Lin Xiao nodded and sat down.

The secretary next to him stepped up and poured tea.

"Before, when the TV station interviewed you, you said that you had proved the Goldbach conjecture, didn't you?"

"Yes." Lin Xiao nodded.

"Are you sure?"

Lin Xiao smiled and said, "I can't guarantee it 90.00%, but there are [-]% nines."

The old man was taken aback for a moment, and then he couldn't help laughing: "That seems to be very sure."

Then he sighed with emotion: "Goldbach's conjecture, in the 70s, I read the report on "People's Literature" and learned what the '1+2' proved by Mr. Chen was. When I went to Beijing University for further studies, I felt that you people who study mathematics are really amazing, and the whole thing is incomprehensible to ordinary people. Later, I paid attention to it for a while, and the chief designer also specifically mentioned it.”

The old man gave Lin Xiao a thumbs-up, "Now, you've finally put an end to it."

"Thank you for completing this regret for me."

The old man patted Lin Xiao on the shoulder, and his tone was full of nostalgia.

Lin Xiao said with a smile: "You are welcome. For me, I have completed a difficult problem of interest. I am already satisfied with this alone."

"That's true." The old man smiled slightly, and suddenly asked again: "Now that you have completed this proof, what do you plan to do next?"

Lin Xiao was taken aback, and said, "Although the proof has been completed, an academic report and peer review are still needed to be recognized by the mathematics community, so I plan to give a report at school first."

Hearing what Lin Xiao said, the old man quickly realized what kind of benefits this would bring to Huaguo, "Mathematicians from home and abroad will come to your report, right?"

Lin Xiao nodded: "Yes, probably many famous mathematicians will come."

It's not that he thinks he can attract people, but that Goldbach's guess is there.

As a jewel in the crown of mathematics, it is finally taken off, and it is obviously an infinitely attractive thing for every mathematician.

Whether they understand it or not, just to join in the fun and participate in this kind of historic event in the mathematics world is worth their time, and no one would want to miss it.

Even in Huaguo, a place where the mathematicians were unfamiliar with and had a language barrier, they would be happy to go there.

The old man nodded, "I see."

At this time, the secretary next to him stepped forward and whispered a few words to the old man.

After listening to the old man, he nodded slightly, then turned to look at Lin Xiao, and said with a smile: "Student Lin Xiao, proving Goldbach's conjecture is your own achievement, and it is also a kind of contribution to the country. A kind of brilliance, as long as you can continue to win glory for the country in the future, the country will definitely live up to your hopes."

Hearing what the old man said, Lin Xiao nodded and said, "Don't worry, I will."

The old man nodded with a smile, then stood up, grabbed Lin Xiao's hand and patted it, and said like a kind elder, "That's it, even though we only chatted a few words, I still hope If you can talk a little more with a young man like you, next time we have a chance, let's have a good talk, and then don't refuse."

Lin Xiao also stood up quickly, and said with a smile, "I definitely won't refuse."

"It's a deal." The old man added, smiling at Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao was taken aback for a moment, then nodded heavily: "It's a deal."


Lin Xiao was sent off by another secretary and left here.

There is deep meaning in every sentence of the old man, and with his 4.35% brain development, of course he can hear it.

And every word he answered came from the heart.

He got into an Audi car with a more powerful license plate, and this car will be responsible for taking him to Beijing University.

However, when he got in the car, his cell phone rang suddenly. After checking the phone number, it was from the United States.

He answered the phone suspiciously, and the voice over there rang: "Excuse me, is this Mr. Lin Xiao?"

"it's me."

"Hello, I am Tremwell, Secretary-General of the American Mathematical Society. Regarding your process of proving Goldbach's conjecture, we now sincerely invite you to come to our joint mathematics conference on January 1 to give a report. We are willing to bear all your expenses, and after the meeting, we will award you the honorary fellowship of the American Mathematical Society, would you like it?"

Lin Xiao was taken aback for a moment, American Mathematical Society Joint Mathematical Conference?

He has heard of this, and it can be regarded as a mathematics conference with some status in the mathematics world.

And the treatment given by the other party is also quite good, and the status of honorary member of the American Mathematical Society is still very good.

However, Lin Xiao just said: "Sorry, I have decided to give a report at my school, Peking University. If possible, I hope you can help me spread the news, thank you."

"... Then I wish your report meeting a success."

"Thank you."

After hanging up the phone, Lin Xiao thought for a while. He rejected the invitation and asked him to help publicize that he was going to hold a report in Huaguo. It seemed...a bit bad?

Then he shook his head, forget it, or ignore it, but the fact that he is going to hold this academic report at Shangjing University should also be spread.

He is ready to meet the test of the world mathematics community.

Chapter 139 Thousands of people gather!Academic report at the Great Hall of the People

"Have you heard?Goldbach's conjecture seems to be proven! 』

"Of course I heard, it's the guy from Huaguo, I heard about him"

"However, I don't know if he really succeeded. I really can't believe that this problem will be successfully proved."

"Didn't Professor Terence Tao say he was successful? 』

"Professor Tao said? 』

"certainly!Professor Tao also said that Lin Xiao was close to the truth! 』

"where?Give me Kangkang! 』


On foreign forums, many students who are interested in mathematics or studying mathematics have already learned the recent news about Goldbach's conjecture.

Almost everyone knew this shocking news, which amazed everyone more than the determination of the distribution law of Mersenne prime numbers.

Tao Zhexuan was the first person who thought that Lin Xiao had proved his success. His post had long attracted the attention of an unknown number of people.

Obviously, the recognition of a Fields Medal winner is equivalent to declaring Lin Xiao a success in the eyes of most people.

Especially Terence Tao.

Of course, Tao Zhexuan is not the only one who thinks that Lin Xiao has succeeded.

Various bigwigs in mathematics, including Sarnac, Pompieri, Sarnac, Wiles, etc., all said that they have not seen whether there is a problem in Lin Xiao's proof process for the time being.

And so many professors think so, it seems that Lin Xiao's proof is correct, at least, for ordinary people.

As a result, Lin Xiao's name appeared frequently in various foreign news and forums again, and the last time was after he finished his report at the International Congress of Mathematicians.

The photo titled "He is approaching the truth" has become popular again. Almost all kinds of self-media have used this photo when reporting on this matter, both at home and abroad.

Under the various publicity of the domestic media, the news that Lin Xiao proved Goldbach's conjecture spread in the country immediately, and the speed of transmission was almost spread in an extremely terrifying trend.

But any ordinary person who sees this news will immediately recall Goldbach's conjecture. Even if they don't know what it is, they all know that it is a world-class problem anyway, so these ordinary people immediately shared the news with Friends or group chats, in a short time, the number of people who knew the news instantly soared from hundreds to millions, tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions.

Anyone who surfs the Internet during this time can receive this news, even in the high-intensity matchup in Summoner's Canyon, a certain player in the game may share this news.

Ever since, the news about this news almost reached the top of the hot search lists almost directly by airborne.

Including the scarf, the first one was taken away directly. It turned out that a certain 'brother' had a finger cut in the theater.

The number one hot search right now is [Lin Xiao Proves Goldbach's Conjecture].

It's not like before, it's a 'so-and-so college student', and now Lin Xiao's name is directly reported.

Anyway, people who often surf the Internet basically know Lin Xiao, not to mention that now Lin Xiao has more than 90 fans. After Mr. Yang spoke highly of him, his fans once again surged. Now, breaking through 100 million is basically no problem.

And after clicking on the hot search, you can know how popular this hot search is, with nearly 20 likes and [-] comments.

Almost all of the comments expressed their admiration to Lin Xiao.

"Goldbach's conjecture... Lin Shen is not a human being! 』

"Lin Shen, take back your supernatural powers! 』

"When I saw this question in elementary school textbooks, I thought, 1+1=2, do I still need to prove it?It was only later that I realized that I was thinking too much.』

『The School of Mathematics of Peking University is the head of the four lunatic asylums, and only Lin Shen is above the world. 』

"It's more than transcending the world, it's beyond the Three Realms, it's not in the Five Elements"

"Who is the peak at the end of mathematics?"Seeing Lin Shendao becomes empty! 』

"Damn absolutely.jpg"


Everyone was extremely shocked, and none of the comments were bad-mouthing. Of course, if you look down, you may find a few people who argued that you were the first to prove it, but these are irrelevant.

Of course, as the protagonist, Lin Xiao's scarf has also received millions or even tens of millions of microscopic traffic, and a bunch of people came under his scarf to verify whether it is true.

Lin Xiao, who had already returned home in Beijing Yanbei Garden, was leaning on the bed, stroking Mimi, whom he hadn’t seen for nearly ten days, while swiping his phone, looking at the scarf that was 99+ when it was refreshed, shaking helplessly. Shake your head, these netizens.

Although most of the foreign professors think that there is no problem in the process of his proof, after all, it has not been peer-reviewed, so it cannot be said that he has completed the proof. Isn't this trending search a problem?

After thinking about it, he took the initiative to send out a scarf.

"Although I am sure that I have completed the proof, it still needs to be unanimously approved by the international mathematics community, so please don't worry. If you are interested and have time, you can go to the auditorium of Shangjing University on January 1. At that time, I will report on Goldbach's conjecture there. 』

Yes, January 1th is the time he set for the report on Goldbach's conjecture, and today is January 19th, and there are still 1 days left.

Such a long time can also give foreign mathematicians enough preparation time.

At the same time, it is also a long enough preparation time for Beijing University and the country.

In order to welcome these mathematicians from all over the world, and then hold this academic report well, Peking University has made sufficient preparations.

The Beijing government has also made preparations.

The last time so many internationally renowned mathematicians came to Huaguo, and came to Beijing, was at the International Conference of Mathematicians in 2002. At that time, more than 4000 mathematicians came, but this time, I don’t know what will happen again How many mathematicians come here.

However, Huaguo in 2002 is very different from Huaguo today 17 years later. Although Huaguo left a good impression on these mathematicians at that time, none of these mathematicians stayed or cooperated. Things like that, maybe after this time, they will be willing to stay in China in the future?

Even if they come to China frequently to strengthen cooperation or something, it can bring great help to China, which is thirsty for talents.

As for the importance of mathematics, needless to say, as a basic subject, once it is used in the applied field, its power is not that simple.

Therefore, more mathematics talents are urgently needed for Huaguo.

Of course, Lin Xiao has not considered these things for the time being, and this is not something he needs to consider. What he needs to do is to tell the world that Goldbach's conjecture will become a thing of the past, and it will be replaced by the Goldbach-Lin theorem.


Time passed quickly, January 1th.

At the exit of the arrival hall of Shanghai Beijing International Airport, there is a bright sign on which is written in Chinese, English, French, Russian and other languages, "Welcome mathematicians who participated in the academic report on Goldbach's conjecture to Shangjing".

At the same time, there are other staff members who provide translation and directions for foreign mathematicians who come here.

At this time, in the arrival hall, there were two people with faces of Chinese descent who were communicating.

Anyone who is familiar with bigwigs in the mathematics world can probably recognize who these two are.

Qiu Chengtong, and Tao Zhexuan.

Their purpose is naturally Goldbach's conjecture.

Needless to say Tao Zhexuan, as he had discussed with Lin Xiao, it is natural to see the proof of Goldbach's conjecture, and Qiu Chengtong, whether as a Chinese or as a mathematician, He should have come to this report.

"Professor Qiu, what a coincidence, you are here too."

Tao Zhexuan didn't expect to meet Qiu Chengtong after getting off the plane, so he came up with a smile and said hello.

After Qiu Chengtong saw Tao Zhexuan, his eyes lit up, and he said with a smile: "It's really a coincidence, of course, Goldbach conjectured, especially I didn't see any problems in that paper, of course it's even more important."

"Well, I'm already looking forward to the day after tomorrow."

Terence Tao also nodded.

"The only pity is that that young man is from Peking University." At this time, Qiu Chengtong shook his head again.

Tao Zhexuan didn't ask too much, he had also heard about the conflict between Qiu Chengtong and Shangjing University.

Then, the two of them didn't say anything more, and left here together. After reaching the exit, they were welcomed by the reception staff at the door, got in the car, and went to their hotel.

Not just them, mathematicians continued to arrive, and various winners of the Fields Medal, Abel Prize, Wolf Prize, etc., have become regular visitors.


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