However, for such an important achievement as the proof of Goldbach's conjecture, a report for all mathematicians is inevitable.

Then, Lin Xiao said with a smile: "I'm going back to my country tomorrow, so I choose to stay in my country and my school."

"Well, I should have guessed your choice." Wiles sighed, "I would prefer you to be in Oxford University, even in Paris, but think about it, such an important result is obviously still in the university. It is more appropriate to report where I live.”


"Then, I look forward to the day when you hold the report."

"Thank you."

Lin Xiao said.

Although he felt the pure academic atmosphere here in the past few days in France, he felt very comfortable staying here. That day in the rotunda of the Poincaré Institute, so many people gathered for him to overcome this problem. Qi cheers for him.

But this is a foreign land after all.

Although there are many bad places in my own country, there are also many good places, not to mention that it is my hometown after all.

He didn't think about it any more and hung up the phone.

Next, he began to sort out all his theories, and then published the paper on arxiv.

The next day, it was time to go home.

I took the flight back to the motherland with Xu Ji, Xiao Zhou, and Xiao Shi, and the flight took about eleven hours.

When he landed, the mathematics world must have already boiled.


Time passed in a blink of an eye, and it was the next day.

United States, California, UCLA.

Tao Zhexuan was sitting in his office at this time, drinking coffee and surfing the Internet.

In the office, his graduate students are discussing.

"Wow, this photo is so handsome."

"Yeah, the angle of this capture is great!"

Hearing what the students were discussing, Terence Tao couldn't help being curious.

Although all his interests are in mathematics, he also likes all the things that young people like. When he was still in his master's degree, he failed because he played "Civilization".

"What are you talking about?" he asked with a smile.

When several students heard the professor's question, they all smiled and said, "Professor, it's about Lin two days ago. Someone shared a photo on Facebook. It's very nice!"

"Oh? Lin?"

Tao Zhexuan became more interested now.

Of course, he also knows about Lin Xiao's deeds in the past few days. He knows that Lin Xiao seems to have caught an inspiration on the road to conquer Goldbach's conjecture, so he has been paying attention to related news these days, such as arxiv, as long as Lin Xiao will be notified immediately after he has published his thesis.

"Professor, look."

Seeing that the professor was interested, several graduate students naturally stepped forward and showed Tao Zhexuan the photo.

Tao Zhexuan glanced at it, and couldn't help but marvel at the exquisite design of this photo.

In the picture, in a venue with a bit of history, hundreds of other people are discussing, everyone is looking at the row in the front left of the venue, and where everyone's eyes are intertwined is the only one in the audience who is looking down. The head, the young man who wrote something, this young man seemed to be in stark contrast to the noise present.

And the name of this photo is called "He is approaching the truth".


Tao Zhexuan couldn't help but admire.

This is indeed a very good photo, and this photo has tens of thousands of likes and thousands of comments. Looking at the release time, it has only been an hour.

Probably, many people hope that they can be the protagonist in this photo, right?

At this time, a graduate student next to him asked: "Professor, do you think he can prove Goldbach's conjecture?"

"Wait, maybe there will be news in a few days?"

After Tao Zhexuan finished speaking, he turned his head and glanced at his computer. Suddenly, he saw a notification on his arxiv.

Followed users have published articles.

He frowned, and quickly opened the notification to see that it was indeed posted by "XiaoLin"!

The title of the paper released by Lin Xiao is "Any even number greater than 2 can be written as the sum of two prime numbers".

This is exactly the statement of the modern Goldbach conjecture!

Tao Zhexuan couldn't help but feel surprised in his heart. Did the young man from Huaguo who communicated with him about this question two months ago actually prove this question now?

"Professor, what's the matter?"

Seeing that Tao Zhexuan suddenly fixed his eyes on the computer and couldn't take it away, his graduate student couldn't help asking.

"Lin, it may have been proven."

Tao Zhexuan's answer stunned several graduate students.

And Terence Tao didn't say anything to his students, but downloaded the paper.

And after he refreshed it, he found that the number of downloads of this paper exceeded ten.

Obviously, many people are paying attention.

But Tao Zhexuan didn't care about these things, but read the paper.

His graduate students saw that the professor became serious, and of course they didn't bother.

In this way, time passed slowly.

A total of more than 60 pages of papers, Terence Tao read for four hours to basically finish.

But at this moment he had to express shock in his heart.

He didn't find any bugs.

Rigorous and smooth, just like Lin Xiao's previous thesis.

"He actually did it."

Combine the sieve and circle methods!

Even when he mentioned this incredible approach to Lin Xiao before, he didn't expect much.

Then, he couldn't wait to open his usual social software, and then posted a post on it.

【Lin Xiao——he is close to the truth! 】

Chapter 138 Get ready for the test of the world of mathematics

Huaguo, Shanghai Beijing International Airport.

A huge plane passed through the sky and finally landed on the airport runway. The huge wheels made a loud noise as they rolled, and the speed of the plane also dropped rapidly, and finally slowed down.

"Let's go, lads." Xu Ji greeted the three young men, then they got off the plane together and came to the arrival hall.

It's just that when they came to the arrival hall, they saw a few people standing at the exit holding a sign, and on the sign was "Lin Xiao".

Several people were taken aback.

"Lin Xiao, is that looking for you?"

"I...don't know." Lin Xiao shook his head, no one informed him beforehand, of course he didn't know, "Maybe they have the same name and surname?"

Xu Ji suddenly remembered something at this moment, and said, "I guess, it's you."

As soon as he finished speaking, they saw that the people holding the signs seemed to have seen them too, and then they walked up and came to Lin Xiao.

"Excuse me, is this Mr. Lin Xiao?"

one of them asked.

"it's me."

Lin Xiao said, Ganqing and the gang really came to him.

A smile appeared on that person's face, and he said, "I am the secretary of the Secretariat of the State Council. Our leader hopes to meet and chat with you."

Lin Xiao was shocked immediately.


The leaders of the National Council want to see him?

And Xiao Zhou and Xiao Shi next to him were also shocked.

Is this the treatment that proves Goldbach's conjecture?

In the eyes they looked at Lin Xiao, besides envy, there was only envy left.

This is what you learn!

And Xu Ji, who was at the side, couldn't help showing surprise in his eyes.

When he saw these people, he had a feeling that these people belonged to the State Council. After all, he had frequent contact with these people.

Then he thought of the fact that the CCTV reporter came directly to interview Lin Xiao, and he felt that he had guessed it.

After all, the influence of Goldbach's conjecture is still very large in China. After Chen Jingrun proved 1+2 back then, it became a kind of publicity event because of his contribution in a special period, and then a writer named Xu Chi specially published it A reportage was made and published in People's Literature.

At that time, "People's Literature" had a great influence, and at that time there were no mobile phones and computers, no modern Internet, and people could use these articles for entertainment.

So, people knew about Goldbach's conjecture. Although people couldn't understand it, it didn't prevent people from thinking it was awesome, especially when a world-class problem was added in front of it, and it was solved by Chinese people.

At that time, people would have a sense of pride in such things, so they also sent the reputation of Goldbach's conjecture to a higher status.

This is also why the most popular "prove" problem among Chinese folk scientists is Goldbach's conjecture.

But now, a young mathematics genius who is not a civilian scientist and is well-known in the international mathematics community has proved this conjecture. Of course, the country will pay attention.

Especially its meaning.

Perhaps, Lin Xiao will be able to conduct an exclusive interview with CCTV again?

And once Lin Xiao's achievements pass the peer review and gain the unanimous approval of the mathematics community, then the country will inevitably pay the greatest attention to this young man.

Huaguo Mathematics needs a sufficiently representative figure. I missed Qiu Chengtong, Zhang Yitang and others before, and now there is a more outstanding young man. If this is lost again, I really don’t know what to do said.

This is only domestic. In the international arena, I am afraid there will be more attention. "Time Magazine" may take the initiative to interview him, and top journals such as "Science" and "Nature" will also be willing to accept his paper submissions , various institutions or organizations related to mathematics will send invitations to him, and at the same time there are various fame and fortune...

Xu Ji suddenly didn't know how Lin Xiao would choose.

Can he bear such a temptation?

Moreover, when he was in France, he also felt that kind of academic purity, and I believe Lin Xiao felt it too.

It is also true that mathematicians all over the world are willing to go there.

But in Huaguo, where can there be such an atmosphere?

As the dean of the School of Mathematical Sciences at Peking University, Xu Ji didn't know.

Just like at the end of December last year, Xu Chen, who had chatted with Lin Xiao many times, also left Huaguo and went to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to be a professor.

Xu Chen voluntarily came back from the United States at the beginning, but now he has gone to the United States again. Thinking about it this way, it is also a pity.

But thinking about it better, Xu Chen's going to MIT is also a good thing for Huaguo students who go to MIT to study for a doctorate in mathematics. At least they can recruit a few Huaguo students every year.

In the end, Xu Ji could only wish Lin Xiao to live the life he wanted.


Of course, Lin Xiao would not refuse this kind of thing. After saying goodbye to Professor Xu Ji, Xiao Zhou, and Xiao Shi, he took a special car and went to the National Academy of Sciences.

After waiting for a while in a spacious reception room, the door opened, and a modest-looking old man wearing glasses walked in.

Seeing this old man who was often seen on TV and news, Lin Xiao quickly stood up, walked up, and shouted respectfully: "Hello!"

With a kind smile on his face, the old man said, "Student Lin Xiao, I'm sorry for asking you to come here so suddenly."

Hearing that this man offered to say sorry, Lin Xiao was flattered for a moment, stretched out his hands and shook hands with the old man, and said, "It's nothing, it's my honor to meet you."

"It's no honor." The old man shook his head: "Threesomes, there must be my teacher. I admire your achievements in mathematics."

Then he pointed to the seat next to him and said, "Sit first, you don't need to stand and talk."

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