Lin Xiao shook his head, it seems that the phone must be muted later.

This is the last call he will take.

"Hello, Mr. Lin, this is the editorial department of "Science". May I ask if you have decided which journal to publish the paper that proves Goldbach's conjecture? If you haven't made a decision, we invite you to publish it. On "Science", we will publish your results as the cover at that time, I wonder if you would like to?"

Lin Xiao was surprised when he heard it.

I thought it was another media call, but it turned out to be the call from "Science" inviting him to contribute?

"Science" and "Nature", the two top comprehensive journals in the academic world, receive submissions from all over the world every day, and being able to attract so many people's submissions is naturally due to the extremely high impact of these two top journals factor related.

"Science", the impact factor is as high as 40 or more.

And not only that, the other party actually planned to publish Lin Xiao's achievement as the cover, which is even more rare. Every issue of "Science" magazine has about fifty articles, which can be used as the cover of an issue, which is enough to explain this achievement importance.

This also shows that the editorial department of "Science" attaches great importance to the proof of Goldbach's conjecture.

However, Lin Xiao was still a little puzzled: "Don't you accept papers in the field of mathematics?"

The other party smiled and said, "Of course we don't accept general mathematics papers, but your achievements are of epoch-making significance to the world, and we are of course willing to accept them."

Obviously, Goldbach conjectured that "Science" also chose Zhenxiang.

Hearing what the other party said, Lin Xiao had no doubts, and he didn't have any idea about which journal to publish it in. Anyway, the four major mathematics journals must be fine. Now that "Science" specially invites him, of course he doesn't either. reason for rejection.

"Okay, I will send it to you after sorting out the paper."

"Thank you for your support." With Lin Xiao's agreement, he smiled at the convenience, and then said: "In addition, we will also organize a review team with sufficient qualifications to conduct a final review of your paper. As long as you pass the final review, Your work will be published immediately."


Lin Xiao naturally had no doubts about this.

Although the academic report has been passed, and no peers have raised questions, but if you want to publish it in a journal, you still need to go through the process. After all, once it is published in a journal, it means that the journal has recognized the achievement. If there is a problem, this journal will also be questioned.

Therefore, "Science" should arrange for a review team to conduct a final review of Lin Xiao's paper.

Of course, don’t worry, it has already passed arxiv and academic reports, and the possibility of problems in the final review has been reduced to a minimum.

Chapter 142 The news learned at the party

The effect brought by the proof of Goldbach's conjecture is obviously not completely over yet.

The news spread all over the country and abroad, and the media who wanted to interview Lin Xiao could almost line up around Weiming Lake for a week, based on the size of a person.

And Lin Xiao naturally also boarded.

The video I shot when interviewing Lin Xiao in Paris can finally come in handy now.

In fact, after Lin Xiao's report ended today, the reporter interviewed him again, and it was the female reporter surnamed Wang who interviewed him back then.

Ever since, these two interview videos, together with the video in today's academic report, constitute today's Lin Xiao's material.


"Student Lin Xiao, do you think Goldbach's conjecture is difficult?"

"Of course it is difficult. After all, a mathematician once said that Goldbach's conjecture can be compared with any mathematical problem in the world."

"Then may I ask if you proved it successful?"

"If my thinking is correct, it should prove successful."


When everyone present saw this, they couldn't help laughing.

It was said earlier that this is a world-class problem, but in the next sentence, it is said that you have proved your success?

Good guy, you put this aside before suppressing it.

So the people around looked at the protagonist next to him, and laughed and joked.

"Lin Xiao, you're pretty good at paving the way."

"Is this the sense of anticipation?"


"You slander me! You slander me!"

Lin Xiao next to him didn't know whether to laugh or cry. This interview was part of the original interview in Paris. He didn't think too much about it when he answered it. He answered whatever he asked, but now it seems that the order of the questions was obviously intentional.

Seeing Lin Xiao's reaction, the others also laughed.

As for what they are doing here, it is actually a celebration banquet organized by Shangjing University and the Shangjing Municipal Government. After all, it is the proof of Goldbach's conjecture, so of course a party must be held.

However, this gathering is actually prepared for government officials, domestic universities, related companies, and mathematicians to communicate. Look over there, representatives of many large domestic companies and schools have gone to talk to those mathematicians.

This is the benefit of Lin Xiao arranging this academic report in Huaguo. If he can really keep a few well-known mathematicians, even if they just reach a cooperation or something, it will also bring benefits. Enterprises and schools can be regarded as accepting Lin Xiao's love.

Of course, Lin Xiao didn't care about these things.

And at this moment, Professor Wiles came over.

Wiles was also invited by many Huaguo companies just now, but he rejected them all. He still has a lot of affection for his hometown, which is why he is willing to give up the Princeton Institute for Advanced Study and choose to return to his alma mater in the UK to teach. , naturally not interested in these.

"Lin Xiao!"

Wiles came to Lin Xiao and waved to him.

Lin Xiao smiled and said, "Professor Wiles, how do you feel in China?"

"It's not bad. Huaguo is also worthy of being known as a country of etiquette. I feel very comfortable here."

Wiles replied with a smile.

It's just that although he looked normal, Lin Xiao noticed that his mood didn't seem very high.

Lin Xiao couldn't help asking: "Professor Wiles, what happened?"

Hearing Lin Xiao's question, Wiles' smile gradually became forced.

"Do you know Michael Atiyah?"

Lin Xiao thought about it carefully, then nodded and said, "I know."

Although I can know this person, it is because he claimed to have proved the Riemann conjecture last year.

And this professor Atiya did not prove success, even the proof process was very simple, but no one laughed at him, and no one publicly commented, because this professor is considered to be one of the greatest mathematicians of the [-]th century .

His contribution to the mathematical community is an undeniable fact, although he did not show the same level in his later years.

Wiles asked, "Is it because of Riemann's conjecture?"

Lin Xiao hesitated for a moment, then nodded: "Yes."

Wiles sighed, and then said: "Sir Atiyah and I are also old friends. When he was a professor at Oxford University, I still listened to his lectures. Later, I often chatted with him. But probably because of what Riemann conjectured, his health has been a little bad since October last year."

"Until a month ago, he had been hospitalized for treatment."

Lin Xiao couldn't help being taken aback: "Is it hospitalized?"

A few months ago, he was able to give academic reports and attend various academic conferences, but now he is hospitalized?

Wiles nodded, then looked around, and whispered to him again: "Well, even the doctor said that because the functions of various parts of his body are gradually failing, he may not last until January 1th. The doctor judged that it was him. I gave up in my heart."

Lin Xiao was suddenly surprised: "This..."

But suddenly he came to his senses, "January 1? Sir Atia shouldn't have...?"

Speaking of this, Wiles smiled and said: "Yes, and this also needs to thank you, because after he heard that you were likely to prove Goldbach's conjecture, he wanted to know the final result, the body function It miraculously recovered to a certain extent.”

Lin Xiao was taken aback for a moment, which meant that he had proved Goldbach's conjecture, which made this mathematician regain his hope of life?

"What about now?" he asked.

"He was very happy when he knew the result, but..." Wiles sighed again: "Because his body had failed a few days ago, he entered the intensive care unit again because he lost consciousness three hours ago. He Asked me for your phone number four hours ago and wanted to chat with you, but you didn’t answer the phone, so in the end he could only record a video, send it to me, and ask me to forward it to you.”


Lin Xiao couldn't help but took out his mobile phone to look, and sure enough, he found a call from England.

It's just that because there were too many calls today, he muted them, and because he was busy with other things, he basically didn't look at his phone.

As a result, such a call was missed.

He was silent for a moment, and could only say, "Sorry."

"It's okay, after all, I also know that you are very busy today, and I have experienced it before." Wiles smiled, "I have already sent the video to your mailbox, if you have time when you go back, you can watch it Look."


"Okay, it's time for me to go back to the hotel. I'm going to fly back to England tomorrow morning. I hope I can see him for the last time."

"Okay, goodbye." Lin Xiao nodded.

Wiles patted Lin Xiao on the shoulder, "Well, goodbye, future Professor Lin, I look forward to hearing about your amazing achievement again next time."

Then, the tall and thin scholar left here.

Lin Xiao watched Wiles leave, and thought of the life-sustaining relationship that had nothing to do with him originally, but was established because of Goldbach's conjecture, which made him feel a little strange.

Proved a conjecture, can arouse others' desire for life?

Lin Xiao suddenly felt that this miraculous but seemingly logical relationship also reflected the wonder of life.

"Life, surely it also occupies a very important part in the truth?"

He sighed.

The existence of life and consciousness is really full of magic.

At this moment, a voice came from the side.

"For this question, maybe you have to ask the group of people in the School of Life Sciences, but if you want to know why materials that are obviously composed of the same element can show such a big difference, I think I can give you some advice. A little explanation, I believe, this is also a kind of truth you want to pursue, right?"

Chapter 143 The Original Power (System) Is Together

Lin Xiao was taken aback for a moment, then turned his head to look, and saw an old professor who looked about five or sixty years old looking at him.

"you are?"

The old professor smiled slightly and said, "Chen Bao, we from the School of Materials Science and Technology of Peking University are now academicians."

When Lin Xiao heard that it was an academician, Lin Xiao was a little surprised, and said, "It turned out to be Academician Chen, sorry, I didn't recognize it."

"Hehe, it's okay. I'm looking for you. I actually hope that you can join my research group. We need someone who is good enough in mathematics to help us analyze it."

Chen Bao smiled and waved his hands, and then explained why he came to find Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao couldn't help being taken aback, "As for the you have high requirements for mathematics?"

"Although it is not as demanding as theoretical physics, we also need to analyze various data mathematically."

Chen Bao smiled slightly, "Of course, everything depends on your willingness. If you are willing, then of course I welcome it."

Lin Xiao nodded and knew what Chen Bao meant.

He also received a lot of invitations like this before, just ask him to join the research group, and then he will be famous, these are basically because of his potential, and want to have a good relationship with him, when he will be famous , If there is funds to pay him a salary, if the funds are not much, he will be given a third or fourth position at that time.

For these, Lin Xiao naturally rejected all of them. It is best not to owe favors. If he is looking for topics, he can just find those topics that he can play a role in. He doesn't care about those benefits.

However, Lin Xiao was not in a hurry to refuse this Academician Chen's invitation.

Most of the people who invited him before were academicians without other titles, and this Chen Bao was the first academician to invite him.

And, it's about the material.

He thought for a while, and suddenly his heart moved, and he asked: "What is your subject, is it convenient for me to understand?"

"I can't say much, because the investor of our project is not simple, but the only thing I can say is the research on the high-temperature creep properties of metals."

High temperature creep?

Lin Xiao thought for a while, and quickly remembered a term he had learned when he was studying the basics of material science.

The high-temperature creep of metal materials refers to the phenomenon of slow plastic deformation of metal materials under the long-term action of constant temperature and constant load. It can almost be understood as the deformation of metal materials under the action of long-term external forces. The essence of the changing part is pretty much the same.

When the metal material is at high temperature, the creep phenomenon becomes obvious. After all, when the metal material is at high temperature, the metal atoms are already active. If the outside world applies a long-term stress in the same direction, it may completely lead to its deformation.

Therefore, if the performance of metal materials to avoid creep at high temperatures can be improved, then such materials can obviously become an excellent high temperature resistant material.

And the scope of its application is even wider.

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