this moment.

In the end, the higher-ups issued instructions to empty the auditorium of ten thousand people in the Great Hall of the People to solve the problem of the venue for this feast of mathematics.

When the news spread, all the relevant personnel couldn't believe it, but for such a grand occasion, only the Great Hall of the People in the entire Beijing can undertake such a heavy responsibility.

1 people!

This seems to be a big event that is enough to be remembered in the history of mathematics.

Even the proof of Fermat's Last Theorem did not have such a grand occasion. Of course, this was also limited by the limitations of information dissemination and transportation at that time.

But anyway, this also made history!

And the time finally came to January 1th.


1Forty chapters of history, created at this moment!

2019 1 Month 19 Day.

Huaguo, Shangjing, 09:30 am.

The Great Hall of the People, the Great Hall of Ten Thousand People.

At this time, the place was already crowded with people, the seats on the third floor were already full, and even the corridors and aisles were already full of people.

There were only more than 9000 people who signed up, but the number of people who actually got the news and wanted to come exceeded [-].

This put a lot of pressure on the staff. After all, they have to coordinate the order of more than 1 people, but they also have to feel that it is a bit too much for a math problem to attract so many people. Unbelievable, they have worked here for so long, and they have never seen a conference that can attract more than 1 people to visit, not to mention, it is an academic report!

They were all quite surprised when they learned that the auditorium had been arranged for ten thousand people as the venue for this academic report.

On the other side, the digital photographers of the TV station have already set up the cameras, and this report will also be broadcast live globally in various directions and angles. In the form of video, it will be passed down forever.

The people sitting in the first few rows on the first floor are all famous mathematicians at home and abroad, and they are all discussing at this time.

"I didn't expect that you all came here. Didn't you guys complain that Huaguo was too far away?"

"Didn't you also say that you don't believe anyone can prove Goldbach's conjecture, and that you won't come?"


"Heofgert, you are indeed here."

"How could I not come? After all, I proved the weak Goldbach's conjecture, but now only a few years have passed, and someone has proved the strong Goldbach's conjecture, so I have to come."

Heofgert, in 2013, the prover of the weak Goldbach conjecture, has a very high reputation in the mathematics community.

"That's true."


"Faltins, are you here to join in the fun?"

"What are you joining in the fun? If you want to say that the person joining in the fun, it should be you, Deligne."

"Hehe, surely you don't know about my friendship with Lin Xiao?"

"I don't need to know."


"Professor Qiu."

"Professor Tao, I didn't expect us to sit together again."

"This venue is really big."

"Of course it's big. The meaning of this venue is not simple in Huaguo."

Qiu Chengtong smiled slightly, at least he wasn't in Shangjing University, I believe those people in Shangjing University should be very sorry, right?


"Professor Wiles..."

"Witten, you, a physicist, are here."

"Please, I'm the only physicist who has won a Fields Medal, of course I have to"


These world's top mathematicians are chatting while the report has not yet started, but in fact, they can't wait for the report to officially start.

They had been looking forward to this day for a long time.

Besides these mathematicians, the people sitting in the auditorium on the second and third floors were mainly those who came to join in the fun, and many of them were students from various universities in Beijing.

These students also looked at the scene in surprise.

"There are too many people!"

"Is Lin Shen going to report to so many people?"

"Thinking about it makes my calves tremble."


How much pressure must one face when conducting an academic report in front of so many people?

Thinking about how they are only less than 20 years old this year, they feel an extremely huge gap even more.

What's more, people who are less than 20 years old can hold academic reports in the Great Hall of the People and become the protagonists in the eyes of more than 1 people. Thinking about it this way, they all feel extremely excited.

Man, it should be so!

But obviously, among the younger generation, Lin Xiao is probably the only one who can do it.


Time passed slowly, and everyone was already looking forward to the moment when it officially started.

The report started at ten o'clock in the morning, and at this time, there were less than 5 minutes left before the start.

Backstage, Lin Xiao sat on a seat.

Sitting opposite him was the Secretary-General of the State Council, who came in person.

"Do you feel nervous? There are more than 1 pairs of eyes." The secretary-general asked with a smile.

Lin Xiao smiled: "It's impossible to say that I'm not nervous, but I've given presentations to thousands of people before, so I'm fairly experienced."

"That's good." The secretary-general nodded slightly, and sighed with emotion: "When I was a few years older than you, I was still a worker. At that time, let alone facing so many people, I was speaking to hundreds of people in our factory. Sometimes, I’m a little apprehensive.”

"You're sure you won't worry any more now."

"Hehe, no matter what, you are the best young man I have ever seen." The secretary-general smiled, looked at the time, and said, "Okay, you are going to play soon, I won't delay you .”

Lin Xiao nodded, picked up the cup next to him, took a sip, moistened his throat, then stood up, waiting for that moment to come.

A few minutes later, the staff came up to him and said, "Mr. Lin, the host has finished his introduction, and you can go on stage."


Lin Xiao took a deep breath and looked at the crowded auditorium.

To be honest, when he learned that the venue of the report was changed to the Great Hall of the People, he felt a little unbelievable. He could actually stand in the Great Hall of the People and give an academic report, which he had never imagined before.

After all, in his impression, the Great Hall of the People has never hosted such a purely academic conference. The opening ceremony of the 2002 International Conference of Mathematicians was held here, and other conferences after that were held at the Shanghai International Conference Center .

Looking at the spacious rostrum, he will walk on it next, and then report the proof result of Goldbach's conjecture to more than 1 people present.

Nervousness is unavoidable, but it’s all here, can you back down?

What's more, to be the only protagonist in this kind of venue, in a word, isn't that what a real man should do?

His eyes gradually became firmer, and then, he took a lot of steps, took his own steps, and entered the audience's field of vision.

Since the host had already controlled the venue when he introduced the academic report, the auditorium was already quiet at this time, and after seeing him walk on the stage, applause instantly filled the audience.

The applause gathered by more than 1 people welcomed this young mathematics genius.

And following the applause from more than 1 people, Lin Xiao, dressed in a suit and leather shoes, came to the center of the arena.

"come on."

The host encouraged him in a low voice.

The host is a professional TV host and Lin Xiao's senior. He has a famous saying that "Beijing University is okay".

It is said that he took the initiative to take over the task of the host of this report. Of course, it is also said that those professional hosts competed fiercely for the position of host of this report.

Lin Xiao smiled and nodded: "Thank you."

Then, the host left the stage, and Lin Xiao also came to the front of the microphone, looked around, and calmed down.

Then, he said: "My friends who come here from all over the world and all over the country, hello, I am Lin Xiao."

"Since it is an academic report, I will also conduct this report in purely academic language, so I won't say much about other things, and get to the point."

The next moment, the large multimedia screen behind flashed, and the topic of this academic report appeared, and Lin Xiao also spoke accordingly.

"Any even number greater than 2 can be written as the sum of two prime numbers."

"This is one-third of the eighth question in Hilbert's 23 questions. It is the jewel in the crown of mathematics. It is the top question of the number theory pyramid. It is a difficult problem that has stumped the mathematics community for more than 300 years."

"And today, here, to all colleagues and friends present, I can confidently announce that it is on our notepad and can be marked with a cross."

Lin Xiao's words made everyone feel a sense of self-confidence.

"Then, let's get started."

After Lin Xiao finished speaking, the following multimedia flashed again, and his theory would start from here.

"First of all, I want to show you my new tool, which is the sieve circle method."

"After combining the sieve method and the circular method, it is a brand new and perfect method. Next, I will also focus on introducing it."

[Introducing Sieve theory: Let J be any prime number set of |J|≥, and I be any interval.Then |{m∈i: (M, ∏p∈jp)6=1}|-|{m∈[0, |i|-1]...]


As Lin Xiao started, the mathematicians sitting in the front row all looked seriously.

Although they have read the papers on arxiv countless times these days, listening to Lin Xiao's narration from beginning to end in person may also allow them to discover some problems in the details.

However, mathematicians can understand, others can not understand.

After all, this is an academic report, and it must be talking about professional things, but most of the people who came to join in the fun sorted it out.

These people came here under the name of Goldbach's conjecture, whether they are foreign or domestic, there are people in China.

Among them, those who can really understand, even a small part of it, are not bad if there are 3000 people, but those who have read Lin Xiao's papers and can read them all are even less than 500 people, and there can be [-] people. Individuals are pretty good.

In any case, there are only so many top mathematicians in the world. Even if all the winners of the Fields Medal, Abel Prize, Wolf Prize, and Craford Prize add up, there are not 200 of them, let alone one of them. Heaps of duplicates and dead ones.

Therefore, mathematics is a game for geniuses, and only geniuses can enjoy it like a fish in water.

As for ordinary people who want to plunge into mathematics, it is better to turn to applied mathematics as early as possible.

Of course, for those who don't understand, they came here not to understand what Lin Xiao said, but simply to witness that historic scene.

So it was like this, time passed slowly, Lin Xiao was not in a hurry, but slowly told the story, the Great Hall of the People had spared him half a day for his academic report, so there was no need to worry about the time issue at all.

His only task is to make this report perfect.


"Under the assumption that there is no scaling between CoPs, we have the following embeddings:  …"

[C(n, M) is included in C(t, M) is included in C(s, M) is included in δr(C(m, M))...]

"From this we can get..."

"Continue to introduce the concept of several special dividing circle maps. Let M be contained in N and C(n, M) 6 = the empty set is a CoP containing axes L[a],[b], by dividing CpP C (n, M) along the so-called flip axis L[a]..."

As Lin Xiao's narration gradually entered the key area, the eyes of the mathematicians in the front row became more and more serious. After Lin Xiao's narration passed this part, everyone felt incomparably amazed.


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